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Modals Konusu Ile Ilgili Test PDF Cevap Anahtari 93719

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TEST 8 Modals

1. Why didn’t you help him? You ___ have done it. 17. Visitors ___ stay in the hospital after ten pm.
A) must B) can C) could A) might not B) needn’t C) couldn’t
D) were to E) was able to D) must not E) didn’t have to

2. A: ___ I phone you tonight? 18. We had an appointment yesterday afternoon but he ___ see me.
B: Yes, you ___ . A) might not B) cannot C) have to
A) may / may B) must / might D) mustn’t E) wasn’t able to
C) could / can’t D) shouldn’t / shouldn’t
E) have to / had to 19. I didn’t ___ ring her up for she did it herself.
A) had to B) could C) be to
3. But I ___ stay in England for six months, and not for a fortnight as D) have to E) must
I had planned.
A) had to B) have to C) am able to 20. The rain was so sudden that everybody ___ take a shelter.
D) can E) shall have A) can B) could C) have to
D) are to E) had to
4. -I ___ draw a circle with a pencil only, and you?
-Neither can I. 21. If you ___ fix a radio, you ___ repair a TV too.
A) can’t B) can C) may A) can / will be able to B) must / may C) couldn’t / can
D) shan’t E) couldn’t D) need / has to E) may / needn’t to

5. Last week I ___ go to town on business trip as the Ministry of 22. -I’ve examined you very carefully. I think all you ___ is a good
Education had asked me to come. rest.
A) had to B) might C) should -But I’m still feeling sick. Why don’t you look at my tongue?
D) could E) was able to -It ___ a rest too.
A) must / may B) might / can C) need / could
6. If one person is careless with a library book, then it ___ be read D) should / have to E) need / needs
by others.
A) can’t B) couldn’t C) may 23. You ___ do this work yourself, if you try.
D) can E) mightn’t A) can B) had to C) must
D) was able to E) were to do
7. After a book is written, it passes through the heads of very many
different workers. Each worker works carefully, for there ___ not 24. Guests of the hotel ___ warn the clerk in advance when they
be any mistakes. leave.
A) must B) couldn’t C) could A) can B) may C) must
D) might E) has to D) is to E) had to

8. He tried, but ___ persuade nobody. 25. My mother ___ neither read nor write after the operation and
A) could B) couldn’t C) can now I ___ help her.
D) might E) won’t A) have to / must B) could / have to
C) couldn’t / had to D) were able / can
9. People who know a foreign language ___ learn a second one E) might / need
A) may B) should C) mustn’t 26. ___ I borrow your text-book? I’ve left mine at home.
D) can E) needn’t A) am able to B) must C) have to
D) need E) may
10. ___ I have a word with you, please?
A) may B) had to C) have to 27. People ___ exercise regularly, otherwise they will get out of
D) must E) am able to shape.
A) must not B) should C) can
11. At first I ___ skate well, now I ___ . D) might E) has to
A) couldn’t / can B) may / can C) mustn’t / can
D) should / shouldn’t E) must / needn’t 28. “Ma,” said a little girl, “Willie wants the biggest piece of cake,
and I think I ___ have it, because he was eating cakes two years
12. She said they ___ go to the cinema if they liked. before I was born.”
A) must B) may C) can A) couldn’t B) has to C) is to
D) had to E) could D) should E) had to

13. - What is your sister doing? 29. -I live near my work.

- She ___ be watching TV. -So you ___ go to the office by crowded buses.
A) may B) can’t C) needn’t A) have to B) are able to C) don’t have to
D) has to E) could D) would have to E) can’t

14. I didn’t want to go there but I ___ . 30. -I ___ go to the cinema yesterday.
A) must B) might C) shall -Why?
D) can’t E) had to -Because I ___ complete my work.
A) can’t / must B) couldn’t / had to
15. - ___ I go there now? C) didn’t have to / may D) wasn’t to / need
- No, you ___ . E) should / have to
A) can / hadn’t to B) am / aren’t C) must / needn’t
D) might / could E) should / will 31. The skier broke his leg and ___ compete in the recent Olympic
16. - Where is he? A) couldn’t B) mustn’t C) had to
- He ___ be walking in the park. D) can’t E) might
A) can’t B) is able to C) has to
D) must E) ought to

