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TEST 11 Infinitive - Gerund

1. He admitted ___ the car but denied ___ it by himself. 18. We stopped at the motorway services ___ something to eat.
A) stealing / doing B) to steal / doing A) to get B) to have got C) was getting
C) stealing / to do D) to steal / to do D) get E) got
E) stealing / to be done
19. I’m not really interested in ___ to the University.
2. How do you feel if someone laughs at you? I hate people ___ at A) go B) went C) going
me. D) being gone E) have gone
A) laughed B) laughing C) being laughed
D) to be laughed E) to be laughing 20. This article is worth ___ .
A) reading B) read C) to read
3. We often hear her ___ at concerts. D) has read E) will read
A) sings B) singing C) sang
D) to sing E) have sung 21. They have got enough money ___ to the cinema.
A) go B) having gone C) to have gone
4. Mother wants him ___ to the country during the summer. D) to go E) going
A) goes B) go C) to go
D) will go E) went 22. I saw him ___ a newspaper.
A) to read B) to have read C) reading
5. ___ many books on history helps school children to get knowledge D) to be reading E) having read
about the past of different nations.
A) read B) reads C) has read 23. Watch me ___ the fence.
D) will read E) reading A) jumping B) jumped C) to jump
D) had jumped E) did jump
6. As well as ___ I like ___ .
A) running/walking B) run/walk C) run/walked 24. She decided ___ to Spain for her holidays.
D) running/walked E) run/to walk A) to go B) go C) goes
D) to be going E) to have gone
7. The man ___ the newspaper is my brother.
A) read B) reads C) has read 25. In winter he spends much time in the mountains, he is fond of
D) reading E) will read ___ .
A) to skate B) skated C) skating
8. It is very pleasant ___ in the river on hot days in the summers. D) to be skated E) having skated
A) bathe B) bathing C) bathed
D) to bathe E) having bathed 26. The street was full of people ___ and ___ home.
A) laughed / gone B) laughing / going
9. He warmed himself by ___ hot tea. C) having laughed / go D) to laugh / to go
A) drinking B) drank C) drunk E) to be laughed / going
D) to drink E) is drinking
27. ___ a foreign language you can ___ great opportunities in your
10. It’s very pleasant ___ on the beach in summer. life.
A) lie B) to lie C) lay A) know / have B) knowing / to have
D) lain E) lying C) knowing / have D) knows / having
E) knowing / having
11. -I hope my dream will come true this year.
-And what do you dream of? 28. On ___ the classroom the teacher asked to the pupil on duty,
-Oh, I dream of ___ a law school and ___ a lawyer. “Who is absent?”
A) to enter / to become B) enter / become A) entering B) entered C) to enter
C) entering / becoming D) entered / become D) be entering E) being entered
E) to enter / becoming
29. Working in the garden it is pleasant ___ to music.
12. He sat in the arm-chair ___ a newspaper. A) listening B) listened C) to listen
A) read B) reads C) reading D) after listening E) having listened
D) had read E) is read
30. You are lucky you have not got a child ___ .
13. ___ English is the best way of ___ it. A) to look after B) should look after
A) speak / learn B) speaking / learning C) looking after D) having looked after
C) to speak / to learn D) spoke / learning E) is looking after
E) speak / learning
31. She saw the girl ___ in the yard.
14. She dreams of her son’s ___ a director of the company. A) playing B) on playing C) played
A) becoming B) is becoming C) become D) to play E) was playing
D) became E) was becoming
32. He usually left us without ___ a word.
15. Why didn’t you try ___ yourself a job? A) to say B) saying C) said
A) found B) have found C) finding D) say E) having been said
D) to find E) to be found
33. I’m fond of ___ in the river.
16. We watched the coastline ___ slowly. A) have swum B) swam C) swim
A) recede B) to recede C) recedes D) swimming E) having swum
D) have receded E) receded
34. The aim of the exhibition is ___ experience.
17. Nobody heard her ___ English. A) to be exchanged B) exchanged
A) spoke B) speaks C) speak C) to have exchanged D) to exchange
D) was speaking E) had spoken. E) being exchanged

