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Advanced Vocabulary MCQ Practice

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The VCTV tries to ______ for all tastes

with its 4 national programs.
Choose the best options!
 cater
1. She was __________ to discover that she
had won first prize in the competition.  suit

 excited  furnish

 lucky  regard

 astonished 7. Mr.Nixon refused to answer the questions

on the ________ that the matter was
 nervous confidential.
2. Cheese and spinach pie a traditional  reasons
Greek _____.
 excuses
 cuisine
 grounds
 food
 foundations
 course
8-9. Choose best options to replace
 dish underline words
3. - “Were you told to get dinner ready?” 8. Zaleha’s parents were against to her going
- “ No, I did it of my own __________. out alone at night.
 desire  rejected
 accord  rebuked
 idea  refused
 will  objected
4. Many countries in Asia still rely on rice as 9. The fact that he would have to stay at the
the ________ food. deserted old mansion all night filled him
with terror.
 staple
 appalled him
 scared him
 superior
 amazed him
 winning
 astounded him
5. John’s poor workmanship was the
________ among his colleagues in the 10. __________ me of stealing your wallet
workplace. is ridiculous, because I wasn’t even
anywhere near you.
 talk of the town
 Incriminating
 toast of the town
 Accusing
 company town
 Censuring
 only game in town
 Impeaching 16. I was _________ during the negotiations
11. The situation is analogous _______ the and did not know what was going on.
one we had faced last year.  out of the loop
 for  out of the question
 in  out of the blue
 from  out of work
 to 17. Caged animals often have a ______ and
12. Demand for the products is expected to wistful look in their eyes.
peak 5 years from now and then to  remembering
________  longing
 taper off  thinking
 fall down  regretting
 set back 18. This kind of music is pleasant _______
 drift away the ear.
13. Once again poor Colin has been  to
_______ for promotion.  for
 stood by  with
 passed over  on
 locked out 19. We are now in the dry season: many
 struck off areas of land need_________
14. Having been selected to represent the  conserving
Association of American Engineers at the  watering
international convention,
_____________________.  draining
 the members applauded him  irrigating
 he gave a short acceptance speech 20. Sometimes quite small and _______
events can cause friends to quarrel.
 a speech had to be given by him
 minor
 the members congratulated him
 different
15. ________ at the age of 80, the
Florentines gave him a statue funeral.  trivial
 On dying  slight
 Having died 21. The widespread use of pesticides and
herbicides has led to ______ groundwater in
 Dead many parts of the world.
 On his death  corruption
 infection  come up to
 poisoning 27. Mr Discontent wanted to complain to the
 contamination waiter but was afraid of making a(n)______.

22. If no one _______ to the plan, we will  act

start to put it into effect next week.  drama
 minds  play
 avoids  scene
 objects 28. He criticised her in the meeting and I’m
 argues afraid she’s really taken it to _______

23. Many companies know that attractive  heart

_______ can persuade customers to buy  brain
their goods.  mind
 packs  chest
 packets 29. The football player was badly injured
 package that they had to bring on a _________ and
 packaging carry him off the football pitch.

24. Although this wine is quite cheap, it’s  bed

very ____  hammock
 drunk  stretcher
 drinking  bunk
 drank 30. The steak looked tender, but it was as
 drinkable tough as _______

25. The hero of this movie is an _______  old boots

figure. He does not exist in the real life.  rubber
 imaginative  a saddle
 imaginable  a belt
 imagining 31. Juliet Capulet is the famous ______ in
 imaginary William Shakespeare's romantic tragedy
Romeo and Juliet.
26. The new system didn’t ______ our
expectations.  character

 catch up with  heroine

 bring about  idol

 come across  cast

32. The play has incurred the _______ of 38. There is a growing ______that we can’t
both audiences and critics. go on polluting the atmosphere.
 wraths RECOGNIZE_____________________
 wrath 39. Due to the severe starvation, many
 angers villagers were ______.

