The Use of Spreadsheets For The Seismic Design of Piles
The Use of Spreadsheets For The Seismic Design of Piles
The Use of Spreadsheets For The Seismic Design of Piles
Salah Sadek
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
American University of Beirut
Fadi Freiha
Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
American University of Beirut
Understanding the response of pile foundations to seismic loads is a necessary pre-
requisite to properly analyze and/or design them. This objective presents the civil
engineering student and teacher with a complex problem, which typically challenges
and strains the traditional didactic educational approach. In teaching the topic,
we had faced significant difficulties in meeting the challenge of leaving the students
with a thorough appreciation and understanding of the material. This was reflected
in course evaluation results and comments. As such, an attempt was initiated to
improve and enhance the learning/teaching process by incorporating a spreadsheet-
based set of analysis/design tools with associated graphical representations. The
approach described herein proved to be an effective and accessible method, accord-
ing to the feedback solicited from students. In this paper, the basic background
and available methods for the design of laterally loaded piles are presented along
with the developed spreadsheet tool. Two design methods were included; one is
a commonly used solution for laterally loaded piles; the other is a hybrid method
which we compiled during the course of our work. The programming techniques and
the methodologies adopted are also included. The Excel spreadsheets which were
developed are presented along with illustrative examples.
1 Introduction
Understanding and mastering the seismic analysis and design of deep foundations is
a challenging yet essential element of the advanced education of students in the field
eJSiE 1(3):142-167 c
°2004 Bond University. All rights reserved.
S Sadek and F Freiha
of civil engineering. Our past experience in the academic context of helping students
achieve the desired outcomes had been a frustrating endeavor, given the time and effort
invested. It is in part in response the need to provide a leaner and more efficient learning
and teaching approach that the work described in this paper evolved.
In essence, the transfer of lateral loads from deep foundations to the subsurface strata
is a complex soil-structure interaction problem. The movements and flexural stresses in
the pile depend on the soil resistance, while the soil resistance is a function of the
deformations of the pile itself. Furthermore, the ultimate resistance of a vertical pile to
a lateral load and the deflection of the pile as the load builds up to its ultimate value are
complex and involve the interaction between a semi-rigid structural element and soils
which deforms partly elastically and partly plastically. Given the typically limited time
and resources allocated to this topic in a three credit course, as other equally relevant
applications are to be covered, imparting sufficient and fundamental understanding of
this applied problem constitutes a real challenge that the spreadsheet approach presented
herein attempted to meet.
In this paper, an Excel-based teaching and analysis tool is presented, which attempts
to address some of the educational and applied challenges associated with the problem.
The basic premise of the educational approach is anchored in the need and desire to
empower the student to explore effects of the various parameters on the response of
the piles in an environment designed to generate rigorous solutions with auto-generated
and easy to interpret graphical representations. The paper also explores the benefits of
coupling programming and spreadsheet calculations.
We have taken the spreadsheet developed through one cycle of testing in an actual
classroom environment as part of a course on geotechnical earthquake engineering at
the American University of Beirut in the Fall 2003 semester. The number of students
registered for the course was 18 (10 graduate and 8 undergraduate students). The process
and tool presented in this paper have significantly improved the educational experience
from the teaching perspective, but also have generated more interest and response from
the students than we had experienced in similar contexts using the traditional didactic
approach. The use of the developed spreadsheets allowed us to adapt “what if?” scenarios
to illustrate the effect and importance of certain parameters such as soil types, pile
characteristics, levels and type of loading, etc. in the classroom in real—time.
• The total lateral load applied is taken to be the base-shear utilized in the seismic
analysis of the building resting on the piles.
To obtain the base shear of the building or the horizontal force applied at the top of
the pile, the formula Fh = Fv Sa /g is used.
From attenuation curves, and using deterministic or probabilistic seismic hazard
analyses, a peak horizontal acceleration is obtained. It is then corrected, based on the
type of in-situ soil. Normalized response spectra are then used to assign the appropriate
spectral acceleration Sa for the design of the piles supporting the structure based on its
natural period. Fv is the vertical force applied on the pile and g is the acceleration due
to gravity.
Figure 1: The level of complexity of the formulas used in the various spreadsheets
The seismic pile design methods which were incorporated in the spreadsheets were the
“Characteristic Load Method” (Duncan et al [5]), and the “Hybrid Analytical Method”
(based on Matlock and Reese [8] and Davisson and Gill [4]).
