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Precast Concrete Structures: Kim S. Elliott

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Precast Concrete Structures

Kim S. Elliott

Precast frame analysis

Publication details
Kim S. Elliott
Published online on: 22 Nov 2016

How to cite :- Kim S. Elliott. 22 Nov 2016, Precast frame analysis from: Precast Concrete Structures
CRC Press
Accessed on: 26 Nov 2021


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Chapter 3

Precast frame analysis

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This chapter introduces the basic principles and some of the design and analysis procedures,
involved in the design of precast concrete skeletal structures, essentially a beam–column
framework possibly braced using walls and/or cores, as well as briefly discusses precast
portal frames and wall frames. Eurocodes EC0, EC1 and EC2 used to determine the com-
binations and arrangement of gravity and horizontal loads acting on floors, beams and
structures are introduced. The design of reinforced and prestressed concrete elements, con-
nections and structures will follow in later chapters.
Preliminary structural design, which many people refer to as the feasibility stage, is more
often a recognition of the type of structural frame that is best suited to the form and func-
tion of a building than the structural design itself. The creation of a large ‘open plan’ accom-
modation giving the widest possible scope for room utilisation clearly calls for a column
and slab structure, as shown in Figure 3.1, where internal partitions could be erected to suit
any client’s needs. The type of structure used in this case is often referred to as ‘skeletal’ –
resembling a skeleton of rather small but very strong components of columns, beams, floors,
staircases, and sometimes structural (as opposed to partition) walls. Of course, a skeletal
structure could be designed in cast in situ concrete and structural steelwork, but here we
will consider only the precast concrete version.
The basis for the design of precast skeletal structures has been introduced in Figures 1.11
and 1.13. The major elements (the precast components) in the structure are shown in
Figure 3.2. Note that the major connections between beams and floors are designed and con-
structed as ‘pinned joints’, and therefore the horizontal elements (slabs, staircases, beams)
are all simply supported. They need not always be pinned (in seismic zones, the connections
are made rigid and very ductile) but in terms of simplicity of design and construction it is
still the preferred choice. Vertical elements (walls, columns) may be designed as continuous,
but because the beam and slab connections are pinned there is no global frame action and
no requirement for a frame stiffness analysis, apart from the distribution of some column
moments arising from eccentric beam reactions. The stiff bracing elements such as walls are
designed either as a storey height element, bracing each storey in turn, or as a continuous
element bracing all floors as tall cantilevers.
In office and retail development, distances between columns and beams are usually in the
range of 6–12 m (Figures 1.7 and 3.3) depending on the floor loading, method of stability
and intended use. In multi-storey car parks, where the imposed loading (vehicle gross weight
<30 kN according to the NA to BS EN 1991-1-1, Table NA.6) is 2.5 kN/m 2 it is around 16 m
for floor spans × 7.2 m for beams, giving three parking bays between columns (Figure 1.6).
The exterior of the frame – the building’s weatherproof envelope – could also be a skel-
etal structure, in which case the spaces between the columns would be clad in brickwork,

66  Precast Concrete Structures
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Figure 3.1 Precast skeletal structure showing large unobstructed spaces for the benefit of construction
workers and the client.

1 Main spandrel beam

2 2 Hollow-core unit
3 Internal rectangular beam
5 4 Gable spandrel beam
3 5 Gable beam
6 Main edge beam
7 Landing support beam
6 8 Staircase and landing
12 9 Ground beam
10 Column
14 13 8 7 11 Wall
12 Double-tee unit
13 Internal beam
11 14 Main edge spandrel beam

Figure 3.2  Definitions in a precast skeletal structure.

precast concrete panels, sheeting, etc. Alternatively, the envelope might be constructed in
solid precast bearing walls, which dispenses with the need for beams, and is referred to as
a ‘wall frame’ (Figure 1.14).
Examples of residential buildings where a precast wall frame would be the obvious
choice are shown in Figures 3.4 through 3.7 – the walls are all load-bearing and they
support one-way spanning floor slabs. There is less architectural freedom compared
to the skeletal frame, for example walls should (preferably) be arranged on a rectan-
gular grid and of fixed modular distance, usually 300  mm, which is quite important
Precast frame analysis  67
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Figure 3.3  Precast skeletal structure in Portugal. (Courtesy of Ergon, Belgium.)

Figure 3.4 Wall frames are best suited for apartments, hotels, schools, shopping units, as in this example at
Rhodes, near Sydney, Australia.
68  Precast Concrete Structures
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Figure 3.5 Precast wall and slab frames in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Figure 3.6 Cross-wall system in precast wall frames.

economically. A wall frame may be more economical and may often be faster to build,
especially if the external walls are furnished with thermal insulation and a decorative
finish at the factory. Figures 1.14 and 1.22 are good examples of this. Distances between
walls may be around 6 m for hotels, schools, offices and domestic housing, and 10–15
m in commercial developments. Given this description, wall frames appear to be very
simple in concept, but in fact are quite complicated to analyse because the walls have
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Figure 3.7 Precast wall and slab frame at Strijkijzer, Den Haag, the Netherlands.

very large in-plane rigidity whilst the connections between walls and floors are more
flexible. Differential movement between wall panels and between walls and floors has
resulted in major serviceability problems over a 25+ year life, often leading to a break-
down in the weatherproof envelope and the eventual condemnation of buildings, which
are structurally adequate.
The third category of precast building is the ‘portal frame’ used for industrial buildings
and warehouses where clear spans of some 25–40 m I-section or T-section prestressed raf-
ters are necessary; Figures 3.8 and 3.9. Although portal frames are nearly always used for
single-storey buildings, they may actually be used to form the roof structure to a skeletal
frame, and as this book is concerned with multi-storey structures it gives us a reason to men-
tion them. The portal frame looks simple enough and in fact is quite rudimentary in design,
providing that the flexural rotations at the end of the main rafters, which we can assume
will always cause cracking damage to the bearing ledge, are catered for by inserting a flex-
ible pad (e.g. neoprene) at the bearing. As mentioned before, pinned connections between
the rafter and column are the preferred choice – they are easy to design and construct. But
the columns must be designed as moment-resisting cantilevers, which might cause a problem
in some structures as explained later in Section 3.6.2. A moment-resisting connection is
equally possible allowing some moment continuity into the column at the eaves. However,
unless the columns are particularly tall, say more than about 8 m, it is not worth the extra
Precast portal frames with flat (or shallow inclination) roof structures comprising pre-
stressed or reinforced beams of 6–8 m span supporting long-span precast folded plate roof
elements, spanning around 20 m. This is a popular option for industrial buildings, and in
the case of Figure 3.10 used in laboratory buildings. The overhang beam is an option for
sun or rain shading.
Table 3.1 reviews the various types of precast structures with respect to their possible
70  Precast Concrete Structures

Prestressed concrete splitter

Prestressed concrete or beams for brickwork support
cold rolled steel purlins
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and eaves gutter

Prestressed I section rafter

with 4°–60° roof slope

Typical span 20–30 m

Gable columns

Typical bay 6–8 m

Concrete spine beam may

eliminate need for some
interior columns
Edge columns with haunch or
corbel for rafter support
Typical height 4–8 m

Figure 3.8 Definition of a precast portal frame.

Figure 3.9 Precast portal frame. (Courtesy David Fernandez-Ordoñez, Escuela Técnica Superior de
Ingeniería Civil, Madrid, Spain.)
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Figure 3.10 Portal frame with folded plate roof units, the University of Sao Carlos, Brazil.

Table 3.1  Application and types of precast concrete frames

Use of building Number of storeysa Interior spans (m) Skeletal frame Wall frame Portal frame
Office 2–0 6–15 ✓
2–50 6–15 ✓
Retail, shopping 2–10 6–10 ✓ ✓
Cultural 2–10 6–10 ✓
Education 2–5 6–10 ✓ ✓
Car parking 2–10 15–20 ✓
Stadia 2–4 6–8 ✓
Hotel 2–30 6–8 ✓
Hospital 2–10 6–10 ✓
Residential 1–40 4–6 ✓
Industrial 1 25–40 ✓
Warehouse 2–3 6–8 ✓
with office 25–40 ✓
a Typical values, depending on the location, terrain, requirements, etc.


One of the most frequently asked questions is … how is a precast concrete structure ana-
lysed compared to a monolithic cast in situ one? The first response is to say that a precast
concrete structure is not a cast in situ structure cut up into little pieces making it possible
to transport and erect. It was mentioned in Chapter 1 that the passage of forces through
the prefabricated and assembled components in a precast structure is quite different to a
continuous (monolithic) structure. This is certainly true near to connections. It is therefore
72  Precast Concrete Structures

Beams and floors

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not considered Dir

in sub-frame floo tion o
r sp f

Beams, columns and

foundations considered
in sub-frame

Span of floor (perpendicular

L to direction of sub-frame)
considered in sub-frame loading

Figure 3.11 2-D simplification of a 3-D skeletal structure.

