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Reading and Writing q1 w3 Mod3

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Understanding Properties of
Language in a Written Text

Quarter 1- Week 3
Module 3
Most Essential Learning Competency:
Evaluate research based on its properties
3. signal devices
3.1 transitions
3.2 repetitions
3.3 synonyms
3.4 pronouns
3.5 language use
3.6 mechanics


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will disturb
you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions below to successfully
enjoy the objectives of this kit. Have fun!

1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of
this module.
2. Write the concepts about the lessons in your notebook. Writing enhances
learning that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/guardian assess your answers using the answer key
5. Analyze conceptually the posttest and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy studying!


Expectations - These are what you will be able to know after completing the
lessons in the module.
Pre-test - This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to be
mastered throughout the lesson.
Looking Back to Your Lesson - This section will measure the learnings and
skills you understood from the previous lesson.
Brief Introduction - This section will give you an overview of the lesson.
Discussion - This section provides a short discussion of the lesson. This
aims to help you discover and understand new concepts and skills.
Activities - This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
Remember - This section summarizes the concepts and applications of the
Check Your Understanding - It will verify how you have learned from the
Post-test - This will measure how much you have learned from the entire

Signal Devices in Various
5 Text Properties

At the end of our lesson, you would be able to:
C. evaluate research based on its properties
3. signal devices
3.1 transitions
3.2 repetitions
3.3 synonyms
3.4 pronouns

A. Encircle the correct word or phrase in each sentence.
1. Many students cannot get a place on a regular degree course. Because of
/Despite this, home-based study and distance learning are more popular
than ever.
2. Most courses offer some form of certificate at the end and / but that does
not mean that the qualifications will be useful.
3. At the end of your course, you will want to have useful qualifications.
Every/No student wants to believe that his/her studies were a waste of
4. The expense prevents some adults from returning to education. Another /
This reason is family commitments.
5. Learning a trade when you’re older can improve job prospects. In addition,
/general, it gives people a sense of achievement.
Retrieved from:, 14 July 2020

Great! You have accomplished answering the questions. You may request your facilitator to
check your work. Congratulations and keep on learning!


ACTIVATE YOUR SCHEMA! Fill in the blanks with appropriate answer.
on the top next through there
to the right on the shelf
The inside of Bill's refrigerator was horrible.1. ___________ shelf was a
three-week-old carton of milk. 2. _____________to it sat a slice of melon that

had started to get moldy. 3. _____________ of the melon sat the remains of a
macaroni and cheese dinner that had been served a week earlier.
4. _____________ below was a slice of cake from his sister's birthday party
5. ___________ was food, none of it was edible.


Signal Devices words that give readers an idea of how the points in
your paragraph are progressing

 Transition signals are linking words or phrases that connect your

ideas and add cohesion to your writing. They signpost or indicate to
the reader the relationships between sentences and
between paragraphs, making it easier for the reader to understand
your ideas.

1. Transitions (words that connect one idea to another, in order for our
Ideas to flow smoothly)
a. Time (first, immediately, afterward, before, at the same time, after,
earlier, simultaneously, finally, next, in the meantime, later,
eventually, then, meanwhile, now, subsequent, etc.)
b. Sequence (moreover, furthermore, next, also, finally, last, another,
first, second, third, besides, additionally, etc.)
c. Space (above, next to, below, behind, beside, etc.)
d. Illustration (for instance, specifically, for example, namely, in this
case, to illustrate, etc
e. Comparison (similarly, also, in the same way, still, likewise, in
comparison, too, etc.)
f. Contrast (but, despite, however, even though, yet, on the other
hand, although, on the contrary, otherwise, conversely, etc.)
g. Cause and Effect (because, as a result, consequently, then, so,
since, etc.)
h. Conclusion (thus, therefore, in conclusion, in short, etc.)
2. Repetitions (repetitions of main ideas keep continuity and highlight
important ideas) -it could be a word, a phrase, or a full sentence, or a
poetical line repeated to emphasize its significance in the entire text.
1. If you think you can do it, you can do it.
2. The boy was a good footballer, because his father was a footballer,
and his grandfather was a footballer.
3. The judge commanded, stamping his mallet on the table, “Order in

the court, order in the court.”
4. The president said, “Work, work, and work,” are the keys to
3. Synonyms (these are words similar in meaning to important words or
phrases that prevent tedious repetitions)
4. Pronouns (words that connect readers to the original word that the
pronouns replace)
Retrieved from 14 July 2020


A. Reconstruct the given paragraph below by using appropriate pronoun

to avoid repetition.

