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Mathematics - Shapes

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Outcomes: COLOUR KEY: Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4

OUTCOME 1: Children have a strong OUTCOME 2: Children are connected with OUTCOME 3: Children have a strong OUTCOME 4: Children are confident and involved OUTCOME 5: Children are effective

sense of identity and contribute to their world sense of well being learners communicators

Children feel safe, secure, and supported Children develop a sense of belonging to groups Children become strong in their social and Children develop dispositions for learning such as curiosity, Children interact verbally and non-verbally with

and communities and an understanding of the emotional wellbeing cooperation, confidence, creativity, commitment, others for a range of purposes

reciprocal rights and responsibilities necessary for enthusiasm, persistence, imagination and reflexivity

active community participation

Children develop their emerging autonomy, Children respond to diversity with respect Children take increasing responsibility for Children develop a range of skills and processes such as Children engage with a range of texts and gain

inter-dependence, resilience and sense of their own health and physical wellbeing problem solving, enquiry, experimentation, hypothesising, meaning from these texts

agency researching and investigating

Children develop knowledgeable and confident Children become aware of fairness Children transfer and adapt what they have learned from Children express ideas and make meaning using a

self identities one context to another range of media

Children learn to interact in relation to Children become socially responsible and show Children resource their own learning through connecting Children begin to understand how symbols and

others with care, empathy and respect respect for the environment with people, place, technologies and natural and processed pattern systems work.

Children use information and communication

technologies to access information, investigate ideas

and represent their thinking


1. Secure, respectful & reciprocal 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective practice

Holistic approaches Responsiveness to children Learning through play Intentional teaching

Continuity of learning & Cultural competence Assessment for learning Learning environments

©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle

MONTH: June YEAR LEVEL: Kindy LEARNING AREA/TOPIC: Shapes (Mathematics)

EYLF Responsiveness to Learning through Intentional teaching Learning Assessment for Cultural competence Continuity of Holistic approaches
PRACTICES children play environments learning learning &
PRINCIPLES 1. Secure, respectful & 2. Partnerships 3. High expectations & equity 4. Respect for diversity 5. Ongoing learning & reflective
reciprocal relationships practice
OUTCOMES 1.Children have a strong sense 2.Children are connected with 3.Children have a strong sense of 4.Children are confident and 5.Children are effective
of identity and contribute to their world wellbeing involved learners communicators

General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural
thinking Competence Understanding
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability


LINKS (Include learner diversity & play)
Week One Mathematics Prior Knowledge: The last two weeks the children were
curriculum 1.1.1 Students will be Checklist – seeing learning about reconciliation week and Aboriginal What Acknowledg
Monday 1.1.2 able to: who has completed Dreamtime stories. Through the dreamtime stories, they dreamtime story ement of
Learning and 1.1.3 the experience and were learning to identify the colours of a rainbow. did we learn country
Tuesday thinking 1.2.1  Identify the achieved the lesson last week? poster for
Engage in and extend 1.2.2 name of four objectives Morning Mat Session: the centre.
& numeracy in 1.3.1 2D shapes; 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle How did the
personally meaningful 1.3.2 Observation & 2. Children and the teacher sing ‘hello’ song to start the Koala lose his Enlarged
Wednesday ways  develop 1.3.3 Anecdotal Notes – day tail? shapes of
knowledge of rectangle, observing their fine circle,
triangle and 3. Together, go through acknowledgement country and
measurement and 2.1.1 motor skills and Why did the triangle,
geometry  recognise 2.2.1 circle listening to children the colour and meaning of the flags. tree kangaroo rectangle
names, sort, and match  Recall the answering questions 4. The teacher recaps what they worked on last week, pull off his tail? and squares
basic two-dimensional 3.1.1 simple such as the dreamtime stories and see what they in different
shapes such as square, 3.1.2 Photos of the remember How did they coloured
properties of
triangle and circle 3.2.1 children completing 5. The teacher will introduce their new topic which is get water? paper
3.2.2 the four 2D the learning
shapes; square, shapes
Develop positive 3.2.3 experience What shapes do 2D shape
rectangle, 6. The teacher will ask the children what shapes they
dispositions for you know? poems –
learning  Build 4.1.1 triangle and know. Top teacher
enthusiasm, 4.2.1 circle, through 7. The teacher introduces 4 shapes that will mainly be What shape is resource
confidence, focusing on this week; square, rectangle, triangle this?
cooperation, 5.1.1 the poems and circles, in a poem and identify their main Smartboard
commitment, 5.2.1  Draw and trace properties. How many
persistence  Express the four 2D 8. Children will still learn the other names of shapes over corners/sides 2D shape
curiosity and wonder 6.1.2 does this shape song
shapes; square, time and through other activities
about events, 6.1.3 have? https://
experiences, and rectangle, 9. The teacher then shares a song about these shapes on www.youtu
interests in their 7.2.2 triangle and the smartboard – over time students will listen and What is the
environments; Follow circle learn these lyrics and the song is interactive difference watch?
and extend their own 10. After the song, each student will individually identify between these v=OEbRDt
interests with the shape the teacher is holding in order to go to the two shapes? CAFdU&ab
enthusiasm, energy and bathroom and wash their hands for morning tea. _channel=T
concentration; and What shape do heSingingW
persist even when a Lunch Mat Session: you have? alrus-
task is difficult, and 1. Children will sit on the mat in front of the teacher EnglishSong
experience satisfaction What shape has sForKids
2. The teacher will hold up the shapes and see if they
of achievement 3 sides/
remember the name of the shapes from the poems. corners?
Develop curiosity, 3. Together will go through the shape poems and the The Shape
resourcefulness and properties. What shape Family
reflexibility  explore 4. The teacher will read a children’s literature book on have 4 sides/ Babies – by
the properties of shapes called “The Shape Family Babies” by Kristen corners? Kristen
familiar objects; Haas Haas
actively engage in Can you
5. Teacher will ask what other shapes they noticed in the
learning experiences, draw/trace this Tabletop
conversations and play book shape? activities
experiences 6. The teacher will introduce tabletop activities that will from Top
be on display for them after lunch and rest time What is the teacher
Identity 7. Individually each child will tell the teacher their poem for this 2D memory
Build knowledgeable favourite shape for them to wash their hands for lunch. shape? shape cards,
and confident self- roll a shape,
identities Show Afternoon Mat Session: 2D tracing
confidence in own 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle ready mat cards
learning and for last mat session before afternoon tea
capabilities  Show Geometric
2. The teacher will hold up the shapes and see if they
curiosity, engagement shape
and purpose for remember the name of the shapes from the poems. picture
learning 3. The teacher will put the enlarged shapes (circle, making
triangle, rectangle, and square) in the middle of the cards and
Interact with others circle for everyone to see. blocks
with care, empathy 4. The teacher will give each student a card with one of
and respect  2D shapes
the shapes, and around the circle, each child will tell
Participate positively sorting cards
as part of a group  you what shape they have and place their card on the
Cooperate and matching enlarged shape in the middle of the circle. Mats or
contribute to play and 5. Once the children have all had a go, if there is time, trays
small group they can listen to the interactive shape song again.
experiences Shaving
Learning Experience: cream
1. On the jellybean table, the teacher will work with 1 to
2 children at a time while the other’s play in the Aprons
indoor/outdoor environment which has play equipment
that relates to the learning experience and children’s
2. This learning experience combines sensory play and
fine/gross motor skills.
3. Each student will have a learning mat/tray with
shaving cream on it. Students will spread the shaving
cream all over the mat
4. Students will learn to draw the 2D shapes in the
shaving cream.
5. The teacher will model how to draw each shape with
their fingers and will have the enlarged shapes as
image reference and guidance
6. Must draw the 4 main shapes and then can draw any
other shapes they know

Link to Developmental domains and areas:

Sensory, exploratory play, fine/gross motor skills

Learner Diversity:
Assistance children
 Teacher will support the children with the
pronunciation of the names of the shapes
 Teacher will hold onto the child’s hand and move their
hand when drawing the shapes in the beginning and
then let them try by themselves

