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English Assignment One Script

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The key takeaways are how to write a procedural text using a kite planning template and the importance of including a clear goal, list of materials, and ordered steps. The teacher models writing a procedure for making Wombat Stew as an example.

The goal of the procedure is to instruct a friend on how to make Wombat Stew.

The steps involved in making Wombat Stew are: 1) Put water in a big pot and boil it, 2) Add ingredients one by one in the order listed, 3) Add the wombat, 4) Mix all ingredients and sing the Wombat Stew song then eat the stew.

Claudia Rocha

Modelled Writing Script

English 3 Assignment One
Procedure Writing

Teacher’s Speech.
Teacher’s Writing.
(Teacher’s Actions).

Today in our modelled writing lesson we are going to make a procedure, which we have
discussed over our last few English lessons and we have also looked at some examples of
different procedures we might have seen. Now today I am going to write a procedure on
our procedure kite model to show you all how we can write our own procedures which
we might be completing in a few lessons time.

So, before we begin our modelled writing lesson, Miss Rocha is going to go through her
learning objectives for our English lesson this morning. My first objective is to make
sure that you are all listening and watching Miss Rocha and the way we construct our
procedure plan. Miss Rocha is going to watch that each of you are following our
listening poster (points at the poster), which means we must listen with our ears, look at
the person speaking which is Miss Rocha, keep our lips zipped (teacher zips mouth with
students), sit still with our legs crossed and hands in our laps and finally switch our
brains on (teacher clicks her brain on with the students).

My second learning objective is to make sure that we all review any spelling and
punctuation errors that we have made while writing our procedure and to also look for
our word wall terms in our writing. Now we can begin our modelled writing lesson.

Seeing as we have been reading Wombat Stew, I thought it would be a great idea to
write a procedure on how to make Wombat Stew. So, to begin our modelled writing
lesson, we have to always make sure that we write our name, the date and most
importantly the title of our writing piece at the top of our page (points to the top of the

 Miss Rocha
 6/3/2020
 How to make Wombat Stew

Once we have correctly written down all of these things at the top of our page, we can
now start to write out each part of our procedural kite model.

Firstly, in the top triangle of our kite sail (point to the top of the kite sail) we must
always write what our GOAL is for our procedure. This is so our reader knows what is
going to be instructed to them throughout our procedure.

 Goal

Claudia Rocha

Now, I wonder what my goal could be for my procedure? I know that I am trying to tell
a friend how to make Wombat Stew, so I am going to write this down making sure I use
a term from our word wall that has terms we should use in our procedures. So, the
GOAL of my procedure that I am writing today is to instruct a friend on how to make
Wombat Stew and I am going to write this down next to the word GOAL (points to
goal) on my kite model.

 Goal: to instruct a friend on how to make _____ Wombat Stew.

Notice how Miss Rocha has left a blank space between the words make and Wombat
Stew (points to the blank space). Once Miss Rocha has completed her procedural kite
model, you will all be put into your English groups and edit Miss Rocha’s procedure.
This blank space has been left for an adjective to describe what type of Wombat Stew I
will be making, so later you can all think of a perfect adjective you think can describe
my Wombat Stew.

Now that I have written what my goal is for my procedure, I move to the bottom
triangle on our kite sail (points to the bottom of the kite sail). This part of the sail is
where we write WHAT WE NEED for our procedure, so the INGREDIENTS and
EQUIPMENT we will need to make our Wombat Stew.

 What you need: Ingredients and Equipment.

Now, thinking back to the dingo’s recipe for Wombat Stew in the story, I remember we
used a big pot and a lot of ingredients to make the stew. So, Miss Rocha is going to list
all of her ingredients and equipment that she can remember from the story that dingo
used. Also if I need help when remembering what I need to put in my Wombat Stew, I
can always look back at our Wombat Stew brainstorm that we completed at the
beginning of the lesson (points to the brainstorm).

 Big ______ Pot

 Water
 Spoon
 Wombat
 Blops of mud
 Feathers
 100 flies
 Creepy crawlies
 Gumnuts

Claudia Rocha

Now that Miss Rocha has listed all of the INGREDIENTS and EQUIPMENT that we
need to make the Wombat Stew, I can now move onto the tail of my procedural kite
model. The tail is where I write all of the STEPS IN ORDER for how I make the
Wombat Stew (points to the tail of the model). This is so when my friend follows my
procedure, they know exactly what to put into the big pot and at what time.

 Steps in order

Thinking back to the story, I remember Dingo first had his big pot with water inside it
which he had to boil otherwise the ingredients will not cook. So, I am going to write this
in my first box on the kite’s tail because it is the first thing we have to do (point to the
first box).

 First, put water into the big pot and boil it until it is hot.

This is my first step of my procedure and that is why I started the sentence with the
word FIRST from our word wall. The next thing that I remember Dingo doing after he
had boiled his water in the pot was put in his ingredients one by one. So, I am going to
write my second step telling my friend the order that each ingredient goes into the pot,
which is the same order that Dingo placed them in the story.

 Next, place the ingredients into the pot with boiling water in the order listed below:
o Blops of mud
o Feathers
o 100 Flies
o Creepy Crawlies
o Gumnuts

Now that I have written down my second step, remembering to start our sentence with
the terms from our word wall, I will now move onto my third step in the procedure.
Thinking back to the story, after all the animals had told Dingo to put all types of
ingredients into his Wombat Stew, the very last and important ingredient that I
remember Dingo putting in was the wombat. So I will now write this as my third step
when making Wombat Stew.

 Then, place the wombat in the stew.

Once I have written down the third step in the procedure I will move onto my final step.
To start my sentence off for this step I will use the word FINALLY, so then my friend
will know that this is the last step in the procedure.

Claudia Rocha

 Finally, mix all the ingredients together and sing the Wombat Stew song, then eat the
______ Wombat Stew.

Once again, Miss Rocha has left a blank space for you all to think of another adjective
to describe the Wombat Stew (point to the blank space). Now that I have finished my
procedural kite model, I have to re-read it and edit it. I have completed my modelled
writing demonstration and now we will do some guided writing. So, in your English
groups you will be editing a part of my procedural kite model using your editing fans
and I would also like you to circle any words that you can find in the procedure that are
from our word wall. Miss Rocha will come around to any groups that need help or
would like to ask questions.

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