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All TCS Questions Till October 2022

1. Scientists believe / that many animals have / a 6. The earthy / fragrance of soil / after a first rain
unique languages / of their own. / is always refreshing.
SSC MTS- 15/07/2022 S1

SSC MTS- 05/07/2022 S1
(a) is always refreshing
(a) that many animals have
(b) fragrance of soil

(b) Scientists believe
(c) The earthy

(c) a unique languages (d) after a first rain

(d) of their own

7. There is no denying / that our country is in /
2. The telecom growth story is a important an major economic slump.

g si
component of the broader story of India.
SSC MTS-06/07/2022 S1
SSC MTS- 22/07/2022 S1
(a) that our country is in
(b) There is no denying

(a) No error

(c) an major economic slump
(b) The telecom growth story is

E b nt
(d) No error
(c) the broader story of India.
8. Nelson left his home / and went / to the sea /
(d) a important component of at an early age.
3. He is / struggling to make / a honest living. Phase-IX 08/02/2022 S3
SSC MTS-08/07/2022 S1 (a) to the sea

(a) struggling to make (b) and went
(b) No error (c) Nelson left his home

(d) at an early age
(c) a honest living
9. Ronaldo is / a famous / player of / the football.
(d) He is

SSC CHSL 27/05/2022 S3
4. Wind is one / of biggest factors / in the spread
(a) a famous (b) Ronaldo is
of fire.

(c) the football (d) player of
SSC MTS-11/07/2022 S3 10. There was an interesting article in the newspaper

(a) of biggest factors about the dangers to an environment.
(b) No error SSC CHSL 01/06/2022 S1

(c) in the spread of fire (a) to an environment
(d) Wind is one (b) an interesting article
(c) about the dangers
5. Scientists have made dramatic progress in
(d) in the newspaper
understanding an universe and the mechanisms
of biology. 11. It was / the very well-directed film / and we
enjoyed it.
SSC MTS-14/07/2022 S2
CGL Pre-11/04/2022 S1
(a) Scientists have made dramatic progress (a) It was
(b) and the mechanisms of biology (b) and we enjoyed it
(c) in understanding an universe (c) No error
(d) No error (d) the very well-directed film

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12. It is not worth / having the trouble / to write to 19. All the ladies of the colony assemble in the temple
him / as he never replies. and prays together on Sunday evenings.
CGL Pre-11/04/2022 S3) CHSL 12/8/2021 S2
(a) It is not worth (b) as he never replies (a) assemble in the temple
(c) to write to him (d) having the trouble (b) and prays together
13. Antique diamond necklace / was stolen / from (c) All the ladies of the colony
the museum.
(d) on Sunday evenings
CGL Pre-12/04/2022 S2)
20. My neighbour is / an young businessman / who
(a) was stolen is very friendly / with everyone.
(b) from the museum CPO Tier-II 26/07/2021
(c) Antique diamond necklace (a) who is very friendly
(d) No error

(b) an young businessman
14. Athens was / a most luminous / of all city-states (c) My neighbour is

/ of ancient Greece.
(d) with everyone
CGL Pre-13/04/2022 S3)

21. This is / only mistake / he has made / in the
(a) Athens was (b) of all city-states



(c) of ancient Greece (d) a most luminous
Sunil refused to / attend the meeting / of

association on Saturday.
(a) only mistake
CPO Tier-II 26/07/2021
(b) in the dictation

(c) he has made (d) This is
CGL Pre-20/04/2022 S1)

22. Two elderly ladies narrated an rather improbable

(a) of association on Saturday
story to the police.

E b nt
(b) No error
CPO 24/11/2020 S3
(c) Sunil refused to
(a) improbable story (b) narrated an rather
(d) attend the meeting
(c) Two elderly ladies (d) to the police
16. The sea has become / an cheap dumping ground
/ for all kinds / of waste products. 23. A tallest man that I have ever seen works in our

coal mine.
CGL 17/8/2021 S1
CGL Tier II - 15/11/2020
(a) of waste products

(a) A tallest man
(b) an cheap dumping ground
(b) that I have

(c) for all kinds
(c) works in our coal mine
(d) The sea has become
(d) ever seen

17. .Four of earliest civilisations / of the world / were
located /on the banks of or near large rivers. 24. Do you mind lending me your book for a hour?