Extension children
 The teacher will give the properties of the shape and
see if the student can identify the shape the teacher is
thinking of
 Children recall the properties of the 4 focus shapes

Children will have indoor and outdoor play with the other
educators while I work with 1-2 children at a time. The
indoor environment and outdoor environment are set up
with equipment and activities that relate to the learning

Mat session might mix and match or swap around
depending on time/changing things around, not always the
The children need a lot of repetition for learning new
Mathematics Prior Knowledge: Children have been introduced to 2D What shape is Acknowledg
curriculum 1.1.1 Students will be Photos of the shapes and focused on squares, rectangles, triangles and this? ement of
1.1.2 able to: children completing circles country
Learning and 1.1.3 the learning How many poster for
thinking 1.2.1  Identify the experience Morning Mat session: corners/sides the centre.
Engage in and extend 1.2.2 name of four 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle does this shape
numeracy in 1.3.1 2D shapes; Work Sample 2. Children and the teacher sing ‘hello’ song to start the have? Enlarged
personally meaningful 1.3.2 day shapes of
ways  develop 1.3.3 Task outline, photo What is the circle,
rectangle, 3. Together, go through acknowledgement country and
knowledge of and link to EYLF and difference triangle,
measurement and 2.1.1 triangle circle, curriculum links for the colour and meaning of the flags. between these rectangle,
geometry  recognise 2.2.1 oval, pentagon portfolio 4. The teacher recaps what they worked on last week, two shapes? pentagon,
names, sort, and match and rhombus such as the four shapes and their poems; square, oval,
Week Two basic two-dimensional 3.1.1  Recall the rectangle, triangle and circles. What shape do rhombus
shapes such as square, 3.1.2 5. The teacher will introduce 3 new shapes, oval, you have? and squares
Monday triangle and circle 3.2.1 rhombus and pentagon and their poems with actions in different
3.2.2 properties of What shape has coloured
the four 2D 6. Children will still learn the other names of shapes over
Tuesday Develop positive 3.2.3 3 sides/ paper
dispositions for shapes; square, time and through other activities corners?
& learning  Build 4.1.1 rectangle, 7. The teacher then shares a song about these shapes on 2D shape
enthusiasm, 4.2.1 triangle and the smartboard – over time students will listen and What shape poems –
Wednesday confidence, circle, through learn these lyrics and the song is interactive. Song: have 4 sides/ Top teacher
cooperation, 5.1.1 Shape up! – Jack Hartman corners? resource
the poems
commitment, 5.2.1 8. After the song, each student will individually identify
persistence  Express  Draw and trace Can you draw Smartboard
the four 2D the shape the teacher is holding in order to go to the
curiosity and wonder 6.1.2 this shape in the
about events, 6.1.3 shapes; square, bathroom and wash their hands for morning tea. air? 2D shape
experiences, and rectangle, song
interests in their 7.2.2 Afternoon Mat session: What is the https://
triangle and 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle ready
environments; Follow circle poem for this www.youtu
and extend their own for last mat session before afternoon tea shape?
interests with 2. The teacher will hold up the shapes and see if they watch?
enthusiasm, energy and remember the name of the shapes from the poems. Can you see a v=QaF84Y
concentration; and 3. The teacher will put the enlarged shapes (circle, shape like this HNQNg&a
persist even when a in the b_channel=
task is difficult, and triangle, rectangle, square, oval, rhombus and classroom/ JackHartm
experience satisfaction pentagon) in the middle of the circle for everyone to outside/ at annKidsMu
of achievement see. home? sicChannel
4. The teacher will give each student a card with one of
Develop curiosity, Tabletop
resourcefulness and the shapes, and around the circle, each child will tell activities
reflexibility  explore you what shape they have and place their card on the from Top
the properties of matching enlarged shape in the middle of the circle. teacher
familiar objects; 5. Once the children have all had a go, if there is time, 2D memory
actively engage in they can listen to the interactive shape song again. shape cards,
learning experiences, roll a shape,
conversations and play Learning Experience: 2D tracing
experiences 1. On the jellybean table, the teacher will work with 1 to mat cards
2 children at a time while the other’s play in the
Identity Geometric
indoor/outdoor environment which has play equipment
Build knowledgeable shape
and confident self- that relates to the learning experience and children’s picture
identities Show interests making
confidence in own 2. This learning experience combines fine motor skills. cards and
learning and 3. Children will receive an A3 size paper with the four blocks
capabilities  Show main shapes on them circle, triangle, square and circle.
curiosity, engagement 4. Children will trace each shape and draw the shape on 2D shapes
and purpose for sorting cards
their own next to the shape they traced with paint
Interact with others 5. Children also had an option to decorate their traced A3 size
with care, empathy shapes with glue and sequins by making sure that they paper with
and respect  glued their sequins on the lines. the four
Participate positively main shapes
as part of a group  Learner Diversity: on them
Cooperate and Assistance children circle,
contribute to play and  Teacher will support the children with the triangle,
small group pronunciation of the names of the shapes square and
experiences circle. – top
 Teacher will hold onto the child’s hand and move their
hand when drawing the shapes in the beginning and resource
then let them try by themselves
 Children glue and sequin at least one shape Paint sticks

