Technical Report
Thinning and spring back prediction of sheet metal in the deep drawing
H. Zein, M. El Sherbiny ⇑, M. Abd-Rabou, M. El shazly
Mechanical Design and Production Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The spring back simulation helps to get the required tolerance of the punch travel distance. This tolerance
Received 27 May 2013 is needed in getting the required height of the final drawn part. Prediction of the forming results as spring
Accepted 23 July 2013 back, determination of the thickness distribution and of the thinning of the sheet metal blank reduces the
Available online 2 August 2013
production cost of the material and time. In this paper, A Finite Element (FE) model is developed for the 3-
D numerical simulation of sheet metal deep drawing process (Parametric Analysis) by using ABAQUS/
EXPLICIT FEA program with the proper material properties (anisotropic material) and simplified bound-
ary conditions. The FE results are compared with experimental results for validation. The developed
model predicts the spring back, the thickness distribution and thinning of the blank as affected by the
die design parameters (geometrical parameters and physical parameters). Furthermore, with numerical
simulation, working parameters such as punch force, the blank holder force, and the lubrication require-
ments can be determined without expensive shop trials.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0261-3069/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
798 H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808
outer edge on the cup flange. Taking into account the anisotropic focus in forming simulation has now moved towards the Finite Ele-
properties of the material they concluded that forces exceeding ments (FE) method [17,18]. High strength steels and aluminum,
10 MPa may result in tearing in the cup walls. used for lightweight products, show particularly large spring back
Jawad [4] confirms the previously stated point that increasing [19]. The calculation of spring back has been implemented in most
the punch radii can slightly decrease the punch load and vice versa. commercial forming simulation software packages. However, for
He investigated the effects of punch radii on maintaining the inter- industrial deep drawn products, the accuracy of the results has
facial contact between the punch and the blank, and punch load on not yet reached an acceptable level [20].
thickness through a section of the drawn cup, and finally predicted When the FE spring back simulation has proven to be reliable,
the resulting localized strain and stress distribution. He concluded the results of this simulation were used for tool shape optimization
that frictional forces act mainly through the edge of the punch in a loop. This speeds up the development of the tool set significantly,
shearing manner, with little effect on the flat section. [21]. However, the successful simulation of the deep drawing pro-
Vladimirov et al. [5] presented the derivation of a finite strain cess is very much dependent on successful modeling of the deep
material model for plastic anisotropy and nonlinear kinematic drawing process for numerical analysis. This paper intends to ap-
and isotropic hardening. The work is applied numerically to the proach the deep drawing process of thin walled, mild steel, cylin-
drawing of cylindrical and square shaped cups. They show that drical containers, by means of a finite element analysis.
the numerical simulations, can be suitably extracted from the com-
plex mathematical material models and that the phenomena of 2. Simulation of deep drawing process
anisotropic properties can still be accounted for even with large
deformations. Fereshteh-Saniee and Montazeran [6] predicted 2.1. Finite element model
forming load by using various finite element types, and the strain
thickness distributions are produced, [4]. The authors also show Fig. 1 shows a sketch for drawing a circular cup. The important
that the use of shell 51 elements of the finite element package give dimensions shown in Fig. 2, of the blank, die, punch, and blank
a much higher agreement with the experimental results, as com- holder are given in Table 1. Due to the symmetry, the numerical
pared with the results using visco solid 106 elements. In making analysis of the deep-drawing process was performed by using only
these comparisons, Fereshteh-Saniee and Montazeran use a for- one quarter of 3D numerical model to reduce the computational
mula derived by Siebel in [7] to produce an analytical solution to time. The model is shown in Fig. 3.
which the level of agreement between the various methods can Discrete rigid form was used to model the punch, die and
generally be accepted. holder, whose motion was governed by the motion of a single
Meguid and Refaat [8] used a method of variation inequalities node, known as the rigid body reference node. Die, punch, and
to develop an analytical method to model the frictional contact holder were meshed with R3D4 elements. Therefore, only the
in elastoplastic models which undergo large deformations. The ef- blank sheet metal (224 mm diameter 1 mm thickness) was con-
fect of nonlinearities arising due to either the geometry or the sidered deformable with a planar shell base and meshed with re-
materials used in the model is handled by using the updated duced integration S4R shell type element [22].
Lagrangian formulation.