CGL 18/8/2021 S2 CGL Tier II - 16/11/2020
(a) were located on the banks of (a) Do you mind (b) your book

(b) of the world (c) for a hour (d) lending me
(c) Four of earliest civilisations 25. The captain scored a century in a second innings.
(d) or near large rivers CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020
18.. There is constant friction / between the executive (a) scored a century (b) in a
members / of the Association. (c) The captain (d) second innings
CHSL 11/8/2021 S1 26. Whole country applauded the courage of our
(a) There is constant friction soldiers.
(b) No error CGL Tier II - 18/11/2020
(c) between the executive members (a) courage of (b) our soldiers
(d) of the Association (c) Whole country (d) applauded the

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27. When I met Akbar Padamsee, one of a pioneers 34. The day before yesterday he left for Europe by the
of Indian art, he was 87 but still alert and active. air
CHSL 12/10/20 S1 CPO 13/12/2019S1
(a) When I met (a) The day before yesterday
(b) he was 87 (b) No error
(c) one of a pioneers of Indian art (c) by the air
(d) but still alert and active (d) he left for europe
28. Most of voters in Taiwan seem to have once again 35. The Prime Minister holding is the important
voted for the democratic party and President Tsai meeting to review the security and safety of
Ing-wen. doctors working in government hospitals.
CHSL 13/10/20S3 CGL Tier II 11/9/2019
(a) the democratic party (a) of doctors (b) working in
(b) in Taiwan seem to have (c) to review (d) holding is the

(d) Most of voters

s h
(c) once again voted for

I think Virat Kohli will remain the captain of the

36. Does an English examination begin at 10 o’clock?
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019

(a) 10 o’clock? (b) English examination
Indian team in a year 2020. (c) begin at (d) Does an

l r
CHSL 16/10/20S3 37. High level security arrangements were made for

(a) of the Indian team the forthcoming visit to a Japanese Prime

(b) in a year 2020 Minister.

(c) will remain CGL Tier II 11/9/2019

(d) the captain (a) security arrangements

year in Delhi.

E b nt y
Subhash Gidwani is selling dolls, which are type
of Madhya Pradesh’s village culture, at the
Annual Dastakar Bazaar, held in January every

CHSL 21/10/2020 S2
(a) Subhash Gidwani is selling dolls
(b) were made
(c) for the forthcoming
(d) visit to a
To write a poem I need a pen, a diary and also
the quiet place.
CGL Tier II 11/9/2019


h a
(b) in the annual Dastakar Bazaar
(c) held in January every year in Delhi
(d) which are type of Madhya Pradesh’s village 39.
(a) a diary
(c) and also the
(b) To write
(d) I need
What is the function of the kidney in the body?
CGL Tier II 12/9/2019

31. We were busy at the work and went for lunch
only at 2.30 pm. (a) in the body
(b) the function of the kidney

CHSL 17/03/20S3
(c) What is
(a) We were busy (b) at the work

(d) no error
(c) only at 2.30 pm (d) and went for lunch
40. Since a meeting drew to a close, I realized that
32. She behaves in a such a cordial manner that
people were not really listening to me.

everyone admires her.
CGL Tier II 13/9/2019
CGL, 06/3/2020 S3
(a) I realized (b) Since a meeting
(a) that everyone (b) such a cordial manner
(c) drew to a close (d) were not really
(c) She behaves in a (d) admires he
41. Outside the cinema hall, there was queue of
33. The famous author and actor are being honoured
people waiting to see the movie.
at a function today
MTS 13/8/2019 S2
CGL, 07/3/2020 S1
(a) there was a queue of`
(a) at a function today
(b) people waiting
(b) The famous author and actor
(c) to see the movie
(c) No error
(d) Outside the cinema hall
(d) are being honoured

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42. Due to a last minute snag, the mission on a moon 45. We will use enamel paint on this wall because it
had to be cancelled. gives a best finish.
MTS 16/8/ 2019 S2 CHSL 11/7/2019 S2
(a) on a moon (a) enamel paint on this wall
(b) Due to a last minute snag (b) We will use
(c) the mission (c) a best finish
(d) had to be cancelled (d) because it gives
43. Nisha rejected the job offer as a salary offered was 46. In 2016 after some unseemly back-and-forth to
too low the commons and Lords, it was decided that Act
MTS 20/8/2019 S3 of Parliament should no longer be printed on
(a) as a salary offered
CPO- 16/3/2019 S1
(b) Nisha rejected
(a) It was decided

