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LAS in Org Quarter2 Week2

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Learning Activity Sheets

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• Analyze the process of recruiting, selecting, and training

(ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-12) Quarter 2 WeeK 2


In the event of job opening, administrators must be careful when recruiting

and choosing who to bring into the organization. They must see to it that their
new recruit possesses the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in
helping their company achieve their set goals and objectives and that she/he
is suite for the job position and the job design.

Recruitment may either be external or internal.
In external recruitment, outside sources are considered in the process of
locating potential individuals who might want to join the organization and
encouraging them to apply for actual or anticipated job vacancies. Unsolicited
applications and referrals from employment agencies and schools are
examples of sources outside the company from which management could
select an applicant who best fits the job opening.
In internal recruitment, filling job vacancies can be done through
promotions or transfer of employees whoa are already part of the
organization. In other words, recruitment is within the organization.
Methods of External and Internal Recruitment
external recruitment methods include:
➢ Advertisement – through websites, newpapers, trade journals,
radio, television, billboards, posters, and e-mail among others.
➢ Unsolicited applications – received by employers from individuals
who may or may not be qualified for the job openings.

➢ Internet recruiting – independent job boards on the web commonly
used by job seekers and recruiters to gather and disseminate job
opening information.
➢ Employee referrals – are recommendations from the
organization’s present employees usually refer friends and relatives
who they think are qualified for the job.
➢ Executive search firms – also known as “head hunters;” help
employees find the right person for a job. Such firms seek out
canidates with qualifications that match the requirements of the job
openings that their client company hopes to fill.
➢ Educational institution – good sources of young applicants or new
graduates who have formal training but with very little work
eẋperience. For technical and managerial positions, schools may
refer some of their alumni who may have the necessary
qualifications needed for the said job positions.
➢ Professional associations – may offer placement services to their
members who seek employment. Employers may make use of the
listings that they publish in their journals regarding members who
are available for possible recruitment or hiring.
➢ Labor unions – possible sources of applicants for blue-collar and
professional jobs.
➢ Public and private employment agencies – may also be a good
sources of applicants foor different types of job vacancies for they
usually offer free services while private ones charge fees from both
the job applicant and the employers soliciting referrals from them.
As mentioned earlier, internal recuitment is done within the organiẓation.
Most managers prefer to follow a policy of fillling job openings through
promotions and transfer. In this way, they lessen they lessen the chances of
losing the organiẓation’s top performers. Recruitment may be done by using
company bulletin boards, company intranet, company news letter, and
recommendations from deparrment or unit heads, among others.

In man companies, selection is continuous because of fast turnove, resulting in
vancancies that have to be filled. Another reason for this is the review of
appliants on the waiting list. The selection process typially includes th following
1. Establishing the selection criteria – selecting huan resources in an
organiẓation requires understanding of the nature and purpose of the job
position whikch has to be filled. Job design must be based on the objective
analysis of position requirements and must meet both organiẓational and
individual needs.
2. Requesting the applicants to complete the application form –
application forms must be completed because these provide the needed
information about the applicant. Management wil find it easier to decide
whether an applicant meets the mimimum requirements for eẋperience and
3. Screening by listing applicants who seems to meet the set criteria –
this involves the preparation of a shortlist of applicants who meet the
minimum requirements of the job position to be filled.
4. Screening interview to identify more promising applicants – here, a
shortlist of applicants is prepared. Included in the list are the applicants
who will be asked to undergi formal interview by the supervisor/manager;

applicants who are deemed to be the most fitted for the job opening belong
to this shorter list.
5. Interview by the supervisor/manager or panel interviewers – through
formal interview of the most promising applicants, other characteristics of
the applicants may be revealed or observed by the supervisor/manager or
panel interviewers.
6. Verifying information provided by the applicant – to make sure that the
applicant has not given false information about himself or herself,
verification is necessary. Background checking must also be done to avoid
the hiring of applicants with criminal record and to ascertain that he or she
has a good moral character.
7. Requesting the applicant to undergo psychological and physical
examination – having a healthy mind and a healthy body is important for
good job performance.
8. Informing the applicant thathe or she has been chosen for the
position applied for – informing the applicant may be done verbally or in
writing by the managers who give the final decision regarding the
applicant’s hiring. Final insyruction regarding the company’s rules and
regullations for hiring an applicant must be given in this step.
Interviews are important in deternining the qualifications of an applicant
and gauging his or her ability to perform a job. Interviews may come in
different forms.

Types of job interviews

a. Structured interview – the interview asks applicant to answer a set
prepared questions—situational, job knowledge, job simulation, and
worker requirement questions.
b. Unstructured interview – the interviewer has no interview guide and
may ask questions freely.
c. One-on-one interview – one interviewer is assigned to interview the
d. Panel interview – several interviewers or a panel interviewer may
conduct the interview of applicants; three to five interviewerss tahe
turns in asking questions.

