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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

24 October 2021 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B



oday we observe World Mission Sunday – a day devoted
to prayer and generous solidarity in favor of our brave
brothers and sisters who are preaching the Gospel and
witnessing to Christ’s love in the foreign missions. They are
doing this in response to a special call from the Lord. In their
apostolic labors they have become the “servants of all,” es-
pecially of those who are poor, sick, or neglected in whatever
way. That is why their mission is not only to preach the Gospel,
but also to make it come alive through hospitals, schools, and
other forms of human promotion. For the success of their mis-
sion they trust not only in God’s grace but also in our prayers
and generosity.

P –For the times we have not Gloria

shown interest in the work
All –Glory to God in the high-
of our missionaries and
have failed to support them est, and on earth peace to peo-
Entrance Antiphon spiritually and materially, ple of good will. We praise you,
(To be recited only when Lord, have mercy! we bless you, we adore you, we
no Entrance Hymn is sung.) All –Lord, have mercy! glorify you, we give you thanks
Let the hearts that seek the for your great glory, Lord God,
Lord rejoice; turn to the Lord P –For the times we have for-
gotten that we also are heavenly King, O God, almighty
and his strength; constantly Father.
seek his face. called to be missionary dis-
ciples in the places where Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
Greeting we live and work, Christ, gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
have mercy! God, Son of the Father, you take
P –Blessed be Jesus, the mis- All –Christ, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
sionary of the Father! May his mercy on us; you take away the
grace and peace be with you all! P –For the times we have not sins of the world, receive our
All – And with your spirit! given witness to the Gos- prayer; you are seated at the right
pel, out of fear or coward- hand of the Father, have mercy
Penitential Act ice, Lord, have mercy! on us. For you alone are the Holy
P –As we are about to celebrate All –Lord, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
the Sacred Mysteries let us call P –May almighty God have alone are the Most High, Jesus
to mind our sins, especially our mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
lukewarmness in supporting our and bring us to everlasting life. in the glory of God the Father.
missionaries. (Pause) All – Amen! Amen!

This issue of Euchalette may be downloaded for free anywhere in the world. A “love offering” for the continuation of our
apostolate will be appreciated. Please, send your donation to “Word & Life Publications.” Our Savings Account is BPI – #
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Collect (Opening Prayer) R. M. Velez but rather the One who said to
P –Almighty ever-living God, him: “You are my son: this day
F C Bb
   
