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People are known by their name: When we call someone by their name, we are giving that person a sense of belonging. Names are a way in which we identify people, inform
others of what family people belong to and helps us connect with others. Often names have meaning behind them and reasoning for why they have been chosen.
Mary named her baby Jesus: Angel Gabriel told Mary she was going to have a baby and she had to call him Jesus. It is through Jesus that Christians learn about who God is and
what God is like. God’s family is made up of the Church and people become a part of God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism. When people are baptised, they are guided to
become friends of Jesus, love and pray as Jesus does.
People are welcomed into God’s family in Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism is how people become a member of the Church and apart of God’s family. The family of the
individual who is to be baptised must gather together in the Church to celebrate and witness the Baptism. People who are present at a Baptism include parents, brothers, sisters,
Godparents, grandparents, extended family and other members of the Church community.
People are welcomed into God’s family by their name: During a Baptism, the parents of the child to be baptised are asked what name they have chosen for their child and what
they ask of the Church community. The celebrant asks a series of questions to the parents and designated Godparents of the child. The celebrant states the child’s name as the
celebrant officially declares the child baptised and a part of the Church community. The Holy water and baptismal font bless the child into the Church.
Baptised people show they are part of God’s family: It is through Baptism that people agree to loving others as well as God. It is the role of the parents and Godparents of the
child to guide the child to learn how to become a part of God’s family. Ways in which people show that they are a part of God’s family include talking and praying to God, going to
Church, listening to their parents and other important people, caring for others and calling people by their special name.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative thinking Ethical Behaviour Intercultural Personal and social Competence
Prudence Temperance Fortitude Justice Faith Hope Charity
• To wonder & • To fast & become • To dare & become • To relate & become To search for God and To trust and become hope- To give an become charitable like
become awe-filled grateful resilient loving become mystified by God filled by God God
• To search beyond • To meditate & • To yearn & become • To regret & become To serve God and become To repent and become To act justly & become merciful
& become wise become peaceful good forgiving God’s witness redeemed by God like God
· To enjoy life & To worship God and To follow and become a To respect all people and become
become happy become reverent missionary disciple of Jesus tolerant of others’ beliefs

