Rcii-7 Emotional Skills
Rcii-7 Emotional Skills
Rcii-7 Emotional Skills
Learning Experiences
Age(s): _3- and 4-year-olds______
Number of children: ___Whole group__
Title of experience: __If You’re Happy and You Know It_
Intended Goals:
The child will identify a variety of emotion.
Paper plates
(optional: emotion face for happy, silly, angry, sad, hungry, sleepy, scared, and excited)
Large wood craft sticks
Processes: (Procedures)
Before we start the activity, I will make a sample of the activity. I will draw and cut each and
paste each emotion icon onto a paper plate, next, I will tape a craft stick to the bottom of each
paper plate to form a handle. We will talk about emotions or feelings. I will explain to them that
people have many different emotions, and your emotions or feelings can change depending on
the things that happen to you such as losing a toy will make you sad or feeling excited when it’s
time to go outside. We will practice the emotions and do something that will help us remember
Teaching Strategies:
I will show the face with a happy face and let them know that it is a happy emotion then ask
them “what emotion is this?”. I will encourage them to answer all together.
This activity is developmentally appropriate because the students recognize self as a unique
individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotion, and interest. Writes for a variety of
purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks.