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Int J Turbo Jet Eng 2018; aop

G. Ezhilmaran*, Suresh Chandra Khandai, S. Pavithrabalan and K. Udhayakumar

Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted

Perforation achieve the reduced potential core length at the cost of
Received September 19, 2018; accepted October 08, 2018 minimum thrust loss, slanted perforated tabs can be used.
Bradbury & Khadem, (1975) [1] were among the first to
Abstract: Control of Mach 1.8 circular jet with slanted
document the effect of tabs in a low speed jet. With two
perforated tabs is studied experimentally. Two sets of
square tabs placed normal to the flow at the nozzle exit,
perforated tabs were used for this study. The perforation
they observed a significant increase in the centerline velo-
angles were 0° and 30° with respect to axis of the nozzle.
city decay caused by the tabs and the potential core length
The blockage areas of the tabs were 5 %. The mixing
was reduced to about two diameters. They considered the
enhancements caused by these tabs were studied in the
stirring action of trailing vortex motions shed from the
presence of adverse and favorable pressure gradients,
tabs as a possible mechanism for the observed effect.
corresponding to nozzle pressure ratio (NPR) of 4, 5.74
The grooved nozzles show better mixing characteristics
and 8. For Mach number 1.8, jet NPR 4 corresponds to
than the plain nozzle, manifested by shorter core lengths
30 % adverse pressure gradients and NPR 8 corresponds
and faster jet decay both in the near and far fields [2]. The
to 39.37 % favorable pressure gradients. The pressure
shock strength reduction and jet spread caused by the
decay characteristics and shadowgraph images of perfo-
unventilated tabs is found to be identical to those caused
rated tabs at different NPR were compared. There is 45 %
by the ventilated tabs. The highly under expanded condi-
and 65 % reduction in jet core length were observed for
tions, the ventilated tabs achieve around 50–60 % core
the 0° and 30° perforated tabs respectively in both pitot
length reduction and around 25–30 % lesser thrust loss
and shadowgraph experiments in comparison to uncon-
than the identical unventilated tab [3]. Rectangular tabs of
trolled jet.
aspect ratio [Length to Width ratio] 1.0, is superior to tabs of
Keywords: supersonic jet, circular exit, slanted perforated aspect ratio 1.5 and 2.0 [4].Similar results were concluded in
tabs, jet core, mixing characteristics the subsonic and transonic regions [5–7].
Experiments were carried out for subsonic and
JEL Classification. 47.40.Ki, 47.40.Kz
transonic regions and were found that the mixing effi-
ciency of main jet with the ambient atmosphere increases
as the angle of slanted perforation increases. This
Introduction resulted in faster decay of the jet as well as potential
core length reduction. Similar results were expected in
High speed jets are great importance to aerospace as well as the supersonic flows for slanted perforated tabs.
other industries. In an effort to enhance mixing in jet flows,
a passive control method, using vortex generators in the
form of mechanical tabs or small protrusions at the exit of a
nozzle has been under investigation for the past several Experimental setup
years. A tab is kept normal to the flow direction which can
produce a pair of counter-rotating stream wise vortices, The experiments were conducted in the Supersonic jet
which can offer a considerable reduction of potential core facility at the high-speed laboratory of Rajalakshmi
length as well as the suppression in noise level. In order to Engineering College (REC), Chennai. Schematic diagram
of the jet facility is shown in Figure 1. Two 15 hp com-
pressors were used to charge a 5000 L cylindrical storage
*Corresponding author: G. Ezhilmaran, Department of Aeronautical tank through a silica-gel air drier. The settling chamber
Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, India, pressure during the experiments of present investigation
E-mail: was maintained within ± 5 % for all the NPRs studied.
The back pressure is the ambient pressure into which the
Suresh Chandra Khandai, S. Pavithrabalan, K. Udhayakumar,
Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Rajalakshmi Engineering
jets are discharged. A circular nozzle of Mach number 1.8
College, Chennai, India is designed and fabricated with stainless steel is shown in

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2 G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation

Figure 1: Schematic diagram of supersonic jet test facility at REC.