Book 1 Part C 124 Modals

32. I ___ not translate this text yesterday. ___ you help me to translate it 49. “Never put off till tomorrow what you ___ do today.”
tonight? A) have to B) must C) might
A) could / can B) can / can C) may / may D) can E) should
D) had to / could E) can / must
50. -I ___ understand the rule; ___ I take the examination another
33. Does Larry ___ leave home at 7.30? time?
A) have to B) must C) has to -Yes, of course.
D) need E) should A) could / can B) may / may C) can’t / may
D) mustn’t / must E) may / can
34. -___ any of you speak Italian?
-No, but we are learning it and I hope we ___ speak it next year. 51. Pupils ___ speak only English at their English lessons.
A) must / will have to B) may / have got to A) must not B) must C) cannot
C) can / shall be able to D) could / could D) has to E) had to
E) might / had to
52. The lecturer mentioned the name of the town several times, but
35. - ___ I take your pen for a moment? unfortunately I ___ remember it.
- Certainly. A) can B) could C) may
A) must B) may C) might D) could not E) may not
D) should E) will
53. -Must I do this exercise too?
36. I ___ speak English last year but I ___ do it now. -No, you ___ . It isn’t necessary.
A) must / can B) could / can C) might / may A) can’t B) may not C) mustn’t
D) couldn’t / can E) might / could D) needn’t E) oughtn’t to

37. Mother, ___ I go for a walk? I’ve done all my work. 54. Mother, look, I ___ skate well.
A) have to B) am to C) may A) can B) may C) must
D) must E) might D) have to E) ought to

38. I was ill and ___ go to school for some days. 55. I’m sorry you ___ smoke here.
A) can’t B) must C) could A) had to B) can’t C) could
D) couldn’t E) can D) must E) have to

39. - ___ we do this work now? 56. We ___ protect our nature from pollution.
- ___ . You can do it tomorrow. A) need B) had to C) are to
A) Can / Yes, you can B) Must / No, you needn’t D) may E) must
C) May / Yes, you may D) Could / Yes, you must
E) Might / No, you might not 57. He is very helpless, I ___ help him.
A) need B) might C) have to
40. “___ I do anything for you?”, the secretary asked the stranger. D) can E) may
A) can B) had to C) must
D) have to E) am 58. Excuse me, ___ you tell me the time?
A) may B) must C) might
41. - ___ we finish our work today? D) can E) are able to
- No, you ___ .
A) Can / couldn’t B) May / can C) Have to / can 59. My grandfather’s ill and I ___ go to see him today, I ___ go with
D) Must / needn’t E) Had / needn’t you.
A) can / can’t B) have to / can’t C) may / have to
42. I ___ go to the library for books as I often write compositions at school. D) need / must E) be able to / may not
A) can B) could C) may
D) might E) have to 60. The Browns ___ not return on Sunday, as the weather was bad.
A) may B) could C) have to
43. It ___ rain this afternoon. D) must E) can’t
A) had to B) may C) is able to
D) could E) might 61. I looked through this book about 2 hours, but ___ find anything
44. ___ the director receive me now? A) can’t B) couldn’t C) had to
A) Have to B) Is able C) Can D) can E) hadn’t to
D) Is to E) Has to
62. You ___ do this for it’s necessary.
45. Who ___ help him at 2 yesterday? A) may B) can C) have to
A) have to B) is to C) can D) has E) could
D) need E) had to
63. You ___ work hard at your English.
46. I said that after all that had happened I ___ run away to my aunt’s. A) must B) mustn’t C) can’t
A) could B) might C) had to D) has to E) may not
D) need E) was able to
64. We ___ read much in the original if we want to learn a foreign
47. - ___ I go to the cinema? language.
- No, you ___ . The film is for grown ups. A) had to B) can C) must
A) may / mustn’t B) can / needn’t C) could / can’t D) may E) could
D) must / may not E) shall / haven’t
65. We ___ do it by midday if we had the instruments.
48. Teacher: “You ___ ring me up when you ___ my advice. A) may B) can C) must
A) could / need B) may / need C) can / will need D) could E) might
D) must / needed E) have to / need
66. You ___ get a visa before you go abroad next summer.
A) may B) can C) could
D) have to E) will have to

