Static and Dynamic Analysis of Shear Wall Subjected To Lateral Loads
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Shear Wall Subjected To Lateral Loads
Static and Dynamic Analysis of Shear Wall Subjected To Lateral Loads
org (ISSN-2349-5162)
Abstract : Due to increase in population spacing in India is needed, especially in urban areas. Also due to increase in the
transportation and safety measure the FSI (Floor Spacing Index) in Indian cities is increasing considerably. Structural engineers in
the seismic regions across the world often face the pressure to design high rise buildings with stiffness irregularities, even though
they know these buildings are vulnerable under seismic loading. Today’s tall buildings are becoming more and more slender, leading
to the possibility of more sway in comparison with earlier high rise buildings. improving the structural systems of tall buildings can
control their dynamic response. With more appropriate structural forms such as shear walls and tube structures and improved
material properties. The general design concept of the contemporary bearing wall building system depends upon the combined
structural action of the floor and roof systems with the walls. The floor system carries vertical loads and, acting as a diaphragm,
lateral loads to the walls for transfer to the foundation. Lateral forces of wind and earthquake are usually resisted by shear walls
which are parallel to the direction of lateral load. These shear walls, by their shearing resistance and resistance to overturning,
transfer the lateral loads to the foundation. In the present study a 21 story high rise building, with podium up to 3rd floor level is
IndexTerms - Story Drifts, shear wall, Story Stiffness, base shear , ETAB 2016
In order to analyze the stress behavior of the shear wall structure, the finite element method is employed throughout the research.
Two dimensional analysis is carried out and plane stress element is used to represent both the shear wall. Linear-elastic concept is
employed instead of the more ideal non-linear analysis for the purposes of achieving an adequate level of performance under
ordinary serviceability condition. Linear elastic analysis simply means that the design is based on the uncracked concrete structure
and that the material is assumed to be linearly elastic, homogeneous and isotropic. It is adequate in obtaining the stress distribution
for preliminary study or design purpose. A finite element model comprises shear wall from a case study will be created using
ETABS software. Throughout this project, the ETABS Finite Element system is employed to carry out analysis on the vertical stress
in wall, horizontal stress in wall, shear stress in wall, shear force in beam and bending moment in beam under both the vertical
gravity load and lateral wind load. All these stress behavior of the shear wall-transfer beam interaction zone obtained from the
analysis are then compared with those yielded through. Structures, 1997). From the comparison, conclusion will be drawn for the
various stress behavior of the shear wall-transfer beam structure. The finite element analysis in this project is carried out in two
separate cases. The first case is as though carried out where the model is solely subjected to vertical loads. The dead load is factored
with 1.4 while the live load is factored with 1.6. In the second case, the similar shear wall-transfer beam structure is subjected to
both vertical loads and lateral wind load, all of which being factored with 1.2. This creates a platform for observing the changes in
stress behavior due to the wind load, which is not covered in the previous research. The strength, stiffness and ductility are the
essential requirements of shear wall and need to be assessed for its structural performance (Derecho et al. 1979; Farvashany et al.
2008; IS 13920 1993; IS 4326 1993). Strength limits the damage and stiffness reduces the deformation in the shear wall. Ductility,
defined as ability to sustain inelastic deformations without much strength and stiffness degradation, has been considered very
essential requirement, especially under severe dynamic loading conditions.Shear walls in earthquake resistant structures are as
follows: impart adequate stiffness to the building so that during moderate seismic disturbances, complete protection against damage,
particularly to non-structural components, is guaranteed. provide adequate strength to building in order to ensure that an elastic
seismic response does not result in more than superficial structural damage. provide adequate structural ductility to building in
order to dissipate energy for the situation when the largest disturbance to be expected in the region does occur. Even the extensive
damage, perhaps beyond the possibility of repair, is accepted under extreme conditions, but prevention of sudden collapse must be
ensured under any dire circumstances.
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Sometimes, shear walls are pierced with openings to fulfill the functional as well as architectural requirements of buildings. The
structural response of shear wall may be influenced by the presence of openings, depending upon their sizes and their positions.
The present study aims to accomplish this task by investigating the response of shear walls in the presence of openings.
