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ENGLISH 7 - Q1 - Mod7

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila


Conveying Thoughts

Quarter 1 Week 7 Module 7

Most Essential Learning Competency:
• Sentences
• Direct and Reported Speech

Before you start answering the module, I want you to set aside other tasks
that will distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page
of this module.
2. Write on your notebook or any writing pad the concepts about the lessons.
Writing enhances learning, which is important to develop and keep in
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers.
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing
the lessons in the module.
• Pre-Test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back - This section will measure what learnings and skills that
you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction- This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
• Activities - These are activities designed to develop critical thinking and
other competencies. This can be done with or without a partner
depending on the nature of the activity.
• Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
the lessons.
• Checking Your Understanding - It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-Test - This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module

Lesson 10 – Kinds of Sentence
According to Function and Structure

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

• identify kinds of sentences according to function and structure
• construct meaningful sentences following correct structure
• use appropriate punctuation marks in a sentence
• compose a three-part paragraph theme writing about the given topic.

phrase clause noun verb declarative preposition

sentence interrogative imperative exclamatory

Identify the words being described below. Choose your answer inside the box.
_________1. It is a group of word that has a subject and a verb.
_________2. A part of speech that functions as the name of a person, thing,
animal, place or idea.
_________3. It is a group of related words (within a sentence) without both
subject and verb.
_________4. A type of sentence that expresses excitement or emotion.
_________5. It is a word that expresses an action or state of being.
_________6. These are the words that show spatial (space), temporal (time),
or logical relationship or association of an object to the rest of
the sentence.
_________7. It is a basic unit of language which expresses a complete
thought and meaning.
_________8. A type of sentence which makes a statement and ends with a
_________9. A type of sentence that asks a question.
_________10. A type of sentence that gives a command or request.

In your previous lesson you have learned about phrases and clauses.
A phrase has no subject and a verb, while a clause has a subject and a
verb and is used as part of a sentence. Both do not express a compete
thought or an idea. For a group of words to be considered a sentence, it
must have a subject and a predicate. A subject is either a noun or pronoun
that is being talked about in the sentence. A predicate tells something
about the subject.

Can you differentiate a question from a statement? How about a simple

sentence from a compound sentence? This lesson will help you express
your idea clearly by knowing the different structure of sentences and its
function. You are expected to hone your skills in writing sentences
cohesively using appropriate punctuation marks as well.

A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A sentence

must contain a subject and a verb.

Four Types of Sentence According to Functions

Punctuation Mark

- states a fact or an idea

- makes a statement
- ends with a period


- asks questions
INTERROGATIVE - ends with a question mark

- gives order or a request
- ends with a period or an
exclamation point

- conveys a strong
-ends with an exclamation point

Kinds of Sentence According to Structures


1. The new Corona virus disease first appeared in late 2019 in
Wuhan, China .
2. The United States has the largest cases in the world.
3. COVID-19 is a contagious disease that causes mild to severe
respiratory symptoms.
4. It can be transmitted through person to person contact.

1. What is Corona Virus? 1. Please stay at home.
2. How does it spread? 2. Wash your hands properly.
3. Where does it originate? 3. Cover your mouth.
4. When was it first identified? 4. Eat nutritious food every day.

1. I don’t know what to do!
2. I’m afraid of this virus!
3. We trust in you Lord!
4. Thank you for protecting us every day!

SIMPLE two or more
one independent clause independent clauses

I kicked the ball. I kicked the ball and it

hit Sam.


two or more independent
one independent clause
clauses and one or more
and one or more
dependent clauses
dependent clauses

Sam cried because the

Sam cried because the
ball hit him, and I
ball hit him.

Activity 1: Read each sentence carefully. Write S if it is a Sentence, C for

a Clause and P for a Phrase.