These design methods were adopted given that they are typically used in engineer-
ing practice today. Automating the various expressions and procedures involved in the
analyses allowed us to develop a reliable and useful design tool. In this context, when
using this tool for education in the classroom, students are being introduced to pro-
fessional level practice while at the same time relying on the same approach to gain
knowledge of the fundamentals. The exposure to academic teaching tools which can
also serve the purpose of real-world design aids is an added benefit which enriches the
educational experience of the student of applied engineering.
encroach on the “quality-learning time” and reduce the tedium to a few mouse clicks
while maintaining the advantages of spreadsheet interfaces (Figure 2). It is important
to add here that the automated processes do not create “black boxes” invisible to the
student, but merely perform those tasks that are fully understood and clearly explained.
After entering all the required parameters the response of the piles, expressed in
terms of moments and deflections along the pile length, can be calculated at a depth
increment assigned by the user. Charts are then auto-generated in separate worksheets
to visualize the variation of these moments and deflections with depth. To do that,
the usual charting procedure is used and recorded in a new macro, its code modified to
fit regardless of the actual data limits. This specific macro is assigned to a button for
future re-use. This ability of creating “instantaneous” graphed results as variables are
modified or changed is at the core of the power of the spreadsheets in an educational
context. Students were encouraged to explore the effect of changing the pile stiffness,
material, soils, etc. on the predicted behavior. This was simply not possible prior to the
introduction of this approach into the classroom.
Based on the feedback we received from the students who took part in the course
evaluation, a majority noted the spreadsheets used in the seismic design of piles as key
for their appreciation of the various elements involved and their contribution to the
overall response. The spreadsheets enhanced the problem solving task extensively and
allowed us to assign a greater number of different tasks and problems.
Figure 2: Light yellow cells, dark grey cells, comments, and VB buttons used in the
various spreadsheets
In the following sections the two analysis methods are illustrated through the example
of a pile embedded in clay and supporting an earthquake load equivalent to a static
horizontal load of 0.1 MN and a moment of 0.05 MJ. The response of the pile will be
analyzed using the created Excel spreadsheets. Tables and figures are added to show the
results of both methods allowing for some comparison.
The example considers a square concrete free-headed pile, 15 m long, 0.6 m wide. The
concrete modulus is equal to 27800 MPa. The pile is embedded in a plastic, normally
consolidated clay, with a linearly increasing soil modulus. The soil undrained shear
strength is 48 kPa, the soil modulus is 36 MPa (= 750× undrained shear strength), and
the coefficient of modulus variation is approximately 6000 kPa m−1 depth.
1. Deflections due to lateral loads for free-head conditions, fixed-head conditions, and
the “flag-pole” condition.
Despite the number of simplifying assumptions the characteristic load method still
involves many parameters. Tabulating these parameters was deemed necessary in order
to ease the spreadsheet-based trial and error processes (Figure 3). All relevant parame-
ters are explained in detail in the following paragraphs.
brittle clay, λ1 = (0.14)n1 , and λ2 = (0.14)n2 . For clay, σp = 4.2su . For sand σp =
2CpΦ γB tan2 (45 ◦ +Φ0 /2) .
P c is the characteristic shear load, and M c the characteristic moment load. λ1
and λ2 are dimensionless parameters that depend on the soil stress-strain behavior.
B represents the diameter of the foundation,
p and E the modulus of elasticity of the
foundation (200, 000 MPa for steel; 4700 fc for concrete; 11, 000 MPa for pine wood),
where fc0 is the 28-day compressive strength of concrete (MPa). The representative
passive pressure of soil is denoted by σp , and ε50 is the axial strain at which 50% of
the soil strength is mobilized, obtained from triaxial compression tests or from Table
1. The exponents m1 , n1 , m2 , n2 are those from Table 2. I is the moment of inertia of
foundation, and s the undrained shear strength from the ground surface to a depth of 8B.
The effective friction angle (deg) from ground surface to a depth of 8B is represented by
Φ0 , while CpΦ = Φ0 /10 denotes the passive pressure factor. Finally, γ is the unit weight
of soil from ground surface to a depth of 8-pile diameters. If the water table is within
this zone, use a weighted average of γ and γb = γ − γw . All the above parameters were
tabulated in Excel in the format shown in Figure 3. The soil properties are reduced to
For Pc For Mc
Soil Type m1 n1 m2 n2
Clay 0.683 -0.22 0.46 -0.15
Sand 0.57 -0.22 0.4 -0.15
Table 3: Constants for Load-deflection equations yt /yc = a1 (Pt /Pc )b1 (Brettmann &
Duncan [2])
Clay Sand
Constant Free head Fixed head Free head Fixed head
a1 50 14 119 28.8
b1 1.822 1.846 1.523 1.5
yt /yc = a1 (Pt /Pc )b1 With a and b deduced from Table 3. (4)
Pt /Pc = a3 (Mmax /Mc )b3 With a and b deduced from Table 5. (6)
In these equations, yt is the ground line deflection, B the pile or drilled shaft diameter
or width, Pt the lateral load at top of pile or drilled shaft, Mt the moment at the top of
pile or drilled shaft, and Mmax is the maximum moment.