Rodrigo Duterte is the 16th President of the Republic of the

Philippines. Aside from that, Rodrigo Duterte also served as Davao City’s
Mayor for a long period of time. Rodrigo Duterte is also known by the populace
as an adamant leader (Landich, 2018)
B. Let’s Try this! Identifying Pronoun and its Antecedent. In each
sentence, underline once the personal pronoun and underline twice its

1. As a child, Aunt Livia often played with her dollhouse.

2. In the 1500s, dollhouse owners used the dollhouses to show off their
3. The dollhouses were made to imitate their owners’ homes.
4. In one place, a rich woman could show visitors how beautifully her whole
house was decorated.
5. The man of the house could give guests an idea of treasures he kept in


Compose at least 3 paragraphs that accurately use/follow the rules in
using transitions and pronouns. Make sure to underline the correct usage
of transitions and pronouns in your composition.


Choose the appropriate word or phrase in the parenthesis to complete
the given statement by writing the answer on your worksheet.

1. We stayed up late, ____________ we were tired. (although, despite)

2. They went swimming, ____________ the coldness of the water. (although,
3. I enjoy the course, ____________ the professor is a good teacher.
(because, because of)
4. She looks ___________ your sister. (as if, like)
5. Please wait ___________ I make a phone call. (during, while)
6. Did you hear any noises ____________ the night? (during, while)
7. It looked ____________ we would not be able to leave until the next day.
(as if, like)
8. We all felt tired ____________ the hot weather. (because, because of)
9. I read a book ___________ I was waiting. (during, while)
10. Her eyes shone _____________ stars. (as if, like)
11. They managed to work together, ___________ their differences of opinion.
(although, despite)
12. I left home early, ____________ I had to do several errands. (because,
because of)
13. He speaks about the subject ____________ he was an expert. (as if, like)
14. We rested ____________ the hottest part of the day. (during, while)
15. ____________ she lost her way twice, she arrived safely. (Although,

Language Use and Mechanics
6 in a Written Text

At the end of our lesson, you would be able to:
D. evaluate research based on its properties
3. language use
4. mechanics

GUESS IT! Scrutinize the given expressions below and tell what level of
language use each of them belong. Write I for Informal, A for Academic and
T for Technical on the space provided for.
______ 1. Arep ______ 6. 21st Century Skills
______ 2. LMAO ______ 7. Psychiatric Report
______ 3. Xoxo ______ 8. BRB
______ 4. Diagnosis ______ 9. dude
______5. Research Paper ______ 10. Management affects students


Encircle the appropriate word or phrase inside the
parenthesis to complete the given statement.
1. His skin burns very easily (because, therefore) he's decided to stay under
an umbrella and wear lots of sunscreens.
2. (Regardless, In addition) of the weather, the basketball game will be
played tomorrow.
3. I dropped my cell phone and it broke. (therefore, otherwise) I need to
either buy a new one or borrow yours.
4. I can't help you with your homework because I am not very good at
geometry. (However, Subsequently) I know someone who can.
5. (Although, As a result) it was raining, I still walked to school.

LANGUAGE USE is one of the clearest indicators of a well written text.
It enables writers to effectively communicate ideas without confusing the
MECHANICS focuses on the technicalities of the structure. It
determines errors on subject-verb agreement, prepositions, tenses , the
grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, the use of
numbers as part of the statement, and the punctuation marks. Spelling,
Capitalization, Abbreviation and Acronyms, Numbers, Punctuation Marks, Grammar

Principles in Language Use/ Diction

1. Use clear and concise sentences, usually about 18 words long.

2. Avoid redundancies, clichés wordiness, and highfalutin
3. Although may be used, avoid overusing “There” and “It”, drop it
4. Use precise vocabulary. Be accurate. Condensed.
5. Be consistent in pronoun.
6. Avoid sexist language.
7. Use appropriate level of formality.

General Principles
 Always use standard English
Avoid Contraction (shouldn't, gonna)
Avoid exclamation marks unless part of a quotation
M en tion full name in first mention. Thereafter, use abbreviations.
Numbers zero to ten vs 11 and so on
Cita tion s are used in academic and formal texts but sparingly used
in business texts

What is proofreading? Proofreading a sentence means trying to
find a mistake and correct it with focus on the mechanics such as
Punctuation, Capitalization, Grammar, and Run-On sentences.

