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010203-Hybrid Rulebook Complete

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The document describes the dire consequences that befell the inhabitants of several Hybrid Project laboratories after their systems suddenly stopped functioning, condemning them to starvation and death. It provides glimpses into the suffering experienced by both human and cloned inhabitants in their final days.

The document does not state explicitly what caused the laboratories' systems to suddenly stop, leaving this an unresolved mystery.

After the systems stopped, the inhabitants resorted to increasingly desperate and horrific measures to survive as long as possible, such as cannibalizing their slaves or attempting to turn themselves into predators. Their mental states deteriorated rapidly.


Hybrid is an original Rackham creation based on the Credits ................................................................... 2
Rag’Narok and Confrontation stories published by Contents ................................................................ 2
First contact .......................................................... 3
Rackham . The Heresiarch’s Laboratories ............................... 5
The Lodge of Hod ................................................... 7
Welcome to hybrid ! ............................................... 9
Editor: Jean Bey. The Rackham figurines .............................................. 10
The Cards ............................................................... 11
Artistic Director: Jean Bey. Reference Profile ...................................................... 12
Project Manager: Didier Poli. The Game Tiles ........................................................ 13
Production Manager: Philippe Chartier and Nicolas Hutter. General rules ......................................................... 14
Rules, development and writing: The die rolls ............................................................ 14
William Grosselin, Pascal Petit and Nicolas Raoult. Positioning the warriors .............................................. 14
Moving your warriors ............................................ 16
Publishing Director: Sébastien Célerin. Activation ............................................................... 16
Graphic design: Franck Achard. Movement and base-to-base contact ............................ 16
Layout: Franck Achard and Philippe Chartier.. Movement and Wounds .............................................. 16
Illustrations: Edouard Guiton, Paolo Parente and Didier Poli. Special movement ..................................................... 17
Forbidden movements ............................................... 18
Cover illustration: Édouard Guiton eand Paolo Parente. Accepting a scenario objective ..................................... 18
Logo: Franck Achard. Action modes ......................................................... 19
Figurine sculpturing: Choosing an Action Modes ......................................... 19
Yannick Hennebo et Alexandre Aragorn Marks. The Modes and their levels of mastery .......................... 19
Figurine painting: Vincent Fontaine et Martin Grandbarbe. Cards ...................................................................... 23
Action cards ............................................................ 23
Game board illustrations: Nicolas Fructus. Event cards............................................................... 25
Scenery: Vincent Fontaine. Army cards .............................................................. 25
Photography: Jean-Baptiste Guiton. Equipement card ...................................................... 26
Translation: Alexander Martin and Peter Patzak Counters ................................................................ 27
Access counters ....................................................... 27
Testers : Boris de Baillou, Frank Bellanger, Lionel Dhallu, Activation ............................................................... 27
Xavier Giacomin, Cédric Lemitre, Christophe Mouret, Laurent Wound counter ......................................................... 27
Nialon, Olivier Paillet, Pascal Petit and David Voize. Pillar and Fallen rocks counter ..................................... 27
Event card ............................................................... 27
Thanks to: Raphaël Guiton, Cédric Lemitre, William Mordefroy Template counter ..................................................... 28
and the Rackham team. Mode counters ......................................................... 28
Objective counters ................................................... 28
Passage counters ...................................................... 28
The figurines included in the game box were created for Trap counters ........................................................... 28
Rackham. They come from the world of Confrontation Door counters .......................................................... 29
and Rag’narok, two games published by Rackham. Trapdoor counters .................................................... 29
Aptitudes ................................................................ 30
How the game unfolds ............................................ 33
Cadwallon, Confrontation, Hybrid, the Hybrid logo, Preparation .............................................................. 34
Hybrides, the Rackham logo, Rag’narok and Wolfen are The first round ......................................................... 34
all registered trademarks belonging to Rackham. The following rounds ................................................. 34
The end of the game ................................................. 34
Missions ................................................................. 35
All rights reserved Copyright © 1996-2003 Rackham. Return to glasinhar .................................................... 36
The scarlet hive ........................................................ 37
All the illustrations, photographs, figurines and figurine names The Heresiarch’s prison .............................................. 38
are exclusive Rackham creations belonging to Rackham. The dark jewel .......................................................... 40
Prowlers ! ................................................................ 41
The Heresiarch’s diaries .............................................. 42
Printed by Édiprint (Luxemburg) Deadly matrix ........................................................... 44
The scorpion’s venom ................................................ 45
Invisible war ............................................................. 46
The heroes’ twilight .................................................. 47
Epilogue ................................................................. 48

FIRST — “Over there! Something’s moving,” screamed the blacksmith

pointing towards a small grove.
A human form emerged on all fours from behind the bushes.
— “What a stench!” remarked Malanad, pinching his nose.
Confident in their number, the villagers walked towards the
familiar face of the injured man. It was one of the village shepherds
who drove their herds into the mountains twice a year. He was lying
In the distance, the stars continued to shine brightly that night as in a pool of his own blood and one of his legs had been partially
the stinking cloud spread through the deserted streets of Glasinhar devoured. His body was broken and covered with wounds. He
like a flood of sickening liquid. wasn’t dead, but he might as well have been. Without help, he
— “What’s that smell ?” asked his wife in a tired voice. would soon perish. He was slipping away, his face frozen by the
— “I don’t know but I’m going to find out,” he said, climbing horror he had witnessed.
out of bed. A flash of lightning lit up the night sky and the first raindrops
Malanad walked clumsily to the window and looked over began to fall. Soon the storm would wash away the blood.
the village. Several of his neighbours were doing the same and — “We must keep moving forward,” he said.
they looked nervously at each other. The odour smelt of death, No one spoke. Events had made Malanad the obvious choice
of decomposing flesh and of… the legions of Acheron. Were the as group leader. He was the only real warrior and he had to give
soldiers of obscurity marching on the village? a good example! In one swift movement, he turned to face his
The putrid smell was quickly followed by human screams, followers. His eyes were burning with the fire of vengeance. This
punctuated with inhuman growls, and an urgent Council meeting crime wouldn’t go unpunished!
was convened. Something horrific and abnormal was going on, and — « Merin give us strength!» he whispered to himself.
it was getting ever closer… All his senses were tingling. The retired soldier followed the
All the villagers were now awake and they had split up into two sinister trail of blood, astonished by the strength of the young
distinct groups: those who could fight, and those who were unable
to because of their age. Frightened women shook with fear as if the
end of the world were nigh. Their instincts were surely right…
Malanad, a veteran soldier who had settled into civilian life
several weeks before, was of course among those who would fight.
He was dressed in his old armour and carried the lance that the
Empire had given him as a reward for his countless sacrifices. The

store. The others, the women, the children, the old and infirm, were
asked to build defences and to pray. If the Acheronians attacked, the
chances of survival would be slim, if not inexistent, but everyone
had to do everything in their power to fight the enemy for as long
as possible.
— “It’s getting closer, I can hear something,” whispered a foresry
the last stars had disappeared behind the clouds

After a few minutes, he finally spotted what he was looking for: a
small hole in the ground filled with a foul stench and echoing with
strange noises. Instinct told him he should return to the village, his
wife and his sons to await the arrival of the Temple Knights.

worker. Pale-faced and out of breath, he gripped his pitchfork with

all his strength, as if his life depended on it.
The time was fast approaching. The soldier took a deep breath — “Stand firm, don’t make any noise and be at the ready,”
and made sure of his grip on the steel lance. His armour and his grunted the Temple Knight.
years of martial arts training should enable him to live through the Lahn, the sun, was high in the sky almost invisible behind the
battle. The veteran had already fought the legions of the Ram twice dark, menacing clouds. The ten Temple Knights looked around,
and had gotten away with little more than a couple of nasty scars. breathless. They were surrounded by carnage and destruction…
He had seen brothers-in-arms perish under the blows of Obscure Shredded body parts lay everywhere and the trail of blood led
foes before, but they had been soldiers and that was their destiny. straight to the hole.
Things had changed: today he was fighting alongside simple country The Knight moved towards the mouth of the hole and gestured
folk defending their land. to one of his men to enter it. The warrior climbed down the stone
ladder, the silence broken only by the sound of his metal armour

opening the door in front of him.

The Knight was tasting the bitter nectar of terror for the first
time in his life. AND BE AT THE
Crouched behind the door, the Akkylannian gripped his sword as
he prayed to Merin that he might survive the battle that lay ahead.
If he could hang on for just a few hours, a second, larger squad
would descend into the hellhole. The
cavalry would give him a small chance
of survival.
He could hear “them” just a few
yards away – the claws of the small
creatures scratching against the steel
and rock as they came ever closer.
The Knight had seen his brothers-
in-arms cut down one by one by
these cursed clones. He had already
fought Alchemists of Dirz, but these
creatures were different, they seemed
bent on … on eating them!
The noises had ceased. The
scratching had died away. All that
remained was a dull thud getting
ever closer. Could it be that they
knew where he was hidden? They were close by, he could smell
their foul stench.
He would die the death of a Temple Knight, for Merin, for
Akkylannie. He stood up and pushed the door open.
His scream echoed around the whole of the laboratory before
calm returned.

“Real power is eternal.” warning to those who might follow their example.
The research progressed rapidly, independently of the genetic
irz the Heresiarch’s words are engraved in the walls of the studies undertaken elsewhere in the Alchemic Empire. New clones
D oldest Scorpion Empire laboratories as a sinister promise to
those who would oppose him.
and treatments were invented, but none satisfied the ambitions of
the perfectionist, Dirz. Eventually, still haunted by his macabre
vision, he decided to take on the responsibilities himself.
Shortly after the founding of the first Shamir, Dirz had a ghostly The Heresiarch conceived the Aberration, an abominable
vision of a newborn city engulfed in flames. The heretical scientist creature born of the cheapest and most viable stems, sampled from
saw this as the Akkylannian Inquisition’s doing and imagined ways the legendary Isateph. The first specimens underwent a battery of
to confound destiny’s plans for him. He ordered the building of rigorous tests, but very few improvements were made because the
secret laboratories hidden in the Syharhalna and contacted the Emperor himself had designed the creature. The Aberration, after
survivors of the witch-hunt that was tearing the Griffin Empire all, was near perfect for the role it was destined to fill.
apart. The genetic stem that had given birth to this beast was discreetly
The Heresiarch entrusted the construction of his future empire distributed among the Heresiarch’s laboratories. Dirz wanted to
to the enigmatic D’Jabril, the Guardian of the Alchemic god Arh- produce an astronomical number of clones in the knowledge that,
Tolth; a sorcerer with inhuman powers. Obsessed with his vision, when the time came, his victory would be quick and complete.
Dirz threw himself into his project with all his heart and soul. What happened next was what the Emperor had feared most.
No one knows where the Heresiarch found the funds necessary Dirz had returned to his people to reign over the young Empire
for the construction of his laboratories. of Syharhalna when a small army marched on Shamir…

When the autonomous structures became operational, Dirz used The city was burnt to a cinder and drowned in blood. Dirz had
the clones that had built them as the first lab rats. Their genetic to retreat to his quarters with a handful of Technomancers and the
inheritance was then modified to create a new, cheaper and stronger Voyager. Once inside, he freed the creatures that lay dormant in
generation of beings. Under the authority of Dirz himself, hundreds their tanks and condemned the entrance to the Hybrid Project’s
of clones and prisoners were brought to these places to be exploited laboratories.
both alive and … dead. When the combats ceased, the Syhars found their Emperor,
The scientists who were assigned to these cursed places never mortally injured, but still fighting death. Before he finally
left them because the doors could only be opened from the outside. succumbed, he designated Basyleüs Antykaïn as his successor…
Henceforth, their existence was confined to the four walls of their The dreams of the Heresiarch died with him and his beloved city.
new prisons, any contact with the outside world was strictly Far away on the horizon, the Heresiarch’s laboratories seemed
forbidden. to get wind of their creator’s demise and the machines ceased all
Three times a year, the scientists were sent the food and water activity as the doors were sealed to the outside world. The fates of
necessary for their survival. Some tried, in vain, to escape – the the wise men of the Hybrid Project were also sealed – they were
Emperor’s warriors caught and massacred them. Their remains condemned to a terrible fate, the traces of which still adorn the steel
were then returned to the laboratory and put on display as a and rock walls of their laboratories. The Heresiarch had succeeded

As the years went by, the doors to these

The Dirz Empire struggled to recover from its

A few months ago, the Scorpion proclaimed

the desert and sliced through Aarklash like a razor-sharp rapier.

