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The Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy

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The Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy

A Family was Murdered in their own home, and the Murderers were never caught.
Can Somebody find the truth and bring a grieving soul peace?

Part 2 of the Toecap Trilogy

A City of Plifortakune Adventure for D&D 5e
An Investigation Adventure for 1st level and up characters
By Christopher J Foster
Warning: This adventure is a sequel to Toecap's Puzzle House, and contains spoilers for that adventure

Table Of Contents
Chapter 3 – The Monastery of 22
Introduction 4
Setup 4 About The Monastery of Knowledge ......22
If you’ve played Toecap’s Puzzle House ...4 The Buildings ...........................................................................22
Financing and Records ..........................................................22
If you haven’t played TPH .....................................4 Approaching the Monastery .............................23
Inserting into an existing campaign .......... 4 Inside the Patagonia .................................................23
If you’re in the city of Plifortakune ........ 5 The Room on the Ninth Floor .......................24
Starting the Adventure 8 The Spiders ..............................................................................24
Cleaning and Searching ........................................................ 24
Chapter 1 – Guard Station 122 9 Awarding XP ...................................................................... 25
1st Floor .................................................................................9 Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road 31
1 Reception .................................................................................9 Approaching 139 Purple Reef Road .............31
2 Interview Room ......................................................................9
3 Locker Rooms .........................................................................9 1st Floor ...............................................................................32
Bounty Board List ...................................................................10 The Doll .................................................................................... 32
4 Officers’ Offices ....................................................................11 If an alarm was triggered ...................................................... 32
5 Break Rooms ........................................................................11 2nd Floor .............................................................................33
6 Holding Cells ........................................................................11
After the fight .............................................................. 33
2nd Floor .............................................................................12 Loot ............................................................................................33
7 Records Room ......................................................................12 Interrogation and the Guards ...............................................33
8 Evidence Room ....................................................................12 Talking to Wellington ..............................................................34
Leaving the Station .................................................. 13 Talking to Odabi ...................................................................... 34
Awarding XP ...................................................................... 13 Awarding XP and Gold ........................................... 34
NPCs ..........................................................................................35
Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent 15 Emnil ......................................................................................... 35
Clothes Makers Guild Hall Gargrim .....................................................................................35
1st Floor .............................................................................. 15
1 Alleyway .................................................................................15
2 Entrance ................................................................................ 15
Ticket Costs and Availability ................................................ 16
3 Foyer .......................................................................................16
4 Backstage ..............................................................................17
5 Dressing Rooms .................................................................. 17
6 Washroom .............................................................................17
7 Runway Room ...................................................................... 17
2nd Floor .............................................................................18
8 Gathering Room .................................................................. 18
9 Kitchenette ............................................................................19
10 Meeting rooms ...................................................................19
11 Washroom .......................................................................... 19
NPCs ..........................................................................................19
Ophirora Cottenwood ............................................................ 19
Barret Silverspoon ..................................................................19
Yuzi .............................................................................................19
Odabi Loomshift ......................................................................20
Awarding XP ...................................................................... 20

Table of Contents
Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Tower 38
Player Planning ............................................................ 38
Water Wings .......................................................................39
Water Wings Item Guide .......................................................39
Vessels and Mounts ................................................................39
Sandcastle Towers ..................................................... 40
Ground Floor ........................................................................... 40
Basement Floor 1 ................................................................... 41
Basement Floor 2 ................................................................... 41
2nd Floor .................................................................................. 41
3rd Floor ...................................................................................42
4th Floor ................................................................................... 42
5th Floor ................................................................................... 43
NPCs ..........................................................................................43
Resil Tsen ................................................................................. 43
Shezta ........................................................................................43
Linefin Salthoof .......................................................................44
Pixane ........................................................................................44
The Sahuagin .......................................................................... 44
Khalaash ................................................................................... 45
Gyrashiil ....................................................................................45
Awarding XP ...................................................................... 46
Taking them to the Guards ............................... 46
Rewards ..................................................................................46
Endcap .....................................................................................46
Epilogue - The Aftermath 49
Quick Book References 50
Magic Items 51
Alarm Bell .................................................................................... 51
Badge of Detect Magic .............................................................. 51
Candy of Water Breathing ........................................................ 51
Cube of Picture Taking ..............................................................51
DarkGlassesTM ...........................................................................51
Fishscale Mail ............................................................................. 52
Inferior Healing Potion ............................................................. 52
Robe of Sentient Silk .................................................................52
Transmitting Stones .................................................................. 52
Weighted Shackles .....................................................................52
Creatures 53
Handouts 55
1 - Bounty Board List .................................................................55
2 - Final Report on the Hnmng Murders ...............................56
3 - Water Wings Item Guide .....................................................57
Maps 58
City Map ....................................................................................... 58
City Map Legend .........................................................................60
Thank you for Reading The 72
Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy

Table of Contents
Warning: This adventure is a sequel to Toecap's Puzzle House, and contains spoilers for that adventure


o your players have completed Toecap's Puzzle
House and, spoiler alert, found that there is, in Legal Disclaimer
fact, no treasure for solving the puzzle. Are they DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast,
unsatisfied with that conclusion? Good, that’s Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon
what Toecap wanted. But what about what she ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast
needed? The players should have figured out that product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of
the Puzzle House was made from Toecap’s grief Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
at losing her family, and even drawn the conclusion that if This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
they can put her spirit to rest, maybe they can disenchant the the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with
puzzle house and take the magic items within. If any of your permission under the Community Content Agreement for
players have expressed to desire to solve a mystery, or you Dungeon Masters Guild.
just think this is interesting, then this is the follow up for you! All other original material in this work is copyright 2019 by
This adventure is broken up into five chapters, each of Forester Designs and Christopher J Foster, and published
which can be played in a 2-3 hour session, and even as stand under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon
alone adventures if you so choose, with Wellington hiring the Masters Guild.
players for that one task. Each chapter is written with a party
of 4 at certain character levels in mind, with options to adjust
the encounters accordingly if the party has a different
composition. This adventure should bring 4 1st level
characters to level 3 by the final chapter. If you’ve played Toecap’s Puzzle
Character levels by chapter
Character If some of the characters have previously gone through
Chapter Levels Toecap’s Puzzle House, this can easily be played afterwards,
Chapter 1 – Guard Station 122 Level 1-2
even with some other low level adventures in between.
Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes Level 1-2 If you haven’t played Toecap’s
Makers Guild Hall
Puzzle House
Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge Level 2
Well first all, it’s pay what you want on Dungeon Masters
Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road Level 3 Guild, and a very good adventure if I do say so myself, so you
Chapter 5 – 3131 Sand Castle Towers Level 3 don’t really have any excuse. But if you really want to play this
without that, well, I literally can’t stop you, so I recommend
just have Wellington approach the characters looking to hire
Accreditation them to solve his aunt’s family’s murder and go from there. Of
course, mentioning that she turned her house into a puzzle to
Writting & Art by: Christopher J Foster
Find my other works on Dungeon Master's Guild,
hide her treasure will undoubtedly get some players
or my Patreon.
interested, so they may want to run through it after that
This adventure is Part 2 of a Trilogy, a sequel to anyways.
Toecap's Puzzle House, which you are strongly
encouraged to play first, not just because this If you’ve inserted Toecap’s Puzzle
module will spoil some of that one, but because House into an existing
it's also pretty fun.
This adventure also as a prequel to Part 3 of the city/campaign
Trilogy, Return to the Puzzle House. This adventure assumes that the city in question is a large
This adventure can be played as a stand alone metropolis of people, and has some sort of head guard/police
adventure however. station with records, a clothes maker's guild hall and a
Document Version: 1.2.1 Monastery of Knowledge. The first or last could be
substituted with a City Records office or library of some sort,
but either way, adjust these places as necessary to better
insert them into your setting.

If you’re in the city of Service costs in Plifortakune
Cost Services
1 cp Road or gate toll
The city of Plifortakune is this adventure’s intended setting.
The city is a large coastal city full of nearly every playable 2 cp Courier delivery within city from one of their
race living (including the monster races) in relative harmony, locations
or at least as much harmony as large cities tend to have. The 4 cp Tabaxi Taxi trip within city
city’s name, Plifortakune (Plee-for-ta-ku-nay), roughly means 5 cp Coach cab trip within city or between cities per mile
“Stronger Together”.
This adventure takes place entirely in the Clear Coast 1 sp Ship’s passage per mile
District, but other areas of the city are detailed to help 2 sp 1 Novice Hireling (like Scribes or Private Courier)
understand the city and the people within. per day
1 gp Tabaxi Taxi hired for the full day, staying within city
The City of Plifortakune
The city was founded 86 years ago, in the year 1526 (the 2 gp 1 Skilled Hireling per day
current year is 1612), on the 1st day of the 7th month, by a 5 gp Coach cab hired for the full day, staying within city
silver dragonborn with the express intention of creating a
place for all races, and has since grown well into a thriving The Districts and Notable Places in
city with over 168,000 people in seven districts, although this
adventure will all take place in the Clear Coast District, so it Plifortakune
won’t cover any locations outside it. There are large stone The Clear Coast District
walls separating each district, practically from the city “The sand here is warm and smooth, good for eggs, good for
growing outside the walls as it went, with gates here and family.” – Orga, Lizardfolk, Community Leader
there for passage between. Travelling through a gate requires
paying a 1 copper gate toll used, by the city to both count gate
use and help pay the guards. This district has a population of roughly 23,000, largely
The city has a lot of the standard large city amenities, like Tritons, Aarakocra, Humans, and Tabaxi, with sizeable
organized city guards, criers announcing the latest news, and Lizardfolk and Yuan-ti communities who enjoy the sandy
a thieves guild, but also some interesting features, like Tabaxi beaches. The district is one of average living and respite,
Taxis, rickshaws pulled by Tabaxi than can be hired to take where most don’t have to worry about their daily living. That
people around the city for 4 copper a trip, or 1 gold for the doesn’t mean everything is perfect however. A large section of
day, can be easily found on most major streets most of the the district is underwater by design, often referred to as “The
day, but they won’t travel outside the city. These Tabaxi are all Shallows”, where largely Tritons, Sea Elves and Merfolk live,
monks and members of the Monastery of Knowledge, so see with the occasional Nereid, Siren or Sahuagin who have
that section for more details. found their way to the city. As such, rentals for magic items
Thanks to the Coach and Carters’ Guild, in cooperation that allow for water breathing and travel can be found along
with the Scribes Syndicate, there standardized are road signs the edge of this area, and architecture incorporating various
throughout the city, which are large signs with 1 foot tall text water features (such as waterfall stairs and resting pools) are
placed along the roadways, either through wood signs, stone quite common.
markers, or metal plaques imbedded into building walls, The governor and advisor of the district are determined by
usually 10-15 feet off the ground. This has made finding one’s the winner and runner up of a race through the district, half
way around the city relatively easy. running and half swimming, which is held every other year in
The city is run by an elected council of governors and the summer. The race is open to everyone so long as they
advisors, one of each from each of the seven districts. These sign up with the district’s offices before the deadline and pay
14 people then elect a council head to oversee them and act the 10 gold registration fee, and there’s usually around 20 or
as the city leader, which is currently held by the city’s founder. so competitors. The only rules are that they must pass
These 15 people form the city council, who oversee city policy through all the check points on the route, which changes a bit
and make sure the various ministries are doing their jobs every year but always starts on the shore, and are prohibited
handling all the day to day stuff. They’re all busy people, so from carrying weapons or armor. Combat is allowed, which
the players shouldn’t run into any of them unless they’ve has resulted in some people entering just to fight someone
really messed something up. and keep them from winning, but un-sportsman like
behaviour is frowned upon and may result in audience
interference, as the race is watched by many citizens who are
encouraged to voice their support and disapproval, which can
make it more of an obstacle course than a race. A race like
this isn’t going to be happening in this adventure, but I’ve
detailed this just to make the kind of attitude this district has

The City of Plifortakune

The Rising Hillside District The area is almost entirely inhabited by farmers, of various
specialties, and is usually a very peaceful and relaxing area
“We will rise to the challenges before us, for there is nothing without much fuss, especially surprising since large families
we can’t overcome with a level mind and a steady hand.” – tend to live together in large structures. While not the richest,
Bretvia Stonestopper, Dwarf, District Councillor they do well for themselves, and the population and land is
usually pocketed into households or clans since farming
Population of 21,300, largely dwarves and gnomes, as well as usually needs many hands.
a sizable goliath community and the few warforged in the city. The Docks
The roads are named after ores and minerals, and some of
the roads turn into tunnels that go around in the ground of “It’s all about moving things from one place to another,
the hill area. The main road of Hillside is Platinum Street, because there’s always somebody who wants the thing you
which goes from the Bazaar up to Hand to Heaven Castle. have that they don’t.” – Carnarun Strongskull, Minotaur, Dock
The population is reasonably wealthy, with several Worker
particularly rich from industrial ventures (aka new money)
families in the district whom live in the Hilltop district.
The top of the hill overlooking the water, aka Hilltop, has Population 14,100, largely humans here as well as a sizable
the lighthouse to help ship navigation, and the dwarven Minotaur community. The smallest district before the
castle, Hand to Heaven Castle, where the Hillside governor Entertainment District officially established themselves, then
resides. It’s her family’s home and not government property, the Entertainment district got bigger. The main docks see a
despite nearly every governor of Hillside having lived there so constant flow of merchant ships and large vessels, while
far. The Governor and Advisor for Hillside are selected by a smaller side docks are populated by fishing ships. There’s
council of elders, who themselves are 25 citizens made up of also a selection of shipyards for those that want to build or
randomly chosen citizens of Hillside over the age of 60, and repair ships.
serve until they either die or stepdown, in which case a new The Governor is selected by a ship packing competition,
person is selected. The Council also has sway over policy in with team of 5 can pack it with the same stuff the quickest
Hillside, and are often asked to assist the Governor and wins the governorship for their team leader, with the second
Advisor in various ways. The oldest member is automatically place team winning the Advisor position.
the head of the council. A working class district with many living a hard life either
Salt Spike Prison is located under Hillside in the middle of on or around ships, many live under the shadow of organized
a large open to the sea cave, where the tides will raise the crime from the Thieves’ Guild in some way or another.
water so that it rushes around the Prison island, through salt The Calm Forest District
caked stalagmites and down into the earth most hours of the
day, making escape difficult at the best of times. Prisoners “Tranquility and balance, these are what everything should
are treated fairly, but it’s still a prison. work towards, from nature to government.” Nevven, Elf, City
There’s also the Brilliant Bazaar, the intersection of the Office Worker
Golden Fields, Hillside, Docks and Forest Districts, where
much is obtainable, for a price. It technically falls under
control of Hillside, although in actuality this isn’t always the Population 46,250, largely elves and half-elves, as well as a
case. The bazaar is a large marketplace where most of the sizable Firbolg community. The roads are named after plants
adventures in the city go to shop, and where farmers offer and animals. The homes here are regularly made from, in
their food and livestock, and traveling merchants offer their and around still living trees, with paper products and silk
wares. It is full of interesting things, from colorful baubles to being the top industries. Nature and civilization live in
standard adventuring gear, and even the occasional magical harmony here, even with most of the city’s main government
items, but that doesn’t mean the player can afford them, buildings and offices, including City Hall, being located here,
especially if the price isn’t in gold. with grand elven estates and prestigious schools dotting the
The Golden Plain The governor and advisor are selected by random ballot
from citizens of the district who make a vote for qualified
“We're having a big get together this weekend, you should individuals. Certain requirements must be met to become
bring the family.” – Oswrick Butterbread, Halfling, Farmer qualified, including some that must be done regularly to stay
on the list, and the list of these individuals is updated and
Aka The Fields, population 21,950, largely humans and made publicly available before the ballots are cast every three
halflings. The main road, Wheat Street, goes from the fields years. There are general 30-50 individuals on the list at
down to the dock areas, as the town started off in grain voting time, and campaigning is normal for the ones that
production. Roads are named after food and farming really want the position (some become qualified just because
items/terms. Their Governor and Advisor are selected by they enjoy the challenge or are just trying to look good), to
first-past-the-post votes submitted during the yearly census in make it so more votes for you makes for a more likely chance
the fall, when the ballots are given out, candidate written in of being picked.
and then collected.

The City of Plifortakune

The Emerald Entertainment District The factory district Governor is decided via 1 on 1 combat
tournaments, with second place getting the advisory, held
“This is the Entertainment District, if you’re not paying to be every 2 years. The advisor has the right to challenge the
entertained, you’re the entertainment. And for some folks, governor for their position any time during those 2 years, and
that's watching an idiot colosseum newbie get his ass kicked if they win the two switch positions. Either way the next
in by a troll without one of those handy clerics the colosseum challenge can’t happen for at least 30 days after.
keeps around.” – Lucky Gloves, Tabaxi, Colosseum Fighter
Manager Healers Guild
The city has a Healers Guild, a loose collection of the various
Population 15,130, a very mixed population with a noticeable religious healers in the city, usually found at the various
Kenku community. There’s also a population of wereravens in temples around the city. They offer services at three prices,
the district, mostly in and around The Raven’s Tower, where a depending on which group the clients are a part of. They’ll
lot of Kenku live as well, and in fact a large amount of Kenku charge Adventurers more since “they can afford it”, and will
are wereravens. The Wereravens have their society structure always ask which faction the characters are members of first,
and don’t just openly offer invitations though. The main to get the adventurers to identify themselves. The City
attraction of the district however is the colosseum, a 600 ft by Worker Cost is something the City Workers unions worked
500 ft oval with a 250 ft by 150 ft arena of fighting and out with the Healers Guild, and proper identification, like a
entertainment. Regular fights are held here, both between Guard’s Badge, must be presented to get the discount. These
walk-ins, the stables of regular fighters, and occasionally the services can be made available to the characters if the DM
Blue Dragon Suligos who sits across from the owner’s box chooses.
when he accepts a challenge. Gambling is rampant here, in
both the colosseum, a large casino, and gambling halls, a fair Spellcasting Services
number of which double as brothels, with are also plentiful in Faction Public City Worker
the district. They aren’t to be messed with however, as they’ve Spell Cost Cost Cost
formed their own guild with the Courtesan’s Council, which Cure wounds 10 gp 8 gp 6 gp
has allowed for them significant protections with training to (1st level)
make most of them Paladins of Love Gods & Goddesses and Identify 20 gp 16 gp 12 gp
access to useful magic items like a Periapt of Health.
The entertainment district governorship is a title that must Lesser restoration 40 gp 32 gp 4 gp*
be won from the previous Governor in some kind of challenge Prayer of healing (2nd 40 gp 32 gp 24 gp
agreed upon by both parties. If the Governor dies without level)
naming a replacement, then the advisor organizes a public Remove curse 90 gp 72 gp 54 gp*
competition. The same rules apply to the advisory, except the
Governor can select a new one, should they beat the advisor Speak with dead 90 gp 72 gp 54 gp*
in a competition. They can also use their position as Divination 210 gp 168 gp 126 gp
collateral in any competition they want within the Greater restoration 450 gp 360 gp 270 gp*
entertainment district. As such, the titles can be gambled
away at any time. The symbols for this positions are gold Raise dead 1,250 gp 1000 gp 750 gp*
necklaces, the governor’s with a gold diamond on it, while the
Advisor’s has a gold circle, both with the crest of the can be partially or fully expensed with proper paperwork
Coliseum stamped on them. depending on the cause.
The Fiery Factories District
“We will not stand just to be beaten back down, we will stand
to stand among our peers and be treated as equals!” –
Relentless Nethyola, Tiefling, Activist

Population 26,190, largely Tieflings, Half-Orcs, Goliaths, and

Goblins, as well as Hobgoblin, Bugbear and Orc
communities. A place full of dirty factories and slum housing.
The district is in a near constant state of agitation, as the
people, especially the goblinoids, are used as practically
indentured slaves in the factories, and they aren’t fond of it,
creating much unrest in the district with talks of unionizing
being met with beat downs from enforcers. Walking down the
wrong street could get you beat up for just looking like you
support the other side. This had made the district hard and
rough, especially the city dump, and so vermin and pest run
rampant, including Worgs, which are usually owned, but
some have broken free and gone wild.