______1. Dogs can teach us many lessons in life

______2. Its acts of love and faithfulness
______3. Just to accompany you
______4. We can also learn from its eating habit
______5. Two little pigs

Activity 2: Identify and label each sentence as Declarative, Interrogative,
Imperative or Exclamatory. Write the correct Punctuation Mark after each
________1. This summer, my family will travel to Batanes_____
________. I am so excited ____
_______3. Do you know where Batanes is ______
_______4. Batanes is one of the beautiful provinces found in the Philippines __
_______5.You should read some travel blogs about Batanes _____

Activity 3: Combining Sentences

Combine the two sentences in each item to make a compound sentence. Use
a semicolon alone, or a comma with one of the coordinating conjunctions:
and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet.

1. I compose my status. Posted it on Facebook.


2. Sarah loves to eat. She doesn’t gain weight.


3. The skater did a back flip. The crowd applauded.


4. Jane got a perfect score. Her mom gave her a gift.


5. One of the teachers took my I.D. I was late for my first subject.

6. Jane’s newest house robot moves smoothly. She’s very proud of it.


7. Mike worked on his assignment over the weekend. There are still a lot to
8. Usually the trip takes an hour. This time it took 90 minutes because of
the flood.

Activity 1: Constructing Interrogative Sentence

Read the text below. Formulate your own questions based on the details of the
story. Create five (5) interrogative sentences.

The Monkey and the Turtle

The Monkey and the Turtle is a perfect example of folktale short
story written by Philippine national hero Jose Rizal. The story
focuses on the monkey and turtle who started as friends. They both
saw a floating banana plant on the water. They thought of splitting
it so they could plan it. The monkey chose the upper part of the
plant for he thought it was better. Meanwhile, the turtle got the
bottom part with the roots so he grew an abundant plant. Since the
turtle couldn’t climb the tree to get the fruits, he asked the monkey
to get it for him. Instead, the monkey betrayed the turtle and ate
every fruit. The turtle planned a revenge to him which ended to the
monkey’s death. The friends of the monkey also planned a revenge
but they did not win over the turtle.

1. _______________________________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________________
Activity 2: Read each statement carefully. Place T on the line if you think the
statement is TRUE and F if the statement is FALSE.
______1. A declarative sentence is a sentence that makes statements.
______2. An independent clause is a clause that can’t stand alone.
______3. Complex sentence is consist of one independent clause and
one or more dependent clauses.
______4. Clauses can be independent or dependent.
______5. A sentence is a group of word that gives a complete thought
and meaning
Activity 3: Expand the following simple sentences into complex sentences
using the subordinating conjunctions inside the parenthesis.
1. They couldn’t make a cake (because) ______________________________
2. Our teacher graded the paper (while) _______________________________
3. We’re going to the mall (if) ________________________________________
4. Emma and Kate went to the library (after) _________________________
5. She will perform in the show (unless) _______________________________

Activity 4: Theme Writing

• Use phrases and clauses meaningfully in a sentence
• Generate ideas and put it into words to construct a sentence
• Write a three-part paragraph that tells your opinion about the given

The new realities of working from home, temporary

unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of
physical contact with other family members, friends and
colleagues take time to get used to. Adapting to lifestyle
changes such as these, and managing the fear of contracting
the virus and worry about people close to us who are
particularly vulnerable, are challenging for all of us. In this
activity, share your ideas in the situation we are facing right
Be guided with the following:
Paragraph 1: What are the negative and positive effects of this outbreak
in your life?
Paragraph 2: How do you cope with it? What are the thing you do in
order to adapt in our new environment?
Paragraph 3: What are your realizations? What is your advice
to teenagers like you?

The New Normal







• A sentence is a group of words giving a complete thought. A
sentence must contain a subject and a verb.
• The four (4) types of sentence according to function are:
declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.
• The different types of sentence according to structure are:
simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence,
and compound -complex sentence.