Book 1 Part C 125 Modals

67. If you want to improve your English you ___ work very hard. 85. Mark Twain ___ easily ___ across the Mississippi River.
A) can B) may C) are able to A) must / swim B) had to / swam C) may / swim
D) had to E) must D) would / to swim E) could / swim

68. You’ve been traveling all day. You ___ be very tired. 86. It was late but the pupils ___ stay at school for an additional
A) must B) can’t C) might lesson.
D) ought to E) shouldn’t A) could B) must C) had to
D) needed E) might
69. My eyesight isn’t very good. I ___ wear glasses for reading.
A) might B) have to C) can 87. The children have done their homework. I think they ___ have a
D) may E) could rest now.
A) may B) might C) are
70. He said that I ___ look around. D) could E) will be able to
A) might B) may C) can
D) has to E) is able to 88. -Shall I retell the text?
-___ . You can only translate it.
71. He ___ agree with your suggestion. A) Yes, you will. B) Do, please. C) No, you didn’t.
A) may not B) need C) are able to D) No, you needn’t. E) Yes, you may.
D) are to E) have to
89. Patient: Must I go to the hospital?
72. My son fell ill yesterday, I ___ stay at home. Doctor: No, you ___ . You ___ stay at home.
A) must B) can C) may A) can’t / had to B) mustn’t / had to C) needn’t / may
D) need E) had to D) are able to / can E) shouldn’t / might

73. I will not read this book, you ___ do it if you want. 90. It ___ rain today. There are so many clouds in the sky.
A) can B) might C) have to A) can B) has to C) may
D) can’t E) must D) should E) mustn’t

74. ___ you show me those black shoes? How much are they? 91. I understood that he ___ never ___ back.
A) may B) must C) can A) will / come B) doesn’t / came C) won’t / home
D) have to E) will have to D) would / come E) wouldn’t / come

75. I ___ leave the party early last night, because I wasn’t very well. 92. My son is ill so I ___ stay at home.
A) must B) may C) could A) mustn’t B) has to C) can
D) have to E) had to D) may E) have to

76. She ___ lift me up with one hand. 93. Must I do it? No, you ___ . It isn’t necessary.
A) may B) need C) can A) couldn’t B) may not C) needn’t
D) to have to E) to be able to D) can’t E) shouldn’t

77. You ___ work if you don ‘t want to. 94. I feel sick and tired. So I ___ go to school.
A) must not B) can’t C) needn’t A) can B) could C) haven’t to
D) must E) has to D) am not able to E) am able to

78. You ___ come and have dinner with us some day. 95. He was very poor and ___ marry a woman eight years older than
A) was able to B) could C) has to himself.
D) is to E) must A) must B) could C) needed
D) had to E) might
79. It was very difficult to hear. I ___ understand what she was
saying. 96. Children ___ go to school at the age of 7.
A) can’t B) may not C) wasn’t able to A) can B) must C) may
D) couldn’t E) could D) has to E) could

80. The teacher told us that we ___ work harder at our English. 97. - ___ I trouble you for a moment?
A) have B) must C) could - Yes, certainly. What ___ I do for you?
D) may E) had to A) can / might B) may / can C) must / may
D) could / may E) can / must
81. A little girl comes up to her mother and asks if she ___ go to the
park with her friend. 98. He ___ know her address. Ask him.
A) couldn’t B) can’t C) must A) need B) must C) could
D) may E) has to D) might E) have to