The City of Plifortakune

Starting the Adventure

tart the players out at their favorite hangout, pub, “He won’t be happy, especially if he knew what I was up to,
or headquarters. If they’re in Plifortakune, start
them off at The Mad Harp. The characters are but he’s gotten enough gold from that house doing practically
sitting at a table talking when a young goblin they nothing, and he technically doesn’t own the house, he’s just
would recognize if they played Toecap’s Puzzle fulfilling Toecap’s last will. I think that putting Toecap’s soul to
House as Wellington Pennyloafer, a 21 year old rest counts as solving the house's puzzle, since he doesn’t
Goblin Apprentice Wizard (Volo 209) who was recognize the actual solution, with the magic items being the
working the admission booth and talked to them when they treasure. I don’t think he could reasonably object to that, even
left. Wellington scans the room and immediately spots the if he'll try, but he’ll move on to some other venture after he
players, quickly approaching them and taking a seat without
asking if he can sit down. He will ask is the players gets over himself.”
remember him, introducing himself if any of them don’t, and
cut right to the chase. • If the players ask him about any leads he might have or
where to start
“I’m here because I want to hire you. You managed to clear
Toecap’s Puzzle House, something not many have done, and “Well, I can think of a few leads. I don’t think the guards from
you are aware that the house was created 5 years ago out of Station 122 ever released what they found, but they would
Toecap’s grief. I’m not entirely sure, but I suspect her soul is have had to write up a report on the Hnmng murders at some
actually fueling the magic in the house, but even if it’s not, I point that probably has some information, although they
doubt her soul has rested well after her family’s murder. So I probably wouldn’t just give it to you if you asked. There’s also
want to hire you to investigate the murders and help bring her The Order of Diligent Clothes Makers, the guild Toecap
soul to rest.” belonged to, there might someone at the guild hall who would
be able to help. Those are the two most promising ones. After
The players are now free to ask him questions. you investigate those two we can figure out more.”
• If the players ask about a reward:
If the players accept Wellington’s request he’ll do an insight
“Well, I can give you 60 gold now, and if you do put her soul check to make sure they’re going to do it, which if they pass,
to rest, I believe that the Puzzle House can be disassembled. I he’ll thank them, give them the 60 gold, tell them where to
know there’s a bunch of magic items and materials in there
find him when he’s not at the house, and to let him know
what they find before leaving to head back to the house.
that you could then take, as appose to nothing of value if you
The players now have two choices, go to Guard Station
tried to brute forth the magic off with a wish spell or 122 and try to get the report on the incident (Chapter 1), or
something.” go to The Order of Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall and
talk to people (Chapter 2).
• If the players ask about the murders:

The Mad Harp

“I’m not privy to specifics, it was 6 years ago and I was young
The Mad Harp is a rowdy tavern and inn frequented
at the time, but I know that it was on the brutal side, with
by adventurers, a straightforward wooden building
missing organs and stuff. It’s why despite having the money to with a stable for those with mounts. The food is
pay for some Raise Dead spells, she wasn’t able to bring back warm, cheap and greasy, while the drink cold,
her family, and she didn’t have the connections for any sort of cheap, and weak.
resurrection spells either. It left her broken, especially since
The bartender is a Tabaxi woman named
Sapphire Sea of the Silent Shore Clan, who loves to
they closed the case after a year without any arrests.” listen to adventurer’s stories, and the head waitress
is a Goliath woman named Vema Waveclimber
• If the players ask him how he might know so much about Kolakiaga who won’t hesitate to toss a disruptive
Magic drunk out.
There’s also two Gargoyles (MM 140) who sit
inside above the entrance named Moe and Joe who
“I’ve been studying it. I’ve got a lot of time just sitting
will listen to any of the staff and come to their aid
between people going into the house, and I have wanted to if called, or jump in to split up a fight, but
learn more about how it works. That’s why I’m reasonably sure otherwise just sit there, unless someone tries to
that something powerful like a soul is being used to keep it annoy them such as by throwing food at them,
running, and the most likely soul is Toecap’s herself.”
when they’ll simply try to intimidate the person to
back off with a glare, something the owner ordered
them to do because he finds in funny.
• If the players ask about how Uncle Pennyloafer, Wellington’s
father and proprietor of the Puzzle House, would feel about
Starting the Adventure
Chapter 1 – Guard Station 122

uard Station 122 is a simple brick box Any attempt to intimidate or threaten her will result in her
building, reminiscent of the practicality over hitting an alarm under the desk alerting the rest of the
aesthetics design of government buildings. If station, who will come out and engage in combat with the
there wasn’t a sign that said “Guard Station players. The guards will attempt to take the players out with
122” on the front most would just assume the non-lethal damage, but they won’t hesitate to bring the
building wasn’t any sort of important. players down and stabilize them later if they fell they’re being
The players essentially have two choices, walk in and try pressed.
asking for the report, or sneak in and steal it. The following is If the players take a look at the wanted posters, they’ll see
written largely with the players trying to talk their way in, as the Bounty Board List on the next page, which they should
anyone caught sneaking around in the station would be note have been ordered from highest to lowest bounties. If
attacked first and questioned later. Attempting to attack the they attempt to take a poster, Hahlu will stop them using
guards should be treated as stupid, since there’s 7 Knights, a Mage Hand to keep the poster in place, asking them if they
Mage, and a Champion in the building, and more would be are a bounty hunter or adventurer. If the players say they are,
called if a commotion was raised, with the closest guards she’ll offer then a small booklet that contains all the posters
being able to arrive with 3 minutes of being alerted. All (Handout 1 - Bounty Booklet), saying it’s the latest issuing for
guards will try their best to take down players with non- the city’s most wanted. If the players say they aren’t, she’ll ask
leather damage. them to please not mess with her display. If the players ask
All of the guards have their own Badge of Detect Magic Hahlu about any of the posters, she’ll reply that she doesn’t
(ITT 51), which is city issued and has their Guard ID number know any specifics about any of them, since they’re city
on them. issued, but that they can get up to 50% of the bounty for
providing information that helps lead to an arrest. Otherwise
they’d have to bring the person in question in themselves,
1st Floor although killing someone who’s wanted dead will result in
only 25% of the bounty being paid out, and a murder charge if
1 Reception they’re not. Anyone wanted for questioning is a person of
interest in an investigation who they do not believe
Inside the entrance is the reception area, where a few empty
committed the crime, but they might have some important
chairs and potted plants sit before an elderly lady in a guard information. Usually they’re adventures who have travelled
uniform knitting behind an imposing and raised reception outside the city at the moment, and they can go to a station
desk across from a wall of neatly placed Wanted Posters. Even themselves and collect the bounty after answering some
though she’s sitting, the lady is at eye level with those walking question.
into the building thanks to the raised platform behind the
desk. 2 Interview Room
“Oh, hello there, welcome to Guard Station 122, is there A bare and empty stone room with just a table and some
something I can help you with?” the lady says in a polite and chairs. Notably, the table is made of metal and bolted to the
cheery manor. floor, and there are several spots to chain things to in the
floor and table.
This lady is a Yuan-Ti Mage (MM 347) named Hahlu, and will 3 Locker Rooms
talk with the players in a polite and courteous manor, at least
as long as the players do the same. Hahlu has worked as a
receptionist at the station for a few decades now and has A co-ed locker room for guards to store things in their lockers,
seen a few things in her time, and dealt with those things as like their common clothes or their armor and uniforms
she could, which is to say rather well. depending on if their on duty. There’s also an all gender
If the players ask her if she knows anything about the washroom with three stalls and a door to the office.
Hnmng murders from several years ago, she would nod in
recognition as she remembers them being some nasty The lockers all have locks, which can be opened with a DC
business. If the players ask if she knows anything else, if they 17 Lockpicking check and 5 minutes. Searching the lockers
can see the report, or talk to the detective that handled the without making any noise requires a DC 15 sleight of hand
case, and they’ve been polite talking to her, she’ll take them to check, and on a failure all the guards in the office room will
Detective Fardal, the Dwarf in charge of the case back in the be alerted and come investigate. The 13 lockers contain a set
day, who’s current in his office doing paperwork (see 4 of common clothes, and 7 contain Breastplates with Guard
Officers' Offices). If the players have been rude or insignias on them. If anyone puts on the guard armor and
disrespectful, they’re going to have to convince her to help attempts to pass themselves off as a guard in front of the
them with a DC 15 Persuasion. other guards, they’re going to have to pass a DC 20
Deception check, or DC 25 for Hahlu or Fardal, or be
immediately attacked for impersonating a guard.

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

Bounty Board List
Name Bounty Wantedness Monochrome Picture
Everhand the 144,500 Wanted Dead or An artist’s rendering of a human man with dark and sunken black eyes and black
Necromancer Gold Alive for Corpse hair tied up in a top knot wearing a dark robe
Desecration and
Vex of the 87,940 Wanted Dead or An artist’s rendering of an old and weathered Kobold wearing scale armor and a
Thunderstrike Gold Alive for Murder gauntlet with a large tooth sticking out from the side of the wrist. A DC 20
Clan Nature or Arcana check would reveal that the depicted armor is supposed to be
Dragon scale Armor, and the tooth in the gauntlet a Dragon tooth.
Kirdrin 37,420 Wanted Dead or A picture of a Minotaur with several facial piercings, including a nose ring,
Boulderbane Gold Alive for holding up a criminal number plaque with his name and the number
Aggravated CID2525601593
Relentless 25,100 Wanted Alive for A picture of a Tiefling woman with broken horns holding a sign at some sort of
Nethyola Gold Attempted protest surrounded by other Tieflings and Goblinoids. A DC 17 History check
Murder would have the character recall this likely being a worker’s protest in the Factory
District from not too long ago.
Tazvyr T’yth 19,560 Wanted Alive for An artist’s rendering of a Drow with and without make-up to look like an Elf,
Gold Impersonating a both of which look generically Elven. A History check of 15 would have the
Government character recall that there is supposedly a path to the Underdark by Salt Spike
Official, Spying Prison under Hillside
and Theft
Akei the 11,370 Wanted Alive for A picture of a Yuan-Ti woman disappointedly holding a 3rd place trophy for
Mage Gold the Creation and some kind of potions contest. A DC 20 Intelligence (Medicine) check would
Distribution of reveal the trophy to be from the Annual 24 Hour Potion Brewing Jam held by the
Poisons Herbalist’s Association
Jacob 8670 Wanted Alive for A picture of a Half-Elf in a flamboyant costume holding a lute that appears to
“Leohorn” Gold Mental have been taken from a promotional poster, with some text and other people
Smith Manipulation and cropped out. A DC 15 History check would have the character recall that it’s a
Theft poster from a band that was popular with young women a couple of years ago.
Emnil of the 2230 Wanted Alive for A scarred and mangy Gnoll man sitting at a bar table laughing at something out
Biting Gold Robbery of frame to the left as he nearly falls over himself. A DC 12 Investigation check
Bastards would reveal that it is part of the same photo in the next poster.
Gargrim 1320 Wanted Alive for A rugged looking Dwarf man standing up after falling over from a bar table, his
Gramson Gold Theft previous full beer split all over him as he glares at something out of frame to the
right. A DC 15 Investigation check would reveal the Dwarf to be of Duergar
Veh “Fanix” 1050 Wanted Alive for An artist rendering of a human woman with some kind of fiery language tattoo
Siem Gold Attempted Arson on her face. If they succeed a DC 15 Arcana check they would recognize it as
Primodial, and if any of the players know Primodial, they would recognize the
text and that it says “All is kindling before Inix”
Klake The 500 Wanted Alive for A Hobgoblin glowers at the camera with his one good eye as he holds up a
Runner Gold Repeated Waste criminal number plaque with his name and the number CID0430431312
Ellyjoybell 25 Gold Wanted Alive for A young Gnome woman smiling at the camera with messy hair and mud on her
Mackkelferce Questioning face, wearing a necklace of large teeth that stands out from her dark cloak. A DC
15 Nature check will reveal these to be Ogre teeth.
Light in the 25 Gold Wanted Alive for An artist’s rending of a silverfured Tabaxi woman in ragged monk clothes staring
Morning Questioning intently at the viewer, no matter which direction you look from.

See Handout 1 for a player friendly version

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

4 Officers’ Office 5 Break Rooms
This room is full of desks, most with some amount of A simple room with some cabinets with some dishware and
paperwork on them, and a few guards sitting at some of them food stuffs in them, countertops, a sink, a stove with an old
filling out said paperwork. kettle on it and a table.

There are 5 Knights (MM 347) in the room, as well a Dwarf There are 2 Knights (MM 347) in here drinking some tea and
Champion (Volo 212), all of them in various states of making small talk about young couriers being idiots racing
working. through traffic. If they notice any of the players approach,
If Hahlu is guiding the players: they’ll stop and stare at them wondering what they’re doing
Hahlu leads you to the desk of a Dwarf is old but shining
armor with gray hair and stone gray eyes as he looks up at the
approaching party. “This is Detective Fardal, he’s the one who
handled the Hnmng Murder case. Detective, these people
have some questions for you. I’ll leave you to it,” she say as
she leaves.
Fardal grimaces in annoyance at your arrival. “The Hnmng
Murders, everything I could tell you is in report I wrote, so why
are you bothering me?”

If the players try to threaten or intimidate him, he’ll insist

they leave before trying to toss them out, or in a cell if they
fight back. If the players tell him that they don’t have a copy of
the report because they aren’t guards, but in fact adventurers
and/or private investigators who have been hired by the
family to see if anything new can be discovered, he’ll huff a bit
before agreeing to give them a copy of the report, if they help
him out with his current investigation.
Fardal has an activist in one of the cells that was stirring up
trouble in a nearby park he’s been trying to get information
out of, especially if he knows anything about the activist
Relentless Nethyola, who is currently wanted for attempted
murder. The activist has only talked about the protests in the
Factory District and refuses to change the subject with him,
so Fardal wants the player to pretend to be arrested, put into
an adjacent cell and talk to him so they get his name, why he
is resisting questioning, details on any of his associates,
particularly the woman who ran away when he was arrested,
and if he knows anything about Relentless Nethyola’s (see the
Bounty Board) current location, all while Fardal listens in
from the Interview Room thanks to a set or Transmitting
Stones (ITT 52). If any of the players agree, he’ll take those
players to the holding cells, acting like they’ve just been
arrested, and leave them there for a few hours, regardless of
how soon they get Zinran to answer the questions, since it
would look suspicious to bring them out immediately after he
told them some important information. If any of the players
are not in the cells at this time, they can listen in on the
conversation with Fardal, and after he gets his information
he’ll go to the Records Room and get a copy of the Hnmng
Report for them to look over while they wait. Otherwise, he’ll
have the copy ready for when he releases the party, which
he’ll give them after they get out of the cells and are escorted
out of the station, and wish them luck finding anything new.
If any of the players try to look at what some of the other
officers are working on, you can use one of the reports from
the list in the Records Room section.

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

6 Holding Cells Zinran the Firbolg
A series of secure cells with stone walls, metal bars and A Firbolg Druid (MM 346) named Zinran is in the middle cell.
locking doors. Each cell has a cot, toilet and sink. There is He was causing a disruption in a nearby park with a protest
also a processing area where pictures of criminals can be again unfair working conditions in the Factory District and
taken with a Cube of Picture Taking (ITT 51) that has been the exploitation of its Goblinoid and Tiefling populations. He
setup on its side on a tripod. There are criminal number will attempt to engage the players in conversation if he sees
plaques on a shelf to side, which are a plaque of wood with them, and make them aware of the poor working conditions
insertable letters and numbers to identify the subject, their that are straight out of a Dickens novel, something he will
case number, or criminal ID if they have one and the guards continue on about for a while (which a DC 15 Insight check
know about it. A criminal ID would start with CID, which has will reveal to be largely stuff he’s not 100% sure on, reciting
some referring to them as CIDs, while a case number is just second hand and probably embellished for dramatic effect
a number, with the first three being the station house that information) and laments that the guards confiscated his
opened the case. pamphlets and signs so he has nothing to give them, but will
It would take a DC Strength check of 22 to bend the bars urge them to spread the word.
enough for a medium creature to squeeze through them or If the players have, or act like they have, gotten themselves
27 to force the door open. The lock on the door requires a locked up, he will offer to help them if they acknowledge his
DC 22 Sleight of Hand check with thieves tools in order to be cause and that they will try to help in the future with a DC 15
opened. Persuasion to convince him that they are doing something
The cells have two occupants at the moment, a Gnome and good. He will then reveal that he won’t try to escape himself
a Firbolg. though, saying that he got himself arrested and is being
uncooperative to take the issue through the courts so as to
raise awareness of it, believing that that will get him more
Blini the Gnome severe charges. If they ask him about any of his associates, he
A drunk Gnome named Blini is asleep in the back cell. They won’t reveal anything, saying he works alone.
are a regular occupant of the cell, frequently getting drunk If they ask him about Relentless Nethyola from the wanted
and getting picked up by the guards to sleep it off in the cells. posters, he’ll say she’s an inspiration, and that he thinks the
If any players ask a guard about Blini and the guard is in a attempted murder charges are a setup but he doesn’t know
good enough mood to respond, they will relate this to the any specific details. With a DC 17 Persuasion check they can
players. Blini won’t wake up unless he takes damage, at get him to admit that he doesn’t have a clue as to where she
which point he will bolt awake and rush out of the cell, since might be, that he’s actually pretty low ranked in the
his cell door isn’t actually locked, and he’ll alert the nearest movement due to being new to it, and has never been face to
guard of something going on before retreating to a safe face with her, only seeing her give a speech once, but thinks
distance, if not just fleeing the station. that making a scene in the courts might change that.
If the players worked with Fardal to get the information out
of him, Fardal will eventually just charge Zinran with a fine
for being a public nuisance, return his stuff and release him,
much to Zinran’s disappointment.

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

2nd Floor 8 Evidence Room
Getting up to the second floor without drawing attention is The door to this room is locked, requiring a DC 20
extremely difficult, since there are 10 guards in the room Lockpicking check and 5 minutes to open. Detective Fardal is
with the stairs. Attempting to sneak up while the guards are currently the only one in the station with a key to the room.
there will fail no matter how high a stealth check, as at least The room is lined with shelving that reaches the ceiling for
one guard will notice them. If the players arrange some kind potentially evidence or confiscated items. It’s mostly bare at
of distraction, a single player can sneak up the stairs on a DC the moment but contains:
14 Stealth check. A pile of pamphlets and some signs talking about worker’s
rights in the Factory district, which players will recognize
7 Records Room as Zinran’s if they’ve met him.
A room full of filing cabinets that nearly reach the ceiling. A A box of 7 Inferior Healing Potions (ITT 52) that were
DC 10 perception check would reveal that they seem to be confiscated in a recent bust that players might mistake for
labeled in chronological order. If they’ve done this check, regular healing potions, and 1 Vial of Acid (PHB 148)
players can find the report with a DC 12 Investigation check, mixed in that at a glance looks like another healing potion
with a fail making the player feel they’ve at least found the but identifiable if actually examined, for 8 vials total.
right cabinet, and have advantage on their next roll. A few boxes of knock off DarkGlassesTM (ITT 52), which
Otherwise, it’s a DC 21, and they will instead find one of in this case just have black painted pieces of cheap tin for
several other reports listed below lenses that you can’t actually see through. If anyone puts a
pair on, they are Blinded until taken off.
A report of someone afflicted with madness ranting about A collection items that appear to be jester props, such as a
something called the Abacus of Alteration and how it jester’s hat, some juggling balls, a 10 foot rope of colorful
ruined his life before being taken away to the Healer’s handkerchiefs tied together, some bottles of makeup, a
Hospice for treatment. pair of glasses with mismatched glass eyes on springs
A report of a druid getting drunk and turning into a Blue instead of lens, some fake wands, and “royal jester
Whale in the middle of the street, injuring several people sceptre”. Searching through them and passing a DC 17
as they got shoved around. The druid passed out while in Arcana check would revel four items of magical interest, A
this form, so the guards were forced to attack him to Philter of Love (DMG 184), An Oil of Slipperiness (DMG
eventually bring him back to his original form, which took 184), a Wand of Pyrotechnics (XGE 141) and the “royal
quite a while because they didn’t want to go overboard, but jester sceptre” is in fact an Immovable Rod (DMG 175)
were able to do so eventually and brought him back to the that has been decorated.
cells, charging him with Disrupting the Public and issuing Two daggers and a short sword of respectable make and
a fine. condition with no notably markings.
A report of the attempted theft of a Paladin’s Pegasus
mount, but they were wearing some Celestial tack so it
failed with the Pegasus being teleported to the Paladin’s
Leaving the Station
position and the thief falling several stories into the street After leaving the station, a female Half-Elf named Loralynn
and getting badly injured before being quickly surrounded. will approach the party, asking if they know anything about
The thief was eventually sentenced to several years in Salt Zinran. She is in fact his girlfriend and was with him in the
Spike Prison. park when the police came after them, but ran away because
A report of a crate of ball bearings falling off a cart and she didn’t want to get caught, something she’s a bit ashamed
breaking open, causing the contents to spill downhill, of now that Zinran has been arrested. She’ll ask them how
injuring several people with the initial impact of the Zinran is doing, and be relieved to hear he’s doing alright and
bearings and from people slipping on them afterwards. hasn’t given up any information, since she was the one who
The guards had to be called in to help people move about got him involved in all this and feels if anyone should have to
and clean them up, while the cart owner was charged with deal with the law it’s her. She’ll thank the players for telling
improper transportation leading to bodily harm and her and give them a Spell Scroll of Cure Wounds (1st Level)
issued a fine, with the expectations that most of the and a Staff of Flowers (XGE 140) in appreciation before
people affected will also sue the owner for personal going back to sitting at a nearby bench, waiting for Zinran.
A report of two minotaurs who butted horns, only to get Awarding XP
stuck together and then stuck on a window together. The
guards had to free the two, who were charged with If the party went the peaceful route talking to the NPCs and
Disrupting the Public causing property damage, being getting Zinran to talk, award them each 250 xp.
issued a fine and expected to pay for the window repairs. If the party managed to successfully steal the report
A report of eyewitnesses seeing several youth racing without getting caught, award them each 250 xp.
through traffic. Descriptions of the youth were taken, but If the party fought the guards and survived, give them the
they’re rather generic like “Tabaxi in a red shirt” and “Air appropriate xp for the guards they defeated.
Genasi with no shoes”. Attempts to drum up more
information from potential youth didn’t go anywhere, and
the case was eventually shelved after a week.