The sudden swell of energy reactivated the Heresiarch’s
laboratory machines and opened the network of tanks, awakening
creatures from another time. With no masters and no food, the
beasts ate one another almost as fast as the machines could build
them. Great woes awaited anyone who dared open the doors to
these hellholes.
Several thousand kilometres away from Shamir, one of the
laboratories opened in the heart of Akkylannie close to a small
village named Glasinhar. The inhabitants were massacred in a
matter of hours and only the timely intervention of the Temple
Knights prevented the terror from spreading throughout the

I Griffin Empire.
The Temple Knights, remembering what had happened during
the Great Purge that followed Dirz’s heresy, kept this information
secret from the prelates of Merin’s church. The forces of the
Inquisition got wind of the massacre but they seemed oblivious to
the existence of the laboratories.
When they searched the scene, the Temple Knights found critical
information concerning the Hybrid Project and discovered that two
similar installations existed in Bran-Ô-Kor and in Syharhalna.
Faced with such a crisis, the Temple Masters ordered the Lodge
of Hod to deal with the problem.
Two Temple forces were discreetly sent to the sites to neutralize
the Hybrid Project before the unthinkable happened. One never
returned and the other suffered heavy losses before discovering two
more laboratories.
We are now certain that these laboratories outdate the Scorpion

forgotten their very existence?



THE LODGE There was a time when Akkylannie stood for a dream that had
become reality; the prophet Arcavius’s ideal for all mankind. The
wise men of Aarklash call this time the Radiant Era.
OF HOD At this time, two specific entities were charged with the safety of the
Empire of Light.
The See of Foreign Aff airs, founded by Karl, was charged
with protecting Akkylannie’s borders and the pilgrims’ paths.
TITLES AND HIERARCHY The brotherhood of warriors founded the Temple Order.
The See of Internal Aff airs was inspired by the laws of Kelgar
OF THE TEMPLE the Pious and was designed to protect the word of Merin and his
prophet. Its guardians, the future Inquisitors, acted as safeguards
Officially, the Temple only recognises three ranks: against errors in interpretation of the cult and dealt with the first
Templar, Commander and Supreme Commander. heretics.
However, tradition dictates that the Templars attribute The Radiant Era came to a brutal end at the Battle of Kaïber, the
titles to themselves to reflect certain aptitudes or bloody baptism of the Order of the Ram. In the name of Good,
experiences. This informal tradition allows the Order’s Karl’s Templars sided with their Lion brothers… The battle was
representatives to better organize themselves in turning into a massacre when the timely intervention of Cynwäll
difficult times. Elves enabled the forces of Good to register a narrow victory, giving
them just enough time to seal the narrow pass that linked Acheron
to the rest of the continent.
When they finally returned, the warriors of the unique god
SUPREME COMMANDER SUPREME TEMPLE (ARCAVIA) discovered that their homelands were also prey to the horror.
The Inquisitor Korwin Khorto had just uncovered the plans of
THE SUPREME COMMANDER represents the Temple’s
reigning authority.
A COMMANDER is in charge of one of the four Cardinal
Regiments: North, South, East and West. These
Commanderies govern all the Lodges placed under
their protection.
A Venerable is generally a close councillor to the
Temple Commanders. Many have a deep understanding
of the supernatural forces.
A Master is a Temple Veteran. This title is the lowest
required to found a Lodge. A Lodge is a meeting place
for Temple Knights. Depending on its size, a Lodge may
be split up into Factions.
A Knight is an experienced Templar with obvious
leadership qualities. He can command a Faction.
A Seneschal is an Esquire who has shown merit. He
takes over from the officer in charge if he is killed or
can no longer fulfil his role. On the orders of his leader
a Seneschal can take responsibility for an entire Faction
or just a small part of it.
An Esquire serves as a relay between the leader and
the Templars.
By definition, all representatives of the Temple, with the
exception of Commanders and Supreme Commanders, are
Templars. Their rights are identical: they must show respect
and solidarity in all situations.

an Alchemist Monk belonging to the Order of the Ram: by trying Having witnessed first-hand the rape of their homeland by an
to force the hand of nature, Dirz had sold his soul to Darkness intransigent, devoted few, the leaders of the Outer Circle decided
and engendered dreadful beasts. Driven by a terrible thirst for to create a secret army. This elite entity would smother Evil
vengeance, the Church had excommunicated all of Dirz’s alleged wherever it reared its ugly head…
followers and burnt Merin’s gardens in their
blind rage. The Heresiarch himself escaped
his pursuers by fleeing deep into the desert of
The Great Purge had just begun.
Sadly, the Inquisition hit the ranks of the The Lodge of Hod does not exist.
Templars especially hard. Having just escaped Even in the most secret circles Hod is referred
one massacre only to find another one on their
doorsteps, the most courageous among them
questioned the investigative methods of the
Church. Suspected of treachery, accused of

in public alongside the very sorcerers they had fought to eradicate. to hand over a corrupt member to the Inquisition!
Even faced with such injustice, and the prospect of an agonizing
death, not one of the Templars renounced Merin… However…


A collectable miniatures game is played using miniatures,
also called figurines, representing the soldiers and troops used
by the players. The game usually opposes two players who
each control one of the two factions confronting each other.
In this type of game the figurines move about on surfaces of
various sizes, from a game board to a huge table with mind-
boggling scenery. Collectable miniatures games put into play
many different worlds, be they historical (re-enacting battles
of medieval times, of World War II...) or fictional (medieval
fantasy, science fiction...).

These games are much more than just games played with
“lead soldiers,” for they use rules of varying complexity that
divide the game into several phases. Every type of troop (the
figurines) has its own characteristics allowing almost all
situations in these different phases to be resolved.

The profiles of characteristics of the various Rackham

games are presented on playing cards that have the advantage
of being multi-purpose. Indeed, these cards assemble a
photograph of the painted figurine, its profile and a quote that
reveals a part of the background history.
To assemble the doors of the Hybrid game you can use
regular glue.

However, if you use cyanoacrylate glue, which is commonly

used to assemble figurines, assemble the cardboard pieces as
pictured: slide the door (Figures A & B) onto its base until it is
in its final position (Figure C). Then make sure that the door &
base combination isn’t wobbly by pressing it onto a hard, flat
surface. Once this is done, apply two drops of cyanoacrylate
glue at the points shown in Figure D.
laboratories built by Dirz the Heresiarch – a deranged scientist
whose madness prompted him to create a host of horrific
monsters. Dirz died many centuries ago, but his creatures
live on hidden deep in the bowels of the laboratories that
time forgot… Soon they will be free!
The Akkylannian Griffins, the valiant protectors of the faith
and the hereditary enemies of the Dirz Alchemists, represent
the last hope of Aarklash to defeat the Heresiarch’s horrifying
spawn… Will the mysterious warriors of the Lodge of Hod
triumph over this cruel menace?


Hybrid is a board game using figurines. The game takes place
on a vast checkered board which is split into moveable Tiles that
represent the Dirz laboratories. The soldiers are represented by
28mm figurines of warriors and creatures that each player moves
around the board according to a strategy determined according
to his or her specific mission objectives. Players can set the board
up as they see fit.

The RACKHAM figurines

The Hybrid figurines are part of the Confrontation series
produced and distributed by Rackham studios.
Rackham takes great care in the design and manufacture of
your figurines at all stages of their production.
The Hybrid figurines are produced unpainted and in kit form.
This gives you the added enjoyment of assembling and painting
your own warriors – an entertaining and enriching experience in
To assemble your figurines you will need a modelling knife and
glue. The painting will require an assortment of small brushes
and miniature pots of paint that you can purchase in game and
All of the materials needed for a game of Hybrid are provided model outlets.
in the box that you have just opened. Besides this clear and easy First separate the clusters of pieces and remove the excess
to follow rulebook, you will find figurines of the protagonists, metal with care, holding the blade away from your body to avoid
game tiles, counters, cards and ten-sided dice (D10). any accidents.
The Hybrid figurines are the same size as the other figurines You are now ready to assemble the figurines. We recommend
in the Confrontation series published by Rackham. The that you use a strong, cyanoacrylate glue that is ideal for
Dirz Alchemists and the Akkylannian Griffins are just two of the assembling pieces of metal.
numerous peoples that inhabit the continent of Aarklash. Then comes the painting stage. To start with, you should apply
In this box you will also find playing cards that enable you to a black or white undercoat. This helps the paint to stick and slows
use your warriors in Rackham ’s medieval fantasy battle games the ageing process occasioned by the handling of the figurines.
Confrontation and Rag’Narok. Now you are ready to start painting your warriors! We
recommend that you use acrylic paint. The different illustrations
WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HYBRID! and photos that you will find in the box can help you in your choice
GENERAL Hybrid includes numerous cards that are vital to each game.
GLOSSARY This booklet outlines the general rules of Hybrid. If a rule that
figures on a card contradicts a rule outlined in this booklet, the
The Hybrid rules often employ recurring terms that describe rule on the card takes precedence.
certain game situations. Here are some definitions of the most
common terms.

DECK: a pile of cards. The cards are drawn one after the
• Action cards that give you the values for each game effect
as well as a short narrative designed to help you uncover the
other with the face of the card hidden. Hybrid uses many types mysteries of Aarklash (this information has no influence on
of deck: Event; Action… the game).

DISCARDED: put to one side. This is a term used for cards

• Event cards that allow you to influence the direction a
game is taking.
that are taken out of the game after use. Some game effects
allow a used card to be reintroduced into a player’s hand or
• Army cards for each of the different factions in the
into the deck. • Equipment cards that describe the different artefacts and
magic objects that belong to the heroes of the game:
REMOVED FROM THE GAME: a card that has been
removed from the game cannot be used again for the rest of
• Aura cards: These are the strict reserve of warriors
with this Aptitude in their Profile.
the game even if a game effect stipulates that it should nor-
mally be reintroduced. The same is true of a warrior who has
• Mutation cards that modify the monsters created by
the Dirz Alchemists.
been “removed from the game”. Warriors eliminated in this
way cannot be reintroduced into the game even if a powerful Profile cards on which the various warriors are pictured and
resurrection spell is brought into play. described.
Take the time to study the Hybrid cards carefully so that you are
WARRIOR: this term designates all the individuals able to recognise them easily.
represented by figurines that take part in a game. A warrior You will also find slightly different Profile cards with blue and
isn’t necessarily a soldier – warriors can be Magicians, faithful, orange backgrounds. These allow you to use the Hybrid figurines
creatures… in Confrontatiion and Rag’Narok, two other games in the
Rackham series that also take place in Aarklash.
ELIMINATED: this describes a warrior who has lost his
last Wound level. Whether he dies, passes out, or is too badly
injured to continue, the warrior is neutralized and his figurine
is removed from the board and put to one side. Some game
effects allow for the resuscitation of fallen warriors in such
instances, the figurine can be replaced on the board.


Hybrid warriors are activated one by one. When his actions
have been completed, his turn is over and the next warrior is

GAME ROUND: a Game Round represents the time it

takes to Activate all the warriors present on the board and
for each of them to complete their respective game effects.
Once this has been done, the Round is over and the next one
can commence. Some games of Hybrid are played in a limited
number of rounds
I N T R O D U C T I O N 12

Reference profiles ACTION MODES

The 4 Action modes, Offensive Combat, Defensive Combat,

Firing and Moving, are described on the warriors’ Profile cards
(see above).
Each value indicates a warrior’s competence level in each
discipline. The higher the number, the more proficient the warrior
is in the relevant field. The average value in Action mode for all
the warriors is 4, hence, any value higher than 4 indicates that the
warrior is gifted.
If a “-” appears opposite an Action it means that the warrior in
question cannot use the corresponding Action.

Example: a “-” appears opposite Firing mode on the

Aberration’s profile card. This is because the Aberration doesn’t
possess a projectile weapon, and is therefore, incapable of firing!

Offensive Combat / OC: this is the mode used for

hand-to-hand combat: the higher its value, the more devastating
the warrior’s attacks.