1.Children have a strong 2.Children are connected with 3.Children have a strong 4.Children are confident and involved learners 5.Children are effective
sense of identity and contribute to the world sense of wellbeing communicators
In Kindergarten, students were exposed to Religious Education through the Let the Throughout this Baptism Unit of Work, I will try to incorporate my own religious
Children Come to Me resource book. Throughout the I Am Me, Family, Growing and experiences where applicable. I will have all my resources prepared prior to teaching the
Changing, Rain/Water Cycle, Oceans and Rivers chapters the students explored Religious Education content to the students and each activity is to be set up by the
different concepts of Baptism. The students briefly learnt all about the purpose of water at Education Assistant with resources relevant to the content taught.
a Baptism, why God wants them to grow in the image of Jesus and how they have their
own family, but they are also apart of God’s family once they are baptised. -Collect all books used throughout the Unit of Work.
-Have videos and songs ready to play for the class during the learning.
These chapters from the Let the Children Come to Me resource book demonstrate -Ensure each activity has the correct equipment and resources set out for each lesson.
connections to the Baptism Unit of Work in Pre-Primary that the children will be learning -Collect recycled and natural materials for use in learning activities where applicable.
throughout this Forward Planning Document as the Unit of Work builds on this knowledge
of how we become a part of God’s family and the significance behind this sacrament when
we are blessed into the Church community.
-The Education Assistant will assist the teacher on the mat when teaching the Religious -Students who are practicing Catholics: These students are encouraged to share their
Education content by quietly intervening when students are becoming distractive towards knowledge on the Sacrament of Baptism whether they have witnessed it or have any
other students. images from their own Baptism that their family would like to share.
-Visual Impairments: Ensure that the children in the classroom who wear glasses can
see the whiteboard or any teaching that is taking place during the mat session. Ask these -Students who are from other religious backgrounds (Arslan): This child comes
students directly to ensure they can see all learning otherwise make appropriate from a Muslim background, but his parents are happy for him to participate in Religious
adjustments such as moving them closer to the whiteboard. Education lessons. Sometimes this child may refrain from saying certain prayers or
-Behaviour Difficulties: For students with behaviour difficulties ensure that they are simply disengage when he feels the need to. This child’s family continually discusses
seated at the front of the mat or close by the teacher so verbal and non-verbal warnings their religious beliefs with him. It is important to allow this child to still be encouraged to
can be made if required. These students have a cloud warning system that aims to participate during Religious Education lessons by allowing him to share his own belief
counteract poor behaviour. There is also a positive behaviour chart that the classroom with the class when he can relate it to certain topics in this Baptism Unit of Work. As a
follows and as students are doing the correct thing during the mat sessions or activities, class we will then have the ability to distinguish the similarities and differences between
the teacher can ask them to move their star up on the chart. religions and how each religion celebrates things differently.
Throughout the Baptism Unit of Work there will be an abundance of assessment strategies utilised when teaching and looking for competency in understanding the Unit of Work. As
summative assessment, the teacher will use work samples and creatively produced products to ultimately assess the overall understanding of the content being taught and these
assessment items will be produced towards the end of the week/content descriptor. Throughout the course of the week and the other activities designed for the students to engage
with relevant to the content descriptor, the teacher will take anecdotal notes when asking the students specific questions related to the Religious Education content being taught; this
can be understood as diagnostic assessment. Other assessment strategies that the teacher will employ throughout the teaching of each content descriptor in the Baptism Unit of
Work are checklists, observation notes, marking keys and the student’s portfolio work. The assessment of the content descriptors will take place during mat session questioning,
small group activities and direct one on one questioning with the student.


CONTENT DESCRIPTOR/S  Mary named her baby Jesus.



-State the reason why Angel INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher asks -How did Jesus get RESOURCES:
Gabriel visited Mary in Nazareth. the students “Who is Jesus?” and allows the students to reply. The teacher will then ask the his name? -Whiteboard and marker.
-Draw a picture of Mary being students “How did Jesus get his name?” to see if any students have prior knowledge before -Who is Jesus? -LA6 Resource Sheet.
visited by Angel Gabriel. telling the story of how Jesus got his name. The teacher can write key words from the -Paper.
students answers on the board as a brainstorm to the questions being asked of the -Pencils.
students. -Craft table materials.

BODY: The students will then be asked to stand up and find a space for them to lie down on
the mat or around the room for a peaceful meditation where the teacher will read to the Diagnostic Assessment
students the story of how Jesus got his name. Throughout the meditation the students will will take place in this
be asked a number of questions about the story that they must wonder about in their heads. lesson as the teacher
Once the story has concluded, the students will be asked to stand up and return to their asks a series of questions
squares on the mat. The teacher will ask the students to recall the story as she asks the at the beginning of the
following questions: lesson to gauge what the
“What happened in the story?” students know about
“What did you imagine the town on Nazareth to look like?” Jesus already and these
“Can anyone tell me who Jesus is?” will be recorded as a
“How did Jesus get his name?” brainstorm, which will be
“What was the angel’s name?” reflected on throughout
“Why did Angel Gabriel visit Mary in Nazareth?” the week to check for
students understanding.
WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: The students will have the opportunity to draw a picture of the
meditation story they listened to about how Jesus got his name. Students are encouraged
to draw, collage and colour in their image and transfer how they imagined the story looked
like in their head, onto paper. The teacher can ask a select number of students to explain
the story back to the teacher to check for understanding.

CONCLUSION: Ask the students to recall how Jesus got his name. Students are
encouraged to present to the class their drawings from the activity.