Figure 2. The geometries and fabricated model of the tab

are shown in Figures 3 and 4 respectively. The tab dimen-
sions are shown in Table 1.
At different settling chamber pressures, the nozzle is
calibrated. There is formation of shock waves in the super-
sonic flow. The pitot probe measures the stagnation pressure
(P) behind the shock wave. Rayleigh pitot relation is gener-
ally used for uniform supersonic flows without any disconti-
nuities shown in eq. (1) [8]. As the present jet experiments
consists of complex flow features like shock wave reflections,
shear layers. The direct use of Rayleigh pitot relation is
inappropriate. Therefore pitot pressures, which are the repre-
sentative values of total pressure in the jet flow field to Figure 3: Front view and side view of slanted perforation of the tabs.
understand flow behaviour at different inlet conditions.
  γ=ðγ − 1Þ between (PP0 ) and (X/D) for different NPRs and tab
P 2γ 2 ðγ + 1ÞMe2
= 1+ Me − 1Þ − 1=ðγ − 1Þ combinations.
P0 γ+1 ðγ − 1ÞMe2 + 2
The shadowgraph technique is used to visualize the
(1) flow from the jet of the different extensions. A conven-
The experiments were conducted at NPRs of 4, 5.74 tional pitot probe with an inner diameter of 0.8 mm is
and 8. The calculated stagnation pressure is made non- used for the pressure measurements in the jet. The pitot
dimensional by dividing the settling chamber pressure probe is connected to one of the channels for mean jet
(P0 ). The axial distance (X) is made nondimensional by flow field measurements. A pressure transducer converts
dividing the nozzle exit diameter (D).The graph is plotted the pressure (from pitot in this case) into electrical

Figure 2: Specifications of the circular nozzle. All dimensions are in mm.

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G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation 3

Figure 4: Fabricated model.

Table 1: Specification of the tabs.

Type of tab Dimensions Nozzle Exit Tabs Blockage Area Percentage

Area(mm2 ) ( = Tab Area – Perforation Area) (mm2 ) Blockage Area

Jet with Tab of straight L – 2.5 mm, W – 1.5 mm,

. . %
Perforation Φp = 1 mm
Jet with Tab of slanted L – 2.5 mm, W – 1.5 mm,
. . %
Perforation ° Φp = 1 mm

signals and returns the values to the computer program with design Mach number (Md ), PP0 and the expansion level
which then convert back the electrical signals to pressure (Pe/Pa) are around ± 0.01, ± 0.02, and ± 0.007, respec-
and record the test data. An eight-channel pressure trans- tively. The uncertainty associated with the NPR, Mach num-
ducer setup with each transducer's sampling frequency of ber, core length (Lc), and percentage reduction in core
50 (per channel) and range 0–10 bar is used to capture length was within ± 1, ± 1, ± 1, and ± 2 %, respectively.
the total pressures in the jet flow field. The transducers
are tested for repeatability, hysteresis and gauge factor.
The settling chamber pressure during the experiments
of present investigation was maintained within ± 5 %, for Results and discussion
all the NPRs studied. The movement of the pitot probe
mounted on the traverse had a resolution of ± 0.1 mm in The experimental model is tested in supersonic 1.8 Mach
the linear translation. The repeatability of the pressure number flow field at NPRs of 4, 5.74 and 8. The pitot
measurements was within ± 3 %. readings are taken only on stream wise direction (X/D).
The calibrated values of nozzle with and without tabs are
compared with each other. The graph is plotted between
(PP0 ) and (X/D) for different NPRs and tab combinations.
Uncertainty Supersonic core length is defined as the distance
from the nozzle exit up to which the supersonic flow
The ambient pressure (Pa) was measured by a mercury prevails. The supersonic core length can be estimated
barometer, which has a resolution of ± 0.1 mm, which is from centre line pitot pressure surveys [9].
about 0.06 %. The movement of the pitot probe mounted on The plot of pitot pressure ratio for NPR4 upto X/D = 25
the traverse had a resolution of ± 0.1 mm in the linear is shown in Figure 5. Thus, NPR 4 corresponds to an
translation. The pressure-regulating valve was operated overexpanded state within adverse pressure gradient of
manually, so there were fluctuations in the measured about 30 % at the nozzle exit. The core is the axial extent
values of P0 . So the inaccuracies in the measured pitot up to which supersonic flow prevails [10]. The core of the
pressure should be accounted along with its repeatability uncontrolled jet (without tab) extends to about 6.66D. The
of experiments, which was about ± 1 %. So, the pressures jet core lengths of 5.2D, 4D were observed for the straight
measured (both pitot and stagnation) will have a percen- and slanted perforated tabs at NPR 4. The perforated tab
tage uncertainty of about ± 1 %. Uncertainties associated essentially divides the jet into two smaller jets. Because of