A. Identify whether the sentence is Declarative, Imperative, Exclamatory

or Interrogative.
1. Please correct your misspelled words now. ____________
2. Ginseng is an herb used for medical purposes. ____________
3. What a terrible accident! ____________
4. How happy we are all today! ____________
5. Which artist do you admire the most? ____________
6. How many shoes do you have in your collections? ____________
7. Drive to the first traffic light and turn right. ____________
8. Stop that shouting at once! ____________
9. I love to read books. ____________
10. Please bear with me. ____________

B. Analyze each sentence carefully then identify the type of sentence of each
given statement below. Write Simple, Compound, Complex or
___________ 1. We have to go to bed when the clock chimes at ten o’clock.
___________2. James and Eve rode their bicycles after they ate lunch.
___________3. Jennifer liked William’s friend, and she also liked his
___________4. The big brown dog ran after the blue and red ball.
___________5. The teacher and the principal met in the hall near the
___________6. Many brave soldiers fought in the war, and they received
___________7. The drummers played a long time, but the piano players
stopped early.
___________8. Before the queen joined the parade, she gave a speech.
___________9. She dropped the pan and the plate, but she held on to
the spoon.
___________10. The team captain jumped for joy, and the fans cheered
because we won the state championship.

Lesson 11 – Direct Speech
Reported Speech

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

• compare and contrast the difference between direct speech and reported
speech using a Venn diagram
• observe the appropriate form of the verb in the sentence
• use direct and reported speech appropriately in varied context
• change direct to reported speech and vice versa correctly

Direction: Choose the correct conversion of the following direct sentences into
indirect sentences from the choices given.

1. “I bought you something to eat,” she said.

a. She said that she had bought her something to eat.
b. She said that she has bought her something to eat.
c. She said that she bought her something to eat.
d. She says that she bought her something to eat.

2. “What time is the announcement?” my mother asked.

a. My mother asked what time the announcement is.
b. My mother asked what time the announcement was.
c. My mother asked the time of the announcement.
d. My mother asked the time of the announcement was.

3.”I love pizza,” she said.

a. She says that she loves pizza.
b. She said that she loved pizza.
c. She said that she loves pizza.
d. She said that she had loved pizza.

4. Father said, “We will visit Coron next month.”

a. Father said that they would visit Coron the following month.
b. Father said that they would visit Coron next month.
c. Father said that they will visit Coron the following month.
d. Father said that they will visit Coron next month.

5. “Look for another venue!” said the boss.

a. The boss said looked for another venue.

b. The boss said to look for another venue.
c. The boss said if we can look for another venue.
d. The boss said look for another venue.

B. Direction: Choose the correct conversion of the following indirect sentences

to direct sentences from the choices given.

6. Darren asked where he was.

a. Darren asked, “Where he was?”
b. Darren asked, “Where was he?”
c. Darren asked, “Where are you?”
d. Darren asked, “Where were you?”

7. The culprit admitted that it was his fault.

a. The culprit admitted, “It was my fault.”
b. The culprit admitted, “It is my fault.”
c. The culprit admitted, “that it is my fault.”
d. The culprit admitted, “that it was my fault.”

8. Jopet said that he had forgotten his wallet.

a. “I forgotten my wallet,” said Jopet.
b. “I forgot my wallet,” said Jopet.
c. “I had forgotten my wallet,” said Jopet.
d. “I have forgotten my wallet,” said Jopet.

9. Mother said that she needed to buy food for the week.
a. “I have to buy food for the week,” said mother.
b. “I had to buy food for the week,” said mother.
c. “I need to buy food for the week,” said mother.
d. “I needed to buy food for the week,” said mother.

10. The nurse told the patient to relax for a while.

a. “Patient, relax for a while,” said the nurse..
b. “You must relax for a while,” said the nurse to the patient.
c. “You relax for a while,” said the nurse to the patient.
d. “Relax for a while,” said the nurse to the patient.

In your previous lesson, you learned the different types of

sentences according to its function and structure. You were able
to construct sentences meaningfully. You learned that in writing
sentences, you must use necessary punctuation marks in order to
convey the message effectively. For example, if you use a question mark on
your statement instead of a period, the meaning of your sentence changes
significantly. Your skill in using correct punctuation marks is needed in your
next lesson.