The flexural stiffness, Ep Ip , of reinforced concrete piles and drilled shafts should be
reduced when tensile stresses are large enough to cause cracking. The magnitude of
the reduction of Ep Ip depends on the ratio of the maximum moment computed to the
ultimate moment capacity or cracking moment of the section. For cracked sections, the
Table 5: Constants for Load-moment equations Pt /Pc = a3 (Mmax /Mc )b3 (Brettmann &
Duncan [2])
Clay Sand
Constant Free head Fixed head Free head Fixed head
a3 1.22 1.63 0.425 0.669
b3 0.79 0.86 0.762 0.84
moment of inertia of concrete is reduced to 40% − 50% of the value for the full-uncracked
concrete section. No reduction is made in the moment of inertia of the steel.
Mp or H8
The third step is computing the average of ytpm caused by the load Pt + Pm and ytmp
caused by Mt + Mp using the equations of the previous section:
ytpm or E10
ytmp or H10
from zero until it reaches 1. At that point the macro stops and the correct value for the
characteristic length is given in cell E19.
Then the moment MZ , at a depth equal to z, is calculated from equations derived
from the values in Table 6 and from equation (8).
MZ = Am Pt T + Bm Mt (8)
Table 6: Moment coefficients Am and Bm (Matlock and Reese [7], Das [3])
Another Visual BASIC macro and button named "Draw Moment diagram" is then
used to draw the moment diagram along the pile length. This macro also works by
re-running previously recorded actions including the insertion of a new chart and its
formatting. The generated plot of the moments with respect to depth is shown in Figure
To illustrate how the spreadsheet was used in class and/or assignments, the question
would be posed as to likely effect of having say a “stubbier” or thicker pile, say 1m in
diameter. The results generated instantaneously, and shown in Figure 6, demonstrate
that increasing the stiffness of the pile, increased the distributed moments in it.
Depth (m)
Moment diagram along the pile
Figure 5: An Excel chart showing the moment diagram in a pile along its length
Depth (m)
Moment diagram along the pile
Figure 6: An Excel chart showing the moment diagram in a pile of different diameter
(D = 1m instead of 0.6m)
number additional analysis methods in a clear and unifying context, rather than piece-
The format of the Excel worksheet for the “hybrid analytical method” is shown
below. The definition of each parameter is provided in the following paragraphs.
In eq (10), Es is the Young’s modulus of soil, which is 1500 to 2000Su for heavily
over-consolidated clays, and 750 to 1200Su for lightly over-consolidated clay (Bowles
[1]). Su denotes the undrained shear strength of soil, D the pile width (or diameter),
while µs represents Poisson’s ratio of the soil, which vary between 0.3 and 0.5. For most
normally consolidated clays and granular soils, the soil modulus is assumed to increase
linearly with depth. The stiffness factor is in this case symbolized by the letter T and
calculated as follows: r
stiffness factor, T = 5 (11)
In the Excel worksheet, the student only has to enter the soil type and the correct
formula is identified and used to calculate the appropriate stiffness factor (R or T ).
Typical values of the coefficient of modulus variation nh are shown in Table 7. For
soft normally consolidated clays, nh = 3500 to 14000 kN m−3 . For soft organic silt,
nh = 1500 kN m−3 .
If the soil is layered and we have different values of nh at different depths, the constant
value of nh that must be used is the result of a linear regression between nh · z and z.
For this purpose, a new macro was created within the proposed spreadsheet tool and
assigned to a button named “estimate nh ” (Figure 7). This macro is as follows:
Sub linearregressiontogetnh()
Dim t As Integer
t = 0
If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber(Cells(t + 6, 4).Value) Then
t = t + 1
Cells(t + 6, 6) = Cells(t + 6, 5) * Cells(t + 6, 4)
Cells(t + 6, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = 56
End If
Loop Until Cells(t + 7, 4) = 0
Cells(7, 2) = Application.WorksheetFunction.LinEst(Range(Cells(6, 6),
Cells(t + 6, 6)), Range(Cells(6, 4), Cells(t + 6, 4)), False, False)
End Sub
The idea is that, when the user enters the values of nh at the different depths (e.g.:
cells D7:E18), and runs the macro, a worksheet function available to Visual BASIC called
“LinEst” is used to get the straight line that best fits the data. The method used to get
this line is the "least squares" method. An array that describes the line is then returned
(value of cell B7 in our case).