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4 G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation

Figure 5: Comparison of centreline pressure

decay for NPR 4 with and without tabs.

this bifurcation and the associated initiation of enhanced which is typical for an uncontrolled free jet. The core of the
transverse momentum exchange, the flow along the cen- uncontrolled jet extends to about 10D. The jet core lengths
terline behind the tabs gains momentum rapidly, attains a of 6D, 3.5D were observed for the straight and slanted
peak followed by characteristic decay. The reductions in perforated tabs at NPR 8. The reductions in jet core lengths
jet core lengths were observed as 21.92 % and 33.93 % for were observed as 40 % and 65 % for straight and slanted
straight and slanted perforated tabs at NPR 4 in compar- perforated tabs at NPR 4 in comparison to uncontrolled jet.
ison to uncontrolled jet. The perforated tab essentially divides the jet into two
The plot of pitot pressure ratio for NPR 5.74 upto X/ smaller jets. Because of this bifurcation and the associated
D = 25 is shown in Figure 6. The core of the uncontrolled jet initiation of enhanced transverse momentum exchange, the
extends to about 8D. The jet core lengths of 4.8D, 4.4D were flow along the centerline behind the tabs gains momentum
observed for the straight and slanted perforated tabs at NPR rapidly, attains a peak followed by characteristic decay,
5.74. The reductions in jet core lengths were observed as typical of a free jet. Therefore, the axial extent at which
40 % and 45 % for straight and slanted perforated tabs at characteristic decay begins can be justifiably taken as the
NPR 4 in comparison to uncontrolled jet. core length for the jet from a nozzle with slanted tabs.
Increasing NPR to 8 increases the favourable pressure It is seen that the controlled jet core has only mild
gradient to 39.37 %. This is due to expansion waves oscillations in the centerline pitot pressure. This implies
reflected as strong compression waves to reduce the pres- that the shocks prevailing in the jet core are very weak.
sure and bring the equilibrium with ambient. In under This reveals that there are no waves of significant strength
expanded condition, exit pressure is greater than back along the jet centerline downstream of the tabs. After the
pressure. In the presence of this level of favourable pressure core, the jet without tabs experiences a faster decay than
gradient, the core of the uncontrolled jet becomes stronger the jet with tabs. It should be noted that all the above

Figure 6: Comparison of centreline pressure

decay for NPR 5.74 with and without tabs.

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G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation 5

