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Choose The Correct Answer:: Scrooge and Marley?

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Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following pieces of information does Jacob Marley reveal about
Ebenezer Scrooge at the opening of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley,
Act I?
a. Scrooge often gives money to the poor.
b. Scrooge likes cold, dark winter days.
c. Scrooge is a solitary, miserly man.

2. According to Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, why does

Scrooge object to having people enjoy Christmas?
a. He believes that Christmas is for children and that adults should not
celebrate it.
b. He cares only for making money and considers Christmas an interruption.
c. He feels sad at Christmas because Marley died on Christmas Eve.

3. Near the end of Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Scrooge sees
himself as a child at school. What is revealed about his childhood in this scene?
a. He was alone and lonely.
b. He was terrified of ghosts.
c. He cared only about money.

4. Why does Marley visit Scrooge in his rooms in Act I of A Christmas Carol:
Scrooge and Marley?.
a. to ask Scrooge what has been happening at Scrooge and Marley’s
b. to see Scrooge again and have a nice chat about old times
c. to inform Scrooge that the Three Spirits will haunt him

5. Which of the following is the best example of covetous behavior?

a. Jorge cheered when Caleb won an award for the best science essay in the
b. Ling gazed out the window and daydreamed about traveling to exotic
c. Alissa desperately wanted a guitar like the one that Jordan always played.

6. Which phrase best describes someone who is resolute?

a. timid and shy
b. daring and bold
c. firm and unwavering

7. In Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Scrooge’s nephew calls

Scrooge “impossible” for behaving in a cold and unkind manner. Bob Cratchit
replies, “Oh, mind him not, sir. He’s getting on in years, and he’s alone. He’s
noticed your visit. I’ll wager your visit has warmed him.” What does this
comment most likely suggest about Cratchit?


He fears Scrooge and plans to find a new job.

b. He understands Scrooge and feels sorry for him.
c. He cares for the elderly Scrooge so he will inherit Scrooge’s firm.

     8. Which statement most accurately summarizes what the audience learns about
Scrooge after his four visions with the Ghost of Christmas Past?
a. Scrooge was not a grumpy miser his entire life.
b. Scrooge had a close relationship with his family.
c. From an early age, Scrooge isolated himself from others.

9. Read the following speech from Act 1 of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and
Marley. I wear the chain I forged in life. I made it link by link, and yard by yard. Is its
pattern strange to you? Or would you know, you, Scrooge, the weight and length of
the strong coil you bear yourself? It was full as heavy and long as this, seven
Christmas Eves ago. You have labored on it, since. It is a ponderous chain.
Which of the following best explains Marley’s meaning?
a. He means that Scrooge always carries his money around on his person.
b. He means that Scrooge’s obsession with profit has ruined his character.
c. He means that Scrooge deserves to be in prison for illegal business

     10. In Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, how does Scrooge feel
after revisiting the Fezziwigs’ Christmas party?
a. He resents Past for making him relive a painful memory.
b. He puzzles over Past’s reasons for showing him the party.
c. He is sorry that he has been ungenerous toward Bob Cratchit.

     11. In Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, two men visit Scrooge to
ask for donations. Which statement best describes the impression that Scrooge
makes on the men through their dialogue?
a. They find Scrooge hardhearted and cruel.
b. They find Scrooge brisk and professional.
c. They find Scrooge solemn and sorrowful.

12. In Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Scrooge’s nephew stops
by to wish Scrooge a merry Christmas and to invite him to dinner. What does
their dialogue in this scene reveal about them?
a. They have different ideas about the meaning of the word humbug.
b. They have different ideas about the importance of Christmas.
c. They have different ideas about the value of youth and age.

13. The word function means “to operate or work.” Given this information and
your knowledge of the Latin prefix mal-, choose the most likely definition of
a. to perform very well
b. to learn how to perform
c. to fail to perform as expected

14. In which of the following sentences does the form of the verb agree with the
compound subject?
a. Marley or Fred speaking to Scrooge, but is the effort wasted?
b. Marley or Fred to speak to Scrooge, but is the effort wasted?
c. Marley or Fred speaks to Scrooge, but is the effort wasted?