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

Guard Station 122 Labeled Map

Ch 1 – Guard Station 122

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent
Clothes Makers Guild Hall
The Guild Hall for the Order of Diligent Clothes Makers is a 2 Entrance
lavish looking building, with the front covered in posters and
billboards for some of their members’ upcoming shows or The entrance way is dominated by a regal Ticket booth with
products, as well as some clothes being displayed in windows. stairs around it leading to the main doors.
Sounds of movement come from the building’s side alley.
Tickets for upcoming shows can be purchased (See the Cost
A DC 12 History check, or just asking the ticket booth agent, and Availability Table below) from a human attendant named
would reveal that nothing stays up longer than a month. The Sam sitting at the booth, who will answer questions as best
players have two main options, sneak into the 2nd floor, he can. For example, tickets for tonight’s show, “The Fight for
perhaps by buying a ticket and then sneaking upstairs, or Fashion”, have sold moderately well, with the first two rows
become runway models for Gromir’s show tonight and getting sold out and the remaining 3 rows having sold around 75%.
into the after party. This is Gromir Fingercutter’s first show at the Guild Hall, his
self proclaimed specialty is “combat wear”, and he’s over in
the alley right now unloading outfits for the show tonight if
1st Floor they want to try and ask for an autograph.
Upcoming shows are:
1 Alleyway
“The Fight for Fashion: Gladiator Outfits”, a collection of
This alleyway has some workers down an alley are moving theoretical outfits for fictional Gladiators by Gromir
boxes off a cart and into the Guild Hall through a side door to Fingercutter (half orc). Tickets have sold moderately well,
the backstage. A male half-orc with braided hair and wearing a
with some 3rd, 4th and back row seats still available. A
DC 10 History check would remind the characters that
bright green and red jacket is over seeing them, clearly
there’s a Colosseum in the Emerald Entertainment
agitated. District where fighters are encouraged to dress up in
colorful and flamboyant outfits to help create stage
The half-orc is Gromir Fingercutter, who uses the Bandit presence.
Captain (MM 344) stats. If the players looking down the “Wererat Wearables”, a look at fashions from the Wererat
alleyway aren’t trying to be stealthy: community in Hillside, curated by Vale Ŝanĝilo. Tickets
have sold moderately well, with 2nd, 3rd, 4th and back row
The half-orc spots you, pausing a moment before his face seats still available. A DC 12 History check would remind
lights up and he rushes over to you. “You! You’re perfect! the characters that Hillside has a community of Wererats
Please, I need your help! I’m Gromir Fingercutter, you’ve
that have been trying to get more acceptance from the
city’s populace, something which wererat Vale Ŝanĝilo has
probably seen the posters for my show tonight, The Fight for
been trying to accomplish through cultural outreach like
Fashion, but some of my models got sick last night and aren’t this.
able to walk the runway tonight. Could you please fill in for “Foreign Fashions”, a display of foreign pieces from the
them? You’re the picture of an adventuring type, it would collection of Entertainment District Governor Tilkila
really help me out.” Essoshas, curated by Nimbus Stormsphere (Air Genasi).
Tickets have sold extremely well, with only a few back row
He’ll ask this of all the players he can, as he needs more seats still available. A DC 12 History check would remind
people. If the players ask about rewards, he’ll tell them he can the characters that Tilkila Essoshas is a Yuan-Ti
pay them 20 gold each and bring them to the after party here Pureblood woman who came to the city from parts
at the guild hall, which will have an open bar and some unknown with a large quantity of money, more than
famous designers there. If any of the players accept, he will enough to build her Colosseum, as well as turn what was
shake each of their hands happily and take them to the (literally) a corner of the city into the Emerald
Backstage area so they can pick out one of the available Entertainment district, and got a seat on the council for
outfits. If any of the players decline, he’ll ask if they’re sure, all her efforts.
they have to do is be themselves and make the outfits look “Silky Swimming”, upcoming outfits from acclaimed
awesome. If they decline after that, he’ll sigh and say he designer Watlyn Remrath’s (Triton) new underwater
understands. If there’s a mix of accepting and decline, he’ll fashion line. Like her past shows, the runway will have
give those that declined back row tickets so they can at least walls of water on it so the models can swim to show off
wait in the foyer before watching their friends in the show the outfits. A DC 10 History would remind the characters
and coming to the after party. that a large section of the Clear Coast district is
underwater by design for its residences that prefer to live
that way, including Tritons like Watlyn Remrath herself.

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes

Makers Guild Hall
Ticket Costs and Availability
Show Front Row & After Party 2nd Row Tickets 3rd Row Tickets 4th Row Tickets Back Row Tickets
Total Seats in Row 36 Seats 40 Seats 44 Seats 48 Seats 52 Seats
Fight for Fashion Sold Out Sold Out 3 gp (12 left) 2 gp (10 left) 1 gp (13 left)
Wererat Wearables Sold Out 2 gp (30 left) 15 sp (32 left) 1 gp (29 left) 5 sp (37 left)
Foreign Fashions Sold Out Sold Out Sold Out Sold Out 2 gp (13 left)
Silky Swimming 5 gp (12 left) 4 gp (25 left) 3 gp (25 left) 2 gp (20 left) 1 gp (30 left)

A. A large suit of red plate armor with blue trim that also
3 Foyer emits blue flame. The description says it was crafted by
Thermur Hammerspark (dwarf) for the first Colosseum
champion, Barog Black Scar (Orc). A DC 12 Arcana heck
This crowded two story tall foyer is fashionably designed, with
a set of stairs that are roped off that lead to a second floor would reveal that while the armor and flames are magical, the
balcony in the foyer that has doors to the Gathering Room. armor doesn’t offer any more protection than a regular set of
There are also several glass cases that contain “historic” or
noteworthy outfits that the guild has decided to showcase.
plate armor, and that the flames only emit dim light, but that
These outfits are worn by simple, manikin looking constructs it does give advantage on Intimidation and Performance
that will move around a bit and occasionally strike a pose for checks. A DC 14 History check would remind the character
the people admiring them. that Barog was champion 3 years in a row before retiring
somewhere in the city, having kept a low profile since.
A human security guard named Billie, using Thug stats (MM B. A long green silk dress with what appears to be living
350), sits in front of the rope reading a fashion magazine. She flowers growing out around the low cut collar and across the
can be persuaded to let players through on a successful shoulders. The description says it was designed by Ophirora
Persuasion 13 check if they offer a valid reason, such as Cottenwood (Half-Elf) for Ravaxisys Kantamdo (Elf) to wear
needing to talk to someone up there, or with a Deception DC to the high class Elven Spring Ball last year. Detect Magic, a
18 (before the show) or DC 14 (after the show) check if the DC 15 Nature or Arcana check would reveal that the flowers
players try to bluff that they are allowed up there. A front row are in fact magical and alive.
ticket comes with access to the after party, so if a player C. A silver grey robe that hovers in the center of its case,
presents one, or a ticket altered to look like one, she’ll also let little white clouds seem to float on the fabric and occasionally
them pass. If the players do anything disruptive, like try to float off the fabric and become tiny little clouds that circle
steal from any of people waiting for the show to start, she will around the robe before eventually floating back onto the
attempt to throw them out, starting peacefully so long as fabric. The description says that it was made by Nimbus
she’s not attacked. If attacked, people will rush out and alert Stormsphere out of fabric his Air Genasi family wove from
city guards using Knights stats (MM 347), who will rush in threads of cloud. A DC 12 Arcana check would reveal that it’s
and attack the players after 3 rounds. definitely magical, that clouds probably were a component in
The constructs that look like manikins in glass cases use the robe’s making, and that anyone wearing and attuned to
Animated Armor stats (MM 19), each have a small article the robe could probably cast the Fly spell on themselves once
detailing the history and importance of the outfit. If someone a day and always be under the effect of the Featherfall spell.
attacks one of the display cases, the constructs will attempt D. In an alcove full of water, a dress made of many layers of
to protect their outfit and flee to safety, as they have been fine red and orange fabric floats calmly as the construct
instructed. within gently treads water with its bare feet, a necklace and
Ophirora Cottenwood (See NPC section for this Chapter) crown of bubbles slowly floating around its head. The
is in the foyer hanging around the display case with her dress description says it was designed by Watlyn Remrath for to
(in Case B) trying to act casual while listen to see if anyone wear at last year’s Governor’s Race.
compliments her dress, at which point she’ll attempt to join E. A golden suit with wheat like patterns woven into it,
the conversation and encourage more complements of her making it look like a shimmering field of field, along with a
dress. If a player insults her dress, she will in turn angrily bright yellow bowler hat that is emitting a bit of light and
insult them, even if they weren’t talking to her. She also has a feels like sunlight, finished with a set of rich earthen colored
Front Row ticket in her pocket, which could be pick pocketed leather shoes that look like they were made for walking, and
with a successful DC 16 Sleight of Hand check, although if that’s just what they did, looking well-worn for it. The
she catches someone picking her pocket, she’ll insist Billie description says the suit was designed by Odabi Loomshift,
through them out. Ophirora knows Odabi is upstairs, having the hat by Resil Tsen, and the shoes by Toecap Hnmng, for
seen her walk up earlier, and will tell the players if asked if Governor Maurice Treeshade of the Golden Plain’s first run
she knows where Odabi is. for office. A DC 10 Nature or DC 12 Arcana check would
The other NPCs in the NPC section are also in the Foyer reveal that the hat is emitting sunlight thanks to magical
before the show starts, will go in when the show starts, and properties. A DC 12 History check would reveal that Maurice
then up to the after show when it’s over. This includes a lot of Treeshade has been the Governor of the Golden Plains for
uninteresting and uninterested people. nearly two decades now, and is a not quite elderly human
The outfits are: druid.

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes

Makers Guild Hall
4 Backstage 7 Runway Room
The backstage is full of racks for clothing, some of which have The first floor’s main hall is setup to hold fashion shows, with
hangers of colorful outfits on them as a few people unpack the a large set of curtains separating the backstage from the 2.5 ft
boxes that were being unloaded. There are a set of doors to raised 10 ft wide runway going 100 ft before coming to a 20
the foyer, as well as to the Runway room seating, with stairs ft by 20 ft square spot for the models to do a turnaround
leading to those doors because of the raised seating. There’s before walking back. The runway is surrounded by chair
also a set of stairs up to the Gathering Room just past the seating going back 5 rows, each row being raised 1 foot above
washroom. A large set of curtains separates the backstage the row in front of it, so that it’s easier for a person to see over
from the Runway. the person in front of them.

If the players have accepted Gromir’s offer to model, Gromir If players have accepted Gromir’s invitation to be models for
will lead them backstage and help them pick out an outfit, or him, he will have them go out one right after another, and
even two if they’re feel then can walk the runway twice, during the practice run he’ll explain what to do. A runway
saying they’ve got just enough time for them to do a practice walk consists of three parts that must be done successfully,
run before they have to start letting the audience in. (See 6 and players are encouraged to describe what their characters
Runway Room for what a walk will entail.) are doing to the fullest effect. The first part will be walking
There are a variety of outfits available, as well as prop down the runway, where players must succeed a DC 15
weapons to match, including but not limited to: Athletics, Acrobatics, or Performance check to show off to
An outfit that can only be described as “The Barbarian the audience. Players could also try a DC 13 Deception check
Battle Chicken” with a pair of “drumstick clubs” if they feel their character would need to be more “fake it till
A gown that looks and smells like it’s made of fish scales you make it”. The second part happens at the turn about,
with “crashing wave” trim where the character must do something to wow the audience,
A skin tight black body suit with a pair of cloth over wire such as strike a pose, perform an attack, or even try to
frame butterfly wings on the back intimidate the audience.
An outfit that gives the appearance of troll heads growing If they strike a pose, they could use Athletics, Acrobatics,
out all over your body Performance or Persuasion at a DC of 15, make an attack on
A suit of armor with obelisk like spikes coming straight up an imaginary opponent in the center of the turnabout and
out from the top of the shoulders succeed a DC 17 “hit”, or try to intimidate the audience with
A blue outfit with metal shoulder pads, a comically a DC 13 Intimidation check, since the audience wouldn’t be
oversized fake sword and a spikey blond wig expecting that. The third part of the walk if the same as the
An orange full body loin cloth with black triangle spots first, walking back from the turnabout and into the backstage.
and a blue tie When players do the show, they will see someone (Barret
A skirt that looks like a swan with the swan’s head to be Silverspoon) taking pictures in the front row.
pulled up the front and wrap around the neck How well the players do will influence how things proceed
A pink-red leotard with what appears to be red at the end. If they largely fail the checks or worse, they do
dragonborn scales sewn in and bunch of gold chains terribly. If they succeed as much as fail, they do alright. If they
A black leather armor and mask that have been decorated mostly succeed, they do great. If they succeed on nearly
with silver skulls everything or better, they do fantastic. DMs may adjust things
A turtle shell body suit and lion’s mask if there’s one player that stands out either way.
A set of metal armor decorated with crystals that make it If the players didn’t participate or did terribly:
look like it’s covered in ice The audience loudly boos and marches out. Some can even
A body suit with many long purple worms hanging off be heard demanding a refund. Gromir holds up his promise,
every inch of it given each of them 20 gold, but never speaks a word to them
A suit that looks like the combination of a Triceratops and and doesn’t acknowledge them after bringing them to the
a T. Rex after party upstairs.
If the players did alright:
5 Dressing Rooms The audience applaud politely, and leaves in an orderly
fashion. Gromir thanks them for their help, saying “I guess I
A collection of dressing rooms for models to switch outfits
should be thankful people I picked up off the street weren’t a
complete disaster.” He’ll then pay them and bring them to the
between walks. Each dressing room as a curtain door, a full
after party upstairs.
length mirror, and a few hangers. If the players did great:
The audience applaud happily with a few cheers here and
6 Washroom there. Gromir will thank them happily as the audience leaves,
giving them each 25 gold instead of the 20 before leading
An all gender washroom with three stalls and three sinks. them upstairs to the party.
If the players did fantastic:
The audience gives a standing ovation before eventually
having to leave. Gromir is absolutely beaming, giving each
player 30 gold before leading them upstairs to the party.
Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes
Makers Guild Hall
If the players did great:
2nd Floor Gromir loudly announce your arrival to the party, which is met
8 Gathering Room with applause from the crowd. The party is fairly lively, and
If the players managed to get up here people are friendly when talking with you. A few designers
before the show: even giving some of you their card and inviting them to model
for them some time, and only one or two mean it as a
There are a few work hands setting things for the after party.
euphemism. Ophirora will come over and give her
Two long table with drinks and appetizers are setup by a
congratulations to you and Gromir. “Well, those were quite the
kitchenette, along with two small tables with chairs around
outfits you made Gromir. Perhaps you’d like to collaborate
them are setup in the middle of the room. An elderly Gnome
sometime?” she says offering him her card. Gromir takes it
sits at one of the tables, sipping some tea.
enthusiastically, only able to nod is head as words escape him
before taking a seat in a chair and being practically catatonic
This gnome is Odabi Loomshift. See her section in the NPC
list if the players talk to her. from happiness.

If the players come up after the show: Ophirora will engage in conversation with the players, asking
them how Gromir managed to find such talented models
Two long table with drinks and appetizers are setup by a
she’s never seen before, and if they’ve got any jobs lined up. If
kitchenette where two bartenders hand out drinks. There are the players manage to impress her or convince them to help
two small tables with chairs around them in the middle of the her, she’ll give them the boots she’s wearing, which a DC 14
room, where an elderly Gnome sits at one of the tables, Arcana or Investigation check would reveal to be Boots of
sipping some tea, while a Half-Elf stands by the bartenders Elvenkind (DMG 155), telling the players to tell others that
with a crowd gathered around her, soaking in the attention. they’re “hand-made Ophirora originals”. She’ll also point out
Odabi to the players if asked, and would follow them over to
This gnome is Odabi Loomshift. See her section in the NPC overhear what they’re talking about out of curiosity.
list if the players talk to her. The half-elf is Ophirora If the players did fantastic:
Cottenwood, who the players may have already encountered
in the Foyer earlier. Gromir loudly announce your arrival to the party, which is met
with grand applauses. The party is incredibly and everybody is
If the players didn’t participate or did having a grand time. All of you get cards from other designers
terribly: who genuinely want you to model their outfits for them in the
The after party has a dim and sober vibe, and you get the future. Ophirora will come over and give her congratulations
feeling few people are willing to talk to you. Ophirora snickers to you and Gromir. “Well, those were quite the outfits you
at your presences, and you can overhear her mocking your made Gromir. Perhaps you’d like to collaborate sometime?”
performance, which you get the feeling she wants you to hear. she says offering him her card. Gromir takes it enthusiastically,
only able to nod is head as words escape him before taking a
seat in a chair and being practically catatonic from happiness.
If the players did alright:
Opirora will then proceed to take off her boots and hand them
The after party is low-key, and people are courteous when to you. “I want you to have these. You were fantastic tonight,
talking to you. A few designers offer you their card, asking you and I want to show my appreciation.”
to “model” for them some time, but even the less insightful of
you gets the feeling it’s a euphemism. Ophirora can be
An examination of the boots with a DC 14 Arcana or
overheard, probably intentionally, saying it was an alright show, Investigation check would reveal them to be Boots of
and that the models “Perfectly represent how talentless the Elvenkind (DMG 155). Ophirora will refuse to take the boots
gladiators at the Colosseum have gotten”. back, saying they’re well worth what she saw tonight, asking
the players to tell others that they’re “hand-made Ophirora
A DC 13 Insight into that statement would reveal that she originals”, plus she made them herself and can just make
doesn’t know how the gladiators have been performing, another pair, which she’ll say will probably look better
having never been to the Colosseum in her life. anyway. Ophirora will also ask the players how Gromir
managed to find such talented models she’s never seen
before, and if they’ve got any jobs lined up. She’ll point out
Odabi to the players if asked, and would follow them over to
overhear what they’re talking about out of curiosity.
The other NPCs in the NPC section are also here and can
be talked to.