Have your ever told someone a beautiful story but when it was
relayed to the next person the story was totally ruined? You
probably experienced having a misunderstanding because of
miscommunication. It must be so frustrating, right? In this lesson,
you will improve your skills in communication by paying attention
to what is being said and how to quote it exactly the way it is

Setting the Mood

Who Says What

Match the dialogue to the correct person who said it. Write your answer in the
dialogue box.

1. 2. 3.

A. “He who does not know how to look back at where he came from will never

get to his destination.”

B. “Have faith in Divine Providence that guides the destinies of men and


C. “God is the only one who can really solve the problem for us.”

Direct speech – repeats, or Reported speech – repeats, or

quotes, the exact words quotes, the exact words spoken
but without the use of
Rules in writing direct
speech: quotation marks. It often uses
the word “that” to introduce the
• Place the exact words
words spoken by the speaker.
spoken between the open
and close quotation marks Rules in changing direct
( “ “ ). speech to reported speech:
• Do not change the exact
• State the words spoken
words spoken.
by the speaker.
• Place a comma ( , ) before
• Remove the quotation
the close quotation to
separate the words of the
• Place the word “that”
speaker from the words of
before the words of the
speaker. (You may omit
• Necessary punctuation
the word “that” if you
marks are put before the
close quotation marks.

Analyze the following

Analyze the following
examples: examples:

1. “You must study well,” Direct Speech:

said Carol. Mother said, “Marie cooks
2. She asks, “What time will Adobo.”
you be home tonight?” Reported Speech:
3. “The house is on fire!” Mother said that Marie cooked
shouted the man.
Some rules to follow in changing direct to reported speech

1. If the verb of saying is in the present tense, in the reported

speech, the verb must also be in the present tense.

Direct: He says, “I don’t know.”

Reported: He says he does not know.

2. If the verb of saying is in the past tense, in the reported

speech, the verb must also be in the past tense.

Direct: He said, “I don’t know.”

Reported: He said (that) he didn’t know.

3. Yes-No Questions: Use “if” instead of that in the reported


Direct: “Will you help me?” he asked.

Reported: He asked (me) if I would help (him).

4. Wh-questions: Use the Wh-word in the reported speech


Direct: “Why are you crying, Ana?” he asked.

Reported: He asked Ana why she was crying.

5. Request or commands: Use the infinitive phrase in the

reported speech.

Changing Pronouns as Subject

Direct Speech Reported Speech

I He/She
You He/She
He/She He/She
We They

You (Plural) They Example:
They They
(Direct Speech)
“I hate spicy food.” said Ana.
(Reported Speech)
Ana said that she hated spicy food.
The subject “I” is changed to “she”

Changing Pronouns as Object

Direct Reported
Speech Speech (Direct Speech)
“I will give it to you,” said her mother.
Me Him/Her
You Him/Her Reported Speech)
Her mother said that she would give it to her.
Him/Her Him/Her (Direct Speech)
Father said, “I miss her.”
Us Them
You (Plural) Them (Reported Speech)
Father said that he missed her.
Them Them

Direct Indirect Direct Speech Indirect Speech

Speech Speech My, mine His/Hers

Our , ours Their, Theirs Your, yours His/Hers

His/Hers His/Hers
Your, yours Their, Theirs

Their, Theirs Their, Theirs


(Direct Speech) “The watch is mine,” Brion said.

(Reported Speech) Brion said that the watch was his.

(Direct Speech) “The bag is yours,” he said.

(Indirect Speech) He said that the bag was his.

The Present Simple Tense Becomes Past Simple.

Direct Speech: Mother said, “Marie cooks Adobo.”

Reported Speech Mother said that Marie cooked Adobo.

Direct Speech : Her friends said, “She cries endlessly.”

Reported Speech: Her friend said that she cried endlessly.