I have begotten you.” Just as he

  
increase our faith, hope and 
charity, and make us love what says in another place: “You are
you command, so that we may a priest forever, according to
The Lord has done great things the order of Melchizedek.”
merit what you promise.
Through our Lord Jesus C F C F The Word of the Lord!
Christ, your Son, who lives and
reigns with you in the unity of
       All – Thanks be to God!
the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever Gospel Acclamation
for us; we are filled with joy!
and ever. All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
All – Amen! * When the Lord brought Our Savior Jesus Christ
back the captives of Zion, we destroyed death and
were like men dreaming. Then brought life to light
our mouth was filled with through his Gospel.
laughter, and our tongue with Alleluia! Alleluia!
rejoicing. R.
1st Reading Jer 31:7-9 * Then they said among the Gospel Mk 10:46-52
After the fall of the Northern nations, “The Lord has done The restoration of the eye-
Kingdom through the prophets, great things for them.” The sight to Bartimaeus shows both
the Lord constantly encouraged Lord has done great things for Jesus’ unique healing power and
the dispirited Israelites scattered us; we are glad indeed. R. his generous availability to help
in foreign lands He urged them out those who are in need. But in
* Restore our fortunes, O order to avail of his power, one
to look forward to the days when
Lord, like the torrents in the must have faith as deep as that of
they would retun to their beloved
southern desert. Those that Bartimaeus.
sow in tears shall reap rejoic- P –The Lord be with you!
In this passage we will hear
ing. R. All – And with your spirit!
the heart-warming message sent
by the Lord through the prophet * Although they go forth P – A proclamation from the
Jeremiah. weeping, carrying the seed holy Gospel according to
to be sown, they shall come Mark
R –A proclamation from the back rejoicing, carrying their All – Glory to you, O Lord!
Book of the Prophet Jer- sheaves. R.
emiah As Jesus was leaving Jeri-
cho with his disciples and a
Thus says the Lord: “Shout 2nd Reading Heb 5:1-6 sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a
with joy for Jacob, exult at the Continuing his presentation blind man, the son of Timaeus,
head of the nations; proclaim of Jesus as the high priest of the sat by the roadside begging.
your praise and say: The Lord New Testament, the author of On hearing that it was Je-
has delivered his people, the this passage underscores both sus of Nazareth, he began to
remnant of Israel. Behold, I the similarity of Jesus with the cry out and say, “Jesus, son of
will bring them back from the priests of the Old Testament and David, have pity on me!” Many
land of the north; I will gath- how he differs from them. rebuked him, telling him to be
er them from the ends of the silent. But he kept calling out
world, with the blind and the R –A proclamation from the all the more, “Son of David,
lame in their midst, the moth- Letter to the Hebrews have pity on me!”
ers and those with child. Brothers and sisters: Jesus stopped and said,
They shall return as an Every high priest is taken “Call him.” So they called
immense throng. They depart- from among men and made the blind man, saying to him,
ed in tears, but I will console their representative before “Take courage; get up, Jesus is
them and guide them; I will God, to offer gifts and sacri- calling you.” Bartimaeus threw
lead them to brooks of water, fices for sins. He is able to deal aside his cloak, sprang up, and
on a level road, so that none patiently with the ignorant and came to Jesus. Jesus said to him
shall stumble. erring, for he himself is beset in reply, “What do you want
For I am a father to Israel, by weakness and so, for this me to do for you?” The blind
Ephraim is my first-born.” reason, must make sin offer- man replied to him, “Master,
The Word of the Lord! ings for himself as well as for I want to see.” Jesus told him,
All – Thanks be to God! the people. “Go your way; your faith has
No one takes this honor saved you.” Immediately the
upon himself but only when man received his sight and fol-
Responsorial Psalm Ps 125 lowed Jesus on the way.
R –The Lord has done great called by God, just as Aaron
things for us; we are filled was. In the same way, it was The Gospel of the Lord!
with joy! not Christ who glorified him- All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus
self in becoming high priest; Christ!
24 October 2021
Homily to bring the light of the Gospel P –It is truly right and just, our
to all through numerous conver- duty and our salvation, always
Profession of Faith sions and perseverance in good and everywhere to give you
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) works. Let us pray! R. thanks, Lord, holy Father, al-
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- C –For all government officials: mighty and eternal God, through
ther almighty, maker of heaven May they realize that with power Christ our Lord.
and earth, of all things visible comes the responsibility to serve For we know it belongs to
and invisible. the people with all integrity and your boundless glory, that you
I believe in one Lord Jesus dedication. Let us pray! R. came to the aid of mortal be-
Christ, the Only Begotten Son ings with your divinity and even
of God, born of the Father be- C – For our parish: May we tru-
fashioned for us a remedy out of
fore all ages. God from God, ly be a caring community that
witnesses to the love of God by mortality itself, that the cause of
Light from Light, true God from our downfall might become the
true God, begotten, not made, sharing our resources and our
faith with others, especially with means of our salvation, through
consubstantial with the Father;
those in need. Let us pray! R. Christ our Lord.
through him all things were
made. For us men and for our And so, with Angels and
C –For all of us: May we never Archangels, with Thrones and
salvation he came down from
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy aspire for positions of authority Dominions, and with all the
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- in order to gain prestige, but only hosts and Powers of heaven, we
gin Mary, and became man.* to serve our brothers and sisters sing the hymn of your glory, as
For our sake he was crucified in all humility and generosity. without end we acclaim:
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- Let us pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy . . .
fered death and was buried, and C – Let us pray in silence for our
rose again on the third day in personal intentions. (Pause) Memorial Acclamation
accordance with the Scriptures. Let us pray! R.
He ascended into heaven and is P –The mystery of faith!
seated at the right hand of the P –Lord God, strengthen with All –We proclaim your Death,
Father. He will come again in Your grace our missionaries, O Lord, and profess your
glory to judge the living and the console them in their afflictions
and make their labors bear fruits Resurrection until you
dead and his kingdom will have of salvation for all. We ask this come again!
no end. through Christ our Lord.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, All –Amen!
the Lord, the giver of life, who
proceeds from the Father and
the Son, who with the Father
and the Son is adored and glori- All – Our Father . . .
fied, who has spoken through P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
the prophets. Preparation of the Gifts All –For the kingdom, the
I believe in one, holy, cath- power, and the glory are
olic and apostolic Church. I P –Pray, brethren . . . yours, now and for ever.
confess one Baptism for the All – May the Lord accept the
forgiveness of sins and I look sacrifice at your hands, for the
praise and glory of his name, Sign of Peace
forward to the resurrection of
the dead and the life of the world for our good and the good of all Breaking of the Bread
to come. Amen! his holy Church.
All – Lamb of God . . .
Prayer of the Faithful Prayer over the Offerings
P –Look, we pray, O Lord, on Communion
P –As we celebrate World the offerings we make to your P –This is Jesus, the light of
Mission Sunday, let us turn our majesty, that whatever is done our lives, the Lamb of God who
thoughts to all our brothers and by us in your service may be takes away the sins of the world.
sisters working in the missions, directed above all to your glory. Blessed are those called to his
and express our solidarity with Through Christ our Lord. supper.
them through our humble peti- All – Amen! All –Lord, I am not worthy
tions. Let our response be: that you should enter under
All –Lord, graciously hear us! Preface III my roof, but only say the word
C –For the Catholic Church and P –The Lord be with you! and my soul shall be healed.
its leaders: May they never lose All – And with your spirit!
P –Lift up your hearts! Communion Antiphon
sight of their vocation to preach (To be recited only when
the Gospel to all nations. Let us All –We lift them up to the
Lord! no Communion Hymn is sung.)
pray! R.
P –Let us give thanks to the We will ring out our joy at
C –For all missionaries: May Lord our God! your saving help and exult in
the Lord reward their dedication All – It is right and just! the name of our God.
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)
Prayer after Communion
P –May your Sacraments, O GOOD NEWS FOR THE LONELY
Lord, we pray, perfect in us by Fr. Sal Putzu, SDB
what lies within them, that