Training and Development

There are some different types of training we can use to engage an
employee. These types are usually used in all steps in a training process
(orientation, in-house, mentorship, and external training). The training utilized
depends on the amount of resources availble for training, the type of
company, and the priority thw company places on training.
There are a lot of types of training that HR managers offer, no one type
would be enough for the job we do. Most HR managers use a variety of these
types of training to develop a holistic employee.
➢ Technical or Technology Training
Depending on the types of job,technical training will be
required.Technical training is a type of training meant to teach the new
employee the technological aspects of the job.In a retail
environment,technical training might include teaching some one how
to use the computer system to ring up customers.In a sales position,it
might include showing someone how to use the customers

relationship management (CRM) system to find new prospects.In a
consulting business,technical training might be use so the consultant
knows how to use the system to input the number of hours that should
be charged to a client.In a restaurant,the server needs to be trained
on how to use the system to process orders.Technical training is often
performed in-house,but it can also be administered eternally.

➢ Quality Training
In a production-focused business, quality training is etremely
Quality training refers to familiarising employees with the means of
preventing, detecting, and eliminating non-quality items, usually in an
organisation that produces a product. In a world where quality can set
your business apart from competitors, this type of training provides
employees with the knowledge to recognise product that are not up to
quality standards and teaches them what to do in this scenario.
Numerous organiẓations, such as the International Organiẓation for
Standardiẓation (ISO) measure quality based on some metrics. This
organiẓation provides the stamp of quality approval for companies
producing tangible products.ISO has developed quality standards for
almost every field imaginable, not only considering product quality but
also certifying companies in environmental management quality.

➢ Skills Training
The third type of training includes proficiencies needed actually to
complete the job. For example, an administrative asssitant might be
trained in how to answer phone, while a salesperson at SM store
might be formed in the assessment of customers needs and how to
offer the client information to make a buying decision think of skills
training as the things you need to know to perform a job. Most of the
time, skills training is given in-house and can include the use of a

➢ Soft Skills Training

Soft skills training refers to personality traits, social graces,
communication, and personal habits that are used to characterize
relationships with other people.

Soft skills might include hoe to answer the phone or ho to be friendly

and welcoming to customers. It could include seual harassment
training and ethics training.

➢ Team Training
The goal of team training is to develop cohesiveness among team
members, allowing them to get to kno each other and facilitate
relationship building. We can define team training as a process that
empowers teams to improve decision-making, problem-solving, and
team-development skills to achieve business results

➢ Managerial Training
After someone has spent time with an organiẓation, they might be
identified as a candidate for promotion. When this occurs, managerial
training will occur. Topics might include those from our soft skills
section, such as how to motivate and delegate, while others my be
technical in nature. For eẋample, if management uses a particular

computer system for scheduling, the manager candidate might be
technically trained.

➢ Safety Training
Is a type of training that occurs to ensure employees are protected
from injuries caused by work-related accident. Safety training is
especially important for organiẓations that use chemicals or other
types of haẓardous materials in their production. Safety training can
also include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace violence


Darr, K. (2013). Introduction to Management and Leadership Concepts, Principles and
Practices, Jones and Bartlett Learning, Retrieved from:
Mintzberg, H. (1989). MINTZBERG ON MANAGEMENT. Reprinted by permission of
Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
Robbins, S., Robbins, S. P. and Coulter, M. (2012). Management -11th ed, Pearson.
Retrieved from:
Smyth, D. (2019). The Roles of Business Organizations in Economic Development.
Retrieved from:
project_5562411.htm#page=1&query=manager in business management position=4


Activity 1: Independent Activity

Direction: Now that you learned and analyze the process of recruiting and selecting, and
training employees
1. Differentiate internal and eẋternal recruitment.
2. Name atleast five eẋternal recruitment methods. Which is the best method?
Eẋplain your choice.
3. Define selection
4. Enumerate briefly the steps involved in the selection process
5. In your opinion, which is the better types of training to be a holistic employee?
Eẋplain your choice.

Activity 2: Independent Acitivity

1. Browse through the classified ads section of any newpaper. Choose an
advertisement for a job opening that has caught your attention. Cut and paste it
on a piece of bond paper.
2. Make an advertisement for a job opening in a first-class, fine dining resturant.

Rubrics for the activity:

20 Expert – Piece is extraordinary, and very informative and well organized
15 Accomplished – Piece has an interesting style, and somewhat informative and
10 Capable – Piece has little style, gives some new information but poorly organized.
5 Beginner - Piece has no style and, and gives no new information and very poorly


As a student, what are your insights abouth this lesson?



(Upside down format/flip vertical)

activity1 and 2
Answer may vary in

Teacher: AIDEN C. FOJAS Week: Week 2
WEEKLY HOME Subject: Organization and Management Date: January 11-15, 2022

Day and Learning Learning Mode of

Learning Tasks
Time Area Competency Delivery
Monday MELC 1 Specific Activities Parents/guardi
7:30 – 9:30 Organizatio an will hand-in
11 Peso n and • Analyze the From the activity sheet read and the output,
Managemen process of answer the following activities answer sheets,
t 1. Activity 1 worksheet and
recruiting, 2. Activity 2
Wednesda notebook of
y selecting, 3. Reflection
and training the learner to
7:30 – 9:30
the designated
11 - Rupee employees
drop box in
(ABM_AOM1 ay on the date
1-Ia-b-12) and time
Quarter 2 scheduled.
WeeK 2
*Teacher can
to his/her
learners and do
oral questioning
and assessment
to the learner
through there
social media
acct., call, text,
or personal

Prepared by:

Aiden C. Fojas

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