Having arrived at a point where the material can be modeled to 2.2. Material properties
a very high degree of accuracy and the forming loads can be pre-
dicted to complete the drawing process, one may consider various The blank is made of mild steel [23]. The material is modeled as
frictional combinations at the contacting surfaces aiming at mini- an elastic–plastic material with isotropic elasticity, using the Hill
mizing such forming loads, and hence cost analysis can be carried anisotropic yield criterion for the plasticity to describe the aniso-
out for the manufacture of the container. tropic characteristics of the sheet metal within the simulation
Spring back is the amount of elastic distortion a material has to
go through before it becomes permanently deformed, or formed. It
is the amount of elastic tolerance, which is to some extent present
in every material, be it ductile, and annealed metal or hard steel. In
ductile materials, the spring back is much lower than in hard met-
als, with dependence on the Young’s modulus of elasticity of a par-
ticular material. The amount of spring back increases with greater
yield strength or with the material’s strain-hardening tendency.
Cold working and heat treatment both increase the amount of
spring back in the material. Comparably, the spring back of low-
strength steel material will be smaller than that of high-strength
steel and spring back of aluminum will be two or three times high-
er [9].
Elastic spring back can be briefly defined as a dimensional
change generated in the part, which occurs due to elastic recovery
after the tool is released. This phenomenon causes the dimensional
deviations [10]. Importance of spring back prediction is significant
also from economical aspects [11]. Nowadays, spring back phe-
nomenon is the current issue in automotive industry, considering
use Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS), Advanced High-Strength
Steel (AHSS), Complex Phase (CP) Steel, High Strength Steel (HSS)
etc. which have high strength [12]. Handy tables [13,14] and
graphs [15] have been used for some time as traditional ways to
predict spring back.
After the relatively limited analytical models of forming pro-
cesses, for example for stretch-bending of metal sheets [16], the Fig. 1. Sketch of the drawing dies assembly.
H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808 799
Table 1
Basic geometrical parameters. Fig. 4. Plastic true stress vs. plastic true strain curve of mild steel.
Parameter Dimension in mm
Blank size radius (BR) 112
Blank thickness (t) 1 Table 2
Punch radius (PR) 56 Blank material [23].
Punch nose radius (rp) 4
Young’s modulus (E) 206 GPa
Die radius (DR) 57.67
Poissorrs ratio (v) 0.3
Die shoulder radius (rd) 6
Density (q) 7800 kg/m3
Radial clearance between punch radius and 1.67
Yield stress r0 167 MPa
die radius (wc)
Anisotxopic yield criterion R11 1
Cup height of the first draw (h) 63.69
R22 1.0402
R33 1.24897
R12 1.07895
R13 1
R23 1
The die design parameters are classified into two categories. Table 3
1st. category is the drawing tool geometry parameters Quoted parameters [9].
Table 4
Geometrical parameters.
Table 5
Physical parameters.
thickness variations are expected. The locations of Ref. [2] are de-
fined in Fig. 8, whilst both thickness and locations of the present
model are demonstrated in Fig. 9. It is shown in Table 6 that the
average thickness distribution in the blank of the present FEA mod-
el is more close to the average obtained from the experimental re-
sults [2]. Since thinning is our primary concern, comparisons of
Fig. 6. Thickness measurement locations on the drawn cup for the model
results at thinnest point are of particular interest. At point 4 the
present FE results are much closer to the experimental value. How-
ever point 5 shows slightly lower values as compared with their FE
results [2]. Furthermore the present results are very close to the
published numerical results with differences which do not exceed
2.9% on average. It is even closer to the experimental results with
differences which do not exceed 0.6% on average.
Fig. 7. Corresponding thickness values locations for the model validation. Fig. 8. Measured thickness locations on the drawn cup.
H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808 801
Fig. 11. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the die shoulder radius (rd).
Fig. 9. Thickness locations on the drawn cup for the present FEA model.
Table 8
Effect of die shoulder radius (rd) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
Table 7
Effect of die shoulder radius (rd) on sheet metal thickness distribution. rd (mm) 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Measured thickness rd (mm) Springback % 0.596 2.321 0.788 1.282 0.300 0.515 0.638
(mm) at locations
4 6 8 10 12
1 1.2069 1.2157 1.2150 1.2065 1.1966
2 1.1658 1.1697 1.1544 1.1541 1.1612
3 1.0105 1.0560 1.0675 1.0830 1.0834
4 0.9338 0.9723 0.9892 0.9972 1.0022
5 0.8959 0.9268 0.9359 0.9458 0.9551
6 0.9258 0.9296 0.9293 0.9310 0.9312
7 0.9720 0.9732 0.9747 0.9747 0.9746
8 0.9904 0.9927 0.9918 0.9923 0.9921
Average 1.0126 1.0295 1.0322 1.0356 1.0370
Fig. 12. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the die shoulder
radius (rd).
