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Tutors Teach Seniors ....

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Teenagers are volunteering to teach seniors how to use technologies like smartphones, social media, and digital cameras. This helps bridge the generation gap and promotes mutual understanding between young and old.

Many high school students in Oregon have signed up for programs that help seniors with digital devices. They teach them skills like emailing, using social media, and operating smartphones. This helps seniors stay connected with family and feel more included in the digital world.

Seniors often have trouble following written instructions for technology because they have difficulty remembering details or are unfamiliar with tech vocabulary. They benefit from patient, in-person tutoring that explains concepts clearly.

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office

Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools

Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

worksheets Tutors Teach Seniors New High-"

English Grade 7 Second Quarter First semester

Grade 7

First Quarter
Academic Year 2020-2021
: Name …………………………………………
: Grade …………………………………………
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

When Pamela Norr, of Bend, Oregon, found herself struggling to help her parents with a tech
problem, she asked herself whom she turned to with her own tech difficulties. “My teenage
kids,” she says. In her news article “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks,” Jennifer
Ludden reports that many high school students in Oregon have signed up to help seniors with
digital cameras, smartphones, and social networking, and explains how the program
promotes mutual respect between generations. Jean Coppola, of Pace University, New York,
has set up a similar program. Coppola describes some of the extraordinary things tutors do to
improve their understanding of deafness, visual impairment, arthritis, and other conditions
that senior citizens have.

Knowledge isn’t always handed down from generation to generation—sometimes it is
handed up. Reading “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks” will help students see
that it is not always incumbent on the older generation to teach the younger generation.
Reversing the flow of knowledge changes the dynamic between the generations and may
result in a narrowing of the generation gap.
Seniors: (n) old people
Juniors: (n) young people and teens
Gadget: (n) tools, instruments, devices and appliances
Usher: (v) drive to
Light bulb: (n) light lamp
Struggle: (v) trying to do with difficulty.
Articulate: (v) able to speak clearly and expressively
Camaraderie: (n) friendly feeling and good will comrades, close friendship,
Arthritis: (n) painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints
Applause: (n) clapping, approval
Impairment: (n) damage,
Frustrated: (v) preventing from accomplishing
Brochure: (n) a booklet or pamphlet that contains descriptive information
or advertising

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

Proposal: (n) a plan or offer that is usually put down in writing

Comprehension Check
1. What situation led Pamela Norr to start TECH—Teenager Elder Computer Help?
Norr turned to her teenage children for help with her own computer problems.

2. What kinds of things do seniors want to do with computers and other tech devices?
Seniors want to be able to use email and social media and operate smartphones and other
electronic devices.

3. In the Pace University program, how did teenagers experience what it is like to be an older
They could take photos but could not send them electronically.

4. Write a summary of the selection that answers Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How?
Teenagers used various devices to simulate sensory and physical impairments.

FIRST READ: Comprehension

Identify the choice that best answers the question.

     1. According to “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks,” what main qualities do the tech-
training programs help develop in the young tutors? Choose three options.
a. patience
b. sympathy
c. efficiency
d. confidence
e. imagination
f. decisiveness

     2. According to “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks,” why do the young tutors sometimes wear
special glasses?
a. to protect their eyes from the glaring light in retirement homes
b. to ease the eye strain that comes from working long hours on computers
c. to help them better understand the vision problems that many seniors face
d. to help them read large-print computer screens used by their elderly
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High


     3. Which result of the tutoring programs is explained in “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks”?
a. Many senior pupils have become incredibly skilled on computers.
b. Companies have started to develop more senior-friendly computers.
c. Some teen tutors have developed friendships with their senior pupils.
d. Some senior pupils have begun teaching computer skills to other seniors.

     4. Which phrase best describes the author’s opinion of the tutoring programs she describes in “Tutors
Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks”?
a. useful but expensive
b. helpful and worthwhile
c. creative and economical
d. interesting but ineffective

FIRST READ: Concept Vocabulary

Identify the choice that best answers the question.
     5. If a person can correctly be described as struggling to solve a math
problem, which of the following must be true?
a. The person is able to easily solve the math problem.
b. The person is having difficulty solving the problem.
c. The person is bothered by the length of the problem.
d. The person is familiar with the type of math problem.

     6. Which of the following could best be used to illustrate the meaning of impairments?
a. long hair
b. blue eyes
c. strong arms
d. poor hearing

      7. What is the most likely meaning of the word frustrated in the following sentence?
Makayla was frustrated because she could not see the play from the back of the theater.

a. pleased
b. annoyed
c. confused
d. Surprised

CLOSE READ: Analyze the Text

Identify the choice that best answers the question.
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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

      8. Part A According to “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech

Tricks,” for what main reason are young people often asked to
help seniors with tech problems?
a. Their relationships with elderly people need
b. Their patience as effective teachers needs to be
c. Many of them need after-school jobs to earn money for
d. Many of them are highly knowledgeable in computer

     9. Part A In “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks,” for

what main reason do the seniors want to learn to use new
electronic technologies?
a. to communicate better with younger family members who
live far away
b. to pursue interesting hobbies, such as photography, after
their retirement
c. to stop feeling inadequate and instead feel like part of the
new digital age
d. to develop closer relationships with the young people who
are their tutors

     10. Part A According to “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech

Tricks,” what is a main reason that seniors have trouble following
written instructions on computer use?
a. They have trouble remembering the details the instructions
b. They are unfamiliar with the special vocabulary of
computer technology.
c. They need the warmth and understanding they get from in-
person tutoring.
d. They have little interest in learning something new.

     11. Part A Which statement best sums up the kind of sensitivity

training the tutors at Pace University receive, according to “Tutors

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks”?

a. They are instructed about the different vocabulary that
seniors use.
b. They are shown how to dress in ways that will earn respect
from seniors.
c. They are educated about ways to give positive
encouragement to seniors.
d. They are taught to understand the physical handicaps that
many seniors face.

CLOSE READ: Analyze Craft and Structure

Identify the choice that best answers the question.

     12. Which sentence best expresses the central idea of “Tutors Teach
Seniors New High-Tech Tricks”?
a. Teenagers are being recruited and trained to teach the
elderly how to use computers and other electronic
b. Both young and old people who need tutoring in how to
use a computer are getting help from computer science
c. Teens make great tech tutors because they know more
about computers and electronic equipment than most other
people do.
d. College students who love computers are taking special
courses to learn how to teach the elderly to love computers

     13. Which sentence from “Tutors Teach Seniors New High-Tech Tricks”
introduces the author’s central idea?
a. A week after Christmas, many Americans are no doubt
trying to figure out how to use the high-tech gadgets they
got as gifts.
b. Norr happens to head the Central Oregon Council on
Aging, and thus was born TECH—Teenager Elder
Computer Help.
c. Many elders have moved to central Oregon to retire.
d. “So many teenagers think that seniors are just old people
and don’t know anything,” she says.


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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

Identify the choice that best answers the question.

     14. What part of speech does the suffix -ment create when added to
the end of a word?
a. noun
b. verb
c. adjective
d. adverb

     15. The base word achieve means “to accomplish.” Use this
and your knowledge of the suffix -ment to select the correct
definition of achievement.
a. the result of accomplishing a task
b. the reason for accomplishing a task
c. the process of accomplishing a task
d. the beginning of accomplishing a task

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Azizyia Education Office
Ministry of Education Resalet Al-Huda International Schools
Private Education Office Elementary, Mid & High

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