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Q1 Entrep Week 2

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Learning Activity Sheets

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Quarter 1 - Module 1 – Week 2

Skills and Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship


By this time, you have already gained substantial knowledge

and understanding of an Entrepreneurhip. However, your
entrepreneurial journey does not end here. It is just the
beginning After reading this topic, the learners should be able
1. explain the core competencies in Entrepreneurship;
2. explore job opportunities for Entrepreneurship as a career


In your previous topic you learned that Entrepreneurs plays an

important role in developing the economy. Entrepreneurs are encouraged by
the economy because they can provide a lot of opportunities for the
unemployed young people. An entrepreneur has to have patience to see his
efforts bear fruit. In the intervening period (time gap between the concepion
and implementation of an idea and its results), an entrepreneur dows not have
the willingness to assume risk, entreprenwwurship would never succeed.

Core Competencies in Entrepreneurship

1. Economic and dynamic activity - Entrepreneurship is an economic

activity because it involves the creation and operation of an enterprise
with a view to creating value or wealth by ensuring optimum utilization
of limited resources. Since this value creation activity is performed
continously in the midst of uncertain business environment, therefore
entrepreneurship is regarded as a dynamic force.

2. Innovative - Entrepreneurs constantly look for new ideas, thus he

needs to be creative. Entrepreneurship compels an individual to
continously evaluate the existing modes of business operations so that
more efficient and effective systems and be evolved and adopted.

3. Profit Potential - The entrepreneur can be compensated by his profit

coming from the operation. Profit potential is the likely level of return or
compensation to the entrepreneur for taking on the risk of developing
an idea into an actual business venture. Without profit potential, the
`efforts of entrepreneurs would remain only an abstract and a
theoretical leisure activity.

4. Risk bearing – The entrepreneur needs to gamble but wise enough to

offset the risk. The essence of entrepreneurship is the “willingness to
assume risk” arising out of the creation and implementation of new
ideas. New ideas are always tentative and their results may not be
instantaneous and positive.

Types of Entrepreneurs

1. Innovative entrepreneur - They are those who always make new things
by thinking of new ideas. They have the ability to think newer, better and more
economical ideas.
 They are characerized by the smell of innovativeness.
 These entrepreneurs sense the oppurtunities for introduction of new
ideas, new technology, new markets, and creating new organizations.
 Innovative entrepreneurs are very much helpful for their country
because they bring about a transformation in life style.

Examples of innovative entrepreneurs in the Philippines

1. Henry Sy – SM Group of Companies
2. Socorro Ramos – National Book Store
3. Tony Tan Caktiong – Jollibee
4. Edgar Sia – Mang Inasal

2. Imitating entrepreneurs - They are those who don’t create new things but
only follow the ideas of other entrepreneurs.
 They simply adopts successful innovation introduced by other
 These entrepreneurs imitate thw existing entrepreneurs and setup their
enterprise in the same manner.
 These entrepreneurs are very helpful in less developed countries as
they contribute significantly in the growth of enterprise.

3. Fabian entrepreneurs - They are skeptical about changes to be made in

the organization. They don’t initiate but follow only after they are satisfied.
 The Fabian entrepreneur is timid and cautious.
 They only adopt the new technology when they realized that failure to
adopt will lead to loss or collaps of th enterprise.

4. Drone entrepreneur - They are those who lives on the labor of others.
They are die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.
 They always feel comfortable with their old fashioned technology of
production even though the environmen as well as the society have
undergone considerable changes.
 Thus, drone entrepreneurs refuse to adopt the changes. They are
laggards as they continue to operate in their traditional way and resist

5. Social entrepreneurs - They are those who initiate changes and drive
social innovation and transformation in the various fields such as education,
health, human rights, environment and enterprise development.

If you’re not ready to start your own business, fret not. There are other ways to use
your entrepreneurship degree. Below are some Career Opportunities of

Career Opportunities of Entrepreneurship

1. Business Consultant - with the expertise of in the field of

entrepreneurship, he can be a very good source of advices to other
entrepreneurs and would be businessman.
2. Teacher - a graduate of an entrepreneurship can use his knowledge in
3. Researcher - the entrepreneur can be employed as researcher by an
4. Sales - the entrepreneurship graduate can apply as salesman.
5. Business Reporter - the entrepreneur being expert in the field, he can be
employed as business reporter.


