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Outflow Distribution Along Multiple-Port Diffusers: H - T Chou R - Y Cheng

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Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc.

Vol. 25, No. 2, 2001. pp. 94-101

Outflow Distribution along Multiple-port Diffusers


Department of Civil Engineering

National Central University
Chung-Li, Taiwan, R.O.C.

(Received January 21, 2000; Accepted July 11, 2000)


The outflow distribution along a multiple-port diffuser was explored in this study by employing analytical,
numerical and experimental methods. The effects of two dimensionless parameters controlling the flow distribution,
i.e., the wall friction parameter (α) and the port momentum parameter (β), were evaluated. When the wall friction
parameter is negligible, the port discharge increases downstream, and the flow distribution becomes more uneven
as the value of the port momentum parameter increases. On the other hand, the port discharge decreases downstream
when the momentum parameter is negligible. Analytical solutions for the port outflow distribution were derived for
the cases in which either the wall friction parameter or the port momentum parameter is dominant. The numerical
solutions agree well with both analytical solutions and experimental data. As for uniformity of the outflow distribution
of all ports, it is also found that these two parameters should be controlled within a suitable range (i.e., β ≅
0.5940α), and that the diameter of the diffuser should be close to 0.353 fL .
2 – γd
Key Words: diffuser, port discharge, flow distribution

I. Introduction fixed geometric conditions and a continuous lateral flow.

Previous researches on the uniformity of port discharges
Multiple-port diffusers, often referred to as manifolds, mostly focused on the effects of specified parameters, such
are used in sprinkling infiltration systems (McNown, 1954), as the size and shape of the port, and the diameter and wall
gas pipe burners (Keller, 1949), thermal discharges (Vigander friction coefficient of the diffuser pipe. For example, the ratio
et al., 1970) and ocean outfalls (Rawn et al., 1961; Lee and of the total port area to the cross area of the diffuser pipe should
Yau, 1996). The port discharge along a multiple-port diffuser be in the range of 1/3 to 1/2 (Fischer et al., 1979). Either
depends on the pressure difference across the port as well as increasing the port discharge coefficient or reducing the wall
on the geometry of the port. The two main goals in diffuser friction of the pipe will make the distribution of the port
hydraulics are, first, to obtain a uniform flow distribution for discharge more even (Vigander et al., 1970). However, the
all the ports, and secondly to minimize the total head loss in effects of the aforementioned parameters on the port discharge
the pipe system (Fischer et al., 1979). are not independent of one another, and their combined effect
There are two types of approaches to studying diffuser should be quantified systematically. In this paper, the dimen-
hydraulics. One is the energy approach, based on the energy sionless parameters controlling the distribution of the port
equation for a flowing fluid inside the diffuser and calculation discharge are analyzed by employing both theoretical analysis
of the flow rate backward by assuming a given head at the and numerical simulations. An experimental study was also
downstream end (Rawn et al., 1961; Fischer et al., 1979). The performed to verify the analytical and numerical results. Such
other is the momentum approach, which solves the flow dimensionless parameters are useful in hydraulic design of
momentum equation for the flowing fluid and finds the flow multiple-port diffusers.
distribution inside the manifold directly (e.g., Bajura (1971)
and Shen (1992)). The energy approach solves for the flow II. Theoretical and Numerical Analysis
distribution in a stepwise manner, thus retaining flexibility in
handling spatially geometric changes, such as in the sizes of The lateral discharge from a porous diffuser with a
the ports and the diffuser, the inverse slope, and the density sufficient number of ports can be assumed to be continuous
of the discharging fluid. However, it is difficult to explore since the port interval is generally less than one-tenth the total
the combined effects of individual physical parameters by length of the diffuser. For a diffuser with a constant diameter
adopting the energy approach since it is based on a trial-and- and with a closed downstream end, as shown in Fig. 1, the
error algorithm. On the other hand, the momentum approach steady axial (x-direction) momentum equation for an isothermal,
can evaluate the effects of different parameters by assuming incompressible fluid in the diffuser has the following form

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Outflow along Multi-port Diffusers

(Bajura, 1971):