 irritation ROOT ___________________________

>incur wrath/anger of sb 40. Thousands of ______ are fleeing the war

in the north.
33. As an introvert, I have a tendency to
_____ my heart. emigrants

 make up  employees

 wear  escapees

 keep  refugees

 save 41. They arrived so late for the meal that the
food was _________.
34. Having believed in his ability, the boss
turned out to be so irritated when he only  dried
made generalizations ____ the company’s  hard
plan in the last meeting.  spoilt
 about  lost
 of 42. The accused man was able to prove his
 with innocence at the trial and was ________.
 at  absolved
>make generalizations about sth  acquitted
35-39. Word formation  forgiven
35. Although having acknowledged his  pardoned
fault, he did not seem to be _________ at 43. Many people without jobs have to live
all. _____ the breadline.
APOLOGY ____________________  in
36. The pain in my arm was __________.  on
DESCRIBE ____________________  after
37. His strange behaviour in the meeting last  by
night was so _________ that no one could
understand. 44. She _______ affection from her children
but they neglected her shamefully.
EXPLAIN _______________________
 yearned
 craved
 hungered Choose the word/phrase that needs correction

 desired 50. It concerns many sociologists that

inadequate parents skills may lead to an
45. I’ve got such a ______ headache that I
increase in the number of incidents of
can’t concentrate on the lecture.
juvenile delinquency.
 beating
 concerns
 drumming
 parents skills
 hammering
 incidents
 throbbing
 juvenile delinquency
46. Mary got a feeling that Tom liked her,
51. The old house was _____ - furnished
but she soon realized that was just________.
and we had to buy almost everything new.
 pinky thought
 thinly
 wishful thinking
 midly
 blessing thoughts
 rarely
 imaginary thinking
 sparsely
47. Anna usually buys her clothes ______ as
52. It’s never a good idea to _____ your
it’s cheaper than going to a dressmaker.
hopes on winning the lottery.
 off the peg
 pin
 in public
 raise
 on the shelf
 dash
 on the house
 abandon
48. With price increases on most necessities,
53. The launching of the Soviet Sputnik in
many people have to for fear of tighten their
1957 _____ a subsequent space race with
belt getting into financial difficulties.
the US.
 spend money freely
 blew up
 save on daily expenses
 finished off
 dress in loose clothes
 touched off
 put on tighter belts
 wrapped up
49. It is advisable that the apprentice should
54. Despite the fog, we’re able to discern a
be ______ to learn the ins and outs of the
______ of cottages in the distance.
new job.
 cluster
 observant
 clutter
 acceptable
 congregation
 noticeable
 constellation
 permissive
55. We need to use that glass because we are 60. Yolida Watane is respected around the
a cup ______. world for her ______ in streamlining and
 few restructuring large, bureaucractic
 expertise
 less
 dominance
 contribution
56. On Sunday, Dan studied for hours
_______ to review for the next day exam.  emphasis

 at once 61. Although the number of exports is

declining, the country’s overall economic
 on end ________ is very encouraging.
 in full  tenant
in total  tariff
57. Prof.Silver was a most effective speaker  forfeit
and his audience seemed to _____ on his
every word.  forecast

 catch 62. Waiting outside the examination room, I

trembled with _________.
 cling
 comprehension
 hang
 expectation
 hold
 apprehension
58. All members of the management team
said that they had never seen the team’s  tension
______ so low. 63. The Sun is a newspaper with a _______
 privilege of over three million.

 system  distribution

 crate  circulation

 morale  consumption

59. The maintenance worker is _________  sale

optimistic that he can finish the repair work 64. I wish the papers weren’t always so full
in the looby by tomorrow afternoon. of ______ about the royal family.
 cautiously  gossip
 evenly  rumour
 shortly  slander
 capably  chat
>> cautious optimism [collocation]
65. A rude student _____ his tongue out at 70. The curator _______ donations from
the teacher in front of many students in the local businesses and community
class. organizations to help restore the local
 put museum.

 stuck  inferred

 showed  solicited

 took  forwarned

66. Do you know what ______ the BBC  created

News is on? 71. The crew is so maddened by the pay cuts
 line that everyone is _______ mutiny.

 dial . on the brink of

 station  in the verge of

 frequency  on the edge of

67. _______ terms are Hoang Sa and Truong  about to

Sa in possession of Vietnam. They do not 72. Teenagers are never satisfied with their
belong to China. appearance which can ____ their self-
 In no uncertain esteem.