Most of the high-rise apartment buildings consist of spatial assemblies of shear walls and floor slabs. Due to strong
earthquake shaking, the dynamic force may lead to high stress concentration at the shear wall-slab junction and
subsequent localized failure. In the past, both experimental and analytical research have been carried out to simulate
the nonlinear behaviour of concrete shear wall and steel/composite members [4, 11]. In the previous study the
distribution of shear stresses at the slab wall junction was determined and concluded that the junction between the
floor slab and structural wall is subjected to severe stress concentration [1]. It was also proposed that the design of
slab-wall connection must be done considering the stress concentration to avoid redistribution of forces from walls to
other elements not necessarily designed for lateral load resistance [10]. The floor slab – shear wall connection has also
been investigated experimentally by considering different reinforcement detailing under combined gravity and lateral
cyclic loading. It was observed that the wall – slab joint with slab shear reinforcement and bent 90° at the joint can be
effective in moderate to high seismic risk region [2]. Considering the limited research carried out on seismic behaviour of wall-slab
junctions, the purpose of this study is to investigate the damage caused at the shear wall slab junction due to earthquake shaking.
Time history analysis of the RC shear wall- slab junction is carried out to observe the behaviour of wall-slab junction under the
action of earthquake loading. To investigate the seismic behavior of the structure under earthquake action, a refined finite element
model is developed using the computer program ABAQUS [5]. Nonlinear time history analyses are conducted
using implicit integration method to study the tensile damage at the shear wall-slab junction.
* TOPIC: Seismic Vulnerability Assessment of Concrete Shear Wall Buildings through Fragility Analysis
Yasamin Rafie Nazari, Murat Saatcioglu
A three-dimensional building model was created for each building using strength and stiffness quantities obtained from the structural
design. Flexural yield moments for beams and columns were obtained by conducting sectional analyses using ETABS2016. The
envelope curves for moment-rotation relationships were then generated by following the recommendations given in IS13920 for
members without ductile detailing for all buildings as the frames were designed to be gravity-load carrying components. These
members had linear behavior up to the yield point, with effective elastic rigidities (0.35 EI for beams and 0.7 EI for columns),
followed by post-yield behavior until the onset of strength decay. The shear walls were the seismic force resisting elements, and
were modelled with due considerations given to their post-yield behavior as governed by the detailing required in the applicable
CSA Standard. The details of the shear wall models are presented in the next sub-section. The walls were considered to be fully
fixed at the foundation level.
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* TOPIC: The Influence of Single Shear Walls on the Behaviour of Coupled Shear Walls in High-rise Structures
This paper presents a simple method of analysis to determine the influence of single shear walls (SSW) on the degree of coupling
DoC and on the peak shear demand PSD for beams of coupled shear walls (CSW) in mixed shear wall structures (MSW). Non-
coupled lateral load resisting structures such as singular planar walls will reduce primary bending moments in the coupled shear
walls of MSW structures thereby increasing the degree of coupling. They will also change the location and magnitude of the
maximum shear in and rotation of the coupling beams. These changes in the coupled wall bents may increase the demand on their
performance beyond capacity. It is therefore important to have an indication of the change in the coupling beam design parameters
at an early stage of the design. The proposed graphical method is based on the continuous medium theory and allows a rapid
assessment of the structural behavior of coupled shear wall bents in mixed shear wall structures that are subject to triangularly
distributed horizontal loading.
The proposed analysis is based on the continuous medium theory as applied to coupled wall structures and therefore only applicable
to high-rise structures. This theory allows a MSW structure to be represented by two characteristic non-dimensional parameters, k2
and kH, which define its overall structural behavior. The parameter kH allows rapid graphical assessments of five important
design parameters for the coupling beams: peak shear demand, peak rotation demand, maximum shear force, maximum rotation
and their location up the height of the structure. In general, an increase in kH: increases the peak shear force in the coupling beam,
decreases the beam rotation and moves the location of peak shear and rotation downward to the base of the structure. The range of
the peak shear demand and peak rotation demand factors is between 1.24 and 1.52. The method of analysis is restricted to structures
in which the structural floor plan arrangement is symmetric. The theory is based on the assumption of,
and therefore is accurate only for, structures that are uniform through their height. It may be used, however, to obtain approximate
values for the design parameters for comparison between practical structures whose properties vary with height.
* TOPIC: Effect of Shear Wall on Seismic Performance of RC Open Ground Storey Frame Building
Ashwani Singh, P.W.Chanvhan
The Open Ground Storey buildings are very commonly found in India due to provision for very much needed parking space in
urban areas. However, seismic performance of this type of buildings is found to be consistently poor as demonstrated by the past
earthquakes. Some of the literatures indicate that use of shear walls may enhance the performance of this kind of buildings without
obstructing the free movement of vehicles in the parking lot. The present study is an attempt in this direction to study the
performance of Open Ground Storey buildings strengthened with shear walls in a bay or two. In addition to that, the study considers
a different scenarios of Open Ground storey buildings strengthened by applying various schemes of multiplication factors in line
with the approach proposed by IS 1893 (2002) for the comparison purpose. Study shows that the shear walls signi_cantly increases
the base shear capacity of OGS buildings however the comparative cost is slightly on the higher side.