Table 9 Table 10
Effect of punch nose radius (rp) on sheet metal thickness distribution. Effect of punch nose radius (rp) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
Fig. 15. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the punch nose
radius (rp, mm).
Table 11
Effect of blank thickness (t) on sheet metal thickness distribution.
Fig. 13. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the punch nose radius (rp, mm).
Measured thickness t (mm)
(mm) at locations
0.6 0.8 1 1.4 l.8
1 0.6973 0.9416 1.2157 1.6606 2.1740
2 0.6676 0.9006 1.1697 1.6034 1.0951
3 0.6292 0.8423 1.0560 1.4283 1.8505
4 0.5854 0.7811 0.9723 1.3320 1.7042
5 0.5663 0.7497 0.9268 1.2668 1.5952
6 0.5592 0.7499 0.9296 l.2550 1.6059
7 0.5839 0.7795 0.9732 1.3493 1.7474
8 0.5896 0.7917 0.9927 1.3732 1.7873
Average 0.6098 0.8171 1.0295 1.4086 1.8200
Fig. 16. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the blank thickness (t).
Fig. 18. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the blank
thickness (t).
Fig. 19. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the radial clearance (wc, mm).
Fig. 17. Variation of % the sheet metal thinning with the blank thickness (t).
for the radial clearance (wc) that is less than the blank thickness
(t), the cup fails due to increased thinning. Whilst for the radial
clearance (wc) greater than the blank thickness (t), thinning is sta-
Table 12
Effect of blank thickness (t) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
ble. The radial clearance which is less than (0.5t) is not acceptable
because the percentage of reduction in thickness is more than 45%,
t (mm) 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 while the maximum allowable percentage of reduction in thick-
Springback % 5.909 4.940 0.788 0.674 ness is 45% [9].
Table 14 and Fig. 21 show the variation of the springback per-
centage with the radial clearance (wc).
It is shown that the springback percentage is reduced with
Table 13
Effect of radial clearance (wc) on sheet metal thickness distribution. increasing the radial clearance (wc). In addition, for the radial
clearance (wc) that is less than the blank thickness (t), the cup fails
Measured wc (mm)
due to increased thinning.
thickness (mm)
0.4 0.8 1.2 1.67 2 2.4 2.8
at locations
1 1.1159 1.2252 1.2094 1.2157 1.1927 1.1964 1 1929 4.2. The physical parameters
2 1 1084 1.1442 1 1503 1.1697 1.1430 1.1750 1 1533
3 1.1009 1.0038 1.0464 1.0560 1.0393 1.0475 1.0410 4.2.1. Blank holder force (BHF)
4 07842 0.9697 0.9740 0.9723 0.9727 0.9706 0.9734
5 0.8780 0.9248 0.9270 0.9268 0.9254 0.9246 0.9273
The blank holder force (BHF) required to hold a blank flat for a
6 0.9258 0.9300 0.9295 0.9296 0.9298 0.9298 0.9295 cylindrical draw varies from very little to a maximum of one third
7 0.9714 0.9757 0.9737 0.9732 0.9732 0.9730 0.9728 of the drawing pressure [26]. Table 15 and Fig. 22 show thickness
8 0.9824 0.9938 0.9930 0.9927 0.9923 0.9923 0 9917 distribution with the blank holder force (BHF), whilst Fig. 23 shows
Average 0.9825 1.0247 1.0254 1.0295 1.0211 1.0261 1.0227
thinning of the blank with the blank holder force (BHF).
The higher the blank-holder force, the greater will be the strain
over the punch face, however the process is limited by the strain in
radial clearance (wc), whilst Fig. 20 shows thinning of the blank the side-wall. If the tension is reached to its maximum value, the
with the radial clearance (wc). side-wall will fail by splitting [27]. It has been shown that the
It is shown that the distribution in sheet metal thickness is cup collapse due to thinning with the increase of the blank holder
increasing with reducing the radial clearance (wc). In addition, force (BHF) over 0.5 ton. Table 16 and Fig. 24 show the springback
804 H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808
Fig. 22. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the blank holder force (BHF,
Fig. 20. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the radial clearance (wc).