Defensive Combat / DC: this mode encompasses all

parrying techniques and evasive actions. A warrior who is gifted
in this field is very difficult to injure. An exceptionally high DC
enables the beneficiary to hit back at his enemy after avoiding
a blow.

Firing / F: some warriors can fire weapons, this mode

indicates their talent and precision in combat at a distance.
An exceptionally high value means that the warrior is a master

Moving / Mv: it is essential that a warrior know how to

fight, but there are also situations where it can be just as crucial
to know how to move like the wind or how to creep up on an
characteristics. As far as the rules of the game are concerned, enemy without being heard. A high value in this field means that
they are identical. the warrior has understood that it is sometimes better to run away
and to live to fight another day.

The Natural Value NV is the most important of the warrior’s MOVEMENT
characteristics. It represents the warrior’s strategic importance,
his overall power and his life force. In between the portrait of each warrior and his Equipment
Each time a warrior suffers a Wound, his NV is reduced by 1 details, you will find his Movement / Mt value. This indicates the
point. When this value reaches 0, the warrior is out of action and distance that a given warrior can travel. The value indicates the
his figurine is immediately removed from the board. number of free squares a warrior can cross when it comes to take
The Natural Value of a warrior also determines his Success his turn. The average Mt value is 7.
Level SL in everything he undertakes. The higher a warrior’s NV, Some squares are more difficult to cross than others, generally
the better his chances of success! Accordingly, a warrior with a because they are littered with debris or because they are occupied
high NV has excellent Action potential while a Wounded or less by pits. These squares sometimes require several Movement points
fortunate warrior has less chance of being successful in difficult if they are to be crossed.
or risky undertakings.
The game TILES

into combat.




• RANKS 0 and 1
• RANK 2

• belief.
G A M E R U L E S 14
N.B: A lucky or well-placed blow that comes at just the right
time can cause serious damage. Indeed, a Perfect Success during
hand-to-hand combat or when firing inflicts an additional Wound
GENERAL on the designated enemy (see below).

RULES Example: a warrior rolls a 1 on a Natural Firing Roll. His target

loses not 1 but 2 NV points!

Critical Failure occurs when a Natural Roll results in a 10. This

The die ROLLS has the opposite effect to a Perfect Success and symbolizes bad
luck or clumsiness. The relevant Action results in hopeless failure
MAKING A NATURAL ROLL regardless of any modifiers that might come into play.

Most Actions undertaken by HYBRID’s protagonists (attacking, Example: a warrior endowed with a NV of 5 attempts a test with
defending, firing…) are regulated by Natural Rolls of the dice. the benefit of a +5 modifier. Normally there shouldn’t be a doubt
about the manœuvre’s success, but should the player roll a 10, the
To make a Natural Roll, you have to roll one of the ten-sided test will still result in failure!
dice (D10) and score a total that is equal or inferior to the relevant
warrior’s NV.
Example: a Purifier attempts a Natural Roll. His NV is valued
at 3. The Action is successful if the player in control rolls a 1, a 2 Some Actions require that several D10 be rolled simultaneously.
or a 3 with the D10. When this is the case, the number of dice is indicated: for
example, “roll 2D10” means that two D10 must be rolled. The
D10 are often numbered from 0 to 9. In Hybrid the 0 player subsequently gets to keep the result of ONE of the dice.
represents 10.
During the game, numerous modifiers can influence a Natural
Roll. They can be positive or negative and influence the total
that you must roll with the dice accordingly. The total sum of Positioning
the warrior’s NV and its modifiers determine the Success Level THE WARRIORS
of the Roll.
The warriors are positioned with reference to their four aspects:
SL = NV + 1 / Wound (+modifier(s)) the front, the left side, the right side, the back.
In most cases a warrior’s position is obvious, however, the
Example 1: an Hybrid is trying to injure an enemy with his postures of some warriors can be confusing at this stage of the
sword. The Scorpion warrior hasn’t sustained any Wounds and game. If this is the case, tell your adversary at the beginning of
his NV is valued at 3. To succeed, he must roll 3 or less with the the game which side of the warrior you consider to be the front.
D10. However, the clone’s sword affords him a +2 modifier in this The rest will then fall into place.
situation, his SL is therefore 3 + 2 = 5. Hence the clone must roll
a D10 and get a 5 or less to succeed. The positioning of a warrior before and after he is moved is
paramount. If you expose a warrior’s back to his enemies, your
Example 2: attacking an enemy from behind is easier and error could prove fatal!
therefore the SL for such an Action is increased by 1 point. Our
Hybrid’s SL is therefore the sum of his NV (3), the bonus for his
sword (+2) and the bonus afforded by the attack from behind (+1)
or, 3 + 2 + 1 = 6. He succeeds if he rolls 6 or less with the D10.
• Aanwarrior is more easily wounded from behind by
enemy. The Offensive Combat chapter gives you more
detailed information on this aspect of the game.

PERFECT SUCCESS & CRITICAL FAILURE • Ahimwarrior can only attack an enemy who is in front of
although he can defend himself on both sides.
Perfect Success is achieved by rolling a 1 with the D10. In this
case, the relevant Action is an automatic success. In this manner,
an injured warrior can perform a last prowess even in the most
• Abehind
warrior cannot interact with surroundings that are
him (open a door, activate a lever etc.)
desperate of situations.
ANGLE OF VISION If you want to know whether a figurine can see an element of
the game, trace an imaginary straight line between the warrior and
A warrior’s angle of vision is determined by the front face of his the object in question. If there are no objects on this line, then
base and is shaped like an inverted triangle (see diagram). you can assume that the warrior can see it.

The line of sight enables you to determine whether the different

protagonists can see each other and whether it is possible for you
to fire at an adversary.


A warrior can see all the elements that are located within his line
of sight. However, this line of sight can be blocked by numerous
obstacles: figurines (friend or foe), walls, pillars and closed doors FIGURINES’S ORIENTATION
all block a warrior’s line of sight.






The Scorpions’ clandestine laboratories are particularly dark.
The lighting is, at best, summary, and the flickering flames of the
torches that adorn the walls make it impossible to see beyond 8
squares. This is also the maximum range of firearms.

laboratories built by Dirz the Heresiarch. They consist of Therefore, a warrior positioned 9 squares from the nearest enemy
experimental labs filled with strange instruments, linked by a cannot be seen, even by an adversary looking directly at him.
maze of corridors, many of which have caved in. No notice should
be taken of the elements depicted on the board – these do not
impair the line of sight in any way. This is not the case of the various
counters that you will have to position on the board or the walls that
mark the boundaries between the different rooms.
M O V E M E N T S 16

MOVING YOUR Example: the player first places the counter nr. 4, face down,
next to the warrior he wants to move in fourth position. His
adversary wonders whether this will be the first warrior activated,
WARRIORS or whether the player is bluffing.

Once both sides have established their Activation Sequences

The game is now underway. You have positioned your figurines and distributed their counters, the player who scored the lowest
and established their order of activation. Now it is time to move score on the Activation Roll reveals his first counter and activates
your warriors… the corresponding warrior.
Independently of the Action mode you have chosen (see Action Once the actions of this warrior have been completed, it is the
mode section page 19), if you wish to move a warrior you will have other player’s turn to reveal his first counter. The players take turns
to perform a Movement. The maximum number of squares the activating their fighters until all of them have been activated.
warrior can cover is indicated on the Profile card under the heading
Movement. A warrior retrieves the totality of his Movement points Example: two players go to battle. The player who won the
at the beginning of each round. Activation Roll chooses to go first. He activates the figurine placed
next to counter nr. 1 and completes its actions.
It is then his opponent’s turn and he activates the first warrior
in his Activation Sequence.
This done, it is the first player’s turn again and he activates the
second warrior in his Activation Sequence…
This exchange continues until there are no warriors left to

Movement and
Unlike in Confrontation, in Hybrid there is no fray. A warrior
can move around freely as soon as he is activated even if he is in
base-to-base contact with an enemy or if he is wounded. He must
nevertheless have enough space and the Mt value needed to carry
out this manoeuvre.
In Hybrid a warrior cannot leave an opponent just to return
into base-to-base contact with him on another square in one
Movement. This avoids “strategic retreats” followed by attacks
from behind on the same enemy.
The Hybrid warriors move one by one following the order Movement AND WOUNDS
determined by the players. This is called the Activation
Sequence. Like his NV, each wound suffered reduces a warrior’s Movement
Firstly, the players make an Activation Roll using the D10. The by 1 point, the minimum being 0. If a warrior has been nursed back
player with the lowest score begins. He then chooses whether to to health, his Movement value is revitalized proportionally to the
activate his fighters first or to force his adversary to activate his number of NV points retrieved. The warrior cannot, however,
warriors. If the scores are tied, the players should roll again. exceed the Mt value on his Profile card.
The players then determine the order in which they will
move their warriors. For this purpose, both players have several Example: a warrior has a Movement value of 7. If he suffers 2
numbered counters that they place next to their warriors according Wounds, his Movement value becomes 5. During a round, an event
to their chosen Activation sequence. Each warrior must have his enables the same warrior to retrieve 1 NV point. Accordingly, he
own counter before the game can begin. retrieves 1 Movement point.
In order to keep the Activation sequence secret, the counters
are positioned with their numbers hidden and the players choose
the order in which they are distributed. Of course, the aim is to
develop a strategy that will confound your adversary.
SPECIAL Movements RETREAT : in certain situations, it is necessary to retreat
without turning one’s back on the enemy. Each square covered
DIAGONAL MOVEMENTS: a warrior can move diagonally by a retreating warrior costs him 1 additional Movement point.
without relinquishing a Movement point. However, he loses 1
Movement point if he diagonally moves through a door, an angle
in a wall or the base of a figurine. OPENING AND CLOSING DOORS: a fighter standing in
If a warrior attempts to pass in between two enemies that are, front of or next to a door can open it. In this case remove the
respectively, in contact with his front and one of his sides (or his Door counter and replace it with a Passage counter of the same
back and one of his sides), the penalties are not cumulative. Even size (simle or double). A fighter can also close a door that hasn’t
if he passes betweentwo figurines diagonally, he only incurs one been destroyed or permanently blocked: then simply replace the
Movement penalty. Passage counter with a Door counter of the same size. Unless
stated otherwise, carrying out one of these manoeuvres costs the
fighter 1 Movement point.


can walk through one or more friendly figurines as long as they are
3 not in base-to-base contact with enemy warriors, whatever the
size of their respective bases. The friendly figurines can, however,
1 be in base-to-base contact with other friendly warriors. The
squares occupied by these warriors are counted as normal squares
5 during the Movement. It is, on the other hand, impossible to end a
movement on a square occupied by another warrior whether he be
a friend or a foe. Similarly, a warrior cannot walk through a friendly
1 figurine in order to engage an enemy in base-to-base combat.

JUMPING OVER A TRAPDOOR: a warrior can jump

over a trapdoor to avoid falling and injuring himself. This type
of Movement costs 1 extra Movement point. Furthermore, the
5 ACCUMULATED MOVEMENT POINTS warrior has to make a Natural Roll. If it fails, he fails to clear the
trapdoor and incurs a Wound. He loses 1 NV point.
Trapdoors are not considered to be obstacles as far as the line
FIGURINE’S ORIENTATION of sight is concerned.
A warrior standing on a closed trapdoor that opens suddenly
OPEN DOOR incurs a Wound that is impossible to avoid. The same is true of
a warrior who is pushed into an open trapdoor by an enemy… or
ELEMENT OF THE SCENERY (PILLAR) who is forced to end a Movement on a square occupied by an
open trapdoor.
QUARTER-TURN: the first quarter-turn made by a fighter A warrior who falls into the trap after it has opened is permitted
during his Movement doesn’t cause him any penalty. All following to climb out without incurring a Movement penalty. However, the
quarter-turns cost him 1 Movement point. Wounds are still applicable.
Two quarter-turns made on the same square obviously count
as a half-turn. Example: an Aberration rids itself of a Purifier by using its
BrutishStrength / 2 Aptitude. The Griffin is pushed two squares
HALF-TURN: a fighter making a half-turn loses 1 Movement backwards. Alas, the square behind him is occupied by an open
point. trapdoor. He suffers a first Wound because he met an obstacle
that prevented him from completing a forced Movement, and
Example: to fulfil his Movement, a fighter with a Movement a second, because he fell into an open trapdoor. The situation is
value of 5 can make a half-turn and then move 4 squares. desperate…

MOVING SIDEWAYS: moving sideways costs 1 additional SCALING FALLEN ROCKS: Walking over a zone obstructed
Movement point for every square moved by fallen rocks causes 1 Movement penalty, except for creatures
endowed with Velocity. A warrior cannot end a Movement on a
Example: a fighter with a Movement value of 7 can make a square obstructed by fallen rocks.
sideways movement of 3 squares and can then still move forward A warrior pushed onto a square covered in fallen rocks suffers
by 1 square. a Wound.
M O V E M E N T S 18
A warrior endowed with the Titan Aptitude is not impaired Example: the front edge of an Aberration’s base occupies two
by fallen rocks: he can walk over or end a Movement on an squares. The creature is too big to walk down a corridor that is only
obstructed zone and does not suffer a Wound if he is pushed one square wide. Griffin warriors should bear this in mind when
onto the affected zone. they are fighting such beasts!