-State examples on how Jesus INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. Recall the story -Who is Jesus? RESOURCES:
shows God’s love. from last lesson about how Jesus got his name: -Why was Jesus -Whiteboard and marker.
-State examples on how we can “How did Jesus get his name?” born? -Jesus Heals a Paralysed
show God’s love to others. “Who visited Mary to tell her that she must name her baby Jesus?” Man Godly Play Script
-Illustrate an example of how and Godly Play box.
Jesus has demonstrated God’s BODY: Discuss with the students how Jesus was a special baby because he is the Son of -Red paper.
love to others. God and the meaning behind this: -Pencils and crayons.
“Jesus is special because he is the Son of God, this means that Jesus was here on Earth to -Scissors.
show people how to care and love each other just like God does to us.”
“We learn about God through hearing about Jesus and how he lived and helped others.”
“Where do we hear these stories from?” The Bible. The work sample
Discuss with the students how Jesus has shown love and care to others and list these on produced by the students
the whiteboard: will we collected and
“What are some ways that you think Jesus has shown love and care to others and us?” by contribute to the
helping the poor, by healing the sick, be loving his parents and by praying to God. summative assessment
“I am now going to tell a story of how Jesus has shown God’s love to people around him.” the teacher will conduct at
the end of the week to
Get the students to sit in a circle around the mat and conduct a Godly play on an example determine whether or not
of how Jesus has shown God’s love to others (Story of the paralysed man and Jesus the students have
healing him). At the conclusion of the Godly Play ask the students: grasped the concept of
“How did Jesus show love and care to the people in the story?” this content descriptor.
“How can we show love like Jesus did towards others?”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will fold and cut out a heart on a paper and inside their
paper heart they must draw a picture of how Jesus has shown God’s love towards others.
Once completed, these hearts can be put on display in the room if there is a space for

CONCLUSION: Ask the students to be seated again on the mat and recall some ways in
which we see God’s love through Jesus’ actions. Students can present their paper heart
drawings to the class.




CONTENT  People are welcomed into God’s family in Baptism.

-Create a collage of all the INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. Recall with the of Jesus called? RESOURCES:
people in the student’s family students what was learnt in the previous lesson by asking them a series of questions: -What does God’s -Whiteboard and marker.
that are a part of God’s family. “Who is Jesus?” family do? -Collage work sample
-Attempt to write the word God “Why was Jesus born?” -How are people labelled: We Belong to
in the sentence. “Name one way that Jesus shows love and care to others just like God has shown us love.” welcomed into God’s Family!
-State the special name given to “How can we show God’s love to others?” God’s family? -Collage table resources.
Jesus’ followers and God’s -Natural resources: leaves
family. BODY: Explain to the students that we are followers of Jesus, and we belong to God’s family. and sticks.
Introduce the term Christians and Church to the students as a name that is used to label
people as belonging to God’s family.
“In Religion we learn all about Jesus and we learn all about God.” The work samples
“When we learn about Jesus and follow how he has shown love and care towards others that produced by the students
means we are following him.” will we collected and
“Jesus’ followers have a special name, and that name is Christians. We are called Christians contribute to the
because we are following the way Jesus acts towards others through love and care.” summative assessment
“Because we are learning about God through Jesus this means that we are becoming apart the teacher will conduct at
of God’s family and God’s family is called the Church.” the end of the week to
“To become a part of God’s family, which is the Church, we have to be baptised.” determine whether or not
Brainstorm with the students who they think might belong to God’s family, prompt the the students have
students with the following questions: grasped the concept of
“Who do you think might be a part of God’s family?” this content descriptor.
“Do you know if you are baptised?”
“Who from your family do you think is a part of God’s family?”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will create a collage of their family using natural and
collage table resources. At the top of the collage paper will be the sentence “We belong to
God’s family!” The word God will be missing from the sentence and the students can attempt
to write the word God in the sentence.

CONCLUSION: The students will be asked to recall what the special name is for God’s family
and for Jesus’ followers. Students will then be asked to think back to how we are able to
become a part of God’s family. Students can name one person they put on their collage that
is a part of God’s family.