OGS frames strengthened with shear wall The maximum capacities of base shear and roof displacement of the OGS frame
strengthened with shear wall is increased by about 93% and 40% The maximum capacities of base shear and roof displacement of
the OGS frame strengthened with shear wall is increased by about 5% and 37% respectively compared to a RC frame in_lled in all
storeys. OGS frames re-designed with shear wall The maximum capacities of base shear and roof displacement of the OGS
frame re-designed with shear wall is increased by about 91% and 42% respectively. The maximum base shear capacity of the OGS
frame re-designed with shear wall is decreased by about 16% and the displacement capacity is increased by about 39% compared
to a RC frame in_lled in all storeys. The maximum base shear capacity of the OGS frame re-designed with shear
wall is decreased by about 20% and the displacement capacity is increased by about 4% compared to an OGS frames re-designed
with shear wall. The maximum base shear to cost analysis ratio for OGS frames strengthened with shear wall is more by about 9
times that of OGS frame.The maximum base shear to cost analysis ratio for OGS frames re-designed with shear wall is more by
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about 8 times that of OGS frame.The strengthening schemes in line with IS code procedure of applying multiplication factor could
achieve only a maximum base shear to cost ratio of 3 times that of OGS frames.
* TOPIC: Natural convection flows along a 16-storey high-rise building
Yifan Fan , Yuguo Li , Jian Hang , Kai Wang , Xinyan Yang
The flow caused by natural convection adjacent to a heated vertical wall (wall flow) is an important mechanism in the creation of
wind flows in a city when the background wind is weak. The wall flows along a 16-storey building were measured in Guangzhou,
China. Fourteen three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometers were installed on three floors to study the boundary layer structure.
Continuous measurements were taken during three test periods. The Rayleigh numbers were approximately 10 13, 1013 and 1014 at
the height of the 5th, 10th and 14th floors, respectively. The diurnal changes in the velocity of the wall flows, the wall surface
temperature and the ambient air temperature were analysed. Our new experimental data support the theory that the natural
convection boundary layer has a three layer structure, i.e. an inner viscous layer, a transition layer and an outer turbulent layer, as
first proposed theoretically by Wells and Worster. The outer turbulent layer is governed by the law of plumes with a Gaussian
profile. The vertical velocity changes with g04=9x1=3 along the vertical wall, where g0 is the
buoyancy force and x is the coordinate along the vertical wall. It was noted that only the building's roof was significantly cooler
than the ambient air at night, due to the sky radiation effect, so no downward flow adjacent to the wall caused by the cooling plate
effect was found in our field measurements.
The wall flows (natural convection flows) along a 16-storey high-rise building were measured. The knowledge of real building scale
turbulent flow was broadened. The results can be used to model urban canopy layer ventilation. Based on the existing theory, the
laboratory experimental data and the results of these in situ measurements, the following conclusions can be drawn.
The turbulent boundary layer of natural convection along a high rise building wall can be divided into an layer and an outer turbulent
layer. The flow in the outer turbulent layer is governed by the rule of plumes with a Gaussian profile across the outer turbulent layer.
Theverticalvelocityalongthewallincreaseswithg04=9x1=3 .The widths of the boundary can be approximated as the plume widths at
a certain height. The widths of the boundary layers have an order of 6 m, 7 m and 8 m at 5F, 10F and 14F, respectively, when the
Rayleigh numbers are on the order of 10 13,1013 and 1014 at the corresponding heights. The flow in this experiment is in Region II,
where the buoyancy instability criterion holds true when the Rayleigh number is on the order of 10 14. Only the roof of the building
might be significant cooler than the ambient air due to the sky radiation effect. There is no downward flow adjacent to the vertical
wall caused by the ‘cooling plate effect’ analogous to down slope flow.