ENTERING AND LEAVING A LABORATORY: on A warrior who is unable to cross such a zone can, however, fight
certain missions, the protagonists begin their quests outside the an enemy base-to-base, even if it is in an inaccessible zone.
laboratory and can only enter via a square occupied by an Access
– Entry counter. Put the warrior who wants to enter on top of
the counter. This counts as a Movement and costs the warrior 1 Accepting a
The warrior can only exit a laboratory via a square occupied
by an Access – Exit counter. To leave the laboratory, the warrior
must have at least 1 Movement point in reserve when he lands on Some Hybrid scenarios depend on specific battle objectives,
the Exit square. such as activating a special button, retrieving an artefact or freeing
an ally for example. In most cases the objective is represented by
NB: Only warriors endowed with the Puny Aptitude can exit a an Objective counter placed on the board.
laboratory diagonally. To accept an objective, a warrior must end, or choose to end a
Movement (it is possible to keep Movement points in hand that
Whichever Special Movement is used, don’t forget to face your you don’t use) on the square occupied by the Objective counter.
figurine in the appropriate direction. The warrior can however, if he chooses, make a quarter, or a half

ACTION The modes and Their

There are 4 Action modes in the Hybrid game: Offensive OFFENSIVE COMBAT (OC)
Combat, Defensive Combat, Firing and Moving. Each one is
represented on the Profile cards by pictograms accompanied by
the corresponding value. in base-to-base combat. The enemy must, however, be in contact
Each mode has six Levels of Mastery: Basic, Novice, Skilled, with the front of his base. The front of a large figurine’s base (2
Expert, Master and Heroic. Some say that legendary warriors squares by 2) can be in direct contact with two smaller enemies
even developed a seventh level, but this is just a rumour… (1 square only). In this case, when it attacks, the bigger figurine
Like the NV, each Action mode is reduced by l point each time can only engage one of the smaller foes.
the warrior suffers a Wound. The value of an Action mode cannot A warrior cannot engage an enemy who is located on a square
be less than 1. diagonally adjacent to his own. Combat is only possible if two
The numbers that figure on the Profile cards indicate the enemies are in base-to-base contact along an entire edge (front,
warriors’ maximum Levels of Mastery in each mode. This value right, left or back), and not just with their corners touching.
can exceed 6 to reward a warrior who continues to accomplish Furthermore, when his Activation counter is revealed, a warrior
brave feats while injured. A warrior masters his level and ALL can go into Offensive Combat mode and attack any enemy in
inferior levels. base-to-base contact with him. When this happens, the figurine
A warrior who wishes to use a Level of Mastery cannot do so is turned to face the designated target.
unless he is in the corresponding mode and has the necessary If the designated target has its back turned towards the assailant,
level to activate it. the latter benefits from a 1-point SL bonus on his Natural Roll.

1/ Basic Strike: the Basic Strike enables a warrior to attack an

Example: a warrior with an Offensive Combat value of 4 can enemy in base-to-base with the front of his base.
use the Levels of Mastery 4, 3, 2 and 1 in Offensive Combat mode
when he chooses this mode. 2/ Novice Strike: this Level of Mastery enables the warrior to
ignore his Wounds when calculating the SL before attacking an
Calling upon the right Levels of Mastery at the right time enemy. If the warrior is not injured, this bonus is ignored.
can have spectacular results, especially levels 5 and 6. Wisdom
dictates, however, that these levels should be used sparingly and 3/ Skilled Strike: if the warrior succeeds in wounding his
that it is more prudent to use the basic levels – although they target with his first attack, a second attack can be attempted. The
lack the panache of the higher levels, they can still be dreadfully second attack doesn’t take into account any Action points that
efficient. might have been played during the first and no other Action cards
can be used at this point. However, all other modifiers (Natural
Capacities, attacks from behind…) are taken into account.
Choosing an ACTION MODE
4/ Expert Strike: this Level of Mastery enables the warrior to
The warrior’s mode is chosen and announced when he is scale the heights of the very best duellists. The warrior benefits
activated during the Activation Sequence. If the chosen mode from a +2 SL bonus on Natural Rolls.
is Moving, the Level of Mastery has to be announced before
any Movements are made. If another Action mode is chosen, 5/ Master Strike: the Master Strike enables the warrior to
the warrior makes his Movement and when it is over, announces throw 2D10 simultaneously for the Natural Roll. Only one of the
which Level of Mastery he will use. results is taken into consideration.

6/ Heroic Strike: the warrior activates a deadly secret weapon.

If his Natural Roll is a success, two Wounds are inflicted on the
hapless victim instead of one. If the Natural Roll results in a
Perfect Success, the victim suffers three Wounds.
M O D E S 20
DEFENSIVE COMBAT (DC) 4/ Expert Parry: few things can pierce the invisible barrier that
is formed by the Expert Parry. The warrior who engages this Level
Defensive Combat is the only mode that enables a warrior to of Mastery makes a Natural Roll with a +2 SL modifier. The Expert
avoid injury. It consists of numerous, complex parries, sidesteps Parry can only be used when the aggressors are in base-to-base
and unexpected counter-attacks. Defensive Combat can be a very contact with one another.
useful means of delaying an enemy until help arrives, protecting
an entrance or crossing a combat zone safely… 5/ Master Parry: not even the rain can penetrate the shield of a
Once engaged, the Defensive Combat mode comes into effect warrior protected by a Master Parry. He rolls 2D10 instead of one
at the front and on both sides of the relevant warrior. In other for his Natural Roll and keeps the one that suits him to determine
words, this mode is of no use in repelling an attack from behind. his Action’s result. The Master Parry can only be used by fighters
A warrior remains in Defensive mode for as long as it takes for an in base-to-base contact.
enemy to strike him or until a different mode is engaged. A warrior
can, therefore, remain in Defensive mode from one round to the 6/ Heroic Parry: the warrior who engages this Level of Mastery
next, between the end of the round in which he was activated and can attempt to avoid all the attacks perpetrated against him during
his reactivation in the following round. Place a Defensive Combat the round even if he is wounded by one of them. This function
counter next to the warrior. also repels long-range attacks. The warrior remains in Heroic Parry
However, a warrior who suffers a Wound in this mode mode until another mode is chosen during his activation.
immediately leaves it.

1/ Basic Parry: a Natural Roll for a Basic Parry enables the

warrior, if it is successful, to sidestep an attack. The Basic Parry FIRING (F)
can also be used to evade a long-range attack, a rifle shot for
example. Being able to kill from a long distance is a rare and valuable
talent in Hybrid because it enables a single warrior to police a
large territory. Only a warrior equipped with a projectile weapon
and endowed with a numbered value in Firing mode can use such
a weapon. To do this he has to select the Firing mode and choose
a relevant Level of Mastery.
The number of potential targets depends on the warrior’s angle
of vision. It is possible to shoot at another warrior, the ground or an
obstacle. The only required condition is that the target be located
within the warrior’s direct line of sight. A warrior cannot fire upon
a target that he cannot see. Unless he has the Eye of the Lynx / X
Aptitude, when he is located inside the Heresiarch’s laboratories,
a warrior’s angle of vision has a range of 8 squares and rotates
through 180° (to the left, the right and straight ahead).
Therefore, in order to fire at a target, the warrior must be
located within range and in direct view of the target.
It is easier to hit creatures that occupy a large space. A warrior
benefits from a +1 SL modifier during a Natural Roll if he chooses
to fire at a creature with a large base (2 by 2 squares).
However, if the target is partially hidden by fallen rocks, the
warrior is handicapped by one –1 SL modifier for each affected
square in his path during the Natural Roll. This is a cumulative
2/ Novice Parry: the enemy suffers a Wound if he rolls a Critical penalty that is multiplied by the number of affected squares.
Failure when his attack is countered by a Novice Parry, or if you roll
a Perfect Success when using the Novice Parry. The Novice Parry Example: a Purifier empties his weapon at an enemy. Three
can only be used when fighting in base-to-base contact. squares covered in fallen rocks lie between the warrior and his target.
The SL for the Purifier’s roll is therefore reduced by 3 points.
3/ Skilled Parry: a warrior who succeeds a Skilled Parry Roll
can immediately attempt a Basic Strike as if he were in Offensive 1/ Basic Firing: Basic Firing enables a warrior to attack an
Combat mode. This represents an audacious counter-attack. No enemy from a long distance away. The target must be within
Action cards can be used to increase the chances of success of range and in direct view.
such a counter-attack however. The Skilled Parry can only be It is impossible to fire at an enemy in base-to-base contact.
used when the aggressors are in base-to-base contact with one In order to use Basic Firing, there must be at least one square
another. separating the target from its assailant.
2/ Novice Firing: Novice Firing enables a warrior to fire in all 4/ Expert Firing: this Level of Mastery enables a warrior to
directions. He is able to shoot at an enemy located behind him target an enemy that is hidden behind another warrior – whether
or to either side of him if he wishes to. The target must, however, the obstruction is due to a friend or an enemy. In order to
be located in direct view of its assailant if the attack is to be accomplish this feat, the assailant must not be in direct contact
successful. with an enemy. The target, even if it is not in direct view, must be
Novice Firing also enables a warrior to fire at an enemy in base- located within the assailant’s “potential” line of sight.
to-base contact with him. It is impossible to target a warrior hidden behind two or more
warriors. Similarly, Expert Firing doesn’t enable a warrior to target
3/ Skilled Firing: a warrior can use Skilled Firing when an enemy endowed with the Puny Aptitude who is hidden behind
no enemies are located in his line of sight or in base-to-base another warrior.
contact with him. No roll of the dice is necessary – the warrior
automatically adopts an ambush position. 5/ Master Firing: marksmen endowed with
Place a Skilled Firing counter near the Master Firing are rightly feared by their enemies
warrior to signal his state. A warrior in Skilled because this Level of Mastery enables the
Firing mode cannot move without losing player in control to roll 2D10 for a Natural Firing
his counter. He also loses his counter and the Roll. The best result determines the outcome
benefits of this Level of Mastery if he adopts of the Action.
another Level of Mastery, if he suffers a Wound
or if an enemy ends a Movement in direct 6/ Heroic Firing: this is the exclusive art of
contact with his base. those who consider long-distance combat to
A warrior in Skilled Firing mode empties be the purest form of battle. A warrior who has
his weapon at any enemy who crosses his mastered Heroic Firing can fire twice during
direct line of sight. When this happens, make each round.
a Natural Firing Roll for the first fighter in
Skilled Firing mode.

• it,If hetheeliminates the target by firing upon

warrior remains in Skilled Firing
mode. He can then fire a second time if
the opportunity arises during the game. Any other warriors
in Skilled Firing mode aiming at the same target haven’t fired
and are not activated.
• If the warrior fails to eliminate the target, then the next
fighter in Skilled Firing mode fires. This fighter aims at
the same target according to the Skilled Firing Activation

Each Skilled Firing counter bears a number so that it is

always clear which warrior takes precedence. Thus, as soon as an
enemy enters the line of sight of several warriors in Skilled Firing
mode, they fire in turn beginning with nr. 1. Hence, the firing
sequence bears no relation to the Activation Sequence. The two shots are declared and resolved at the same time. If any
If no enemies come within range, or if an opponent is eliminated Action cards are played, they must be specifically associated with
following a Skilled shot, the warrior can keep his Skilled Firing one or the other of the shots. The opposing players only has one
counter between rounds. The warrior is subsequently withdrawn Action card at his disposal with which to parry the manoeuvre.
from the Activation Sequence and the counter remains in place.
The warrior is considered to be in Skilled Firing mode from the
onset of the round and can fire twice in succession as stipulated MOVING (MV)
above providing he meets the required conditions.