1 dP f 2 dU λπ D
ρ dx + 2D U + 2U dx + γ d UV A = 0 , (1)

where ρ = the density of the fluid, P = the fluid pressure in

the diffuser, f = the friction coefficient of the diffuser pipe,
D = the diameter of the diffuser, U = the cross-sectional average
flow velocity in the diffuser, γd = the hydrostatic pressure
recovery coefficient for the port discharge, V = the velocity
of the port discharge, A = the cross-sectional area of the diffuser
pipe (A = π D2), and λ = the porosity, defined as the ratio of Fig. 1. A schematic sketch of a multiple-port diffuser.
4 2
the total port area (λ = n π d ) to the surface area of the diffuser
(πDL), i.e.,
2 where the wall friction parameter, α, depicts the frictional
λ = nd , (2) effect of the diffuser pipe, the port momentum parameter, β,
represents the port momentum effect, and Ar denotes the ratio
where n = the port number, d = the port diameter, and L = of the port area as
the diffuser length.
The first term in Eq. (1) is the hydrostatic pressure Ar = nd2 . (5d)
gradient, the second term the wall friction, the third term the D
axial momentum change of the diffuser before and after the
According to Eqs. (5b) and (5c), the wall friction pa-
port, and the last term the momentum flux carried out by the
rameter, α, reflects the combined effects of the wall roughness,
port discharge. Based on the equation of continuity, the lateral
diffuser length, diffuser diameter, local head loss at the port,
outflow velocity per unit length can be written as
and the aspect ratio of the port to the diffuser. The port
momentum parameter, β, is determined based on the port
V = – A dU . (3) geometry, local head loss at the port, and the aspect ratio of
λπ D dx
the port to the diffuser. In the case of a port without a lateral
The energy equation at the diffuser-port junction shown in pipe (i.e., = 0 in Fig. 1), the contraction effect at the port
Fig. 1 is written as will be encountered, i.e.,
2 2 2
(P – P r) = ρ(1 + C td + f 1 )V = ρH V , (4) Ar = nd2 C d , (5e)
d 2 2
where Pr = the fluid pressure in the lateral pipe, Ctd = the head- where Cd = the contraction coefficient of the port, which is
loss coefficient at the junction, f1 = the friction coefficient of defined as
the lateral pipe, = the length of the lateral pipe with port
opening (see Fig. 1), and H = 1 + Ctd + f1 . Cd = , (5f)
d a 2gE
By scaling the flow velocity and the distance with the
upstream cross-sectional velocity in the diffuser, Uin (= Qin/ q = the port discharge, a = the port area (a = 1 πd2), E = the
A), and the diffuser length, L, respectively, i.e., U = U(x)/Uin, 4
specific energy inside the diffuser pipe (E = P U2
x = x/L, one can derive a dimensionless flow distribution γ + 2g ), where
equation in the diffuser from Eqs. (1), (3) and (4) as follows P = the pressure, and γ = the specific weight of the fluid
(Shen, 1992): (γ = ρg).
The boundary conditions for Eq. (5a) are given as
d [(dU )2 + (βU)2] + (αU)2 = 0 (5a) U (x = 0) = 1 and U (x = 1) = 0. From now on, all the superscripts
dx dx for the dimensionless velocities U and V will be dropped for
with simplicity. Since Eq. (5a) is a nonlinear ordinary differential
equation, it is quite difficult to obtain an analytical solution.
fL Ar , However, Shen (1992) presented a solution for Eq. (5a),
α= (5b)
DH without details, as follows:

2 – γd sin(c 2(1 – x))

β= Ar , (5c) U = exp( – c 1x) , (6)
H sinc 2

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H.T. Chou and R.Y. Cheng

c1 1 . The flow distribution becomes more uneven with the

1– cot(c 2) cosβ
V = exp( – c 1x)[cos(c 2x) + tan(c 2) sin(c 2x)] , increase of the port momentum parameter, β, since the value
c1 of Vi(1) increases accordingly.
1 + tan(c 2)
c2 (7a) If the value of α is small, its effect on the flow distribution
can be evaluated by using the perturbation method. The first-
where order solution, with respect to α, for the flow velocity in the
diffuser pipe is written as
A = [ – α + (α + )1/2]1/3 ,
2 4
4 16 27 U(x) = U 0(x) + α 2U 1(x) , (11)