Book 1 Part C 136 Infinitive - Gerund

35. The horse ___ the race ___ the winner of the same event two years 52. The girl ___ in the yard asked me the time.
ago. A) play B) to play C) played
A) led / was B) leading / is C) leading / was D) playing E) was playing
D) to lead / was E) leads / being
53. The emperor thought of ___ his state powerful.
36. His mother was against his ___ football. A) becoming B) become C) became
A) play B) was playing C) played D) having become E) had become
D) to play E) playing
54. Mother was anxious ___ her family.
37. Miss Benson was looking forward to ___ the title role in the new A) to see B) seeing C) to be seen
play. D) having seen E) being seen
A) play B) playing C) to be played
D) played E) being played 55. I can’t help ___ you about it.
A) to tell B) telling C) having told
38. Pete likes ___ . His dream is to visit Japan. D) having been told E) being told
A) painting B) reading C) writing
D) traveling E) swimming 56. Many builders and engineers from other republics began ___ to
build new houses in Moscow in 1995.
39. My friends need ___ English A) helping B) would help C) helped
A) learns B) to learn D) shall help E) having helped
C) to have learned D) to be learned
E) having learned 57. I have never heard him ___ French.
A) to speak B) speaking C) spoken
40. When I came into the room she stopped ___ T.V. D) being spoken E) to have spoken
A) watching B) watch C) watched
D) on watching E) watches 58. Nobody expected him ___ Lola.
A) marry B) married C) to marry
41. Which of the boys ___ in the yard is Ted? D) will marry E) would marry
A) play B) played C) plays
D) is playing E) playing 59. This holiday is worth ___ .
A) celebrates B) celebrated C) celebrating
42. We saw them ___ the street. D) have celebrated E) to celebrate
A) crossed B) crossing C) will cross
D) had crossed E) will be crossing 60. Frank is in hospital. He feels bad. He has to give up ___ and ___
beer. But he can’t. He says to his wife, ‘’Would you mind ___
43. It’s never too late ___ . some cigarettes next time?”
A) being learned B) not to learn C) learned A) smoking / to drink / bringing
D) learning E) to learn B) to smoke / drinking / bringing
C) smoking / drank / bringing
44. The girls ___ in the garden are my sisters. D) smoking / drinking / bringing
A) played B) to play C) playing E) to smoke / to drink / to bring
D) on playing E) are playing
61. Ernest Hemingway was fond of ___ books.
45. I like ___ the people happy. A) read B) to read C) reading
A) to have made B) made C) making D) be read E) to be read
D) having made E) being made
62. Turn on the radio. I want ___ to the news.
46. Besides ___ I like ___ swimming competitions. A) listen B) listening C) to listen
A) swimming / to watch B) to swim / to watch D) listened E) have been listened
C) swimming / watched D) to swim / watching
E) swimming / watch 63. How do you feel if someone interrupts you?I hate people ___
47. Tom wants to read a book but Susan makes him ___ something in A) interrupted B) to be interrupted
the paper. It’s an advertisement for a better job. She wants him C) not to interrupt D) having interrupted
___ for this job. E) interrupting
A) to read / to apply B) to read / apply
C) read / to apply D) reading / apply 64. After ___ my work I’ll join you.
E) to read / applying A) finish B) to finish C) have finished
D) finishing E) finished
48. She left the room without ___ good bye.
A) say B) saying C) to say 65. Please, try ___ quiet, everyone is sleeping.
D) said E) on saying A) be B) to be C) being
D) having been E) been
49. The friends spoke of their ___ together.
A) to go B) going C) gone 66. He enjoyed ___ .
D) is going E) on going A) singing B) sing C) was singing
D) to sing E) sung
50. If your plane has crashed high in the mountains, it’s best ___ close to
the plane. Rescuers have got a better chance of ___ the plane than 67. The man ___ in the garden is listening to music.
one person alone. A) work B) is working C) working
A) to keep / finding B) keeping / found D) to work E) worked
C) kept / to have found D) kept / not to find
E) keeping / being found 68. ___ the article we began ___ it.
A) reading / discuss B) having read / discussing
51. Robert saw the doctor ___ the patient. C) to read / to discuss D) read / discussing
A) to examine B) to have examined E) reading / discussed
C) having examined D) being examined
E) examine

Book 1 Part C 137 Infinitive - Gerund

69. The man ___ a cigarette is Tom’s cousin. 87. He remembered he was going to buy a new suit ___ the shop.
A) smoked B) to smoke C) smoking A) pass B) passes C) to pass
D) have smoked E) had smoked D) passing E) will pass

70. I study English again, because ___ a foreign language is very 88. ___ for better future many Asians leave their native countries ___ to
important. Europe.
A) speak B) spoken C) having spoken A) hope / move B) hoping / moves
D) speaking E) spoke C) hoped / moving D) hoping / moving
E) hope / moving
71. I like your ___ English.
A) speak B) speaking C) was spoken 89. She tried to be serious but she couldn’t help ___ .
D) have spoken E) having spoken A) to laugh B) laughing C) laughed
D) laugh E) having laughed
72. Instead of ___ for Olga at home I decided ___ her in the street.
A) to wait / to meet B) waiting / to meet 90. Would you mind ___ the door, please?
C) waiting / meeting D) to wait / to meet A) to close B) being closed C) closing
E) wait / meeting D) close E) closed

