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Passive Voice Exercises

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PASSIVE VOICE EXERCISES + KEY Turn the verbs in the following sentences into the passive, but do not

change the tenses ! The original subject disappears because it is not important. E.g.: Somebody fetched a chair for Mrs Dixon. => A chair was fetched for Mrs Dixon. 1) hey s!ea" #rench at this sho!.

$) Somebody sto%e my car. &) hey ha'e sent the boo"s to the wrong address.

() Somebody wi%% bring the beer. )) Somebody has bo*ght this f*r coat. +) Somebody has %eft this *mbre%%a behind. ,) .) 0) hey ha'en-t ca*ght the robbers yet. hey don-t drin" ice/co%d beer in Eng%and. hey eat a %ot of fish.

11) hey drin" tea with mi%" at %east fi'e times a day. 11) hey disc*ss the weather e'ery day. 1$) Some men robbed the 2%asgow/3ondon mai% train in 10+1. 1&) hey sto!!ed the train between two stations. 1() hey disconnected the engine and the first two coaches. 1)) hey dro'e them to a %one%y bridge.

1+) 4eo!%e disc*ssed the mai% robbery a%% o'er the wor%d. 1,) he !o%ice ca*ght some of the robbers and fo*nd !art of the money.. 1.) he co*rt sentenced the men in 5an*ary 10+(. 10) Somebody wi%% %oo" after their chi%dren. $1) 6o* ha'e not !aid for the car.

7E6 1. $. &. (. ). +. ,. .. 0. 11. 11. 1$. 1&. 1(. 1). 1+. #rench is s!o"en at this sho!. My car was sto%en. he boo"s ha'e been sent to the wrong address. he beer wi%% be bro*ght. his f*r coat has been so%d. 8 his f*r coat has been bo*ght.) his *mbre%%a has been %eft behind. he robbers ha'en-t been ca*ght yet. 9ce/co%d beer is not dr*n" in Eng%and. A %ot of fish is eaten. ea with mi%" is dr*n" at %east fi'e times a day. he weather is disc*ssed e'ery day. he 2%asgow/3ondon mai% train was robbed in 10+1. he train was sto!!ed between two stations. he engine and the first two coaches were disconnected. hey were dri'en to a %one%y bridge. he mai% robbery was disc*ssed a%% o'er the wor%d.

1,. Some of the robbers were ca*ght and !art of the money was fo*nd. 1.. 10. $1. he men were sentenced in 5an*ary 10+(. heir chi%dren wi%% be %oo"ed after. he car has not been !aid for.

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