The Forming Characteristics of Radial Backward Extrusion: Ho-Joon Choi, Jin-Hwa Choi, Beong-Bok Hwang
The Forming Characteristics of Radial Backward Extrusion: Ho-Joon Choi, Jin-Hwa Choi, Beong-Bok Hwang
The Forming Characteristics of Radial Backward Extrusion: Ho-Joon Choi, Jin-Hwa Choi, Beong-Bok Hwang
The rigid±plastic ®nite element method is employed for the quantitative analysis of the radial extrusion process combined with backward
extrusion. Various variables such as gap size, die corner radius and frictional conditions are adopted as design or process parameters for analysis.
The emphasis is focused on the analysis of metal ¯ow into a can and ¯ange. Due to various die geometry and process conditions, the metal ¯ow
into a can and ¯ange shows different patterns and its characteristics are well summarized quantitatively in this paper. Experimental data are com-
pared with the simulation results in terms of forming load and the volume ratio of ¯ange to can to verify the usefulness of simulation work. The
comparison between experiment and simulation gives good agreement. Extensive simulation work leads to the quantitative relationships between
the process conditions, volume ratio of the ¯ange to can, and the size of the ¯ange or can. As expected, the volume ratio of the ¯ange to can
increases as the gap size and/or die corner radius increase. However, it is found that the friction condition has little in¯uence on the forming load
and the deformation pattern. Under a certain condition of die geometry, can size turns out to be smaller than that of the initial billet. The work pre-
sented in this paper could be a good reference for process design in radial±backward extrusion. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction geometry such as die corner radius, gap size, etc. Radial±
backward extrusion is commonly applied as a manufactur-
The basic or primary operations of cold extrusion are ing process as well as a process in the metallurgical industry.
upsetting, forward extrusion, backward extrusion, and radial It provides economical advantages such as high productivity,
extrusion. It is commonly accepted practice to classify the retrenchment of manpower, and strength improvement of
extrusion operation according to the direction relationships the product [3±5].
between the material ¯ow and the punch movement. More- However, it is noted that backward can extrusion of steel
over, some quali®ers based on the shape of the parts to be is one of the most critical cold forging operations due to the
produced are also added. Thus, basic extrusion operations very high normal pressure on the punch and the extremely
can be usually called backward-can-extrusion, forward- severe tribological conditions at the contact between the
tube-extrusion, forward-rod-extrusion, etc. [1]. punch land and the inner can wall. Thus recommendations
There are combined simultaneous extrusion processes in for tool design in order to perform successful backward can
which a billet is extruded simultaneously in the forward, extrusion have been proposed [6].
backward and/or lateral directions through plural ori®ces in The present paper investigates the effects of die geometry
the tool assembly. Some basic operations are sometimes and process condition such as friction on the material ¯ow.
combined at a single station to reduce the number of stations The deformation patterns are summarized in terms of punch
required for forming relatively complex shaped parts. load, volume ratio of ¯ange to can and workpiece height
Furthermore, the combined processes offer the potentiality during the forging process. So, the aim of this paper is to
of producing a variety of precise components and the analyze quantitatively the forming characteristics of radial±
versatility of the cold forging process [1,2]. backward extrusion.
Radial±backward extrusion is a forging process in which
one or two punches move axially causing radial ¯ow into a
die cavity and backward ¯ow between the punch and die by 2. Analysis of radial±backward extrusion
means of which a ¯ange and can are formed. It is possible to
restrict the metal ¯ow into the ¯ange and/or can by die 2.1. FEM analysis
Corresponding author. Tel.: 82-32-860-7387; fax: 82-32-867-7741. Several methods can be applied to the ®nite-element
E-mail address: (H.-J. Choi). analysis of metal forming processes, such as the elastic±
0924-0136/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 4 - 0 1 3 6 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 0 3 - 8
142 H.-J. Choi et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113 (2001) 141±147
Table 1
Design parameters used in the process analysis
Table 2
Results in extensive simulation for friction factor m 0:1 at punch stroke,
hst 20 mm
shows that a larger gap height and die radius help the
material to ¯ow easily into the ¯ange. Thus, it is obvious
from the ®gure that the gap height and die radius are
important parameters in¯uencing the material ¯ow.
Based on the previous comparison between analytical and
experimental results for punch load and volume ratio in
Figs. 4 and 5, respectively, it can be concluded that there is
good agreement between them. Therefore the FEM simula-
tion applied in this paper is valid.
Fig. 7. Effect of the gap height on the volume ratio for various values of
die corner radius and friction.
Fig. 8. Effect of friction factor. Fig. 9. Material ¯ow into the can.
146 H.-J. Choi et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 113 (2001) 141±147
material ¯ow into the ¯ange becomes relatively more favor- has a substantial in¯uence on the material ¯ow, whilst
able than that into the can. As expected, the ratio increases as the friction factor has little.
gap height increases. As a result, a larger die corner radius 2. The forming load increases as the gap height decreases.
and gap height are more favorable for material ¯ow into the 3. The forming load decreases as the die corner radius
¯ange, compared with that into can. Furthermore, as stated increases because a larger die corner radius favors the
above, it is found that the gap height has more in¯uence on material ¯ow.
the volume ratio, i.e. on the relative material ¯ow into ¯ange, 4. The gap height has more in¯uence on the load or
than the die corner radius as seen in Fig. 7. material ¯ow than the die corner radius.
Fig. 8 shows in detail the effect of friction between the die 5. The friction factor has little in¯uence on the load as the
and the workpiece on the material ¯ow. The volume ratio die corner radius and/or gap height increases.
increases as the die corner radius and gap height increase. 6. The friction factor has little in¯uence on the volume
The can volume is larger than the ¯ange volume when the ratio.
gap height is small, i.e. the ratio has a value of less than 1. 7. The volume ratio increases as the die corner radius
However, a larger gap height favors the material ¯ow into increases: a larger die corner radius results in a more
the ¯ange as the gap height increases. As was stated earlier, favorable material ¯ow into the ¯ange.
the friction factor has only a slight in¯uence on the volume 8. The volume ratio increases as the gap height increases.
ratio or the material ¯ow, in spite of the increase in gap 9. The gap height has more in¯uence on the volume ratio
height. It is evident from the ®gure that the material ¯ow is or the relative material ¯ow into ¯ange than the die
affected very much by the gap height for constant the die corner radius.
corner radius. 10. The workpiece height decreases in most cases as the
gap height increases.
3.2.3. Material ¯ow into can 11. The height of formed part for some gap heights is
The punch stroke±workpiece height relationship is plotted smaller than that of the initial billet.
in Fig. 9 under the condition of constant friction factor,
The work presented in this paper could be a good refer-
m 0:1. Also, the results are summarized in Table 2. Fig. 9
ence for process design in radial±backward extrusion.
shows the change of workpiece height with different gap
heights for s 4, 8, 12 and 24 mm to represent the defor-
mation pattern into the can. As can be seen in the ®gure, the
height of some workpieces increases or decreases as the
stroke proceeds for varying die corner radius from r 1:0,
This work was supported by the development program for
3.0 to 5.0 mm. The workpiece height decreases as the
the exemplary schools in information and communication
gap height increases. Also, the workpiece height decreases
from the Ministry of Information and Communication
as the die corner radius increases. When the gap height is
(MIC) and an R.A. research grant from Inha University.
12 mm, the workpiece height remains constant during the
process (see Fig. 9(a)). This means that material ¯ow into
can rarely occurs. The case is the same when the gap height
is 8 mm (see Fig. 9(c)). Nevertheless, the can volume (VB)
increases as the punch goes down. The can volume always
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