73. They looked at the ___ plane. 91. She has nobody ___ to.
A) flying B) flown C) flew A) talked B) to talk C) talk
D) being flown E) having been flown D) talks E) is talking

74. ___ the language he couldn’t understand the question. 92. I enjoy ___ in the garden at week-ends.
A) know B) knows C) not to know A) work B) to work C) to be working
D) known E) not knowing D) working E) worked

75. Which of these four young men ___ by the fire is your son? 93. He is an artistic person - very good at ___ poetry.
A) sitting B) sit C) will sit A) to write B) to be written
D) sits E) sat C) having written D) write
E) writing
76. We expect him ___ tomorrow.
A) arrived B) to arrive C) to have arrived 94. ___ in Geneva for many years he knew the city well.
D) to be arrived E) having arrived A) Living B) Lived C) Being lived
D) To live E) Have lived
77. They sat up all night ___ .
A) talk B) talked C) talking 95. Captain was the last ___ the ship.
D) to be talked E) to have talked A) leaving B) is leaving C) on leaving
D) to leave E) left
78. The young man didn’t stop ___ although I asked him twice.
A) is smoking B) smoked C) smoking 96. I don’t mind ___ .
D) smoked E) to smoke A) to walk B) be walking
C) walking D) having been walked
79. He introduced me to an acquaintance ___ that I did not know her. E) to have walked
A) to believe B) believing
C) to have believed D) of believing 97. If you are lost in a snow storm it’s best ___ a hole and sit in it until
E) not to believe it stops ___ .
A) digging / snowing B) dig / snowed
80. I hope ___ you this evening. C) to dig / snowed D) digging / snowed
A) to see B) to be seen C) have seen E) to dig / snowing
D) see E) seen

81. I am thankful for his ___ in time.

A) came B) come C) to have come
D) coming E) to come

82. I remember the day when you took me aboard of your ship to
help you in ___ the shark.
A) hunt B) to hunt C) hunting
D) hunted E) having hunted

83. But the beaver went on ___ lace.

A) to make B) make C) made
D) making E) have made

84. ___ with you is real pleasure.

A) talked B) is talking C) on talking
D) talking E) talks

85. What time do you come to the office?

-Usually at 9, but tomorrow I’ll have to be there a bit earlier ___
through some documents.
A) looking B) looked C) to be looking
D) to look E) to be looked

86. We knew nothing of his ___ a student.

A) being B) be C) been
D) to be E) to have been

Book 1 Part C 138 Infinitive - Gerund

TEST 12 Passive voice
1. The Remembrance Day and the Veteran’s Day ___ on the 11th of 13. All the business letters ___ yesterday. They ___ to the post
November every year. office immediately.
A) celebrated B) are celebrated A) answered / take
C) will be celebrated D) was celebrated B) were answered / took
E) is celebrated C) are answered / were taken
D) answered / took
2. I hope that the truth ___ very soon. E) were answered / were taken
A) will find out B) will be finding out
14. The special information ___ in an hour or so, that’s why it ___ in
C) is found out D) will be found out
the newspapers yesterday.
E) shall find out
A) brings / didn’t publish
3. Everything ___ before you came. B) will bring / don’t publish
C) will be brought / wasn’t published
A) is done B) was done
D) will be brought / didn’t publish
C) has done D) had been done
E) brought / wasn’t published
E) has been done
15. Houses ___ very quickly now.
4. -Did the company test the equipment yesterday?
-Yes it _____. A) builds B) are building
C) built D) are built
A) has tested B) had been tested
E) were built
C) had tested D) was tested
E) tested.
16. In 1834 the Houses of Parliament with the exception of
Westminster Hall ___ by fire, they ___ later.
5. People go to the tomb of the Unknown Soldier to stand in silence
for a minute to honor the memory of those who ___ in wars. A) destroyed / was rebuilt
B) was being destroyed / rebuilt
A) is killed B) will be killed
C) were destroyed /were rebuilt
C) was killed D) are killed
D) is destroyed / has been rebuilt
E) were killed
E) destroys / rebuilds
6. The sports competitions which ___ on Sunday ___ by a lot of
17. You can’t use this textbook now. It ___ by your friend.
A) takes B) has been taken
A) are held / will be visited
C) took D) were taken
B) was held / will visit
E) had taken
C) will held / will visit
D) have been held / have visited
18. Many modern apartments ___ in Berlin since 1980.
E) will be held / will be visited
A) are built B) are building
7. The inspector is not in the town. He ___ to another place some C) were built D) have been built
days ago. E) has been built
A) was sent B) sent
19. The new film ___ in all the big theatres of the city.
C) will be sent D) will send
E) sends A) is demonstrated B) was being demonstrated
C) is being demonstrated D) would be demonstrated
8. This story ___ to everybody as the name of the first space pioneer E) had been demonstrated
___ in the heart of people all over the world.
20. Nobody likes ___ for at night.
A) knows / lives B) knew / lived
C) is known / is lived D) is known / lives A) be sent B) is sent
E) knows / is lived C) was sent D) to be sent
E) sent
9. The business letter ___ just ___ .
21. I ___ that I ___ at the station at 5.
A) is / written B) has / been written
C) was / written D) were / written A) was told / should be met B) told / is being met
E) is / going to write C) tells / am met D) am told / was met
E) will be told / would be met
10. Business letters ___ usually on special forms.
22. Heroes ___ by people because they served their people and
A) will be written B) are written
their country.
C) are being written D) is written
E) write A) is remembered B) was remembered
C) are remembered D) had been remembered
11. Sometimes a lot of guests ___ to his birthday party. E) would be remembered
A) had invited B) was invited
23. By the time we came to the bookshop all books ___
C) were inviting D) are invited
E) is inviting A) are sold B) were sold
C) had been sold D) are being sold
12. The business letters ___ tomorrow. E) is being sold
A) are sent B) is sent
24. Don’t touch the door, it ___ just ___ .
C) will be sent D) will send
E) would be sent A) is / being painted B) has / been painted
C) is / painted D) will / be painted
E) would / be painted