mentioned differences in the jet behavior are taking place Table 2: Percentage change in core length by the
within 10D axial distance. Beyond 10D, jets from nozzles application of perforated tabs at nozzle exit.
with tab and without tab are behaving moderately. It is well
NPR  . 
established that, weakening the shocks in the jet core will
result in reduction of shock-associated noise, hence CNWTSH .  
enhance the jet mixing. CNWTST .  
For all the tabs the jet becomes fully developed at about
5D itself. Whereas the uncontrolled jet shows a tendency to
the pressure conditions studied in the present investiga-
become fully develop only beyond 17D. The maximum core
tion. As the pressure is increased to highly table cases,
reduction exists for slanted perforation compare to straight
both straight perforated tabs and perforated tabs are able
perforation tab and nozzle without tab. The shock cells (the
to enhance the mixing by about 40–65 %. The pitot tube
distance between successive peaks) are found to be larger
centre line pressure results show the above argument
than the lower NPRs. At NPR 8, the mixing promotion
between different cases. The jet core reduction for the
caused by the slanted perforated tabs is found to be super-
different nozzles with diameter 12 mm at different NPRs
ior to straight perforated tab.
is shown in Table 3.
Thus, it may be summarized that a maximum core
length reduction of about 65 % for NPR 8 is possible with
Table 3: Core reduction with respect to D = 12 mm.
the slanted perforated tabs, in the presence of a favourable
pressure gradient of about 39.97 %. It is seen that in the
over expanded and under expanded flows the slanted
perforation tab is the best. The mixing promoting environ-  . 
ment established by the small-scale vortices shed from the CN .D D D
slanted perforated tabs is found to be the optimum at CNWTSH .D .D D
under expanded condition. Whereas at correctly expanded CNWST D .D .D
conditions, both straight and slanted perforated tabs are
the most superior mixing promoters.
It is seen from Figures 5, 6, 7 and Table 2 that there is
a drastic reduction of core length by placing the tabs. The Optical flow visualization
Perforated tab proves to be an efficient mixing promoter
at high-pressure conditions of the present study. The Shadowgraph technique was employed to visualize the
maximum value of core length reduction is 65 % by waves prevailing in the present study. Flow visualization
slanted perforated tabs at NPR 8. Moreover, at highly was mainly carried out to provide a global view of the
under expanded conditions, the slanted perforated tab overall flow field and to allow for a comparison of the jet
seems to be the best mixing promoter. However, there is flow field with Perforated and uncontrolled jets. The
only marginal difference between the characteristics of Figure 8 shows characteristics of supersonic jet with dif-
the straight perforated and slanted perforated tabs at all ferent shock waves.

Figure 7: Comparison of centreline pressure

decay for NPR 8 with and without tabs.

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6 G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation

Figure 8: Nomenclature of supersonic jet.

Figure 9: Comparison of shadowgraph images

with pitot pressure at NPR 5.74.

Comparison of pitot pressure reading with the shadow- locations after the oblique shocks in the shadowgraph
graph image at NPR 5.74 is shown in Figure 9. The images. The steady decay in pressure profiles corre-
pressure peaks in the pitot readings corresponds to the sponds to the no shock regions.

Figure 10: Shadowgraph images of the

uncontrolled and controlled supersonic jet
for NPR 4.

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G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation 7

At NPR 4, which is an over expanded state for Mach The wave reflection of controlled jets is not continued to
1.8 jet; the oblique shocks at the nozzle exit are clearly downstream as uncontrolled jets. This indicates the
seen for uncontrolled jet in Figure 10. These oblique reduction of supersonic core length when compared to
shocks cross each other at the jet axis and reach the uncontrolled jets.
barrel shock. On reaching the barrel shock, the oblique The shadowgraph images for NPR 8 in Figure 12
shock reflects as expansion fan, because reflection from shows the under expanded state for Mach 1.8 jet. As the
fluid boundary is unlike. The expansion waves cross each pressure ratio is increased, the shock cell length consid-
other and reach the boundary and reflect back as com- erably increases. The strongest shocks are noticed at NPR
pression waves. The reflected compression waves once 8. The oblique shocks in the first cell interact in the form
again cross each other at the jet axis and reflect back as of a Mach disc. The shock reflection continues farther
expansion fan from the barrel shock boundary. This kind downstream and has more number of shock cells com-
of wave reflection continues to some downstream dis- pared NPR 4, 5.74. This is due to the adverse pressure
tance. The distance between successive shock reflection gradient for NPR 8; the strong shocks appear in the
peaks is called shock cell length. At NPR 4, three small supersonic jet core. Moreover, at these high-pressure
shock cells are noticeable. ratios a four strong shock cell seems to be present as
The shadowgraph images for NPR 5.74 in Figure 11 seen in Figure 12.
shows the correctly expanded state for Mach 1.8 jet; the It is interesting to see that, the shock cells prevailing
weaker shocks are noticed compared to NPR 4 and 8 of in the uncontrolled jet are greatly disturbed resulting in a
uncontrolled jets. Since the exit pressure is almost equal number of smaller diamonds like structures for both
to the ambient pressure, the shock diamonds are reduced straight and slanted perforated tabs. The shock cell
in strength. For controlled jets the supersonic core has lengths are drastically reduced as soon as we place tabs
multiple weaker shocks and shock length gets reduced. at the nozzle exit, which is responsible for a higher

Figure 11: Shadowgraph images of the

uncontrolled and controlled supersonic jet
for NPR 5.74.

