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Science 6 Syllabus

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Laboratory Elementary School

Happy Glen Loop, Baguio City Philippines 2600

Telefax No.: (074) 442-3071 Website: E-mail Address:


In pursuit of perfection, the University of Baguio is committed to providing balanced quality education by nurturing academic excellence, relevant social
skills and ethical values in a fun learning environment.


The University of Baguio educates individuals to be The UBLES provides the children with responsive and balance education towards building a strong
empowered professionals in a global community. foundation for secondary education.


The University of Baguio aims to produce a graduate who: Towards the attainment of its noble vision and mission, the UBLES aims to prepare a graduate who:
1. exemplifies a higher standard of learning; 1. exhibits a high standard of functional literacy;
2. manifests the mastery of relevant skills; 2. demonstrates talents and skills through wholesome learning opportunities;
3. upholds conduct that is rightful and just; 3. practices good manners and right conduct;
4. undertakes scientific and significant researches; 4. uses basic scientific skills in conducting simple laboratory investigations;
5. advocates sustainable programs for the community 5. participates in the promotion of better community and environment; and,
and the environment; and 6. displays exemplary performance in secondary education.
6. leads and demonstrates exemplary performance in
the field of specialization.

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
COMPETENCE: UBLES is committed to producing
COMPETENCE + INTEGRITY = SERVICE learners ready to excel in secondary education. UBLES graduates are:
RESPECT: UBLES is committed to nurturing learners
COMPETENCE: The University of Baguio is committed to with admirable ---- 1. Critical and creative thinkers
nurturing excellent professionals. SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY: UBLES is committed 2. Active and life-long learners
INTEGRITY: The University of Baguio is committed to to developing a community with 3. Reflective learners
cultivating a community with ethical values. DISCIPLINE: UBLES is committed to nurturing 4. Effective communicators and;
SERVICE: The University of Baguio is dedicated to building learners with good manners and right conduct. 5. Service-driven citizens
a community that advocates sustainable programs for SERVICE-ORIENTEDNESS: UBLES is committed
society and the environment. to training learners to be advocates in promoting a
better community and environment

I. Desired Learning Outcomes (DepEd Prescribed) vis a vis School Objectives

Desired Learning Outcomes (DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012) SCHOOL OBJECTIVES
At the end of Grade 10, the student is expected to SO1 SO 2 SO 3 SO 4 SO 5 SO 6

1. demonstrate communicative competence; √ √ √ √ √ √

2. think intelligently, critically in life situations; √ √ √ √
3. make informed and values-based decisions; √ √
4. perform their civic duties; √ √ √
5. use resources sustainably; and, √ √ √ √
6. participate actively in artistic and cultural activities and the promotion of wellness and lifelong fitness. √ √ √ √


The learners demonstrate an understanding of basic science concepts and the application of science-inquiry skills. They exhibit scientific attitudes and values to solve
problems critically, innovate beneficial products, protect the environment, and conserve resources, enhance the integrity and wellness of people, make informed decisions, and
engage in discussions of relevant issues that involve science, technology, and the environment.
Students learn how many physical phenomena that they observe in their everyday lives can be explained through an understanding of physical science concepts.
Recognize that matter can be changed from one state to another by heating or cooling; describe changes in the state of water (i.e., melting, freezing, boiling, evaporation, and
condensation). Identify properties of metals (i.e., conducting electricity and conducting heat) and relate these properties to uses of metals (e.g., a copper electrical wire, an iron
cooking pot). Recognize that human behavior has negative and positive effects on the environment (e.g., negative effects of air and water pollution, the benefits of reducing air
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
and water pollution); provide general descriptions and examples of the effects of pollution on humans, plants, and animals, and their environments. Recognize and explain that
some living things in an ecosystem compete with others for food or space. Recognize that forces (i.e., pushing and pulling) may cause an object to change its motion; compare
the effects of these forces of different strengths in the same or opposite directions acting on an object; and recognize that friction force works against the direction of motion
(e.g., friction working against a push or a pull makes it more difficult to move an object along a surface). Recognize that s imple machines, (e.g., levers, pulleys, gears, ramps)
help make motion easier (e.g., make lifting things easier, reduce the amount of force required, change the distance, change the direction of the force). Recognize that the Earth
has a moon that revolves around it, and from Earth the Moon looks different at different times of the month. Describe how weather (i.e., daily variations in temperature, humidity,
precipitation in the form of rain or snow, clouds, and wind) can vary with geographic location (TIMSS 2019 Science Framework, n.d.)