possible to begin a global analysis by first considering the behaviour of a continuous frame
and identifying the positions where suitable connections in a precast frame may be made.
A two-dimensional in-the-plane simplification is appropriate in the first instance. This is
defined in Figure 3.11 where there are no structural frame components, only simply sup-
ported floor units, connecting the 2-D in-plane frames together.
Figure 3.12 shows the approximate bending moments and deflected shape in a three-
storey continuous beam and column frame subject to vertical (gravity) patch loads and
horizontal (wind) pressure. Call this frame F1. The beam–column connections have equal
strength and stiffness as the members. The stability of F1 is achieved through the combined
action of the beams, columns and beam–column connections in bending, shear and axial.
This is called an ‘unbraced’ frame. There are points of zero moment (‘contraflexure’) in F1,
which depend on the relative intensity of the two load cases. If gravity loads are dominant,
beam contraflexure is near to the beam–column connection, typically 0.1 times the span of
the beam as shown in Figure 3.13; but if the horizontal load is dominant (more rare), con-
traflexure is at mid-span, with the final location for combined loading at about 0.15 × span.
In the column, contraflexure is always at mid-storey height, and this is a good place to make
a pinned (notionally = small moment capacity) connection between two precast columns.
Now, if the strength and stiffness of the connection at the end of the beam are reduced to
zero, whilst the column and the foundation are untouched, the resulting moments and deflec-
tions in this frame, called F2, are as shown in Figure 3.14. The columns alone achieve the
stability of F2 – the beams transfer no moments, only axial forces and shear. The foundations
must be moment-resisting (rigid). This is the principle of a pinned jointed unbraced skeletal
frame. In taller structures, > three storeys or about 10 m, the large sizes of the columns
Precast frame analysis  73

Max. load Min. load

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Min. load Max. load

Max. load Min. load


Sway deflection
all equal

Point of column
(b) contraflexure

Figure 3.12 Deformation and bending moment distribution in a continuous structure subjected to (a) gravity
loads and (b) horizontal sway load.

become impractical and uneconomic leading to bracing. The bracing may be used in the full
height, called a ‘fully braced’ frame, or up to or from a certain level, called a ‘partially braced’
frame. The differences are explained in Figure 3.15. The bracing could be located in the upper
storeys, providing the columns in the unbraced part below the first floor are sufficiently stable
to carry horizontal forces and any second-order moments resulting from slenderness.
Pinned connections may be formed at other locations. Referring back to frame F1, if the
flexural stiffness of the members at the lower end of a column is greater than that at the
upper end, the point of contraflexure will be near to the lower (stiffer) end of the column.
If the strength and stiffness of the lower end of the column are reduced to zero, whilst the
beam and beam–column connections are untouched, the resulting moments and deflections
in this frame, called F3, are as shown in Figure 3.16a. The stability of F3 is achieved by the
portal frame action of inverted U frames – clearly not a practical solution for factory cast
74  Precast Concrete Structures
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Figure 3.13 Beam half-joints at 0.1× span close to points of contraflexure in a continuous beam.

large spans so that this method is used for repetitious site casting. Therefore, a practical solu-
tion is to prefabricate a series of L-frames as shown in Figure 3.16b for long-span beams
and small-storey height columns in a parking structure. Foundations to F3 may be pinned,
although most contractors prefer to use a fixed base for safety and immediate stability.
The so-called H-frame is a variation on F3. Referring back to frame F1, if pinned con-
nections are made at the points of column contraflexure, structural behaviour is similar

Max. load Min. load

Min. load Max. load

Max. load Min. load

Column moments caused

Small column
by eccentric beam–column
(a) deflections

Figure 3.14 Deformation and bending moment distribution in a pinned jointed structure subjected to
(a) gravity loads. (Continued )
Precast frame analysis  75

Sway deflections
all equal
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Zero beam

Large column No moment

(b) sway deflections transfer to beam

Figure 3.14 (Continued) Deformation and bending moment distribution in a pinned jointed structure subjected
to (b) horizontal sway load.

Pinned joints at beam–column




Figure 3.15 Partially braced structures.

to a continuous frame as explained in Figure 3.17. Connections between frames are made
at mid-storey height positions. Although in theory the connection is classed as pinned, in
reality there will be some need for moment transfer, however small. Therefore, H-frame
connections are designed with finite moment capacity, this also gives safety and stability
to the H-frames, which by their nature tend to be massive. The foundation to half-storey
height ground floor columns must be rigid. The connection at the upper end of the column
may be pinned if it is located at a point of contraflexure. If not the connection must possess
flexural strength as shown in Figure 3.17, where the H-frame has been used in a number of
multi-storey grandstands.
76  Precast Concrete Structures

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Beam to upper
column pinned

Beam to lower
column monolithic

Column contraflexure
Foundations rigid
(preferable for erection
purposes) or pinned

Pinned connection of beam

end and beam-upper column

Monolithic beam-
lower column


Figure 3.16 Structural systems for (a) portal U-frames and (b) portal L-frames.


3.3.1  Two-dimensional plane frames

The object of analysis of a structure is to determine bending moments, shear and axial
forces throughout the structure. Monolithic two-dimensional plane frames are analysed
using either rigorous elastic analysis, for example moment distribution or stiffness method,
either manually or using a computer program. Moment redistribution may be included in
the analysis if appropriate. However, often it is only required to determine the moments
and forces in one beam or one column, so codes of practice allow simplified substructuring
Precast frame analysis  77
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Pinned connection
at beam end

Pinned connections at
column mid-height
(a) beam–column

Max. load Min. load

Min. load Max. load

Max. load Min. load

Zero moment and point of

column contraflexure is
(b) enforced at position of the pin

Figure 3.17 H -frames (a) structural system, (b) deformation and bending moments.

techniques to be used to obtain these values. Figure 3.18 gives one such substructure, called
a ‘subframe’ – refer to (Bhatt et al. 2014) for further details. If the frame is fairly regular,
that is spans and loads are within 15% of each other, substructuring gives 90%–95% agree-
ment with full frame analysis.
Substructuring is also carried out in precast frame analysis, except that, where pinned con-
nections are used, no moment distribution or redistribution is permitted. Figure 3.19 shows
78  Precast Concrete Structures

Use column EI
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½ EI

I Beam to be Use ½ beam EI

analysed equivalent stiffness


Figure 3.18 Substructuring method for internal beam in a continuous frame.

Upper column


Ground column
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5

Min. load Max. load Min. load


L1/2 L2 L3/2

Figure 3.19 Substructuring methods for internal beam and columns in a pinned jointed frame (a) internal beam.
(Continued )
Precast frame analysis  79

1/2 column EI
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1/2 column EI
Column to be
analysed = EI

Max. Min.

Min. Max.

Column to be analysed = EI
or 0.75 EI if foundation is


1/2 column EI

L4/2 L5/2 L3/2 L4/2

(b) (c)

Figure 3.19 (Continued) Substructuring methods for internal beam and columns in a pinned jointed frame
(b) upper floor column and (c) ground floor column.

subframes for internal beam and upper and ground floor columns where all beam–column
connections are pinned. For rigid connections, refer to Figure 3.18. Horizontal wind loads
and sway forces due to imperfections are not considered in subframes because the bending
moments due to horizontal loads in an unbraced frame (there are no column moments due
to horizontal loads in a braced frame) are additive to those derived from subframes. Elastic
analysis is used to determine moments, forces and deflections, but a plastic (ultimate) section
analysis is used for the design of the components. Clearly, some inaccuracies must be accepted,
but according to ‘Designer’s Guide to EN 1992-1-1 and EN 1992-1-2’ (Narayanan and Beeby
2005), a design using the partial safety factors (PSFs) and methodologies in the Eurocodes
(design philosophy and materials) is “likely to lead to a structure with a reliability index
greater than the target value of 3.8 stated in the code for a 50-year reference period.”

3.3.2  Design loads on beams and frames

The primary Eurocodes used in the design of precast concrete structures are

• Eurocode 0 ‘Basis of design’ (BS EN 1990 2002).

• Eurocode 1 ‘Actions on Structures – Part 1-1: General Actions – Densities, self-weight,
imposed loads for buildings’ (BS EN 1991-1-1 2002) plus other parts dealing with
fire, snow, wind, thermal, execution (during construction) and accidental (explosion,
impact, etc.) actions.
• Eurocode 2 ‘Design of Concrete Structures – General rules and rules for buildings’ (BS
EN 1992-1-1 2004) including coefficients for sway loads due to imperfections (lack of
plumb, built-in curvature, etc.).
• Eurocode 3 ‘Design of steel structures. General rules and rules for buildings (BS EN
1993-1-1 2005) where steelwork, steel inserts, welding, etc. is required in the additional
parts of EN 1993.
80  Precast Concrete Structures

Each pan-European document is accompanied by national annexes (NAs) appropriate to

national working practices, regional conditions and established/historical precedence, for
example stability ties for robustness are the same as in the British code BS 8110: 1997.
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This book will refer to the UK NAs to Eurocodes EC0 (NA to BS EN 1990 2002), EC1
(NA to BS EN 1991-1-1 2002), EC2 (NA to BS EN 1992-1-1 2004) and briefly to the
NA to Eurocode 3 where steelwork, inserts, welding, etc. is required (NA to BS EN 1993-
1-1 2005). Appendix 3A (at the end of this chapter) summarises the content of Eurocodes
EC2 Parts 1-1 and 1-2, together with the specific clauses related to precast and prestressed
concrete elements in the NA to BS EN 1992-1-1. Reference will also be made to the UK’s
Published Document PD 6687-1 (PD 6687-1 2010) that gives guidance on some specific
items that were not published in the concrete Eurocodes or were in need of additional or
noncontradictory additional information. The main items in the PD relating to the design of
precast concrete structures are listed in Appendix 3B.
These documents give the magnitude and combinations of loads, loading patterns, and
PSFs γf (in BS EN 1990) for gravity and horizontal loads in frames and beams. Four conditions
are considered, each with their own values of γf follows

a. Serviceability limit state (stress, cracking, deflection, dynamic, fatigue)

b. Ultimate limit state (ULS) (strength, buckling)
c. Instability limit state (for over-turning)
d. Accidental limit state (fire, robustness, progressive collapse)

However, each condition varies depending on the nature of the loads. These are called
‘actions’ in the Eurocodes, and those applicable to the super-structure are as follows:

i. Permanent actions: self-weight, dead loads of toppings, finishes, services, perma-

nent walls Gk; prestressing forces P; settlement of supports, sway loads due to
ii. Variable actions: imposed floor live loads; demountable partitions, snow loads Qk;
wind loads Wk; temperature effects.
iii. Accidental actions: fire, impact, loss of support, collapse, explosion, Ad , etc.