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes

Makers Guild Hall
9 Kitchenette Barret Silverspoon
A young adult Halfling Commoner (MM 345) wearing a
A small area with a stove, sink and cupboards with tea and
white shirt and twead vest, his wide eyes hidden behind thick
food stuffs in them. Two bartenders stand behind tables glasses.
pouring drinks. He’s come to use his Cube of Picture Taking (ITT 51) to get
some pictures of the show, and will approach the players
10 Meeting rooms hoping to show them the pictures he took of the show. This is
his first time to a fashion show, so he decided to splurge and
These meeting rooms have some tables and chairs in them, get a Front Row ticket so he wouldn't have anything get in the
but are otherwise empty and unremarkable.
way of his pictures and he’d be able to go to the after party as
well. If the players walk the runway, they will see him take
pictures of them, and regardless of their performance he’ll
tell them at the after party that he got some great pictures of
11 Washroom them.
He’s very enthusiastic about his Copt (as he calls it), and
An all gender washroom with three stalls and three sinks. loves taking picture of things to see how they turn out. He
will talk endlessly about technical aspects of pictures he only
half understands, which any Arcana or Insight check would
NPCs reveal to the players, and if asked where he got his Copt will
be all too happy to tell them about The Picture Cube, the
This is a list of NPCs the players can interact with in this shop that sells them in the Brilliant Bizarre, and how he
chapter that will appear in the Foyer before the show, in the saved up 5,000 gp for one of their cheaper models.
Runway Room during the show, and at the after party. He’ll be happy to show the players the pictures he took,
The majority of the people attending the show are guild since he will try talking to them hoping he'll get the chance
members or show regulars who’ve come out either because to, which will look fairly amateurish to anyone with any art
they come out to everything, or they’re curious about the expertise. If somebody points this out to him, he will
content. They’ll act casually to the players without anything to sheepishly admit he still has a long way to go, but is looking
really discuss with them, as they are as uninteresting as they forward to taking more pictures and improving, because the
uninterested in the players, and don’t know anything about only way to get better is to keep practicing.
Toecap. He doesn’t know anything about Toecap, or any of the
fashion designers in fact. If the players get him talking to
Ophirora Cottenwood Ophirora, they'll hit it off, since he likes taking pictures and
Ophirora is a female Half-Elf and a high ranking member of she likes being the center of attention, and his camera is
the Order of Diligent Clothes Makers using Scout stats (MM "absolutely perfect at preserving my fabulousness." She'll
349). She's quite pretty with golden blond hair, and wearing a offer to give him a private showing of her collection, with her
dark green fine silk dress with a fair amount of gold jewellery, as the model. If anybody tries to include themselves in this
invoking an over the top version of a "classic high elf" look. invitation, she'll ignore them and try to take Barret
She’s very haughty and thinks very highly of herself, to the somewhere to talk by themselves.
point that she can take criticism of her clothing as personal
attacks, while complements will go straight to her head. She’s Yuzi
also got her own shop that sells her designs near the Bazaar A Tortle Druid (Tortle 23), he looks to be on the older side
that sees good business, thanks to the fact that her clothes and is wearing a light blue toga that covers even his shell.
are stylish. Her peers won’t deny her talent, but do think her He's the assistant to the Entertainment District governor
personality could use some work. She is pretty generous to Tilkila Essoshas, although he won’t reveal that fact unless
those she considers talented though, but usually in way that someone directly asks him if he is, just saying that he’s a “fan
gives her some benefit. She’s also wearing dark green Boots of fashion and fighting, so this appealed to my interests”,
of Elvenkind (DMG 155) that look like they were made by which an Insight check would reveal to be true. If any of the
sewing tiny leaves together, which she made herself. players successfully struck a pose with an attack while on the
Ophirora is familiar with Odabi, since Odabi is almost runway, he will approach them and encourage them to try
always in the Gathering Room and has talked fashion with their hand at the Colosseum’s open tournaments sometime.
her a few times, and considers her a respected elder. He’ll also talk to Gromir later, congratulating him on his
Ophirora knows that she only really likes discussing fashion designs and hoping some of them will appear in the
and tea, tea especially since she doesn’t get as much chances Colosseum, regardless of how the show went.
to as fashion, which she’ll share if the players get on her good If anyone asks about his clan name, he’ll respond with a
side. She doesn’t know anything about Toecap, but will say terse smile and say “It’s just Yuzi”.
that she thinks she’s heard the name somewhere, and that He doesn’t know anything about Toecap or Odabi, but is
Odabi might know. If she provides the players with any help, aware of Ophirora since "her reputation proceeds her".
she'll ask that they "don't forget that Ophirora helped you Nobody there is aware of who Yuzi actually is, but they will
out." comment that Tortles are exceptionally rare in Plifortakune,
and those that do come to the city are usually just passing
Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes
Makers Guild Hall
Odabi Loomshift If the players ask about Resil, Odabi will say that he’s
incredibly self-involved, like some designers tend to get, she’ll
Odabi is a female gnome, and an old retired member of the say with a nod to Ophirora (who will have a bit of a coughing
Order of Diligent Clothes Makers with Noble stats (MM 348). fit in surprise if she’s listening in). Resil was completely
She looks her age, with a wrinkled face, silver hair tied up in uninterested in what happened to Toecap and her family, not
a gramma bun, and tiny glasses sitting on her long nose. even showing up for the funeral, and stopped collaborating
She's wearing a sensible green dress and a light purple hand- with others after that. Odabi also knows that Resil lives in a
knit shawl cloak. tower just offshore in underwater district that he hardly ever
The only things she cares about, at least on the surface, are leaves, but won’t mention that unless specifically asked.
fashion, spending most of her free time in the Guild Hall’s If the players have the police report and attempt to show it
gathering room, whether there’s a show or not, and tea. As to Odabi, she’ll say she heard enough details from Toecap
such, she’ll be unresponsive to other lines of conversation, and doesn’t want to read a “cold and clinical description of it”.
acting very indifferent to the players. She did not watch She doesn’t recognize the warehouse address if they ask her
Gromir’s show, and so would not be swayed by mention of it. about it.
Players would need to talk specifics about fashion, a DC 15 If the players offer to help with her information gathering,
History, Perception, or Performance check, with advantage if she'll thank them but decline the offer, saying that she's going
they examined any to the cases in the Foyer, or a DC 10 to have to talk to people on her own, and that carting around
Charisma (Nature) check if they talk about tea to her. If the a group of adventurers isn't going to be helpful.
players try to just bluntly ask her about Toecap or the Hnmng
murders, she’ll be stunted at the bluntness, and the players
will have to make a DC 17 Persuasion check to convince her Awarding XP
they’re legitimately investigating things and not just being Award 250 xp to each player if they successfully managed to
assholes or idiots. talk to Odabi and get her to see if she can’t find out anything
Odabi is very familiar with Toecap, having collaborated that could help them.
with her on several outfits, including one down in the Foyer,
and considered her a good friend, unlike Resil Tsen, who they
also collaborated with on a few occasions, but was much
more concerned about increasing his own reputation and
didn’t care much for Toecap, especially when she wore
flowers her husband had grown, since he was allergic and
would sneeze quite a bit.
Odabi also quite enjoyed Pixane’s company, as she was
quite enamored with fashion and the two would have long
discussion about it here. Pixane showed her some of her
clothing designs, which were very good, and even got Odabi’s
help when she was making her first outfit. Her parents fully
encouraged her passion, and Odabi had expected Pixane to
be able to do a debut show here not long after and become a
break out sensation.
Odabi was quite taken aback at the Hnmng murders,
finding them brazen and shocking. She was disappointed
with the guild’s response, revealing that Toecap was “brushed
off” by the guild, since those in charge didn’t want to get
involved with someone related to murder, considering it
“unfashionable”, which proceeded to anger Toecap in her
grief, and then bizarrely turn her house into a Puzzle House.
While those in charge at the time have had their
comeuppance, one even ending up in Salt Spike Prison for
unrelated theft, Odabi regrets not doing more at the time, like
speaking out against those in charge, and wishes she could
do something to make things better now, especially if the
players mention that they think Toecap’s soul is powering the
Puzzle House. If they tell Odabi they’re attempting to figure
out what happened to Toecap’s family and have gotten on her
good side, she’ll give them her hand-knit light purple shawl
cloak, which is a Cloak of Protection (DMG 159), hoping that
it can help them bring Toecap to peace, and see if she can’t
dig up any information that would be useful to them.
If the players ask about Pennyloafer, she’ll grimace a bit
and say she’s met him a few times and does not care for him.
She doesn’t know who Wellington is, but if the players
describe him she’ll remember seeing him at the funeral.

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes

Makers Guild Hall
The Order of Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall
Labeled Map

Chapter 2 – The Order of Diligent Clothes

Makers Guild Hall
Chapter 3 – The Monastery of
All of the rooms in the Patagonia are 10 foot high and lined
Players should be level 2 now with 500 xp (770 xp with bookshelves full of books and scrolls, unfortunately not
if they did Toecap’s Puzzle House). in the most organized fashion. This collection is a
combination of purchases (1/4) and recordings (3/4) done by
the monks, of anything that they consider adding to the
The players should remember to report back to Wellington, knowledge of the world. Anyone can browse the collection by
who will be thankful for what they’ve found and tell them asking, although finding something you might find useful can
“Well, it’s a bit of a the long shot, but since we’re waiting for be difficult without help, as things are loosely organized at
Odabi anyways, I think it would be worthwhile for you to best. When questioned about it, a monk will often reply "we
check out the Monastery of Knowledge. They might have are dedicated to preservation, not organization."
picked up something the guards missed, with their collection The other buildings on the grounds are living quarters, a
of rumours and whispers, but you’d probably have to either kitchen, a dining hall, and scribe rooms, where monks go to
ask the monks for help or get really lucky to find it quickly. write down the information they’ve gathered onto collected
Now that you have some clues you might be able to make scrolls. The majority of the free walls, pillars and columns in
some connections and find some new information.” the monastery have been painted with various scenes in
history, especially that of the city, albeit with no real
organization, so they aren’t in any sort of order or pattern, as
About The Monastery of they were painted completely up to the painter’s fancy and
talent and not any sort of organized effort by the monks, so a
Knowledge few are so bad it’s hard to even know what it’s depicting. Art
The Monastery of Knowledge is a monastery run by an order critics will sometimes come by to debate whether it is in fact
of monks dedicated to the gathering and recording of art.
knowledge, who are recognized as religious order by the city.
The Monastery is focused on mental training over physical Financing and Records
training, but regular exercise is encouraged since it does help The Monastery makes money in three ways: The Tabaxi
with mental acuity, hence a part of the reason why a large Taxis, Courier services, and as Scribes. All three fall under
number of the monks work as Tabaxi Taxis, but there isn’t city guides, the Coach and Carters’ Guild, the Couriers
any sort of formal training areas on site, something which Coalition, and the Scribes Syndicate respectively.
does get some of the monks jumping around inside the tower, The largest of these three groups Tabaxi who run Tabaxi
and even more jumping around the city as messengers and Taxis, who are also able to collect tales and discussions from
delivery people. all around the city, either overheard or told to them, which
can be anywhere from banal discussion, to random gossip, to
The Buildings important discussions. They also keep a record of who they
The location’s most notable feature is its main building, a tall pick up, when and where they do so, and when and where
wooden Patagonia style building 26 stories tall with a large they drop them off.
tree canopy sprouting from its top. Each floor of the building Those in the in the Courier services also overhear things
is made up of 5 main rooms with open air balconies and as they travel about the city that they might report, as well as
stairs between them, with each floor rotating 72 degrees, so who is sending stuff to whom, especially if they’ve been hired
that the corners of each room overlap one another. The as private couriers.
bottom 10 floors’ rooms are 75 feet by 50 feet, while the top The last group is the Scribes, who do so in part to practice
16 floors’ rooms are 50 feet by 50 feet. This allows for an their skills, but this can also mean that duplicates or early
open center of the Patagonia, where a giant tree grows up drafts of their documents can end up in the Monastery’s
and out of the Patagonia, where its canopy is. Wooden beams collection.
secure the tree to the lower 10 floors, which are not wide
enough for easy travel, but the rest is unrestrained. This is an
anti-earthquake measure, as well as a nice feature in the
middle of the Patagonia. Numerous ropes hang and weave
around the tree and open air center, which monks will
frequently use as short cuts across the Patagonia, or to get to
an odd branch in the Patagonia to sit and read. The stairs for
the top 16 floors are tight spiral staircases that almost seem
to have been designed specifically to keep people from using
them out of annoyance.

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Approaching the Inside the Patagonia
Monastery Walking into the Patagonia, the first thing that stands out is a
large tree trunk growing out of the ground in the center of the
As you approach the Monastery grounds, you can see the
open area and reaching up and out of the top. Support beams
nearly 300 foot tall Patagonia building of spiralling rooms with
go from the tree to internal stairs and balconies of the
a large tree canopy sprouting out from it’s top, with the
Patagonia for the first ten floors before the open area narrows
occasional monk jumping up and down the outside and over
as the floors come in closer.
balcony railings. As you walk through the Monastery’s main
The second thing that stands out is that nearly all of the
gate, an older looking Tabaxi monk approaches you and asks
walls and pillars inside are covered in artwork by various
“Hello adventurers, I am Swift Owl. Have you come seeking
degrees of talent. They seem to be depicting several scenes in
history, especially the history of the city, albeit with no real
rhyme or reason as to their placement or composition, and a
Swift Owl is a gray-brown Tabaxi man and senior Monk at the few are so bad that expert historians probably couldn’t place
monastery with Martial Arts Adept (Volo 216) stats, and is
happy to answer any questions about the monastery the what the art is attempting to depict.
players might have that he can per the About the Monastery
section. If they ask Swift Owl about finding out anything Grass Bottle will lead the party up to the room, and will also
about Toecap or any other details: answer any questions about the monastery the players might
have that she can per the About the Monastery section. If the
“Ah, I don’t know anything about that myself, but there is players ask her about the spiders, she’ll say that she’s not
probably something about it in the Patagonia. Unfortunately
sure what kind of spiders they are, but that they are about the
size of large dogs, and that there’s more of them than she
our records aren’t terribly well organized, in that they are
bothered to count before going to alert Swift Owl. If any of the
organized terribly when organized at all. You are welcome to players ask her about her name, she’ll shrug and say that
search, but I have no suggestion as to where would be best to Grass Bottles are something that some druids make out of
look.” At this point a young Tabaxi monk runs up to Swift Owl, woven grass in some areas. If any of the players ask her what
taking a moment to catch her breath. “Grass Bottle, what is it a specific artwork means she’ll say she doesn’t know, as they
that has you out of breath?” Swift Owl asks as Grass Bottle don’t keep track of them and monks just paint them when
straightens herself. “Sir, we’ve found a nest of spiders in one they can. No amount of History Checks will help players
of the rooms on the 9th.” “Is that so,” Shift Owl says stroking
attempt to identify what any of the artwork depicts, and if
anyone rolls a Natural 20, they think the art they are looking
his chin before turning back to you. “Well, that’s probably the
at isn’t in fact a depiction of history, but rather a scene of
room you’re looking for. Whenever we have a problem like fiction, possibly completely made up by the artist. If any of the
that, the gods seem to send us someone who can help that’s players ask her if there’s any particularly valuable information
looking for something in that room. Works out nicely like that. hidden in their records, she’ll reply:
As good a place to start as any either way. Grass, could you
please show these fine adventurers to the room?” It is said that during the city’s early day, a famous chef would
tell a Tabaxi Taxi some of their most prized recipes, which
Swift Owl is telling the truth about these sorts of things were scribbled away on scrolls and put away somewhere in the
happening, which Grass Bottle can confirm. If the players are monastery. Young chefs will occasionally come in searching
a bit skeptical of the apparent convenience of the situation. for the recipes, but so far none have found them. We monks
Swift Owl will promise them 5,000 gold if they don’t find have no idea if the rumors are true, but are happy to let anyone
something helpful in that room, which he would give them if who wants try to search for them, but so far nobody has found
they didn’t find anything, but any attempt to deceive him
about what they find will fail. If the players accept, he’ll ask them.
them not to use any fire or lighting magic while in the
Patagonia, as all the documents are susceptible to catching Once the players have finished asking questions and looking
fire. around the place, you can get to the room.
Grass Bottle, who is a blue-grey Tabaxi woman with Tabaxi
Ministrel (ToA 233) stats, will guide the players into the
Patagonia, and they can ask her questions as they climb the
stairs (see next section).

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

The Room on the Ninth Cleaning and Searching
After the players have confirmed they’ve killed or otherwise
Floor taken care of the spiders, Grass Bottle will help them clean
The Spiders up, having brought some hemp bags to collect the spiders
and webbing. After thanking the party for their help, she’ll
Grass Bottle leads you up the stairs to the ninth floor and to a
take away the trash and leave the players as they search the
room. If anyone went down during the fight, she’ll
set of double door, putting a hand up in warning. “I don’t
recommend putting the body outside on the balcony while
know how many spiders are in there, but there 4 sets of doors they’re searching so they aren’t in the way, but she’ll leave it to
leading into the room, three of them on this corner. You can them to carry their friend down. She won’t be coming back
make it the fourth set if you want to jump down to the stairs up.
below and then walk up to them, but that is where I saw most Have the players roll Investigation checks that take 5
of the spiders and webs. Oh, yeah, there’s a bunch of webs in minutes in game time. Once everyone has rolled at least
there to. Not enough to get stuck on, but more than enough once, or until someone rolls a Natural 20, make the result
to let the spiders know where you are, and you’re going to
#25. If anyone casts detect magic, the scroll in #25 will be the
only thing that appears magical besides the player’s
have to clean them out after your done if you want to actually
possessions, so if they pick it up just go to #25. If anyone rolls
search the bookshelves, just remember to not do it with fire. the same, you can just read off an adjacent item on the list
Good luck.” instead of repeat the same item. Or just read off the ones you
think people will find the most amusing. These are largely
She’ll let the players figure out their plan of attack, and will just for amusement, to make the players feel like they’re
show them a basic layout of the room (ie the map). If the actually looking through a collection of unorganized
players ask her if she’s going to help them fight, she’ll shake documents, and to provide some flavor and world building for
her head, saying she’s not a fighter. She can Inspire them to the City of Plifortakune.
give them each 8 temporary hit points and try to stabilize 1. The scroll you pick up crumbles into a cloud of dust, make
anyone who goes down if others are unable (she has +1 to a DC 13 Con save to keep from having a coughing fit for 5
medicine checks), but otherwise she’s going to leave it to minutes.
them and just hang back. 2. You find a scroll that details a meeting of the Crier’s Guild
If the players decide that one or more of them should enter and their debate to change the color of their parchment.
from the back door, they’ll need to go down to the balcony After four hours of debate, they decided to keep it grey.
below them, which is two floors down (20 feet), and then walk 3. You find a scroll that details a meeting of the Crier’s Guild
up two floor of stairs. There are plenty of secure beams they and their debate to change the color of their sealing wax.
can tie a rope to, but if they don’t and instead jump, they’ll After four hours of debate, they decided to keep it grey.
have to succeed on a DC 15 Athletics or Acrobatics Check or 4. You find a copy of a copy of a shipping receipt for 10
take 2d6 bludgeoning damage from the fall. cartloads of fertilizer to a Butterbread farm in the Golden
When the doors are opened, the inside of the room looks Plains District.
like this: 5. You find a copy of a menu from a pub called the Drunk
Vampire in the Entertainment district.
The room is full of ceiling high bookshelves piled with books 6. You find a copy of a receipt from a shop named Water
and scroll in disarray, covered in cobwebs and dust, especially Wings detailing the rental of 12 Cloaks of the Manta Ray
along the far wall. Dim sunbeams filter in through the closed for 35 gold with a 70 gold deposit each, totalling 1260
paper windows along the outside wall as several large spiders gold.
can be seen scurrying around. 7. You find a Tabaxi taxi’s travel log for a day 7 years ago in
the Calm Forest District.
8. You find a Tabaxi taxi’s travel log for a day 4 years ago in
The spiders in the room are Giant Wolf Spiders (MM 330), the Calm Forest District.
and there are 3 per player, so a team of 4 would face 12 Giant 9. You find a recounting from a Tabaxi taxi of a drunk wizard
Wolf Spiders. The spiders are mainly located along the back who rambled on about tiny blue people who either taste
edge of the room by the fourth set of doors, where the web is delicious or can be used as a spell component to turn
thickest, but there are a few spread out in the room and even objects gold.
hidden in the bookshelves among the books and scrolls. They 10. You find a recounting from a Tabaxi taxi of the time a
will attack the players as soon as the players alert them, Paladin successfully banished the Demon Lord
which happens as soon as anything enters the room, but not Demogorgon before anyone else in the party even got to
when they open any of the three sets of the doors, so the attack.
players could take the opportunity to get a surprise round on
the spiders and figure out where some of the spiders are, but
since the bookshelves go to the ceiling, they’ll only be able to
see so far. The spiders are alerted as soon as one of them is
attacked, even if it misses, or if the fourth set of doors at the
back are opened. The room is dimly lit until the thick paper
windows along the outside wall are opened.