At the end of Grade 6, learners recognize that when mixed, materials may not form new ones thus these materials may be recovered using different separation techniques.
They can prepare useful mixtures such as food, drinks and herbal medicines. Learners understand how the different organ systems of the human body work together. They can
classify plants based on reproductive structures, and animals based on the presence or lack of backbone. They can design and investigate on plant propagation. They can
describe larger ecosystems such as rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps. Learners can infer that friction and gravity affect how people and objects move. They have
found out that heat, light, sound, electricity, and motion studied earlier are forms of energy and these undergo transformation. Learners can describe what happens during
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and demonstrate what to do when they occur. They can infer that the weather follows a pattern in a year. They have learned about the solar
system, with emphasis on the motions of the Earth as prerequisite to the study of seasons in another grade level.

II. Standards and Student Learning Outcomes

The learner is expected to develop functional understanding and application of science and health concepts, basic process/thinking skills, and acquire values, attitudes and
practices related to one's sense organs, personal health, food, nutrition, growth, and development, characteristics of plants and animals, states of matter, heat, light and sound
energy, force and motion, earth resources and their conservation, weather, and the sun as a source of light and heat. The learners should have developed the essential skills of
scientific inquiry – designing simple investigations, using an appropriate procedure, materials, and tools to gather evidence, to observe patterns, determining relationships, drawing
conclusions based on evidence, and communicating ideas in varied ways to make meaning of the observations and changes that occur in the environment. The content and skills
learned will be applied to maintain good health, ensure the protection and improvement of the environment, and practice safety measures.

The Science Learning Module for Grade 6 Science is a new paradigm for teaching and learning. This module is based on the basic goal on Grade Level Standards for
Grade 3-12 of the K-12 Science Guide in Science. This material is also based on the MELCs (Most Essential Competencies) in response to the call of SDG 4 to develop resilient
education systems, most especially during emergencies. This material aims to learn to become productive, worthy, and competitive young scientists in the country. Aims to acquaint
the pupils with the basic biological and physical sciences will help them understand and explain natural phenomena and increase awareness of human beings' role in caring for
themselves and preserving and protecting the environment.

This module is consisted of three parts:

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
1. Introduction
- The teacher sets the lesson's objectives, activates prior knowledge, gives Hook Up Activity, and reviews as a springboard to the lesson.

2. Interaction
- The teacher discusses the lesson for Acquisition of Knowledge & Skills and Make meaning.
- The teacher provides practices and formative assessments for mastery
- Consultations through social media platforms (Facebook Messenger, Gmail, and Text Messaging))
Synchronous Learning

• Real-time interaction with the pupils through web conference (Google Meet)
Google Meet- This the real-time or virtual meeting/class with the learners
• Teachers discuss lessons, check understanding if the pupils read and understood the lesson, and if they answered the formative assessment
• Teachers can give immediate feedback

Monday- Thursday
Grade 6
Beryl Amber
Science Science 6
T. Dianne T. Dianne


Asynchronous Learning
• Flexible time for the learners
• The learners can review other resources to aid in their learning (sites recommended by the teacher, pre-recorded lecture by the teachers, suggested webinars )
• Learners can still communicate with their teachers thru messenger, Gmail, or text messages.

3. Integration
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
- The teacher gives the Summative test or Performance Task
- Provides an avenue for values integration and Self-assessment

Weekly Class Schedule (Grades 1-6)


3) and 4) (TGIS)
WEEK 1 & 3
Quality with
(Submission of
CCSD Club Asynchronous/
8:30-9:30 Summative
(integrating Activity Synchronous Principal &
GMRC) Learning/Consultation Guardian & teacher's Parents'
Webinar with WEEK 2&4
Activities for scheduled synchronous/asynchronous Consultation
assigned subject (Submission of
Reading Time prepared subjects ( consultation for all subjects Preparation
9:30-10:- teachers or Guest Mini-tasks)
with the by the SPG feedbacking, while the pupils are on their for nest
30 Speaker-Facilitators Week 5
Librarian and Activity acquisition, and offline review week's
(PT Week,
Coordinator deepening of activity/lesson
Submission of
10:30- Portfolio & Post-
General Announcements Assessment)
12:00-1:00 Lunch Break
Asynchronous/ Asynchronous/
Teachers do
Synchronous Synchronous Principal &
Distribution or uploading of their
Learning/Consultation Learning/Consultation Teachers
Modules or learning paperwork,
for scheduled for scheduled Offline review/worktime of Feedback thru
1:00-5:00 materials. Reading of checking of
subjects ( subjects ( learners Google Meet or
Modules or learning output,
feedbacking, feedbacking, Group Chat in
materials. uploading of
acquisition, and acquisition, and Messenger
scores, etc.
deepening of MELCS) deepening of MELCS)


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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Standards Performance Indicators. The learners should be able to
Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the different types of mixtures and their The learners will understand the different properties of different types of mixtures and
characteristics and the different techniques to separate mixtures. the different techniques of separating mixtures.