Having calculated the stiffness factor (R or T ), the criteria for behavior as a short
rigid pile or as a long elastic pile can then be related to the embedded length L as follows:
Ay HT 3 By Mt T 2
yA + yB = + (12)
Ep Ip Ep Ip
Table 8: Equations for the calculation of bending moments and deflection in free head
piles carrying lateral load or moment at their heads in soils of constant modulus
MA + MB = Am HT + Bm Mt (13)
For a linearly increasing soil modulus and a fixed pile head (subject to lateral load),
eqs (14) and (15) are respectively used for calculating the deflections and bending
Fy HT 3
yF = (14)
Ep Ip
MF = Fm HT (15)
Davisson and Gill [4] have analyzed the case of elastic piles in an elastic soil with
constant modulus. The bending moments and deflections are related to the stiffness
coefficient R using the equations of Table 8.
Note that the effect of fixity at the pile head can be allowed for by plotting the
deflected shape of the pile from the algebraic sum of the deflections and then applying a
moment to the head which results in zero slope for complete fixity, or the required angle
of slope for a given degree of fixity.
The dimensionless depth coefficient Z used in the curves is equal to z/R and Zmax =
L/R. These curves are obtained for free-head piles carrying a moment at the pile head
and zero lateral loads or, with zero moment at the pile head and carrying a lateral
load. The length L must be greater than 2R. The needed coefficients are obtained from
Figures 11 and 12.
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Figure 8: Coefficients for laterally loaded free-headed piles in soil with linearly increasing
modulus (after Matlock and Reese [8]): and Ay and Am
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Figure 9: Coefficients for piles with moment at free head in soil with linearly increasing
modulus (after Matlock and Reese [8]): By and Bm
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Figure 10: Coefficients for fixed headed piles with lateral load in soil with linearly
increasing modulus (after Matlock and Reese, 1961 [8]): Fy and Fm
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Figure 11: Coefficients for free headed piles carrying a moment at pile head in soil of
constant modulus (after Davisson and Gill, 1963 [4]): Ym and Mm
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Depth coefficient Z
"Zmax = 10" "Zmax = 5" "Zmax = 4" "Zmax = 3" "Zmax = 2"
Figure 12: Coefficients for free headed piles carrying a lateral load at pile head in soil of
constant modulus (after Davisson and Gill [4]): Yh and Mh
Figure 13: Typical output of the calculation of the deflection (yZ ) and the moment (MZ )
at a depth equal to (z) for a free head pile and a linearly increasing soil modulus
In order to produce a “useful” form of the Hybrid Method which facilitates the
process of teaching the method and learning it, all the above curves had to be translated
into equations to be used in Excel. Particular points on the curves were therefore chosen
and then poly-fitted using MATLAB. The generated equations were then inserted in the
Excel worksheets to obtain the moment distribution and the deflection at each section
along the pile length.
Figure 13 presents the results of the moment and deflection values for the example
problem as they appear in the Excel worksheet after running the “Fill them up” button or
macro. Another Visual BASIC macro and button named "Draw Moment and deflection
diagrams" automate the drawing of the moment and deflection diagrams along the pile
length. The plot of the moment diagram with respect to the pile length is Figure 14.
The results obtained using the CLM for the same example are also presented in the same
figure for comparison. The two methods appear to yield significantly close values for the
moments along the pile length. In essence this validates the developed tool.
Depth (m)
Moment diagram according to HAM
Moment diagram according to CLM
Figure 14: An Excel chart showing the moment diagram in a pile along its length
[1] Bowles, J.E. (1997). Foundation Analysis and design. McGraw-Hill, New York.
[2] Brettmann, T. and Duncan, J.M. (1996). Computer application of CLM Lateral
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[4] Davisson, M.T. and Gill, H.L. (1963). Laterally loaded piles in layered soil system,
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[6] Evans, L.T.Jr. and Duncan, J.M. (1982). Simplified analysis of laterally loaded piles.
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[7] Matlock, H. and Reese, L.C. (1960). Generalized solutions for laterally loaded piles,
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[8] Matlock, H. and Reese, L.C. (1961). Foundation Analysis of Offshore Pile Supported
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[9] Matlock, H. (1970). Correlation for design of laterally loaded piles in soft clays.
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[10] Nair, K. (1968). Dynamic and earthquake forces on deep foundations. ASTM special
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