Book 1 Part C 139 Passive voice

25. Scientific articles ___ often ___ in this paper. 38. A woman’s work ___ never done.
A) to be / published B) are / being published A) are B) is
C) are / published D) have / published C) will D) would
E) are / publish E) were

26. The fugitive ___ from prison to prison in Germany until he ___ in 39. Last Monday I received a telegram ___ by my sister on the 1st of
prison in 1944. May.
A) transferred / killed A) sending B) to send
B) was transferred / was killed C) had sent D) sent
C) is transferred / was killed E) was sent
D) has been transferred / has been killed
E) will be transferred / was killed 40. “I ___ the test yet today,” said Ann.
A) wasn’t given B) hadn’t been given
27. I ___ a card to the club and in the afternoon I went there to play
C) am not given D) haven’t been given
E) have been given
A) had been given B) were given
C) was given D) have given 41. I ___ about my father’s death before my mother.
E) was giving
A) is told B) shall be told
C) had been told D) were told
28. I hope this book ___ .
E) have been told
A) will find B) will be found
C) found D) were found 42. Someone wrote this report last week. This report ___ last week.
E) had been found
A) is written B) was written
C) has been written D) had been written
29. ___ about this film tomorrow.
E) would be written
A) It is an article B) He said
C) I shall be asked D) Bob liked to tell 43. Finally he decided to come back and live in the house of his
E) He couldn’t parents which ___ by his aunt.
A) kept B) was kept
30. New schools ___ in our city every year.
C) are kept D) were kept
A) is built B) are to be built E) keeps
C) will build D) are built
E) have built 44. The people next door disappeared 6 months ago. They ___ since
31. A liar ___ when he speaks the truth.
A)aren’t seen B) haven’t been seen
A) don’t believe B) isn’t believed C) weren’t seen D) weren’t being seen
C) believed D) believe E) aren’t being seen
E) didn’t believe
45. It is winter. Everything ___ with snow.
32. The doctor ___ just ___ for.
A) is covered B) covered
A) is / sent B) was / sent C) were covered D) will cover
C) has / sent D) has / been sent E) are covered
E) will / be sent
46. The men ___ after the explosion.
33. This year a very beautiful theatre ___ in our city.
A) are said to be arrested
A) built B) was built B) said to be arrested
C) has been built D) had been built C) are said to being arrested
E) has built D) are said to have been arrested
E) are said to arrest
34. The Great Expectations ___ by Charles Dickens.
47. -”Did someone throw those letters away?”
A) were written B) is written
-”Yes, but it was a mistake. They ___ away.”
C) wrote D) are written
E) was written A) mustn’t be thrown
B) shouldn’t be thrown
35. In 1969 two manned spaceships ___ into space from the first C) shouldn’t have been thrown
space station. D) can’t be thrown
E) need to be thrown
A) launch B) launched
C) launches D) were launching
48. A.: Was there any trouble at the yesterday’s demonstration?
E) were launched
B.: Yes, about twenty people ___ .
36. We can’t get there in time. By the time we get there the papers A) had been arrested B) arrested
___ . C) were being arrested D) were arrested
E) are arrested
A) will be destroyed B) would be destroyed
C) will have been destroyed D) are destroyed
49. Mike didn’t have his car yesterday. It ___ at the station.
E) have been destroyed
A) was serviced B) were serviced
37. This school ___ next year. C) had serviced D) had been serviced
E) is serviced
A) will close B) is closed
C) will be closed D) was closed
E) would be closed