Essential Question:

Why is learning about mixtures important?

How does knowing the different techniques of separating mixtures help in your daily
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
The learner should be able to prepare beneficial and useful mixtures such as drinks, During this pandemic, the city hall is encouraging everyone to have their own garden
food, and herbal medicines, and separate desired materials from common and local in their backyard or any space present in the house and have vertical and horizontal
products. gardening. In order for you to survive the pandemic, and produce more harvest, you
are going to mix and create your own mixture of compost.

GOAL: Your goal is to have your own mixture of compost: Note: this is integrated to your HELE subject
ROLE: You are the owner of a farm/ garden where organic compost is being endorsed.
AUDIENCE: The teacher, parents, and classmates.
SITUATION: During this pandemic, the city hall is encouraging everyone to have their own garden in their backyard or any space present in the house and have vertical and
horizontal gardening. In order for you to survive the pandemic, and produce more harvest, you are going to mix and create your own mixture of compost.
PRODUCT PERFORMANCE: You will prepare a plan of your plot and materials for your mixture of compost that may include the different left overs of biodegradable materials.
STANDARDS: Your performance is evaluated according to the following:

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Criteria: Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
Planning and organizing The planning is clear from The planning is lacking 1-2 parts The planning is lacking 3-4 partsin There is no planning at all. The
organizing to documentation part. in the standards given. The the standards given. The organization of the plan is poor.
The organization of the plan is organization of the plan is good. organization ofthe plan is fair. 25%
Controlling Assessed control on pests Assessed control on pests in a Assessed control on pests fairly. Assessed control on pests poorly.
excellently. good manner. 20%

Chosen materials The chosen materials are The chosen materials are good The chosen materials are fair for The chosen materials are poor for
excellent forcomposting. for composting. composting. composting. 20%

The description of the project is The description of the project is The description of the project The description of the project is
well-written and is well-written and is lacks comprehensiveness and poorly written which does not
comprehensive. There are no comprehensive. Some errors in competence. Few errors in show competence. Most words
Description 15%
errors in spelling and grammar, spelling and grammar are evident spelling and grammar are are misspelled and too many
enough to show competence. and somehow show evident. grammar errors.
Documentations Every aspect (Materials, There are documentations There are documentations There is no documentation
Procedure, Product) of the project included but limited to only two included but limited to only one included showing how the project
is well-documented from the start aspects of the project. aspect of the project. was done. 20%
to the end.


Learning Objectives Content Topic Duration Assessments Strategies Resource Materials

(MELCS) (Values Integration)
At the end of the lesson, the
pupils must have:

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
 Module
 Teacher-made
Offline Worksheets
 Formative assessment Sir C.G. (2020). MIXTURES AND
on the differences of  Hands-on activity on | Homogeneous and
A. Mixtures homogeneous and separating mixtures Heterogeneous Mixture |
a. Homogeneous heterogenous mixtures. through various methods. Science 6 | by Sir C.G.
Describe the appearance [YouTube Video].
b. Heterogeneous  Hands-on activities on
and uses of homogeneous Online In YouTube.
and heterogenous mixtures. identifying types of
*No Code* VALUES 10 Hours mixtures.  Interactive learning on
Online materials that exhibits
 Self-Confidence
harmful and beneficial
 Sense of  Google Slides
 Creating a Venn- properties.
responsibility Presentation
diagram on the diagram  Direct instruction on
on homogenous and homogeneous and  E-Resources
heterogeneous mixtures. heterogeneous mixtures. Sheila, P. (2020). Kinds of Mixture:
Homogeneous and
Heterogeneous Mixture
[YouTube Video].
In YouTube.
Offline Offline Offline
 Summative assessment  Module
B. Separating Mixtures on the different processes  Watch videos on the  Real objects
Describe techniques in
a. Decantation of separating mixtures. various processes of  Worksheets
separating mixtures such as
b. Evaporation  Hands-on activities in separating mixtures.
decantation, evaporation, Online
filtering, sieving and using c. Filtering 10 Hours separating mixtures
d. Sieving Online
magnet.  Downloaded
e. Using magnet Online
*No Code* 
 Recitation on the different Direct instruction on the supplementary videos
methods of separating different methods of Sir C.G. (2019). Ways of Separating
mixtures. separating mixtures. Components of Mixture
S6MT-Id-f-2 [YouTube
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Video]. In YouTube.
 Teacher demonstration
 Google slides
 E-Resources
Lecture Total Hours 20 Hours
Laboratory Total Hours 0 Hour
Post Test/ Portfolio 1 Hour
Total Hours for First Grading 21 Hours