 Not a contradiction in  spoilt

 Not on equal  dent

 On no good  hurt

68. The yesterday road _____ thing was  injure

sparked by a trivial accident. 73. Parents should keep ______ of
. accident communication open at all times and respect
children’s ideas.
 rage
 channel
 range
 channels
 lines
69. _____ of unfortunate events keeps
happening which irritates Alan a lot these  connection
days. 74. The late decision led to a series of
 Sequence ______ for the industry.

 Block  losses

 Collection  setbacks

 Chain  disadvantages
 troubles
75. Being retired, Jonas found himself with  anticipated
lots of time _____ his hand.  hoped
 in  worry
 on 81. Rose’s encouraging words gave me
 at ______ to undertake the demanding task
 is on once again.

76. You need to have ________ to watch  a point

some of the surgery scences.  an incentive
 butterflies in your stomach  a resolution
 a strong stomach  a target
 sharp eyes 82. I don’t need any medicine. I’m as right
 strong mind as ______.

77. “Thank you, Sam”, she said with ______  clouds

. In fact, Sam had hardly help at all.  a ray
 heavy saying  rain
 heavy sayings  a haze
 heavy irony 83. Anything he does is in _____ with the
 heavy ironies law and that’s why I have suggested him for
the post.
78. His ____ comments about my essay
really upset me.  compliance

 pejorative  obedience

 perjorate  commitment

 perjorated  responsibility

 perjorating 84. Of course we don’t need this dictionary

at present, but in the long _____ it may
79. The senator can _____ afford another prove useful.
 run
 not
 plan
 ill
 time
 sickly
 future
 illy
85. _______ a cheese shop has since grown
80. It is ______ that students will have into a small conglomerate consisting of a
doubled their vocabulary in 3 months. catering business and two retail stores.
 foreseen  In the beginning of
 It began as  teeth
 Its beginning which was 91. It takes great deal of _____ for the
 What began as class to make a trip abroad.

86. Just change your approach towards the  arrangement

assignment. The way you are dealing with it  organization
now will certainly _____ you nowhere.  expense
 pass  business
 put 92. Hello! Aviation Electronics? Could I
 get speak to Mr.Jones on _____ 8183, please?
 reach  branch
87. The tent is infested ______ bugs and  extension
beetles.  system
 in  exchange
 against 93. The tests in this book are arranged ___
 for  in order of difficult
 with  in order of difficulty
88. That man is so arrogant that he  in orderly difficult
completely impervious ______ all criticism.
 in the order of difficulty
 to
94.The audience, __________ enjoyed the
 against performance.
 with  most of them were students
for  most of whon were students
89. Parents should never dote _____ their  they were mostly students
children if they do not want to spoil them.
 they themselves were students
 to
95. The increase from 5 million to 350
 for speakers of English has not ________
 on because of any special merits in the
 in language itself.

90. The weather is going to change soon –  come to

I can feel it in my_____.  come up
 skin  come about
 bones  come forward
 legs 96. Richard Burton was noted for his clear
_____ of words.
 enunciation SCORE TRACKER
 interpretation Practice makes perfect
 announcement
Time Score
 accentuation
1st /100
97. There was ______ evidence to bring
charges against the man. 2nd /100
 insubstantial 3nd /100
 interior
 ineffective
 insufficient
98. Their decision on whether I get the job
or not will be based on my academic______.
 credentials
 credit
 standing
 reputation ////////
99. Going to the unemployment office and FOR REFERENCE
having to wait for long hours there day after
day is a ______ experience. 1. Oxford Word Skills

 sould-destroying 2. Multiple choice test bank of Vinh Ba

 heart-stopping 3. 30/4 tests

 power-sharing 4. 26 Engligh tests for Gifted Students

 thought-provoking 5. English test for Gifted Students - Hung

Vuong Summer Camp
100. I’m hoping that this work experience
will stand me in good ______ in my future
 stead
 grounding
 precedent
 footing