Dead, live and wind loads are based on the 95% characteristic value for uniformly distrib-
uted load (UDL) known as gk, qk and wk [kN/m 2] and for line/beam loads and point loads
as Gk, Qk and Wk [kN/m or kN].
The self-weight of plain concrete made with normal-weight aggregates (approx.
2600  kg/m3) is taken as 24 kN/m3, according to BS EN 1991-1-1, Table A.1, unless it
is shown by the manufacturer that the characteristic self-weight of elements is different.
An additional 1 kN/m3 is made for reinforcement and prestressing tendons, although it is
unlikely that tendons will add this amount, for example 10 no. 9.3 mm strands in a 1200 ×
150 deep solid slab add only 0.22 kN/m3. The density of wet concrete is taken as 25 kN/m3.
The densities or self-weight of other building materials and stored materials in warehouses,
etc. are given in BS EN 1991-1-1, Tables A.2 through A.12. Note that the self-weight of
masonry units are given in BS EN 771 (BS EN 771 2011) and not in the masonry code (BS
EN 1996-1-1 2005).
The design values of actions for each of the limit states depend on the nature of the
load (i) to (iii), the use of the floor slabs (e.g. residential, parking, storage) and the num-
ber and location of the variable loads. Statistically, it is improbable that all imposed loads
will be acting at their characteristic value Qk1, Qk2 … Qki and at the same time, that is full
live loads will not act at all floor levels in a multi-storey building, or live, wind and snow
Precast frame analysis  81

loads will not act at the same time. Exceptions to this obviously apply and the designer
must be aware of the certain simultaneous combination, such as full live loads acting on
a staircase and landing at the same time, in which case the characteristic load will be
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taken for both elements.  Serviceability limit state

Historically, the ‘characteristic’ imposed (live) load Qk was used in all serviceabil-
ity calculations of service stresses in prestressed concrete, crack spacing and widths,
and short- and long-term deflections using viscoelastic deformations due to creep and
other effects such as the relative shrinkage between concrete cast at different times.
The Eurocodes consider this too severe for long-term effects of cracking and deflection,
and, with the exception of calculating service stresses in prestressed concrete in order
to avoid sudden rupture after cracking, reduced values of Qk are permitted as shown
in Figure 3.20. This is an illustration of the representative values for the characteristic
Qk, combination ψ0 Qk, frequent ψ1Qk, and quasi-permanent ψ2 Qk values of imposed
loading over a period of time, which can of course be extended to the whole life of the
structure. In fact, clause A1.4.2 of EN 1990 allows the serviceability criteria to be speci-
fied for each project and agreed with the client, but the actual circumstantial definitions
recommended to be used with particular serviceability requirements in clause A1.4.2 of
the NA to BS EN 1990 are

a. for function and damage to structural and non-structural elements (e.g. partition
walls, etc.), the characteristic combination, for example stress, strength
b. for comfort to user, use of machinery, avoiding ponding of water, etc. the frequent
c. for appearance of the structure, the quasi-permanent combination, for example defor-
mation, deflections

Characteristic value of imposed load Qk

Combination ψ0 Qk
Imposed load Q

Frequent ψ1 Qk

Quasi-permanent ψ2 Qk


Figure 3.20 Illustration of variable actions.

82  Precast Concrete Structures

Table 3.2  Partial load factors for live loads

Floor usage ψ0 ψ1 ψ2
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Domestic, residential, offices 0.7 0.5 0.3

Shopping, congregation 0.7 0.7 0.6
Storage 1.0 0.9 0.8
Traffic area < 3t vehicle weight 0.7 0.7 0.6
Traffic area > 3t vehicle weight 0.7 0.5 0.3
Roof 0.7 0 0
Snow at altitude > 1000 m 0.7 0.5 0.2
Snow at altitude < 1000 m 0.5 0.2 0
Wind pressure 0.5 0.2 0
Source: From NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.1.
ψ0 is used for load combinations of ultimate strength, ψ1 is used for checking crack widths and
decompression stresses for certain durability requirements, ψ2 is used for calculating deflections.

These are according to Expressions 6.14b, 6.15b and 6.16b of EN 1990 as follows.
The design service moment M s, shear force Vs and end reaction Fs are based on the design
service load = characteristic load × set of load factors ψ as follows:

1. ‘Characteristic’ combination according to BS EN 1990, Exp. 6.14b.

Gkj “+” P “+” Qk,1 “+” ψ0 Qk,1 with j ≥ 1 and i > 1 (3.1)

where ψ0 is the characteristic load factor according to the UK NA to BS EN 1991, repro-

duced here in Table 3.2, for example for domestic usage, ψ0 = 0.7.
The symbol “+” means in combination with. For example referring to Figure 3.21, if the
stresses at the bottom of a prestressed beam due to prestress = +12.0 N/mm 2 (compression),
due to dead load = −5.0 N/mm 2 (tension), and due to two independent live loads = –8.0
and –4.0 N/mm 2 , the characteristic stress f b = +12.0 – 5.0 – 8.0 – 0.7 × 4.0 = −3.8 N/mm 2

2. ‘Frequent’ combination according to BS EN 1990, Exp. 6.15b.

Gkj “+” P “+” ψ1 Qk,1 “+” ψ2 Qk,1 with j ≥ 1 and i > 1 (3.2)

Prestress Ms /Z dead Ms /Z live 1 Ms /Z live 2 Final

+ + + +

+ + + =

+12.0 –8.0 –5.0 –4.0

Characteristic stress = –3.8 N/mm2
Frequent stress = +1.8 N/mm2
Quasi-permanent stress = +3.4 N/mm2

Figure 3.21 E xample of the characteristic, frequent and quasi-permanent combinations of service stresses
in a fictitious prestressed concrete section.
Precast frame analysis  83

where ψ1 and ψ2 are the frequent and quasi-permanent load factors in Table 3.2, for example
for domestic usage, ψ1 = 0.5 and ψ2 = 0.3.
Continuing the example mentioned earlier, the final frequent stress fb = +12.0 – 5.0 – 0.5 ×
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8.0 – 0.3 × 4.0 = +1.8 N/mm2 (effectively remains in compression).

3. ‘Quasi-permanent’ combination according to BS EN 1990, Exp. 6.16b

Gkj “+” P “+” ψ2 Qki with j ≥ 1 and i ≥ 1 (3.3)

Continuing the example mentioned earlier would not be meaningful as the ‘quasi-permanent’
combination is used for calculating deflections, but for completeness fb = +3.4 N/mm2 (com-
pression). It is clear from these three examples that the conditions of stress are less onerous with
each successive combination, and this is a reflection of the diminishing effect of viscoelastic
deformations according to the use of buildings and the effect of specific creep. Note that in
Table 3.2 for storage the ψ factors are between 0.8 and 1.0, indicating a higher specific creep.  Ultimate limit state

This limit state is known as ‘structure STR’. The design ultimate moment MEd, shear force
VEd and end reaction FEd are based on the design ultimate load Ed = characteristic load x
set of PSFs γ. Loads are called ‘favourable’ or ‘unfavourable’ in creating the worst possible
effects in an element, frame or subframe. The ultimate load combination is according to BS
EN 1990, Exp. 6.10, or for STR limit state the least favourable (greater) of Exp. 6.10a and
6.10b, which will always be less than Exp. 6.10. The NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.2 (B) –
Design values of actions (STR) (Set B) give the PSF values. The combinations are

6.10a γG,j Gk,j “+” γP P “+” Σ γQ,1 ψ0,1 Qk,1 (3.4)

6.10b ξ γG,j Gk,j “+” γP P “+” γQ,1 Qk,1 “+” Σ γQ,i ψ0,i Qk,I (3.5)

with j ≥ 1 and i > 1

where γG,j = 1.35 unfavourable, γG,j = 1.0 favourable, γQ,1 = 1.5, ξ = 0.925
for prestress γP = 0.9 (used for ultimate shear capacity)
NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.2 (B) notes: “Either expression 6.10, or expression 6.10a
together with and 6.10b may be made, as desired. The characteristic values of all permanent
actions from one source are multiplied by γG,sup = 1.35, if the total resulting action effect is
unfavourable and γG,inf = 1.0, if the total resulting action effect is favourable. For example all
actions originating from the self-weight of the structure may be considered as coming from one
source; this also applies if different materials are involved. When variable actions are favour-
able Qk should be taken as 0.” In other words, in frame or subframe analysis 1.35 Gk,j + 1.5
ψ0, Qk (6.10a or b) is carried on one element and 1.0 Gk,j on the adjacent element. Each live
load is taken as the ‘dominant’ in turn, with all of the others as ‘accompanying’ in turn, until
the maximum combination is found. Therefore, if there are two live loads present there will be
three load combinations, that is 6.10a; 6.10b Qk1 dominant; and 6.10b Qk2 dominant.
If the building is domestic with ψ0 = 0.7, use the greater of

6.10a 1.35 Gk,j + 1.5 × 0.7 Qk,1

6.10b  0.925 × 1.35 Gk,j + 1.5 Qk,1 + 1.05 Qk2

6.10b  0.925 × 1.35 Gk,j + 1.05 Qk1 + 1.5 Qk2

84  Precast Concrete Structures

To satisfy the ULS design, the three load combinations must be used to determine the maxi-
mum end reactions, and bending moments and shear forces at all points along the span.
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Finally, it is necessary to define the effective span of floor slabs (simply supported, cantilevers)
and beams (on dry bearings or mechanical connectors). The clear span of floors ln = distance
between beam centres – sum of half breadth of beams. Referring to BS EN 1992-1-1,

Exp. 5.8  leff = ln + min{h/2; Lb1/2}+ min{h/2; Lb2 /2} (3.6)

h is the depth of slab (including topping)
Lb2 and Lb1 are the bearing lengths at either end

For cantilevers, Lb2 is also the width of the support. For continuous elements after comple-
tion of the continuity (i.e. stage 2 loading), leff = distance between beam centres. If a bearing
medium (pad, plate) is provided, leff is to the centre of the pad, and this is also the case for
beams supported on steel inserts, cleats and plates, etc.