A. Choose the best answer by writing it on your worksheet.

_____1. Which statement is formal?

a. this movie stinks b. I do not enjoy this movie

_____2. If you were writing an essay, which sentence would be a better claim

a. School uniforms would not positively affect learning

environment at school.
b. I believe school uniforms infringe on students' rights to self-
(3-5) Which statement is more formal?

____ 3. a. The mail carrier was unable to deliver the mail on time due to
heavy rain.
b. The mail carrier couldn't deliver the mail on time because of the
heavy rain.
____ 4. a. My father inflated several balloons for the birthday party.
b. My dad blew up a bunch of balloons for the birthday party.
____ 5. a. That party was lit.
b. The gathering was enjoyable.


 Language is used to inform others, to ask them to do certain things
and to express feelings, moods, ideas, information, experiences
etc. Language undoubtedly has a very important social purpose
because it is mainly used for linguistic communication.

Each consecutive underlined section corresponds with an answer choice.
Select the choice that has an error, or select choice E for no error.
____1. A. Because of the Internet, B working at jobs C at home D have
become much more common. E No error.
____2. “Pull it out A by B its plug, not by the C cord,” said D dad. E No error.
____3. Symptoms of this illness A that warrant a doctor
visit B includes fever, C vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as the D loss of
appetite. E No error.
____4. A Either Lisa or Karen B will always volunteer C their valuable D time to
serve on our board. ENo error.
____5. The conversation with her A mother had a more profound B affect on
her C than D she expected. E No error.

Reflect on what you have learned after taking up this lesson by
completing the prompts below

I thought …..

What were your thoughts or ideas

about the features of explicit text
prior to the discussion of the

I learned that …..

What new additional ideas did

you learn after taking up this


Antonio, M., Sarte, M., Inigo, M., and Tangonan, O., (2017). Reading and
Writing SKILLS for Senior High School Students. MUTYA Publishing
Barrot, Jessie., 2016. Academic Reading and Writing for Senior High
School. C&E Publishing Inc.
Electronic Resources:

ter_Period_PROPERTIES_OF_A_WELL_WRITTEN_TEXT, 18 August 2020
Retrieved from:,
18 August 2020
informal-language, 18 August 2020

aqs=chrome..69i57.13059j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8, 18 August 2020


Writer: Dr. Roniko C. Natividad, Master Teacher II

Editor: Dr. Roniko C. Natividad, Master Teacher II
Reviewer: Vicente M. Victorio Jr., EPS-English
Management Team: Maria Magdalena M. Lim-Schools Division Superintendent-
Manila, Aida H. Rondilla-Chief Education Supervisor Lucky S. Carpio-EPS and
Lady Hannah C. Gillo, Librarian II-LRMS

1-3) I
4) T
5) A
6) A/T
7) T
8-9) I
10) A
1. D: The error is “have become,” which should be “has become.” The plural form of the auxiliary
verb “have” is incorrect because the subject of the independent clause is “working,” which is
singular and thus takes a singular verb—i.e. “working has…” The other underlined sections are
2. D: “Dad” is a name or proper noun and should be capitalized. “By” is a correct preposition to
use here. “Its” is the correct use of the third-person singular possessive impersonal pronoun. The
punctuation at the end of the quotation is correct.
3. B: “Includes” is incorrect because it is the singular form of the verb, but the subject,
“symptoms,” is plural. The verb should be “include.” The subordinating conjunction “that”
introducing the dependent clause, and its plural verb “warrant,” (A) are both correct. “…vomiting,
and” (C) is punctuated correctly as the last in a series of three or more words. The singular noun
“loss” (D) is correct.
4. C: “Their” is incorrect because it is a plural third-person possessive pronoun, but the use of
“either (A)…or” indicates a singular form. It should be “her.” “Will always volunteer” (B) is a
singular verb phrase and is correct. “Time” (D) is correct regardless of whether it is modified by a
singular (“her”) or plural (“their”) possessive pronoun, e.g. “They both volunteered their valuable
5. B: The correct noun for this meaning is spelled “effect.” “Affect” when it is a noun means mood
or emotional state, e.g. “The patient presented with a depressed affect.” When it is a verb, the
meaning of “affect” is related to the meaning of the noun “effect;” e.g. “The experience had a
harmful effect on her, but it did not affect her brother the same way.” “…her mother” (A) is
correctly not capitalized as it is a noun, not a name/proper noun (e.g. “Hello, Mother.”) The other
underlined parts are correct.
1. because of 1. although 6. during 11. despite
2. but 2. despite 7. as if 12. because
3. every 3. because 8. because of 13. as if
4. another 4. Like 9. while 14. during
5. in addition 5. while 10. like 15. although

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