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Budgeted Lesson in Health 6: S.Y. 2019-2020 Suggested Assessment Strategies

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S.Y. 2019-2020

QUARTER Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

2nd Week 1 Pupil answer questions: Use a checklist to represent a healthy school and
Q (August 12 – 16, 2019) 1. What is an ideal school? community environment based from their
U 2. What is an ideal community? experiences
A Draw a Venn diagram. Label one of the circles In the
The learner…
R Community and the other At School. Label the space
 Describes healthy school and community
T common to both circles in both places
E  Do a group activity in describing healthy school
R and community environments; Group 1 will described
healthy school and Group 2 will described community
Week 2  Describes healthy school and community View pictures/video clips about puberty stage and Use checklist to represent the effects of living in
(August 19 – 23, 2019) environments react how they cope up in the school and in the a healthful school and community then compare
 Explains the effect of living in a healthful community it with their classmate.
social and community  Show pictures of a healthful school/ community
(H6CMH-lIb-2)  Ask questions related to effects of staying in a
healthful school/ living in a healthful community
 Make use of Venn diagram. Label one of the circles
In the Community and the other At School. Label the
space common to both circles in both places
 Give impression on how healthful the school is and
how healthful the community they belong
Week 3 Demonstrates ways to build and keep school and  Differentiate ways of emotions in relation to puberty  Do a reporting to assess their personal
(August 26 – 30, 2019) community environments healthy stage in relation to their community environments observation on keeping the school and
(H6MH-llc-d-3) (G58G6) community environment healthy.
QUARTER Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

2nd Week 4 Demonstrates ways to build and keep  Differentiate ways of emotions in relation to  Determine the status of the school and the
Q (Sept. 2 – 6, 2019) school and community environments puberty stage in relation to their community community through the use of observation, records
U healthy environments and inspections
A (H6MH-llc-d-3) (G58G6)
R  Write a list of ways in order to build and keep
school and community environments healthy and
R differentiate in each other
 Give their personal observation on keeping the
school and community environments healthy
Week 5
(Sept.9-13,2019)  Identify different waste
 Use video clips in describing proper ways of waste  Do an interview to a concerned citizen in the
disposal. After viewing, ask the learning on how do area/barangay/ school on how do they disposed their
 Classifies different types of waste
they dispose their waste at home or at school waste properly

Week 6  Use video clips in describing proper ways of waste Do an interview to a concerned citizen in the
 Described proper ways of waste disposal
(Sept.16 – 20,2019) disposal. After viewing, ask the learning on how do area/barangay/ school on how do they disposed their
they dispose their waste at home or at school waste properly
Week 7 Play a Game.
Identifies things that can be recycled in school  Make an output in making a recycled material that are
(Sept. 23 – 27,2019)  Invite learners to form a circle, toss a ball to each
and in the community available in the area and tell them to be creative enough
of them and prompt the learner to identify the things
(H6CMH-lIg-7) in making the materials eye catching.
that can be recycled in school and in the community.
QUARTER Competencies Suggested Learning Activities Suggested Assessment Strategies

2nd Week 8  Encourage learners to write down all their best

Q (Sept.30 – Oct.4, practices in waste management at home, in school and
 Ask learners to make a slogan in proper waste
U 2019) in the community and share it on class.
 Practice proper waste management at management.
home, in school, and in the community.  Group I – at home
(H6CMH-lIh-8)  Group II – at school
 Group III – in the community
Week 9  Conduct environmental protection through proper
 Advocates environmental protection  Do an enactment in advocating environmental
(Oct.7-11,2019) waste management.
through proper waste management protection through proper waste management in other
 Invite a resource person in advocating
(H6MH-lIij-9) grade level.
environmental protection through proper
Week 10  Advocates environmental protection  Make a slogan/ poster in promoting the
 Ask the learners to write an essay on the how to
(Oct. 14 – 18, 2019) through proper waste management environmental protection through proper waste
advocate protection through proper waste management.
(H6MH-lIij-9) management.

Remedial Days/Enrichment Days

Prepared by:

Teacher III

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