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

11. You find a recounting from a Tabaxi taxi of two youths 25. You find a tattered scroll with some magical writing on it.
recounting the Colosseum match between The Monks of A DC 12 Arcana check will reveal that it is Spell Scroll of
Pain and The GRAND that they just watched, with Conjure Minor Elementals from a “Sam Scribble’s Quality
GRAND just managing to take the win. A DC 14 History Spell Scrolls”. However, interacting with the scroll has
would remind the characters that GRAND stands for triggered something, and the scroll explodes in a flash of
Giantesses Ready to Administer Near Destruction, and magical light, causing spots of dust in the room to swirls
that those are two of the 12 stables of fighters at the together into small figures. 4 (or 1 per player) Dust
Colosseum. Mephits (MM 215) are summoned, which are not friendly
12. You find something written in Elvish. If anybody to the “summoner”, won’t obey any commands, and can
understands Elvish, it is in fact a dictation of an incredibly exist longer than 1 hour if not defeated, but will disappear
boring lecture on the differences between various kinds of back to the elemental plane when dropped to 0 hp. They
wood in the making of various bows. The lecturer comes will openly attack the players once summoned with a
to the conclusion that while the type of wood is important, surprise round on any players that were still searching.
what really matters is the quality of the wood. The spell scroll was destroyed by the summoning, and if
13. You find a copy of a city meeting from several years ago the players try to pocket it without looking at it, it'll go off
detailing the status of the ongoing construction of the city then instead.
sewer system, which was on schedule. Once the players have defeated the Mephits, they can roll a
14. You find a copy of an Albert’s Animal Avenue inventory few more investigations, but on the next 15 or over
from several years ago detailing the large number of investigation roll, they find a Tabaxi Taxi’s travel log from the
livestock and pets they have available for purchase. 13th day of the 6th month, 1606 in the Clear Coast District,
15. A pamphlet protesting Water Wings for allowing and includes a trip from 143 Shark St to 139 Purple Reef
“undesirables” to spend time in the underwater Road for two passengers, a scarred and mangy Gnoll and a
communities in the Clear Coast District and urging rugged looking Duergar. A DC 15 Investigation check (DC 10
residents to write their governor, the Triton Vulren if they have the Bounty Board List Handout they can compare
Zanonsath. A DC 10 History check would remind the to) will reveal that the descriptions match those of Emnil of
characters that Vulren is a Triton Paladin who is quite the Biting Bastards and Gargrim Gramson from the Bounty
honorable and strives to bring harmony to all the people of Board in Guard Station 122.
his district, and would not have been very responsive to This is the key piece of information they came for, and any
this type of propaganda. additional searching won’t find anything else relevant, but if
16. You find a poster advertising a fireworks festival last the players keep searching you can keep reading them off
summer at The Boardwalk. stuff the list, if you so choose. When they leave, Swift Owl will
17. You find a poster advertising a match at the Colosseum 3 greet them at the ground floor and ask the players if they
years ago between Pretty Polly’s Polymorphs and The found what they were looking for as he walks with them to
Dock Blockers. A DC 13 History check would remind the the gates, saying that he though they would when they tell
characters that P3 and The Dock Blockers are two of the him. No amount of deception will work to act like they didn’t.
12 stables of fighters at the Colosseum. He will thank them for clearing out the spiders, and the dust
18. You find a poster advertising the Clear Coast District’s mephitis as well if they tell him about them, saying that
Governor’s race 5 years ago. A DC 10 History check “those sort of things happen from time to time” with a shrug.
would remind the characters that the Governor for the He will invite them to come back anytime (unless they set the
Clear Coast District has to win a literal race that goes place on fire), especially if they have donations to make.
around the district, including the underwater area, and
that Vulren Zanonsath has won the last two races.
19. You find a poster advertising The Theater of Unusually Awarding XP
Interesting Performances spring line up from a few years
ago, which includes performances of “Olly the Free Ox”, Each player earns 400 XP, which includes the 250 from the
“The Ballet of Undancing”, and “The One Person Play of spiders and mephitis, 50 for cleaning up the webs, and 100
Such Grand Transcendence that your Life will Never be for finding the Tabaxi Taxi Travel log and making the
the Same Featuring the Magnificent Performances of the connection between it and the Hnmng Murders.
Legendary Acting Duo Yenril and Xyrnys.”
20. You find a poster advertising a sale last year on
Ankylosaurs babies at Ladon’s Lovables
21. You find a poster advertising the newly opened Water
Wings, a place by the underwater area of the Clear Coast
District where magic items that help with underwater
travel can be bought or rented.
22. You find a poster advertising residential homes in the
newly constructed Sand Castle Towers development along
the coast.
23. You find a poster advertising Ganu-Manu Gym’s new
Monthly Membership price of 9 gold
24. You find a poster advertising Toecap’s Puzzle House

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Monastery of Knowledge - 1st Floor

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Monastery of Knowledge - Floors 2 - 9

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Monastery of Knowledge - 10th Floor

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Monastery of Knowledge - Floors 11 - 26

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Monastery of Knowledge - From the Top

Chapter 3 – The Monastery of Knowledge

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road
Emnil and Gargrim aren’t watching what happens outside,
Players should now be level 3 with 900 xp (1170 with Gargrim actually being asleep, so the players won’t alert
xp if they did Toecap’s Puzzle House). their attention unless they cause a ruckus or trigger their
alarms. The alarms are setup magically with Grimgar’s
Alarm Bell (ITT 51) in 20 foot cubes centered right in front of
If the players go to Guard Station 122 with the information the front and back doors, and Grimgar will be woken up and
they've gathered so far, Hahlu will inform them it’s silently alerted if any of the players enter these areas.
insubstantial and outdated evidence and not enough to re- Grimgar will suspect they’re guards, and will signal to Emnil
open the case. If the players also figured out that the two to get in position for the trap they’ve setup.
passengers are Emnil and Gargrim, she’ll tell them that it’s If the players talk to the less that cordial neighbours about
also not substantial evidence against them, although Emnil the house, they’ll learn that they think the house is
would be the type to have caused the damage to those killed, abandoned or something, since they never see anybody in
nor do the guards know their whereabouts, but they are and around it or going in or out. If they camp out and watch
already wanted for other crimes, hence the bounties, so the the house they won’t see any activity for 4 days, at which point
players are welcome to try to take them in themselves. the back door will seem to open on its own before closing,
If the players ask for more details about the two, Hahlu will which is actually Gargrim using his invisibility to leave and
inform them that the two are known to work together on steal some more food while they’re laying low, since he’d
occasion, like the latest crime they’re wanted for, a robbery prefer to save the beads of nourishment for a serious
where Emnil nearly killed a man, which is as much detail as situation, plus he doesn’t like them, and is not eager to try any
she's permitted to divulge. Emnil is a very mentally unstable of Emnil’s roasted rat.
Gnoll, borderline feral, and delights in causing pain, to the If the players try to detect magic they’ll see the alarmed
point where he tries to see how much pain he can cause at area around the entrances, which if they’re watching for a
once. Gargrim Is much more level headed, relatively speaking long time they’ll see go down for a minute every 8 hours
at least. He’s a Duerger from the Underdark that can when the effect ends and Gargrim casts the new alarm.
manifest a soulblade at will and enlarge himself, and quite If the players try to open either door, they’ll find it locked,
dangerous. The two have reportedly worked together on and and a DC 13 Thieves’ Tools check will be required to be
off for at least several years, and at least respect the other’s opened.
abilities, even if they don’t always get along. Hahlu will also If the players examine the windows they’ll find them
remind them that they only get the bounty reward is if they boarded up from the inside so tightly that even a mouse
bring the wanted in alive, and could be charged with murder couldn’t squeeze through. Attempting to dislodge the boards
if they kill them. from the outside using a crowbar or carpentry tools is
If the players talk to Wellington, he’ll encourage them to possible, but it’ll take at least 10 minutes to make a hole big
investigate 139 Purple Reef Road and see if they can’t find enough for a medium sized creature to be able to fit through
out anything. He also hasn’t heard anything from Odabi yet. and will be loud enough that both Emnil and Gargrim will be
alerted and in position above the hole. For a tiny sized hole, it
will take 1 minute and a DC 16 (DC 19 if they’ve trigger an
Approaching 139 Purple alarm) Sleight of Hand check to do so without alerting Emnil
or Gargrim. For a medium sized hole, it will take 5 minutes
Reef Road and a DC 19 (or DC 22 with triggered alarm) Sleight of Hand
139 Purple Reef Road is an old, run down brick house that
was probably quite nice when it was originally built, but lack of
care has left it seeing better days, and it looks much worse for
wear than the rest of the run down houses on the street. All
the windows have been boarded up, the roof shingles have
peeled quite a bit, and vines have covered a significant area of
the walls. The outside of the house has a 20 foot wide front
“lawn”, two 10 foot paths down the sides between the house
and the ones beside it, and a 20 foot wide back “lawn” that
opens onto a back road, all of which have old and cracked
brick paving, with small plants growing here and there in the
cracks. If the house didn’t have brick paving, it would no
doubt be over grown and even more dilapidated.

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

1st Floor If an alarm was triggered
If the Alarm effect is triggered and Gargrim awakened, he will
The first floor is fairly open, or it would be if it wasn’t for the create his soulblade and signal to Emnil that they have
trash littered about, especially where the ceiling has collapsed company and to get in position around the hole but hiding
in the middle of the room showing the second floor. There’s low to the ground. He’ll cast Jump on both of them to triple
an old and dusty wood stove in the back corner next to some
their jump as soon as they think they’re in danger, like if they
hear the door open. This will allow them to jump down from
counters, while the stairs to the left have been so piled up
the second floor to the first without worry, and vice versa
with what looks like some old mattresses and chucks of wall provided they can get the 10 feet running start they need, as
that’s impassible until cleaned up. There are oily puddles detailed on page 182 of the PHB. Emnil will be able to clear
against the walls and in the corners where water has seeped in. it easily, but if Gargrim isn’t Enlarged he’ll have to succeed a
Next to the door is a box that has some healing potions in it. DC 12 Athletics check (he has +0 to rolls) or else fall back
Just past the pile of collapsed ceiling, sitting on a chair is an down and take 1d6 bludgeon damage. They may choose to
old doll of a goblin wearing a nice but tattered dress. You jump up and down for some hit and run attacks, depending
immediately recognize it as the doll from Pixane’s room in
on the Party's ranged abilities.
If the player triggered the alarm and picked up the doll,
Toecap’s Puzzle House.
Emnil and Gargrim will get a surprise round on the players.
On their first round, Emnil will throw down his Dust of
The box of vials has 7 Inferior Healing Potions (ITT 52) that Sneezing (DMG 166), which will affect the entire first floor,
players might mistake for regular healing potions, and 1 Vial and if any of the players are affected will trigger one of the
of Acid (PHB 148) mixed in that at a glance looks like doll’s phrases. Meanwhile Gargrim will put a Hunter’s Mark
another healing potion but identifiable if actually examined, on which ever character he perceives as the easiest to take
for 8 vials total. Gargrim is fully aware that they’re there and down and go after them first on next round. On their next
what they are, and in fact put them there with the hope that turn, after the dust has dispersed, they’ll jump down and
any intruder would mistake them for actual healing potions attack, Emnil going after anybody not affected by the dust,
and end up sick, or worse, drink the acid. Otherwise he plans and Gargrim attempting to enlarge as he falls and plant his
on trying to sell them as regular healing potions to the sword down on whomever he marked if possible, which
unsuspecting when he's done laying low. If he’s in a pinch, would be an attack with disadvantage, otherwise he’ll just
Gargrim would try to throw the vial of acid (he knows exactly enlarge and then attack.
which one it is).
The Doll Adjusting the Difficulty
If the party is larger than 4, or if you just want to
The doll is Pixane’s Talking Doll (XGE 140), which looks make the encounter more difficult, add a Grey
exactly like the doll from the Puzzle House save being a little Ooze (MM 243) per additional character, hidden
worn for age, since that one is a recreation of this one. It can and immobile among the trash on the first floor.
say 6 phrases of 6 words under different circumstances. An They become agitated and aggressive when
Arcana check of 10 would reveal it’s currently attuned to stepped upon or when Emnil throws his dust of
someone (Pixane), and that someone is whomever set the sneezing, but they are otherwise unaffected by the
current phrases. The six phrases and the circumstances that dust, and will attack whomever is closest.
trigger them are: Emnil and Gargrim are aware that Grey Ooze(s)
will sometimes be on the first floor, and will keep
When picked up, it says “Can you help me find mommy?” away from them, as the oozes will attack them as
Giving the doll to another person makes the doll say “My well if given the chance. Emnil will view them as
sister is waiting for me.” annoyances that will "steal his toys", while Gargrim
Sneezing around the doll makes it say “He’s the one in will be more than happy to let the oozes take care
charge here.” of the players for him.
If they drop the doll, it will say “I would prefer a rope.”
If they get the doll’s face wet, it will say “Salt water clears
the sinuses.”
Taking the doll by the sea will make it say “Watching the
sea but can’t swim.”
If the players immediately go over and pick up the doll, it
will say “Can you help me find mommy?”, alerting Emnil and
Gargrim, who are up on the second floor.

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

2nd Floor Interrogation and the Guards
If the players attempt to interrogate the two themselves
The second floor is fairly open, thanks to several walls having before turning them over to the guards, see the character
been knocked down to open up the space and have stuff to fill descriptions in the NPC section of this chapter. Emnil doesn’t
the staircase. There are some old empty bed frames here and remember anything useful and Gargrim will keep his mouth
some old boxes. There’s an old sleeping mat up against the shut about anything he thinks is important. Torture won’t
back wall, while a pile of ratty fabrics that were probably bed
work, as it’ll just drive Emnil blood crazed and egger to fight,
and Gargrim will call it pathetic compared to the techniques
coverings sits in the front corner.
in the Underdark.
If the players managed to take them both down without
Gargrim and Emnil are hiding out up here, since Gargrim killing them, they can turn them into the guards for a reward
insisted it gives them the high ground in case they’re (see Awarding XP and Gold). The guards will interrogate
attacked. If they are not alerted, Emnil is “playing” with the them, and will let any players that can persuade them with a
box of rats next to the pile of fabric he calls his bed, while DC 15 Persuasion check be a part of the interrogation, but
Gargrim is asleep on his mat. The box next to his mat they’ll get nothing useful out of them. They will end up in Salt
contains 5 days’ worth of rations and a bag with 12 Beads of Spike Prison for the crimes they’re already wanted for
Nourishments (XGE 137). thought, but not the Hmnmg murders. The guards will let
The thirteen Rats (MM 335) in Emnil’s box have been them know that if they do find more evidence connecting the
repeatedly cut, burned, starved, pierced and just generally two to the murders, they will have the charges added, which
tortured, immediately apparent from the scars and missing may result in the pair being sentenced to death.
limbs the rats have. The rats are in no condition to put up a If the players mention Emnil’s rats to the guards, they will
fight, laying practically motionless in the box save for add 13 counts of torture to Emnil’s sentence, since Emnil will
laboured breathing. If a player picks up a rat, it will quiver in happily confess to doing it.
their hand, afraid it’s about to be hurt. If the players have any If the players show the doll to the guards, either before or
way to talk to the rats, they’ll tell them about the horrible after talking to Wellington and Odabi, they’ll say it doesn’t
things Emnil, who they call “The thin dog”, has done to them. seem to provide any new or useful information to the case,
If the players treat them with kindness and offer to help them and would certainly not be enough evidence to get a warrant
recover, the rat will slowly warm up to the players and be to search Resil’s home.
eternally grateful. If the Players don’t have a way to talk to the If the players killed either of them and tell the guards, the
rats, a DC 10 Animal Handling Check will calm them down guards will have to take the players, or the one who landed
and they will seem to be happy. A Regeneration spell would the killing blow, into custody, but if they player can argue it
completely heal each rat’s physical damage. was in self-defence and that Emnil and Gargrim attacked
first, the guards will let them go with a warning to “not let it
After the fight happen again, and to be more careful with your bounty
hunting in the future.
Loot If the players killed them both, flee the scene and just leave
the bodies, the guards will eventually piece together that they
If the players “confiscate” Gargrim and Emnil’s possessions were the perpetrators, especially if they went knocking on
before handing them over to the guards, the guards will give neighbour’s doors, and will eventually come after them.
them a look like they know what’s up, especially if they take
their armor, but won’t actually say anything unless the players
say something themselves, as bounty hunters claiming prizes
isn't uncommon. All the potentially available loot here is:
Pixane’s Talking Doll (XGE 140)
A box of vials with 7 Inferior Healing Potions (ITT 52)
that players might mistake for regular healing potions,
and 1 Vial of Acid (PHB 148) mixed in that at a glance
looks like another healing potion but identifiable if
actually examined, for 8 vials total.
An Alarm Bell (ITT 51)
Dust of Sneezing (DMG 166), if Emnil doesn’t use it
12 Beads of Nourishments (XGE 137)
Thirteen Rats (MM 335)
Bone Studded Leather Armor (PHB 144)
Leather Armor (PHB 144) with a Mystery Key (XGE 139)
hidden in it that would require a DC 13 Investigation (or
DC 16 if the armor is being worn) to find.
Gargrim's pair of DarkGlassesTM (ITT 51)

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

Talking to Wellington Awarding XP and Gold
If the players take the doll to Wellington, he’ll immediately Each player earns 50 xp for each of the two that is defeated,
recognize it as Pixane’s doll, that it’s a Talking Doll (XGE 140) regardless if it’s dead or alive. If you added any Grey Ooze,
if they don’t already know, and that Toecap gave it to Pixane award 25 xp per ooze defeated. The Guards will give the
for her 6th birthday. He also knows that the only way it can players gold depending on if they bring the two in alive, and
say phrases is if it’s attuned to the person who set the may charge the players with murder if they killed either, but
phrases, and since the phrases sound like ones Pixane would they would be able to argue self defense in this case. They’ll
have set, he thinks that this means that Pixane is still alive. get 2230 gp for Emnil, 1320 gp for Gargrim, or 3550 gp for
He does not however know what the phrases or both, which the players can divide among themselves.
circumstances for them are, or if they have any importance,
but he does know that Pixane liked to take advantage of the
versatility in programing circumstances, and that having the
“Can you help me find mommy?” if picked up seems to simple
for Pixane’s usual settings, unless Pixane is trying to use it to
send a message without somebody noticing. Since the doll is
magical and thus indestructible under normal circumstances,
he encourages them to try a variety of things to try and
trigger the phrases, and maybe they’ll be able to figure what
the message is when they have all the phrases.
Wellington will also tell the players that Odabi thinks she
found out something, so they should all go talk to her, and
show her the doll as well since she might know something.
He will then accompany the players to the Clothes Makers’
Guild Hall.
Talking to Odabi
If the players take the doll to Odabi, she’ll immediately
recognize it as Pixane’s, as Pixane used it as a model for her
early physical creations and showed it to Odabi. If the nature
of the doll with the phrases is explained to her, she’ll suggest
giving the doll tea, since the two would have tea together,
which will splash some liquid on the dolls face for one of the
lines. With that one and the sneezing line explained to her,
Odabi will suggest that it’s pointing to Resil Tsen, since he
live on the sea and would sneeze heavily around Pixane and
Toecap thanks to her father’s flowers, which also ties in with
what she was able to dig up.
Odabi was able to find out that Resil Tsen was asking
around about Toecap and Pixane in the weeks before the
murder. It seems he asked a few people, specifically trying to
get their address and schedule so he could “setup a meeting
about some possibilities in the future.” Given how little Resil
has ever cared for others and how unlikely he would be to go
out of his way to help someone, Odabi thinks Resil has
something to do with the murders, and if this doll is evidence
that Pixane is alive and being held captive, Odabi thinks that
that was what Resil was up to. Wellington, if there, will
suggest that Resil is the one holding Pixane. Odabi will say
that either way, they’re going to have to pay Resil a visit at his
home, 3131 Sandcastle Towers.
The players will have to decide how to approach Resil Tsen
in his home, with Odabi proposing Deception, with her and
the players just showing up to “pay him a visit” pretending to
be fashion designers, while Wellington suggests infiltrating
the tower stealthily at night. Whichever one they decide on,
they should probably pay a visit to Water Wings to figure out
how they want to travel to the tower.

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

Gargrim is a bit paranoid about getting caught by the
NPCs guards, and thus “acquired” an Alarm Bell that he’ll regularly
Gargrim and Emnil were trying to lay low in this hideout, use to put 20 foot cubes in front of the front and back doors,
which they’ve used several times before for such a purpose. the only ways in or out of the house without breaking through
This time it's because of the robbery they committed 10 days one of the boarded up windows. He has no loyalty to Emnil,
ago. and won’t hesitate to leave him behind and try to escape if he
thinks he’s going to get caught. He’s got a Mystery Key (XGE
Emnil 139) hidden in his armor that would require a DC 16
Investigation (or DC 13 if the armor has been removed and
Emnil of the Biting Bastards is a Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (Volo they’re investigating it specifically) to find. If he’s left in his
154), and very sadistic. Emnil looks positively wild, especially armor and the key isn’t found, he will eventually be able to use
with his studded leather armor appearing to use bones for it to escape from the guards sometime later, which will get
studs, and is quite thin from forgetting to eat. He delights in him a bounty of 3750 gold for Escaping from Custody.
inflicting pain, to the point where he needs to inflict pain If the players try to bluff that they’re criminals to Gargrim,
regularly to be satisfied and barely notices his physical needs. Gargrim will ask them to name the Thieves’ Company’s
To this end, there’s a box of rats he regularly tortures in the second in command. The correct answer is Dhatson, a black
house that Gargrim gave him to keep him “satisfied and from Lesser Rakshasa (MM 257), but Gargrim actually doesn’t
going after the neighbours”. He would try attacking Gargrim, know this, having never met nor learned about him thanks to
but he’s learned the hard way that Gargrim will fight back, the Thieves’ Company’s secretive nature despite being a
and prefers not to be attacked back. Hence why he’s all too member, and is instead trying to gauge the players’
happy to use the Dust of Sneezing (DMG 166) he has in their responsive. If any of the players answer with a Deception 13
trap. He does stick with Gargrim because he does find Emnil or higher, he will believe they do know the second in
opportunities to indulge his sadism, but has no real loyalty to command, and are either high ranking thieves or high
the Duergar. ranking guards (if not both), and are there to kill him, so he’ll
If the player try to bluff that they’re criminals like then, immediately try to escape. If any of the players fail to deceive
Emnil won’t care, and will still attack. Emnil will keep him, he’ll attack them thinking they’re low level guards that
fighting until incapacitated, regardless of what happens to he can take.
him or Gargrim, gaining a blood crazed look in his eyes as If the players manage to do some significant damage to
either he inflicts damage or is inflicted with damage. Gargrim, he’ll use his invisibility to try and flee, and won’t
If interrogated, he will try to snap and bite at people if his hesitate to put Emnil between himself and the players to do
head isn’t restrained, especially if players wave fingers in his so.
face. Emnil legitimately does not recall any details about the If interrogated, Gargrim will be as non-responsive as he
Hmnmg Murders, but if any details are described to him he’ll can be and just not answer questions. He does remember the
say that “it sounds like it was a fun time”. He does not know Hmnmg Murders, and that it wasn’t some random robbery,
Resil Tsen by name, only thinking of him as “that guy”, and in but they were in fact hired to abduct Pixane for Resil Tsen,
fact has never met him, which is because Resil considers him who’s hired them a few other times to rough up people or
a degenerate and not someone he should let anywhere near steal something for him. He doesn’t have any strong loyalty to
himself, something Emnil has no idea nor cares about. Resil, but won’t reveal anything under normal circumstances,
If asked about the doll, Emnil will simply reply that it’s no and has learned from experience that things like zones of
fun hurting things that aren’t alive. Emnil will ask if he can truth can be negated by simply replying “I don’t want to talk
have his rats back, and if in the guards station, if he can have to you” to everything. He does this since revealing a client
a cell mate to “have fun with”. would “impact his business opportunities”, as well as put him
at risk of retaliation from the Thieves’ Company. The perks of
Gargrim this is that if he keeps his mouth shut, they’ll eventually get
Gargrim Gramson is a Duergar Soulblade (OotA 227) who him out of jail, either legally or not, so he’s got plenty of
likes to think of himself as a cunning criminal, but is in fact incentives. If directly asked if he knows anything about Resil
little more than a brute. Thanks to his Sunlight Sensitivity he Tsen, he will reply with a standard “I don’t want to talk to
has a pair of DarkGlassesTM (ITT 51) that he leaves perched you.”
upon his bald head when not wearing them. He partnered up If asked about the doll, he’ll say he found it with one of their
with Emnil because having him around makes him feel payments (from Resil) a few years ago and set it up in the
smarter, but he’s so dumb this isn’t something he’s middle of the room to act like a lure because “Everybody
consciously realized. This doesn’t stop him from calling focuses too much on the creepy doll, and since it says
himself the smart one of the group, and would get angry if something when picked up, that makes it perfect for letting
anyone pointed out that that’s not a high bar to clear, us know when someone’s in position.” He has no idea it’s
especially if it’s just the two of them. Pixane’s doll, but if the players keep up about it, he would
eventually put together that it’s connected to the Hmnmg
murders somehow, which will cause him to stop talking
about it.

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

139 Purple Reef Road Map with Alarm Areas

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

139 Purple Reef Road Map

Chapter 4 – 139 Purple Reef Road

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers
If the players do want to go this route, you’ll want all of
Player Planning their passive Deceptions or Performance, depending on
The players will have to decide how to approach Resil Tsen in which skill they’re going to try to use, as some of the NPCs
his home, with Odabi proposing Deception, with her and the (especially Shezta) will be doing Insight and Perception
players just showing up to “pay him a visit”, trying to find and checks on them. These passives are calculated just like their
free Pixane without a fight, while Wellington suggests passive Perception and can be increased with disguises,
infiltrating the tower stealthily at night, apprehending based on the quality of the disguises. Basically the more
everyone as they look for Pixane. Regardless what the players effort the players put into their disguises, with thought of
decide on, Odabi will suggest they should pay a visit to Water their outfit, style, etc, give them an additional 1 to 5 to their
Wings to figure out how they want to travel to the tower. passive. You don’t have to actually tell them how much you’ve
If the players have any questions about 331 Sandcastle given them though, they can just know their passive and that
Towers, Odabi can tell them the following: they’ve added to it. This should give the players a constant
sense of tension as to if their deception is working. Or you
She’s been there twice before, to talk with Resil about can just ignore all this and have players roll a bunch of
collaborations, but they were both before the murders. opposing rolls.
It’s one of about a couple hundred or so tower residences If the players want to try Wellington’s plan of infiltration,
in this Sandcastle development he’ll suggest they wait until night and attempt to sneak in,
The tower is where Resil lives and works, and is one of find Pixane, and then sneak out, hopefully without alerting
the few towers in the development that isn’t divided into anyone. Wellington wouldn’t be opposed to attacking them all
individual apartments. It is also along the far edge of the in their sleep if they did kidnap Pixane and kill Stralk and
underwater area, before the drop off that opens up to the Cantle, but point out that the guards probably wouldn’t like it
sea proper if they killed anyone, although they could probably justify
The first floor is at sea level, with a dock and main taking them down once they find Pixane, or even just
entrance, and is devoted to working and storage. evidence that they were involved in the murders. He will also
His workers/servants are some Sahuagin (MM 264) comment that he thinks it will be satisfying for the lot of them
There are at least two floors below sea level that are to get sentenced to life in Salt Spike Prison. While the
flooded and where Resil’s Sahuagin servants/workers live, players are sneaking around they will have to remain quite to
and if it’s anything like other Sandcastle towers, there are a certain degree to keep from waking up anyone who is
entrances down here. sleeping. Combat will automatically wake up anyone in any
The second floor has a meeting room and some common adjacent rooms, including above or below the combat.
areas, which the Sahuagin aren’t allowed to Of course, the players can come up with their own plans as
Resil lives somewhere above the second floor. well. A combination of Odabi’s and Wellington’s plans, where
If Pixane is being held captive by Resil, she’s probably in they scout the tower first before infiltrating it, is absolutely
the tower in one of the rooms above the second floor. Resil possible, as are other plans not detailed here. Players are not
has always been a possessive type, hence why he has his required to stick to either of the plans presented, they could
workers live under him, so he likely wouldn’t want her try a full frontal assault hoping that if Resil does have Pixane
very far. captive, he’ll be reluctant to call the guards on them, which is
Resil has an assistant, a Yuan-ti Pureblood (MM 310) in fact true. Odabi will be willing to go along with any plan
name Shezta, who lives in his tower and is rarely far from that doesn’t break the law, while Wellington will be more
him flexible but not in favor of outright killing them.
He also has a guard for his tower, a Minotaur (MM 223)
named Linefin Salthoof, who carries a big axe that he’s
pretty possessive of, and probably also lives in the tower. Adjusting the Difficulty
This section was designed with the intent that the
If the players want to try Odabi’s plan of deception, she’ll players not be all out attacking everything at once.
suggest that they pretend to be her protégé’s and that she As such, if they aren't careful, they could end up
stopped in to pay Resil a visit. He’s never kept up on others in facing a lot of enemies all at once, some of whom
the community, so he’ll have no idea that she’s effectively are on par with the players, making for difficult
retired or that they aren’t actually designers themselves, so fights.
they could come up with some “colorful” personalities to If you feel your players might do this, or they just
become the role. He won’t be happy by them just showing up, had some bad luck, you can adjust things by
but stroking and flattering his ego by talking about how great lowering the number of Sahuagin that might
engage the players and/or by removing Softscales.
he and his designs are, and how they wanted to see a master Or if you want to go the other way and make
at work, will probably work well enough to get him to give things more difficult, like if you've got more than
them a tour and brag about himself, probably long enough for 4-5 players, you could add another Giant
someone to sneak out, try to find Pixane and sneak her out. Constrictor Snake (MM 324), some Giant Poisonous
Snakes (MM 327) or Swarms of Poisonous Snakes
(MM 338), either in the Snake Room, Shezta's
Room, or in the attic.

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

Water Wings Sea Elves
Water Wings is a shop along the coast that specializes in Per Storm King’s Thunder, Sea elves use the
selling and renting items that help with swimming, and even merfolk (MM 218) statistics, with the following
mounts. The prices are pretty good, but do require a deposit changes
that covers an amount of the item’s cost if something happens The sea elves have the elf subtype and are
to it. It is run by a Sea elf married couple, Arafina and Neridi chaotic good.
Jetties. Neridi is a tall buff woman who enjoys surfing and They have advantage on saving throws against
swimming, and Arafina is slim fit woman who enjoys being charmed, and magic can't put them to
swimming and singing. Both are more than happy to help sleep.
customers, as they started Water Wings with the goal of They have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
sharing their love of swimming with others. Players will have They speak Common and Elvish.
to pay for the rental time they give up front, and failure to
return the items in a timely fashion will result in paying for A copy of the changed stats is available in the
Creature Stats section of this adventure (ITT 54)
the additional time, loss of deposit, and possible fines.
Players can pay for potential additional time, which will be
returned with the deposit if the item is returned in time.
Water Wings Item Guide

Water Rental Purchase

Items Page Attunement Swim Speed Breathing per Day Deposit Price
Potion of Water DMG No NA Yes NA NA 12 gp
Breathing 188
Candy of Water ITT 60 No NA Yes NA NA 14 gp
Cap of Water Breathing DMG No NA Yes 5 gp 10 gp 50 gp
Ring of Water Walking DMG No NA No 15 gp 30 gp 150 gp
Gloves of Swimming DMG Yes Walking No 25 gp 50 gp 250 gp
and Climbing 172 Speed
Ring of Swimming DMG No 40 feet No 30 gp 60 gp 300 gp
Cloak of the Manta Ray DMG No 60 feet Yes 35 gp 70 gp 350 gp
Fishscale Mail ITT 60 Yes Walking Yes 55 gp 110 gp 550 gp
Mariner's Armor DMG No Walking No 40 gp + 10 % 80 gp + 20% 400 gp +
181 Speed of Armor cost of armor cost Armor cost
(PHB 145)

Vessels and Mounts

Rowed Vessels (PHB 155) like Keelboats and rowboats are used on lakes and rivers. If going downstream, add the speed of the
current (typically 3 miles per hour) to the speed of the vehicle. These vehicles can’t be rowed against any significant current, but
they can be pulled upstream by draft animals on the shores. A rowboat weighs 100 pounds, in case adventurers carry it over land.
The water in the Clear Coast Underwater Residential area is calm and clear, with no natural turbulence unless there’s a storm.
Vehicles Page Capacity Speed Rental per Day Deposit Purchase Price
Rowboat PHB 157 2 Med Creatures 1.5 mph Rowing Speed, 5 gp 10 gp 50 gp
13 ft per round
Folding Boat DMG 170 4 or 15 Med Creatures 1.5 mph Rowing Speed, 475 gp 950 gp 4750 gp
13 ft per round
Giant Sea Horse MM 328 1 Med Creature 40 ft per round swimming 7.5 gp 15 gp 75 gp

Note: The Giant Seahorse rental does include saddle and bridle, but purchasing does not. An Exotic Saddle (PHB 157), which
costs 60 gold, would be needed and is available at Water Wings. This also doesn’t include Feed and Stabling, which Water Wings
offers at standard prices.
Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers
Shezta will need to be convinced that the players are there to
3131 Sandcastle Towers visit Resil, especially since he never has visitors. Odabi will
automatically succeed at this so long as the players follower
The Sandcastle Towers are a collection of a couple hundred her lead. Resil will ignore things until his name is mentioned
towers just offshore jutting out of the ocean, their lower floors or he is specifically called out to, which if Odabi is leading
beneath the surface connecting them to the underwater area things will be almost immediately. He will be easily
they are a part of. Families of semi-aquatic races abound, persuaded to show them around if his ego is flattered, to the
diving from open windows, lounging on docks, or swimming
point that a persuasion check isn’t needed at all.
around. The towers all have some sort of sand plaster coating,
If talked into giving a tour:
making them look just like the sandcastles you see at the
Resil stands proud as he waits for everyone to be looking at
beach, only much larger. Some towers have even been
him before starting. “Ahem. I am the great fashion designer
decorated with large fake shells and similar decorations.
Resil Tsen. No doubt you are all aware of the numerous awards
3131 Sandcastle Tower, however, has no decorations, and
I’ve won, and the celebrities and politicians who have worn my
no real notable markings aside from the standard number
clothes. You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have at least some
marker every tower has. It sits at the back edge of the
awareness of that, I would hope, but you are new to all this,
collection, and seems to be farther from the other towers,
which is why Ms Loomshift has brought you all here, to learn
enough that it’s not an easy swim to from the nearest one, as
from her better. So pay attention, I’m not going to repeat
if it has been slowly trying to distance itself and sail out to sea.
myself. Which is my first lesson. Don’t repeat yourself. All my
The Tower appears to be 5 stories tall, with a small tower
designs are 100% original. Not a single one is like anything
along one side, and a square protrusion on the other. The
else. That’s why my outfits are in such high demand. I’ve got
entrance to 3131 is a set of double door with a 30 foot long
some, help,” he says with a gesture to the Sahuagin. “They
and 10 foot wide dock for boats and mounts to tie up to.
have been find diligent workers, and quite lucky to have me
employ them. Few would employ…” he pauses for a moment
If the players come during the day, the front door is unlocked. as if trying to remember something before waving a hand
If the players come at night, the front door is locked and dismissively and resuming, “these shark people in this city.
without a key (which Sheta, Linefin and Resil all have copies
of), a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the Their race has had a long hostility with the sea elves, and are
door's lock with a successful DC 15 Dex check and 1 minute lucky that generous people such as myself see fit to give them
of time. a place in our society. But let’s not disturb their work, they
have deadlines to meet. Why don’t we go upstairs, where I can
1 - Ground Floor show you just some of the awards I’ve won!”

The ground floor area is primarily a working area with 15 foot Resil will then lead the players up to the second floor, with
tall ceilings, with eight sewing stations, stools and Shezta right behind him. Linefin will stay there. When the
accompanying mannequins on spinning platforms, half formed players climb the stairs, if one of the players wished to keep
outfits pinned together in mid creation draped upon them. A going up without being noticed, they would have to succeed a
set of open doors reveal a storage area will of fabric and other DC 15 Stealth check. Shezta will absolutely notice if more
material across the room from the spiral stair case that leads than one player disappears.
to the other floors, with the stairs leading down flooded. A
desk with important looking drawings in progress sits by the Combat in the Tower
storage area, while a neatly organized desk sits between it and If players engage in combat in the tower, they will
the entrance. alert anyone in any adjacent rooms, which includes
the rooms above and below them.
This may be beneficial if the party has split up
If the players come at night, no one will normally be in the for whatever reason and someone gets into a fight,
room. but it may also be harmful given the high number
If the players come during the day: of potential enemies in the tower.
Either way, keep this in mind if combat breaks
Eight Sahuagins sit at the stations, measuring and cutting out.
fabric. Some of them look up at you with a weary look before
getting back to work. A large Minotaur sits on the floor by the
stairs watching you carefully as he polishes his axe in an
almost threatening manner. A human sits at the desk by the
storage area looking over some drawings, while a Yuan-ti
woman is sitting at the desk closest to the doors and looks up
from some documents, looking you up and down before
asking “Hello, who are you?”

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

2 - Basement Floor 1 If Khalaash isn’t with the players and Gyra is alerted to the
players’ presence, she’ll immediately get defensive and
This floor is flooded and appears to primarily be a common
demand what they’re doing in her room, like her mother.
If the players come here at night, Khalaash will normally
area, with two large algae cover couches in the middle of the
be sleeping here. She will wake up if the players fail a DC 15
room, and a make shift alter to one side decorated with several Stealth check, DC 17 if they’re in an adjacent room.
items with shark motifs. There are two sets of double doors in
the room, while the windows down here have decorative 4 - The Other Three Bedrooms
grates over them, presumably to prevent large creatures from
This bedroom has a few hammock-like beds made of woven
just swimming in.
kelp hanging from the ceiling and wall. A stone dresser rests
against the wall.
This is the Sahuagin common area. A DC 17 Religion check
would reveal that the items with the shark motifs are The stone dressers contain some worn and simple clothes.
dedicated to the worship of Sekolah, god of sharks. If the players come during the day, the rooms are empty.
The entrance on this level is normally kept locked. If the players come at night, there’s a Sahuagin sleeping in
Khalaash has a key for it, and main entrance keys also work each bed. They will wake up if the players fail a DC 16 Stealth
on this door. check, DC 18 if they’re in an adjacent room.
The far doors lead to a storage room that has shelves with
sealed jars of fish preserves on them. 5 - The Bathroom
If the players come during the night, this floor will be
empty. The bathroom has a sink, tub and toilet, all of which seem to
If the players come during the day: work perfectly fine underwater.

A Sahuagin woman can be found here, kneeling before some

They’re all magic fixtures that work underwater and are
sort of shark idol. detectable as such. A DC 1 Arcana check would reveal that
“They’re magic because the architect though that that made
If Khalaash is alerted to the player’s presence: more sense than no bathroom at all down here.”
The woman stands and turns quickly in your direction. “Who 2nd Floor
are you and what are you doing here?” she demands harshly, 6 - Common Area
barring her shark-like teeth at you.
This common room has a kitchenette to one side, and a large
table with some fashionable couches around it and a set of
Khalaash is the Sahuagin who is off today, and will not be
very receptive to the player’s presence, especially if any of double doors are the other side of the room. The walls are
them are elves or Shezta is there, and will need at least a DC lined with various plaques and awards.
13 Persuasion check in order to convince her you mean no
harm. Her opinions can be changed however if the players Nobody is normally in this room.
tell her why they’re really there. A DC 14 Investigation of DC 16 History check of the
plaques and awards will reveal most of them to be fakes, and
Basement Floor 2 that anything looks like gold or platinum is costume jewelry.
If Resil brought the players up here, Shezta will prepare a
This floor is also flooded, with a hall way of 5 doors. pot of tea while Resil talks at length about his awards. The
players can talk freely among themselves in whispered tones
None of the doors lock, but a DC 17 Stealth check (or DC 15 at this point, as Resil will be talking loud enough to cover
during the day) would be required to not alert anyone inside their whispers. If the players haven’t done anything to alert
the room. Shezta’s suspicions, she won’t pay any attention to the players
so long as they're whispering. If the players have raised her
3 - Khalaash and Gyra’s Bedroom suspicions, she will try to listen in to the players if they start
talking with Perception checks against their passive
This bedroom has a large hammock-like bed made of woven Deception.
kelp hanging from the ceiling and wall. A stone dresser rests If any players ask to use the washroom, Shezta will tell
against the wall, while a child sized desk sits in the corner. them it’s upstairs and at the end of the hall, and that they
should not go through any of the double doors. If asked why,
If the players come during the day: she’ll simply reply that they’re private rooms. If the players
are gone more than 10 minutes, Shezta will try to go check
on them.
A sea elf child is sitting at the desk, reading a waterproof book.

If Khalaash is with the players, she’ll introduce them to


Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

7 - Balcony 12 - Resil’s Bedroom
The balcony area is a simple stone area with a waist high wall This room is extravagantly decorated with fine tapestries. A
around it. A spectacular view of the sea and the Plifortakune drawing desk sits to one side, a handful of half-finished
harbour can be seen from here. drawings stuck to it. Tall dressers full of outfits stand beside
and across from the large bed.
A Passive Perception of 18 or higher would see the small
hand and foot holds that have been worn into the side of the If the players come at night, Resil will be asleep in her bed.
tower from the balcony that lead up to a window on the He will wake up if the players fail a DC 17 Stealth check, DC
fourth floor. Any creature without a climbing speed would 19 if they’re in an adjacent room.
have to succeed on a DC 18 Athletics check if they’re Medium
or larger, or a DC 12 Athletics check is they’re Small or Tiny. 13 - Pixane’s Bedroom
This small room is full of scattered papers, each with their own
3rd Floor clothing design half done before being tossed away. The small
There are three rooms on this floor. bed is unkempt, as if the person who sleeps in it never sleeps
well. A drawing table sits against the wall, seemingly arranged
8 - Linefin’s Bedroom so that anyone sitting at it could look out the window to the
A simple, messy room that smells like wet cow. unfettered sea beyond.

If the players come at night, Linefin is asleep in his bed. He If the players come during the day:
will wake up if the players fail a DC 14 Stealth check, DC 16
if they’re in an adjacent room. A young goblin girl sits asleep at the desk, clearly exhausted
from working through the night, a ball and chain shackled to
9 - Snake Room
her ankle.
This room has about 2 and a half feet of loose sand in it.
If the players rouse her with a gentle shake, she’ll react stare
The sand makes this room have difficult terrain. Combat in at them in bewilderment before whispering “Are you here to
this room will alert anyone in an adjucent room, including save me?”, holding back tears.
above and below. If the players come at night:
There are two Giant Constrictor Snakes (MM 324) in this
room hidden under the sand. They are Shezta’s pets, which A pair of young girls, a sea elf and a goblin wearing a ball and
she calls Coilheart and Softscale, and will follow her chain, sit on the bed, talking in hushed whispers to themselves
commands. If the players walk into the room, they will attack
them. If the players harm either of them, especially after she with silent giggles before noticing you. The two immediately
told them not to go into the room, Shezta will attack the jump up defensively, with the younger sea elf girl getting
players. between you and the goblin girl, baring her shark-like teeth at
you. “What are you doing here?” the goblin girl asks in a
10 - Bathroom hushed tone, a twinge of hope in her voice
A standard bathroom with a tub, toilet and sink. It smells of
wet cow. If Wellington is with the party:

A normal functioning bathroom. As soon as she sees Wellington, she breaks down in tears,
holding back her voice with hands over her mouth, as
4th Floor Wellington rushes to her side, comforting her as he tells her
"It's alright now."
There are four rooms on this floor.
11 - Shezta’s Bedroom 14 - Bathroom
A large bed rests against the far wall, with images of snakes A standard bathroom with a tub, toilet and sink. It smells of
hanging on the walls. The room is well organized and the bed fancy perfumes.
is neatly made.

If the players come at night, Shezta will be asleep in her bed.

She will wake up if the players fail a DC 15 Stealth check,
DC 17 if they’re in an adjacent room.