Book 1 Part C 140 Passive voice

50. You can’t come in. She ___ for the TV. 63. A lot of books by this writer ___ into many languages of the
A) is interviewed B) interviews
C) is being interviewed D) was interviewed A) translated B) is translated
E) has been interviewed C) were translated D) has been translated
E) had been translated
51. I had an unpleasant feeling that I ___ .
64. The great English scientist Isaac Newton ___ not far from
A) watched B) was watched
C) have been watched D) was being watched
E) will be watched A) born B) is born
C) are born D) were born
52. He’ll finish the job tomorrow. The job ___ E) was born
A) is finished B) would be finished
65. May Day ___ in Great Britain with singing and dancing round a
C) will be finished D) will finish
E) was finished
A) celebrate B) celebrated
53. After a thorough examination the patient ___ home. C) is celebrated D) is celebrating
E) has celebrated
A) was sent B) were sent
C) are sent D) to send
66. He ate everything that ___ on the table.
E) sends
A) is leaving B) was left
54. I ___ for shopping yesterday. C) were left D) is left
A) is sent B) was sent E) are left
C) am sent D) are sent
E) has been sent 67. He made a rush at the door without realizing it ___ by me earlier.
A) locks B) is locked
55. How much money ___ yesterday?
C) was locked D) am locking
A) is stolen B) stole E) had been locked
C) will steal D) will be stolen
E) was stolen

56. Ron Glib is a successful journalist. He ___ a big salary and his
articles ___ in newspaper. He ___ all over the world to write
about world events.
A) pays/publish/sends
B) paid/are published/isn’t sent
C) was paid/published/shall be sent
D) is paid/are published/is sent
E) will play/weren’t published/sent

57. This work ___ tomorrow.

A) is finished B) was finished
C) had finished D) have been finished
E) will be finished

58. The delegation ___ at the station by the students yesterday.

A) meet B) is met
C) have been met D) was met
E) are met

59. Today acupuncture ___ effectively in our country.

A) were used B) are used
C) is used D) has been used
E) had used

60. Some scrap metal ___ and ___ in the school yard by the evening
last Sunday.
A) was gathered/heaped
B) has been gathered/heaped
C) will be gathered/heaped
D) had been gathered/heaped
E) would be gathered/heaped

61. The first coins in America ___ in 1752. They were not regular in
A) are made B) made
C) were made D) was made
E) is made

62. Many magnificent palaces and museums ___ in our city lately.
A) have built B) has built
C) has been built D) have been built
E) were built

Book 1 Part C 141 Passive voice

TEST 13 Indirect speech
1. The teacher promised ___ . 10. “Don’t play in the street!”
A) that we can learn three English songs. A) My mother told me don’t play in the street.
B) if we learn three English songs. B) My mother said to play in the street.
C) we would learn three English songs. C) She asked me to play in the street.
D) whether we would learn three English songs. D) My mother told me not to play in the street.
E) who will learn three English songs. E) My mother said I should play in the street.