LESSON TWO: INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. Revise with the LESSON TWO
-State an example of how a students how we can become a part of God’s family and the special name that God’s family -What are gifts? RESOURCES:
special gift can be shown to is given. -How can -Whiteboard and marker.
others. “What is God’s family called?” The Church. Christians share -Paper ice-cream cones.
-Participate in a sharing activity “How do we become a part of God’s family?” Through the Sacrament of Baptism. their gifts? -Small plastic ball.
to practice becoming a good
follower of Jesus. BODY: Explain to the students what a Baptism is:
“The Sacrament of Baptism is a celebration that happens when our family wants us to
become a part of the Church.”
“Sometimes we are baptised when we are babies so we cannot remember what happens at a
“When we get baptised our parents and family are there to watch us become a part of God’s
family (the Church).”
“When we are baptised, we are called to become good followers of Jesus.”
“This means that we must try to live as Jesus did by loving and caring for others like Jesus
did, praying like Jesus and by helping people who are sick or poor.”

Explain to the students that we have many gifts and qualities that we should show to others
as this is how we become good followers of Jesus. Identify gifts with the students and then
ask the students what an example of showing each gift would look like; the teacher will write
or draw these examples on the whiteboard. Gifts: Care, love, kindness, honesty, patience.
“What does this gift mean, can anyone tell me?”
“How can people show this gift to someone?”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: The students will then be asked to sit in a large circle around the
mat and engage in a sharing activity which aims at putting one of the discussed gifts
(kindness) into practice.
Sharing game: Students will each be given an ice-cream cone shaped piece of paper and
the teacher will have a small plastic ball which is the ice-cream. The students must share the
ice-cream ball by passing the ice-cream ball in their ice-cream cone to the next person in the
circle, until it gets back to the teacher at the beginning of the circle. Students must ask
“Please may I share some of your ice-cream?” each time before they are to receive the ice-
cream and reply “Thank you” when the ice-cream has been shared with them.

CONCLUSION: Readdress some of the gifts discussed and see if the students can come up
with any additional examples on how to show some of the special gifts.


INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher will
LESSON THREE: ask the students a series of questions related to the topics explored in last week’s lessons: LESSON THREE
-Identify what the Sacrament of “What is God’s family called?” -What is the RESOURCES:
Baptism is. “How do we become a part of God’s family?” Sacrament of
-Identify where the Sacrament of “What is the Sacrament of Baptism?” The Sacrament of Baptism is a celebration that Baptism? Diagnostic Assessment
Baptism takes place. happens when our family wants us to become a part of God’s Family which is the Church. will take place in this
-Construct a Church out of lesson as the teacher
recycled materials. BODY: After revising last week’s content, the students will learn that people are baptised in asks a series of questions
their local parish and this parish should be the parish that the family attends often. at the beginning of the
“The Sacrament of Baptism is the first sacrament we can do to become closer to God and to lesson to gauge what the
show God our love and care for him.” students remember from
“The Sacrament of Baptism takes place in a parish Church and the Church that a person is the previous lessons and
baptised in should be the Church that the family visits all the time.” correct any
The teacher will then show different pictures of Churches across the world. The final Church
image is the school’s nominated parish (Mater Christi Catholic Parish) and the teacher will
make this clear to the students.
“What are the different things you can see on this Church?” List on the whiteboard.
“This is the Church that we will visit as a school because it is our local parish Church.”
“Some of you may have been baptised at this Church because you live near it. Some of you -Whiteboard and Marker.
may have been baptised at a different Church that is closer to your house.”
“When our school has to go to Church for a mass, we will be going to this Church.”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will make their own small church out of recycled -Recycled Materials:
materials using a tissue box or shoe box as the base. There will be a variety of images of Tissue boxes, shoe
different Churches for students to look at when they are making their Church. The students boxes, paper towel rolls,
will be working on this over two lessons. paper.
-Collage table resources
CONCLUSION: Students return to the mat to discuss some features they added to their and paint.
Church and what materials they have used. The students will then be asked again where the -Images of Churches.
Sacrament of Baptism takes place and why the sacrament is important.


INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher will
LESSON FOUR: ask the following questions to revise the content learnt in the previous lesson. -What is the LESSON FOUR
-Identify the 3 main groups of “What is the Sacrament of Baptism?” The Sacrament of Baptism is a celebration that Sacrament of RESOURCES:
people that must be present happens when our family wants us to become a part of God’s Family which is the Church. Baptism?
during the Sacrament of “Where does the Sacrament of Baptism take place?” -Who might gather
Baptism. to celebrate the
-Identify additional groups of BODY: Discuss with the students that when someone is baptised in the Church, there are a Sacrament of
people that can be present number of people that gather in the Church to celebrate the person being baptised. Identify Baptism?
during the Sacrament of who may be present at a baptism and stress importance of the 3 main people present during
Baptism. this celebration. The teacher can write or draw these groups of people on the whiteboard.
-Construct a Church out of “When a person gets baptised within a Church, there are many people that can come to the
recycled materials. Church to watch and celebrate the person being baptised.” -Whiteboard and Marker.
“Who do you think can visit the Church to help celebrate the person being baptised?”
Parents, Godparents, siblings, extended family, other people in the Church community.
“There are three main groups of people that need to be at the Baptism when it is happening
in the Church and these people are the child/person’s parents, godparents and the
priest/celebrant.” These people need to be at the Church so the Sacrament of Baptism can

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will make their own small church out of recycled -Recycled Materials:
materials using a tissue box or shoe box as the base. There will be a variety of images of Tissue boxes, shoe
different Churches for students to look at when they are making their Church. The students boxes, paper towel rolls,
will be working on this over two lessons and once complete, the student’s creations can be paper.
put on display around the classroom. -Collage table resources
and paint.
CONCLUSION: Students return to the mat to discuss some features they added to their -Images of Churches.
Church and what materials they have used. The students will then be asked to recall who
comes to the Church to celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism.


CONTENT  People are welcomed into God’s family by their name.