B = – [α + (α + )1/2]1/3 ,
2 4
(7c) where U0(x) is the zero-order solution, as shown in Eq. (9),
4 16 27 and U1 is the correction term due to the existence of α.
Substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (5a) and neglecting order
(A + B)
C1 = , (7d) terms higher than α2, one can obtain
U 20(x) {sin[β(1 – x)]}2
C 2 = 3 (A – B) . (7e) U 1′′(x) + β 2U 1(x) = – =
2 2U 0′ (x) 2βsinβcos[β(1 – x)]
A numerical test showed that Eq. (6) does not agree with
Eq. (5a) (Cheng, 1997). Consequently Eq. (6) is not a valid with the boundary conditions
solution. Since Eq. (5a) is governed by the two parameters
α and β, the effect of these two parameters will be discussed U1(0) = 0, U1(1) = 0. (13)
first based on theoretical analysis of special cases, and will
later be systematically analyzed based on the results of nu- Let
merical simulations.
U 1(x) = U h (x) + U p (x) , (14a)
1. The Perturbation Method for Port Flow Distribu-
tion where

If the frictional effect is relatively small, such as for a U h (x) = c 1cos(β x) + c 2sin(β x) , (14b)
short, smooth diffuser, the value of α is close to zero. When
α = 0, Eq. (5a) is reduced to a simpler form: U p (x) = k 1cos(β x) + k 2sin(β x) , (14c)

d (U ′2 + β 2U 2) = 0 . (8) and
dx 0 0
–1 sin2[β(1 – x)]sin(β x)
Equation (8) allows us to explore the effect of the port mo- k 1(x) = dx
2β 2sinβ cos[β(1 – x)]
mentum parameter, β, on the port discharges. Based on the 0
boundary conditions, U0(0) = 1 and U0(1) = 0, one can easily
find the solution (Bajura, 1971): –1 cosβ
= A(x) – 3 B(x) , (14d)
2β 2 2β sinβ
sinβ(1 – x)
U o (x) = . (9)
A(x) = [1 (1 – x) – 1 sin(2β) + 1 sin(2β x)] , (14e)
2 4 4β
According to Eq. (3), the dimensionless port discharge,
Vi(x ), that is, the discharge at any location x with respect to B(x) = [ln cosβ – 1 cos2β – ln cos(β x) + 1 cos2(β x)] .
the upstream port discharge, is defined as 2 2
V 0(x) U 0′ (x) cosβ(1 – x) Similarly,
V i (x) = = = . (10)
V 0(0) U ′ (0) cosβ x
sin2[β(1 – x)]cos(β x)
k 2(x) = 1 dx
According to Eq. (10), the port discharge increases β 0
2βsinβcos[β(1 – x)]
downstream under the condition that the friction loss is com-
pletely neglected (i.e., α = 0). The maximum port discharge cosβ
= A(x) – 1 3 B(x) . (14g)
thus occurs at the downstream end, with a value of Vi(1) = 2β 2sinβ 2β

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Outflow along Multi-port Diffusers

By implementing boundary conditions, i.e., Eq. (13), one 0

can find the coefficients k1, k2, c1 and c2. The derivatives of dU =1. (22)
the correction term U1 at the boundaries are 3 α 2
– U 3 + 3c
1 2
4sin2β [2β – sin(2β)]
U 1′ (1) = 1 2 [ – The constant c in Eq. (22) is solely determined by α.
8β cosβ sinβ
Since an explicit presentation between c and α is not available,
8(2ln cosβ + sin2β)cosβ theoretically, one can obtain the c versus α relationship by
– ], (15) means of numerical methods, such as Romberg integration.
The regression relationship between c and α, with a correlation
– (2ln cosβ + sin2β)(sin2β + 4cos2β) coefficient exceeding 0.99, reads as
U 1′ (0) = . (16)
4β 2sin2β
c = 0.0195α2 + 0.0237α − 0.3387. (23)
In order to quantify the port discharge distribution, a uniformity
parameter, Vr, is defined as the ratio of the port discharges The uniformity coefficient, Vr, for the diffuser thus reads as
between downstream and upstream ends, i.e.,
U ′(1) 1
Vr = = 3 . (24)
U ′(1) U 0′ (1) + α 2U 1′ (1) U ′(0) 1– α
V r = V i (1) = = . (17) 6c
U ′(0) U 0′ (0) + α 2U 1′ (0)
The uniformity coefficient, Vr, based on Eqs. (23) and
From Eqs. (9), (15) and (16), one can obtain

