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Effect of Friction Coefficient On Finite Element Modeling of The Deep - Cold Rolling Process

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Effect of Friction Coefficient on Finite Element Modeling of the Deep -

Cold Rolling Process

A. Lim 1•2 , S. Castagne1, C.C. Wong 2
School of Mech. and Aerospace Eng., Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Advanced Technology Centre, Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte Ltd, Singapore

This paper proposed a 30 finite element model for the deep cold rolling process, modeled
using the commercially available Abaqus/Standard FE software, and uses the aforementioned
model to study the effects of friction coefficient on the residual stress values predicted. It was
shown that the friction coefficient had a minor impact on the surface residual stress values and
a negligible effect beyond 0.4mm in depth.Another finite element model with different process
parameters was run with the friction coefficient calculated from the earlier model. The results
were then correlated to experimental data and it was concluded that

Deep cold rolling, Finite element analysis, Simulation, Abaqus, Friction coefficient

Mechanical surface treatment methods are able to induce a layer of surface and sub-surface
compressive residual stress in components, thereby increasing fatigue life and foreign object
damage tolerance. Shot peening is widely used in industry and is able to induce a layer of
compressive residual stress about 200µm in depth. Deep cold rolling (OCR) is a relatively new
process which is able to induce deeper stresses, up to 1mm in depth, and has the additional
benefit of improving the surface finish. Deep cold rolling (OCR) as a mechanical surface treat-
ment has its roots in roller burnishing, although its main objective is to induce deep compres-
sive residual stresses in the surface and sub-surface layers of the component treated In con-
trast, roller burnishing's performance measure is usually related to surface finish. This results
in much higher forces and applied pressures required in the OCR process [1].
While the high compressive stresses generated by OCR in the near surface layers can extend
fatigue life, it is crucial that the location and magnitude of the corresponding balancing tensile
residual stresses are carefully managed and understood, as they can negate the benefits of
the near surface compressive residual stress and adversely affect the fatigue life of the com-
ponent [2]. However, experimental determination of residual stress distributions by the hole
drilling method [3] and the X-ray diffraction [4] tend to be time consuming, expensive and lim-
ited to discrete measurement points. Hence, finite element (FE) simulation is a crucial tool in
the process optimization of the OCR method as FE simulation enables the user to analyze and
predict the residual stress distribution of the component, even before a prototype is made, and
make the necessary adjustments to ensure the component meets the requirements. Further-
more, FE is not geometrically limited, as complex geometries can be approximated using base
mesh elements. In contrast, physical measurements are limited to discrete points of restricted
geometry with a required degree of flatness.
Most of the previous work published on finite element modeling of deep cold rolling and/or
roller burnishing utilized an assumed value for the friction coefficient [5]. The effect of the fric-
tion coefficient on the accuracy of the finite element model is unknown at this moment; hence,
this paper aims to investigate the effect of the friction coefficient. The values studied will be
µ=0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4.
An assessment of literature showed that simulation work on OCR assumes the friction coeffi-
cient between the ball and the tool to be either 0, i.e. frictionless orµ= 0.2, which as expected,
produces different residual stress distributions as friction causes less material to be pushed in
the rolling direction [6]. Hence, this paper aims to study the effect of the friction coefficient on
the FE model of deep cold rolling.

Finite Element Model
The OCR model is a 3-dimensional rectangular test coupon with identical thickness to that
used in the experimental work. Abaqus/Standard was used to model the test coupon. The 3-D
deformable element type used is the C3D8R element, an 8-node linear brick, with reduced
integration element and hourglass control. 32640 such elements were used to model the test
coupon and 3338 four-node R304 rigid elements were used to model the ball tool. In order to
reduce computational time, although it would have been ideal to model the entire process for
the whole test coupon, a reduced burnished area was investigated. The treated area must be
representative of the treatment of the entire coupon for the results from the reduced burnished
area to be equivalent to the treatment of the entire area burnished. This can be achieved when
steady state is reached in the treated area [5]. Through prior simulations conducted by the
authors, it was determined that a treated area of 1Omm x 5mm is sufficient to achieve this.
The OCR tool used in the experiments is modeled as a rigid body, with its center node as the
main reference and control point. As the tool is hydrostatically controlled, it is hypothesized
that the pressure can be substituted with equivalent concentrated force acting through the
reference point of the ball in the direction normal to that of the component, taking into account
some pressure losses (11 % based on [7]) in the tool and tubing. The equivalent concentrated
force can be estimated using the following formula [7],
F =(1-PL)(n/4)(db ){Pcos8)
where PL is the pressure loss, db is the ball diameter, P is the applied pressure and 8 is the
angle of the tool to the normal.
The movement of the ball is controlled via translating the center node of the ball, in the length
and breadth direction. The rotational degrees of freedom of the ball were left free, ensuring
that the ball is able to roll across the surface, influenced by the frictional forces between the
tool and the component.
The boundary conditions were imposed such that the bottom surface of the test coupon is
pinned. Since the test coupon is of sufficient thickness, it was assumed that the spring back of
the coupon after treatment is negligible. Hence, this boundary condition is applied through all
steps. The dimensions of the test coupon, the mesh, elements used and the boundary condi-
tions are illustrated in Figure 1.

