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English 7 7 Third Quarter

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Learning Area English 7 Grade Level 7

W8 Quarter Third Quarter Date

I. LESSON TITLE Raising Thought-Provoking Questions in Public Forums/Panel Discussions

II. MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING MELC: Raise sensible, challenging, thought-provoking questions in public
COMPETENCIES (MELCs) forums/panel discussion, etc.
Enabling Competency: Express ideas and opinions based on text listened to.
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT  Constructing sensible, challenging, thought provoking questions for public
forums/panel discussion, etc.
 Mustering courage to raise sensible challenging thoughts provoking questions
in public forums/panel discussion, etc.
 Expressing ideas and opinions based on text listened to
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
A. Introduction 30 minutes
Look at the illustration below. What have you observed? Have you experienced
discussing a topic or an issue with someone before? How did you do it?

The illustration shows a panel discussion where a group of people discuss a

subject in front of an audience. This type of discussion normally includes a moderator
who is in charge of guiding the panelists (group of experts) in answering important
questions and share insights about certain issues. Panel discussion happens in
television shows or academic conferences where the audience is supposed to listen
to every speaker and only ask questions when the moderator directs them to do so.
On the other hand, public forum, also called open forum, is a situation in which
people may discuss about an issue or a topic of public interest. It is where the people
are free to express their thoughts/ideas. This means that the audience in this
gathering will take part in a conversation about a specific subject or issue.

How do you ask questions in a forum or panel discussion? Are you able to send
out your voice in a thought-provoking manner that leads to discussions?

Now that you know about the difference between panel discussion and public
forum, it is also important that you are aware of the heart of a quality discussion -

Kinds of Thought-Provoking Questions

There are times and places that requires thought-

provoking questions for deeper and more meaningful
communication. Thought-provoking question can be
about problem-solving process, compare and contrast,
interpretive/evaluative, conceptual changes, personal
exploration, and moral/ethical dilemmas,
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
Kinds Description Examples
problem- questions that make the  What is the issue or problem
solving process other person assess, at hand?”(assess)
diagnose, and think of a  What is the root cause of this
possible action issue or problem?”(diagnose)
 How can we solve the issue?”
(think of a possible action)
compare and questions about similarities  What are the differences
contrast and differences between between traditional media
ideas and social media?
interpretive → questions about intention  What is the purpose of the
evaluative or goals of the author, author in writing the story?
creator, character etc.
conceptual questions based on self-  Which do you think is better?
changes reflection; encourage to
express opinion about the
subject of the question
personal questions based on one’s  How important is a flower to
exploration personal idea or you?
exploration; encourage
personal connection with
the subject of the question
moral/ethical questions that make the  Is it okay to let another
dilemmas other person think whether person answer your module
something is morally or for you? Why or Why not?
ethically correct
Reference: 6 types of questions to improve classroom discussions. (2021, March 15).
Parlay Ideas.
B. Development 1 hour and Learning Task 1. Identify the kind of thought-provoking question presented in each
30 mins number. Choose your answer from the box below and write it on your paper.
problem-solving process interpretive-evaluative personal exploration
compare and contrast conceptual changes moral/ethical dilemmas
___________1. What is the purpose of writing Fake News on Facebook?
___________2. What would you do if someone openly criticize you on Facebook?
___________3. What is the difference between constructive criticism and bullying on
___________4. Is it ethical to express and pour out your anger over someone on
Facebook where everyone can read them?
___________5. How can we be responsible and wise social media users?
Learning Task 2. Match column A with column B to create a thought-provoking
question. Write your answers on your paper.
Column A Column B
1. What do you feel… A. to be rich or to be intelligent?
2. Which do you think is better… B. between ignorance and indolence?
3. What can you do… C. to solve the problem?
4. What is the difference… D. when you see a rainbow?
5. What is the purpose… E. of the speaker?
Learning Task 3. Complete each question by choosing the appropriate
phrases/clauses. Write your answers on your paper.
 What is the purpose of Raul  in the story “Legend of the
Manglapus Rainbow”?
 between living and existing?  a starving child wrong?
 is a sign of weakness or strength?  What would you do differently
1. Conceptual Changes Do you think crying ___________________________
2. Personal Exploration __________________if you knew nobody would
judge you?
3. Compare and Contrast What is the difference ________________________
4. Moral or Ethical Is stealing to feed ____________________________
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
5. Interpretive→Evaluative ___________________for writing “Land of Bondage,
Land of the Free”
6. Assess → Diagnose → What is the conflict ___________________________
C. Engagement 1 hour and Traditionally, a public forum is a place where people can express their ideas
20 minutes and opinion for everyone to hear without fear of being punished by the government
or those who do not agree with them. A place where they can freely use their voice
to share knowledge or express what is on their mind. When opportunity comes for
you to use your voice in a public forum, always keep in mind to do it responsibly.

Learning Task 4. For your final task, listen to a panel discussion and imagine you are
part of the audience. Then, prepare six (6) questions for the panelists by using the
question frames below.
1. What is the purpose of __________________________________________________?
2. What would you do if ___________________________________________________?
3. What is the difference between _________________________________________?
4. Is it correct to ___________________________________________________________?
5. What can you do to ____________________________________________________?
6. Don’t you think it is better if ______________________________________________?

