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Relationship Between Internal Flow and Fan Noise of Cross Flow Fan

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Journal of JSEM, Vol.

10, Special Issue (2010) 7-12

Copyright Ⓒ 2010 JSEM

Relationship between Internal Flow and Fan Noise of Cross Flow Fan

Kazuyoshi NISHIHARA1, Yusuke NAKAHATA2, Charles W. KNISELY3 and Manabu IGUCHI2

Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Osaka, Japan
Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Hokkaido, Japan
Mechanical Engineering Department, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, USA

(Received 10 December 2009; received in revised form 28 April 2010; accepted 12 June 2010)

Abstract vortex and the accompanying flow around the vortex. The
The cross flow fan has an eccentrically located vortex inside effect of the tongue geometry on rotation noise level was
impeller. The vortex behavior has a large effect on the fan ascertained by flow measurements and numerical
performance and fan noise. Although investigations on the simulation of the internal flow.
internal flow of cross flow fan have been performed by
many researchers, quantitative relationship between the 2. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure
eccentrically located vortex and fan noise is not sufficiently 2.1 Measurements of fan performance and fan noise
made clear. In our previous study, we developed a noise Fig.1 shows the cross flow fan used in this study. The fan
reduction method of cross flow fan by using a step tongue had 27 blades with an outside pitch of 10 mm and 0.8 mm
and a skew tongue. Unfortunately, a detailed mechanism of blade thickness. The impeller had a 90 mm outside diameter
fan noise reduction is not known yet. In this paper the flow and was 127 mm in axial length. A 66.5 mm diameter hole
pattern and the fan noise of cross flow fan are was bored in one of the end plates to permit the insertion of
experimentally and numerically examined. the one-hole yaw meter. The tongue was flat and the casing
was composed of an arc joined to a flat duct. The
Key words experimental apparatus conforms to JIS B 8330 for the
Cross Flow Fan, Internal Flow, 3-D Numerical Simulation, configuration of air blowers, see Refs.[12, 13]. The
Fan Noise, Rotation Noise Level clearance between impeller and tongue was 3 mm in the
radial direction, and the clearance between leading edge of
1. Introduction casing and impeller was fixed at 11 mm. The flow rate was
In previous numerical simulation studies [1-3], cross flow controlled by changing the aperture ratio of the duct outlet.
fan performance and noise level were examined. In a very The pressure transducers, fan tachometer and the
recent analysis, Jeon and Cho [1] have shown through microphone were used to determine the fan performance
unsteady CFD and unsteady aeroacoustic pressure parameters and the noise level. The rotational speed of fan
calculations that “the interaction between the stabilizer and was maintained at 1400 min-1. A digital manometer was
rotating impeller generates tonal sound. Also, it is found used to record the static and total pressures in the duct. The
that the trailing edge of blade generates more acoustic noise measuring method was based on the noise level
pressure than the leading edge.” Meanwhile, Fukano et al. measurement standard JIS B 8346 for air blowers. The A-
[4-6] examined the effects of impeller, casing and tongue weighting fan noise was measured by a sound level meter,
configurations on the noise performance of cross flow fan. the data from which were input into a PC and processed via
Hayashi et al. [7] revealed that the fan noise could be the FFT contained in the LabVIEW8.0 software.
reduced by changing the blade shape. Lee et al. and Hyoung
[8, 9] conducted experiments on the effects of blade and
tongue configuration on noise reduction.
In our previous study, we developed a noise reduction
method of cross flow fan by using a step tongue and a skew
tongue [10, 11]. Unfortunately, a detailed mechanism of fan
noise reduction is not known yet.
In this study, the relationship between internal flow and
fan noise reduction of cross flow fan was experimentally
and numerically examined. The center of the eccentrically
located vortex was inferred from flow measurements. A
one-hole yaw meter [12, 13] was used to obtain the
pressure distributions along the inner and outer peripheries
of impeller. The behavior of the eccentrically located
vortex was estimated from the results of pressure
A 3-D numerical analysis was carried out and was
compared with the experimental result. The position of
eccentrically located vortex was mainly influenced by air
flow rate. The rotation noise level was inferred to result
from the change in the position of the eccentrically located Fig.1 Experimental apparatus


Fan performance was characterized in terms of the tanβ2=vr2/(vθ2-u2) (7)

total pressure coefficient ψt,

following three parameters [12, 13]:
where, vr1, and vr2 are the radial velocity component on the

inner and outer peripheries, respectively, vθ1 and vθ2 are the
(1) circumferential velocities on the inner and outer peripheries,

flow coefficient φ,
respectively. In addition, u1 and u2 are the rotational speeds
of impeller based on the inner and outer diameters,

respectively. The above-mentioned one-hole yaw meter was
(2) traversed to measure vr1, vr2, vθ1 and vθ2.