Auxiliary Verb: MUST

 When must is used to refer something that happens

habitually, in indirect speech it does not change.

The President said,“People must obey the law.”
The President said that people must obey the law.

Must is always replaced in different tenses by the auxiliary

have in reported speech.

 When must is used in the present tense, in indirect

speech it becomes had to.

“I must comb my hair everyday,” she said.
She said that she had to comb her hair everyday.

 When must is used to refer to the future, in indirect

speech it becomes would have to.
“I must attend her wedding next week,” She said.
She said that she would have to attend her wedding
the following week.

Activity 1: Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the
1. Emma asked, “Can you meet me in the cafeteria near the hospital?”
Emma asked if I ______ meet her in the cafeteria near the hospital.

2. Francis said, “The food is very delicious there.”
Francis said that the food _____ very delicious there.

3. Vincent said, “I will bake a cake for mother.”

Vincent said that he ______ bake a cake for his mother.

4. Alex said, “I have been to Europe several times.

Alex said that he _______ to Europe several times.

5. Lea said, “I forgot to bring my lunch box.”

Lea said that she ______ to bring her lunch box.

Activity 2: Read the following and then spot the direct speech and reported
speech in the paragraph. Put your answers in the appropriate column below.

Eddie recently came from a conference in Mexico and reported

everything happened there to his workmates. He said that place was really
amazing. He also said during his report, “Mexico is a nice place to visit.” And
because of that, we were really excited to visit the place soon. He said that
he visited a lot of tourist destinations there. He also tried a lot of exciting
activities such as biking in the park, swimming at the beach, and walking
around the city. Eddie also said, “Be sure to have enough money when you
go there because the foods are really delicious.” On his last day in Mexico,
Eddie and his friends went on a dinner cruise on a small boat in the harbor.
There was music and great food, and they could see the lights of the city. “It
was a night full of memories to cherish,” said Eddie as he ended his report.

Direct Speech Reported Speech

Activity 3: Let’s Get Online!
Log on to ANC 24/7 YouTube Channel and
then look for the news “ Lawmaker ABS-CBN
may remain off-air for at least 3 months” Posted
on May 20,2020.

Watch the news and listen to the report

carefully. Take note of the direct speech then
write it inside the dialogue box. Construct a
reported speech version of person’s dialogue.

1. Cong. Lawrence Fortun

Reported Speech: _____________________________________________________

2. Cong. Luis Raymund Villafuerte

Reported Speech: _____________________________________________________

3. Cong. Joey Salceda

Reported Speech: __________________________________________

Activity 1: Direction: Compare and contrast the difference between direct and
reported speech. Illustrate your answer through Venn Diagram

Activity 2: Conduct an interview with your partner and report the dialogue.
Ask your friend or any member of your household to give their opinion on the
certain topic. Choose your topic from the following:

A. Pandemic: Covid19
B. Social Amelioration Program (SAP)
C. New Normal Program
D. Coping Stress and Mental Health Issue

Direct Speech
• Reports the exact words used by the speaker or
• It is usually placed inside the quotation marks.

Reported Speech
• Spoken words that are reported and not repeated
exactly as spoken.

A. Who Says What

Research about the following persons below and look for their famous quotes or lines
. Write their lines/quote inside the dialogue box. Then construct a reported speech
out of their dialogue.

1. Reported Speech:

2. Reported Speech:


3. Reported Speech:




Direction: Choose the correct conversion of the following direct sentences into
indirect sentences from the choices given.

1. Brian said, “It is mine.”

a. Brian said that it is his. c. Brian said that it was yours.
b. Brian said that it is mine. d. Brian said that it was his.

2. Anna said, “I will bake something for you.”

a. Anna said that she will bake something for you.
b. Anna said that she would bake something for him
c. Anna said that she will baked something for you.
d. Anna said that she would baked something for him.

3. Paul said, “I have finished my work already.”

a. Paul said that he had finished his work already.
b. Paul said that he had finished my work already.
c. Paul said that he had finish his work already .
d. Paul said that he has finished his work already.