2 3
1 + α2 1 [2β – sin(2β)] + 8(2ln cosβ + sin β)cosβ – 4sin β
8β 3 sin β cosβ
U ′(1)
Vr = = . (18)
U ′(0) 1 (2ln cosβ + sin2β)(sin2β + 4cos2β)
cosβ + α 2[ 3 ]
4β sinβ

On the other hand, if the port momentum parameter, β, (24), thus, depends on the value of α. As the value of α in-
is small relative to the wall friction parameter, α, such as for creases, such as with an increase of the friction coefficient
a long diffuser, one can approach Eq. (5) by assuming that or the diffuser length, the port discharge at the downstream
β = 0, i.e., end will be less than that at the upstream end.

2U′U′′ + α2U2 = 0. (19) 2. Numerical Analysis of the Port Flow Distribution

The solution for Eq. (19) is The shooting method is employed to solve Eq. (5a) by
transforming the boundary value problem into the initial value
– α U 3 + 3c .
3 2 problem (Cheng, 1997). By trying an initial slope, i.e., the
U′ = (20)
2 derivative of the velocity in the diffuser, at the upstream end,
one can utilize the fourth order Runge-Kutta method to find
According to the boundary conditions at x = 0, U(0) = 1, and the flow velocity as well as its derivative stepwise along the
x = 1, U(1) = 0, one can integrate Eq. (20) as follows: flow. The initial slope will then be modified according to
the shooting method if the predicted flow rate at the down-
stream end is greater than the specified tolerance (10−7) (Press
dU et al., 1986).
=x (21)
3 α 2
– U 3 + 3c
1 2 III. Experimental Measurement
with An acrylic diffuser pipe of 2 m in length and 2 cm in

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H.T. Chou and R.Y. Cheng

the two controlling parameters, α and β, in different ranges,

three different port openings (i.e., 6, 12 and 20 sequential ports
counting from the upstream end) were selected. As shown
in Fig. 2, flow measurement at all the open ports was done
using graduated polypropylene beakers (1000-ml capacity)
beneath the discharging ports and a stop watch (error range
= 0.01 sec). To ensure accuracy of the data, every flow rate
measurement was repeated three times, and the average value
Fig. 2. A schematic sketch of multiple-port outflow measurement. was adopted (Cheng, 1997).

IV. Results and Comparisons

diameter was installed horizontally in the Environmental Fluid
Laboratory of National Central University. There are 20 lateral 1. Comparison between Theoretical and Numerical
ports, each one made 5 mm in diameter at 10-cm intervals Results
by means of careful drilling and surface polishing work, along
the longitudinal direction. No lateral pipes are connected to As described by Eq. (9), the port discharge increases
the lateral ports, i.e., = 0. The inlet flow has a maximum downstream in the case where the port momentum parameter,
Reynolds number of 90000. Upstream of the inlet, the flow β, is dominant (α = 0). The results obtained using the first-
passes through a straight PVC tube 2 m long with the same order perturbation method (i.e., Eq. (18)) and numerical simu-
diameter in order to reduce the flow disturbance. The experi- lations in the range of 0 ≤ α ≤ 0.5 are shown in Fig. 3. The
mental setup is shown in Fig. 2. The pressure in the diffuser uniformity parameter, Vr , shown as the contour lines in Fig.
pipe was measured by using a pressure transducer (Druck Ltd., 3, is the same when obtained using both methods when α =
Leicester, U.K., model PDCR910, pressure range = 100 Kpa, 0, and there is little when α is in the range of 0 ≤ α ≤ 0.2.
error range = l Pa). Prior to measuring the port discharge, As shown in Fig. 3, when β ≥ α, Vr decreases as α increases
the wall friction coefficient for the diffuser was determined if β remains a constant. Thus if the port momentum parameter
based on measurement of the pressure drop between the is dominant, then the port discharge becomes more uniformly
upstream and downstream ends, and the corresponding flow distributed when the wall friction parameter increases. In Fig.
velocity in the diffuser. 3, the difference in Vr when obtained using the perturbation
The measurement of the contraction coefficient Cd for method and numerical simulation is obvious when the values
the open ports was obtained using Eq. (5f). In order to evaluate of α and β are finite and are about the same order, which reflects

