@VSN - &tar - Boy M17
@VSN - &tar - Boy M17
@VSN - &tar - Boy M17
( @vsn_&tar_Boy )
1) Propeller convert
A.. Propeller
B.. Blade
3) Where air strike or frwd edge (thick side) of the propeller called.
5) Where not air strike or bkwrd edge (thin side) of the propeller called.
D.. All
11) The nearest, thickest and rounded portion of a propeller blade from hub is called.
13) The reference position on a propeller blade that specified distance from the centre of the
hub called.
A.. Bronze
B.. Steel
17) MTCS
A.. Front cone made of steel and fitting core on the front is 30 degree
B.. rear cone made of bronze and fitting core on the rear is 15 degree
A.. Bronze
B.. Steel
A.. batch no
B.. Micrometer
A.. micrometer
26) Unfeathering should be carried out when a turbo prop engine is running at
31) Which of the following functions requires the use of a propeller blade station
A.. clinometer.
33) In the Beta range, angle of attack increases. The fuel flow increases, and what else
C.. by fitting shims to the propeller shaft hub Removal of material from the propeller
36) blade tips, resulting in a reduction in propeller diameter is called.
A.. tipping.
B.. cropping.
C.. topping
39) Immediately after blending out damage to to a blade the repair must be.
C.. balanced.
40) Where would you find information on RPM and Power ratings?
45) On which type of turbo propeller would you expect to find a parking break
A.. Compound twin spool
B.. Direct coupled twin spool
C.. Free turbine
53) Why Phosphorus compound in anti icing system not widely used.
A.. reduces flamability but expensive
B.. Low cost
C.. Availiblity
54) Why isopropyl alcohol in anti icing system widely used.
A.. reduces flamability but expensive
B.. Low cost
C.. Availiblity
D.. b and c
63) The maximum storage periods for installed propellers are detailed in the.
B.. be filled with special inhibiting oil to prevent condensation and corrosion.
C.. be filled with the normal operating oil to prevent condensation and corrosion.
70) The primary purpose of the front and rear cones for propellers that are installed on
splined shafts is to.
A.. prevent metal-to-metal contact between the propeller and the splined shaft.
B.. reduce stresses between the splines of the propeller and the splines of the shaft.
B.. accumulator.
C.. governor.
79) Which test is ensure to Cary out the delivery rate of the fluid should be within the limits
specified by manufacturer
A.. Flow test
B.. Functional test
C.. Inhibiting
D.. Delivery test
80) MTCS-
A.. Fixed pitch propeller blade angle can't be change after the propeller is built
B.. Fixed pitch propeller is one piece constructed of wood or Al alloy
C.. Both
81) MTCS-
A.. Fixed pitch propeller blade angle can't be change after the propeller is built
B.. Fixed pitch propeller blade angle can be changed after the propeller is built
82) MTCS-
A..Fixed pitch propeller is one piece constructed of wood or Al alloy
B.. Fixed pitch propeller is one piece constructed of nickel or Al alloy
87) Which of the following determines oil and grease specifications for lubrication of
A. Propeller manufacturers.
B. Engine Manufacturers.
C. Airframe manufacturers.
88) On a Hartzell prop with counterweights, full oil supply would indicate.
A.. individually.
C.. collectively
B. the propeller.
C. the engine
96) Beta range/Non governing/taxi range/gruond ideal range from revers to flight ideal
A.. 0 - 34 degree
B.. 34 - 90 degree
C.. Both
97) Alfa range/governing/ flight range from the flight ideal to tackoff position
A.. 0 - 34 degree
B.. 34 - 90 degree
C.. Both
C.. Brushes
D.. All
115) Where ice has already formed on the blades, the fluid penetrates under the ice and
loosens it sufficiently for it to be thrown off by
A.. Centrifugal action
B.. Aerodynamic action
C.. Both
120) A check should also be made to ensure that the tank vent system is unobstructed.
A.. Inhibiting
B.. Functional test
C.. Flow test
122) The voltage of the power supply should also be checked to ensure that it is at the
correct level.
A.. Functional test
B.. Flow test
C.. Inhibiting
123) The propeller should be painted with commercial whitewash and aIIowed to Dry.
A.. stable
B.. non-corrosive
C.. leaves a gummy residue on drying out.