Extension children PVA glue

 The teacher will give the properties of the shape and and sequins
see if the student can identify the shape the teacher is
thinking of
 Children recall the properties of the 4 focus shapes
 Children glue and sequin all 4 of the shapes

Children will have indoor and outdoor play with the other
educators while I work with 1-2 children at a time. The
indoor environment and outdoor environment are set up
with equipment and activities that relate to the learning

Mat session might mix and match or swap around
depending on time/changing things around, not always the
The children need a lot of repetition for learning new
Week Three Mathematics Prior Knowledge: Children have been introduced to 2D What shape is Acknowledg
curriculum 1.1.1 Students will be Checklist – seeing shapes and focused on squares, rectangles, triangles, this? ement of
Monday 1.1.2 able to: who has completed circles, ovals, rhombus and pentagons. country
Learning and 1.1.3 the experience, How many poster for
Tuesday thinking 1.2.1  Identify the identified the shapes Morning Mat session: corners/sides the centre.
Engage in and extend 1.2.2 name of four and scribing the 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle does this shape
& numeracy in 1.3.1 2D shapes; quote for their picture 2. Children and the teacher sing ‘Good Morning’ song to have? Days of the
personally meaningful 1.3.2 explaining what the start the day – started to learn and teach the children week
Wednesday ways  develop 1.3.3 picture is What is the classroom
rectangle, 3. Together, go through acknowledgement country and
knowledge of difference display
measurement and 2.1.1 triangle circle, Observation & the colour and meaning of the flags. between these resources
geometry  recognise 2.2.1 oval, pentagon, Anecdotal Notes – 4. The teacher introduces the days of a week. This is new two shapes?
names, sort, and match and rhombus, observing their fine and will be down every day as part of their morning Bindi bindi
basic two-dimensional 3.1.1 is possible motor skills and mat routine to help remember the days of the week. What shape do wand
shapes such as square, 3.1.2 hexagon and listening to children 5. Children learn the days of the week song (Addams you have?
triangle and circle 3.2.1 answering questions family theme song – days of the week) Numbers 1 -
3.2.2 What shape has 20 cut out
 Glue and stick 6. Teacher introduces ‘Bindi Bindi’ the counting
Develop positive 3.2.3 Photos of the 3 sides/ on display
dispositions for shapes together children completing butterfly that counts how many kindy friends are here corners?
learning  Build 4.1.1 to make a the learning today. The children and the butterfly work together to Enlarged
enthusiasm, 4.2.1 picture experience count all the children in the room and then count that What shape shapes of
confidence, number on a number line. (New morning routine) have 4 sides/ circle,
cooperation, 5.1.1 Portfolio 7. The teacher recaps what they worked on last week, corners? triangle,
commitment, 5.2.1 pieces/classroom such as the shapes. rectangle,
persistence  Express display Can you draw pentagon,
8. Teacher introduces a story called ‘Mouse shapes” as
curiosity and wonder 6.1.2 this shape in the hexagon,
about events, 6.1.3 Individualised task this story relates to the learning activity planned for air? oval,
experiences, and outline and the next few days. octagon,
interests in their 7.2.2 achievements for Lunch Mat session: What is the rhombus
environments; Follow portfolio 1. The teacher recaps what they worked on last week, poem for this and squares
and extend their own such as the six shapes and their poems; square, shape? in different
interests with rectangle, triangle, circles, ovals, rhombus and coloured
enthusiasm, energy and Can you see a paper
concentration; and shape like this