Fig. 3. The contours of the uniformity index Vr for the port discharge distribution based on results obtained using the perturbation method (a) and numerical
simulation (b).

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Outflow along Multi-port Diffusers

experiment was 152.4 cm long, the diffuser diameter =27.3

cm, the port diameter = 8.64 cm, f = 0.014, Ar = 2.0, α =
0.203 and β = 0.747. As shown in Fig. 5, the numerical results
agree well with the experimental results. The analytical
solution based on Eq. (18) is also shown in Fig. 6, and its
deviation from the experimental results is mainly attributed
to its simplified approximation where α is much less than β.
Figures 6 − 8 show the port discharge distribution for
6,12 and 20 port openings, respectively, from the experimental
data in the present study. The experimental parameters for
6-port openings, shown in Fig. 6, are Ar = 0.236, Cd = 0.629,
α = 0.203 and β = 0.334. Similarly, the parameters for the
12-port openings shown in Fig. 7, are Ar = 0.469, Cd =
0.625, α = 0.524 and β = 0.663, and they are Ar = 0.75, Cd
= 0.60, α = 1.01, and β = 1.06 for the 20-port openings shown
in Fig. 8. As shown in Figs. 6, 7 and 8, the numerical results
agree well with the experimental data while those obtained
using Shen’s solution (Eq. (6)) are obviously different from
the experimental data. According to Eq. (25), Dh = 0.87 cm
for the experimental conditions shown in Figs. 6-8. Since the
diameter of the diffuser (D = 2 cm) is greater than Dh, the
Fig. 4. The contours of the uniformity index Vr for the port discharge port discharge increases downstream. The average port dis-
distribution based on the results obtained using (a) Shen’s solution charges shown in Figs. 6 − 8 are all around 70 cm3/s, and α
and (b) numerical simulation. and β are of the same order. As the port number increases,

the limitation of the perturbation method.

In order to evaluate the uniformity parameter, Vr, in
further detail, numerical simulations were carried out under
a wider range for α and β. The results are shown in Fig.
4(b) while the results obtained using Shen’s solution (i.e., Eqs.
(6) and (7a) − (7e)) are also plotted in Fig. 4(a) for comparison.
As mentioned in Section II, Shen’s solution is incorrect since
it does not satisfy the governing equation (Cheng, 1997). As
shown in Fig. 4(b), the contour line of the uniformity parameter,
Vr, equaling unity can be obtained under the condition β =
0.594α. According to Eqs. (5b) and (5c), the corresponding Fig. 5. The port discharge distribution of J. Sherman’s experimental data
compared with numerical and analytical results.
diameter of the diffuser that maintains uniform port discharge
is as follows:

D h = 0.353 fL . (25)
2 – γd
If the diameter D is greater than Dh, then the flow
distribution for the ports will increase downstream. On the
other hand, if D < Dh, the outflow will decrease downstream.

2. Comparison between Experimental and Numeri-

cal Results

J. Sherman’s experimental data1 were used to verify the Fig. 6. The port discharge distribution of the experimental data and nu-
theoretical and numerical results. The diffuser used in Sherman’s merical simulation (6 ports, Re = 27000).

Sherman, J. (1949) Internal Report, Research and Development Center, The Babcock and Wilcox Company, Alliance, OH, U.S.A. (not available in the
open literature but the experimental data were cited in Bajura’s paper (Bajura, 1971)).