Example 3.1
Calculate the maximum ultimate end reaction FEd in a simply supported beam of effective
span 6.0 m subjected to Gk = 30 kN/m, Qk1 = 20 kN/m, and Qk2 = 40 kN point load at
mid-span. ψ0 = 0.7.
Exp. 6.10a wEd = 1.35 × 30 +(0.7 × 1.5) × 20 = 61.5 kN/m
PEd = 1.05 × 40 = 42 kN.
Then F Ed = 61.5 × 6.0/2 + 42/2 = 205.5 kN.
Exp. 6.10b = 1.25 × 30 + 1.5 × 20 = 67.5 kN/m + 42 kN (UDL dominant)
Then F Ed = 67.5 x 6.0/2 + 42/2 = 223.5 kN. Maximum.
Exp. 6.10b = 1.25 × 30 + 1.05 × 20 = 58.5 kN/m + 1.5 × 40 = 60 kN (point load
Then F Ed = 58.5 × 6.0/2 + 60/2 = 205.5 kN.  Instability limit state

This limit state, known as ‘equilibrium EQU’, is used to check uplift in the back-span of
cantilevers, and over-turning of frames including the effect of horizontal wind pressure or
other forces. The equilibrium load combination is according to BS EN 1990, Exp. 6.10. The
PSFs are given in NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.2 (A) – Design values of actions (EQU)
(Set A) Exp. 6.10 as follows:

6.10 γG,j Gk,j “+” γQ,1 Qk,1 “+” Σ γQ,i ψ0,i Qk,I (3.7)

with j ≥ 1 and i > 1

γG,j = 1.1 (unfavourable) and 0.9 (favourable)
γQ = 1.5 (unfavourable) and 1.5 ψ0 accompanying
Precast frame analysis  85

γQ = 0 (favourable)
At installation refer to BS EN 1990, Table A2.4(A) as follows:
γG,j = 1.05 (unfavourable) and 0.95 (favourable)
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γQ,i = 1.35 (unfavourable) and 0 (favourable)

Example 3.2
Calculate the minimum end reaction FEd in a simply supported beam of effective span 6.0
m with a 3.0 m span overhanging cantilever at one end subjected to Gk = 30 kN/m and
Qk = 20 kN/m.


Exp. 6.10. Main span = 0.9 × 30 = 27 kN/m

Exp. 6.10. Cantilever span = 1.1 × 30 + 1.5 × 20 = 63 kN/m.
Over-turning moment at cantilever = 63 × 3.02 /2 = 283.5 kN
Then F Ed = 27 × 6.0/2 – 283.5/6.0 = 81.0 – 47.25 = 33.75 kN > 0. No uplift.  Accidental limit state

The accidental load combination is according to BS EN 1990, Exp. 6.11. The PSFs are all
γ = 1.0. ψ values are given in NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.3 – Design values of actions
for use in accidental combinations of actions, Exp. 6.11 as follows:

6.11 Gk,j “+” P “+” Ad “+” ψ1,1 Qk,1 “+” Σ γQ,i ψ2,i Qk,I (3.8)

with j ≥ 1 and i > 1

where Ad is the value of the accidental action. ψ1,1 is applied to the dominant action and
ψ2,i to the others. However, in accidental situations, it may not be obvious which is which
and therefore ψ1 is applied to all.

3.3.3  Gravity and horizontal ultimate loads on frames  Permanent, variable and wind actions
In frame and subframe analysis without sway, the critical gravity load combinations with
their associated PSFs γG and γQ are

1. All spans loaded with the maximum ultimate load wEd,max = γG Gk + γQ Qk (for BS EN
1990, Exp. 6.10a or b).
2. Alternate (‘pattern’) spans loaded with wEd,max on one span and the minimum wEd,min = 1.0 Gk
on the adjacent span.

For frame analysis with sway, horizontal loads Wk are combined with gravity Gk and Qk
load combinations 6.10a and 6.10b for three situations:

1. Permanent “+” imposed actions (gravity dead + live)

2. Permanent “+” wind actions (gravity dead + wind)
3. Permanent “+” imposed “+” wind actions (all)
86  Precast Concrete Structures

Table 3.3  Partial load factors and safety factors for gravity and horizontal loads
Permanent load Imposed load
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Exp. Load combination Adverse Beneficial Adverse Beneficial Wind

6.10a Permanent + imposed 1.35 1.0 ψ0 1.5 0 N/A
Permanent + wind 1.35 1.0 N/A N/A ψ0 1.5 = 0.75
All 1.35 1.0 ψ0 1.5 0 ψ0 1.5 = 0.75
6.10b Permanent + imposed 1.25 1.0 1.5 0 N/A
Permanent + wind 1.25 1.0 N/A N/A 1.5
All 1.25 1.0 1.5 0 ψ0 1.5 = 0.75
Source: From NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.2 (B).
Alternative terminology to BS EN 1990: beneficial = favourable, adverse = unfavourable.
For wind load, ψ0 = 0.5 according to Table NA.A1.1 of NA to BS EN 1990 (see Table 3.2).

The fundamental PSF for wind load (notation used here γW) is as NA to BS EN 1990, Table
NA.A1.2 (B) – Design values of actions (STR) (Set B) γW = 1.5, and is modified by ψ0 = 0.5
(see Table 3.2) in the same way as for gravity loads. The values for γ and ψ are summarised
in Table 3.3.

Example 3.3
Calculate the maximum ultimate bending moment M Ed at the lower end of the columns
of height h = 4.0 m in Figure 3.22. The beam–column connections are pinned, and the
foundation is rigid. The distance from the edge of the column to the centre of the beam
end reaction is 100 mm. Characteristic beam loading is Gk = 40 kN/m and Qk = 30 kN/m,
and the wind pressure equates to a horizontal load Wk = 12 kN. The carry-over moment
at the lower end of the column is equal to 50% of the upper end moment due to beam
eccentricity. Let ψ0 (gravity load) = 0.7.
Eccentricity of beam reaction R from the centre of column e = 300/2 + 100 = 250 mm.

Moment at the lower end of column due to R Ed , M Ed = 0.5 R Ed e

Pinned jointed

Gk = 12 kN/m and Qk = 30 kN/m

Wk = 12 kN

300 × 300 mm column

h = 4.0 m

L = 8.0 m

Figure 3.22 Detail to Example 3.3.

Precast frame analysis  87

Moment at the lower end of each column due to wind load, M Ed = W Ed h/2 (because
there are two columns)
Ultimate load combinations and moments are summarised in the following table.
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Gravity beam loads Wind load

Load MEd = 0.5 MEd = WEd Total MEd
combination wEd (kN/m) REd (kN) REde (kNm) WEd (kN) h/2 (kNm) (kNm)
6.10a P+I 85.5 342.0 42.75 — — 42.75
P +W 54.0 216.0 27.0 9.0 18.0 45.0
All 85.5 342.0 42.75 9.0 18.0 60.75
6.10b P+I 95.0 380.0 47.5 — — 47.5
P +W 50.0 200.0 25.0 18.0 36.0 61.0
All 95.0 380.0 47.5 9.0 18.0 65.5
P, permanent (dead load); I, imposed (live load), W, wind load.

Then M Ed,max = 65.5 kNm using Exp. 6.10b for all loads (it is interesting to note that
­according to BS 8110 values for all loads, wult = 1.2 × 70 = 84 kN/m, Mu (gravity) = 42 kNm,
Wu = 1.2 × 12 = 14.4 kN, M u (wind) = 28.8 kNm. Total M u = 70.8 kNm).  Horizontal forces due to imperfections

All buildings, including precast concrete structures built with the greatest practical accu-
racy, will contain imperfections due to construction methods, errors or natural effects.
Some of these are unavoidable, for example over-turning moments due to balconies, hang-
ing façade panels, etc. resulting in horizontal deflection and curvature in columns and walls.
The reactions to the precast frame from the inclined staircase shown in Figure 3.23 are not

Figure 3.23 Inclined staircase imposing horizontal forces to the structure at Bella Sky Hotel, Denmark.
(Courtesy Ramboll, Denmark.)
88  Precast Concrete Structures

exactly imperfections but demonstrate the point of transferring inclined gravity loads into
horizontal forces.
BS EN 1992-1-1 defines imperfections as ‘possible deviations’ in geometry and ‘positions’
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of loads in Section 5.2 and as quantified by code Exp. 5.1 through 5.4 as an ultimate hori-
zontal force Hi = Nθi due the inclination θi according to the height l and number m the
elements contributing to the imperfection, recognising the improbability that imperfection
will be the same in all elements. The value attributed to θi is related to ‘Class 1 execution
deviations’ according to BS EN 13670 (BS EN 13670 2009) and is taken into account at the
ULS and accidental design situations, but not at serviceability. Deviations in cross section
dimensions are taken into account in material safety factors. Imperfections and deviations
should not be included in structural analysis as their effect is additional to first-order bending
moments and shear forces, but not when checking deflections.
BS EN 1992-1-1 distinguishes between (a) whole braced or unbraced structures, known
as ‘global analysis’, (b) isolated columns in braced or unbraced structures, and (c) floor and
roof diaphragm action (see Chapter 8) as follows:

(a) For structures, the horizontal force Hi is applied to the bracing system, for example
cores or shear walls, at each floor level as the horizontal component of the total ulti-
mate gravity load at that floor level. Referring to Figure 3.24a (adapted from BS EN
1992-1-1, Fig. 5.1b).