(c) was too low
(b) to the commons and Lords
(d) the job offer
(c) after some unseemly back-and-forth

44. Patralekha finished the cake in the blink of a eye.
(d) should no longer be printed on calfskin

MTS 22/8/2019 S3
(a) of a eye (b) in the blink

1. (c) 2. (d)

gl 3.
(c) Patralekha finished (d) the cake

i (c) 4.
Answer Key
(a) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a)


y s

E b nt
25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d) 29. (b) 30. (d) 31. (b) 32. (c)
33. (d) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (d) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (a) 44. (a) 45. (c) 46. (b)

h a
a s

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Select the option that will improve the underlined 8. A need of an hour is to provide employment to
part of the given sentence. In case no improvement the youth of the country.
is needed, select ‘No improvement required’.
CGL 24/8/2021 S1
1. I was thinking about buying an new vehicle.
(a) The need of an
MTS 07/07/2022 S3
(b) The need in an
(a) bought a new
(b) buy a newly (c) No improvement required
(c) No improvement reuired (d) The need of the
(d) buying a new 9. What kind of the book do you want?
2. An unidentified man on an bike dropped for the CPO Tier-II 26/07/2021

box outside the building. (a) kinds of a book (b) No substitution
MTS 14/07/2022 S1 (c) kind of the books (d) kind of book

(c) a bike drop of

(a) a bike dropped off
(b) a bike dropping for
10. I will accept the responsibility while a time comes
CGL Tier II 16/11/2020

(d) No improvement required (a) until a time (b) whenever a time

3. Antibiotics are one off the most commonly (c) when the time (d) No improvement

prescribed drugs in the world. 11. The mathematical calculation of this problem is

MTS 15/07/2022 S3 easy than a previous one.

(a) No improvement required CGL Tier-1- 04/03/2020 S2

(b) are one of a (a) easy than the (b) easier than the

E b nt
(c) are one of the (c) easiest than the (d) no improvement
(d) is one of the 12. This is place where Krishna was born.
4. Travelling is the best method to utilise time.
CPO 09/12/2019 S3
MTS 21/07/2022 S1 (a) No substitution required
(a) No improvement required

(b) This is the place
(b) is much best
(c) This is a place
(c) is an best
(d) This be the place

(d) are the best
5. This antique vase is good piece of work. 13. I have an invite from a friend to visit the Canada
and United States next month.

Phase-IX 14/03/2022 S3
CGL Tier II 11/09/2019
(a) No improvement required
(b) is best (a) no improvement

(c) is nice
(d) is a fine

r a
It is the true fact that the second wave of Covid-
19 that has gripped India is more deadly. 14.
(b) to Canada or the united states
(c) to the Canada and United States
(d) Canada and the United States
My new office is in a first floor of the new office

(c) a fact P
(a) the correct fact

(d) a real fact

(CGL Mains- 28/01/2022)

(b) No improvement required

It was to an interesting movie.

CGL Tier II 13/09/2019
(a) no improvement (b) over first floor
(c) on the first floor (d) at above floor
Bulbul is honest girl but she is also very rude.
MTS 19/08/2019 S3
(CGL Mains- 03/02/2022)
(a) Bulbul is an honest girl
(a) such
(b) No improvement required (b) Bulbul is very honest girl
(c) so (c) No improvement
(d) enough (d) Bulbul is a honest girl

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16. Tommy's eyes grew wide on a sight of the new 18. The boys were delighted on the idea of going to
bicycle. Goa.
MTS 21/08/2019 S2 CHSL 02/07/2019 S2
(a) at the sight of (b) at a sight of (a) at the idea of (b) on an idea of
(c) on the sight of (d) No improvement (c) at an idea of (d) No improvement
17. The lack of green spaces has led to an increase 19. This was an only the mistake he made.
in pollution levels. CHSL 08/07/2019 S3
MTS 22/08/2019 S2 (a) only the mistake (b) the mistake only
(a) an increasing in (b) No improvement (c) the only mistake (d) No substitution
(c) a increase on (d) a increase of

1. (d) 2. (a)

s h3. (c) 4.
Answer Key
(a) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d)

9. (d) 10. (c) 11. (b) 12. (b) 13. (d) 14. (c) 15. (a) 16. (a)
17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (c)

gl ir
n y s
E b nt
h a
a s

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