82. If you are ill and ___ go to school you ___ learn everything what 99. You knew he was ill. You ___ have visited him.
you have missed. A) can B) might C) need
A) can / must B) can’t / must C) may / can D) have to E) may
D) has to / may E) can’t / might
100. May I take this pen? No, you ___ .
83. The dog had run away and the children ___ find it though they A) can B) may C) mustn’t
were looking for it the whole day. D) need E) haven’t to
A) can B) can’t C) could
D) may E) could not 101. -”What’s happened to the dog? It isn’t here.”
-”Dan ___ have taken it with him.”
84. As Mr. John hadn’t got the dictionary at hand, he ___ guess the A) had to B) was to C) might
meaning of the word. D) may E) could
A) should B) can C) has to
D) must E) had to 102. You ___ give it back to me before you go.
A) might B) couldn’t C) must
D) need E) had to

Book 1 Part C 126 Modals

103. That’s a question nobody ___ answer. 120. That day as I ___ to be there at 5 sharp, I ___ to take a taxi.
A) must not B) were to C) cannot A) am / had to B) is / may C) was / had to
D) might E) can D) were / can E) were / had to

104. ___ God be with you. 121. You ___ read this book: you are grown up.
A) can B) must C) may A) may B) might C) has to
D) had to E) is to D) can’t E) may not

105. A fool man ___ ask more questions than a wise man ___ answer. 122. I ___ come to see you tonight as I ___ answer many questions.
A) may / can B) can / must C) may / might A) can / may B) can’t / have to C) can’t / can not
D) can / might E) must / could. D) must / had to E) may / may not

106. “Does Jack shave?” 123. Last night the plane ___ land because of the sudden change of
“No, he’s got a beard so he ___ shave.” the wind.
A) hasn’t to B) hasn’t got to C) don’t have to A) must B) may C) has to
D) can’t E) will be able to D) had to E) can

107. Don’t worry. You ___ do it just now. You ___ do it tomorrow. 124. ___ he speak French as English last year?
A) must / can B) should / may C) can / could A) can B) may C) had to
D) had to / must E) needn’t / can D) can’t E) could

108. I ___ speak English well now but I hope I ___ speak next year. 125. She said that he ___ take her dictionary.
A) could / can B) can’t / shall be able to A) may B) can C) is allowed
C) must / shall have to D) may / may D) is able E) might
E) am able to / shall have to
126. As my sister was taking an examination I ___ look after her baby
109. The driver ___ have taken a side road. yesterday.
A) shall B) need C) may A) could B) had to C) must
D) have to E) is to D) was able to E) should

110. He ___ have replaced the tire, it was still quite good. 127. “He ___ in the house now,” thinks the girl.
A) could B) can C) needn’t A) could B) may be C) might be
D) had to E) should D) had to be E) will be

111. How ___ I tell her that her life will be ruined from this day on? I 128. Your brother is ill, so he ___ go out for a walk.
think, I can’t. A) can B) could C) may
A) must B) need C) may D) might E) must not
D) shall E) can
129. It ___ rain today, we ___ see clouds in the sky.
112. It was so warm that we ___ wear our coats. It was very pleasant. A) has to / can B) must / have to C) could / can’t
A) couldn’t B) didn’t have to C) shouldn’t D) may / can E) might / must
D) mightn’t E) mustn’t
130. Charles Dickens ___ go to school at an early age, as he ___ help
113. They will get hungry on the train; I think, you ___ give them his family.
some sandwiches. A) should / would B) couldn’t / had to
A) should B) could C) might C) must / couldn’t D) might / should
D) had to E) needn’t E) had not to / would