During the resolution of Skilled Firing, only the targeted warrior the board, he can also call upon his Movement / Mt value.
can employ several Action cards. For his part, the warrior who The Moving mode only exists to enable warriors to execute
engaged Skilled Firing can only use one. specific manoeuvres in relation to different types of movements:
running, sliding, brutal charges and furtive movements are the
typical fare of this highly strategic mode. The judicious use of the
Mv mode can change the very outcome of a game.
M O D E S 22
This mode must be announced as and when a figurine is However, enemies endowed with the Titan Aptitude cannot
activated. A specific Level of Mastery must also be chosen. be brushed aside in this way unless the aggressor himself is also a
A warrior in Moving mode doesn’t lose any Movement points Titan.
when he opens or closes a door. The Novice Move is ineffective when employed against an
enemy in Defensive Combat mode.
1/ Basic Move: this Level of Mastery enables a warrior to move
around the board more quickly than he usually would. The warrior 3/ Skilled Move: this Level of Mastery enables a warrior to
making a Basic Move benefits from a +2 modifier in Movement. hinder an enemy’s Movements. A warrior in Skilled Move mode
who has travelled at least one square before coming into base-

is placed next to

next to the

CARDS Example: a Scorpion warrior sacrifices one of his Pests of Flesh

using the Sacrifice Aptitude. Since the death is the doing of a Scorpion
clone, the player is not allowed to draw another Action card.

Action CARDS
On each of the Hybrid Action cards you will find a number
between 0 and 4 (Action points) and a short text (the Action When a warrior accomplishes a risky, intrepid feat, the player in
effect). control can choose to provoke destiny by using one or several of his
Each Action card can be played in a number of ways and when he Action cards at once. He must inform his adversary which card(s)
chooses to play an Action card, the player has to decide whether he intends to use. This announcement must be made before the
he will use the Action points or the Action effects of the card. dice have been rolled. As long as he hasn’t announced if he is or
Once played, the Action card is discarded and any unused isn’t using Action cards in this round, the player’s adversary cannot
effect is lost. use his own Action cards (in a surprise attack for example).
When an Action card is played to assist a Natural Roll, it is
placed face up. The player must then decide whether he wishes to
use the Action points or the Action effects linked to the card.

Action cards are only used punctually when a player has already
decided on a mode for one of his warriors. If the chosen Level
of Mastery enables the relevant warrior to accomplish several
Actions, the player must tie each card to a specific Action. It is
possible to accumulate the effects of several cards during the
same Action.
The bonuses afforded by an Action card cannot, under any
circumstances, be used during a Natural Roll occasioned by an
Event card, an Equipment card or an Aptitude.
A player who doesn’t wish to use an Action card for one
of his figurines must announce this decision. This decision is

Before the game begins, shuffle the Action cards thoroughly.
Each player then draws four cards. When he has looked at his
cards, a player can decide that he’s not satisfied with his draw.
In this case he can choose to discard his first draw (the cards are
placed at the bottom of the deck) and draw three new cards. He
cannot reject the second draw.


It is possible to obtain new Action cards during the course of This aspect of the use of Action cards is very important when
the game. A player draws a card each time one of his warriors is playing a Hindrance. A Hindrance allows an opponent to play
eliminated by an opponent. Once the deck has been exhausted, one and only one Action card to hamper the active warrior’s
however, no further cards can be drawn. manoeuvres. When this is achieved, the player in control of the
figurine can, if he so desires, choose to play one or more Action
NB: If a warrior is eliminated by friendly fire, the player cannot cards to try and weaken the Hindrance’s effects.
draw another Action card!
C A R D S 24
If the player who controls the active warrior has decided not Example: the Scorpion player decides to use an Action card for
to use an Action card, his adversary can still play a Hindrance. In his unwounded Hybrid’s Offensive Combat. The value indicated
this instance, only one Action card is played – that belonging to on the card is 2. Therefore, the value of the Hybrid’s Offensive
the adversary! Combat is the sum of its NV (4), added to the value of the Action
As with the positive effects of an Action card, a Hindrance card (2) or, 4 + 2 = 6. Subsequently, if he so wishes, the player
must be played to favour either the Action points or the Action can use the Offensive Combat mode at the sixth Level of Mastery
(Heroic Strike).
Furthermore, the clone benefits from a +2 modifier on the SL of its
attack thanks, once again, to the bonus provided by the Action card.

If the Action points are used for a Hindrance, they are employed
as negative modifiers on the Action mode of the adversary and his
SL during the Natural Roll.

The value of an Action mode can never be less than 1.

Action Effects
A player who would rather use the text on the card than its value
reads the card out loud. The effect is applied immediately.
Whether the effect enables the owner to steal a card from his
adversary or to revive a discarded Action card, the new card can
only be played during the Activation of the next warrior, whether
he be a friend or a foe.
If the effect is chosen in the context of a Hindrance, it must
be applied to the adversary’s warrior.


The players make an Activation Roll in order to determine
who will move the first figurine. Each side then decides on the
order in which the different warriors will be played and places the
numbered counters face down on their respective bases. The player
who won the Activation Roll chooses who will begin the Activation
Sequence. The opposing factions take turns placing their warriors
on the board one by one in the predetermined order.
After the second round of play, the players can use one or more
Action cards to assist them in the Activation Roll.
Before making the Activation Roll each player, beginning with
the one who won the previous Activation Roll, states whether
he wishes to use one or more Action cards to assist his roll. If
he decides to use any, he places a card face down on the board.
His adversary can then do they same if he wishes. The “auction”
continues in this fashion until the players decide to stop.
The cards are then revealed. Each player adds up the Action points
on his cards. They can then reduce their scores in the Activation Rolls
by the number of Action points they have chosen to play.
If the scores are tied after the roll, roll the dice again until
will have a positive effect both on the SL of his Natural Roll and there is a winner. The only exception being when one player has
on the values of the chosen Action modes. rolled a “1” (Perfect Success) and his adversary has achieved a
He will then be able to choose a higher ranking Level of “1” only after deducting his Action points. In this case the first
Mastery in the chosen Action mode as well as having a better player wins the test.
chance of success in his roll of the dice.
A player who rolls a “10” (Critical Failure) loses the test When he chooses to play the card, he must designate a specific
automatically even if he has engaged Action points that allow friendly or enemy warrior target. Once it has been used the card
him to change this result. is discarded.
If both players achieve Perfect Successes or Critical Failures
A “Constant


• Field are used.

Furthermore, the rarity of each card is also indicated on the FIRST CONTACT
When “First Contact” is established with the enemy, each
• Common player draws one of his Army cards and applies the instructions
• Rare if necessary. First Contact is made when the two players have
• Very Rare established a direct line of sight between their armies or when a
first attack (at a distance or in hand-to-hand combat) has been
A third category indicates when the card can be played: resolved.
A card bearing the name “Interruption” must be played as soon
as it is drawn. Once it has been used the card is discarded.
A “Reserve” card can be kept in reserve. The player can
then play it during any Activation Sequence at an opportune
C A R D S 26
A player draws his second Army card when one of his warriors
has been withdrawn from the board for the first time.

Equipement CARDS
The Equipment cards supplied with Hybrid are divided between
the warring factions. They come in two categories: Aura cards and
Mutation cards. The Aura cards are the strict reserve of the Griffin
warriors while the Mutation cards belong to the Scorpion faction.


The Mutation cards enable the Scorpion player to apply the

various genetic mutations operated on his warriors by the sinister
Dirz scientists.
At the beginning of the game, the Scorpion player shuffles the
Mutation cards and draws three at random. Having studied them,
he discards one and keeps the other two. These cards describe the
Mutations that his combat clones will undergo during the game.

Only a warrior endowed with the Mutation/X Aptitude,

where X is replaced by a number equal or superior to 1, can use
Mutation cards. He can receive as many as the value X bound
with the Aptitude.
The Venerable Ambrosius has enormous power and this sets The Scorpion player can distribute his cards among his warriors
him aside from common mortals. Indeed, he can summon Auras in two ways:
that can modify the environment or influence the behaviour of his
warriors. At the beginning of the game, the Griffin player shuffles
• At the beginning of the first round during the first Activation
of the warrior he wants to award a Mutation card to.
the Aura cards and draws three. Having studied them, he discards
one and keeps the other two. These are the Auras that Ambrosius
• Later in the game during the Activation of a warrior he
wants to award a Mutation card to. This way he can create
will be able to use during the game. an element of surprise. Yet the effects of a Mutation card are
The Auras never affect Ambrosius himself so he cannot benefit not retroactive and so rolls made prior to this point cannot
from them personally but they have a profound effect on the be modified.
warriors that fall within their zone of influence.
Ambrosius can activate an Aura, swap Auras or even abandon Once the Mutation card has been awarded, it becomes
his powers when he is activated during the Activation Sequence. impossible to transfer it to another warrior. If the warrior in
The name of the chosen Aura and, when necessary, its effects, question is eliminated, the relevant Mutation card is discarded.
are revealed to the adversary. Ambrosius’s Aura remains active However, certain effects can linger on after the death of the
until his next activation. owner of a Mutation card. If this arises, the consequences and
The effects of an Aura apply before the choice of the mode and the specific rules relating to such an event are listed on the
the corresponding Level of Mastery is made. Mutation card itself.

COUNTERS Pillar and Fallen Rocks

The Hybrid game uses numerous counters that can have a
significant impact on how a game unfolds. Pillar Fallen Rocks Fallen Rocks
Certain counters are there to help the game run smoothly and
have no real effect on the evolution of the game, others have
vital strategic significance and can have an important influence
on the game.
The Hybrid box contains more counters than are strictly
necessary. This enables you to introduce other warriors from the
Confrontation series into your games as well as allowing you to Pillar and Fallen Rocks counters represent those elements of
replace lost or damaged counters. the scenery that block, either partially or entirely, the access to
To avoid unnecessary confusion, counters that are no longer a given area of the playing board. A Pillar Counter blocks access
relevant to the game should be removed from the game board. and lines of sight like a wall.
A Fallen Rocks Counter, on the other hand, is a form of
Access COUNTERS obstruction that limits movement and firing options. See the
rules on page 17 for the effects of Fallen Rocks.
Double Access Simple Access
Event (Front) Event (Back) Explosion
(see next page)

Access Counters represent the laboratory entrances and

Griffon Dirz
Each laboratory exploration requires numerous Event counters
ActiVATION that are placed in accordance with the mission diagram.