specific noise level K, 3. 3-D Numerical Simulation Method

The flow analysis software SCRYU/Tetra V7 (CRADLE
K=SPL-10log10Qpt2 (3) Co., Ltd.) was used to analyze the internal impeller flow.
Figure 4 shows the 3-D mesh used for the numerical
simulation of the internal flow of the cross-flow fan. The
where pt is the total pressure, ρ is the density of air, u2 is the
number of mesh points in the whole flow field was
rotational speed of impeller based on the outer diameter, Q
is the flow rate, D is the diameter of impeller, L is the width
In the 3-D numerical simulation, three types of boundary
of impeller, SPL is the sound pressure level.
layer elements were used to precisely estimate the flows in
the close vicinity of the blades, the end plates, the casing
2.2 Measurement of internal flow
and the tongue. The working fluid was air at a temperature
To measure the internal flow, the one-hole yaw meter with a
of 20oC. The atmospheric pressure was used as the inlet
1.4 mm outside diameter, 1.0 mm inside diameter and 0.5
boundary condition of the system, and mass flow rate was
mm pressure tap diameter was used. Peripheral distributions
used as the outlet boundary condition. The rotational speed
of total pressure pt, dynamic pressure pv and static pressure
of fan was kept at a constant value of 1400 min-1. The
ps along the inner and outer peripheries of the impeller were
obtained to determine the internal flow pattern. The inner standard k-ε model was used as the turbulence model.
and outer periphery radii were Rin=30.0mm and
Rout=51.0mm, respectively. The yaw probe was positioned
at five axial locations and then rotated in 10o increments
around the axis of the impeller as shown Fig.2. The axial
measurement locations were z1=6.4, z2=31.8, z3=63.5,
z4=95.3, z5=120.7mm from the end of the impeller (opposite
from the motor).
To investigate the effects of inflow and outflow velocities,
w1 and w2, shown in Fig.3 on the fan noise, these velocities
were determined from the following equations [13].

w1=vr1/sinβ1 (4)

w2=vr2/sinβ2 (5)

Fig.3 Relative velocities on the inner and outer peripheries


Side plate
Impeller Outlet

Measurement duct

z x

Fig.4 The meshes set in calculation

Fig.2 Measurement position by a one-hole yaw meter

Journal of JSEM, Vol.10, Special Issue (2010)

4. Results and Discussion of Experiments and 3-D As the rotation noise level is extremely lower than overall
Numerical Simulation noise level, as can be seen in Fig.7 (a), the turbulence noise

Fig.5 shows the total pressure coefficient ψt and total

4.1 Fan performance and fan noise is dominant at this flow rate. On the other hand, Fig.7 (b)

pressure efficiency ηt versus the flow coefficient φ. The

shows that the rotation noise level and the overall noise

chain line drawn between φ= 0.3 and 0.7 is the results of 3- an essential role for φ =0.3. These results collectively
level are comparable. Accordingly, the rotation noise plays

D numerical simulation. The values of total pressure indicate that the rotation noise is significant in the low flow

agree with each other for φ= 0.3 to 0.5, while the two
coefficient,ψt , of experiment and 3-D numerical simulation rate regime, while the turbulence noise is dominant in the
high flow rate regime.

coefficient, φ. This difference is associated with the fact

results become to depart with a further increase in the flow
4.2 Position of eccentrically located vortex center

simulation becomes greater than the measured value for φ

The vortex center is located on the angular location of θ =
that the static pressure obtained from the 3-D numerical θVC [10, 13] where the total pressure, pt, exhibits its
minimum value. Fig.8 shows the distribution of vortex
≥0.7. The reason for the increase in the numerical value of center along the impeller axis obtained from 3-D numerical
the static pressure is not clear at present and must be left for simulation in the high flow rate regime. A good agreement
a future study. The maximum value of the total pressure can be seen between the numerical and measured values of

distribution for φ=0.7 is almost flat as shown in Fig.8,

efficiency is 39% and it appears forφ= 0.5. The noise level, angular displacement of vortex center. The vortex center

whereas that for φ=0.3 is not flat as shown in Fig.9. In the

SPL, and the specific noise level, K, shown in Fig.6

noise becomes significantly low for φ≥0.7. Fig.7 shows the

gradually decrease as the flow rate increases. The rotation

frequency analysis data for φ=φ max andφ= 0.3, where

case that the turbulence noise is the main noise source, the

φmax denotes the maximum value of φ.

vortex center is located near the edge of the tongue.
Meanwhile, when the rotation noise is the main noise source,
the vortex center departed from the edge of the tongue.

