Finite Element Analysis of Ball Burnishing Process: Comparisons Between Numerical Results and Experiments
Finite Element Analysis of Ball Burnishing Process: Comparisons Between Numerical Results and Experiments
Finite Element Analysis of Ball Burnishing Process: Comparisons Between Numerical Results and Experiments
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Abstract Ball burnishing is a surface enhancement process surface treatments improve additional effects, such as surface
where a residual compressive stress is created in the surface smoothening and the possibility of phase transformation, as
layers of the workpiece. Several studies have been con- shown by Altenberger et al. [1]. The basic principles of
ducted on this process, but they are more concerned with mechanical surface treatments can significantly improve the
the experimental aspect. So, there is still a real need for resistance of components to wear and stress corrosion [2, 3],
reliable numerical models that enable us to understand the but they may be particularly beneficial in enhancing the
mechanical behaviour of the workpiece during the process. fatigue strength of critical highly stressed components [4]. It
These models also serve to optimise the studied process. is generally accepted that the introduction of residual stresses
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional finite element (FE) can limit fatigue damage imposed on these components by
ball burnishing modelling is presented in this paper, where mechanical and thermal loads. On the other hand, it is irrefut-
an elastic–plastic material model is assumed in the framework able that surface topography has a considerable influence on
of the FE analysis. The pertinence of these models to predict the fatigue life and strength of hard and notch-sensitive mate-
residual stresses created by the process is discussed by draw- rials. One of the most well-known mechanical surface treat-
ing comparisons between simulation results and experimental ments is ball burnishing, which induces a large depth of near-
data. The obtained results show that the three-dimensional FE surface macroscopic compressive residual stresses as well as
model predicts the residual stresses and provides useful in- work hardening states. Moreover, surface smoothening is also
formation on the effect of the process parameters. typical in burnishing treatment.
The ball burnishing process is usually used and develop-
Keywords Ball burnishing . Finite element . Residual stress ments rely essentially on empirical knowledge. Many
experiments have been carried out to determine the effect
of different process parameters to obtain the best results
1 Introduction [5–7]. From the numerical point of view, only a few predic-
tive models have been developed for the estimation of
Surface enhancement technologies are based on the following residual stress for a given set of burnishing conditions.
physical effects: a localised elastic–plastic deformation in Braham [8] used the simplified analysis of inelastic struc-
near-surface regions leads to the formation of compressive tures to predict the residual stress in crankshaft treatment;
residual stresses and several microstructural alterations asso- this method gives an evaluation of the inelastic components
ciated with increases in microhardness. Moreover, some (residual stresses and plastic strain fields) of the structure
but is applied only to a standard material model with linear
M. Sayahi : S. Sghaier : H. Belhadjsalah (*) kinematic hardening behaviour. Courtin et al. [9] developed
Laboratoire de génie mécanique, École nationale d’ingénieurs de
two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) finite
Monastir, Université de Monastir,
5019 Monastir, Tunisia element method (FEM) models, similar to indentation, for
e-mail: crankshaft ball burnishing. These models take account of the
M. Sayahi loading force and the roller diameter. Bouzid and Saï [10]
e-mail: proposed an elastic–plastic 3D FEM model to calculate the
S. Sghaier ball penetration depth. Skalski et al. [11] analysed the
e-mail: elastic–plastic contact between the tool and the workpiece
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Sartkulvanichzt et al. [12]. In this work, this model is x
established and compared to experimental data that could
predict the residual stresses and provide useful qualitative z
information on the effect of process parameters. However,
the major assumption of plane strain is considered in all 2D
modelling in order to approximate the behaviour of the 3D L
process. The main object of this paper is to develop 2D and
3D models of the ball burnishing process. The paper is
divided into four parts. After the Section 1, Section 2
presents the ball burnishing process and describes the prin-
cipal parameters which have an influence on the process
results. Section 3 is focused on the FE process modelling
where the geometric models, boundary conditions and ma-
terial behaviour are described. Section 4 presents the results
and the discussion. In order to evaluate the ability of FE
models, the residual stress distributions obtained from the
2D and the 3D calculations were compared to the results of
residual stress measurements published in the previous work
of Schuh et al. [7]. The ability of the simulation to predict Fig. 2 Mesh and boundary conditions of the workpiece in the 2D ball
the effects of some process parameters (i.e. ball burnishing burnishing simulation
pressure and ball diameter) was also evaluated.