4. “Please get me a glass of water,” she requested.

a. She requested me to get her a glass of water.
b. She requested to get her a glass of water.
c. She requested me to get a glass of water.
d. She requested to get a glass of water.

5. Mark said, “My friends may come tonight.”

a. Mark said that his friends might come tonight.
b. Mark said that his friends might come that night.
c. Mark said that his friends might go that night.
d. Mark said that his friends might go tonight.

B. Direction: Choose the correct conversion of the following indirect sentences

to direct sentences from the choices given.

6. Maya said that she had a meeting.

a. Maya said, “I have a meeting.” c. Maya said, “she had a meeting.”
b. Maya said, “I had a meeting.” d. Maya said, “she have a meeting.”

7. Mae said that she could sing anything.

a. Mae said, “She could sing anything.”

b. Mae said, “She can sing anything.”
c. Mae said, “I can sing anything.”
d. Mae said, “I could sing anything.”

8. Bryan said that he would visit his mother.

a. Bryan said, “I would visit my mother.”
b. Bryan said, “He would visit my mother.”
c. Bryan said, “I will visit my mother.”
d. Bryan said, “He will visit my mother.”

9. Trina said that she was impressed by her sister’s achievement.

a. Trina said, “I am impress by sister’s achievement.
b. Trina said, “I am impress by my sister’s achievement.
c. Trina said, “I was impress by sister’s achievement.
d. Trina said, “I was impress by my sister’s achievement.

10. The doctor said that he was ill.

a. The doctor said, “He had an ill.” c. The doctor said, “He was ill.”
b. The doctor said, “He has an ill.” d. The doctor said, “He is ill.”

Name: _______________________Grade and Sec.______________


Directions: Write a reflective learning on kinds of sentences and

reported speech by answering the questions inside the box. You
may express your answers in a more critical and creative
presentation of your great learning. Have fun and enjoy!

This lesson What learnings have I What other example

guides me to reflect found from this can I contribute
on… lesson? to explore
and think more?

What learnings can What good What is my

I share with my character have I conclusion on the
family and peers? developed from this lesson?

ANC 24/7, “Lawmaker says ABS-CBN may remain off-air for at least 3
months”, May 20, 2020

EF Education First, “Resources for Learning English: Direct and Indirect Speech”
2469 Collins Ave. Miami Beach FL 33140, United States.
indirect-speech/ “Four Types of Sentences”, Accessed May 20, 2020

Grammar Monster “What is a Sentence?” Accessed May 20, 2020

GreenMeansGo. “Wikiquote: Manuel Quezon Quotes” Edited February,2020.

Jamir, Roana “CNN Philippines News Report” May 08, 2017

K12 Reader “Sentence Structure Worksheet”, Accessed May 20, 2020

NBC News, “COVID-19”, April 09,2020,

WorldVision.Org “What is Coronavirus? Facts, Symptoms and How to Help”,

Accessed May 20, 2020

Yap, Kurt. “KAMI: The Monkey and the Turtle” 2019.


Castelfranco, Sabina, “On New Year, Pope Wishes the Faithful a 2020 of Peace” filmed
on January 01, 2020, 07:51 AM.

Department of ICT PH. “Manuel L. Quezon” posted August 19, 2019, 10:39 AM

Kile, J, “Jose Rizal” posted on October 16, 2010, 19th Century, Asia, Male, Political,

Sabala, Joe, “Harry Roque fires back at Coco Martin for his fiery statement versus
gov’t” Reported on May 10, 2020.