Hi = θi (Nb – Na) = θi Σ V Ed at the floor level connections (3.9)

where θi = θ0 αh αm (3.10)

θ0 = 1/200 (NA BS EN 1992-1-1)

ei,3 Hi,3

Na N2
ei,2 Hi,2

Total ei,1 N1 H
Nb i,1
height l
l0 to first floor


(a) Rigid or pinned (b)

Figure 3.24 E xamples of the effect of geometric imperfections. (a) Bracing system and (b) isolated column
in unbraced structure. (Adapted from BS EN 1992-1-1. 2004, Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete
Structures – Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings, BSI, London, February 2014,
Fig. 5.1a1 and b.)
Precast frame analysis  89

αh = 2/3 ≤ (2/√l) ≤ 1 (3.11)

l = total height of braced structure (m)

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αm = √0.5(1 + 1/m) (3.12)

m = number of vertical members contributing to the horizontal force on the bracing

(b) For isolated columns, Hi is applied to unbraced columns as an eccentricity ei as shown
in Figure 3.24b (adapted from BS EN 1992-1-1, Fig. 5.1a and Exp. 5.2). This is used
because columns in a precast structure are statically determinate and there is no
moment continuity between the rows of columns.

ei = θi l 0/2 (3.13)

where l0 is effective length (m) of the column at the floor level that ei is considered,
that is at the second floor level l0 is based on the height to the second floor, etc.
αh = 2/3 ≤ (2/√l) ≤ 1, where l = actual length of column at the level that ei is acting
(m) and m = αm =1
(c) For isolated columns (and minor axis of walls) in a braced structure αh is simplified
such that αh = m = αm = 1

ei = l 0/400 (3.14)

Example 3.4
Calculate the horizontal forces at each roof and floor level and the over-turning moment at
the foundation due to imperfection in the braced skeletal structure shown in Figure 3.25.
The number of columns in each line is six, and there are five rows of column. There are
two sets of shear walls in each of the external rows of columns. The total ultimate gravity
load per floor = 15,000 kN and at the roof = 7,000 kN.

Bracing in internal bays

in Example 3.4 only

3.25 m 3.25 m


4.00 m

Columns unbraced in
Example 3.5 only

Figure 3.25 Detail to Example 3.4 (braced) and Example 3.5 (unbraced).

90  Precast Concrete Structures

l = 10.5 m, then αh = 2/√10.5 = 0.617 use 2/3
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m = 30 columns. αm = √0.5(1 + 1/30) = 0.719

θi = (1/200) × (2/3) × 0.719 = 0.002396 (or 1 in 417)
At roof level, Hi,roof = θI N/2 sets of shear walls = 0.002396 × 7000/2 = 8.38 kN
per wall
At floor level, Hi,floor = 0.002396 × 15,000/2 = 17.97 kN per wall
The over-turning moment M i due to Hi = 8.38 × 10.50 + 17.97 × (7.25 + 4.00) =
290.1 kNm per wall.

Example 3.5
Calculate the horizontal forces at each roof and floor level and the over-turning moment
at the foundation due to imperfection in one of the internal columns, if the same structure
shown in Figure 3.25 is unbraced. The effective length factor for the columns may (in this
example) be taken as 2.2. The total ultimate gravity load per column per floor = 900 kN
and at the roof = 500 kN.

At the roof level. l = 10.50 m, then αh = 2/√10.50 = 0.617 use 2/3. l 0 = 2.2 × 10.5 =

23.1 m
ei = (1/200) × (2/3) × 23.1/2 = 0.039 m
Then M i due to ei = 500 × 0.039 = 19.5 kNm which equates to Hi = 19.5/10.5 =
1.85 kN
 t the second floor level. l = 7.25 m, then αh = 2/√7.25 = 0.742. l 0 = 2.2 × 7.25 =
15.95 m
ei = (1/200) × 0.742 × 15.95/2 = 0.030 m
Then M i due to ei = 900 × 0.030 = 27.0 kNm which equates to Hi = 27.0/7.25 =
3.72 kN
At the first floor level. l = 4.00 m, then αh = 2/√4.00 = 1. l 0 = 2.2 × 4.00 = 8.80 m
ei = (1/200) × 1 × 8.80/2 = 0.022 m
Then M i due to ei = 900 × 0.022 = 19.8 kNm which equates to Hi = 19.8/4.00 =
4.95 kN
Total Mi = 19.5 + 27.0 + 19.8 = 66.3 kNm per column.
(Note that M i for isolated columns is greater per column than if the total M i for the walls
was divided over the total number of columns).

3.3.4  Beam subframe

Figure 3.19a. The subframe consists of the beam to be designed of span L1, and half of the
adjacent beams of span L 2 and L 3. The eccentricity of the beam end reaction from the cen-
troidal axis of the column is e. Alternate pattern loading is used. The height of the column
above and below the beam is actually of no consequence to beam. It is assumed that the
cross section and flexural stiffness of the column is constant.
Precast frame analysis  91

The maximum moment in the beam is: M1 = wEd,max(L 2 – 2e)2 /8 (3.15)

The beam end reaction is R1 = wEd,max L 2 /2 (3.16)

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(Note the shear force in the beam is V Ed = wEd,max (L 2 – 2e)/2).

End reactions in the adjacent beams are R1 = wEd,minL1/2 and R3 = wEd,minL3/2 (3.17)

The resulting maximum bending moment in the column is given by

Mcol = (R 2 – R1) e h3/(h2 + h3) (3.18)

assuming that R1 < R 3 and h1 > h3. Figure 3.26a shows the final moments.

e e

Wmin Max. load Wmax Min. load Wmin

R1 R2
L1 L2 L3


e4 e5

Mcol, upper

R4 R5
Mcol, lower


Figure 3.26 Bending moments in a pinned jointed frame for (a) internal beams, (b) upper floor columns.
92  Precast Concrete Structures
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Mcol, upper Mcol, upper

½Mcol, upper

(c) Rigid foundation Pinned foundation

Figure 3.26 (Continued) 

Bending moments in a pinned jointed frame for (c) ground floor columns.

3.3.5  Upper floor column subframe

Figure 3.19b. The subframe consists of the column to be designed of height (distance between
centres of beam bearing) h2 , and half the adjacent columns of heights h1 and h3. Because the
column is continuous, the cross section and flexural stiffness EI of each part of the column
is considered as shown in the figure. The beams are pattern loaded as mentioned earlier,
of span L 4/2 and L 5/2, and the eccentricity of each beam end reaction from the centroidal
axis of the column is e4 and e5, respectively. The moment at the upper end of the designed
column is given by

Mcol ,upper = (R4e4 - R5e5)
h2 h3

and at the lower end is

Mcol ,upper = (R4e4 - R5e5) (3.19)
h1 h2

where R4 and R 5 are given in Equations 3.2 and 3.3. Figure 3.26b shows the final moments.
Note that patch loading produces single curvature in the columns.

3.3.6  Ground floor column subframe

Figure 3.19c The subframe consists of the column to be designed of height (distance between
the centre of first floor beam bearing and 50 mm below top of foundation (see section 9.4))
h1, and half the adjacent column of height h2. All other details are as before. If the foundation
Precast frame analysis  93

is rigid (moment resisting), the moment at the upper end of the designed column is given by
Equation 3.5 with appropriate notation. The carry-over moment at the lower end is equal to
50% of the upper end moment. If the foundation is pinned, the upper end moment is given by
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EI 1
Mcol , upper = ( R4 e4 - R55e5 ) (3.20)
0.75 +
h1 h2

and the lower end moment is zero. Figure 3.26c shows the final moments. Patch loads pro-
duce single curvature in the columns.
Example 3.6
Determine, using substructuring techniques, the bending moments in the beam X and
columns Y and Z identified in Figure 3.27. The beam–column connections are pinned,
and the foundation is rigid. The distance from the edge of the column to the centre of
the beam end reaction is 100 mm. Characteristic beam loading is Gk = 40 kN/m and
Qk = 30 kN/m.
wEd,max = max{1.35 × 40 + 1.05 × 30; 1.25 × 40 + 1.5 × 30} = max {85.5; 95.0} = 95.0
kN/m; wEd,min = 40 kN/m.

Beam subframe
e = 450/2 + 100 = 325 mm
Equation 3.1.  M1 = 95.0 × (8.000 – 2 × 0.325)2 /8 = 641.5 kNm

Column Y subframe
Beam end reactions R1 = 95.0 × 8.000/2 = 380.0 kN; R2 = 40 × 6.000/2 = 240.0 kN
e 1 = e 2 = 300/2 + 100 = 250 mm
h2 = 3.2 h3 = 3.2 h4 = 3.2


Section Y

h1 = 5.0


Section Z

L1 = 8.0 L2 = 6.0

50 mm below top
of foundation

Figure 3.27 Detail to Example 3.6.

94  Precast Concrete Structures

but EI1/h1 = EI 2 /h 2
Equation 3.5. At upper and lower ends, Mcol = (380.0 – 240.0) × 0.250 × 0.5 =
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17.5 kNm

Column Z subframe
Beam end reactions as before. e 1 = e 2 = 450/2 + 100 = 325 mm
Given that E is constant

300 ´ 4503
I1 /h1 = = 451 ´ 103 mm2
12 ´ 5050

300 ´ 3003
I2 /h2 = = 211 ´ 103 mm2
12 ´ 3200

Equation 3.5. At upper end, Mcol,upper = (380 – 240) × 0.325 × 451/(451 + 211) = 31.0 kNm
At lower end, Mcol,lower = 50% × 31.0 = 15.5 kNm.