Fig. 1 Ball burnishing process Fig. 3 The ball tool loading in the 2D simulation
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
p p
Fb ¼ 0:89 db2 P cos ð2Þ 3.1 Development of 2D FEM
4 12
To model the ball burnishing process in the 2D condition, the
In the ball burnishing process, the stress distribution and
study was restricted to the cross-sections sliced along the longi-
the depth of the residual stress layer in a workpiece are
tudinal direction of the cylindrical workpiece. In fact, compared
controlled by the tool size, tool material, load exerted on
to the transverse cross-section, simulation of the longitudinal
the tool, tool feed, and tool speed.
object takes into account more primordial parameters, such as
feed rate and surface roughness profile. Since the diameter of the
workpiece is considerably larger than the diameter of the ball
3 Ball burnishing FE modelling
tool, the treated workpiece is modelled by a rectangle fixed on
its lower edge and with no horizontal displacement on its side
To simulate the ball burnishing process, the commercially
edges (Fig. 2). In ABAQUS CPE8, eight-node biquadratic 2D
available non-linear FE software ABAQUS was used. The
solid plane strain elements are used to mesh the workpiece.
2D FE simulations were carried out using ABAQUS/stan-
The ball is considered circular in the 2D model. In the
dard. However, the 3D model involves complex contact
simulation, the cycle of load imposed on the ball can be
conditions and a high-density mesh. Therefore, in order to
controlled by using two different ball movement controls, that
reduce the computational cost, ABAQUS/explicit was used.
is, displacement control and force control. In the force control,
The FE models are based on the following assumptions:
the ball presses on the workpiece until the maximum applied
1. The ball tool is considered rigid and is modelled by an load is reached for every indentation cycle. This type of
analytically rigid part. loading does not strictly reflect the real load applied to the
2. The surface roughness profile is neglected. part during cylindrical rolling. Indeed, the real contact is a
3. Because pressurised fluid acts as coolant and lubricant sphere/cylinder one, whereas the 2D model simulates a cylin-
in the process, isothermal conditions (room tempera- der/plane contact. For these reasons, it is interesting to use the
ture) and zero friction were assumed. displacement control method in the 2D FEM. This load is a
4. The ball burnishing speed effect is neglected. succession of three repetitive movements (Fig. 3):
– A vertical displacement δ (loading), which corresponds penetration depth is determined by the ball burnishing
to the phase of penetration into the material; force Fb.
– A phase of unloading, where the ball returns to its For every revolution simulation, the loading is done in two
original position; steps. The first is the indentation phase. In the second step, the
– After unloading, the ball is moved in a horizontal di- ball is free on rotation and moves along the path presented in
rection over a distance equal to the value of the feed rate Fig. 5. The depth penetration of the tool is determined by the
per revolution (f). ball burnishing force. For the jth simulation revolution, the tool
centre is maintained in the α00 plane at z01.8 mm. For the
This method would require information on the ball pene- (j+n)th revolution, the tool begins its motion from z01.8+n×f.
tration depth for the given process settings. This depth value,
involving plastic deformation, changes from one cycle to 3.3 Material
another. It cannot be solved analytically due to the non-
linearity of the workpiece properties and is usually very diffi- The material Ti·6Al·7Nb was selected for the workpiece to be
cult to measure during ball burnishing experiments. One so- subjected to the treatment. The basic Von Mises elastic–plastic
lution is to consider the depth constant and use the 3D sphere/ criterion with an isotropic hardening behaviour model was
cylinder indentation simulation to assume the relationship assumed for this material. Consequently, the FEM cannot con-
between ball burnishing force and ball penetration depth sider the effects of ball burnishing speed. This behaviour
under various conditions. The 2D simulation results are pre- defines the evolution of the yield surface size, σ, as a function
sented and compared to the experimental data in Figs. 8 and 9. of the equivalent plastic strain, εp, by using the exponential law:
σð"p Þ ¼ σy þ Q1 1 eb" ð3Þ
3.2 Development of 3D FEM
where σy is the yield stress at zero plastic strain and Q∞ and b
Figure 4 shows the geometric workpiece model considered are material parameters. Q∞ is the maximum change in the size
in the 3D FEM simulations. The workpiece is modelled by a of the yield surface and b defines the rate at which the size of
portion of a cylindrical part. The choice of workpiece size in the yield surface changes as plastic straining develops. These
3D FEM simulations takes into account the real dimensions parameters, Q∞ and b, were assumed to be equal to 309 MPa
of the treated piece, the presented boundary conditions and and 7, respectively. Some properties of this material are
the optimization of computational time. The external radius reported in Table 1.