114. You ___ a raincoat. You are wet through. 131. They ___ tell the truth, but they ___ .
A) must have worn B) may wear A) had to / can’t B) have to / couldn’t C) must / can’t
C) should have worn D) could wear D) are to / couldn’t E) may /had to
E) needn’t have worn
132. I have very little time and I ___ take a taxi.
115. “You ___ choose any present you like, take it, please”, said mother. A) may B) could C) should
A) might B) could C) may D) have to E) have
D) have to E) are able to
133. You ___ this. Why didn’t you use a chance?
116. -Have you looked through these newspapers? A) can do B) could have done C) must do
-No, I haven’t. I ___ write an article. D) may do E) need do
A) has to B) had to C) mustn’t
D) can E) might 134. I ___ send him a letter yesterday.
A) am B) can C) may
117. We didn’t go out last night. We ___ to the cinema but we decided D) had to E) should
to stay at home.
A) could have gone B) must have gone C) should go 135. She told him he ___ go home.
D) are to go E) needn’t go A) may B) can C) ought
D) might E) have to
118. I was at home yesterday. You ___ have called and taken the
dictionary. 136. No matter how she ___ try the door ___ open.
A) must B) may C) could A) can / should B) could / must C) should / will
D) can E) had to D) might / wouldn’t E) must / ought to

119. - When I was a child I ___ draw well. 137. ___ I take your book ? I ___ write many exercises tomorrow.
- And now? ___ you do it now? A) must / must B) should / have to
A) must / may B) could / can C) should / need C) may / shall have to D) might / had to
D) may / could E) ought to / can’t E) can / would

Book 1 Part C 127 Modals

138. She ___ get up and she ___ stay in bed as she is 155. Find the synonym of the modal verb “must”.
seriously ill. A) I might be wrong.
A) must / has to B) can’t / has to C) should / is to B) We may go there.
D) may / must E) is able / shall C) He needs a dictionary.
D) You can say anything.
139. My cousin ___ read and write when he was five. E) He was to go to the south.
A) could B) may C) have to
D) must E) can 156. You ___ easily find the newspaper now where his article was
140. We ___ to meet at the theatre entrance at a quarter to eight A) might B) need C) couldn’t
yesterday. D) had to E) can
A) are B) must C) have
D) were E) couldn’t 157. He said that his father was ill and they ___ go to see the doctor
141. They ___ do this the day after tomorrow. Now they are very A) can B) had to C) are able
busy. D) can’t E) may
A) may B) can C) must
D) will be able to E) were able to 158. Sorry, I ___ go with you. I ___ finish my work.
A) may not / must B) couldn’t / have to C) mustn’t / can
142. I ___ write to Ann. I haven’t written to her for ages. D) can’t / must E) am / could
A) can B) must C) had to
D) could E) may 159. Last year in April I ___ use my umbrella more often than in May.
A) must B) can C) were able
143. This work ___ be done at once. D) had to E) may
A) can B) must C) ought
D) should E) may 160. “___ I have another cup of tea?”
A) must B) might C) may
144. The teacher said they ___ all go home. D) would E) need
A) may B) have to C) might
D) can E) be able to 161. -I wonder where the chief is.
-He ___ be in his office. I’ve seen him this morning.
145. -How ___ I get to the nearest bus stop? A) is able to B) should C) have to
-You ___ go straight and then turn to the left. D) must E) had to
A) must / can B) can / must C) should / may
D) may / have to E) could / might 162. “I ___ go, Padre, the students will be waiting for me.
A) is to B) can C) be able
146. Oh, you are seriously ill. I think you ___ consult a doctor and if he D) must E) may
tells you to keep to bed you ___ do.
A) may / might B) must / can’t C) should / must
D) have to / couldn’t E) has to / may

147. Tom ___ pass his exam in Literature and now he is working hard
as he ___ take it again.
A) can’t / was able B) must / had to C) may / could
D) couldn’t / has to E) can’t / had to

148. ___ I come in? No, you ___ I am very busy now. I ___ write a
A) can / can / must B) must / may not / had to
C) may / can’t / must D) may / may not / can
E) must / mustn’t / may

149. - ___ I smoke here?

- No, you ___ .
A) can / may B) may / mustn’t C) can / should
D) can / can’t E) may / need

150. You ___ break the body but you ___ break the spirit.
A) may / can’t B) could / can’t C) must / must
D) can / might not E) may / may

151. He ___ tell you how glad he is.

A) was able to B) couldn’t C) can’t
D) had to E) have

152. He said that I ___ telephone him any time I liked.

A) can B) will C) might
D) have to E) will have to

153. I have a terrible headache. I ___ do anything.

A) could B) can C) should
D) can’t E) might

154. -___ your son speak English?