TOPIC: Wind loading on high-rise buildings and the comfort effects on the occupants
Authors: Ramtin Avini, Prashant Kumar, Susan J. Hughes
Research highlights
Wind loads for tall buildings studied by codes and Computational Wind Tunnel (CWT)
Design Standards gave rise to larger surface pressures than CWT estimates
Complex terrain led to more fragmented vortices in New York City
Shielding effect was crucial for depleting the mean component of the load
The design of low to medium-rise buildings is based on quasi-static analysis of wind loading. Such procedures do not fully address
issues such as interference from other structures, wind directionality, across-wind response and dynamic effects including
acceleration, structural stiffness and damping which influence comfort criteria of the occupants. This paper studies
wind loads on a prototype, rectangular cross-section building, 80m high. Computational Wind Tunnel (CWT) tests were performed
using Autodesk Flow Design with the buildings located in London and New York City. The analysis included tests with and without
the surrounding structures and manual computation of wind loads provided data for comparison. Comfort criteria (human response
to building motion) were assessed from wind-induced horizontal peak accelerations on the top floor. As expected, analytical
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methods proved conservative, with wind pressures significantly larger than those from the CWT tests. Surrounding structures
reduced the mean component of the wind action. As for comfort criteria, across-wind direction governed the horizontal accelerations
with wind targeted on the building’s narrow face. CWT tests provide a cheaper alternative to experimental wind tunnel tests and
can be used as preliminary design tools to aid civil engineers, architects and designers with high-rise developments in urban
Concrete shear walls or structural walls are often used in multistory buildings to resist lateral loads such as wind, seismic and blast
loads. Such walls are used when the frame system alone is insufficient or uneconomical to withstand all the lateral loads or when
partition walls can be made load bearing, replacing columns and beams. The analysis and design of buildings with shear walls
became simple using commercially available computer programs based on the finite element method (FEM) and subsequent
implementation of stress integration techniques to arrive at generalized forces (axial, shear, and moments). On the other hand,
design engineers without such facilities or those with computer facilities lacking such features use simple method of analysis and
design by taking the entire dimensions of the walls. This is done by considering the shear walls as wide columns of high moment
of inertia and following the same procedure as for columns. The primary purpose of this paper is believed that structural engineers
working in the analysis and design of high- rise buildings will be benefited from the design shear wall by using EBCS: 2-1995 and
EBCS:8-1995codes and its results. are studied. ETABS 15 is being used for the modeling of RC bare frames and to analyze the
structure. This project focuses on the study of effect of wind response on different irregular shapes with gust response factor and
without gust response factor method and also the variation of wind response factor for the irregular shaped RC structures in various
wind zones and for different terrain category. In this present analysis, the variation of wind forces on particular RC bare frames at
different wind zones, at different heights and also at different terrain category are shown. The effect of variation in terrain category
is the major factor in this work because as the height increases the wind speed increases so the displacement increase as the storey
height increases but as the terrain category varies from 1-4 the obstruction for the wind flow increases so the effect of wind force
decreases on the particular High Rise Structure, when the wind load is applied in both X & Y-direction. The analysis has been done
by considering Static and Dynamic cases.
The main objective of this study has been to investigate the effectiveness and applicability of size of openings and their
locations on the static and dynamic response of the shear wall with different damping characteristics. To achieve this
objective, an analytical finite element model to predict the static and dynamic behavior of Reinforced Concrete (RC) shear
wall was developed.
Since the behavior of RC shear walls is highly complex under the influence of severe lateral loads arising due to wind and
earthquake, the response of shear wall no longer remains elastic and therefore, finite element method was needed to predict
the behavior of shear wall in both linear and non-linear regimes under static and dynamic loading conditions.
Though the non-linear static analysis (pushover analysis) of shear wall is performed to obtain the lateral force-displacement
characteristics, it does not represent true dynamic characteristics of shear wall subjected to seismic loading, nor does it
capture the effect of higher modes on its structural response.
The finite element program developed in FORTRAN was capable of capturing the non- linearity due to material
characteristics (material non-linearity) that incorporates macro material model for concrete and steel. The non-linearity
considered in the present study includes concrete cracking, yielding of steel & concrete and tension stiffening caused by
bond slip between steel and concrete, aggregate interlock and the dowel action of reinforcement steel. Also, for the dynamic
Finite element model based on implicit solution algorithm was employed to study the nonlinear dynamic response of RC
shear walls. It is well documented in literature that the nine-noded Lagrangian degenerated shell element with assumed
strain approach does not suffer from spurious energy modes and locking and performs well in thin as well as thick situations
with reasonable accuracy for static and dynamic analyses. The sensitivity analysis carried
In order to validate the program for both static and dynamic response of shear walls, three shear wall problems were
selected. For the validation of program under static loading, the squat shear wall with top and bottom beams was
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considered. The displacement at the middle of the top slab was evaluated under monotonically increased lateral loading
applied at the middle of the top beam. The load-displacement response as well as crack & yield patterns of shear wall have
been found to be in close agreement with the experimental results published in literature.
the dynamic response of shear walls, the flanged shear walls and rectangular shear walls were considered under simulated
earthquake ground motion applied at the base of shear wall. The flanged shear wall is squat in nature whereas the
rectangular shear wall is of slender type. The time history responses have been plotted at the top level of shear wall. It was
found that the maximum displacement response as well as the profile of time history response was found to be satisfactory.
The focus of the present study is to investigate the influence of openings on the structural response of slender (10-storeyed)
and squat (5-storeyed) RC shear walls under non-linear static and dynamic loading conditions. In order to determine the
load carrying capacity and ductility, the non-linear static analysis of shear wall was carried out considering material non-
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