15. In the selection“At the Crossroads” Nick Kleckner's journey was ............. .
a. effortless
b. easy
c. difficult

16. In Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, what are the two women
and the man selling to Old Joe?
a. items that Scrooge gave them as charity
b. items that Cratchit gave them after Scrooge died
c. items that they stole from Scrooge’s rooms after he died

17. The final scene of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley takes place on the
day after Christmas. When Bob Cratchit arrives late to work that morning, how
does Scrooge respond?
a. He sends Cratchit out to get both of them something to eat.
b. He promises to pay Cratchit more money for his work.
c. He tells Cratchit about the visit of the Three Spirits.

18. In which circumstance is it most accurate to describe a rumor as dispelled?

a. when people have kept the rumor from those involved
b. when people have shared the rumor with others
c. when the rumor has been proven untrue

19. Scrooge meets the Ghost of Christmas Present in Act II of A Christmas Carol:
Scrooge and Marley. Which of the following statements that Scrooge makes to
Present shows most clearly that Scrooge has begun to change?
a. Scrooge. Hello. How should I call you?
b. Scrooge. I’m afraid I’ve not. Have you had many brothers, Spirit?
c. Scrooge. Tonight, if you have aught to teach me, let me profit by it.

20. What is Scrooge’s first reaction when he sees Cratchit’s family in Act II of A
Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley?
a. He is touched to see Cratchit offering a toast to him.
b. He thinks that Cratchit has too many children.
c. He refuses to believe that the family is real.

21. In Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, which of these statements
from the Ghost of Christmas Present most likely means that Scrooge’s actions
can affect the outcome of events?
a. Present. I would say that he gets the pleasure of his family. . . .
b. Present. I see a vacant seat . . . in the poor chimney corner, and a crutch
without an owner. . . .
c. Present. If these shadows remain unaltered by the future, the child will die.

22. In Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, how does the First
Woman, Old Joe’s talkative customer, feel about Scrooge?
a. She pities him for having died alone and friendless.
b. She thinks that he was a mean and terrible person.
c. She is afraid that his ghost will haunt her.

23. The animated film A Christmas Carol, like Dickens’s original story, limits
Marley’s role to one scene. In A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley,
Horovitz greatly expands Marley’s role. Which statement best describes the
effect of Horovitz changing the character in the play script?
a. By expanding Marley’s role, Horovitz makes the three ghosts seem less
b. By expanding Marley’s role, Horovitz pushes Scrooge into the
background of the story.
c. By expanding Marley’s role, Horovitz emphasizes Marley’s friendship
with Scrooge and his determination to save him.

24. Which group of words is most likely to provide the correct meaning of
paracentral? Base the answer on your knowledge of the prefix para-.
a. outside the center
b. away from the center
c. next to or near the center

25. How do the Cratchits respond to the death of Tiny Tim in Act II of A
Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley?
a. They blame Scrooge because they could not afford to get a good doctor.
b. They blame one another for not taking enough care of Tiny Tim.
c. They do their best to comfort one another and move forward.

26. Which of the following best describes a plan that has been altered?
a. The plan has been changed in significant ways.
b. The plan has been set in place for a long time.
c. The plan has been made public.

27. What do these lines from Act II of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley
reveal about Scrooge?
Present. This is the home of your employee, Mr. Scrooge. Don’t you know it?
Scrooge. Do you mean Cratchit, Spirit? Do you mean this is Cratchit’s home?

a. Scrooge is trying to annoy the Spirit.

b. Scrooge has a poor memory for places.
c. Scrooge has never visited the Cratchits’ home.

28. Which is the best example of someone speaking in earnest?

a. Miriam exaggerated when she said the wind had nearly knocked her
b. Brad pretended that school was closed to see whether he could trick
c. Dan apologized sincerely for the trouble he had accidentally caused.

29. Which phrase in this sentence is a prepositional phrase?

She set the plate on the table, took a seat, and began telling stories.
a. set the plate
b. on the table
c. took a seat

30. In Act I of A Christmas Carol: Scrooge and Marley, Scrooge gave the two
Do-Gooders some money to help the poor.
a. True
b. False

31. The Main Character of the play is Bob Cratchit.

a. True
b. False

32. The story is set in England during the nineteenth century.

a. True
b. False

33. The word "gloomy" describes the mood of a person who feels morose.
a. True
b. False

34. The Ghost of Christmas Present took Scrooge to his school.

a. True
b. False

35. The word "incense" means: any of various substances that produce a pleasant
odor when burned. 
a. True
b. False

36. Present tries to change Scrooge from a miser to a good person.

a. True
b. False

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