The Activation counters are used to determine the order of the An Event counter represents an unexpected event that takes
various warriors in each camp’s Activation Sequence. place during a mission. Within the game environment this kind
Some missions allow you to select your warriors according to of event is provoked by the players. In order to pick up an Event
Rank, which lets you either deploy many fighters of lesser strength counter, a player has to end a movement on a counter and declare
or a small troop of elite warriors. The Activation counters are it activated.
numbered from 1 to 10 and there are two of each (one for each Once this has happened, the counter is turned over because
camp) to allow for greater flexibility, whatever the type of game some Events are traps. If this is not the case, the counter is
chosen. discarded and the player draws an Event card.
Event counters can only be picked up in turn – the same player
cannot activate two Event Counters in a row. It is, however,
Wound COUNTERS possible to occupy the same square as an Event Counter without
activating it.

by one point. Wound counters are used to keep count of the Example: the Scorpion player has activated the first
number of Wounds a warrior has suffered at any given moment Event counter of the game. He cannot activate a second
in the game. Event counter until his Griffin adversary has, in turn,
A player gives each of his warriors a Wound counter. These can activated one himself.
subsequently be placed on his army’s cardboard specification
sheet. By moving the counters each time warriors are wounded or The activation of an Event counter shouldn’t be taken lightly
healed, it becomes easy to determine the NV of a given warrior. because it gives your adversary the opportunity to activate the
next one – an act that might be decisive at critical moments.
C O U N T E R S 28

Template Objective COUNTERS

COUNTERS Cloud of gas

The extermination of an enemy is not the only way to win a

game. In order to vanquish adversaries bent on carnage, players
require strategy and invention. The Hybrid missions often present
the players with opportunities to win the game: the activation
of laboratory self-destruction; the retrieval of an artefact;
Charnel House the sabotage of vital clone tank mechanisms. These goals are
represented by Objective counters.
A Template Counter, commonly known as a Template, covers Objective counters are numbered from 1 to 6, since certain missions
a surface area of 2 by 2 squares. When a Template is used on the require several objectives to be completed in a specific order.
playing board, it must precisely cover the 4 squares that its effect
Mode COUNTERS Double passage Single passage
Defensive Skilled Expert Skilled
Combat Move Move Firing

The violence of combat can cloud the judgement of A Passage counter represents an opening between two rooms,
participants. Mode counters enable players to tell, in the blink a corridor and a room or juxtaposed Tiles. Passages do not block
of an eye, whether adjacent warriors are using Capacities that lines of sight and a warrior can be placed on a Passage. As with
might last several rounds. The relevant counters are placed next Door counters, there are two types of Passage counter: simple
to the warriors to remind the players of their capacities until and double.
such time as these are withdrawn. There are four types of Mode
counters: Defensive Combat, Skilled Move, Expert Move and
Skilled Firing. Trap
Skilled Firing Mode counters are numbered from 1 to 10. This COUNTERS
enables players to tell which warrior activated the Skilled Firing
mode first and to determine the order of firing when several warriors

Victims of a paranoia born of their confinement, the

Technomancers of the Hybrid Project often set traps in their
laboratories to discourage intruders and eliminate pursuers.

The section devoted to mission instructions indicates how many

Trap counters can be added to the Event counters. Once the
different counters have been mixed, distribute them randomly on

The Trap is released when a warrior lands on it and turns the

counter over having declared it activated. The warrior must roll
a Natural Roll with a +3 SL modifier. If it succeeds, the trap is
avoided, if it fails, however, he incurs an unavoidable Wound.
A closed Trapdoor doesn’t hinder the warriors’ movements.
Door COUNTERS Until a Trapdoor is opened, it remains inoffensive.
As soon as a Trapdoor is opened, replace the Closed Trapdoor
Double Door Single Door counter with an Open Trapdoor counter. Turn to page 17 of this
booklet for the rules concerning the opening of a Trapdoor.

Doors, airlocks and other immovable barriers are excellent

places to set ambushes and ideal ways to move out of an
adversary’s view. Doors must be positioned vertically on the
board. Their physical appearance has no influence on the game
whether they are represented as being out of metal or worm-
infested wood.
There are two types of door in Hybrid:
• A single door occupies one square. This type of door
cannot be used by large warriors (2 by 2 squares);
• A double door occupies 2 squares.


Trapdoors are a real danger for warriors prowling in the corridors

of the Heresiarch’s laboratories. The physical appearance of a
Trapdoor (a pit filled with spikes) doesn’t change the rules
associated with it.
A P T I T U D E S 30

APTITUDES The activation, the cancellation or the modification of an

Aura is declared when a warrior is activated during the Activation
Sequence. The effects of the relevant Aura are applicable
Aptitudes represent the various Hybrid warriors’ special
capacities. An Aptitude is a learned ability or an inborn talent
that, while it might vary in aspect from one warrior to the next,
always manifests itself in the same way in the game. An Aptitude
cannot be gained using an Action mode.
Some Aptitudes are permanent and last throughout the
Others have a punctual or limited influence and need to be
activated before they can be used. These are “optional” Aptitudes.
In this case, announce which Aptitude you want your warrior to
use. Once declared, an optional Aptitude cannot be withdrawn.
Some Aptitudes are followed by a “/X”. The X is replaced by a
value that figures on the relevant warrior’s Profile card.

COMBINED ATTACK/X : this optional Aptitude enables a

warrior to make a number of free additional attacks – a maximum
of one per round – during the game. The number of additional
attacks that are permitted is determined by the X on the warrior’s Example: a warrior endowed with the Aura/3 Aptitude has
Profile card. an influence that covers a distance of up to 3 squares not including
To accomplish a Combined Attack, a warrior must be in base- the one he is standing on. All the warriors within this radius can
to-base contact with the target and in Offensive Combat mode. be affected.
The additional attack must be declared immediately before the
Natural Roll is made for the first attack. If the first attack should PUNY : creatures endowed with the Puny Aptitude are very
eliminate the opponent, the Combined Attack is lost. short and skinny. Puny warriors cannot open doors, but this
Whether the first attack succeeds or not, the assailant can setback is largely compensated for by their improved mobility:
attempt to wound his enemy again with a Natural Roll based on they can move diagonally without suffering a Movement penalty.
the NV that figures on his Profile card, and not the value he has This enables them to walk through doors, walls and other warriors
when making his second attack. Should he succeed, the target diagonally with no effect on their Movement.
automatically loses a Wound level.

NB: The Defensive Combat mode doesn’t enable the target to

avoid the second strike of a Combined Attack. 5
Example: a warrior with the Combined Attack/3 Aptitude can
attempt up to three Combined Attacks during the game at a rate of 3
no more than one per round.
AURA/X : warriors endowed with Aura Aptitudes can
accomplish supernatural feats. These warriors can call upon 1
invisible powers to confound the profane.
An Aura is effective over X squares surrounding the warrior
(this doesn’t take into account the square the warrior is standing
on) and affects all the warriors present in this zone. Auras are
unaffected by obstacles such as walls or doors. A warrior cannot
benefit from the effects of his own Aura but he can be influenced 5 ACCUMULATED MOVEMENT POINTS
by the Auras of other warriors. Furthermore, a warrior can only use
one Aura at a time. OPEN DOOR
Example: the Puny warrior above only spent 5 Movement points
instead of 7 to complete the journey pictured.
With regard for direct lines of sight, a Puny warrior cannot hide BRUTISH STRENGTH/X : a warrior endowed with this
another creature unless it is also a Puny warrior. If warriors with Aptitude benefits from unusual physical force. If, during an
large bases (2 by 2 squares) or normal-sized bases attempt to hide Offensive Combat, the warrior succeeds in an attack, his enemy
behind Puny warriors, they remain in full view of their enemies. is pushed back by X squares. Move the enemy figurine in a straight
line without changing direction, the furthest distance possible
CONVICTION/X: warriors gifted with Conviction have from the warrior endowed with Brutish Strength.
blind confidence in their squad leaders whose presence alone If the warrior has succeeded with several attacks, the Aptitude is
gives them the strength to accomplish heroic acts. not cumulative, but it is applied even if the victim escapes injury. If
The squad leader is the warrior in the group endowed with the the penalty cannot be applied to the enemy figurine because of an
Aura Aptitude. If several warriors are endowed with this Aptitude, obstacle (wall, another figurine…), the victim incurs an additional
the honour is given to the one with the highest rank or, if this isn’t Wound for every square that it was unable to retreat.
enough to separate them, the highest Natural Value.
In order to benefit from this Aptitude, the warrior with it must Example: an Aberration endowed with the Brutish Strength/2
be located within 8 squares or less of the squad leader. For as long Aptitude cuts down a Seneschal with its claws. When all the clone’s
as he remains within this radius, the warrior profits from a positive attacks have been resolved, the Seneschal is forced to retreat by 2
modifier of X points on the SL of his Offensive and Defensive squares from the Aberration. But the Seneschal has his back to the
Combat Rolls. wall so he suffers 2 additional Wounds.
If the squad leader is eliminated, all Conviction effects are
immediately cancelled. MUTATION/X : the Technomancers’ ungodly experiments
combined with nature’s mistakes sometimes result in terrifying
Example: a warrior endowed with Conviction/1 is located 8 powers. Warriors endowed with this Aptitude can use X Mutation
squares away from his squad leader. His Success Levels in Offensive
and Defensive Combat are increased by 1 point.

DUELLIST/X: a warrior endowed with this Aptitude is capable

of detecting the slightest weakness in an enemy’s defences. A
Duellist obtains a Perfect Success on Offensive Combat Rolls
and Firing with results equal or inferior to the X value of the

Example: a warrior endowed with the Duellist/2 Aptitude

obtains a Perfect Success with an Attack or Firing Natural Roll
resulting in 1 or 2 and not only 1.

FELON/X: a Felon is a formidable adversary who uses the

element of surprise to inflict terrible injuries on his enemies. If
he succeeds in getting behind a warrior to attack in Offensive
Combat mode, his SL benefits from a positive modifier that is
equal to the X value. This bonus is cumulative and is added to the
usual Attack from behind modifier.

Example: an assassin endowed with the “Felon/2” Aptitude who

manages to get behind his enemy benefits from a +3 modifier: +1
for the Attack from behind and +2 for the Felon/2 Aptitude.

FRENZY/X : a warrior endowed with the Frenzy Aptitude

is rewarded with a positive modifier of value X each time he
eliminates an enemy in hand-to-hand combat. This is a cumulative
bonus that lasts until the end of the game. It only applies to the SL
associated with Offensive and Defensive Combat modes.

Example: a warrior endowed with the Frenzy/1 Aptitude increased by a factor of X squares.
eliminates two enemies. He is rewarded with a +2 SL modifier in
Offensive and Defensive Combat until the end of the game Example: a warrior endowed with Eye of the Lynx/2 can see and
fire 2 squares further than other warriors. Within the confines of
the laboratories, he can see 10 squares rather than 8.
A P T I T U D E S 32
INFILTRATION/X : at the end of each round, a warrior PRESTIGE/X : a warrior endowed with this Aptitude is well
endowed with this Aptitude can move X additional squares. The respected within his own ranks as well of those of the enemy. He
warrior is considered to be in the same mode he was in when he benefits from a +X modifier on all his SLs (X being the value on
was activated. the warrior’s Profile card) in all Action modes. Sadly, this new-
found status is lost when the warrior shows signs of weakness. The
Example: a warrior who was in Offensive Combat mode when warrior loses this Aptitude as soon as he suffers a Wound.
he was activated who uses his Infiltration Aptitude to come into
base-to-base contact with an enemy, can attack. DORSAL PROTECTION/X : warriors with this Aptitude are
endowed with an armoured shell or battle techniques that make
If the warrior was in Moving mode when he was activated, he them difficult to strike from behind. This Aptitude cancels the +1
can use his Infiltration Aptitude to open doors without suffering modifier associated with Attacks from behind.
a penalty. The X factor indicates the negative modifier that an assailant
must apply to his SL when attacking a warrior endowed with this
If, during a battle, several warriors are endowed with the Aptitude from behind.
Infiltration Aptitude, their additional movement are resolved in
the same order as the Activation Sequence of the round being
played. A warrior loses this Aptitude for the rest of the game as
soon as he enters an enemy’s direct line of sight – it is impossible
to ambush an enemy once the element of surprise is lost.

SACRIFICE/X : creatures endowed with this Aptitude can

sacrifice themselves by setting off a huge explosion when they are
activated. To do this, a warrior must either be in Moving mode and
have chosen the Basic Move level of Mastery. To use this Aptitude,
a warrior must be in base-to-base contact with the enemy. The
sacrificed creature is eliminated, but it inflicts X Wounds on its
enemy before being removed from the game. Defensive Combat
cannot protect a warrior from these Wounds.
A player doesn’t need to draw an Action card to use Sacrifice/X.
Furthermore, this kind of sacrifice is considered to be the first
elimination as far as the drawing of Army cards is concerned.
Example: Pests of Flesh are very aggressive and mobile creatures
endowed with the Sacrifice/1 Aptitude. At the end of a Basic Move,
they can sacrifice themselves to inflict an automatic Wound on all
enemies in base-to-base contact with them. UNFOLDS
ARMOUR-PIERCING SHOT/X : Some marksmen are This chapter is a brief, practical guide to how a game of Hybrid
equipped with special armour-piercing bullets or powerful might unfold. In this section we will revisit, one by one, the
weapons that that can pierce even the hardest metals. When these different stages detailed in the previous pages. The page numbers
marksmen hit their targets, they can choose to target a second refer to the complete rules associated with each section.
enemy. The second victim must be located within the marksman’s Specific terms relating to the rules figure in bold print in the
direct line of sight and no more than X squares behind the first text. Should you need any further details, turn to the relevant page
victim. The first victim is not considered an obstacle when the line for additional information.
of sight is determined and the second casualty cannot be closer
to the marksman than the first.

longer in play.

is fired.

his Activation round.


normal squares.

afforded to warriors with large bases (2 by 2 squares).

per square.

and doors that are wide enough to let them through.


equal to X on their SL.

with the Trap.