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

15 - 5th Floor Shezta
Shezta is a LN Yuan-ti Pureblood (MM 310), who can speak
This attic space has tall dressers abound, all filled with various
Sahuagin and is wearing a Cloak of the Manta Ray (DMG
outfits. 159). She’s Resil’s assistant and the second in command at
the tower. A prim and proper woman, she’s well organized
These outfits are all easily identifiable as high end products and speaks formally and fiercely to others. She is loyal to
and "Resil" originals, although in reality they are largely Resil, and will do anything asked of her.
designs Pixane came up with. She won’t hesitate to order the Sahuagin to attack if she
thinks something is wrong, and they will begrudgingly do
what Shezta orders them to do unless otherwise persuaded.
NPCs She will on occasion go down their living areas to “examine
Resil Tsen things and make sure they aren’t corroding the tower’s
foundation” and other such excuses, instead trying to see if
Resil Tsen (ITT 54) is a tall, pale human with slick backed they’re doing anything might threaten her or Resil.
black hair, dark brown eyes, and an arrogant look on his face. Shezta will regularly insight the party (she has +1 to
he’s wearing a fine dark blue silk robe, which is Robe of Insight rolls) if they attempt to pass themselves off a fashion
Sentient Silk (ITT 52), which his stats block already accounts designers and if the players say or do something suspicious.
for. Asocial, he doesn’t care much for other, but does care See the Passive Deception description earlier in this chapter
what others think of him. He won’t be happy if the players just for options. Whichever you choose, a failure does not result
show up, but if they stroke and flatter his ego talking about in her immediately thinking they aren’t fashion designers, but
how great he and his designs are will work to get him to talk instead thinking that they’re idiots trying to put on airs, at
about himself and give them a bit of a tour. least so long as they’re just trying to deceive her into thinking
Resil is allergic to flowers and will do his best to keep his they’re fashion designers. Shezta will believe Odabi however,
distance from them, otherwise he has to make a con save to being familiar with her and seeing no reason why she would
avoid sneezing (see stat block for specifics). If presented with be trying to deceive them, unless of course someone slips and
flowers outside of combat, consider it an automatic fail and mentions Toecap, which will immediately put Shezta on
have him sneeze. edge. If Shezta is suspicious, she won’t immediately say
He is still a cruel man however, having order the abduction anything, but she will try to slip away to get Linefin, the
of Pixane and the killing of Stralk and Cantel, all just so Sahuagin and/or her pet Giant Constrictor Snakes (MM
Pixane could make designs he could pass off as his own, and 324) so that she can properly “interrogate” the players. She
regularly keeps her in line by threatening to abduct other won’t tell Resil until she’s properly in position.
children to take her place if she doesn’t keep making designs Shezta is indifferent to Pixane, seeing her no differently
like he wants, which he would do if he though he found a than the Sahuagin, workers that do as she tells them. She’s
child who could replace her. Thankfully he doesn’t go out responsible for Pixane’s meals, but intentionally keeps them
much, let alone in situations where there are children, small in an effort to keep Pixane from getting strong enough
especially those with the ability to design clothes, so he to fight back.
doesn’t have any actual potential candidates. Pixane however Shezta doesn’t see Khalaash as any different from the
doesn’t know this, but still absolutely despises him. other Sahuagin. She doesn’t care for Gyra, as she doesn’t
Resil is glad to have a loyal assistant like Shezta, but has care for children in general, and will actively ignore her if
no loyalty to her himself, and wouldn’t hesitate to leave her possible. Shezta does not care for Linefin, but does find him
behind to try to and save his own skin and/or escape. useful and simpleminded. She is aware he has a berserker
He finds Linefin useful, especially at intimidating others problem, but isn’t aware it’s because of his axe being cursed.
and keeping watch, but has no loyalty to him. Shezta adores her pet Giant Constrictor Snakes (MM
Resil cares only for the Sahuagin in so far as they are good 324), Coilheart and Softscale, which have their own room on
workers that he can get away with having to work long hours the third floor, and are a close second to Resil. Coilheart is
and paying less than standard wages (by quite a bit). dark brown with a light brown heart shape on his snout,
Resil is only vaguely aware of Gyra, and has though that while Softscales is a golden brown. If the players hurt either
taking her hostage might be useful if the Sahuagin start of them, Shezta won’t hesitate to hurt the players. Linefin and
getting uppity. Resil are happy to leave the snakes alone, and might set them
loose if they think it can help them. The snakes will leave
them alone if not provoked by them, being used to their scent,
but will retaliate if hurt.

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

Linefin Salthoof Resil has been having her design outfit for him, having
seen some of the stuff she showed Odabi back in the day, and
Linefin is a NE Minotaur (MM 223) guard with a Berserker deciding that he could kidnap her and pass off her designs as
Axe (DMG 155), and a merged statblock available in this his own, and just about everything he tries to pass off as his
adventure (ITT 53) for ease of use. He’s a man of few word, own is in fact her’s these days. Pixane will do what she’s told
preferring to let his body do the talking. by Resil or Shezta, afraid that if she doesn’t, she’ll be killed
He’ll listen to Resil and Shezta, like when they want him to and another child abducted in her place, as Resil has
move something heavy and especially when he gets attack threaten her with. Resil has even brought in pictures of
something, but isn’t devoted to them. That doesn’t mean he “potential replacements” to show her on occasion when he
can be easily turn against them however, since he’s feels she’s not working as hard as he’d like. As such, Pixane
comfortable with his job and isn’t at all bothered by the absolutely despises Resil and Shezta, and would not hesitate
unscrupulous things Resil and Shezta do. He’s fully aware to hurt them if she though it would stop him. She is however
that Pixane’s being held captive, but he doesn’t care a bit reluctant to teach Gyra anything about design, for fear that
about her, while enjoying intimidating her on the occasions Resil will see her a “suitable replacement”.
he can. He will use the slightest excuse he can to start a fight, Pixane is terrified of Linefin, since he’s two sizes bigger
something the Sahuagin know and do their best to avoid. than her and a brute who likes to intimidate her.
Linefin is completely unaware of Gyra, since she keeps as far Pixane has been pretty sad since her kidnapping, since
away as possible from him. she’s aware her father and brother were bad hurt when she
Linefin is cursed by his Berserker Axe (something he isn’t was abducted, and could have in fact died. She’s not aware of
aware of himself), and is unwilling to part with it. He has her mother’s passing or the puzzle house, and still holds hope
disadvantage on all attacks not made with the axe. If hurt, her mother will come and rescue her.
Linefin must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or go Pixane is glad that Gyra comes to visit and try to cheer her
berserk. While berserk, Linefin must use his action each up, and is incredibly grateful to have the young, kind girl to
round to attack the creature nearest to him with the axe, comfort her sometimes, although sometimes when she’s very
moving to attack the next nearest creature after felling his low she worries that Gyra is just a figment of her imagination
current target. If he has multiple possible targets, he attacks brought on by the situation. She would however do her best
one at random. He is berserk until he starts his turn with no to defend Gyra from attack if it came to it, even from Linefin
creatures within 60 feet of himself that he can see or hear. who terrifies her.
Linefin will not handover his axe to anyone who might want Pixane doesn't know any of the Sahuagin, but feels for
to inspect it, not even Shezta or Resil, who would both be them thanks to Gyra.
hesitant to try. A Perception of DC 17 or higher would alert a
player that his axe is not a regular axe, while an Arcana check The Sahuagin
of DC 19, or DC 16 if they can somehow get up close to it, as 8 LN Sahuagin (MM 263) inhabit the tower with Khalaash
well as an Identify spell or an hour examining it, would reveal and Gyrashil. They work as seamsters for Resil, putting
it to be a Berserker Axe. together “his” designs into outfits to sell. They’ve actually
A DC 18 History check would reveal to the players that become quite good at it, now being proficient in Weaver’s
Linefin was once a rising star at the Colosseum before being Tools, evening have had to loom their own fabrics for certain
barred after attacking several people outside the Colosseum. effects.
Linefin will not be happy if asked about it, and might even They still follow Khalaash as their preistess, and will do
attack the player right there if asked in a particularly anything she asks of them.
disrespectful manner or by a player he doesn’t like. If the They don’t have any loyalty to Resil, Shezta or Linefin,
guards can be convinced to show the players Linefin’s record, since they know they’re being undervalued and looked down
it would reveal he deliberately attacked the supports of upon, even if they can’t always understand what’s being said
someone he just lost to after they taunted him for his lose. around them since they don’t speak common. They all work,
Being Large, Linefin has to squeeze on the stairs, which including Khalaash, 10 hours each day, including weekend,
makes the stairs difficult terrain for him, gives him with one day off for each of them every 9 nine days, so one of
disadvantage on attack rolls and dexterity saving throws, and them has the day off while the other 8 work. They will
gives attack against him advantage while he’s squeezing. begrudgingly follow non-sewing orders from Shezta (who can
Pixane speak Sahuagin), but can easily be turned against them,
especially if Khalaash, their priestess, talks to them or better
The daughter of Toecap, now 19, and prisoner of Resil. She opportunities are presented to them.
uses Noble (MM 348) stats The Sahuagin all love Gyra, playing with her whenever
Pixane doesn’t know how to swim, plus she’s wearing a set they can, and are working hard to give her a better future. If
of Weighted Shackle (ITT 52), which would sink her if she somebody attacks Gyra, they won’t hesitate to attack them
did try to swim away. The key is hidden somewhere is Resil’s back.

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

Khalaash Gyrashiil
Khalaash is a LN Sahuagin Priestess (MM 264) who can Gyrashiil (ITT 53), a sea elf name that means Joybringer, is
speak common. She came to the city after the near the Malenti daughter of Khalaash. She’s about 9 years old,
annulation of her clan and death of their Baron leader at the and looks much like a sea elf, save for her shark like teeth
tentacles of a Kraken. Khalaash came to the city pregnant, and clawed fingers, which less perceptive people might not
and gave birth to a Malenti daughter, Gyrashiil. Malenti are even notice. She’s a kind and innocent youth who likes
Sahuagin that look like Sea Elves, and can happen when making people happy.
Sahuagin give birth near sea elf communities. She’s developed a secret friendship with Pixane, whose
Khalaash is warry of others, especially elves, and will need room she sneaks into at night sometimes. Pixane has been
at least a DC 13 Persuasion check in order to convince her happy to have a friend during all this, and calls her Gyra.
you mean no harm. Gyra is also quite fond of Pixane, since she’s her only friend
Khalaash believes that Sahuagin used to be elves who as her mother is afraid to let her wander far from home, and
were changed by their worship of Sekolah, god of sharks, is quite impressionable, but still gets the impression that
much in the same way the drow were changed by their Pixane has a great sadness in her life, so Gyra tries to do
worship of Lolth, and that the possibilities of malentis are things that she things will Pixane smile, which Pixane does
evidence of that. She hasn’t expressed these ideas to the rest appreciate. Gyra is not quite aware that Pixane is being held
of her clan, since they’re still acclimating to living in a city against her will, only that if she attempted to leave it would
with sea elves, and they aren’t about to give up worshiping of get her in trouble, which Gyra can relate to. She’s still willing
Sekolah, at least not yet, but does express the belief that they to help Pixane where ever she can, like sneaking her extra
should all stop the bloodshed and attempt to live peacefully food, and Gyra was the one who helped Pixane get her
for a more prosperous future. talking doll out of tower at Pixane’s request, having put it in a
Khalaash loves Gyra, but is overly protective of her, afraid bag of gold hoping it would be going to a bank or something,
that she’ll be attacked for being different if she goes too far, only for it to be used for payment to Emnil and Gargrim. If
and as such she isn’t permitted to leave the tower most of the the players mention that they are looking for Pixane around
time. Khalaash has been teaching Gyra as best she can, Gyra, Gyra will become visibly agitated, unsure if she should
having been able to teach the both of them common, and talk about Pixane to the players.
hopes that they’ll be able to save enough to send her to one of Gyra regularly gets to Pixane’s room by sneaking up from
the land schools in a few years. If anyone tried to harm Gyra the second floor balcony, then climbing up to Pixane’s
or her clan members, she won’t hesitate to attack them back. window, which has left a subtle path.
Her clan and remaining family, the other 8 LN Sahuagin Gyra will not hesitate to attack anyone who she sees hurt
(MM 264), are working for Resil because he’s one of the few her mom, the Sahuagin, or Pixane, even Resil or Linefin, who
people that would offer them a job, and the only non-combat terrify her.
illicit job, despite them being allowed in the city, even with
the sea elves around being showing regular micro-
aggressions towards them. Even so, she doesn’t like Resil, Sahuagin, Sea Elves, and Malenti
Shezta or Linefin, and if a better job opportunity came up she The Sahuagin and Sea Elves have a long and half
would be interested. If Odabi is with the players when talking forgotten history of antagonism towards each
about this, she'll say she can talk to some people she knows other that stretches back centuries in murky
and find them work, especially since they've been making origins. They have both nearly wiped the other out
Resil's clothing for the past several years and clearly know of existence in the past, drawn much of each
what they're doing. other's blood, and the blood of other races that get
If her clan is attacked however, she will come to their aid drawn into the conflict.
and defend them. Sahuagin however are prone to mutation, and
sometimes they are born as Malenti, Sahuagin who
She’s not aware that Pixane’s being held captive above her, look like Sea Elves. The exact causes and frequency
just like the rest of the Sahuagin, but does suspect that Resil for this have multiple suggestions, from any
is hiding something up there that he would prefer nobody Sahuagin born near an aquatic elf community to
knew about. She also suspects that Gyra has made a secret simply 1 in 100 being born this way. It's unknown
friend, but isn’t aware those two things are connected. If told today if these mutations came before or after the
about Pixane, she will be sympathetic but reluctant to fight beginning of the conflict, if they were even the
Resil, as she doesn't want any of the Sahuagin getting hurt, cause of the conflict, or perhaps a sign of
and will attempt to tell them not to fight the players if Shezta something else entirely.
orders them to, but will otherwise try to keep out of it for fear Regardless, Sahuagin prize Malenti as spies and
of persecution. assassins who can infultrate their enemies. This
threat does incite paranoia among some Sea Elves.
While under city law everyone is welcome, old
feelings die hard among the sizable Sea Elf

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

Awarding XP Rewards
Each player earns 1100 xp for successfully rescuing Pixane, The players can take Linefin's Berserker Axe (DMG 155)
regardless of how they do so, who they fight, and who they without issue, although Linefin will hold a grudge against
convince to help them. (Either way they would have them.
"defeated" the enemy.) If the players attempt to take Shezta's Cloak of the Manta
If you would prefer to distribute the xp differently, here's a Ray (DMG 159) or Resil's Robe of Sentient Silk (ITT 52),
breakdown of the available xp: they will both complain about it the guards, who will ask the
players to turn the items over as evidence. The same will
Defeating Resil – 200 xp happen if the players attempt to loot anything from Resil's,
Defeating Shezta – 200 xp although there isn't anything there of significant value aside
Defeating Coilheart & Softscale – 450 xp each from "Resil's" outfits in the attic, which are hard to sell and
Defeating Linefin – 700 xp easily traceable since they're all unique outfits, and anyone
Defeating/Befriending Khalaash – 450 xp who deals in clothes in the city would instantly recognize
Defeating/Befriending Gyrashiil – 50 xp them as high end clothes made by a specialty designer, if not
Defeating/Befriending a Sahuagin – 100 xp each recognize them as "Resil's" work right off the bat.
Rescuing Pixane unharmed – 1100 xp If the players were nice to the Sahuagin and even help
them find new employment, Khalaash will thank them and let
Taking them to the Guards them know that the Sahuagin owe the players.
If the players take Resil, Shezta and Linefin to the police, with Wellington will thank the players profusely for the safe
Pixane's testimony, the guards will charge them with return of Pixane, and will give them each 100 gold.
kidnapping and unlawful confinement (and Pixane will thank the players, crying happily to finally and
murder/attempted murder if they attacked anyone) and take truly be free, telling them all she'll repay them as best she can
them into custody for processing, which will take a while and when she's able to, probably after everything with the guards
require further investigation and testimony from the players, is dealt with.
the NPCs and Pixane (which will all happen off-screen), but
for now they recommend reconnecting her with her family (if Endcap
Wellington wasn't with them already) and let her get some
rest while they process things. When leaving Wellington's/The Guard Station/where ever the
The Sahuagin will also be taken into custody if the players players leave Pixane, after everything, they can hear Pixane
implicate them, although Pixane will advocate they are ask Wellington "Where's mother? I can't wait to see her
innocent unless she saw them attack the players, in which again."
case she won't say anything. Either way, if the Sahuagin are
taken into custody, she'll attempt to have Gyra come with her,
which the guards will allow as they're processing things
unless the players advocate otherwise.
If the players killed anyone (and left them dead), the guards
will charge them with murder and take them into custody, or
at least attempt to.

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

3131 Sandcastle Towers Map Labeled

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

139 Purple Reef Road Map

Chapter 5 – 3131 Sandcastle Towers

Epilogue - The Aftermath
The Trial
After being questioned by the guards about the events at
3131 Sandcastle Tower, and then later testifying at their trial,
Resil, Shezta, Linefin, Emnil and Gargrim are all convicted
and sent to Salt Spike Prison. The Guards thank the players
for their service to city and hope that they'll be willing to help
the Guards in the future if they ask.

A few weeks after this, Pixane will approach the players to
give then a reward of 1000 gp each. She will reveal that
thanks to the players, the majority of Resil's assets were given
to Pixane as compensation and because the majority of his
work the past few years was actually her's. She also now
owns 3131 Sandcastle Tower.
What happened to her is now public knowledge and she's
become a bit of a celebrity, so her designs are now in high
demand, so she's been selling off the outfits of hers that Resil
held on to in the attic. She will also say that she's much
happier now that she can design what she wants on her own
schedule, which she wants to get back into after taking a
break since being rescued.
Odabi has been helping Pixane manage all this, and Pixane
doesn't know how she could do this without her. Odabi is
quite happy to help, wanting to make up for lost time.
If the Sahuagin weren't arrested or killed, Pixane has hired
them to keep making her designs, since they need work and
they know her designs. They've been very happy with the
arrangement, since Pixane treats them much better than
Resil did, and that all of them are looking forward to moving
into the new headquarters that Pixane purchased the other
But Pixane has come to the players with a request. She's
learned about what happened to her mother from Wellington,
and believes his theory that her soul is powering the puzzle
house. She hasn't gone into the house herself yet, and wants
to make sure that when she does, she'll be able to free her
mother's soul. That's why she wants to hire the players to
help her. If the Players accept, you can use the next adventure
in this series, The Toecap Trilogy Part 3 - Return to the
Puzzle House.

