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A Study On Injection Molding Process For Manufacturing About Blower-Fan

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BLAH 20026 AERA MK pp316~319 KSPE 02F131 SEPHS NSSYSMOl Bet Az BIE (SIG WPA ATH, ISAT AG rlalsetay A Study on Injection Molding process for Manufacturing about Blower—fan B. K. Kim(Mech. Eng. Dept, DEU), B. H. Min(Mech. Eng. , DEU) ABSTRACT Injection mold is a manufacturing process used to produce parts of complicated shape at a low cost. Many factors affect the quality of injection molded part during injection molding process. A study on the optimization of injection mold is progressed by using a simulation software like Moldflow. Filling, packing and cooling phases of injection molding processes are analyzed according to the mold design considering the shrinkage of molded part, the degree of filling rate and the wearing of a mold. Taguchi method is applied to analyze the significance of processing parameters and the dynamic characteristics according to the variation of processing parameters. From the results, the mold temperature and packing pressure influenced strongly the shrinkage of injection molded part. Key Words : Shriskage($4), Injection Molded Pats(AF& $19), Filing Analysis’? G94), Packing Analysis (Ash), DOA BAR a) 1 Ae ASA RA, HONS Baza Sl Heoe o1Fo}a1o) Abe eh Sage qayoe 7 wel Beas at Sel AGAVE sa A AB Oe Fe ais aye 718 aE HaAawe ta ASSioiAa Ue. ASVVEAS AVE Mas 2 Badin dee FAA ASSES BO TF LO PhD BEA AG Re AMAL ARS 7h Go Ua al, aa Mee Eola BAR: 484 ola7ita AAI FAAS UR 74 SSI 3G. 7G8 Wa AS BV 4 ASAAE weeter GH] AUES Aste ASE] UREA AS BUEN BHA ase alt. ole A49Ea Zl ae AES Bie V1 AAE NEY A Be eee! ABA VA old ABA VS, NEES 2 ABe ada AGS SHS ober sits} YEA AFORE GHIAS Me aa alot Sue see ola sad. ae SaaS aol de EASA, AVE AHS. Fe ot ae aE Oa AEG Ae ae so| ex ah. 1s] Ea olde Fae PES AES ELE AHI AVES HRY M4 de SAVE VOY BA Balt Ao} aebt 2g Sl UGS ASS WaAiEe AGWIE dae SFa) AVE AS Wat o] AFM. Seo Mabe aa Fa aap = 316 - # Sol71 Aad 1 Aus Fad SETS Belo ARS Uses gee ABI a} A ABEUS 2BUF UE MAS FEE AS EA AS IVE aA AOS AL Ba MEE SUVS ABs ASSES, UT Ba At WP, FALE SE nae bole. ASAVSIS AO AA RAVE Says PARAS F4UST SAA Hols] BASS 287] AQ age] dase}, rae F a edge Bea Wad ene $04 Sa, ae aliete Add Aaa ad. adds & #484 Sie ANA Ba Se Ee ed, ¥v apady aya ede Fee) ae ee e894 24 dasee sas BA OE asia Bee aed. AGAVES FAzGA MAGS wee £4 Bad BAY Be RAIS ae Slolok Geb. oleig sh] See Seat] slaty S08 ae Mey dads aad Sues ea de Stee Fa us eae Uae a Was, awa Use Gra dul ie az MURS A¢ HAGE aes Ae ate Sola ASALS SAI AFAVYS Bead 4 #4 dae aj) Ne Seed. 2 Sede NSTEAAS ud Aaaep 1M CAE computer aided engineering) 71 US S891T ABAIASTSE Voldilon HE SE Edel $2, ud. ¢ UGSS NENIES F048 FUNds, NeMBEAe $58 Aaa) add Gra AGARUS Ase Basia, $4 vale Fat das ee ABAH AGBA F494 IE BBs BA aa ae. ARG AGS 4S Sodee By Hey Baas Bo} aso] $8de