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Assignment Two Educ2001

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Early Childhood
University of
Notre Dame

COLOUR KEY: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

OUTCOME 1: Children have a strong OUTCOME 2: Children are connected with OUTCOME 3: Children have a strong OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and involved OUTCOME 5: Children are effective

sense of identity and contribute to their world sense of well being learners communicators

Children feel safe, secure, and supported Children develop a sense of belonging to groups Children become strong in their social and Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with

and communities and an understanding of the emotional wellbeing cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, others for a range of purposes

reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity

active community participation

Children develop their emerging autonomy, Children respond to diversity with respect Children take increasing responsibility for Children develop a range of skills and processes such as Children engage with a range of texts and gain

inter-dependence, resilience and sense of their own health and physical wellbeing problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, meaning from these texts

agency researching and investigating

Children develop knowledgeable and confident Children become aware of fairness Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from Children express ideas and make meaning using a

self identities one context to another range of media

Children learn to interact in relation to Children become socially responsible and show Children resource their own learning through connecting Children begin to understand how symbols and

others with care, empathy and respect respect for the environment with people, place, technologies and natural and processed pattern systems work.

Children use information and communication

technologies to access information, investigate ideas

and represent their thinking


1. Secure, respectful & reciprocal relationships 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective practice


Holistic approaches Responsiveness to children Learning through play Intentional teaching

Continuity of learning & transitions Cultural competence Assessment for learning Learning environments
CONCEPT MAP -Children are given farm animal figurines which they must sort into
their correct homes (eg. Pigs go in a pig pen).
(option 1) -There will be three cards with an image of a pumpkin and a
English: number from one to three on each and a small tub of pumpkin
seeds. Children must use glue the amount of pumpkins seeds
-Farm yard dice game: Children can play in Religious Education / Spiritual Education outlined on the card onto the card.
pairs, they are given a large dice with images of -Draw or paint all the animals that God created for his -Children are given six farm animal figurines, they must order them
farm animals on each side. One child rolls the farm. from largest to smallest farm animal.
-Children create a pattern using different farm animal figurines feet
dice and the other child must make the sound -Children make their own little sheep out of natural or even farm vehicles and paint.
of the animal that the dice landed on, they materials and cotton wool/balls once listening to the story -Children will be given three animal templates with numbers up to
continue to take turns. Jesus told his disciples about 100 sheep. All the sheep 3 on them and a tray of sand and natural materials with coloured
corresponding animal tails and numbers. They must sort the tail to
-Children pick a farm animal and the first letter created by the children will be put into a display in the the correct animal as well as the number on the animal using tongs.
of their chosen farm animal will be stencilled classroom and the children can see how not one sheep -Children will have half an egg carton with 6 spots and on the
onto an A3 piece of paper. The children must looks the same. inside of the lid will be a picture of a pattern of coloured eggs with
numbers on them up to six. There will be corresponding eggs which
decorate the inside of their letter to the the children must sort into the egg carton to match the image.
corresponding colours of their farm animal
using coloured, natural and textured materials. Concept: Farm Term: 4 Weeks: 3

Science / Technology & Enterprise ©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

-Children grow their own choice of vegetable in the vegetable patch and Health & Physical Education
must care for them and watch them grow. -Farm animal obstacle course: Children must complete a set obstacle
-Children can construct their own farm small world using animals that course, but at each new part of the course there will be an image of a
they have made using natural materials. farm animal. The children must do the movement that the animal does
-Children observe a chicken in an incubator hatch and grow. Each day when they complete that part of the obstacle course. (eg. Flap your
the children represents what is happening to the chicken each day by wings like a chicken).
either drawing, collaging or even painting. -Children build their own farm altogether outside using natural
Society and Environment resources like sticks and leaves as well as using materials from the
-Children choose an animal and must build its habitat within a shoe obstacle course.
box using natural materials they have found outdoors. LOTE The Arts Colour Key
-Children create their own picture of their favourite farm animal and -Children will -Draw and collage a chicken using real feathers.
the weather that they believe their animal would like (eg. Pigs like the learn how to say -Fruit and vegetable stamping: children are able Physical (Fine Motor)
rain because it creates mud.) the name of to use a variety of fruit and vegetables that Physical (Gross Motor)
-Using iPads, children can take photos of things outside or inside the their favourite have been cut in half, dip them in paint and Social
classroom that you would see in a farm. They then create a Pic farm animal in stamp them onto their page. Emotional
Collage of all these things that you would see in a farm. their cultural -Children dip their fingers into paint and print
Cognitive/ Language
-At the water table, children will be able to work together to make a background them onto a piece of paper. Then they can turn Spiritual / Moral
pond that ducks would be able to live in. Children can collect and language. their prints into farm animals.
use natural materials such as leaves, twigs and rocks to form the
pond and using duck figurines to play with in their pond.
-Children will have half an egg carton with 6
spots and on the inside of the lid will be a
picture of a pattern of coloured eggs with LEARNING CENTRE PLAN
numbers on them up to six. There will be
corresponding eggs which the children must sort ©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