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H.T. Chou and R.Y. Cheng

such as for a long diffuser, then the port discharge

decreases downstream. Consequently, the maximum
port discharge occurs at the upstream end.
(2) Evaluation of the combined effects of α and β was per-
formed in this study by means of numerical simulation.
The results agree well with both analytical solutions
and experimental data. In order to make the port dis-
charge even, the parameters α and β should follow the
relationship of β ≅ 0.594α, or the diameter of the dif-
fuser, D, should be close to the value of Dh = 0.353 fL.
2 – γd
Fig. 7. The port discharge distribution of the experimental data and nu- The port discharge increases downstream if D > Dh,
merical simulation (12 ports, Re = 53363). and the port discharge decreases downstream if D <
(3) The increase in port numbers for a diffuser will simul-
taneously cause the values of both α and β to increase.
Consequently, the port outflow under the condition of
β ≠ 0.594α will deviate from a uniform distribution
as the port openings increase, according to the results
of numerical simulations as well as experimental data.


The writers would like to express their gratitude to Professor H.C.

Lei of National Central University for his valuable comments on the theo-
retical analysis, and to Mr. K.L. Chen and Mr. Y.Y. Chang for their help
with the experimental work. The financial support provided by the National
Science Council, R.O.C., (NSC 86-2611-E008-002) is gratefully acknowl-
Fig. 8. The port discharge distribution of the experimental data and nu-
edged. The writers also thank the reviewers for providing many constructive
merical simulation (20 ports, Re = 91660).
comments and opinions.

the values of Ar, α and β all increase accordingly. As shown
in Fig. 4(b), the uniformity parameter, Vr, deviates more Bajura, R. A. (1971) A model for distribution in manifolds. Journal of
obviously from unity when the values of β/α are farther away Engineering for Power, 47, 7-12.
from 0.594, and the deviation grows with increasing values Cheng, R. Y. (1997) Flow Distribution for Multi-port Diffusers. M.S. Thesis.
National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, R.O.C.
of α and β. Consequently, the measured port discharge Fischer, H. B., E. J. List, R. C. Y. Koh, J. Imberger, and N. H. Brooks (1979)
distribution shown in Fig. 8 is more uneven than that shown Mixing in Inland and Coastal Waters. Academic Press, New York,
in Fig. 6. The increase of the port numbers thus causes outflow NY, U.S.A.
along the diffuser away from uniform distribution unless the Keller, J. D. (1949) The manifold problem. Journal of Applied Mechanics,
diameter of the diffuser is close to Dh. 71(March), 77-85.
Lee, J. H. L. and W. C. Yau (1996) Experimental investigation of sea water
intrusion and purging on the Hong Kong ocean outfall diffuser model.
V. Conclusions 4th Environmental Engineering Specialty Conference, pp. 383-394,
CSCE, Edmonton, Canada.
(1) The controlling parameters for the port discharge dis- McNown, J. S. (1954) Mechanics of manifold flow. Transactions ASCE,
tribution along a multiple-port diffuser are the wall 119, 1103-1142.
Press, W. H., B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky, and W. T. Vetterling (1986)
friction parameter, α, and the port momentum parameter, Numerical Recipes − The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge
β. The analytical solutions for the outflow distribution University Press, Cambridge, U.K.
were derived in this study, i.e., Eqs. (18) and (24), under Rawn, A. M., F. R. Bowerman, and N. H. Brooks (1961) Diffuser for disposal
the condition that either α or β is the dominant parameter. of sewage in sea water. Transactions, ASCE, 126(Part III), 344-388.
As the value of α is negligible, i.e., β is dominant, such Shen, P. I. (1992) The effect of friction on distribution in dividing and
combining flow manifolds. Journal of Fluids Engineering, 114(March),
as for a short diffuser, the port discharge increases 121-123.
downstream with a maximum value at the downstream Vigander, S., R. A. Elder, and N. H. Brooks (1970) Internal hydraulics of
end. On the other hand, if α is the dominant parameter, thermal discharge diffusers. Proc. ASCE, 96(HY 1), 509-527.

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Outflow along Multi-port Diffusers


周憲德 鄭瑞元


摘 要

孔擴散管之孔口流量分佈之主要物理因子可歸納為管壁摩擦損失係數 α 及孔口動量係數 β 兩個無因次參數。當管壁
二參數對孔口流量分佈之綜合影響,當此二個參數之比在一定範圍時,即β = 0.594 α ,或多孔擴散管之管徑應接近

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