persist even when a 2. The teacher will introduce 2 new shapes, hexagon and in the 2D shape
task is difficult, and octagon and their poems with actions classroom/ poems –
experience satisfaction 3. Children practiced and repeated the shapes. outside/ at Top teacher
of achievement 4. The teacher gives them a goal to see if they see any home? resource
shapes out in the classroom, outside or at home and to
Develop curiosity, let the teachers know what they see. Smartboard
resourcefulness and
5. Each student will individually identify the shape the
reflexibility  explore Mouse
the properties of teacher is holding in order to go to the bathroom and shape story
familiar objects; wash their hands for lunch time. https://
actively engage in www.youtu
learning experiences, Afternoon Mat session:
conversations and play 1. The children will gather on the mat in a circle ready watch?
experiences for last mat session before afternoon tea v=wL6xkC
2. The teacher will hold up the shapes and see if they QMPB8&t=
Identity remember the name of the shapes from the poems. 101s&ab_ch
Build knowledgeable 3. The teacher will put the enlarged shapes (circle, annel=Zest2
and confident self- Teach
triangle, rectangle, square, oval, rhombus and
identities Show
confidence in own pentagon) in the middle of the circle for everyone to
learning and see.
capabilities  Show 4. The teacher will give each student a card with one of 2D shapes
curiosity, engagement the shapes, and around the circle, each child will tell sorting cards
and purpose for you what shape they have and place their card on the
learning matching enlarged shape in the middle of the circle. A3 paper –
My picture
5. Once the children have all had a go, if there is time,
Interact with others shape
with care, empathy they can listen to the interactive shape song again.
and respect  Collage of
Participate positively Learning Experience: My shape picture paper shapes
as part of a group  1. On the jellybean table, the teacher will work with 1 to in different
Cooperate and 2 children at a time while the other’s play in the sizes and
contribute to play and indoor/outdoor environment which has play equipment colour
small group that relates to the learning experience and children’s
experiences interests Glu sticks
2. As an ending to learning about shapes the children will
create a collage out of shapes they have learnt about, pictures
(Suggest children’s interests as picture/collage ideas,
e.g., houses, robots, cars, dinosaurs, castles, etc.).
3. Teacher will have different shapes and sizes cut up
and ready for the children
4. Students will use glustiks and collage paper to create
their chosen image.
5. Teacher will ask each child what shape they are using
and see if they can identify all shapes they have used.
6. Teacher will ask the child what they made, and the
teacher will scribe what they said on a separate piece
of paper
7. Teacher will type up what the child said, print off and
stick it next to the child’s work

Learner Diversity:
Assistance children
 Teacher will support the children with the
pronunciation of the names of the shapes or give hints
such as ‘Peter….’, etc.
 Teacher will help with glue sticks and small ideas if
children are lost. Photo ideas

Extension children
 The teacher will give the properties of the shape and
see if the student can identify the shape the teacher is
thinking of
 Children recall the properties of the 4 focus shapes

Children will have indoor and outdoor play with the other
educators while I work with 1-2 children at a time. The
indoor environment and outdoor environment are set up
with equipment and activities that relate to the learning

Mat session might mix and match or swap around
depending on time/changing things around, not always the
The children need a lot of repetition for learning new

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