into the egg carton to match the image.

Week 1 to Week 3 _

-Children will be given three animal templates with numbers up to 3 on them
and a tray of sand and natural materials with coloured corresponding animal
tails and numbers inside. They must sort the tail to the correct animal as well
as the number on the animal using tongs.

-Fruit and vegetable stamping: -Children pick a farm animal and the
children are able to use a variety of first letter of their chosen farm animal
fruit and vegetables that have been cut ICT will be stencilled onto an A3 piece of
in half, dip them in paint and stamp -Using iPads, children can take photos of things outside or paper. The children must decorate the
them onto their page. inside the classroom that you would see in a farm. They then inside of their letter to the
create a Pic Collage of all these things that you would see in a corresponding colours of their farm
farm. animal using coloured, natural and
textured materials.


-Farm animal obstacle course:
Children must complete a set
obstacle course, but at each new part Week 1 to Week 3
of the course there will be an image
of a farm animal. The children must
do the movement that the animal
does when they complete that part
-At the water table, children will be able to work
of the obstacle course. (eg. Flap your
together to make a pond that ducks would be able
wings like a chicken).
to live in. Children can collect and use natural
materials such as leaves, twigs and rocks to form the
pond and using duck figurines to play with in their
-Children are given farm animal figurines which
they must sort into their correct homes (eg. Pigs
go in a pig pen).

-Children grow their own choice of vegetable in the
vegetable patch and must care for them and watch
them grow.


-Children choose an animal and must build
its habitat within a shoe box using natural
materials they have found outdoors.
©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle


TERM/WEEKS: 4/3 YEAR LEVEL: 3-year-olds LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Maths: Sorting/Farm

EYLF 1. Responsiveness to 2. Learning through 3. Intentional 4. Learning 5. Assessment for 6. Cultural 7. Continuity of 8. Holistic approaches
PRACTICES children play teaching environments learning competence learning &
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
reciprocal relationships practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong sense of 2.Children are connected with 3.Children have a strong sense of 4.Children are confident and 5.Children are effective communicators
identity and contribute to their world wellbeing involved learners

(include learner diversity)
Week 5 2 4 Locate the What: I am Mat Session: Children will be seated on YouTube Video:
farm animal assessing the mat in front of the teacher and
to the whether or not the teacher will play a YouTube video - “Where does a
correct the child can that shows children all the animals pig live on a v=O4tzweWNDgE
corresponding sort the farm that are on a farm and where they live farm?” &t=13s
home. animals into on the farm. After watching the video, - “Where does a
their correct the teacher will ask some questions duck live on a
homes without about it to the children. The children farm?”
assistance from will then go off to their tables of
the educator. interest and the educator will go
outside to the mat play area to
How: Checklist conduct her assessment.
with three
columns. The Mat Play: At the mat play area -Animal Figurines:
first column is outside, children will have numerous - “Can you 3 pigs, 2 horses,
the child different animal figurines (pig, horse, remember where 1 cow, 2 ducks
correctly placed cow, duck and chicken). There will also the cow lives on a and 3 chickens.
all animals in be images of the homes where the farm?” -Images of animal
their correct animals live on the farm. The task of - “Do you homes on a farm:
homes; the the child is to locate the correct farm remember what we pigsty, stable,
second column is animal to their correct house on the call the place barn, pond and
only half of the farm. The educator will be assessing where chickens live coop.
animals were the child’s ability to sort out the on a farm?” -Checklist and
located to their animals and houses and then locate the - “How many farm pen.
correct homes; correct animal to the correct home and animals can you
the third column she will record this on a checklist. The count are on this
is that the child educator may use prompting questions farm?”
only located one whilst the children are completing this -New farm
or none of the activity. As an extension activity the animal: sheep
farm animals educator can introduce a different farm lives in a sheep
into their animal and ask the child to construct pen.
correct homes. their house out of natural materials -Natural
such as rocks, sticks and leaves, then materials: rocks,
add it to the farm. sticks and leaves.
- “What is the
Conclusion: The educator will call all chicken’s house
the children back to the mat inside the called on a farm?”
classroom and watch the video again
asking similar questions asked during
the mat session.
TERM/WEEKS: 4/3 YEAR LEVEL: 3-year-olds LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Maths: Sorting/Farm