Connections form the vital part of precast concrete design and construction. They alone can
dictate the type of precast frame, the limitations of that frame, and the erection progress.
It is said that in a load-bearing wall frame the rigidity of the connections can be as little as
1/100 of the rigidity of the wall panels −200 N/mm 2 per mm length for concrete panels ver-
sus 2.7–15.0 N/mm 2 per mm length for joints (Straman 1990). Moreover, the deformity of
the bedding joint, that is the invisible interface where the panel is wet bedded onto a mortar,
between upper and lower wall panels can be 10 times greater than that of the panel.
The previous paragraph contained the words connections and joints to describe very simi-
lar things. Connections are sometimes called ‘joints’ – the terminology is loose and often
interposed. The definition adopted in this book is as follows:

Connection: is the total construction between two (or more) connected components: it
includes a part of the precast component itself and may comprise several joints.
Joint: is the part of a connection at individual boundaries between two elements (the ele-
ments can be precast components, in situ concrete, mortar bedding, mastic sealant, etc.)

For example in the beam–column assembly shown in Figure 3.28, a bearing joint is made
between the beam and column corbel, a shear joint is made between the dowel and the
angle, and a bolted joint is made between the angle and column. When the assembly is
completed by the use of in situ mortar/grout, the entire construction is called a connection.
This is because the overall behaviour of the assembly includes the behaviour of the precast
components plus all of the interface joints between them. Engineers prove the capacity of the
entire connection by assessing the behaviour of the individual joints.
Structurally, joints are required to transfer all types of forces – the most common of these
being not only compression and shear, but also tension, bending and occasionally torsion.
The combinations of forces at a connection can be resolved into components of compressive,
tensile and shear stress, and these can be assessed according to limit state design. Steel (or
other materials) inserts may be included if the concrete stresses are greater than permissible
Precast frame analysis  95

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Bearing and
shear joint

Figure 3.28 Moment and shear transfer at a bearing corbel.

values. The effects of localised stress concentrations near to inserts and geometric disconti-
nuities can be assessed and proven at individual joints. However, connection design is much
more important than that because of the sensitivity of connection behaviour to manufactur-
ing tolerances, erection methods and workmanship.
It is necessary to determine the force paths through connections in order to be able to
check the adequacy of the various joints within. Compared with cast in situ construction,
there are a number of forces which are unique to precast connections, namely frictional
forces due to relative movement causes by shrinkage, etc pretensioning stresses in the con-
crete and steel, handling and self-weight stresses. In the example shown in Figure 3.29, a
reinforced concrete column and corbel support a pretensioned concrete beam. The figure
shows that there are 10 different force vectors in this connection as follows:

1. A: diagonal compression strut in corbel

2. B: horizontal component reaction to force at A
3. C: vertical component reaction to force at A
4. D: internal diagonal resultant to forces B and C
5. E: diagonal compression strut in beam
6. F & G: horizontal component reaction to force E
7. H: tension field reaction to forces E & F
8. J: horizontal friction force caused by the relative movement of beam and corbel
9. K: horizontal membrane reaction to beam rotation due to eccentric prestressing

The structural behaviour of the frame can be controlled by the appropriate design of connec-
tions. In achieving the various structural systems in Section 3.3.2, it may be necessary to design
and construct either/both rigid and/or pinned connections. Rigid monolithic connections can
only truly be made at the time of casting, although it is possible to site cast connections that
have been shown to behave as monolithic, for example cast in situ filling of prefabricated soffit
96  Precast Concrete Structures

Site placed infill

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D Beam

Column corbel

Figure 3.29 Force paths in beam to column corbel connection.

beams before and after casting as shown in Figure 3.30a and b. The advantages lost to in situ
concreting work (cold climates in particular), the delayed maturity, the increase in structural
cross section, and the reliance on correct workmanship, etc. detract this solution in favour of
bolted or welded mechanical devices. Rigid connections may be made at the foundation where
there is less restriction on space as shown in Figure  3.31. In very simple terms, a bending
moment is generated by the provision of a force couple in rigid embedment, that is no slippage
when the force is generated. Pinned connections are designed by an absence of this couple,
although many connectors designed in this way inadvertently contain a force couple, giving
rise to spurious moments which often cause cracking in a region of flexural tension.
To gain an overview of the various types, Figure 3.32 and Table 3.4 show the locations,
classification and basic construction of connections in a precast structure.
In theory, no connection is fully rigid or pinned – they all behave in a semi-rigid manner,
especially after the onset of flexural cracking. Using a ‘beam-line’ analysis, Figure 3.33, we
can assess the structural classification of a connection. Although the beam-line approach was
developed for structural steelwork in c1936, research carried out since 1990 has shown that
the method is appropriate to precast connections (Elliott et al. 1998, Elliott et al. 2003a,b,
Ferriera et al. 2003, Elliott and Jolly 2013).
The moment–rotation (M-θ) diagram in Figure 3.33 is constructed by considering the two
extremes in the right hand part of Figure 3.33. The hogging moment of resistance of the beam
at the support is given by MRd > wL2/12, and the rotation of a pin ended beam subjected to a
UDL of w is θ = wL3/24EI. The gradient of the beam line is 2EI/L. The M-θ plot for plots 1
and 2 give the monolithic and pinned connections, respectively. In reality, the behaviour of a
connection in precast concrete will follow plots 3, 4 or 5, etc. If the M-θ plot for the connec-
tion fails to pass through the beam-line, that is plot 5, the connection is deemed not to possess
sufficient ductility and should be considered in design as ‘pinned’. Furthermore, its inherent
Precast frame analysis  97
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Figure 3.30 Cast in  situ concrete topping over precast soffit beams forms a fully rigid connection.
(a) Prepared for casting and (b) as cast and awaiting structural topping to also cover the slabs.

stiffness (given by the gradient of the M-θ plot) is ignored. Conversely, if the M-θ behaviour
follows plot 3 (the gradient must lie in the shaded zone and the failure takes place outside the
shaded zone), the effect of the connection will not differ from a monolithic by more than 5%.


Structural stability and safety are necessary considerations at all times during the erection
of precast concrete frames. The structural components will not form a stabilising system
until the connections are completed – in some cases, this can involve several hours of matu-
rity of cast in situ concrete/grout joints, and several days if structural cast in situ toppings
98  Precast Concrete Structures

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Site placed infill

50 ignored

1.5h approx

Figure 3.31 Precast column to pocket connection.

Internal beams to Edge beam to

column head column head

Split level
beams to
column face
Beam to deep Continuous beam
Mid height column corbel Beam half joint to column head
column splice
Floor level
Half joint
to column arm

Beam to Beam to
Beam to shallow shallow
column face column carbel haunch

Beam to
column splice Continuous beam
to column splice

Column base plate

Column on bolted on retaining wall
Column in shoe or brackets Column on bolted
grouted pocket Column on base plate on
grouted sleeve pad footing

Figure 3.32 Types of connections in a precast structure.

are used to transfer horizontal forces. A stabilising system must comprise two things as
shown in Figure 3.34:

1. A horizontal system, often called a ‘floor diaphragm’ because it is extremely thin in

relation to its plan area
2. A vertical system in which the reactions from the horizontal system are transferred to
the ground (or other substructure)
Precast frame analysis  99

Table 3.4  Types of connections in precast frames

Location in
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Connection type Figure 3.32 Classification Method of jointing

Beam – column head 1 Pinned Dowel
Beam – column head 2 Rigid Dowel plus continuity top steel
Rafter – column head 3 Pinned Dowel
Rafter – column head 4 Rigid Bolts (couple)
Column splice 5 Pinned Bolts/dowel
Rigid Bars in grouted sleeve (couple)
Threaded couplers
Steel shoes
Beam – column face 6 Pinned Bolts
Welded plates
Notched plates
Beam – column corbel 7 Pinned Dowel
Beam – column corbel 8 Rigid Dowel plus continuity top steel
Beam – beam 9 Pinned Bolts
Slab – beam 10 Pinned Tie bars
Slab – wall 11 Pinned Tie bars
Column – foundation 12 Pinned Bolts
Column – cast in situ 13 Pinned or rigida Bolts
beam or retaining wall Rebars in grouted sleeve
a Depending on the design of the cast in situ substructure.

2 1
MR = wL Rigid M

Pinned M=0
Failure of
connection θ


rigid M



θR = wL

Figure 3.33 Definition of moment–rotation characteristics.

100  Precast Concrete Structures

gy ord
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adi x
Lo rd

Tie Bracing x

Strut x
Strut y
Bracing y

Reactions x

Reactions y

Figure 3.34 Stabilising systems in braced frames.

The horizontal system is considered in detail in Chapter 8 where reference is also made to
the many code regulations on this topic. When subjected to horizontal wind or lack-of-
plumb forces, the floor slab acts as a deep beam and is subjected to bending moments Mh
and shear forces Vh (h being the subscript used for horizontal diaphragms). The basic design
method is shown in Figure 3.35. The design is a three-stage approach:

1. The floor diaphragm is analysed as a long, deep beam which is supported by a number
of shear walls, shear cores, deep columns (wind posts), or other kinds of bracing such
as steel cross bracing. Figure 3.35a.
2. If there are only two supports (bracing), the analysis is statically determinate and MEd,h
and VEd,h may be calculated directly. If there are more than two supports, irrespec-
tive of where they are positioned, the analysis is statically indeterminate. The support
reactions must first be found by a technique which considers the relative stiffness and
position of each support, and the horizontal (e.g. wind load) pressure distribution.
The derivation is given in Section 8.1 after which MEd,h and VEd,h may be calculated.
3. The area of reinforcement required to resist M Ed,h and V Ed,h is determined as follows:

A sh = M Ed,h γm /0.8 B f yk (3.21)

0.8 B is the assumed lever arm between the compression zone and the tie steel (the
assumption is known to be conservative)
f yk /γm is the design stress in the tie steel with γm = 1.15

High tensile rebar with fyk = 500 N/mm2 or standard helical strand with fpk = 1770 N/mm2 is
used (super strand or Dyform tend to be too stiff to handle) – the reasons are given in Section 8.4.