2. Bill: “Have you seen any interesting comedy lately, Nancy?” 11. Ann: “Is your sister good at English?”
Bill asked Nancy ___ . Ann asked me ___ .
A) if he will see an interesting film A) that my sister is good at English
B) if he saw an interesting comedy lately B) if my sister was good at English
C) what comedy Nancy saw lately C) whether my sister is good at English
D) if she had seen any interesting comedy lately D) my sister is good at English
E) if she would see an interesting comedy E)her sister was good at English
3. Nick: “Did you see a bird in the tree?” 12. Tom: “Don’t forget to bring my book, Ann”.
Nick wonders ___ in the tree. Tom asked Ann: ___ .
A) if I saw a bird. A) that she didn’t forget to bring his book
B) that I saw a bird. B) that she doesn’t bring his book
C) if I had seen a bird. C) not to forget to bring his book
D) whether I see a bird. D) not to forget to bring her book
E) if I have seen a bird. E) if she didn’t forget to bring the book
4. Dick to Lucy: Have you received my telegram ? 13. Mother: “We are going to have supper”.
Dick asked if ___ . Mother says ___ .
A) Lucy had received his telegram. A) they are going to have supper
B) Lucy has received his telegram B) they were going to have supper
C) Lucy would receive his telegram C) that they would have supper
D) Lucy will receive his telegram D) they won’t have supper
E) Lucy received his telegram E) they haven’t had supper yet
5. Ann: Write down my address. 14. Jack said: “I was at home yesterday.”
Ann asked me ___ . Jack said ___ .
A) he wrote down my address A) he was at home.
B) to write down her address B) Jack said he was at home the day before
C) he had written her address C) he will be at home.
D) she writes down her address D) he had been at home a week ago.
E) she wrote down his address E) he had been at home the day before.
6. He said, “I’m very busy today.” 15. “Do you go in for sports?”, he asked.
He said ___ . He asked ___ .
A) he had been very busy that day A) he went in for sports.
B) he is very busy today B) if I went in for sports.
C) he was very busy that day C) if I’ll go in for sports.
D) I’m very busy today D) I should go in for sports.
E) I had been very busy that day E) if I had gone in for sports.

7. Lena said, “Where have you been yesterday?” 16. “Will Tom help me?” she said.
Lena asked ___ . She asked ___ .
A) where she had been the day before. A) will Tom help her
B) where she had been yesterday. B) if Tom would help her
C) where she was the day before. C) whether he will help her
D) where she could be the day before. D) whether would he help her
E) where she hasn’t been before. E) that Tom would be helping her

8. He thought: “What am I going to do?” 17. Peter said, “Alice, are you busy now?”
He thought ___ . Peter asked Alice ___ .

A) what was he going to do A) she was busy.

B) what he was going to do B) if she was busy then.
C) what he is going to do C) she would be busy.
D) it he was going to do D) if she wasn’t busy then.
E) what is he going to do E) if she is busy.
18. My sister said: “I hope we shall go on an excursion to the lake”.
9. Mother asked me ___ . My sister said that ___ on an excursion to the lake”.
A) why I have spent all the money A) she hopes we will go
B) that I had spent all the money B) she didn’t hope that we shall go
C) if I had spent all the money C) she hoped they would go
D) when I spend all the money D) she hoped we were going
E) if I will spend all the money E) she hoped we can go

Book 1 Part C 142 Indirect speech

19. Jim and Julia have been in the restaurant for an hour and they 29. The director wondered ___ .
have not been served yet. Julia is angry. “You said ___ a good
A) if I know English.
B) If I knew English.
A) it is B) it has been C) he knows English.
C) it will be D) it was D) how I know English.
E) it can’t be E) who has known English.
20. “Did you work at a factory 3 years ago?” she asked her friend. 30. Mary says “I clean my room every day.”
She asked her friend if she ___ . Mary says that ___ .
A) worked at a factory 3 years ago. A) I clean her room every day.
B) had worked at a factory 3 years before. B) she cleans my room every day.
C) really worked at a factory 3 years before. C) she cleaned her room every day.
D) work at a factory. D) she cleans her room every day.
E) worked at a factory for 3 years. E) her room was cleaned every day.
21. She said she ___ her friend for ages. 31. - “Have you seen my daughter?” a woman is asking her neighbor.
A) didn’t B) hadn’t seen A woman is asking her neighbor ___ her daughter.
C) hasn’t seen D) doesn’t see A) has she seen
E) saw B) have I seen
C) if she has seen
22. He asked her “Did anybody call this morning?” D) if they have seen
He asked her ___ . E) have you seen
A) if anybody called this morning
B) if somebody had called that morning 32. He ___ me if I ___ a taxi yesterday.
C) if somebody called that morning A) will ask / takes
D) who called that morning B) ask / take
E) had called anybody that morning C) is asking / shall take
D) asked / had taken
23. Teacher: “Tom, read the story, please”. E) will ask / take
Teacher asked Tom ___ .
A) to read the story 33. She asked in surprise ___ .
B) read the story A) if he had really read all the books
C) that he reads it B) if this is what her mother buys her
D) whether he reads the story C) if the cafe is still open
E) it he read the story D) whether I have already read his article
E) did she caused much trouble
24. He said “I met him in 1950”.
He said ___ . 34. The doctor asked his nurse ___ .
A) I met him in 1950 A) when is she going to give the medicine to the
B) he had been met by him in 1950 B) if she would come in time the following day
C) he used to meet him in 1950 C) if the patient prepared for the operation
D) he had met him in 1950 D) if the tests are ready for applicants
E) he was meeting him in 1950 E) when the patient feels asleep tell me
25. Jane asked Bob: “What did you buy yesterday?” 35. They ___ us that they ___ from their families for more than a
Jane asked Bob what ___ . year.
A) he would buy the next day A) tell / were not hearing
B) he bought yesterday B) would be told / hear
C) he had bought the day before C) had told / don’t hear
D) he has just bought D) told / had not heard
E) his friend had already bought E) told / will be hearing
26. He said, “I do not want to see this film”. 36. Teachers always tell their pupils ___ .
He said that ___ .
A) not to cross street when the traffic light is red
A) he did not want to see that film. B) doesn’t cross the road on red traffic light
B) he doesn’t want to see a film. C) don’t ask many questions if they are not
C) he didn’t want to see this film. D) when they come to the lesson
D) he wanted to see that film. E) they helped their parents
E) not to see that film.
37. I wondered ___ .
27. He says “What do the pupils study?”
He asks ___ . A) if the train had come on time
B) had the train come on time
A) what do the pupils study. C) whether the train comes on time
B) what the pupils study. D) if the train will come on time
C) what the pupils studied. E) when the train is due to come
D) what the pupils have studied study.
E) whether the pupils study something. 38. She promised her friends she ___ and ___ them the next day.
28. My mother told me ___ . A) had come / had seen
B) will come / see
A) did not go there. B) that I can go there. C) would come / see
C) not to go there. D) not going there. D) comes / sees
E) let not go there. E) came / saw