Table 14
Effect of radial clearance (wc) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
Fig. 23. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the blank holder force (BHF).
Table 16
Effect of blank holder force (BHF) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
Fig. 21. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the radial
clearance (wc, mm).
Table 15
Effect of blank holder force (BHF) on sheet metal thickness distribution.
Fig. 26. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the Coefficient of friction
Fig. 25. Friction areas when a deep drawing a cup. (A) Friction area between sheet between punch/blank (lp).
metal blank and holder and sheet metal blank die; (B) friction area between sheet
metal blank and the die radius and (C) friction area between sheet metal blank and
the punch edges; FP, total drawing force; FH, blank holder force.
Table 17
Effect of punch coefficient of friction (lp) on sheet metal thickness distribution.
Measured lp
thickness (mm)
0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.9 1
at location
1 1.2033 1.2142 1.2157 1.2064 1.2037 1.2044 1.2046
2 1.1600 1.1522 1.1697 1.1646 1.1694 1.1545 1.1446
3 1.0528 1.0464 1.0560 1.0508 1.0490 1.0435 1.0434
4 0.9722 0.9721 0.9723 0.9734 0.9730 0.9727 0.9729
5 0.9280 0.9273 0.9268 0.9267 0.9272 0.9270 0.9269
6 0.9176 0.9202 0.9296 0.9350 0.9371 0.9389 0.9397
7 0.9427 0.9538 0.9732 0.9786 0.9795 0.9806 0.9809
8 0.9658 0.9762 0.9927 0.9960 0.9967 0.9969 0.9971
Average 1.0178 1.0203 1.0295 1.0295 1.0273 1.0273 1.0263
percentage with different values of the blank holder force (BHF). Fig. 27. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the coefficient of friction
between punch/blank (lp).
The higher the blank-holder force, the greater will be the strain
over the punch face, however the process is limited by the strain
in the side-wall. If the tension is reached to its maximum value,
the side-wall will fail by splitting [27]. It has been shown that Table 18
the springback percentage is stable with increasing of blank holder Effect of punch coefficient of friction (lp) on the springback percentage in sheet
force (BHF), when BHF is smaller than or equal 5 ton. But the
springback percentage is increasing with increasing of BHF above lp 0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.7 0.9 1
5 ton. Springback % 2.489 2.421 0.788 1.826 2.199 2.568 2.332
4.2.2. Coefficient of friction parameters for the highest possible coefficient of friction on the punch edge.
In Sheet Metal Forming processes, such as deep drawing, fric- This demonstrates the first significant rule for lubrication in this
tion plays an important role. Together with the deformation of case: neither the punch nor the sheet metal blank should be lubri-
the sheet, the friction determines the required punch force and cated in this area. Even if this consideration was optimal for an iso-
the blank holder force. Consequently, the friction influences the lated forming operation and force transfer, one still must consider
energy which is needed to deform a sheet material. Friction also punch wear. This friction area requires lubrication in the boundary
influences the stresses and strains in the work piece material mode with a high coefficient of friction and anti-wear behavior
and, hence, the quality of the product. Therefore, it is important [28]. Table 17 and Fig. 26 show thickness distribution with the
to control the friction between the tools and the work piece. In coefficient of friction between punch/blank (lp). Fig. 27 shows
no other forming operation are the friction and, as a result, the thinning of the blank with the variation of the coefficient of friction
lubricating conditions so complex. Fig. 25 shows the different fric- between punch and blank (lp).
tion areas of the deep drawing operation [28]. For fluid lubricant, it has been shown that the distribution in
sheet metal thickness is decreasing with increasing the coefficient Coefficient of friction between punch/blank (lp). The drawing of friction between punch and blank (lp). For solid lubricant and
force in the flange necessary to form the sheet metal is applied by dry lubricant, the distribution in sheet metal thickness is stable
the punch on the base of the cup and transferred from there with increasing the coefficient of friction between punch and blank
through the wall into the flange. This transmission of force calls (lp).
806 H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808
Fig. 29. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the coefficient of friction
Fig. 28. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the coefficient between holder/blank (lh).
of friction between punch/blank (lp).
Table 19
Effect of holder coefficient of friction (lh) on sheet metal thickness distribution.