what we now celebrate in signs t is a hard life for people behind bars, with not much to do and often
we may one day possess in having plenty of worries about members of the family who have been left
truth. behind without guidance and without spiritual help which they themselves
Through Christ our Lord.
need so badly . . .
All – Amen!
It is a hard life for elderly folks confined to nursing homes or in their own
houses, often sickly, with relatives going to visit them once a month or even
more seldom, with no one to talk to, except people of the same old age and
having the same problems . . . .
It is hard for Catholic children enrolled in public schools to learn the truths
P –The Lord be with you. and moral demands of their faith without the help of printed materials or
All –And with your spirit! online programs. It is a hard life for OCWs, men or women, away from their
loved ones, living in foreign countries, often without the emotional, moral and
P –Bow your heads and pray
for God’s blessing. (Pause) religious support that meant so much to them in their beloved, unforgettable
– May almighty God make homeland . . .
you ever more aware of the Such were the thoughts that unexpectedly crowded my mind and saddened
preciousness of the Catholic my heart on Easter Day of 1998. And equally unexpectedly, inspiration dawned
faith and of your duty to on me to do something for those distant, lonely, disheartened and forgotten
support its missionaries. brothers and sisters. Immediately after, that inspiration took on a name: “GOOD
All – Amen! NEWS FOR THE LONELY!” Then, that name began to sound like a call to
action, a challenge, and a mission. The mission to supply those lonely
P –May the Lord make you ever folks with good reading materials such as bibles, catechism, edifying
more sensitive to the needs stories, magazines, booklets or leaflets, that could help them to actively
of the missionaries and gen- participate in the Mass, or in novenas, or to pray the Rosary . . .
erous in offering them your These materials could be given to them directly or through the chaplains
help. or volunteers who would occasionally visit them.
All –Amen! In the following days that vision-mission led me to talk to or write letters
P –May the Lord make you to friends, acquaintances and authorities to solicit their help or involvement
share in the blessings prom- in whatever manner in this form of apostolate. The undertaking was clearly
ised to those who forsake something far greater than I could possibly carry on single-handedly.
everything for the King- And help did come, sent by the Lord in a marvelous variety of ways and
dom. degrees. And so, using the structure and facilities of Word & Life Publications,
All –Amen! I began sending bundles of free copies of our periodicals (Salita at Buhay,
Word & Life, Euchalette, Patnubay sa Misa, and The Messenger of Divine
P –And may almighty God Love), as well as rosaries, rosary pamphlets, the Way of the Cross and other
bless you: the Father, and devotional items to chaplains of penal colonies, hospitals, and people running
the Son, and the Holy Spirit. nursing homes.
All –Amen! We also started uploading in the Internet our weekly liturgical leaflets, with
P –Go in peace and be heralds the instruction that Filipino OCWs could download them for free anywhere in the
of the Gospel in your daily world and reproduce them locally. Many in the Middle East, Europe, Indonesia,
lives. New Zealand, Japan and even North America and Western Europe . . . , As
All –Thanks be to God! soon as they came to know about it, they eagerly availed of this opportunity.
More will surely do so in the near future.
Tune in to We can only marvel at the way the Holy Spirit has been working over
Radio Veritas (AM 846 kHz) these past twenty years in enabling this initiative not only to continue, but
„BISPERAS SA VERITAS‰ also to spread far and wide. Divine Providence has given us the means to do
every Saturday from so in ways that are wonderful and often surprising.
5:00 to 6:00 p.m. For more information and inquiries about how you can be a part of this
worldwide apostolate, write us at
or call us by phone, or visit us at the Word & Life Center, Don Bosco Compound, A.
Arnaiz Ave., cor Chino Roces Ave. Makati, Philippines.

Don Bosco Compound, A. Arnaiz Ave. cor. Chino Roces Ave., Makati, Metro Manila
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1820, MCPO, 1258 Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines
WORD & LIFE Tel. Nos. 8894-5401; 8475-8945 • Telefax: 8894-5241 • Website:
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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, J. Domingo, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Marketing: J. Feliciano • Circulation: R. Saldua

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