Book 1 Part C 143 Indirect speech

39. “You must do what you are told”. 49. He has just said, “I want to speak to you”.
She said ___ . He has just said ___ .
A) that must do what I was told A) he wants to speak to me
B) what have to do what I was told B) he wanted to speak to me
C) what had to do what I was told C) I want to speak to her
D) that she must do what she was told D) he had wanted to speak to me
E) she had to do what she was told E) he will want to speak to me

40. The sergeant said that nothing ___ from the two boys since they 50. Mother told me “Don’t stay out long’’.
___ at the Victoria Station. Mother told me ___ .
A) was heard / saw A) did not stay out long
B) will be heard / were seen B) not to stay out long
C) had been heard / were seen C) that I mustn’t stay out long
D) had heard / saw D) I shouldn’t stay out long
E) would have heard / were seen E) stay out long

41. Nick whispered: “I know that the boys were angry with me”. 51. “Where did they spend the vacation?”
Nick whispered that ___ . Tom said ___ .
A) he knows that the boys were angry with me A) they came back.
B) he knew that the boys were angry with him B) they had spent it at the seaside.
C) he knows that the boys were angry with him C) they were young.
D) I know that the boys were angry with me D) they left for an hour.
E) he knew that the boys had been angry with him E) they have spent it at home.

42. Alice is told: “Clean your teeth twice a day!” 52. The secretary said to the visitor: “ When did you graduate from
Alice is told ___ the University?”
The secretary asked the visitor ___ .
A) clean her teeth twice a day
B) if she cleans her teeth twice a day A) when he graduates from the University.
C) clean your teeth twice a day B) when did he graduate from the University.
D) to clean her teeth twice a day C) when he had graduated from the University.
E) cleaned her teeth twice a day D) when did she graduate from the University.
E) he graduated from the University.
43. I am always asked ___ .
53. What will you do if Jack is out when you come?
A) why am I late B) are you late
She asked me ___ .
C) is he absent D) why was I present
E) if I am on duty A) what would I do if Jack was out when I came
B) what I will do if Jack is out when I come
44. Julia continued, “You said ___ good service.” C) what I would do if Jack was out when I came
D) what Jack would do if I was out when he came
A) you knew the owner and always got
E) what I will do if Jack was out when I came
B) you know the owner and have got
C) you know the owner and get
54. Jane said, “I shall help you.”
D) you know the owner and will get
Jane said ___ .
E) you know the owner and are going to get
A) she helped us B) she will help him
45. Julia continued, “You said ___ .” C) she helps us D) she would help us
E) she had helped us
A) you have been here before
B) you were here yesterday
55. The manager wondered ___ .
C) you will be here tomorrow
D) you are here now A) if the customers’ answer can be positive
E) you had been here before B) if the visitors are coming
C) whether the letters are being posted
46. He wanted to know ___ . D) if the paper has been typed
E) if the secretary had come
A) whether she knows him
B) if she knew him
56. I ___ I ___ her back.
C) that she knew him
D) what she knew him A) thought / would get B) thought / shall get
E) did she know him C) think / had got D) thinks / am get ting
E) doesn’t think / get
47. “When will you be there, Tom?” asked Dan.
Dan asked Tom ___ . 57. The father wondered ___ .
A) when you will be there A) what mark his daughter gets
B) when he will be there B) where the mother is
C) when he would be there C) how his son does at school
D) when his friend would be there D) if his daughter had passed her exams
E) when you would be there E) whether everybody is at home

