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Hound of The Baskervilles. Worksheets Copia 3

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

The Hound of the Baskervilles Photocopiable

While reading Chapters 4–6
Chapters 1–3 4 Who says the sentences below, and who do
1 Finish these sentences without looking at the they say them to? What are they talking
book. about? Change the sentences from direct
a Dr James Mortimer is a …………………… . speech into reported speech in the past tense.
b He comes to see Holmes because Example: ‘I can laugh at a joke like anybody else,
…………………… . but they have gone a bit too far this time.’
c Sir Hugo Baskerville owned Baskerville Hall Sir Henry Baskerville speaking to Holmes about
in 1650. He was …………………… . his missing boots.
d One night he followed …………………… . Sir Henry told Holmes that he could laugh at a
e He and the girl were found dead. There was a joke like anybody else, but this time someone
terrible thing …………………… . had gone too far.
f Over 200 years later, Sir Charles Baskerville is a ‘He is quite old, and is a man of good life and
found …………………… . simple tastes.’
2 Put these events in the right order. ………………………………………………
a c Hugo and his friends were drinking, b ‘Did you know that you were followed this
singing and shouting downstairs. morning?’
b c Hugo’s friends followed him into the ………………………………………………
moor. c ‘I tell you, this time we have an enemy worth
c c When Hugo found out the girl had fighting.’
escaped, he promised he would give his ………………………………………………
body and soul to the Powers of Evil if he 5 Who says these things? Who to? Why?
could catch the girl. a ‘I confess that I see no connection.’
d c One day Hugo Baskerville carried off a ………………………………………………
young girl he was in love and locked her b ‘Now we are guessing.’
in room in the Baskerville Hall. ………………………………………………
e c They found the girl’s and Hugo’s body c ‘There is no time to lose’
lying in the centre of a hollow. A great ………………………………………………
black animal was biting at his throat. d ‘It seems the maddest, strangest thing that has
f c The young girl was very frightened and ever happened to me’
escaped by climbing down the wall. ………………………………………………
g c He gave his hounds a piece of cloth from e ‘This man would do anything.’
the girl’s clothing and rode after them. ………………………………………………
3 Correct these sentences.
Chapters 7–9
a Every night, Sir Charles went for a long walk
6 Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the
down the Yew Avenue. words below.
b It is important that a member of the moor walk meets surprises crying
Baskerville’s family settles at the Hall to put breakfast mire death footsteps chases
an end to foolish stories. plan foothold Sir Henry back to London
c Dr Mortimer had suggested Sir Charles After (a) ……………… Watson meets Mrs
should spend some time in London. There Barrymore. He realises that she was the person he
Sir Charles would get stronger. heard (b) ……………… in the night. He takes
d Sir Charles died an unnatural death. a (c) ……………… along the edge of the
e Dr Mortimer couldn’t recognise Sir Charles (d) ……………… and (e) ………………
because his face was covered with mud. Stapleton. Stapleton (f ) ……………… Watson
by asking him if Holmes has come to a decision
about the (g) ……………… of Sir Charles.

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Activity worksheets LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

The Hound of the Baskervilles Photocopiable

Stapleton (h) ……………… a small fly across Chapters 13–15
the (i) ……………… without losing his 10 Put these events in the right order.
( j) ……………… . Miss Stapleton thinks that a c Holmes sends a report to Princetown
Watson is (k) ………………, and tells him to about the death of Selden.
go (l) ……………… . In the night Watson b c Laura Lyons tells Holmes that Stapleton
hears (m) ……………… passing his room. He stopped her from keeping her
and Sir Henry make a (n) ……………… . appointment with Sir Charles.
Chapters 10 –12 c c Holmes, Watson and Lestrade position
7 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? themselves around Merripit House.
a The escaped prisoner is Mrs. Barrymore’s d c Mrs Stapleton is found tied to a post.
elder brother. c e c A gigantic, fire-breathing hound chases
b Watson and Sir Henry go out onto the Sir Henry across the moor.
moor to give the prisoner some food. c f c Holmes discovers that Stapleton is a
c Watson and Sir Henry think they hear Baskerville.
a ghost on the moor. c g c The mist begins to surround Merripit
d Watson sees a man on a rock. c House.
e Laura Lyons wrote a letter to Sir Charles h c Holmes and Watson look for Stapleton on
and he burnt it. c Grimpen Mire, but cannot find him.
8 Answer these questions. i c Holmes kills the hound.
a How does Holmes know that Watson is in the j c Holmes tells Laura Lyons that Stapleton is
hut? married.
b Who was the man Watson saw on the night k c Holmes tells Sir Henry that he and
he and Sir Henry went out after Selden? Watson are returning to London.
c Why does Stapleton want people to think his 11 Answer these questions.
wife is his sister? a What relation was Stapleton to Sir Charles?
d Who does Watson describe as ‘the man of b What killed Sir Charles?
iron’? c Why did Stapleton steal one old boot and one
e Who dies on the rocks of the moor? Why do new boot from Sir Henry?
Holmes and Watson mistake him for someone d Why did Holmes pretend to be in London
else? when he was hiding on Dartmoor?
f What makes Stapleton such a dangerous e Why did Stapleton encourage the friendship
enemy? between Sir Henry and his wife?
9 Use these phrases to write true or false
sentences about the story. Then ask your
partners to find the wrong ones.
a ashes of a burnt letter
b her father’s permission
c money to buy freedom
d a familiar cigarette end
e detailed records on every schoolmaster
f the reddish-brown suit
g an unpleasant memory back to London