is equal to the rod bar radius which is utilised in experimen-
tal work. The length L, the angle α and the thickness e are
chosen in order to eliminate the effects of boundary con- 4 Results and discussion
ditions imposed on the workpiece and to obtain a homoge-
neous zone where these results are established. Sensitivity 4.1 Comparison between predicted results and experimental
analysis of the workpiece size effect on the inelastic com- data
ponents led to the choice of the following values:
Figure 6 shows the ball penetration depth corresponding to
L ¼ 7 mm; a ¼ 50 ; e ¼ 2 mm; and Re ¼ 7:5 mm
each revolution, which is adjusted in order to keep the
normal force output equal to a desired value. This depth
Several FE meshes were prepared and studied for the 3D varies from one revolution to another due to the variation in
model to find the effect of the mesh density on computa- plastic deformation state. However, after a number of revo-
tional accuracy, computer time and program convergence. lutions, these effects of plastic deformation are stabilised.
Finally, an FE model with 283,550 eight-node C3D8R ele- The tool penetration is stable and an homogenous treated
ments and 300,456 nodes was prepared with increased mesh
density in the area close to the surface, as shown in Fig. 4. Table 1 Properties of Ti·6Al·7Nb [7]
The following velocity boundary conditions were applied
to the nodes on these surfaces: Alloy: Ti·6Al·7Nb
1 0.2 6 100
2 0.2 6 200
0 3 0.2 6 300
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
revolution 4 0.2 4 300
b 13.0
In an attempt to compare the results predicted by the FE
δ (µm)
simulations with experimental data, in Figs. 8 and 9, three
11.0 comparisons between the residual stress components profile
10.5 obtained by numerical simulations (i.e. 2D and 3D FEM) and
10.0 experimental measurements are plotted. It is shown that the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 results are qualitatively similar for both FE models and good
agreement with experimental results is found. The shapes of
Fig. 6 a Output response of ball burnishing force (F) obtained for 12 both experimentally and numerically obtained relations between
simulated revolutions based on the proposed 3D model with P075 bar, the compressive stresses and the depth were similar. It can be
f00.2 mm/rev, db 08 mm; b ball penetration depth values used for concluded that the maximum compressive residual stress is
different revolutions in the 3D simulation which give rise to a simu-
lated force obtained for work pressure P075 bar, f00.2 mm/rev, db 0 located just below the workpiece surface. This result is in
8 mm accordance with the Hertz theory, which predicts that the max-
imum stress and thus the plastic strain will be slightly beneath
zone is formed. It should also be noted that the varying ball the contact area.
penetration depth was ignored in the 2D simulation. The quantitative study reveals several differences between
The output results were obtained from the steady-state the 2D and 3D models. In Table 3, the characteristic parameters
area where the pattern of residual components may appear to (σr,a surf, σr,a max and compressive layer) of experimental meas-
be periodic for a long workpiece, as shown in Fig. 7. So, the urements and simulated residual stress are given for different
average of many output fields taken from this area consti- treatment parameters. For axial stress, the comparison of the
tuted the final predicted residual stress and plastic strain simulated results with the experimental ones shows that the 3D
state. These results were obtained along several paths from predictions are in agreement with the experimental values.
the surface to the depth of 1 mm. However, it is observed that the 2D model predicted a slightly
The suitability of the 2D and 3D models used to predict ball deeper compressive stress layer than the experiment. Other-
burnishing residual stress and plastic strain could be evaluated wise, the predicted maximum axial compressive residual stress
by comparing them to the experimental data. For this purpose, is less than the measurement data. The difference between
the experimental data published by Schuh et al. [7] are used. calculated and measured maximum residual stress values vary
Specimens having a 15-mm diameter and a 100-mm length by 40 % for the 2D simulation and 7 % for the 3D calculations.
were treated with various parameters reported in Table 2. The Indeed, the plane strain assumption for the 2D model prohibits
residual stress–depth profiles were determined by successive the material from flowing along the out-of-plane, tangential
electrolytic material removal using an XRD 3000 PTS X-ray direction, and thus, compared to the 3D simulation, the plastic
diffractometer. The measurements were performed with Cu strain has clearly decreased (Fig. 10). Consequently, the max-
Kα radiation and the sin2ψ method. imum residual stress introduced is affected.