aaa Fee SAUSe Foy Vey $Fde 1s oF Sd aden sl deol SE HE Aa ger HAS Hoh Aid AS Gs Sea} old Fes URE RD white FES Oe Fale FH Aas ae AAS 7A a SERS ASAT Heol Sold HEA Aes, Au ad 2 ea asa lat + le Uae BAGH, F4E HAL Sez ER] AM AVANTE o1geo] Gated 2 aed 2 OHMS 454 GEdoe AD edge A® Bao Maso) SEalo| ANTE Ea gee Fol ool Sede AG slaopD D7) AS EH VE A BE HAloloe sf Dj AG AGol OE GEMS} obeh LAE Hee Ie aT > Me AAS riot at o. da Adel 4 olde Adela Se Woldflov AZEAE ARF BAGS $4 ‘aisieh. AGHA FECL LF BAD WIA S oF ] ABS USA Aa Ge APIS aa Soltou, edede Ia oltoiaie Fag ASL AG AV BAGS, vsAs, eT 3 So UGE RAS AS +H oleh. Fig. 1 2 $3ae Bugs Ald Fig. 1 Solid modeling of a blower fan 3. Almalolet oy eel Fig. IY Ute 0) ES EGR Vata AS) FSS ASAD ARdla SFA Moldflone AG) Asso, Eda] s a. ech Wee ASE aabel Bes wae o) 32s Yas I Seo) Fig, 14 wo} if. 0] BUYS woe Sa, wa, Yet eS AS AA FR) a MS Hetebalc. 27}9) AAAS Woldflowl qe] Ize z AR AGIYA 7a VENG Wizdee Ba SE, PAIRS. SANG. ve, Bad, wet AQ Asad. Wee Hee Ame S AAS Heoe AFIS VBOI Vl voy AgaaAoo, Aa GH FAGTA abo} - 317 - Noldtiow sseusloletA Lee 2A ae] +o] OB 1a 2 FES BHAA Mate} Table 19) Yet Uy eo) Table 2 Aeleake veya ac. chat G74 Qiaizis] BRASS MOR rea. Aas Maly) Ae we ADEE Ly Qh), EVE Malay] Ia 1S Aw HE 1@)8 easier, agzle & 18K144 721 Table 1 Control factors and level Conta factors = 7T2Ts Marea | oe | st | me Mat tennen) [250 | 0 [a5 Filing ame(©) [2 owe [25 coe | 3 we Peck ressuead) | 148Moe | dpa | 1sntpa Paci tinetE | 4 we | Tce | 10 om ‘Cntng ine) | ane [15 sor | 2 see Table 2 Noise factors and level Nose Level actos z 2 A Pid “t Be 3t Bt c =oaa [7048 D =aMpa | AMpa E ers E =e oa 4.474 S594 Te AVSA AAS BREE SANA FSRSS TAHA AIO QE Oba] Aol Jaa) AAC. $v, =—1010e{ +( $9} AS Gol, MABE Iga SIA AE OS aes SM =~ 10 10m { (1.709% ++ 1.7538} == 4.1608 Ske] Ge Feu Peas dee Fe we = Table 35} #29), r1e}H9) let rol gol 2 £ UAT da EGPoolingdS LHe] UHUA Asi Table 4 VEE Table 42) BALA Haq Molla) dss nee TAT) AARAVES FARA GUS FHF WES 2) 39S Aalst eh 2 aso VaKD)E 4 Has ad. Ua lof ge ae REIS Fig 29 ao. Table 3 Analysis of variance of SN ratios mn 8 oy a: on uch io: ie ee tee Total 1.4517 hart ; jos according to the combination of experimental conditions Fig. 2 Sv WHA HIF IOS Fe Aoleizis ae Ee SS AUR ae FEC. WOH FES ABAG A Bal Zee Table 44 Fig, 2 S40) AL, BCI, DB. EIDE @ FD oa AZAAAS SKulol Ae Ase GLH go} 40 @ ale SNe uh 3,4 By 24 T+ 8+ 7, 8570 ¥0.10-+0.1104+0.0678 1147 +0,0518 0.0620 2218 Fig. 38 AGAR ME Ge Aad BAVA SHEL an GAMA ald LOTS] FRHR Ulan ge, 2d AF FS0S Aulus aa 3.4 a4) 1.57588 ~318~ FeeS yeUE ae. Fig. 3 Shrinkage of aotded part Fig. 45 2 UF9 Ags olf deage HE9a9 AAS, Fig. 4 Injection aolded part of a blover fan Sa e Bate Ede HegeESS avede 4 AS FSS Selzt V1 Bo] olgolal 20) ame Aelebe ae oft ae O) BB AEEMOD Moldflow) AAwAG UOTE Ua lee SAG FF a4 de A@09 Bas) aa ave se aa. 2) aug BAG FAI UAE Ae #98. HOS. 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