Ronaldo S. Batisan, DIWA Senior High School Series: Entrepreneurship Module.
Learning Systems Inc.
Angeles A. De Guzman. Entrepreneurship (For Senior High School, Applied subject,
ABM Strand. Lorimar Publishing, Inc 2018, 25 – 26.
Edralin, Divina M. Entrepreneurship. Quezon City: Vibal Group, Inc. 2016, 80 – 83.
Leedy, P. and Ormrod, J. Practical Research: Planning and Design 7 th Edition.
Prentice Hall and SAGE Publications, 2001),
Nick L. Aduana, Entrepreneurship in Philippine Setting (for Senior High School),
Dr. Eduardo A. Morato Jr., Entrepreneurship, 2016
Angeles A. De Guzman, Entrepreneurship for Senior High School Applied Subject
ABM Strand, Lorimar Publishing,p.1-5
Ronaldo S. Batisan, Entrepreneurship: Diwa Senior High School Series, Diwa
Learning Systems Inc., p. 16-20
Eduardo A. Morato Jr., Entrepreneurship, 1 st ed., Manila, Philippines: REX Books
Nick L. Aduana, Etrepreneurship in Philippine Setting for Senior High School, 2017,
C&E publishing, Inc.p.46-51
Publishing, 2016.

Aduana,N (2015). Financial statements; Preparation, presentation, analysis and
interpretation, presentation.Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing,Inc.
Angeles A. De Guzman, Entrepreneurship for Senior High School Applied Subjec
V. (2011). Entrepreneurship and Philippine Development. Retrieved from:
https// Philippine_
Development Hayes, A. (2020). Entrepreneur Retrieved from:
https://www.investopedia. com/terms/e/entrepreneur.asp Entrepreneurship:
Characteristics, Importance, Types, and Functions of Entrepreneurship, Retrieved
from: https://www.yourarticlelibrary. com/ What Is the Importance of
Entrepreneurship? Retrieved from:
finance/importance-entrepreneurshipa80aee8f21d6b6c1 Why We Need to Study
and Learn Entrepreneurship? Retrieved from:


Activity 1: Self Assessment

In the table below, write down at least five (5) sentences why you want to become
an Entrepreneur someday.

The following motivates me to become an entrepreneur someday:






Activity 2: independent Activity

Do the following task:

1. Describe the significance of core competency.
2. Enumerate and explain each core competencies in your own words.
3. List down the five types of entrepreneurs and explain each.

Activity 3: independent Activity

In your own opinion, what do you need to possess to become a successful


Rubrics for the activity:

20 Expert – Piece is extraordinary, and very informative
and well organized.
15 Accomplished – Piece has
an interesting style, and somewhat informative and
10 Capable – Piece has little style, gives some new
information but poorly organized.
5 Beginner - Piece has no style and, gives no new
information and very poorly organized


Embarking on the entrepreneurial career path to “being your own boss” is exciting.
But along with all your research, make sure to do your homework about yourself and
your situation (
A Few Questions to Ask Yourself:
 Do I have the personality, temperament, and mind-set of taking on the world
on my own terms?
 Do I have the required ambiance and resources to devote all my time to my
 Do I have the required network to seek help and advice as needed?


(Upside down format/flip vertical)

Answer may vary in activity 1, 2, and 3

School: ESCALANTE NATIONAL HIGH Quarter Quarter 1

Teachers AIDEN C. FOJAS, SHIELO MAE Week: Week 2
N Subject: ENTREPRENEURSHIP Date: March 29-31, April 1-2,

Day and Time Learning Area Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
MELCS Specific Activities Parents/guardian will
Entrepreneurship Quarter1 Module hand-in the output,
1 week 2 answer sheets,
From the activity sheet read and answer
worksheet and
1. explain the the following activities notebook of the learner
core 1. Activity 1, 2, and 3 to the designated drop
competencies in box in school/barangay
Entrepreneurship; on the date and time
2. explore job
opportunities for *Teacher can
Entrepreneurship communicate to his/her
as a career learners and do oral
questioning and
assessment to the
learner through there
social media acct., call,
text, or personal

Prepared by:

Aiden C. Fojas
Shielo Mae Egpas


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