17.  longing
Longing [n]: a feeling of wanting sth so
much, a feeling of desire -> a longing look
[ ANSWER KEY ] 18.  to
1.  astonished 19.  irrigating
>be astonished to do sth > irrigate [v]: to supply land with water
2.  dish ( irrigated land/fields)
3.  accord 20.  trivial
>to do sth of your own accord: to do sth -> trivial: be not important, having little
without permissions value
4.  staple 21.
5.  talk of the town  contamination
>be talk of the town: to be what everyone is Contaminate [v]: to make sth poisonous or
talking about less pure
6.  cater 22.  objects
> cater for sth/sb: to provide what is needed > Object to sth
by sb/sth 23.  packaging
7.  grounds >Package: an object or set of objects
>on the ground: among general public wrapped in paper
>on the grounds that: because >Packaging: material used for wrapping or
covering goods to protect them
8-9. Choose best options to replace
underline words 24.  drinkable [adj] : pleasant tasting
8.  objected 25.  imaginary
9.  astounded him > imaginary: be existed in mind only
10.  Accusing > imaginative: new, original, clever
11.  to 26.  come up to
12.  taper off >come up to expectations
13.  passed over 27.  scene
14.  he gave a short acceptance speech 28.  heart
15  On his death >take sth to heart: think about sth seriously,
often because it hurts you / make you upset
16.  out of the loop
29.  stretcher
-> out of the loop: to be not involved in sth /
not getting any information about sth 30.  old boots
>as tough as old boots: be very strong that is >wishful thinking: a wish that is impossible
hardly made weaker to happen in the future
31. heroine 47.  off the peg
32.  wrath >Off the peg: ~ clothes are made in standard
>incur wrath/anger of sb sizes, and not made especially to fit any
particular person.
33.  wear
[Antonym] made-to-measure
34.  of
>On the house: if you buy sth ~, you buy it
>make generalizations about sth for free.
35-39. Word formation 48.  spend money freely
35. Although having acknowledged his 49.  observant
fault, he did not seem to be apologetic at all.
Choose the word/phrase that needs correction
36. The pain in my arm was indescribable.
50.  parents skills
37. His strange behaviour in the meeting last
51.  sparsely
night was so inexplicable that no one could
understand. 52.  pin
38. There is a growing recognition that we 53.  touched off
can’t go on polluting the atmosphere. 54.  cluster
39. Due to the severe starvation, many 55. short
villagers were uprooted
56.  on end
40. Thousands of ______ are fleeing the war
in the north. >> on end: continuously / successively

 refugees 57.  hang

41. They arrived so late for the meal that the >> hang on sb’s word
food was _________. 58.  morale
 spoilt >>morale[n]/məˈrɑːl/ :
42. The accused man was able to prove his the amount of confidence felt by a
innocence at the trial and was ________. person/group of people, especially when in
dangerous/difficult situations
 acquitted
59.  cautiously
43. Many people without jobs have to live
_____ the breadline. >> cautious optimism [collocation]

 on 60.  expertise

44.  craved 61.  forecast

45.  throbbing 62.  apprehension

46.  wishful thinking 63.  circulation

64.  slander
65.  put 81.  an incentive
 stuck >> incentive [n]: something that
>> stick /put your tongue out at sb encourages a person to do something

66.  frequency 82.  rain

67.  In no uncertain >> be (as) right as rain: to feel healthy

68.  rage 83.  compliance

>> road rage: angry/violent behaviour by >> in compliance with sth: to obey a
one driver towards another one. particular law or rule, or of acting according
to an agreement
69.  Sequence
84.  run
 Chain
>> in the long run: at a time that is far
70. solicited away in the future
71. . on the brink of 85.  What began as
72.  dent 86.  get
73.  channels 87.  with
>> keep channels of communication 88.  to
74.  setbacks >> be impervious to sth: If someone is
>> setback (n): something that happens that impervious to something,they are not
causes a delay or prevents a process from influenced or affected by something
continuing 89.  on
75.  on >> dote on sb: love sb very much
>> on your hand: available 90.  bones
76.  a strong stomach 91.  expense
>> to have a strong stomach: to be able to 92.  extension
smell/taste/see unpleasant things
93.  in the order of difficulty
77. heavy irony
94.  most of whon were students
>> do sth with heavy irony/sarcasm: do sth
that is opposite to what you really feel. 95.  come about

78.  pejorative 96.  enunciation

79.  ill 97.  insufficient

>> to ill afford to do sth: to be unable to do 98.  credentials

or have something without making the 99.  sould-destroying
situation you are in very difficult 100.  stead
80. anticipated
>> anticipate [v]: expect

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