A shd = V Ed,h γm /0.6 μ f yk (3.22)

Precast frame analysis  101

where μ is the coefficient of friction as given in BS EN 1992-1-1, clause 6.2.5(2). Hollow core
slabs are considered as being untreated and smooth, then μ = 0.6 with no special, that is ex-
factory, edge preparation (see Section 8.2). For ex-steel mould with smooth surfaces, μ = 0.5.
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4. The tie steel A shd must be placed everywhere moments occur. The tie steel A svh must
be placed only where the shear force is greater than a certain value. This is found by
checking that the interface shear stress vEdi = V Ed,h /B (D – 30 mm) does not exceed
vRdi ≤ 0.15 N/mm 2 for smooth and rough surfaces (as in the case of machine cast hollow
core units and as-cast precast planks) or vRdi ≤ 0.10 N/mm 2 for very smooth surfaces
cast against steel moulds, according to BS EN 1992-1-1, clause 10.9.3(12). (The reason
for the deduction of 30 mm is explained in Section 8.4.1.)

Horizontal force (pressure)

Compression field Reactions

(diagrammatic only) (bracing elements)

(a) Tension chord

Section at welded joints

Mesh typically A142 or A193

Structural concrete topping

screed – 40 mm min. depth
at highest point in slab

Site welded connections

are ignored in diaphragm


Figure 3.35 Diaphragm floor action. (a) Deep beam analogy. (b) Reinforced structural topping in double-
tee floors.  (Continued)
102  Precast Concrete Structures

30 mm minimum
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Site placed reinforcement into

slot formed in precast slabs

In situ concrete edge

(or internal) beam = chord
element in diaphragm

500 mm

Section through slot

(c) in hollow core slab

Figure 3.35 (Continued) Diaphragm floor action. (c) Perimeter reinforcement in hollow core floors.

Diaphragms may be reinforced in several ways. In Figure 3.35b, a reinforced cast in situ top-
ping transfers all horizontal forces to the vertical system – the precast floor plays no part but
for restraining the topping against buckling. In Figure 3.35c, there is no cast in situ topping.
Perimeter and internal tie steel resists the chord forces resulting from horizontal moments.
Coupling bars are inserted into the ends of the floor units, and together with the perimeter
steel provides the means for shear friction generated in the concrete-filled longitudinal joints
between the units.

Example 3.7
Determine the shear wall reactions and diaphragm reinforcement in the floor shown in
Figure 3.36a. The precast units are 150 mm deep hollow cored and have an ex-factory
edge finish. The characteristic wind pressure on the floor wk = 3 kN/m. Tie steel is high
tensile ribbed bar f yk = 500 N/mm 2 . Suggest some reinforcement details.
Precast frame analysis  103

Floor units
3 kN/m
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Shear walls
or bracing

5.0 m
24.0 m 6.0 m

4.2 kN/m

47.2 kN 78.8 kN

Mmax at V = 0

11.24 m

(b) Shear force diagram

Figure 3.36 Detail to Example 3.7. (a) Plan view of floor diaphragm, (b) Wind loading diagram and shear
force diagram in the floor diaphragm.

NA to BS EN 1990, Table NA.A1.2 (B) – Design values of actions (STR) (Set B) γW = 1.5
Design ultimate wind load = 1.5 × 3.0 = 4.5 kN/m.
From Figure 3.36b, support reaction R1 = 50.62 kN; R 2 = 84.38 kN.
Shear span from LHS (distance to zero shear and hence point of maximum
moment) = 50.62/4.5 = 11.25 m.
MEd,h,max = 50.62 × 11.25/2 = 284.74 kNm; VEd,h,max = 57.38 kN at RHS of 24 m span.
A shd = 284.74 × 106/0.8 × 5000 × (500/1.15) = 164 mm 2 . Use 2 no. H12 bars (226).
Interface shear stress vEdi = 57.38 × 103/5000 × (150 – 30) = 0.096 N/mm 2 < 0.15
N/mm 2 allowed. No shear reinforcement needed.

Vertical stabilising systems are dictated by the necessary actions of the structural system,
that is skeletal, wall or portal frame. Column effective lengths depend on the type and direc-
tion of the bracing. However, there is a broad classification as the structure is

1. Unbraced frame, Figure 3.37, where horizontal force resistance is provided either by
moment resisting frame action, cantilever action of columns, or cantilever action of
wind posts (deep columns)
2. Braced frame, Figure 3.38, where horizontal force resistance is provided either by
cantilever action of walls or cores, in-plane panel action of shear walls or cores, infill
walls, cross bracing, etc. or
3. Partially braced frame, Figure 3.39, which is some combination of (1) and (2)
104  Precast Concrete Structures

Column lo = 2.083 l

Rigid joints Column lo ≈ 1.5 l Pinned joints Column lo = 1.0 l

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lo ≈ 2.2 l

Frame action Cantilever columns Cantilever wind post

Figure 3.37 Alternative sway mechanisms and resulting column effective length factors.

All columns lo = 1.0 l

Figure 3.38 Alternative full-height bracing mechanisms and resulting column effective length factors.

The type of stabilising system may be different in other directions. The floor plan arrange-
ment and the availability of shear walls/cores will dictate the solution. The simplest case is a
long narrow rectangular plan where, as shown in Figure 3.40a, shear walls brace the frame
in the y direction only, the x direction being unbraced. In other layouts, shown for example
in Figure 3.40b, it is nearly always possible to find bracing positions. Precast skeletal frames
Precast frame analysis  105

Column lo = 2.083 l
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Column lo = 1.0 l Column lo = 1.09 l Column lo = 2.0 l

Figure 3.39 Alternative partial height bracing mechanisms and resulting column effective length factors.

Floor units

y Shear walls
Column and
or other bracing
(a) x beam frame

Service core
lifts etc.



Figure 3.40 Positions of shear walls and cores in alternative floor plan layouts. (a) Positions of shear walls,
(b) positions of shear cores or walls around stairs and lift shafts. (Continued)
106  Precast Concrete Structures

Braced Unbraced
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Shear core

Construction and
movement gap


Figure 3.40 (Continued) Positions of shear walls and cores in alternative floor plan layouts. (c) bracing meth-
ods and positions in partially braced irregular or non-symmetrical buildings.

of three or more storeys in height are mostly braced or partially braced. This is to avoid hav-
ing to use deep columns to cater for sway deflections, which give rise to large second-order
bending moments. Section 6.2.6 refers in more detail.
It is not wise to use different stabilising systems acting in the same direction in different
parts of a structure. The relative stiffness of the braced part is likely to be much greater than
in the unbraced part, giving rise to torsional effects due to the large eccentricity between the
centre of external pressure and the centroid of the stabilising system, as explained in Figure
3.40c. The different stabilising systems should be structurally isolated – Figure 3.40d.
In calculating the position of the centroid of a stabilising system, the stiffness of each com-
ponent of thickness t and length L is given by Ecm,long I, where Ecm,long = long-term Young’s
modulus (usually taken as 15 kN/mm 2) and I = tL 3/12. First moments of stiffness are used
to calculate the centroid as explained in Example 3.8.

Example 3.8
Propose stabilising systems for the five-storey skeletal frame shown in Figure 3.41a.
The beam–column connections are all pinned, and the columns should be the minimum
possible cross section to cater for gravity loads. Wind loading may be assumed to be uni-
form over the entire façade. Use only shear walls for bracing.
Hint: the grid dimensions around the stairwell may be taken as 4 m × 3 m, and at the lift
shaft 3 m × 3 m.

A braced frame is required up to the fourth floor, after which a one-storey unbraced
frame may be used. It would not otherwise be possible to satisfy the requirement of
minimum column sizes for gravity loads. To avoid torsional effects (see Figure 3.40c),
the centroid of the stabilising system should be as close as possible to the centre of exter-
nal pressure, that is at x ≈ 24 m and y ≈ 16 m. It is necessary to first consider the two
orthogonal directions.

Stability in y-direction
The centroid of the stability walls x′ ≈ 24 m.
Precast frame analysis  107

36.0 m 12.0 m No visual obstruction

except for lift shaft
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4 bays at 8.0 m = 32.0 m

shown thus

Opaque obstruction
Lift shaft

allowed only in lift

and stair wells


6 bays at 8.0 m = 48.0 m

Pinned or rigid
(a) foundation


x΄ = 26.3


y΄ = 16.0

Shear centre

3.0 33.0 3.0 6.0 3.0


(b) 48.0

Figure 3.41 Detail to Example 3.8 (dimensions in metres). (a) Plan view and cross-section of framed struc-
ture, (b) Plan view showing positions of shear walls.

Select walls as shown in Figure 3.41b. On the assumption that the material and con-
struction of all walls is the same, Young’s modulus and thickness of wall are common to
all walls and need not be used in the calculation.

(43 ´ 0) + (43 ´ 3) + (33 ´ 33) + (33 ´ 36) + (43 ´ 45) + (43 ´ 48)
Centroid of stiffness x¢= = 25.0 m ,
(4 ´ 43) + (2 ´ 33)

which is ­sufficiently close to the required point to eliminate significant torsional effects.
108  Precast Concrete Structures

Stability in x-direction
The centroid of the stability walls y′ ≈ 32/2 = 16 m.
(33 ´ 0) + (33 ´ 16) + (33 ´ 32)
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Centroid of stiffness y¢= = 16.0 m, which is at the correct point.