-No, but he ___ when he was a schoolboy.
A) has to / must B) could / may C) might / can
D) can / could E) may / must

Book 1 Part C 128 Modals

Test 8: Modals (Page 124) Test 11: Infinitive - Gerund (Page 136)

1-C 2-A 3-A 4-A 5-A 6-A 7-A 8-A 1-A 2-B 3-B 4-C 5-E 6-A 7-D 8-D
9-D 10-A 11-A 12-E 13-A 14-E 15-C 16-D 9-A 10-B 11-C 12-C 13-B 14-A 15-D 16-A
17-D 18-E 19-D 20-E 21-A 22-E 23-A 24-C 17-C 18-A 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-C 23-A 24-A
25-B 26-E 27-B 28-D 29-C 30-B 31-A 32-A 25-C 26-B 27-C 28-A 29-C 30-A 31-A 32-B
33-A 34-C 35-B 36-D 37-C 38-D 39-B 40-A 33-D 34-D 35-C 36-E 37-B 38-D 39-B 40-A
41-D 42-E 43-B 44-C 45-E 46-C 47-A 48-B 41-E 42-B 43-E 44-C 45-C 46-A 47-C 48-B
49-D 50-C 51-B 52-D 53-D 54-A 55-B 56-E 49-B 50-A 51-E 52-D 53-A 54-A 55-B 56-A
57-C 58-D 59-B 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-A 64-C 57-B 58-C 59-C 60-D 61-C 62-C 63-E 64-D
65-D 66-E 67-E 68-A 69-B 70-A 71-A 72-E 65-B 66-A 67-C 68-B 69-C 70-D 71-B 72-B
73-A 74-C 75-E 76-C 77-C 78-E 79-D 80-E 73-A 74-E 75-A 76-B 77-C 78-C 79-B 80-A
81-D 82-B 83-E 84-E 85-E 86-C 87-A 88-D 81-D 82-C 83-D 84-D 85-D 86-A 87-D 88-D
89-C 90-C 91-D 92-E 93-C 94-D 95-D 96-B 89-B 90-C 91-B 92-D 93-E 94-A 95-D 96-C
97-B 98-B 99-B 100-C 101-C 102-C 103-E 104-C 97-E
105-A 106-B 107-E 108-B 109-C 110-C 111-E 112-B
113-A 114-C 115-C 116-B 117-A 118-C 119-B 120-C Test 12: Passive voice (Page 139)
121-A 122-B 123-D 124-E 125-E 126-B 127-C 128-E
1-B 2-D 3-D 4-D 5-E 6-E 7-A 8-D
129-D 130-B 131-C 132-D 133-B 134-D 135-D 136-D
9-B 10-B 11-D 12-C 13-E 14-C 15-D 16-C
137-C 138-B 139-A 140-D 141-D 142-B 143-B 144-C
17-B 18-D 19-C 20-D 21-A 22-C 23-C 24-B
145-B 146-C 147-D 148-C 149-D 150-A 151-C 152-C
25-C 26-B 27-C 28-B 29-C 30-D 31-B 32-D
153-D 154-D 155-E 156-E 157-B 158-D 159-D 160-C
33-C 34-E 35-E 36-C 37-C 38-B 39-D 40-D
161-D 162-D
41-C 42-B 43-B 44-B 45-A 46-D 47-C 48-D
49-A 50-C 51-D 52-C 53-A 54-B 55-E 56-D
Test 9: Conditionals (Page 129)
57-E 58-D 59-C 60-A 61-C 62-D 63-C 64-E
Type 1 65-C 66-B 67-E
1-E 2-D 3-E 4-D 5-E 6-A 7-C 8-A
9-B 10-C 11-E 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-C 16-A Test 13: Indirect speech (Page 142)
17-A 18-B 19-C 20-E 21-C 22-B 23-D 24-E