G A M E R U L E S 34
Preparation When accomplishing an action with a warrior, a player can play
an Action card to increase his chances of success or to render a
Before starting to play, the players must decide on the game manoeuvre more spectacular. The Action card must be shown to
they’re going to play by choosing their armies and their missions the adversary. Should a player choose not to play an Action card
(see below). he must declare this intention to his adversary.
They then establish their squad lists to include the warriors they Whether the first player used an Action card or not, his
need to complete the missions and the substitute warriors that can adversary can choose to Hinder the Action by playing one and
come into play during the game – some missions give the players only one of his own Action cards. The modifiers associated with
more leeway than others in this regard. this card have a negative rather than a positive effect when played
The mission instructions set the goals to be met and a diagram in this way. If the first player did not refuse to play an Action card,
shows which Tiles should be used, how to set them up and where he then has a chance to bring additional Action cards into play
to place the various counters needed for the game. to minimize the negative effects of the penalties incurred by the
The Event cards are then shuffled and placed in a pile face Hinderance (page 23)
down close at hand. In the majority of cases, a player has to succeed with a D10
The players then shuffle their Army cards, which are also placed Natural Roll to accomplish an Action. The SL of the roll is
face down in a pile close at hand, and draw two each without determined according to the warrior’s NV as modified by the
looking at them. The first of these cards is revealed at First Equipment at his disposal, the Level of Mastery chosen and
Contact, and the second at First Blood. the Action card played, etc. If the result is equal or inferior to
The Griffin player shuffles his Aura cards and draws three at the SL, the Action is deemed successful. A result of 1 signifies
random. When he has studied them, he discards one and keeps a Perfect Success and a result of 10 (0 on the die) signifies a
the other two for the game. Critical Failure.
The Scorpion player does the same with his Mutation cards. If the warrior is using a Level of Mastery that delays the effects
The Action cards are then placed in a pile. Each player draws of an Action (such as Skilled Firing, which enables a warrior
four at random. Having studied them, a player can choose to to ambush an enemy), the player controling him must place
discard all his Action cards and to replace them with three new a corresponding counter next to his figurine. The counter is
cards. The new hand cannot be discarded. removed as soon as the warrior changes his mode or Level of
The Tiles are then assembled and the mission counters and Mastery. This counter can also be used to determine the order
warriors are placed in accordance with the mission diagram. of action of the different warriors in the same mode (if a single
The figurines of warriors that require an Access to enter the target finds itself in the sights of several warriors in Skilled Firing
laboratories are put to one side. mode at the same time for example).
Once the turn has been completed by the first figurine, it is
the turn of the second player who activates the first figurine in
The first ROUND his Activation Sequence.
When he has finished, the first player activates his second
Each player must make an Activation Roll with a D10. The player figurine…
who rolls the lowest score decides who will start (page 16). The players continue in this way until all the figurines with an
Activation counter have been played.
The players then determine the Activation Sequence of their Any effects that last only one round are then withdrawn and
warriors by placing the Activation counters in turn next to their the next round begins.
respective warriors. The counter number 1 is placed next to the
first warrior to be activated, counter number 2 is placed next to
the second warrior to be activated and so on and so forth until all The following ROUNDS
the warriors have been given an Activation number.
The following rounds unfold in the same manner with one
Once this has been done, the player who starts reveals his first exception: Action cards can now be played during the Activation
Activation counter and activates the relevant warrior. Roll in order to increase the player’s chances of success.
The player in control of the warrior decides which Action mode
he will adopt once activated.
If he chooses the Moving mode, he must immediately specify
a Level of Mastery. The end of the GAME
If he chooses another Action mode (Offensive Combat,
Defensive Combat, Firing), he must announce the Level of The winner is the player who fulfils all his mission objectives. If
Mastery during the Movement. neither player is able to do this, the game is considered a draw.
Are you brave enough to confront a new enemy and to resolve
the dark secrets of the Heresiarch’s laboratories?

The ten missions described in these pages will take you on a
journey of discovery across the Heresiarch’s abominable world.
diagram legend
With the exception of a few missions, the players are free to
assemble their combat groups as they see fit. However, their
choices must respect two parameters:
Fallen rock
• THE RANK TOTAL: The sum of the warriors’ ranks must
not exceed this mission parameter. In this instance, two Rank 0 Pillar
warriors count for 1. Trapdoor
• TOTAL NUMBER OF WARRIORS: In order to avoid the Double door
board becoming overcrowded, the total number of warriors taking Single door
part in a game is limited to this number.
Double passage
Single passage
E Event
Example: a Scorpion player is assembling his warriors, his
choice must take into account the following parameters: rank total 1 2 3 Objective
8; total number of warriors 8. He chooses an Aberration (Rank
3), three Hybrid (Rank 1) and four Pests of Flesh(Rank 0). The DEPLOYMENT:
four Pests of Flesh total 2 rank points. The rank total is therefore: 3 D Rank 0 Dirz
+ (3 × 1) + 2 = 8, for a total of 8 figurines. The parameters have
D Rank 1 Dirz
been respected.
D Rank 3 Dirz
G Rank 1 Griffin
G Rank 3 Griffin
V Venerable
deployment zone

deployment zone

Simple entrance
Double entrance
Simple exit
Double exit
Simple entrance / exit
Double entrance / exit
M I S S I O N S 36

In Akkylannie, one of the Lodge of Hod’s most difficult missions SELECTING COMBAT GROUPS
took place in the quiet village of Glasinhar. After the massacre
of the population by a pack of unknown creatures, a group of GRIFFIN SCORPION
Knights was sent to investigate. These brave men never returned R ANK TOTAL 5 6
home. Venerable Ambrosius decided to solve the enigma of their
disappearance himself.
Place 1 Trap counter among the 3 Event counters.
Each side must exterminate the other. Any side with at least
one warrior standing, having exterminated all enemy warriors, is SPECIAL RULES
declared the winner. There are no special rules for this mission.



Entrance E



A detachment of warriors from the Lodge of Hod locates a SELECTING COMBAT GROUPS
Scorpion laboratory on the edge of the Syharhalna. Opening the GRIFFIN SCORPION
doors was difficult because they were covered with a thick layer
of sand. The corridors were littered with skeletons, but were R ANK TOTAL 7 8
otherwise deserted… But the intrusion hadn’t gone unnoticed. TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 6 8
Suddenly, creatures from another time awoke from their torpor
and started the hunt!
The Akkylannians must escape this trap and call for No traps are associated with the Event counters in this
reinforcements if they want to survive the encounter. mission.


The Griffin player must succeed in evacuating the equivalent of TRAPDOORS

4 ranks. He can evacuate his warriors by any of the 5 exits. This mission incorporates four Trapdoors. These are opened
at the beginning of the game. At the beginning of each round,
The 4 ranks must be divided as follows: the player who won the Activation Roll rolls a D10 for each of
• Two Rank 2 warriors
the Trapdoors. If the result is even, the designated Trapdoor
remains open or opens, if the result is odd, the door closes or
• One Rank 2 warrior and two Rank 1 warriors remains closed.

The Scorpion player must stop the Griffin player from achieving
his goal. Let the massacre begin!


Entrance E


M I S S I O N S 38


An ambush during a routine Syhar prisoner transfer turns to Fallen Rocks: Venerable Ambrosius is being held captive in
carnage. Venerable Ambrosius is captured and imprisoned in the a laboratory that has become dilapidated over the years. Large
city of Tenseth. The Hod warriors rally to save their leader but find cracks have appeared in the walls and the pillars could cave in
only the corpses of his captors. at any moment. The visit of the Knights of Hod and the ensuing
Nearby, the sun’s hot rays reflect off a shiny steel door battles have only made matters worse…
embedded in the desert sand. A laboratory! Has Ambrosius A block of rock falls from the ceiling at the end of each round.
chosen to take shelter here or has his destiny been changed The player who won the Activation Roll rolls a D10 to determine
forever by the intervention of a bloodthirsty creature? which zone is affected (refer to the mission diagram for the
zone numbers). Roll the dice a second time using 2D10. One of
these gives the value for the vertical axis (see below), the other
OBJECTIVES determines the value of the horizontal axis. Place a Fallen Rocks
counter on the square at the intersection of these axes.
The Griffin player must free Venerable Ambrosius and help him
escape from the laboratory.
The Scorpion player must eliminate all enemy warriors ranked 1 2 3 4-5 6-7 8 9 10
2 or higher.
The Objective counters 1 act as switches that enable you to
unlock some of the doors in the laboratory. They are shown in
the mission diagram. Once these doors have been unlocked, 6-7
they can be opened. Once opened these doors can never be 8
locked again.
When a door is opened, one of the entrances to the laboratories
D10. If he rolls an even number, the exit in the 1 zone closes.
If he rolls an odd number, the exit in the 2 zone closes.
Fallen Rocks are viewed as elements of the scenery in their own
SELECTING COMBAT GROUPS right and as such, they follow a set of rules. If a warrior is located in
GRIFFIN SCORPION a zone where rocks are falling he suffers a Wound that cannot be
avoided. If this happens, do not place a Fallen Rocks counter on
R ANK TOTAL 7 8 the affected square. If the rocks fall on an Event counter, replace
TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 7 8 it with a Fallen Rocks counter..

Venerable Ambrosius must take part in this game. He is placed
on the V square at the beginning of the game. Ambrosius’s cell is located in the 3 zone. It can only be
opened if the control panel corresponding to Objective counter
TRAPS 1 has been activated. This doesn’t stop Ambrosius from trying to
escape on his own!
No traps are associated with the Event counters during this At the beginning of the second round, the Griffin player rolls a
game. D10. If he rolls a “1”, the door is unlocked. If the roll results in a
failure, the player can try again in the next round. In this instance,
the player must roll a “1” or a “2” to unlock the door. Each attempt
to unlock the door results in a cumulative +1 SL modifier.

D 3

1 E D


2 E D

Entrance / Exit
M I S S I O N S 40


Research has shown that the infernal machinery that drives the The Objective counter 1 designates the location of the
laboratories depends on one or several Gems of Darkness for laboratory’s defence mechanism and can only be activated by a
energy. These magical, almost hypnotic stones pervert metal and Scorpion warrior.
flesh alike and make it easy to mix these elements to produce The Objective counter 2 designates the location of the Gem of
Dirz clones! Darkness and can only be activated by a Griffin warrior.
Scouts have uncovered a hidden laboratory deep in the
inaccessible canyons of Bran-Ô-Kor. Its Gems of Darkness SELECTING COMBAT GROUPS
must be neutralized if a bloodbath is to be avoided. But the
laboratory’s defenders have devised a trap, hidden in the GRIFFIN SCORPION
ventilation system… R ANK TOTAL 7 8
The Griffin player must capture the Gem of Darkness that TRAPS
generates the energy that powers the clone tanks.
The Scorpion player has to activate a defence mechanism Place one Trap counter among the Event counters that will be
freeing a virus capable of killing any being that hasn’t been used during the game
inoculated against it.
The winner is the first player to fulfil his objectives. SPECIAL RULES
There are no special rules associated with this game.