-Create the three main groups of INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher will to celebrate the RESOURCES:
people that must be present at a ask the students some questions to recall their learning from the previous lesson. Sacrament of
Baptism ceremony. “Who can come to the Church to celebrate a person being baptised?” Baptism? As Summative
-Correctly identify and label the “What three groups of people must be at the Baptism?” -Where does the Assessment on this
three main groups of people that Baptism ceremony content descriptor the
must be present at a Baptism BODY: Explain to the students that at the start of the Baptism ceremony, parents and begin? teacher will use the
ceremony. Godparents as well as the people who are being baptised must wait at the entrance of the student’s Church buildings
-Identify where the Baptism Church altogether before entering the Church and the reason for this. and playdough people to
ceremony begins. “Before the Baptism begins inside of the Church, the parents, Godparents and people who assess if they understand
are being baptised need to wait at the front door/entrance of the Church.” where a baptism takes
“This is because the parents and Godparents need to present their child to the Church before place, where it begins in
they get baptised.” the Church and most
“The priest/celebrant does the same by joining them at the entrance of the Church so then importantly, who are the
they can ask the parents and Godparents some questions.” three groups of people
“The priest asks the parents and Godparents to tell what the person’s name is before being that must be present at
baptised. This is why our name is so important, because it is used during the Sacrament of the Baptism for it to occur.
Baptism by the priest.” This knowledge will be
The teacher can show images or a video of people waiting at the entrance of the Church collected by the teacher
before the Baptism occurs. by observing the students,
looking at their final
WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will make playdough figures of the three main groups of products and asking direct
people (parents, Godparents, and priest/celebrant) who must be present at a Baptism questions.
ceremony. Once created, these students must place their playdough people at the entrance
of their Church they have constructed over the previous lessons. Students must label these -Images or a video of
people with the teacher to ensure that they have identified who must be present during the parents, Godparents and
ceremony. Students can be encouraged to create playdough figures of any other people that the priest waiting at the
can be present during the Baptism ceremony and label them as well. entrance of the Church,
-Video that can be used:
CONCLUSION: The students must recall who the three important groups of people are that
must be present during the Baptism sacrament and then any additional people that may be watch?v=MQw5wVgp5YY
present. The teacher will also ask the students where the ceremony begins at the Church.
-Playdough and utensils.
-Students’ Church
INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher will
LESSON TWO: ask the students a series of questions to revise the content learnt in the previous content LESSON TWO
-Create the four main objects descriptor. -What does the RESOURCES:
used during a Baptism “Where does a Baptism take place?” celebrant do during
ceremony using playdough. “Who are the important people that must be at a Baptism?” the Baptism
-Identify and label the four main “Where does the Baptism ceremony begin?” ceremony?
objects used during a Baptism -What is the central
ceremony. BODY: The teacher will explain to the students that they will be learning about the most part of the Baptism
important part of the baptism ceremony which is the blessing of the child into the Church by ceremony?
pouring water over the child’s head. The teacher will then ask the students to sit in a circle
around the mat and she will complete a Baptism Godly Play demonstration informing the
students that this is what the priest does during the ceremony. Once the Godly Play is
complete, the students will be asked to sit back in their squares on the mat and the teacher -Baptism Godly Play script
will ask the students to recall the events that happened while she was baptising the child. The and kit.
teacher will ask the students to name the four main objects that were used during the baptism
ceremony and will explain these to the students (candle, baptismal font, oil and water).
“What were some things that I did and said as the priest in this Baptism?”
“What objects did I use when I was baptising the child and why?”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students must make the four main objects that are used in a
Baptism out of playdough (candle, baptismal font, oil and water) and label these with the
teacher’s assistance if required. These playdough objects will then be placed by the students
inside of their church buildings they created in previous lessons. -Playdough and utensils.
-Student’s Church
CONCLUSION: The teacher will ask the students to name the four main objects used during buildings.
a Baptism and she will list them on the whiteboard. The teacher will then ask some students
to show the class their playdough models they created during the lesson.
-Whiteboard and marker.


INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The teacher will
ask the students to reflect on the previous lesson and state some things they remember.
LESSON THREE: “What did I do and use to baptise the child?” LESSON THREE
-Correctly order the events that “Who was I pretending to be at the Baptism?” -What does the RESOURCES:
occur during a Baptism. “What does the priest say when he is baptising a child?” celebrant do during
-Identify the different things that the Baptism -YouTube video on a
each person does during a BODY: The teacher will explain to the students that they are going to watch a video about a ceremony? Baptism ceremony:
Baptism. Baptism showing what happens and what the priest, parents and Godparents do during the -What do the
Baptism ceremony. Throughout the video the teacher will pause to ask the students what parents do during watch?v=MQw5wVgp5YY
each of these people did at certain points in the Baptism ceremony. the Baptism
ceremony? -Cut and paste work
WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will be given a cut and paste work sample where they -What do the samples.
must cut out images from a Baptism ceremony and order them from start to finish on their Godparents do -Pencils.
work sample. Once complete students can colour in the pictures and must circle what they during the Baptism -Scissors.
think the most important event is that happens during the Baptism ceremony. Over the ceremony? -Glue.
course of this activity, the educators in the room will visit each student and ask them the -What is the central
following questions, so the students can be assessed using the assessment task one part of the Baptism The teacher will assess
marking key: ceremony? the students’ knowledge
“What is a Baptism?” on this content descriptor
“Can you tell me what happens in a Baptism ceremony?” by asking a series of
“Who is at a Baptism ceremony?” questions about Baptism
“What do these people do?” and by using their cut and
paste work samples. The
CONCLUSION: Students will be asked to identify what the priest, parents and Godparents do teacher will use the
during a Baptism ceremony. The students will also be asked to recall what the most important sample assessment task
part of the Baptism is and why. one marking key to record
the results of her
summative assessment
on the students’
LESSON FOUR: THURSDAY: CATCH UP LESSON. knowledge of this content
In this lesson students will recreate a Baptism play and be recorded. There recordings will be descriptor.
put onto QR codes which can be scanned by parents and teachers during the Learning
LESSON FOUR: Showcase evening. LESSON FOUR
-Recreate a Baptism ceremony. RESOURCES:
-iPads, Baptism materials
and dress ups.