0.2mm seeded Movement/

R304 elements force controlled
via center of bafl

0.2mm seeded (for

finer region) C308R

BC - Pinned on
bottom surface

Figure 1: Finite element model and set-up

The various values of the friction coefficient used is this study are µ=0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and
0.4. The variable used to correlate the model to experimental data is the residual stress profile
in the steady state region of the burnished region (center of the burnished region).
Material Model
The material used is Ti-6Al-4V, and is modeled as an elastic-plastic material with strain hard-
ening utilizing the power law- a= KEn. The material data is determined via compression testing
using test specimens with the Rastegaev geometry to ensure uni-axial compression [8]. The
material data from 6 test specimens is averaged and tabulated in Table 1below.

Yield Stress (MPa) K (MPa) n

Average 924.338 1361.4 0.1325
Standard Deviation 6.16449 (0.67%) 13.5972 (1.00%) 0.00264 (1.99%)
Table 1: Yield Stress and Power Law coefficients from compression test data.

Experimental Tests
Flat rectangular test coupons of Ti-6Al-4V measuring 60mm x 30mm x 7mm were mounted on
a work piece holding fixture and deep cold rolled with an industrial robot using a DCR tool with
hydrostatic pressure, P, predetermined overlap, o, (co-determined with the step-over), tool di-
ameter, db, and fixed feed-rate, f, to be used as reference data for the initial simulation. The
cross validation of the model once the friction coefficient was determined was done against
the trial with a larger diameter DCR tool, 2.16 db, with lower hydrostatic pressure, 0.5 P, iden-
tical percentage overlap, o, (larger step-over due to the tool size) and identical feed-rate, f, as
its parameters.

Results and Discussion

The initial model for this work only comprised of a treated region of about 1Omm x 1.2mm. This
was deemed as insufficient as the steady state of the model in the transverse direction was
not achieved. Hence, a larger region of the model, measuring 1Omm x 5mm was treated in-
stead, in order to ensure that steady state was achieved for the entire model, as seen in Figure
2, enabling the model to be equivalent to the experimental work.

Surface Residual Stress along width

3.5 4 4.5 s

In the first simulation, the first DCR tool, with tool diameter db, was modeled at hydrostatic
pressure P, yielding a force of 1131 N based on equation ( 1). The results are illustrated in
Figure 3. The longitudinal direction is defined as the direction parallel to the tool path and the
transverse direction is perpendicular to the tool path.

Longitudinal (Sll) Transverse ($33)
200 400
100 200

0 l
.. ·100
/j; ·200 !

1 ~300 g ·600
; I
: ·400 ·800
"' ·1000
-600 ·1200
Oeplh(mm) --µ•0.4

Figure 3: Predicated residual stress results for first set of parameters

It is observed that while the friction coefficient has a minor effect in the near surface region of
the component, up to 0.4mm, when measured in the longitudinal direction. However, with in-
creasing depth, the effect becomes negligible. Furthermore, in the transverse direction, all the
residual stress plots are effectively identical, for the various values ofµ. This suggests that the
friction only has an effect on the near surface region and only on the stresses in the direction
of rolling. This observation can be attributed to the ridge of material, which can be as high as
about half the indentation developed by the tool as it moves across the surface of the material
to be treated [5). The frictional force between the component and the ball contributes shear
forces acting on the component, through the ball slipping across the surface. However, as the
ball is free to rotate, it is hypothesized that the lower levels of friction causes slightly more slip,
accounting for the 10% increase in longitudinal stress at the surface level between µ=0.5 and
µ=0.4. From Figure 4, it is clear that the difference at the surface is the largest deviation be-
tween all the curves. Since the largest difference is only about 10%, taking into account varia-
tion in FEM, it can be concluded that the value of the friction coefficient does not have a sig-
nificant influence on the results.
Furthermore, the difference it may cause is within experimental error and would be hard to
observe in actual experiments. Henceforth, for the verifying trial run, the value of µ=0.2 will be
used to model the process. For the verifying trial run, the second set of parameters where
used, which yielded a force of 2363N based using equation (1 ). The results of the validation
run are illustrated in Figure 4 below.


!. 0.2 0.4 0.6
~ -200
tf -400
"'O · · Experimental
"tll -600
a: , , Experimental.
Simulation .
-1000 - - . - Simulation
Depth (mm)

Figure 4: Validation run parameters, compared to results

It is clear that there is a good correlation between the experimental data and the simulation
results in the transverse direction, where the dashed and solid lines with square shaped mark-
ers, representing the experimental and simulation data respectively, show similar trends. How-
ever, there is significant difference between the data in the longitudinal direction, especially in
the near surface region. It is hypothesized that the deviation was due mainly to the material

model parameters used, as the compression test coupons and experimental test pieces were
manufactured from different test blocks and is unlikely to be due to the friction coefficient used.

Conclusion and Future Work

It can be seen that the friction coefficient does not have a significant impact on the overall
results in OCR simulation, although it has already been previously established that there will
be a difference in the frictionless case compared to the cases with friction [5]. Future work will
be focused on improving the correlation between the experimental and simulation data, espe-
cially ensuring that test coupons used for the experiments and the determination of the test
coupons are from the same stock, to eliminate material differences as a possible source of
error. With advances in simulation and computational power, finite element process modeling
of the OCR process will be able to be applied to larger and more complex components, espe-
cially in cases where physical residual stress measurements are difficult or even impossible,
giving stress engineers a crucial tool in residual stress design.

This study was conducted using funding from the Singapore Economic Development Board
(EDS) and Rolls-Royce Singapore Pte. Ltd. Joint Industrial Post-graduate Programme (IPP)
Finite element modeling of this study was conducted in Computer Aided Engineering Labora-
tory 1 of School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University.

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