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Progress test LEVEL 5 Teacher Support Programme

The Hound of the Baskervilles Photocopiable

1 Match the sentences (a–e) with the sentences (1–5). c ……………… couldn’t sleep well and heard
a The members of the Baskervilles’ family must know footsteps in the middle of the night.
the story of the curse. d ……………… kept repeating that Baskerville Hall
b The man who looked after the sheep on the moor was a place of danger for Sir Henry.
was mad with fear. e ……………… was sitting at a window, with a light
c Sir Charles suffered from heart disease. in his hand.
d Barrymore found the front door open the night of 4 Choose the correct answer.
June 4. a Watson began to think the hound was real when
e Barrymore made a false statement at the inquiry. …..
1) ….. This caused changes of colour and 1) he heard the cries himself.
difficulty in breathing. 2) the people said it breathed fire.
2) ….. He said there were no marks on the ground 3) he saw it for the first time.
round the body. b Mrs Laura Lyons asked Sir Charles for money but
3) ….. They shouldn’t be afraid but careful. she did not meet him at the gate because …..
4) ….. He had seen Hugo followed by a hound of 1) Stapleton learnt about her visit to the Hall.
the devil. 2) she saw the hound and was terrified.
5) ….. He took a light and went down the Yew 3) someone else had given her the money.
Avenue. c Holmes suspected the naturalist was the murderer
2 What happened first? Number the sentences. when …..
a c Another strange thing happened to Sir Henry 1) he saw his bearded face in the carriage in
that morning. London.
b c They soon saw a cab following Dr Mortimer 2) he discovered he had lied about his sister.
and Sir Henry. 3) he stole Sir Henry’s new boot.
c c A letter reached Sir Henry Baskerville the d The dead body Holmes found was wearing Sir
morning he arrived in London. Henry’s clothes because …..
d c When he noticed Holmes was looking at him, 1) he had gone out on the moor at night.
the cab went off Regent Street. 2) Selden got them to help him escape.
e c Sherlock Holmes and Watson followed them. 3) it was Sir Henry himself.
f c The man inside it had a bushy black beard. e Holmes stopped Watson from calling the police
g c Holmes thought he would soon find it. because …..
h c Sherlock Holmes opened a copy of The Times 1) he had already called Lestrade.
and found out how the writer of the letter built 2) Sir Henry refused to make it known.
the message. 3) they had no facts, only guesses.
i c Dr Mortimer and Sir Henry went back to the 5 Write true (T) or false (F).
hotel on foot. a Holmes wanted Stapleton to think that
j c One of his boots disappeared. Sir Henry was alone and he was in London. c
3 What happened on the moor? Choose the right b On the night of Henry’s visit, Mrs Stapleton
name to complete the sentences. was in a room because she was not feeling well. c
Miss Stapleton Sir Henry Mr Stapleton c Sir Henry was taken home to recover from the
Mr Barrymore Watson wounds caused by the hound. c
a ……………… knew Sir Charles well and missed d Mrs Stapleton put up with her husband’s
him now he was dead. behaviour until she realised he had a lover. c
b ……………… was strongly attracted by Miss e The cries came from the hound hidden in
Stapleton. the cave. c

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