EYLF 1. Responsiveness to 2. Learning 3. Intentional 4. Learning 5. Assessment for 5. Cultural 6. Continuity of 7. Holistic approaches
PRACTICES children through play teaching environments learning competence learning &
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
reciprocal relationships practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong 2.Children are connected with 3.Children have a strong 4.Children are confident and 5.Children are effective
sense of identity and contribute to their world sense of wellbeing involved learners communicators


OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Week 5. 2. 4. -Sort farm What: I am Mat Session: Children will be seated on -Book: Big Red
animal tails assessing the the mat in front of the educator and Barn by Margaret
onto the child’s ability to the educator will read them the book Wise Brown.
correct farm sort the tails Big Red Barn by Margaret Wise Brown - “What animals
animal from the tray which talks about all the different do you remember
template. back to the animals that you would find on a farm. seeing on the farm
correct animal. I The educator will ask the children to in the story.”
-Locate the am also assessing pay close attention to the tails of each - “What was your
missing the child’s ability farm animal and how they are all favourite animal?”
numbers to to locate the different. The educator will then ask a - “Who would like
the correct correct number few questions about the story to the to come up to the
farm animal shape to the children and may get some children to whiteboard and
template. animal with the come up to the whiteboard to draw an draw a pig and its
corresponding animal. The children will then go off to tail for me?”
number on it. So their tables of interest and the
overall, I am educator will go to the investigation
assessing the table inside the classroom to conduct -Farm animal
child’s concept of her assessment. templates: pig,
sorting which is horse and chicken.
in the learning Investigation Table: At the -Farm animal
area of investigation table, children will see tails: pig’s tail
mathematics. three different farm animal templates (made out of a
that do not have tails on them. Each curled pipe
How: I will be farm animal will also have a number on - “What shape cleaner); horse’s
recording this it from one to three. In the centre of does a pig’s tail tail (made out of
information using the table will be a tray filled with sand make, can you a bunch of
a checklist. The and small rocks and leaves. Using tongs, draw it in the straw); chicken’s
first column is children must sort out the correct tail sky?” tail (a feather to
that the child from the tray and place it on the - “What do use as a tail).
correctly sorted correct farm animal. Once the children chickens have all -Number shapes
the tails to each have done this, they can then sort the over their body?” 1, 2, 3.
animal and numbers in the tray onto the farm -Checklist and
matched the animal template as well. The educator pen.
correct number as will be using her checklist to record her
well. The second observations on the capability of each
column is that child meeting the set objectives. The - “What animals
the child could educator may also use prompting do you remember
only sort out half questions during the activity for the seeing on the farm
of the tails to children who require assistance. in the story.”
the correct
animal and Conclusion: The educator will ask for all
required children to come back to the mat
assistance when inside the classroom and revise the
matching the book with the children asking similar
number to the questions that were discussed during
correct animal. the mat session.
The third column
is that the child
could not
correctly sort the
tail to the animal
and could not
match the
number either,
requiring a lot of
prompting by the
TERM/WEEKS: 4/3 YEAR LEVEL: 3-year-olds LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Maths: Sorting/Farm

EYLF 1. Responsiveness to 2. Learning 3. Intentional 4. Learning 5. Assessment for 6. Cultural 7. Continuity of 8. Holistic approaches
PRACTICES children through play teaching environments learning competence learning &
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
reciprocal relationships practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong 2.Children are connected with 3.Children have a strong 4.Children are confident and 5.Children are effective
sense of identity and contribute to their world sense of wellbeing involved learners communicators