WEEK: 10

CONTENT DESCRIPTOR/S  Baptised people show they are part of God’s family.

-Draw and label how to show love to a INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The welcomed into RESOURCES:
person. teacher will ask the students a variety of questions referring back to the previous God’s family?
-Draw an example of how to show love religion lesson which requires the students to recall knowledge learnt about Baptism: -What do parents
to God. “What does a priest use when he is baptising a child?” and Godparents
“What does the priest/parents/godparents do during a Baptism?” promise to do for
the child being
BODY: The teacher will then discuss with the students what parents and Godparents baptised?
promise to do once the child has been baptised. The teacher will also discuss with -How can people in
the students the different ways that we can all show love to God. God’s family show
“In Baptism, our parents and Godparents are asked a number of questions by the they are part of
priest which they must answer the priest saying yes.” God’s family?
“By saying yes to the priest’s questions, parents and Godparents are agreeing to
teach the baptised child how to live like Jesus.”
“This means that parents and Godparents are teaching their baptised child how to
love and care for others just like Jesus did.”
“They are also teaching the baptised child how to show love to God.”
“We can show love to God by growing as part of God’s family, going to Church and
praying to God.”

WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will draw two pictures on a work sample. One
box on the work sample will be labelled How I show love to … which the student will -Work samples for
write the name of a person they show love to and then must draw a picture of how whole class activity.
they will show love to this person. The other box on the work sample will be labelled -Pencils.
How I show love to God and students must draw a picture of a way in which they can
show love to God (this can be a picture of one of the ways discussed with the
students during the mat session).
CONCLUSION: Students will return to the mat and the teacher will ask the students
to name two different ways we can show love to God. The teacher will then ask some
students who they said they would show love to and how on their work sample they
completed during the lesson.

-Identify different reasons as to why INTRODUCTION: The students are all seated on the mat in their squares. The welcomed into RESOURCES:
people pray. teacher will ask the students how they can show love towards God and that they are God’s family? -Whiteboard and
-Paint something or someone that they a part of God’s family. -What do parents marker.
would like to thank God for. “In what ways can we show that we are a part of God’s family?” By showing love to and Godparents -Paints and A3 papers.
-Explain why they would like to thank God through prayer and going to Church. promise to do for
God for the thing or person they have “How can we show love to others just as Jesus did?” the child being The teacher will use the
painted. baptised? students’ paintings as
BODY: The teacher will then discuss with the students’ reasons as to why people -How can people in evidence for summative
might pray, and these will be brainstormed on the whiteboard. The teacher can use God’s family show assessment on this
the LA16 resource sheet to explain to students the different ways that people can they are part of content descriptor. The
start off prayers and the different things that people can pray for. God’s family? student’s painting and
response written by the
WHOLE CLASS ACTVITY: Students will paint a picture of something they would like teacher as to why the
to thank God for in a prayer. The teacher can scribe at the bottom of the painting student decided to paint
what the students have said as to what they are thanking God for and why. These the person or thing they
painting can be displayed around the classroom and used for summative assessment would like to thank God
purposes. for will determine the
student’s competence in
CONCLUSION: The students will return to the mat and the teacher can choose some achieving this content
students to name what they painted to thank God for. Students will then as a class descriptor.
say a prayer before mealtime.




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