Wong, Andrea Chloe, Pacific Forum CSIS, Agencies, “The Paradox of Duterte’s
Foreign Policy” July 07, 2018, 13:00. “Wanted Help Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020 “Confused Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020 “Happy Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020 “Two Emoticon” Accessed: June 10, 2020

Writers: Alma P. Alombro, MT I, Marivic O. Tabuena, T-I
Reynaly R. Baccay, T-I
Editor: Doriecelle P. Balancio, Head Teacher VI
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio, Jr. EPS
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division
Superintendent-Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor
Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMDS
Posttest Posttest
B. A.
1. complex 1. Imperative
2. complex 2. Declarative
3. compound 3. Exclamatory
4. complex 4. Exclamatory
5. simple 5. Interrogative
Activities 6. compound 6. Interrogative
7. compound 7. Imperative
Activity 3:
8. complex 8. Imperative/
1. I compose my status
9. compound Exclamatory
and posted it on
10. compound 9. Declarative
complex 10. Imperative
2. Sarah loves to eat,
yet she doesn’t gain
Checking Your
3. The skater did a
back flip so the crowd
Activity 2
(“and” is also correct)
1. T
4. Jane got a perfect
2. F
score, so her mom gave
3. T
her a gift.
4. T
5. One of the teachers
5. T
took my I.D. for I was
late for the first
6. Jane’s newest house
Activities Pretest
robot moves smoothly
and she’s very proud of Activity 1: 1. clause
it. 1. S 2. noun
7. Mike worked on his 2. C 3. phrase
assignment over the 3. P 4. exclamatory
weekend, yet there are 4. S 5. verb
still a lot to do 5. P 6. preposition
8. Usually the trip Activity 2 7. sentence
takes an hour but this 1. declarative (.) 8. declarative
time it took 90 minutes 2. exclamatory (!) 9. interrogative
because of the flood. 3. interrogative (?) 10. imperative
4. declarative (.)
5. imperative (.)
Activities (Answer may
Checking Your
vary) 1. D
2. B
Activity 3: 3. A
4. A
1. Direct Speech: Direct speech –
Cong. Lawrence Fortun said, “I 5. B
repeats, or quotes, the
anticipate that this would entail not
less than 3 months of deliberation if exact words spoken.
all issues are to be considered, all
the allegations against the ABS- Reported speech –
CBN are to be tackled.” 6. A repeats, or quotes, the
Reported Speech:
Cong. Lawrence Fortun said that he 7. C exact words spoken but
anticipated that it would entail not 8. C without the use of
less than 3 months of deliberation if
all issues are to be considered, all
9. B quotation marks. It
the allegations against the ABS- 10. D often uses the word
CBN are to be tackled. “that” to introduce the
2. Direct Speech: Cong. Luis words spoken by the
Raymund Villafuerte said, “It is a Activities speaker.
factor, because who file the
resolution? The Deputy Speaker for (Both convey the same
Political Affairs as well as chairmen Activity 2
of the two most powerful meaning or thought.)
committees, Appropriations and
Direct speech
Accounts. They have voice, they 1. He also said during
have the following. Their filing of a
his report, “Mexico is a
resolution has a point.”
Reported Speech: nice place to visit.” Activities
Cong. Luis Raymund Villafuerte 2. Eddie also said, “Be Pretest
said that it was a factor because
they filed the resolution, the Deputy sure to have enough Activity 1:
Speaker for Political Affairs as well money when you go 1. could A
as chairmen of the two most 2. was 1. A
there because the foods
powerful committees,
Appropriations and Accounts. They are really delicious.” 3. would 2. B
had voice, they had the following. 3. “It was a night full of 4. had 3. B
Their filing of a resolution had a 4. A
point. memories to cherish,” been
said Eddie as he ended 5. had 5. B
3. Direct Speech: Cong. Joey
his report. forgotten
Salceda said, “A temporary
restraining order would have
hastened, quickened the pace Reported Speech
towards that six-month provisional 6. C
franchise. But given the delay we 1. He said that place Setting
might as well spend that time to was really amazing. the Mood 7. B
really look into the 25-year rather 1. B 8. D
than truncating it.” 2. He said that he
Reported Speech: visited a lot of tourist 2. C 9. C
Cong. Joey Salceda said that a 3. A 10. A
destinations there.
temporary restraining order would

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