250 250
a a
0 0
-250 -250
σr,a [MPa]
σr,t [MPa]
-500 -500
-1000 -1000
-1250 -1250
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm] Depth [mm]
250 250
b b
0 0
-250 -250
σr,a [MPa]
σr,t [MPa]
-500 -500
-1000 -1000
-1250 -1250
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm] Depth [mm]
250 250
c c
0 0
-250 -250
σr,t [MPa]
σr,a [MPa]
-500 -500
-750 -750
Exp, P = 300 bars Exp, P = 300 bars
-1000 -1000
-1250 -1250
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm] Depth [mm]
Fig. 8 Axial residual stress evolution from simulations and experi- Fig. 9 Tangential residual stress evolution from simulations and
ments for db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev: a P0100 bar; b P0200 bar; c experiments for db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev: a P0100 bar; b P0
P0300 bar 200 bar; c P0300 bar
For the tangentially induced residual stresses, Fig. 9 shows results. However, for the slight load, unlike the experimental
a good correlation between 3D calculated and measured tangential residual stress curve, where the stresses change
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
Table 3 Experimental and numerical characteristics of axial residual
Sample no. 1 Sample no. 2 Sample no. 3 Sample no. 4
σr,a [MPa]
Sim 3D −730 −980 −1,150 −980 -500
Sim 2D −15 −250 −467 – FEM, P = 100 bars
FEM, P = 200 bars
σr,a max (MPa) -750 FEM, P = 300 bars
Exp −920 −1,030 −1,150 −1,070 Exp, P = 100 bars
Exp, P = 200 bars
Sim 3D −850 −1,065 −1,200 −1,065 Exp, P = 300 bars
Sim 2D −400 −630 −758 –
Compressive layer (mm)
Exp 0.35 0.5 0.61 0.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm]
Sim 3D 0.35 0.51 0.65 0.45
Sim 2D 0.25 0.66 0.94 – Fig. 11 Effects of work pressure on axial residual stress distributions
along the depth with db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev
drastically into positive stress, this model is unable to predict correct choice of optimised thickness should always consid-
this evolution precisely. This overestimation of compressive er the material state and the loading conditions. For exam-
tangential stress is probably related to the material behaviour. ple, a deep layer is much more essential in push–pull loaded
Indeed, the isotropic hardening provides a purely elastic re- components than in parts subjected to bending with high
sponse during unloading. stress gradients. Besides, the influence of ball burnishing
pressure on the maximum axial residual stresses is shown.
4.2 Effects of ball burnishing pressure Indeed, the sub-surface axial residual stress is about 1.5
yield stress. However, owing to the limits of the deformation
Figures 11 and 12 present the effect of work pressure on the capability of the material, the maximum tangential residual
residual stress profiles. It can be seen that the proposed stress changes slowly, so with high pressure, only an in-
model shows the ameliorations caused by increases in pres- crease in the compressive layer is observed.
sure. It is observed that the compressive residual stress layer Generally, the microhardness increases as the material is
increases with work pressure. This layer, considered as one cold worked. However, with high-force rolling, the plastic
of the most important parameters in surface treatment, rea- strain magnitude increases dramatically (Fig. 13). Hence, it
ches a depth of up to 0.6 mm for 300 bar. It is noted that the is possible to increase surface defects, such as surface spalls,
microcracks and developing surface failure, as described by
20 0
15 2D FEM
ε (%)
σr,t [MPa]
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -1250
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm] Depth [mm]
Fig. 10 Comparison between 2D and 3D predicted equivalent plastic Fig. 12 Effects of work pressure on tangential residual stress distribu-
strain profiles for P0200 bar, db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev tions along the depth with db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev
Int J Adv Manuf Technol
50 250
σr, a [MPa]
ε (%)
0 -1250
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm] Depth [mm]
Fig. 13 Effects of work pressure on equivalent plastic strain distribu- Fig. 14 Effects of ball diameter on the axial residual stress distribution
tion along the depth with db 06 mm and f00.2 mm/rev along the depth with P0300 bar and f00.2 mm/rev
ing a larger ball tool. This is due to the fact that a larger ball FEM, db = 4mm
FEM, db = 6mm
presses down the material near the surface more repeatedly -750 Exp, db = 4mm
and uniformly (i.e. increasing coverage) compared to ball Exp, db = 6mm
5 Conclusions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Depth [mm]
In this paper, 2D and 3D FE modelling of the ball burnishing Fig. 15 Effects of ball diameter on the tangential residual stress dis-
process was presented. The results were obtained using the tributions along the depth with P0300 bar and f00.2 mm/rev
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