Standards Performance Indicators. The learners should be able to
Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The learners will understand how organs work together to form an organ system,
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how the major organs of the human characteristics and classifications of plants and animals, and the interactions
body work together to form organ systems, the different characteristics of vertebrates among the components of different ecosystems.
and invertebrates, and the interactions for survival among living and non -living things
that take place in tropical rainforests, coral reefs, and mangrove swamps Essential Question:
Why do you need to maintain proper body functioning?
Why is it important to conserve and protect the plants and animals?
Why is it important to know about the interactions among the living things in the
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
As a researcher, you have found out that organisms gradually evolve to be
The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote
proper functioning of the muscular-skeletal, integumentary, digestive, circulatory,
able to adapt to the environment that they are living in. This resulted in
excretory, respiratory, and nervous systems, make an inventory of vertebrates and diverse species of organisms. But because of man’s harsh activities, the
invertebrates that are commonly seen in the community, practice ways of caring and different species of organisms are disturbed which resulted in their extinction
protecting animals, and form discussion groups to tackle issues involving protection which affects our biodiversity. With this, you want to educate people on the
and conservation of ecosystems that serve as nurseries, breeding places, and arising threats disrupting our biodiversity
habitats for economically important plants and animals.

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Transfer Task

GOAL: Your goal is to create an output showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the different systems in the body.
ROLE: You are a researcher, and you want to disseminate information showing healthful habits that promote proper functioning of the different systems in the
body. AUDIENCE: Your teacher and other classmates
SITUATION: As a researcher, you have found out that pandemic has brought health issues and mental issues that affect the different systems in the body. In your
Science Week celebration, you are task to promote healthful habits that promote the proper functioning of the different syste ms in the body.
PRODUCT PERFORMANCE: You will create any of the following:

A. 5-8 minutes video exercise that promotes proper functioning of different systems in the body.
B.Video Presentation the preparation of a Healthy meal/snack that promotes proper functioning of the body
C. Poster/Slogan within 3-4 lines that promotes healthful habits.

STANDARDS: Your performance is evaluated according to the following:

Rubric for Infomercial

Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
Organization Student presents information in logical, Student presents information in logical Student presents information but the Audience cannot understand
interesting sequence which audience sequence which audience can follow. sequence is not logical, making it hard presentation because there is no 30%
can follow. for audience to understand. sequence of information.
Content The student demonstrates full The student somehow demonstrates The student is uncomfortable with Content is weak. Facts are inaccurate.
knowledge of the topic and engages the knowledgeable of the topic and has an information however message can be The student should have research in 20%
audience with full confidence. easy flow within the message. heard. more depth.
Volume and The student uses a clear voice and The student’s voice is clear. The The student’s voice is low. The student The student mumbles and incorrectly
Clarity correct, precise pronunciation of terms. student pronounces most words incorrectly pronounces terms. pronounces terms and speaks too
Shows enthusiasm. All viewing correctly. Most audience members can Audience members have difficulty quietly for the viewing audience to hear.
audience can hear hear. hearing.
Length 1 – 2 minutes 50 -59 seconds 40 – 49 seconds Below 40 seconds 10%
Preparedness The presentation was The presentation was good! The presentation was fair! The presentation was sloppy with no
excellent! Overall, the presentation Somehow effort and preparedness are However, effort and preparedness evidence of effort and preparedness.
was well prepared and rehearsed. evident. are lacking.


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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Learning Content Topic Duration Assessments Strategies Resource Materials
Objectives (Values Integration)
At the end of the
lesson, the pupils
must have:

 Graphic Organizer on the Offline Offline

functions of each organ of the
 Modules
A. Organs of the Human human body.  Film viewing on the different  Downloaded supplementary
Explain how the Body  Checklist on ways to properly organs and organ system of videos
organs of each a. Organs and organ take care of the different the human body.
system organs of the human body. Note: Videos are found in the link
organ system
b. Interconnectedness below with additional quiz items.
work together. Online Online Sir C.G. (2021). [YouTube Video].
S6LT-IIab-1 of the organ  Didactic questioning to  Interactive instruction to In YouTube.
systems 6 Hours
diagnose recall and process the video UCF9mdIN5RmrnazV7FOyPZ5Q
Explain how the comprehension skills of documentary watched.
different organ  Online
 Self-Confidence students on the different parts Interactive lecture to elicit
systems work  E-resources
together.  Sense of of the organs and organ ideas from students on their
responsibility system of the human body. ways of properly taking care  Google Slides
 Self-Discipline  Reflection in the importance of the different organs of the  Personalized Game
taking care properly the human body. Presentation
different organs of the human
 Science Jeopardy Game

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
 Modules
 Charts
B. Vertebrates and Offline Offline
 Diagrams
Invertebrates  Comparison chart to determine  Concept-mapping to
a. Characteristics of  Crash Course Videos
Determine the the differences between summarize ideas.
distinguishing vertebrates and invertebrates and vertebrates.  Watch crash courses to further Free School. (2016). Animal Classification
for Children: Classifying
characteristics of invertebrates understanding. Vertebrates and Invertebrates for
vertebrates and 8 Hours Kids - FreeSchool [YouTube
invertebrates. Video]. In YouTube.
S5LT-IIe5  Sense of  Classifying activity on the  =mRidGna-V4E
Matching quiz game on the
responsibility examples of invertebrates and characteristics of invertebrates Online
 Self-discipline vertebrates. and vertebrates.  Google Slides
 Environmental care  Interactive Powerpoint game  Kahoot Quiz game  E-resources
 Personalized Online Matching
Quiz Game

Discuss the C. Ecosystem Offline

a. Interaction of living Offline  Modules
interactions  Research activity on how living 
and nonliving things Watch documentaries on the  Downloaded supplementary
among living
b. Tropical rainforests, things interact with the laws imposed by DENR that
things and non - videos
coral reefs, nonliving things in tropical aims to conserve the
living things in DENROfficial. (2016). DENR Environment
mangrove swamps rainforests, coral reefs, and ecosystem.
tropical Management System [YouTube
c. Ways of mangrove swamps.  Note-taking method. Video]. In YouTube.
rainforests, coral
reefs and conservation  Create a slogan on the
6 Hours u8-jGDmDSA
mangrove importance of conserving and Online  Pictures
swamps. protecting tropical rainforests,  Direct instruction on the
S5LT - IIh – 8 coral reefs, and mangrove interaction taking place in Online
 Sense of
responsibility tropical rainforests, coral reefs,  Google Slides
Explain the need and mangrove swamps.
 Environmental Online  E-resources
to protect and  Oral presentation on student’s  Reflection on the importance of
awareness  Module
conserve tropical conserving and protecting
 Self-discipline slogan  Supplementary videos
rainforests, coral
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
reefs and  Self-discovery on how living tropical rainforests, coral reefs, MooMooMath and Science. (2016).
Symbiotic Relationships-Definition
mangrove things and nonliving things mangrove swamps. and Examples-
swamps. interact, using interconnected  EdPuzzle for interactive videos Mutualism,Commensalism,Parasiti
S5LT -Ii - j -10 sm [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Lecture Total
20 Hours
Laboratory Total
0 Hour
Post Test/
1 Hour
Total Hours for
21 Hours
Second Grading

Standards Performance Indicators. The learners should be able to
Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The learners will understand the effects of gravity and friction, types of energy
The learners demonstrate an understanding of gravity and friction affect movement of applied in daily life, and how simple machines help in doing work.
objects, and how energy is transformed in simple machines.
Essential Question:
How do transformed simple machines help energy efficiency?
Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:
In coordination with the schools, you want to instill the value of art to
Produce an advertisement that demonstrates road safety.
Create a marketing strategy for a new product on electrical or light efficiency.
students, making them realize that art is everything, relevant and integrated.

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Transfer Task

GOAL: You are to propose a devise using electromagnet that is useful for home and community.
ROLE: you are Filipino inventor and you are going to propose a devise using electromagnet that is useful for home and community.
AUDIENCE: Your teacher and other classmates
SITUATION: In coordination with the schools, you are going to propose a devise using electromagnet that is useful for home and community.
PRODUCT PERFORMANCE: : You are to propose a devise using electromagnet that is useful for home and community.
A. Create a device or a 3D model device using electromagnet that is useful for home and community
B. Illustrate a device using electromagnet that is useful for home and community
C. Write a Proposal on electromagnet and how it will be useful at home and community
STANDARDS: Your performance is evaluated according to the following:
Criteria: Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
Creativity The student’s output shows competence The students’ output The students’ output lacks competence The students’ output does not show
and exceptionally innovative shows competence, thoughtfully, and uses a few original touches to competence and/or creativity to
and unique in showing a and uniquely presented, contributing enhance the project to show understanding of the 40%
deep understanding of the to the understanding of the collaborated show understanding of the collaborated task.
collaborated task. task. collaborated task.

Use of Geometric The content includes a clear, compelling The information is presented with The content does not present a clearly The content lacks a clear point of view.
accurate, current supporting information stated purpose, which makes it lack Much of the supporting information is
Figures statement of purpose and shows
and shows competence that contributes competence. Some of the supporting irrelevant to the overall message and
competence. A wide variety of to understanding the project's main information does not seem to fit the main does not show competence. The viewer
supporting information in the video idea. The content includes a clear point idea or appears as a disconnected series is unsure what the message is because 40%
contributes to understanding the of view with a progression of ideas and of scenes with no main unifying idea. there is little persuasive information,
supporting information. and only one or two facts about the topic
project's main idea.
are articulated.

Neatness/ Design/ The student uses a clear voice and The student's voice is clear. The student The student's voice is low. The student The student mumbles and incorrectly
correct, precise pronunciation of terms. incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience pronounces terms and speaks too
Layout pronounces most words correctly. Most 20%
Shows enthusiasm. All viewing audience members have difficulty hearing. quietly for the viewing audience to hear.
can hear audience members can hear.


Learning Objectives Content Topic Duration Assessments Strategies Resource Materials

(MELCS) (Values Integration)

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
At the end of the lesson, the
pupils must have:
 Independent study on Offline
 Watch downloaded Offline
how friction and gravity
A. Friction and Gravity videos to supplement  Modules
affect movements of
a. Effects on different learning and  Worksheets
different objects.
Infer how friction and gravity objects understanding.  Downloaded supplementary videos
 Formative assessment
affect movements of VALUES  Friction
on friction and gravity.
different objects. INTEGRATION 5 Hours Online com/watch?v=n2gQs1mcZHA
S5FE - IIIa - 1  Self-Confidence Online  Direct instruction on
 Recitation or sharing
 Sense of friction and gravity. Online
on how friction and
responsibility  Interactive discussion  E-Resources
gravity affect
 Self-Discipline on the different  Google Slides Presentation
movement of different
concepts underlying  Downloaded supplementary videos
objects with respect to
friction and gravity.
the videos watched.
Offline Offline
 Watch crash courses to  Modules
B. Simple machines  Formative assessment
enhance  Crash Course Videos
a. Energy on the different types of
understanding of the  Worksheets
transformation simple machines.
lesson. Energy
How energy is transformed  investigatory project
in simple machines. Online com/watch?v=PkFoQ_L8llc
VALUES  Self-directed learning
S6FE - IIId - f – 2 5 Hours  Classifying activity on
INTEGRATION on how sound, light and
S6FE - IIIg - i - 3 the different examples Online
 Sense of electricity is
of simple machines.  Google Slides
responsibility transformed. .
 Creating a list on the  E-resources
 Self-discipline
different simple  Downloaded supplementary videos
 Self-confidence Online
machines used in
 Direct instruction of
everyday life.
how energy is

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
transformed in simple
 Interactive instruction
to elicit student’s ideas
on the things they knew
about simple machines.
 Recitation on students’
list of simple machines
used in everyday life.
Offline  Watch videos to
 Illustrate a series and enhance
parallel circuit and understanding on
Inferred the conditions highlight the flow of series and parallel
necessary to make a bulb light C. Electricity and electricity in each circuits.
up. Electromagnets circuit.  Create a Venn-diagram Offline
S5FE - IIIf – 6 a. Series and Parallel  Performance task on to show the similarities  Modules
Circuits electromagnets. and differences of  Downloaded supplementary videos
Determined the effects of b. Mechanism of series and parallel  Illustrations
changing the number or type Online
electromagnets circuits.
of components in a circuit. 10 Hours  Oral recitation on the
S5FE - IIIg – 7 VALUES Online
things that can be
INTEGRATION found in the household Online  Google Slides
Designed an experiment to  Sense of that uses  Interactive lecture to  E-resources
determine the factors that responsibility process students’  Diagrams/ charts
affect the strength of the electromagnets.
electromagnet.  Self-discipline  Self-discovery on how Venn-diagram.
S5FE - IIIi - j - 9 living things and  Direct instruction on the
nonliving things concepts underlying
interact, using a electromagnets and to
diagram. further enhance topic
on electricity.
Lecture Total Hours 20 Hours
Laboratory Total Hours 0 Hour
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Post Test/ Portfolio 1 Hour
Total Hours for Third
21 Hours

Standards Performance Indicators. The learners should be able to
Content Standard: Essential Understanding:
The learners will understand natural disasters and emergency preparedness,
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the effects of earthquakes and volcanic weather and climate, effects of seasons on the livelihood and health of people in a
eruptions, weather patterns and seasons in the Philippines, the earth’s rotation and community, motions of Earth, and the physical characteristics of the planets in the
revolution, and characteristics of planets in the solar system. solar system.

Essential Question:
Why do you need to prepare for natural disasters?
How do the changes in the weather affect you?
How does the motion of Earth affect you?
What is the relationship of Earth to the solar system?

Performance Standard: Transfer Goal:

In coordination with the City Risk Reduction Management Council, your barangay
The learners should be able to design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit. is organizing an early information campaign and series of seminars that focuses in
preventing soil erosion during the coming rainy season and preparing emergency
or survival kit for any weather disturbances.
Transfer Task

GOAL: Create an infographic or poster about emergency preparedness and construct a two-paragraph persuasive essay with 5-10 sentences on this question:
Should you agree or disagree that an emergency kit or emergency preparedness plan is essential in one's household?
Provide two research or factual information about emergency preparedness with your opinion.
ROLE: You are the public information officer of the NDRRMC. Your job is to inform the people of the importance of having an emergency preparedness plan and kit in
the household.
AUDIENCE: Your teacher and other classmates.
SITUATION: The director of the NDRRMC assigned you to design an emergency preparedness plan and kit through an infographic, poster, or collage, which aims to
convince and educate people on the importance of having an emergency preparedness plan and kit in their household.

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Product A: Make an infographic that shows your version of an emergency preparedness plan and kit. You can use Canva, Venngage, Piktochart, MS Word, MS
Powerpoint, or MS Publisher to create your infographic.
Product B: Make a poster in a one whole cartolina or short bond paper that showcases your emergency preparedness plan and kit to serve as an information campaign.
Product C: Make a collage using old magazines or any printed materials to help you develop your emergency plan and kit. Cut-out images must be relevant to the
emergency preparedness plan and kit.

STANDARDS: Your performance is evaluated according to the following:

Rubric for the Infographic, Poster, and Collage

Criteria: Excellent Good Fair Poor Score
The student presents/ is able to portray The student presents/ is able to portray The student presents/ is able to portray The audience cannot understand the
information about his/her chosen information about his/her chosen presentation because there is no
information about his/her chosen product in a logical sequence which product in an illogical manner, making sequence in the information that was
Organization product in a logical, interesting audience can follow. it difficult for the audience to presented. 40%
sequence which audience can follow. understand.

The content includes/conveys a clear, The information is presented with The content does not present a clearly The content lacks a clear point of view.
accurate, current supporting stated purpose, which makes it lack Much of the supporting information is
compelling statement of purpose and
information and shows competence competence. Some of the supporting irrelevant to the overall message and
shows competence. A wide variety of that contributes to understanding the information does not seem to fit the does not show competence. The
supporting information in the video project's main idea. The content main idea or appears as a disconnected viewer is unsure what the message is
Content contributes to understanding the includes/conveys a clear point of view series of scenes with no main unifying because there is little persuasive 40%
with a progression of ideas and idea. information, and only one or two facts
project's main idea.
supporting information. about the topic are articulated.

The product incorporates unique and The product incorporates some unique The product somehow incorporates The product does not incorporate
or imaginative elements. good, although not entirely original creative elements to make the product
pertinent ideas, design elements,
Visual Impact elements. visually appealing. 5%
visuals, or text that make the product
stand out.
Many original ideas in material and Several original ideas in material and Some original ideas in material and Few original ideas in material and
display are evident and stimulate a display are evident and stimulate a display are evident and stimulate a
display are evident and stimulate a
Originality great deal of interest. great deal of interest. great deal of interest. 10%
great deal of interest.

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
The project shows a high sense of The project shows a high sense of The project lacks a sense of The project does not show a sense of
competence, which makes the product competence, which affects the creative competence, which immensely
competence, which makes the product
creative. Several colors and creative aspect of the product. The product lacks affected its creative aspect. There is no
Creativity creative. Various colors and elements were used in the project. colors and other creative elements. unity among the colors and other 5%
embellishments are portrayed in the elements incorporated in the product.


Learning Objectives Content Topic Duration Assessments Strategies Resource Materials