48. He said to me: “I’ll come as soon as I can”. 58. The teacher asked her pupils ___ .
He told me that ___ .
A) where are their textbooks
A) he came as soon as he would be able B) where their textbooks are
B) he would come as soon as I could C) where their textbooks were
C) he comes as soon as he can D) be quiet, please, listen to me
D) he would come as soon as he could E) why they open the text books
E) I would come as soon as I could

Book 1 Part C 144 Indirect speech

59. I ___ my mother___ want to meet her new son-in-law for the 70. “Were you at the Zoo last night?” asks Jane.
first time in my presence. Jane asks ___ at the Zoo last night.
A) knows / will not B) had known / will not A) that I was B) if I was
C) knew / would not D) know / had not C) if I had been D) if I am
E) shall know / did not E) whether was I

60. The man said:” I have brought all my things “. 71. “Whose birthday is it?” said Jane.
The man said ___ . Jane asked whose birthday ___ .
A) I have brought all his things. A) it is B) it
B) that he had brought all his things. C) it was D) is it
C) he has brought all his things. E) it had been
D) they have brought all his things.
E) that he brought all his things. 72. “Where do you live?” the boy asked.
The boy wanted to know where ___ .
61. “Don’t make so much noise, Michael,” said Ellen.
A) do I live B) did I live
Ellen told Michael ___ so much noise.
C) I live D) I lived
A) to make B) not to make E) I had lived
C) do make D) don’t make
E) didn’t make 73. “Where did you live?” my boss asked.
My boss wanted to know where ___ .
62. A foreigner asked: “How do English people spend their Sundays?”
A) do I live B) did I live
A foreigner asked how ___ their Sundays.
C) I live D) I had lived
A) do English people spend E) I lived
B) did English people spend
C) English people spent 74. “I spoke to Jane last week,” she said.
D) English people spend She said ___ .
E) had English people spent
A) I spoke to Jane last week.
B) she had spoken to Jane last week.
63. The film director was asked ___ .
C) she had spoken to Jane a week before.
A) if he likes to play on grass D) I had spoken to Jane a week before.
B) which airline he works for E) she spoke to Jane a week before.
C) if he had ever won an Oscar
D) that he took part in the concert 75. “Don’t wait for me, Ann,” said Tom.
E) why he is nervous before the match Tom told Ann ___ .
A) to wait for him B) not to wait for him
64. The police officer asked us ___ .
C) didn’t wait for him D) don’t wait for him
A) are we going that way E) if she waited for him
B) where we were going
C) when did the tram stop 76. The manager asks the secretary ___ .
D) if could we stop at the traffic light
A) if Mr. Smith would be busy at little next day
E) whether we speak English
B) if Mr. Smith will be busy at 11 tomorrow
C) if Mr. Smith had been busy at 11
65. He said that ___ .
D) has Mr. Smith been busy by 11 today
A) his friend is learning English E) will Mr. Smith be busy at 11 tomorrow
B) our classroom will be cleaned tomorrow
C) they were going to the nearest post-office 77. He was sure that he ___ this time.
D) his car was stolen a few weeks ago
A) will fail B) wouldn’t fail
E) there is nothing to do
C) fails D) failed
E) will not fail
66. He said to her, “Don’t enter the room”.
He ordered her ___ the room.
78. “Can you open the door for me, my son?” asked an old woman.
A) not to enter B) to enter An old woman asked a young ___ the door for her.
C) didn’t enter D) doesn’t enter
A) can he open B) he opens
E) do not enter
C) does he open D) if he can open
E) to open
67. “How far do I have to walk?” she asked me.
She wanted to know how far ___ to walk.
79. She said, “I lost the key of my room.”
A) she had B) she has She said that ___ .
C) I have D) I had A) she had lost the key of her room
E) she will have B) she lost the key of my room
C)I had lost the key of my room
68. She told him that she ___ to see him the following DAY. D) I lose the key of my room
E) she lost the key of the room
A) will come B) come
C) came D) would come
80. I asked Nelly, “What are you looking for?”
E) comes
I asked Nelly what ___ looking for.
69. “Did you sleep well?” I asked him. A) are you B) she was
I asked him if ___ well. C) were you D) was she
E) she is
A) he sleeps B) he slept
C) he had slept D) you slept
E) you did sleep

Book 1 Part C 145 Indirect speech

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