OBJECTIVE (include learner diversity)
Week 5 2 4 Sort What: I am Mat Session: Children will be seated on -Book: One Little
2 &3
coloured assessing each the mat in front of the educator and Chicken by David
eggs into child’s ability to the educator will read the children the Elliot.
egg carton place the coloured book called One Little Chicken written
according eggs into the by David Elliot. The book is about
to pattern correct pattern, counting chicken up to the number
picture sorting them out ten, which is slowing introducing - “Let’s count the
provided. according to their children to the concept of counting in chickens in the
colour. Once the mathematics. Once reading the book a story altogether!”
child has sorted first time with the children, the - “Which chicken
them out into the educator will read it a second time, was your favourite
correct order, then encouraging children to count along in the story… that
the numbers one with her how many chickens are in the was chicken
to six will also be book and the educator may also ask number…”
in order. some questions about the book to the
children. After this has concluded, the
How: I will record children will go off to their tables of
this assessment by interest and the educator will go to
taking anecdotal the manipulatives table inside the
notes whilst the classroom to conduct her assessment. -Egg cartons with
child is completing six spots inside.
the activity. This Manipulatives Table: At the -Pattern picture
will enable myself manipulatives table, children will see of coloured eggs
to recognise each egg cartons with six spots inside. On on the lid.
movement the the lid inside the egg carton will be an -Basket full of
child makes when image of a pattern of coloured eggs coloured and
sorting them into with numbers on them. In the centre textured
the pattern and of the table will be a basket full of materials:
how the child is colourful different textured materials feathers, leaves,
doing this. as well as the coloured (plastic) eggs fabrics, blocks,
with numbers on them. The children pop sticks.
must sort out these eggs from the -Coloured eggs
basket and put them into the egg with numbers one
carton following the pattern on the - “What colour to six on them.
lid. Once the children have put the egg do you need -Anecdotal note
coloured eggs into the correct pattern, next in the book and pen.
the numbers from one to six should pattern?”
also be in order. The educator can - “Let’s count
prompt the children throughout this how many eggs are
activity and encourage children to in here.”
count the eggs from one to six in the
carton. The educator will be taking
anecdotal notes on each child as they
complete this activity on the way that
they sort out the items and eggs and
the way that the child places them in
the carton according to the pattern in
the image.

Conclusion: The educator will ask for all

children to come back inside and sit on
the mat to revise the story and
counting the chickens in the story
Resources List:

Indoor Learning Centre:

Investigation Table: Farm animal templates: (pig, horse and chicken); Farm animal tails: pig’s tail (made out of a
curled pipe cleaner); horse’s tail (made out of a bunch of straw); chicken’s tail (a feather to use as a tail); Number
shapes 1, 2, 3.

Manipulatives Table: Book: One Little Chicken by David Elliot; Egg cartons with six spots inside; Pattern
picture of coloured eggs on the lid; Basket full of coloured and textured materials: feathers, leaves, fabrics,
blocks, pop sticks; Coloured eggs with numbers one to six on them.

Painting: Fruit cut in half: (apple, pear, orange); Vegetables cut in half: (potato, mushroom, carrot); Paint: (red,
blue, yellow, purple and green); A3 paper; Foam trays; Art shirts.

ICT: iPads; Pic Collage app.

Collage: A3 paper with letter stencil on it; PVA glue; scissors; Paint brushes; Leaves; Sticks; Bark; Stones;
Feathers; Coloured fabrics; Coloured paper; Pompoms; Pop sticks; Tissue paper.

Outdoor Learning Centre:

Climbing Area: Buckets; Plastic fencing blocks; Large cube blocks with holes on each side; Rope; Small ladder;
Skipping ropes; Log; Wooden planks; Large branches.

Sand and Water Play: Water table; Water; Leaves; Twigs; Rocks; Small duck figurines; Containers; Sand;
Shovels; Buckets.

Mat Play: YouTube Video; Animal Figurines: (3 pigs, 2 horses, 1 cow, 2 ducks and 3 chickens); Images of
animal homes on a farm: (pigsty, stable, barn, pond and coop); New farm animal: (sheep lives in a sheep pen);
Natural materials: (rocks, sticks and leaves).

Art/Craft Table: Shoe boxes; Leaves; Sticks; Rocks; Grass; Flowers; Hay; Sand; Feathers; PVA glue; scissors;
Egg cartons; Tissue paper.

Natural Environment: Vegetable seeds; Water; Soil; Shady and fenced off area; Buckets; Shovels.

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