Epilogue - The Aftermath

Quick Book References
Shorthand Book
CoS Curse of Straad
EE Elemental Evil
GGR Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica
HDQ Hoard of the Dragon Queen
ITT The Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy
LMP Lost Mines of Phandelver
MM Monster Manual
MToF Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
OGA One Grung Above
OotA Out of the Abyss
PIWI Pokémon Inspired Weapons & Items
PHB Player's Handbook
PotA Princes of the Apocolypse
RBR Runway Bloody Runway
RoT Rage of Tiamat
RPH Return to the Puzzle House
SKT Storm King's Thunder
TCC The Cursed Courtesan
SCAG Sword Coast Adventure Guide
Tortle The Tortle Package
ToA Tomb of Annialation
Volo Volo's Guide to Monsters
WDH Waterdeep - Dragon Heist
WDMM Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage
WGE Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron
XGE Xanathar's Guide to Everything
Yawn Tales from the Yawning Portal

Quick Page Reference

Magic Items
Magic items are quite plentiful in Plifortakune, and Cube of Picture Taking
some objects could be available to purchase, while Wondrous (Cube) – Very Rare (5,000 gp)
buyers for others easily found. As such, objects A 5-inch wooden cube with brass trim, there’s a large glass
that might be found for purchase in the city are orb embedded in the center of one side (the front), a glass
listed with suggested retail prices, if the players view hole at the top of the opposite side that when looked
wish to buy or attempt to sell. through shows the view from the orb along with a small sliver
of glass that shows the status of the ink reservoir (the back), a
button on the top side, and two small windows on the bottom
that show the status of the paper scrolls. The view hole side
Alarm Bell can be opened up to reveal a place to put a scroll of paper,
Wondrous (Bell) – Uncommon (2,750 gp) usually 3 inch high paper, that unrolls across the back into
A small silver bell with a small silver hammer attached to it another scroll slot, as well as an ink reservoir that can be
on a chain. The bell has 6 charges, which renew at dawn. By taken out and refilled.
holding the bell by the chain and striking the bell with the When the cube is closed and the button pressed as an
hammer once every 6 seconds for a minute, the holder can action, the magic within the cube will whirl, take the ink and
expend a charge to create an Alarm effect, as detailed below. create a square monochrome image on the scroll paper of
You can have two alarms active at once with the bell. what it sees through the orb, and then spin the scroll slots so
When setting an Alarm effect against unwanted intrusion, that it moves the paper to a blank area for another picture. If
choose a door, a window, or an area within range that is no there’s anything already on the paper when the button is
larger than a 20-foot cube. For the next 8 hours, an alarm pressed, it will draw the picture over it. If there is no paper or
alerts you whenever a tiny or larger creature touches or ink, the button will refuse to move until the back is opened
enters the warded area. When you activate the effect, you can and fresh paper and ink put in.
designate creatures that won't set off the alarm. You also Some versions of the Cube of Picture Taking have been
choose whether the alarm is mental or audible. setup so that the picture that has just been taken is dispensed
A mental alarm alerts you with a ping in your mind if you for immediate collection, and some have the ability to switch
are within 1 mile of the warded area. This ping awakens you between these two modes, but sending it out immediately
if you are sleeping. leaves an extra inch of paper on one side of the picture,
An audible alarm produces the sound of a hand bell for 10 unlike the other method where the pictures can be placed
seconds from the alarm bell if it’s within 1 mile of the right next to each other. Some clever picture takers have
alarmed area, otherwise the alarm sounds from the alarmed figured out that turning the cube on its side with re-orient the
area. Both are audible for 60 feet. picture to that the extra paper is at the bottom of the picture,
which can then be freely stamped or written upon.
A 60 inch long roll of paper that can be used to take 20
Badge of Detect Magic pictures can be found at stores that sell writing implements
Wondrous (Badge) – Rare, Requires Attunement (wearing for for 2 sp each. A standard 1 ounce bottle’s worth of ink,
one hour) available for 10 gp, can take an average of 200 pictures
A bronze badge that functions as guard identification in the before being depleted.
city of Plifortakune, containing an engraving of the City’s
crest and the assigned officer’s badge number.
The Badge has 5 charges, which all renew at dawn. When
attuned, the wearer can expend a charge to cast the Detect Wondrous (Glasses) – Common (1–5 gp depending on style)
Magic spell. The wearer can also cast Detect Magic as a ritual Glasses on a thin wire frame with smoky black glass in
if they otherwise could not. them that gives a clear but dimmed view when worn. This
negates Sunlight Sensitivity for creatures with that condition,
and for those without gives advantage on saves to prevent
Candy of Water Breathing blindness caused by light. Otherwise, when worn, bright light
Consumable (Candy) – Uncommon (14 gp) is like normal light, normal like dim light, and dim light like
Performs exactly like a Potion of Water Breathing so long darkness. The glasses give no advantage for saves from
as the candy is within the mouth and being sucked upon, but things like Petrifying Gaze, but they do prevent it if the
can be spat out if not used for the full hour, and be used again creature with the gaze is wearing the glasses.
for the remaining time. The candy is easily dissolved in water If the creature wearing the glasses is hit by a critical hit, or
and must be stored in a water proof container or will be critically fails a strength or dexterity save/check, the glasses
dissolved completely if submerged in water for an hour. If fall off and land on the ground 5ft away from the creature.
dissolved in a vial of water, the water becomes a Potion of Rolls a d20 and on a 1, the glasses break. This roll is
Water Breathing for however much time was left. Any repeated whenever a hostile creature enters the same square
amount of liquid larger than a vile and the resulting mixture as the glasses.
will be too dilute to be an effective potion. The candy is aqua
blue with green kelp like strips and tastes like salted kelp.
Magic Items
Fishscale Mail Transmitting Stones
Armor (Scale Mail) – Rare (550 gp), Requires Attunement Wondrous (Stones) – Rare
(Wearing for 1 hour) Transmitting Stones come in pairs, each a smooth stone,
This armor consists of a coat and leggings (and perhaps a one with an ear carved into it, and the other a mouth. When
separate skirt depending on the style) of leather covered with someone touches the ear stone, they can use an action to
overlapping pieces of large fish scales, the interior sides of have it transmit whatever the holder is hearing to the mouth
each scale coated in silvery paint, giving the otherwise stone, which comes out clear and can be heard by anyone
translucent scales a mirror finish. The armor includes within 10 feet of it, so long as they can maintain
matching gauntlets with fish fin like webbing between the concentration. If an ear stone is used for more than an hour
fingers. The interior is lined with sea silk fabric, giving a very in a 24 hour period, it will start doing 1d4 psychic damage to
smooth and comforting fit that makes the wearer feel like the holder every minute they use it. The mouth stone can also
they are floating. be hooked up to a sound system to project someone's voice.
The armor gives AC 14, and once attuned gives resistance If one of the stones in the pair is destroyed, the other
to cold damage, the ability to breathe underwater, a swim becomes non-magical.
speed equal to the wearer’s movement speed. It also removes
the disadvantage on stealth checks of scale mail, if you are
submerged in water. Weighted Shackles
Wondrous (Shackles) – Common (5 gp)
Inferior Healing Potion This metal restraint can attach to the limb of a 5mallar or
Medium creature with a shackle that can lock, which is
Potion – Common (20–50 gp) attached by a 3 ft chain to a 15 lbs metal ball.
Looks like a regular healing potion, and would require a When worn, the creature is restrained, except they have 5 ft
successful DC 18 Arcana or Investigation check to determine speed instead of 0, and if submerged in water will sink at a
that it isn’t, otherwise they’ll believe it to be a normal healing rate of 40 ft per round.
potion. Smelling or tasting the potion would give advantage Escaping the shackle requires a successful DC 20
on that check, as something is a bit off. When consumed, roll Dexterity check. Breaking them requires a successful DC 20
a d20, on 20 heal 2d4+1, on 19-2 heal 1d4, and on a 1, no 5trength check. Each shackle comes with one key. Without
healing occurs and the character must succeed on a DC 13 the key, a creature proficient with thieves' tools can pick the
constitution check or they will vomit and be rendered shackle's lock with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check.
paralyzed for 1d6 rounds. The character also now has +10 on Weighted shackles have 15 hit points.
DC checks to identify and resist Inferior Healing Potions.
Production of Inferior Healing Potions is done by
unscrupulous entities deliberately trying to create a lower
quality product they can pass off as regular healing potions to
sell at or below the regular price. This production also results
in 1 out of every 8 Inferior Healing Potions being a Vial of
Acid (PHB 148), which get included among shipments since
there's no quality control.

Robe of Sentient Silk

Wondrous (Robe) – Very Rare (45,000 gp), Requires
Attunement (Wearing for 1 hour)
A robe of sentient silk, it can be donned or doffed with a
command word as an action on your turn. Adds +2 AC to the
wearer if they aren’t wearing any armor. While worn and
attuned, when an opponent within 5 ft misses a melee attack
on the wearer, the robe can hit the opponent and impose the
stunned condition on them until the end of their next turn or
they are hit by an attack.

Magic Items
Gyrashiil Linefin Salthoof
Small humanoid (Malenti, NPC), Neutral Good Large monstrosity (Minotaur, NPC), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hit Points 85 (9d10 + 36)
Speed 30ft. Swim 40ft. Speed 40ft.

12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (0) 11 (0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (- 2) 16 (+3) 9 (- 1)

Senses darkvision 120ft., Passive Perception 12 Senses darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 17
Skills Perception +2 Skills Perception +7, Intimidation (Strength) +8
Languages Common, Sahuagin Languages Common, Minotaur
Challenge 1/4 (50 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Equipment Berserker Axe (DMG 155)
Amphibious. Gyrashiil can breathe air and water.
Charge. If the minotaur moves at least 10 feet
Fey Ancestry. Gyrashiil has advantage on saving straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore
throws against being charmed, and magic can't put attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 9
Gyrashiil to sleep. (2d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
Blood Frenzy. Gyrashiil has advantage on melee must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
attack rolls against any creature that doesn't have be pushed up to 10 feet away and knocked prone.
all its hit points. Labyrinthine Recall. The minotaur can perfectly recall
Shark Telepathy. Gyrashiil can magically command any path it has traveled.
any shark within 120 feet of her, using a limited Reckless. At the start of its turn, the minotaur can
telepathy. gain advantage on all melee weapon attack rolls it
makes during that turn, but attack rolls against it
Actions have advantage until the start of its next turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Cursed: Linefin is cursed by his Berserker Axe, and
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. is unwilling to part with it. He has disadvantage on
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., all attacks not made with the axe. If hurt, Linefin
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage. must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or
go berserk. While berserk, Linefin must use his
action each round to attack the creature nearest to
him with the axe, moving to attack the next nearest
creature after felling his current target. If he has
multiple possible targets, he attacks one at random.
He is berserk until he starts his turn with no
creatures within 60 feet of himself that he can see
or hear.

Berserker Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 (2d12 + 5) magical
slashing damage.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage.

Resil Tsen Sea Elf
Medium humanoid (Human, NPC), Neutral Evil Medium humanoid (Elf), Chaotic Good

Armor Class 14 (Robe of Sentient Silk) Armor Class 11

Hit Points 27 (6d8) Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 30ft. Speed 30ft. Swim 40ft.

10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 11 (0) 11 (0) 12 (+1)

Senses darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 16 Senses darkvision 60ft., Passive Perception 12
Skills Deception +5, Insight +4, Investigation +5, Skills Perception +2
Perception +6, Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand Languages Common, Elvish
+4, Stealth +4 Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 1 (200 XP) Amphibious. The sea elf can breathe air and water.
Equipment Robe of Sentient Silk (ITT 52)
Fey Ancestry. The sea elf has advantage on saving
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, Resil can use a throws against being charmed, and magic can't put
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide the sea elf to sleep.
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Resil deals an extra 7 (2d6) Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit,
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack reach 5 ft or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3
and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the (1d6) piercing damage, or 4 (1d8) piercing damage
target is within 5 feet of an ally of him that isn't if used with two hands to make a melee attack.
incapacitated and he doesn't have disadvantage on
the attack roll.
Robe Retaliation. When an opponent within 5 ft
misses a melee attack on Resil, his Robe of
Sentient Silk can hit the opponent and impose the
stunned condition on them until the end of their
next turn or they are hit by an attack.
Allergy. When within 5 ft of fresh flowers, Resil
must succeed on a DC 15 Con save or he will be
forced to sneeze as a bonus action. If Resil fails by
more than 5, he will instead have a sneezing fit as
his action.

Multiattack. Resil can make two melee attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach
5 ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.

1 - Bounty Board List
Name Bounty Wantedness Monochrome Picture
Everhand the 144,500 Wanted Dead or Alive for An artist’s rendering of a human man with dark and sunken black
Necromancer Gold Corpse Desecration and eyes and black hair tied up in a top knot wearing a dark robe
Vex of the 87,940 Wanted Dead or Alive for An artist’s rendering of an old and weathered Kobold wearing scale
Thunderstrike Gold Murder armor and a gauntlet with a large tooth sticking out from the side of
Clan the wrist.
Kirdrin 37,420 Wanted Dead or Alive for A picture of a Minotaur with several facial piercings, including a nose
Boulderbane Gold Aggravated Assault ring, holding up a criminal number plaque with his name and the
number CID2525601593
Relentless 25,100 Wanted Alive for Attempted A picture of a Tiefling woman with broken horns holding a sign at
Nethyola Gold Murder some sort of protest surrounded by other Tieflings and Goblinoids.
Tazvyr T’yth 19,560 Wanted Alive for An artist’s rendering of a Drow with and without make-up to look like
Gold Impersonating a Government an Elf, both of which look generically Elven.
Official, Spying and Theft
Akei the 11,370 Wanted Alive for the Creation A picture of a Yuan-Ti woman disappointedly holding a 3rd place
Mage Gold and Distribution of Poisons trophy for some kind of potions contest.
Jacob 8670 Wanted Alive for Mental A picture of a Half-Elf in a flamboyant costume holding a lute that
“Leohorn” Gold Manipulation and Theft appears to have been taken from a promotional poster, with some
Smith text and other people cropped out.
Emnil of the 2230 Wanted Alive for Robbery A scarred and mangy Gnoll man sitting at a bar table laughing at
Biting Gold something out of frame to the left as he nearly falls over himself.
Gargrim 1320 Wanted Alive for Theft A rugged looking Dwarf man standing up after falling over from a bar
Gramson Gold table, his previous full beer split all over him as he glares at
something out of frame to the right.
Veh “Fanix” 1050 Wanted Alive for Attempted An artist rendering of a human woman with some kind of fiery
Siem Gold Arson language tattoo on her face.
Klake The 500 Wanted Alive for Repeated A Hobgoblin glowers at the camera with his one good eye as he
Runner Gold Waste Dumping holds up a criminal number plaque with his name and the number
Ellyjoybell 25 Gold Wanted Alive for Questioning A young Gnome woman smiling at the camera with messy hair and
Mackkelferce mud on her face, wearing a necklace of large teeth that stands out
from her dark cloak.
Light in the 25 Gold Wanted Alive for Questioning An artist’s rending of a silverfured Tabaxi woman in ragged monk
Morning clothes staring intently at the viewer, no matter which direction you
look from.

2 - Final Report on the Hnmng
Murders, from the desk of
Detective Fardal
On the 13th day of the 6th month, 1606, The Hnmng
residence at 31 Anchor St was forcibly entered through the
back door, when one or more assailants broke the window in
the door to unlock it. There were signs of a struggle in the
kitchen, where it is believed the father, Stralk, tried to fight
off the assailants. His body was found with severe damage
from claw and bite marks, particularly to his torso, which
looked like it had been ripped apart and partially eaten by a
wild animal. The son, Cantle, was found in his room on the
floor, having been bludgeoned to death and his heart
removed. The daughter, Pixane, was never found, although a
significant amount of blood was found in the bathroom, and
is believed to have been hers. A later attempt to bring the
father and son back to life revealed that enough of their
organs had been lost that even a Raise Dead spell was
The house had been turned over, with drawers violently
pulled out to spill the contents, beds slashed open and tossed
aside, and holes punched in walls. It is believed the murders
were looking for valuables, and the mother, Toecap, was able
to confirm that what little jewelry she kept appears to have
been taken. It is believed that the assailants were after the
family’s valuables, as Toecap is a successful high-end
leatherworker and there is public perception that she has
amassed a small fortune.
The culprits, as it is believed there was more than one,
appear to have exited out the back, and our tracker followed a
trail back to an abandoned warehouse at 143 Shark St.
investigating inside found nothing of interest and we were
unable to pick up a trail after that.

3 - Water Wings Item Guide
Water Rental Purchase
Items Page Attunement Swim Speed Breathing per Day Deposit Price
Potion of Water DMG No NA Yes NA NA 12 gp
Breathing 188
Candy of Water ITT 60 No NA Yes NA NA 14 gp
Cap of Water Breathing DMG No NA Yes 5 gp 10 gp 50 gp
Ring of Water Walking DMG No NA No 15 gp 30 gp 150 gp
Gloves of Swimming DMG Yes Walking No 25 gp 50 gp 250 gp
and Climbing 172 Speed
Ring of Swimming DMG No 40 feet No 30 gp 60 gp 300 gp
Cloak of the Manta Ray DMG No 60 feet Yes 35 gp 70 gp 350 gp
Fishscale Mail ITT 60 Yes Walking Yes 55 gp 110 gp 550 gp
Mariner's Armor DMG No Walking No 40 gp + 10 % 80 gp + 20% 400 gp +
181 Speed of Armor cost of armor cost Armor cost
(PHB 145)

Vehicles and Mounts

Vehicles Page Capacity Speed Rental per Day Deposit Purchase Price
Rowboat PHB 157 2 Med Creatures 1.5 mph Rowing Speed, 5 gp 10 gp 50 gp
13 ft per round
Folding Boat DMG 170 4 or 15 Med Creatures 1.5 mph Rowing Speed, 475 gp 950 gp 4750 gp
13 ft per round
Giant Sea Horse MM 328 1 Med Creature 40 ft per round swimming 7.5 gp 15 gp 75 gp

Note: The Giant Seahorse rental does include saddle and bridle, but purchasing does not. An Exotic Saddle (PHB 157), which
costs 60 gold, would be needed and is available at Water Wings. This also doesn’t include Feed and Stabling, which Water Wings
offers at standard prices.

City Map

Clear Coast District

7. Tommy Walker’s Dungeon Crafting
City Map Legend 8. Christoph’s Constructs
A. Hand to Heaven Castle
B. Bank of Plifortakune
C. Colosseum
D. The Grand Lighthouse
E. Education
1. School of Magic
F. Entertainment and Fitness
1. Ganu-Manu Gym
2. The Boardwalk
3. Toecap’s Puzzle House
4. The Theater of Unusually Interesting Performances
5. La Maison Derrière
G. Guild Halls
1. The Membership of Masons, Carvers and Cutters’ Guild
2. Fish Market & The School of Fishers’ Guild Hall
3. The Dockkeepers Comradery Guild Hall
4. Baker’s Guild Hall
5. Couriers Coalition Guild Hall
6. Weavers Partnership’s Guild Hall
7. Order of Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall
H. Healer’s Hospice
I. Inns, Pubs, and Bars
1. The Mad Harp
2. The Lonely Road Pub and Inn
3. The Drunk Vampire
4. The Twisted Trees
K. Monastery of Knowledge
L. Central Library
M. Ministries and Government Buildings
1. City Hall
2. Ministry of Security HQ
3. Ministry of Justice HQ
4. Ministry of Trade HQ
5. Ministry of Finances HQ
6. Ministry of Infrastructure HQ
7. The Fertilizer Plant
8. Hall of Records
9. The Dump
10. Sewage Works
N. Guard Stations
O. Casino
P. Entrance to Salt Spike Prison
R. Residential
1. The Sand Castle Towers
2. Raven’s Tower
3. Troll Town
S. Shops and Stores
1. Quill’s Magic Shop
2. Albert’s Animal Avenue
3. The Picture Cube
4. Ladon’s Lovables
5. Water Wings
6. Hardbrand’s Armors
Guard Station 122 Labeled Map

Guard Station 122 Unlabeled Map

The Order of Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall
Labeled Map

The Order of Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall
Unlabeled Map

Monastery of Knowledge - 1st Floor

Monastery of Knowledge - Floors 2 - 9

Monastery of Knowledge - 10th Floor

Monastery of Knowledge - Floors 11 - 26

Monastery of Knowledge - From the Top

3131 Sandcastle Towers Map Labeled

139 Purple Reef Road Map

Thank you for Reading The
Investigation of Toecap's Tragedy

hoped you've enjoyed it! Consider checking out some
of my other adventures, or supporting my Patreon so Quests from the Job Board
I can keep producing adventures and modules, and One-shot adventures for everyday use
you can help decide what adventures I do next!
Runway Bloody Runway
A fashion designer is getting threats and needs some models
for a show, Maybe some Adventurers can handle both?
The Toecap Trilogy Gromir Fingercutter, a half-orc fashion designer, is
preparing for his second fashion show at The Order of
Toecap's Puzzle House Diligent Clothes Makers Guild Hall, but he and the models he
A Dying Woman turned her home into a Puzzle House so had lined up have been getting threats to stop, which has
that her fortune could be claimed, but the house isn't as intimidated the models into quitting. Gromir has decided that
simple as it seems... he needs combat capable adventures to be his models and
Toecap's Puzzle House is an Escape Room style dungeon deal with these threats. He hopes they'll be able to handle
for a party of four 1st level characters, with options for higher things...
levels, and can also work as an introduction adventure to This adventure is designed for 4 3rd level characters, and
Dungeons and Dragons for new players, although Dungeon should take 2-3 hours to play.
Masters should be more familiar with the system. It should
take around 2 hours to play. The Cursed Courtesan
If players use their wits and skills, they should be able to Patreon Exclusive
make it in and out of the dungeon with the treasure and their Madame Belle's Maison Derrière has a problem, one of
lives. their courtesans has been cursed! Can you figure out the
curse, find the culprit, and bring them to justice?
The Investigation of Toecap's Warning: This module contains adult themes and
Tragedy situations, and a good helping of silly raunchy humor.
A family was murdered in their own home, and the This adventure is designed for 4 5th levels or higher
Murderers were never caught. Can somebody find the truth characters, and should take around 3-5 hours to play.
and bring a grieving soul peace?
So your players have completed Toecap's Puzzle House Walk the Blink Dog
and, spoiler alert, found that there is, in fact, no treasure for Do you have animal lovers in your party? Does everyone want
solving the puzzle. Are they unsatisfied with that conclusion? an animal companion? Then this is the adventure for you!
Good, that’s what Toecap wanted. But what about what she Several canines at Harmony Park have gone missing and
needed? The players will need to investigate the secret they need to be found!
discovered in Puzzle House and find the truth. If any of your This module can be played with any level party, and should
players have expressed to desire to solve a myster, or you just take 3-5 hours to play.
think this is interesting, then this is the follow up for you!
This adventure is broken up into five chapters, each of Bake-off Battle
which can be played in a 2-3 hour session, and even as stand
alone adventures if you so choose, for a party of 4 characters. Coming Soon!
This adventure should bring 4 1st level characters to level 3 The Baker's Union is holding their annual bake-off! Will
by the final chapter. you bake, eat, fight some magical food, or just take in the
Return to the Puzzle House There's a baking competition, a pie eating contest, and
some food monsters to fight. Can the characters digest that?
A soul lays trapped in a self inflicted magic puzzle. With a This adventure is designed for 4 5th level characters, and
little help from the puzzle's designer, they might be freed, or should take 2-3 hours to play.
the whole thing might just explode...
Can the players survive the Puzzle House's designer's
pinball dungeon and convince him to help them?
Will the players be able to dismantle the Puzzle House
from within without it killing them?
Will Toecap's soul be able find peace? Find out in the
thrilling conclusion to the Toecap Trilogy!

Thank you! :)

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