1 2

E Entrance
Entrance E


According to the information contained in Dirz’s diaries, the SO The Objective counter 1 represents the Gem of Darkness. A
Nemesis laboratory was among the prototype laboratories that warrior who ends a Movement on this counter possesses the gem.
were abandoned along with the Hybrid Project. The buildings are When this happens, place the gem on the relevant warrior’s base.
completely outdated, but built in a particularly robust alloy. The The gem follows the carrier in all his movements.
Dawn Ritual that reactivated the Heresiarch’s laboratories also If the carrier is eliminated, the treasure is dropped and the
brought the SO Nemesis back to life, to the extent that even the counter is placed on the square occupied by the warrior (or if the
Syhars discovered its existence. warrior occupied several squares, on one of the occupied squares)
A small army of Syhar scouts was sent to investigate ahead of when he was destroyed.
a much larger force. They arrived at the same time as a squad of The two exits represented by Objective counters 2 and 3
Griffins. open up when the gem (Objective counter 1) is picked up by a
warrior. If the warrior manages to escape the laboratory through
OBJECTIVES one of these exits, the game is won.
After the Activation Roll in the fifth round, the player who
Time is of essence: a huge Gem of Darkness powers the activated the Objective counter 4 must roll a D10. If the result is
enormous laboratory clone tanks and the winner is the first player an even number, nothing happens. If the result is an odd number,
to safely evacuate a warrior from the laboratory with this gem. the 2 and 3 exits slam shut forever. In this instance 4
opens and becomes the only laboratory exit.
Add a Trap counter to the 5 Event counters.
There are no special rules associated with this game.


2 4

M I S S I O N S 42


The Hod warriors have made a vital discovery: the various No traps are associated with the Event counters for this
laboratories form a network with a special research laboratory game.
at its centre. It is even possible that Dirz himself performed
experiments within its walls… Invaluable information concerning SPECIAL RULES
the Heresiarch’s work is surely hidden there.
When a poison gas valve is opened at the beginning of a game,
OBJECTIVES a toxic cloud infiltrates the laboratory corridors. Place the toxic
cloud Template in the zone occupied by the valve (Objective
The Griffin player must find the coordinates of several secret counter 1).
laboratories. When he has done this, he must evacuate the The player who won the Activation Roll rolls a D10 at the
warriors who possess this vital information safely. Alas, a toxic beginning of each round when a cloud is in play to see whether it
gas leak has poisoned the air inside the laboratory and the moves and, if so, where to. Refer to the diagram below and apply
Griffins cannot escape until the valve that controls the gas has the corresponding movement to the D10 result. If the roll results
been closed. The Griffin player wins the game if he manages to in a 9 or a 10, or if the direction indicated can’t be applied, the
fulfil both objectives. cloud stagnates.
The Scorpion player has to stop his enemy from stealing Dirz’s
diaries and must ensure that the poison gas valve remains open. 1-2
The Objective counter 1 represents the poison gas valve. The
7-8 9-10 3-4
counter is not discarded when the valve is activated since it can be
opened and closed several times during a game.
At the beginning of a game, the valve is open. It can be closed
or reopened by any warrior who reaches the Objective counter 1. 5-6
The Griffin warrior(s) in possession of the Heresiarch’s diaries can
only escape if the valve is closed. All warriors located in the zone affected by the toxic cloud
Objective counters 2 and 3 represent the Heresiarch’s incur a –1 modifier on all Success Levels associated with Natural
diaries that contain vital information written by Dirz himself. By Value or Action modes.
activating either of these counters, a warrior takes possession
of the documents that they represent. Both Counters must be The cloud disappears as soon as the valve is closed. If the valve
activated to capture all the documents but they can be activated is opened again, the cloud reappears in the zone occupied by
by different warriors. the valve.





2 3
M I S S I O N S 44

The incomprehensible formulae and the indecipherable notes GRIFFIN SCORPION
found in the Heresiarch’s diaries revealed a second secret: the
location of a mass production laboratory named SO21 designed R ANK TOTAL 8 8
to produce large numbers of clones. The Heresiarch seems to TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 6 9
have had special plans for this particular laboratory located close
to the border of the Alahan kingdom.
No traps are associated with
the Event counters during this

The Scorpion player cannot
The Griffin player must neutralize the accelerated E draw an Action card when
cloning tanks by accessing the main control panel. He one of his Rank 0 warriors is
must also activate the laboratory’s self-destruction eliminated. When this happens,
mechanism. an identical clone is placed in
the tank of the player’s choice.
The Scorpion player’s mission is to stop the Griffins The new clone is incorporated
from destroying the laboratory. Sadly, most of the into the Scorpion player’s next
laboratory’s doors are locked. Activation Sequence.

The Objective counter 1 represents the main control panel for
the accelerated cloning tanks. All the doors to the laboratory are
unlocked (but not opened) as soon as a Griffin warrior enters the
room occupied by the Objective counter 1.
Once activated, the Objective Counter 1 is discarded. All the
tanks are neutralized: all the creatures in the tanks as well as any
Rank 0 Scorpion warriors present in the zone, are immediately
eliminated. The Objective counter 2 represents the switch that D
activates the laboratory’s self-destruct mechanism. To activate
the mechanism, a warrior must inflict 2 Wounds on the switch D
(the switch is considered to be in direct contact with the warrior
in question). Long-distance attacks also work on the switch. A
Scorpion warrior who positions himself on the square occupied D
by the Objective counter 2 blocks all access to the switch for as
long as he chooses to stay.


2 E


This time the laboratory doors have been barricaded on the R ANK TOTAL 7 8
inside. When they enter the laboratory, the Templars of Hod TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 6 8
discover a sickening spectacle: numerous dead creatures frozen
in grotesque positions, the terror etched on their faces like an
echo of the agony of their demise. The Scorpion group must include at least two Rank 0 warriors,
An invisible death prowls these corridors. It must not escape! one Rank 1 warrior and one Rank 3 warrior.

The Scorpion player secretly designates a Rank 1 warrior who The laboratory is riddled with unstable chemical products and
must escape from the laboratory at any cost. This anodyne clone the strains of terrifying viruses. Add two Trap counters to the 4
has been infected with a deadly virus that makes the plague look Event counters to represent these dangers.
like a common cold!
All Rank 0 Scorpion warriors begin the game in accelerated
cloning tanks. A tank can only house 1 figurine at a time. Since SPECIAL RULES
the tanks aren’t operational at the beginning of the game, their
occupants are not immediately incorporated into in the Activation It is possible to eliminate Rank 0 warriors before they awake. To
Sequence. do this, simply place a warrior on an adjacent square and engage
The Griffin player must catch and eliminate the infected in hand-to-hand combat with the warrior still inside his tank.
warrior before he escapes. The tank can also be destroyed by a long-distance attack (shot,
etc.). If the tank suffers a Wound, it and the dormant clone are

The accelerated cloning tanks are not activated at the beginning

of the game. A Scorpion warrior can start them by activating the
Objective counter 1. When this has happened, the warriors can
be included in the next Activation
When the Objective counter 1
is activated, one of the four exits, D
to be chosen by the Griffin player, D
is closed for the remainder of the D
game. Remove the corresponding E
Access – Exit counter. E




M I S S I O N S 46

The Knights of the Lodge of Hod have uncovered a laboratory SELECTING COMBAT GROUPS
that is proving especially difficult to destroy – the lab SO25. For an GRIFFIN SCORPION
unknown reason, the warriors created in this laboratory appear to
have some form of social organisation and are able to coordinate R ANK TOTAL 8 9
their attacks to repel intruders. Venerable Ambrosius assembles TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 9 9
his finest warriors: time is running out and all this agitation will
soon attract the attention of the authorities
Everything must be destroyed immediately. TRAPS
OBJECTIVES No Traps are added to the Event Counters for this mission.

To win the game a player must obliterate all his adversary’s SPECIAL RULES
There are no special rules for this mission






There are still some surprises in store for Ambrosius as he When the Objective counter 1 is activated, all the prisoners’
throws himself hell-for-leather into the exploration of laboratory cell doors are unlocked (but not opened). Once unlocked, these
SO25. As his troops are setting the charges that will destroy the doors cannot be locked again.
lab once and for all, he hears moaning in the distance. The Objective counter 2 represents the controls that open
He uncovers a secret passage and steps inside. Many old friends the two escape hatches. When it has been activated, place two
and battle companions who he believed were dead are imprisoned Access – Exit counters as indicated in the mission diagram and
there, waiting patiently for someone to free them from their remove the Access – Entrance counter.
morbid destiny. But still the guards must be vanquished.
The Griffin player’s mission is to free the prisoners. He must R ANK TOTAL 7 8
open the escape hatch and release at least one warrior who will TOTAL NO.OF WARRIORS 5 8
go in search of reinforcements.
At the beginning of the game, only Griffin warriors ranked 2 or
more can move freely. The others are placed in cells as shown in TRAPS
the mission diagram.
Add 1 Trap counter the 5 Event counters.
The Scorpion player must simply stop his adversary from
fulfilling his mission objectives. SPECIAL RULES
The imprisoned Griffin warriors are only included in the
Activation Sequence in the round that follows the activation of
the Objective counter 1



G G E 2
E P I L O G U E 48

In a few hours the hunger will have gotten the better of me and
We have been locked up for two whole weeks, the machines there’ll be only one solution left open to me. Indeed, I fear Ybhan
have stopped and silence now reigns supreme. Kern has already chosen this way out.
We tried to contact S04 and SO28 but without success, as if I will inoculate myself with a Hybrid treatment. I’ll become a
our equipment had given up the ghost or the laboratories had predator and, who knows, maybe I’ll be able to defeat the last
simply ceased to exist… Our Gems of Darkness reserves have survivors in the complex. Their bodies will provide me with food.
been exhausted and our Immortal gems are too weak to be of What will happen then? I don’t know, but by then I too will have
any use to us. What has happened? Is there still life outside the lost my mind.
laboratories? I have lived, as I will die, for the glory of Arh-Tolth and our all-
powerful Emperor Dirz.
~ ~
I had to kill my last slave.
I’m hungry and we have no food left. My brothers-in-arms
have all done the same. In accordance with the rules, we locked With a tired gesture, Venerable Ambrosius closed the book and
ourselves in our quarters with our slaves in chains. Their sacrifice looked around the room. The slaves’ skeletons still lay at the foot
gives us the food necessary to survive until reinforcements of the wall, their chains padlocked to a ring in the wall.
arrive. Why did the Hybrid Project’s laboratories suddenly stop,
I must admit that I had become attached to the little Barhan condemning those who worked in them to death? This was
girl. She believed in my redemption until the very end. She will the fifth lab purified by the Lodge of Hod and still the enigma
never know how much I am indebted to her. remained intact.
Always the same tragedy: a nauseating complex; piles of bones
~ strewn on the floor; and creatures that only the sick mind of the
Heresiarch Dirz could have imagined. Each time he discovered
This morning, Ybhan Kern tried to force his way into my quarters. the location of two new laboratories of the same type. How many
First he begged me to open the door, to give him something to were there? Tens, hundreds… Would the inhabitants of Aarklash
eat. Then he threatened me. He stayed there, banging on the one day discover what their destiny might have been?
door… The paranoid imbecile had fashioned himself some sort While examining the Technomancer’s texts, Ambrosius
of weapon. Thankfully, he never got in. discovered that each of the laboratories was capable of
I will surely starve to death. What irony! To think that my producing 10 clones per day. What would happen if the Alchemists
creators endowed me with an organism capable of surviving on rediscovered and activated the project? Would it mean the end of
three litres of water a week… Aarklash? A shiver ran down his spine.
I’m beginning to understand the importance of the little “The zone has been cleansed and the machines have been
Barhan’s sacrifice. I forget her name. I have a fever. neutralized,” reported Seneschal Demian through the crack in
the door. Two Purifiers and Misericord, her face hidden behind a
~ metal visor, stood beside him.
“I have to study the last archives and then we’ll leave this place.
Two days. It’s been two days since I killed her. I have nothing Set the charges.”
left to eat. My body is rotting away at a terrifying rate. It’s been Life went on, and the men would soon blow up the entrance
so hot and humid since the machines stopped. to the laboratory. Tonight, Demian would grumble about
Ybhan Kern banged on my door again today with a heavy metal Misericord’s indiscipline and they would move on to another
object. He was laughing like a demon and talking gibberish. laboratory.
Condemned to err the laboratory’s corridors, I think he’s lost Ambrosius unravelled the parchment and studied it carefully.
his senses. He found the coordinates of two new laboratories, SO4 and
I tried to wake up a Yersina clone in the hope that it would SO28. Suddenly his eyes widened and he read the coordinates
protect me should I get out of this place. I didn’t succeed – when for SO28 a second time in disbelief.
the tank opened, the creature simply collapsed… Without the “It’s just not possible, how am I going to tell them?”
power of our Gems of Darkness, it’s become impossible to
awaken the clones. Irony of ironies, their flesh is inedible.

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