D.. All
125) At the period specified in the approved Maintenance Schedule, the pump filter should
be dismantled and cleaned with
A.. methylated spirits
B.. warm soapy water
C.. Fresh water
D.. Paraffin
126) After each flight when the system has been used, the propeller blades should be
cleaned with
A.. methylated spirits
B.. warm soapy water
C.. Fresh water
D.. All
127) When a pump has been dismantled for inspection, the valves, pistons, etc.should be
cleaned with
A.. methylated spirits
B.. warm soapy water
C.. Fresh water
D.. Paraffin
128) When a gears and bearings has been dismantled for inspection, the valves, pistons,
etc.should be cleaned with
A.. methylated spirits
B.. warm soapy water
C.. Fresh water
D.. Paraffin
129) In electrical systems, the basis for effective de-icing is formed by resistance wire
heating elements bonded to
A.. the trialling edges of the propeller blades
B.. the leading edges of the propeller blades
C.. the front shell of the
A.. AC
B.. DC
C.. Both
134) The longitudinal clearance between the nose wheel and the propeller on tricycle geared
propeller is.
A.. 9 inches.
B.. 18 inches.
C.. 1/2 inch.
137) When blending out a gouge on the face or camber side of a blade, the additional metal
to be removed for stress relief is.
A.. 0.02 inch.
B.. 0.002 inch.
C.. 0.2 inch.
139) Composite propellers may have minor repairs carried out by.
A.. any approved 3rd party maintenance organization.
B.. the operator.
C.. any approved composite repair facility
141) Where ice has already formed on the blades, the fluid penetrates under the ice and
loosens it sufficiently for it to be thrown off by.
A.. centrifugal action
B.. Aerodynamic action
C.. Both
142) Where ice already deposited then acts as thermal insulation, and as the ice in contact
with the blade surfaces melts, the main ice catch is carried away under the action of
A.. centrifugal action
B.. aerodynamic action
C.. Both
144) Before fitting a brush, the brush holder must be thoroughly cleaned with
A.. a dry cloth, small spiral hair brush, solvents
B.. a dry cloth, small spiral hair brush
C.. a dry cloth, small spiral hair brush, lint free cloth
145) When a new brush has been fitted, the face must make cop tact with the slip ring at
A.. 85%
B.. 80%
C.. 90%
149) Electrically de-iced propeller slip rings have regular resistance checks for.
150) Insulation testing of electrical de-icing systems should be periodically carried out
because of.
C.. inboard and outboard boot sections heated in sequence by action of the timer
152) Propeller blade when storage
A.. Crack
B.. Corrosion
D.. All
A.. Root.
C.. Tip.
B.. viewing the blade and observing ice falling off the blade.
162) Insulation checks on propeller electrical heating elements should be carried out
frequently due to.
A.. short/open circuits in the heating system wires along the propeller blade.
C.. deposits formed due to the wear of slip ring and brush gear assembly.
C.. Unbalance
D.. a&b
164) The de icing system electrical power transfer through
C.. Counterweights
D.. All
165) Cyclic timer are used to energise the heating element for a
C.. Both
166) Cyclic timer are used to energise the heating element for a
167) Cyclic timer are used to energise the heating element for a
C.. Non
D.. A&B
169) In wooden propellers the heads of screw are solder to tipping to.
D.. All
C.. None
A.. Bearing must be removed and examined for breanelling and corrosion
C.. Both
C.. Mechanical
C.. Tracking show only the relative position of blade not there actual path
C.. Both
186) The primary function front and rear cones when splined propeller shaft
A.. Automatically
189) When speeder spring force dec. The blade angle will be.
A.. Inc
B.. Dec
D.. Non
D.. b&c
193) Phosphate is not used bcoz
A.. flammability
B.. Expensive
C.. Corrosive
D.. All
194) Blades coming in contact with salt water should be washed with
A.. Dry
B.. Warm
C.. Cool
D.. A&C
D.. A&B
C..dip in oil
A.. electrical heating elements bound in rubber overshoes on the blade leading edges.
B.. generating eddy currents in the blade.
''अगर आप अपनी मं
जल हा सल करना चाहते
तो इस नया क तरफ़ मत दे
खो !
ब क माँबाप क तरफ़ दे
खो ,,
क माँबाप ह आपको, आपक मं
जल तक प ं
च ायगे
'' !!
- (SuNiL BhAbAr)