Measured lh
thickness (mm)
0.05 0.08 0.11 0.125 0.14 0.16 0.18
at locations
1 1.2166 1.2162 1.2158 1.2157 1.2155 1.2157 1.2160
2 1.1763 1.1731 1.1705 1.1697 1.1684 1.1665 1.1654
3 1.0609 1.0580 1.0565 1.0560 1.0538 1.0531 1.0515
4 0.9752 0.9740 0.9729 0.9723 0.9717 0.9710 0.9704
5 0.9272 0.9271 0.9269 0.9268 0.9267 0.9266 0.9265
6 0.9304 0.9301 0.9298 0.9296 0.9294 0.9292 0.9289
7 0.9735 0.9734 0.9733 0.9732 0.9732 0.9731 0.9730
8 0.9930 0.9929 0.9928 0.9927 0.9927 0.9927 0.9926
Average 1.0316 1.0306 1.0298 1.0295 1.0289 1.0285 1.0280
For fluid lubricant, it has been shown that the thinning of sheet
metal is increasing by small values with increasing the coefficient Fig. 30. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the coefficient of friction
of friction between punch and blank (lp). On the other hand, for between holder/blank (lh).
Fig. 32. Distribution of sheet metal thickness with the coefficient of friction
between die/blank (ld).
Fig. 31. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the coefficient
of friction between holder/blank (lh).
Table 21
Effect of die coefficient of friction (ld) on sheet metal thickness distribution.
Measured ld
thickness (mm)
0.05 0.08 0.11 0.125 0.14 0.16 0.18
at locations
1 1.2188 1.2163 1.2087 1.2157 1.2087 1.2085 1.2013
2 1.1710 1.1723 1.1522 1.1697 1.1682 1.1559 1.1511
3 1.0582 1.0580 1.0540 1.0560 1.0475 1.0482 1.0477
4 0.9780 0.9759 0.9737 0.9723 0.9717 0.9697 0.9684
5 0.9320 0.9300 0.9281 0.9268 0.9260 0.9242 0.9223
6 0.9343 0.9325 0.9304 0.9296 0.9282 0.9269 0.9249
7 0.9753 0.9747 0.9738 0.9732 0.9728 0.9718 0.9710
8 0.9941 0.9937 0.9931 0.9927 0.9923 0.9914 0.9906
Average 1.0327 1.0317 1.0267 1.0295 1.0269 1.0246 1.0222
Fig. 33. Variation of the sheet metal thinning with the coefficient of friction
surface on the die side normally does not create a problem. Only on between die/blank (ld).
parts with large surface areas and a high percentage of stretch
drawing, such as car body parts can excessive lubricant quantities
lead to unacceptable deviations in form [28]. Table 22
Table 21 and Fig. 32 show thickness distribution with different Effect of die coefficient of friction (ld) on the springback percentage in sheet metal.
values of the coefficient of friction between die and blank (ld),
ld 0.05 0.08 0.11 0.125 0.14 0.16 0.18
whilst Fig. 33 shows thinning of the blank with the variation of
Springback % 2.195 1.421 1.648 0.788 0.968 0.770 0.659
the coefficient of friction between die and blank (ld).
These results show that the proper lubricant for the die/blank
interface is the fluid lubricant. In addition, the average value of
the thickness distribution is reduced with increasing the coeffi-
cient of friction between die and blank (ld). Finally, the thinning
in the drawn cup is increasing with increasing the coefficient of
friction between die and blank (ld).
Table 22 and Fig. 34 show the springback percentage with dif-
ferent values of the coefficient of friction between die and blank
These results show that the proper lubricant for the die/blank
interface is the fluid lubricant with higher values of the coefficient
of friction between die and blank (ld). In addition, the springback
percentage is decreasing with increasing the coefficient of friction
between die and blank (ld) above (ld = 0.11). But, for lower values,
the springback percentage is increasing with reducing of the coef-
ficient of friction between die and blank (ld).
On the product design side of the cup deep drawing, one is usu-
ally concerned with two main objectives. First is minimizing geo-
metrical errors by reducing spring back effects on the cup
geometry, and second is minimizing excessive thinning to main- Fig. 34. Variation of the springback percentage in sheet metal with the coefficient
tain uniform thickness, integrity, and functioning of the product. of friction between die/blank (ld).
808 H. Zein et al. / Materials and Design 53 (2014) 797–808
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holder/blank. Interface, (lh) should be about 0.18 to decrease
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The fluid lubricant with (ld = 0.125–0.2), is suitable for die/
blank interface. (ld) is recommended to be about 0.16 to reduce
the thinning and the maximum residual stresses within the cup