(MELCS) (Values Integration)
At the end of the lesson, the
pupils must have:
A. Processes that shape Offline
 Problem-based learning 
the Earth’s surface Modules
 Formative assessment to be knowledgeable on
a. Weathering and  Worksheets
Describe the changes on the on the underlying the effects of
Erosion concepts of weathering,  Downloaded
Earth’s surface as a result of b. Earthquake and
earthquakes and volcanic
supplementary videos.
earthquakes and volcanic erosion, earthquake and eruption.
volcanic eruption
eruptions. volcanic eruption.  Independent
S6ES - IVa - 1 VALUES investigations to see the Online
6 Hours Online
INTEGRATION  e-resources
 Unscrambling words to extent of earthquake and
Enumerate what to do before,  Self-Confidence  Google Slide
unlock terms and volcanic eruptions in the
during and after earthquake  Sense of community. Presentation
arranging set of words to
and volcanic eruptions. responsibility  Relevant and up to date
derive definition of terms. Online
S6ES - IVb - 2  Self-Discipline articles
 Graded Recitation on the  Direct instruction on the
 Environmental  Downloaded
lesson read and different concepts and
Awareness supplementary videos
elaborated. Problem-based learning
to stimulate relevant
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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
experiences of students
with the topic at hand.
 Self-directed learning on
the different concepts of
 Formative assessment
the lesson. Offline
on the differences of
 Independent  Modules
B. Weather Patterns season, weather, and
climate. investigations to observe  Downloaded
a. Weather
how weather patterns
b. Seasons  Concept mapping on the supplementary videos
through observing the  Concept Map
c. Climate concepts that underlies
weather, season, and
Describe the different seasons VALUES
in the Philippines. INTEGRATION Online
6 Hours Online
S6ES - IVc - 3  Sense of  Direct instruction on the
Online  Google Slide
responsibility concepts of weather,
 Recitation to synthesize Presentation
 Self-discipline season, and climate.
students’ ideas and  E-resources

necessary 
Self-confidence Interactive instruction on
reinforce  Downloaded
 Environmental emergency
inputs. supplementary videos
awareness preparedness plan and
 Processing of Formative
ways to do before a
Assessment to direct
disaster strikes that
students in answering
would direct students in
summative assessment.
making their performance
C. The Earth’s motion Offline Offline
a. Rotation  Creating a comparison  Modules
Differentiate between rotation  Watc videos on how the
b. Revolution chart to breakdown the  Pictures and other
and revolution and describe the Earth rotates and
3 Hours differences of Earth’s representations
effects of the Earth’s motions. revolves.
rotation from revolution.  Chart and Diagrams
*No Code*

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
 Sense of  Interactive discussion to  Interactive discussion on  Google Slide
responsibility process students’ how Earth’s rotation is Presentation
 Self-discipline outputs on the different from revolution.  E-resources
 Self-confidence comparison chart.  Processing of the video  Stellarium Astronomy
watched with regards to Software
the topic.
 Watch videos that Offline
Offline showcases the different  Modules
Compare the planets of the  Creating a flow chart to planets and their related  Pictures and other
solar system. summarize the different composition or structure. representations
S6ES - IVg - h – 6 planets and their  Chart and Diagrams
D. The Solar System composition.
Construct a model of the solar Online
a. Planets in the 5 Hours
system showing the relative  Virtual planetarium to Online
Solar System
sizes of the planets and their further examine the  Google Slide
relative distances from the different composition of Presentation
 Summative assessment
Sun. each planet in the solar  E-resources
on the different planets
S6ES - IVi - j - 7 system and to breakdown  Virtual Planetarium
and their composition. new discoveries made in
the Solar System.
Lecture Total Hours 20 Hours
Laboratory Total Hours 0 Hour
Post Test/ Portfolio 1 Hour
Total Hours for Fourth Grading 21 Hours


Electronic Sources:

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Andrew Rader Studios. (2018). Matter: Definition and Overview.,space%20(it%20has%20volume).

Admin. (2018, July 8). Differences Between Invertebrates And Vertebrates. BYJUS; BYJU’S.

Bagley, M. (2019, August 21). Matter: Definition & the Five States of Matter.; Live Science.

Difference Between Gravity & Friction. (2011). Sciencing.

Friction & Gravity. (2021). 8TH GRADE SCIENCE.

invertebrate | Definition, Characteristics, Examples, Groups, & Facts | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Invertebrate vs Vertebrate - Difference and Comparison | Diffen. (2021).; Diffen.

matter | Definition, Characteristics, States, Examples, & Facts | Britannica. (2021). In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Modeling gravity and friction (article) | Khan Academy. (2020). Khan Academy.


Our Solar System. (2021, February 17). NASA Solar System Exploration.

Planets. (2021, February 19). NASA Solar System Exploration.


Instructor’s Information Diana Lyn G. Tamayo

Instructor’s consultation time Th 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Grading system
Written Works 50%
Performance Tasks/ Reflection 50%
Total 100

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6
Prepared by:
Jay-r P. Daguyen, LPT Subject Teacher, Science Club Adviser 04-25-21
Verified References by:
Jenneth Antonio Librarian August 31, 2021
Checked by: September 14,
Diana Lyn G. Tamayo, LPT Subject Head-Science
Reviewed and Recommending Approval:
Junalyn C. Penrad, M.A. Ed. Assistant Principal 11-21-21

Julius T. Gat-eb, Ph.D. Principal 11-26-21

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LESSCI 6 ( 5 hours per Course Description: Version No. 01
Effectivity: SY 2021-2022 Date Revised: August
week) SCIENCE 6

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