1-C 2-D 3-A 4-A 5-B 6-C 7-A 8-B
25-A 26-B 27-A 28-B 29-E 30-D 31-C 32-B
9-C 10-D 11-B 12-C 13-A 14-E 15-B 16-B
33-C 34-D 35-D 36-B 37-A
17-B 18-C 19-D 20-B 21-B 22-B 23-A 24-D
25-C 26-A 27-B 28-C 29-B 30-D 31-C 32-D
Type 2
33-A 34-B 35-D 36-A 37-A 38-C 39-E 40-C
1-B 2-C 3-A 4-B 5-D 6-E 7-C 8-D
41-E 42-D 43-E 44-A 45-E 46-B 47-C 48-D
9-B 10-D 11-A 12-E 13-D 14-B 15-B 16-B
49-B 50-B 51-B 52-C 53-C 54-D 55-E 56-A
17-D 18-D 19-A 20-C 21-A 22-C 23-C 24-E
57-D 58-C 59-C 60-B 61-B 62-C 63-C 64-B
25-D 26-C 27-D 28-C
65-C 66-A 67-A 68-D 69-C 70-B 71-C 72-D
73-D 74-C 75-B 76-B 77-B 78-E 79-A 80-B
Type 3
1-E 2-E 3-D 4-D 5-C 6-A 7-D 8-B
Test 14: When - While - Where - As soon as (Page 146)
9-C 10-A 11-C 12-D 13-B 14-C 15-D 16-B
17-A 18-D 1-C 2-C 3-A 4-D 5-A 6-A 7-C 8-B
9-B 10-C 11-C 12-C 13-C 14-E 15-B 16-C
Mixed 17-C 18-C 19-B 20-B 21-E 22-B 23-A 24-B
1-A 2-C 3-A 4-C 5-D 6-A 7-C 8-B 25-D 26-A 27-A 28-C 29-B 30-E 31-A 32-C
9-E 33-D 34-A 35-A 36-A 37-D 38-D 39-A 40-E
41-B 42-C 43-B 44-D 45-A 46-A 47-D 48-D
Test 10: Comparatives - Superlatives (Page 133) 49-D 50-D 51-B 52-C 53-A 54-A 55-D 56-B
57-B 58-B
1-C 2-C 3-E 4-C 5-B 6-D 7-C 8-E
9-C 10-C 11-E 12-B 13-A 14-B 15-C 16-B
Test 15: Questions tags (Page 148)
17-D 18-C 19-B 20-D 21-B 22-C 23-D 24-C
25-B 26-A 27-B 28-B 29-D 30-D 31-C 32-B 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-D 5-D 6-B 7-A 8-D
33-B 34-D 35-D 36-E 37-B 38-D 39-D 40-D 9-B 10-B 11-E 12-C 13-C 14-D 15-D 16-D
41-D 42-C 43-E 44-C 45-E 46-D 47-B 48-D 17-C 18-E 19-C 20-A 21-D 22-A
49-E 50-D 51-C 52-B 53-C 54-B 55-C 56-A
57-E 58-B 59-E 60-C 61-C 62-C 63-B 64-B Test 16: Additions to remarks (Page 149)
65-B 66-A 67-E 68-C 69-C 70-D 71-B 72-E 1-C 2-A 3-C 4-D 5-A 6-D 7-B 8-A
73-D 74-C 75-D 76-B 77-D 78-D 79-D 80-E 9-A 10-C 11-A 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-C 16-A
81-D 82-E 83-C 84-B 85-D 86-D 87-A 88-A 17-C 18-D 19-D 20-B 21-B 22-C 23-E 24-D
89-D 90-B 91-B 92-B 93-C 94-D 95-B 96-E 25-E 26-D 27-B 28-E 29-D 30-C 31-A 32-D
97-B 98-D 99-A 100-C 101-B 102-D 103-B 104-E 33-C 34-A 35-D 36-D 37-E 38-B 39-D 40-C
105-A 106-B 41-A 42-D 43-C

Answers 410 Book 1 - Part C

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