Fig.5 Relation between total pressure coefficient ψt and (a) φ=Max (high flow rate) (b) φ=0.3 (low flow rate)
total pressure efficiency ηt Fig.7 Spectral SPL

Fig.8 Vortex center angle θVC for φ=0.7

Fig.6 SPL, specific noise level K and rotation noise level


4.4 Recirculating streamline of internal flow

obtained from 3-D numerical simulation for φ= 0.7 and 0.3,

Figs.12 and 13 show the streamlines at z3 = 63.5mm

respectively. The center of the eccentrically located vortex

is near the edge of the tongue, as shown in Fig.12. The
velocity gradient near the flow field between the vortex
center and the edge of the tongue is very sharp, suggesting
that the flow is highly turbulent there. The turbulence noise

the vortex center for φ= 0.3 separated far from the edge of
therefore would be the main noise source. On the other hand,

sharp compared to that for φ=0.7. The turbulence intensity

the tongue and, as a result, the velocity gradient is not so

also would not be so high. Under this condition the flow

Fig.9 Vortex center angle θVC forφ=0.3 passing through the clearance between the blade and the
edge of the tongue would play a main role on the noise
generation. In other words, the rotation noise would be the
4.3 Relative velocity vector along the impeller
main noise source.
Figs.10 and 11 show the relative velocity vectors, w1 and w2,

for φ = 0.7 and 0.3, respectively. The simulated results

Vortex center
obtained from experiments and 3-D numerical simulation

Edge of tongue
based on the 3-D numerical simulation are in good
agreement with the experimental ones in the two cases.
Definite difference cannot be seen between the results
shown in Figs.10 and 11. Consequently, it is difficult at
present to discuss the effects of the relative velocity vectors
on noise generation.

Fig.12 Streamline of internal flow for φ=0.7 and

z3=63.5mm (high flow rate)

φ=0.7 and z3=63.5mm (high flow rate)

Fig.10 Relative velocity vector of internal flow for

Fig.13 Streamline of internal flow for φ=0.3 and

z3=63.5mm (low flow rate)

5. Development of Noise Reduction Method

5.1 Nine configurations of tongues
In our previous study [11], the fan noise could be reduced
by alteration of the tongue shape. Unfortunately, a detailed
mechanism of the fan noise reduction is not known yet. In
this section, we mention about noise reduction caused by
the alteration of tongue shapes. The nine different dividing
tongue geometries investigated in this study are shown in
Fig.14. These geometries can be summarized as follows:
Tongue A affords the reference condition (default tongue
position, taken as the reference datum). The shaded regions
in Fig.14 show those portions of the dividing tongue

φ=0.3 and z3=63.5mm (low flow rate)

Fig.11 Relative velocity vector of internal flow for geometry that are at the default reference position. Tongues
B and C are both still flat tongues, but positioned one-half

Journal of JSEM, Vol.10, Special Issue (2010)

blade pitch above or below the datum. Tongues D, E, F and 5.2.2 Fan noise performance

tongues D and I for φ= 0.3 are shown in Fig.17 (a) and

G have a half pitch offset over a half of the tongue width. The spectral analysis of the acoustic signals from dividing
The tongue D is a mirror image of the tongue E. The
tongues F and G are rotation of the tongues E and D about Fig.17 (b), respectively. Tongues D and I result in almost 17
the tongue centerline, respectively. dB noise reduction at the blade passing frequency relative to
that of tongue A. The overall noise level for tongue D was
5.2 Experimental results and discussion 59.7 dB and that for tongue I was 63.1 dB. There was some
5.2.1 Fan performance reduction in SPL for the other tongues as well. The skew
The fan performance is essentially unaffected, or very tongue I reduced not only the rotation noise level but also
slightly improved, by modifications to the dividing tongue second rotation noise level as shown Fig.17 (b).
by comparison of the performance of the modified tongues The relationship between the overall noise level and the

in Fig.18. Fig.18 (a) shows the overall noise level for φ=φ
(step tongue D, skew tongue I) with that of flat tongue A in rotation noise level for the nine different tongues are shown
Fig.15. Meanwhile, Fig.16 shows a relatively significant
decrease in the SPL and K, especially for tongues D and I. max differs more than 17 dB from rotation noise level. At this
The SPL are reduced except for high flow rate (φ≥0.7). flow rate, turbulence noise (sometimes called the broad

Fig.18 (b) shows the noise data for a low flow rate of φ=
band noise [1, 8]) is the main noise source. Meanwhile,

0.3. The rotation noise levels of flat tongues A, B and C are

nearly equal to the overall noise level. However, the
rotation noise levels of the tongues E to I are vastly reduced.
Accordingly, in this case the rotation noise is the main noise
source. The alteration of tongue shapes therefore is very

Fig.14 Nine tongues of configuration

(a) Step tongue D (b) Skew tongue I

Fig.15 Relation between total pressure coefficient ψt and Fig.17 Spectra SPL for tongue D and I (φ=0.3)
total pressure efficiency ηt for tongues A, D and I

(a) φ=φmax
Fig.18 Overall noise level and rotation noise level for nine
Fig.16 SPL and specific noise level K for tongues A, D and types of tongue

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