If you have a way to connect to the Internet, listen to the panel

discussion by visiting this link:
If internet is not available, here is the transcript:
Panel Discussion Transcript
Host: Good day everyone! The topic of our discussion is the rights of the Filipinos on the West
Philippine Sea. We have with us today are Rhea Rachel Oabel, Angelique Talisic, and
Marian Gaurano. Please introduce yourself and give an introduction about our topic for

Panel 1: Hello, I’m Rhea Rachel Oabel, I’m a Social Studies Teacher teaching World History.
West Philippines Sea is the sea on the Western side of the Philippines, 212 Nautical Mile from
our territorial baseline. That includes the territorial sea, and our exclusive economic zone. Its
boundary is the South China Sea. Which means that West Philippine Sea and South China
Sea are not one, and the same. They are two different bodies of water.

Panel 2: Hello, I’m Angelique Talisic, I’m a Social Studies Teacher teaching Contemporary
Issues. According to United Nations Conventions on Law of the Sea, which is an international
law, which applies to the bodies of water all around the world, the Philippines has the right
to explore, use, and manage the natural resources, whether living or non-living within our
exclusive economic zone in the West Philippine Sea. We have the exclusive right to
construct, to authorize construction, and to control construction of structure within our
exclusive economic zone.

Panel 3: Hello, I’m Marian Gaurano, I’m a Grade 7 Science Teacher. 12% of the worlds
annual fish catch is from the West Philippines Sea and South China Sea. This is also the source
of livelihood of thousands of Filipino fishermen. The West Philippine Sea is also rich in natural
gas, which can be use as fuel. The West Philippine Sea is very important to all the Filipinos. It
is the source of life for millions of Filipinos and the answer to our long-time problem, which is
the source of energy for electricity.

Host: China said that it has historical claim over South China Sea including the West
Philippine Sea and the whole world appears to be believing in their historical narratives that
they own South China Sea since two thousand years ago. What is real and what is not from
this historical narrative?
Panel 1: China is a very old civilization that is why it’s very easy for them to make their own
people believe as well as the world that it is probably true. So Philippine representatives
during the South China Sea Arbitration make it appoint to clarify that issue once and for all,
and they did. We won on that issue. Borrowing the term use by retired Justice Antonio
Carpio, to say that China has historical claim over the South China Sea is the fake news of
the century. They do not have any map or historical evidence that can prove their claim.
Host: We won on that arbitration, but still many of the features in the West Philippines Sea is
occupied by China. One of the notable incidents is what they did to Panganiban Reef also
called Mischief Reef. What is the significance of that in incident?

Panel 2: That is only one of the many islands that China occupied. First and foremost, the
Philippines remains to be the one who has the sovereign rights over Mischief Reef, and we
must never give up on that. Right now, it has become an artificial island but originally it is a
IV. LEARNING Suggested
Learning Activities
PHASES Timeframe
low-tide feature. It doesn’t have a territorial sea. It doesn’t have an exclusive economic
zone, and it is part of our continental shelves. The right to build structures over that rock
belongs to the Philippines.

Panel 3: Whenever China built infrastructure on those rocks, they caused permanent and
irreparable harm to the coral reef ecosystem. It is home to 34 percent of the world’s coral
reef. The south china sea is a birthplace and cradle of marine life.

D. Assimilation 10 mins It takes a lot of practice to be able to discuss certain issues in a public forum or
panel discussions. Thus, to have a quality discussion, the most important thing to
prepare are the right questions - thought-provoking questions.

V. ASSESSMENT 15 mins Instructions: Answer the following questions on your paper.

1. Complete the sentence to form an interpretive-evaluative question.
What is the intention of ____________________________?
A. has seven colors?
B. the sun for shining?
C. the author for writing the “Legends of the Rainbow”?
2. Which of the following questions is about personal exploration?
A. What does “Land of Bondage, Land of the Free” want to achieve?
B. How would you react if someone indirectly attack you on Facebook?
C. What can be done be done to minimize fake news on Facebook?
3. Complete the sentence to form a compare and contrast question?.
Which do you think is better, __________________________?
A. since I don’t like fighting?
B. I will delete may account and make another?
C. to block the account or report the malicious post directed towards you?
4. Complete the following sentence to form a question about moral or ethical
dilemma. Is it okay to ___________________?
A. wear a pink dress?
B. eat ice cream in the morning?
C. create multiple accounts on Facebook?
5. Which of the following question is about conceptual change?
A. If you were an encomiendero during the Spanish time would you be able to
give up half of your land for your poor tenants?
B. What have changed in the life of the poor land tillers from the Spanish time
until now?
C. Wouldn’t it be better to create alternative work opportunity for farmers and
give proper education for their children, instead of dividing the land?
VI. REFLECTION 15 mins On your paper, write your insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that ___________________. I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

Tesalonica C. Abesamis –Tayabas City

Prepared by: Deanne Jhoanna J. Encanto- SDO Tayabas City Checked by:
Johncent Roy C. Tibordo –Tayabas City

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