Figure 12: Shadowgraph images of the

uncontrolled and controlled supersonic jet
for NPR 8.

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8 G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation

mixing enhancement at the pressure ratios. Moreover, the – The slanted perforated tab is performing the best
linear shock waves and expansion fans are transformed resulting in as high as 65 % reduction in core length
into non-linear waves by tabs at the nozzle exit. The most at NPR 8, which is 15 % higher than the core length
important phenomenon, which is visible in all the cases reduction achieved with straight perforated tabs at
of straight and slanted perforated tabs, is jet bifurcation. the same operating conditions.
The shadowgraph images shows that the tabs at the – The reductions in jet core lengths were observed as
nozzle exit leads the jet to bifurcate into two, leading to 40 % and 65 % for straight and slanted perforated
a much higher jet spread and surface area of interaction tabs at NPR 4 in comparison to uncontrolled jet.
with the ambient (Figures 10–12). – Beyond this NPR, the slanted perforated tabs
Therefore, the jet bifurcation leads to more mass become a superior mixing promoter than all the
entrainment from the surrounding atmosphere and con- straight perforated tabs.
sequently a higher mixing capability of the jet. The phe- – The shock strength reduction and jet spread caused
nomena of jet bifurcation, non-linear transformation of by the slanted perforated tabs is found to be iden-
waves, jet spread and reduction in shock cell length are tical to those caused by the straight perforated tabs.
slightly more pronounced in the case of slanted perfo- – But as the pressure ratio is increased to highly under
rated tabs at high NPRs which are favourable for higher expanded conditions, the slanted perforated tabs
mixing characteristics of the circular jet. However, at high achieve around 50–60 % core length reduction.
NPRs the shadowgraph images depict the weakest shock – The difference between the mixing promoting effi-
structure for the perforated tabs among all the cases ciency of the straight perforated and slanted perfo-
presented in this study. rated tabs is around 10–15 %.
The shock cell lengths of perforated tabs are slightly – Therefore, the slanted perforated tabs may be
shorter at highly under expanded conditions than the regarded as preferable choice since these tabs
other tabs. This confirms the findings by centre line cause jet bifurcation at an angle to the centre line
pressure decay plots. Another aspect of the perforated pressure decay thereby introducing stream wise vor-
tab is that it offers better relief to the incoming flow tices in the near field as well as far field to enhance
compared with the straight perforated tab, apart from the mixing efficiently.
offering a lesser blockage area. Because of this the flow
field phenomenon in the high pressure gradient has more
vortices shed through the perforation thereby decreasing Future Work
the intensity of the shock strength.
Effectiveness of present tab geometry with jets issuing
from non-circular nozzles can be studied experimentally.
Further Research can be carried out for the tabs with
Conclusions Slanted perforation at other supersonic Mach numbers.
Also, tab shape and thickness can be considered as para-
Experiments were conducted for nozzle with jet Mach meters for further study.
number 1.8 with straight and slanted perforated tabs of
0° and 30°angles with respect to flow direction. The Acknowledgements: The financial support provided by
following observations were made: University Grants Commission, India (No. F MRP 6149/
– The reduction in jet core lengths was observed as 15, SERO/UGC) is gratefully acknowledged.
17.42 % and 33.93 % for straight and slanted perfo-
rated tabs at NPR 4 in comparison to uncontrolled jet.
– The core of the uncontrolled jet extends to about 8D.
The jet core lengths of 4.8D, 4.4D were observed for
the straight and slanted perforated tabs at NPR 5.74. AR Aspect ratio
The reductions in jet core lengths were observed as C-D Convergent-Divergent
40 % and 45 % for straight and slanted perforated NPR Nozzle pressure ratio
tabs at NPR 4 in comparison to uncontrolled jet. CN Circular nozzle without tab
– Increasing NPR to 8 increases the favourable pres- CNWTSH Circular nozzle with straight perforated tab
CNWST Circular nozzle with slanted perforated tab
sure gradient to 39.37 %.

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G. Ezhilmaran. et al.: Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation 9

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