3 ´ 33



To assist the transition between the British code BS 8110:1997 and the Eurocodes EC0, EC1
and EC2, the following precast reinforced and prestressed concrete elements are designed:

1. Reinforced concrete rectangular beam

2. Reinforced concrete rectangular column
3. Prestressed concrete solid floor slab

Clauses and tables in the codes are indicated within ‘{}’.

3.6.1  Reinforced concrete rectangular beam

A 600 mm deep × 300 mm wide r.c. beam carries uniformly distributed dead and live load-
ing of 40 and 30 kN/m over a simply supported clear span of 5.85 m with bearing lengths of
150 mm. The beam carries office loading. The exposure is internal, and the fire resistance is
60 min. The design life is 50 years.
Design the main reinforcement at mid-span and the shear reinforcement at the support
and position where nominal links are required. Calculate the crack width and the long-term
deflection using the appropriate creep factor and check the span/depth ratio for the area of
rebars designed. Use fck /fcu = 32/40, high tensile main bars and links grade fyk /fy = 500 N/mm 2 ,
and normal-weight concrete with a 20 mm coarse aggregate.

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

Durability. BS 8500-1. Table A.4 for 50 years
Exposure XC1. Cover c = 15 + Δc Exposure XC1. Cnom = 15 + ΔCdev
{7.3} Δc = 5 mm {} ΔCdev = 5 mm
Cover to links c = 20 mm Cover to links = 20 mm
Fire. 1 h Fire. R60. BS EN 1992-1-2
{Table 3.4} c = 20 mm {Table 5.5} for b = 300 mm, axis a = 25 mm
Section properties. Let links ϕ = 8 mm ∴a = max{20 + 8 = 28 mm; 25 mm}
Assume main bars ϕ = 32 mm
b = 300 mm; d = 600 – 20 – 8 – 16 = 556 mm b = 300 mm; d = 600 – 28 – 16 = 556 mm
Flexural design
Self-weight Self-weight {BS EN 1991-1-1, Table A1.1}
= 0.6 × 0.3 × 24 = 4.32 kN/m = 0.6 × 0.3 × 25 = 4.5 kN/m
Ultimate load {BS EN 1990, Table A1.2(B) and
{Table 2.1} Table A1.1} ψ0 = 0.7
Precast frame analysis  109

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

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wu = 1.4 × 44.32 + 1.6 × 30 = 110.1 kN/m {Exp. 6.10a; 6.10b} wEd = max{1.35 × 44.5 + 0
0.7 × 1.5 × 30; 1.25 × 44.5 + 1.5 × 30} = 100.7 kNm
Effective span {} {, Fig. 5.4a}
lo = min{5.85 + 0.15; 5.85 + 0.46} = 6.0 m leff = min{5.85 + 0.15; 5.85 + 0.46} = 6.0 m
M = 110.1 × 6.02/8 = 495.5 kNm MEd = 100.7 × 6.02/8 = 453.1 kNm
{} K = 495.5 × 106/40 × 300 × 5562 {3.1.7(3)} K = 453.1 × 106/32 × 300 × 5562
= 0.134 < 0.156 for x/d ≤ 0.5 = 0.153 < 0.206 for x/d ≤ 0.6
z/d = 0.5 + √0.25 – K/0.9 = 0.82 < 0.95 z/d = 0.5 + √0.25 – K/1.133 = 0.84 < 0.95
z = 0.82 × 556 = 455 mm z = 0.84 × 556 = 467 mm
As = 495.5 × 106/455 × 0.87 × 500 = 2503 mm2 As = 453.1 × 106/467 × 0.87 × 500 = 2230 mm2
Use 2 no. H32 ± 2 no. H25 bars (2,590) Use 3 no. H32 bars (2,412)
Spacing = (300 – 88 – 114)/3 = 33 mm Spacing = (300 – 88 – 96)/2 = 58 mm
{} > 20 + hagg 5 = 25 mm OK {Table 7.3N} < 100 mm for any value of σs
{Table 7.1, NAD Table NA.4}wk = 0.3 mm
Although compression steel is not required
{Table 3.25} Min As′ = 0.2% = 360 mm2 {} Min As′ = 0.13% = 234 mm2
Use 2 no. H16 (402) at d ′ = 36 mm Use 2 no. H16 (402) at d ′  = 36 mm
Comments. EC2 requires 11% less area of rebar.
Shear design
{} lv = 5.85 – 2 × 0.556 = 4.74 m {6.2.1(8)} lv = 5.85 – 2 × 0.556 = 4.74 m
V = 110.1 × 4.74/2 = 261.0 kN VEd = 100.7 × 4.74/2 = 238.7 kN
{} v = 261.0 × 103/300 × 556 {6.3.2. Exp. 6.9}VRd,max = v1 b z fcd 0.5 sin 2θ
= 1.56 N/mm2 < 0.8√fcu = 5.06 N/mm2 v1 = 0.6 (1 − fck/250), z = 0.9d and fcd = fck/1.5
> vc = 0.79 × 1.51/3 × 1.17/1.25 = 0.84 N/mm2 θ = 0.5 sin−1 (238,700/(0.5 × 0.523 × 300 × 501
where 100 As/bvd = 1.5, (fcu/25)1/3 = 1.17 × (32/1.5)) = 8.2o < 22.5o ∴ use cot θ = 2.5
{Table 3.7} v > vc {6.3.2. Exp. 6.8}
Asv/sv = 300 × (1.56 – 0.84)/(0.87 × 500) Asw/s = 238,700/501 × 0.87 × 500 × 2.5
= 0.5 mm2/mm = 250 mm2/m/leg = 0.438 mm2/mm = 219 mm2/m/leg
{} s < 0.75 × 556 = 417 mm {9.2.2(6)} s ≤ 0.75d = 417 mm
Use H8 links at 200 mm c/c (250) Use H8 links at 225 mm c/c (222)
Nominal where v = vc + 0.4 = 1.24 N/mm2 {Exp. 9.5N} Asw,min/s = 0.08 × √32 × 300/500
or where shear force = 0.272 mm2/m
∴Vnom = 1.24 × 300 × 556 × 10–3 = 207 kN ∴ VRd,c,min = 238.7 × (0.272/0.438) = 148.0 kN
at 1,530 mm from centre of support. at 1,120 mm from the centre of support
EC2 requires 13% less area of links, and nominal links to EC2 start at 1.36 times the distance
for BS 8110.
Short-term Young’s modulus
{2.5.4} Es = 200 kN/mm2 {3.2.7(4)} Es = 200 kN/mm2
{Part 2, 7.2} Ec = 20 + 0.2 × 40 = 28 kN/mm2 {Table 3.1} Ecm = 22 (40/10)0.3 = 33.34 kN/mm2
α = 200/28 = 7.14 α = 200/33.34 = 6.00
Long-term Young’s modulus
Bottom and sides exposed ho = 2Ac/u = 360,000/
(300 + 2 × 600) = 240 mm
110  Precast Concrete Structures

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

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Age at loading = 28 days. Indoor exposure

RH = 50%
{Part 2, Fig. 7.1} φ = 2.45 {Fig. 3.1a} φ(∞,to) = 2.4
{Part 2, 3.6} Ec,long = 28/3.45 = 8.11 kN/mm2 {7.20} Ec,ef = 33.34/3.4 = 9.80 kN/mm2
∴αe = 200/8.11 = 24.64 ∴ αe = 200/9.80 = 20.39
αe − 1 (uncracked concrete) = 23.64 αe − 1 = 19.39
Uncracked section properties Uncracked transformed section
Not required in BS 8110 bh + Σ(αe – 1) As = 234,587 mm2
xu = 300 × 6002/2 + 19.39 × (2,590 × 566 +
402 × 36)/234,587 = 342.3 mm from top
Iu = 8,590 × 106 mm4
Zb = 8,590/257.5 = 33.36 × 106 mm4
{7.4.3} Mcr = 33.36 × 3.02 = 100.8 kNm
{Table 3.1} fctm = 0.3 × 322/3 = 3.02 N/mm2
Ms,QP = (44.5 + 0.3 × 30) × 6.02/8 = 240.7 kNm
> Mcr use partially cracked Ief
Cracked section properties
{Part 2, 3.6} Instantaneous value
Solving first m.o.a. b xc2/2 + (α − 1) As′(xc – d′) = α As
(d – xc)
xc = 202.2 mm
Ix-x,c = 3211 × 106 mm4
Long-term value
Solving first m.o.a. b xc2/2 + (αe×1) As′(xc – d′) = αe As
(d – xc)
xc = 302.0 mm xc = 279.4 mm
Ix-x,c = 7545 × 106 mm4 Ic = 6,407 × 106 mm4
Curvature 1/rb = M/EI Effective Ief
{Part 2, 3.3.3) ψ = 0.25 offices {Exp. 7.18 and 7.19} better presented as
Instantaneous curvature (×10–6 mm−1 units) Ief = Ic + [(Iu – Ic) 0.5 (Mcr/Ms,QP)2]
wδ = 44.32 + 0.25 × 30 = 51.82 kN/m Ief = 6407 + [(8,590 – 6,407) × 0.5 × (100.8/240.7)2] =
6599 × 106 mm4
Ms,total = 51.82 × 6.02/8 = 233.2 kNm
1/rb,total = 233.2/(28,000 × 3,211) = 2.59
Ms,Gk = 44.32 × 6.02/8 = 199.4 kNm (dead)
1/rb,Gk = 199.4/(28,000 × 3,211) = 2.22
Long-term curvature Long-term curvature (×10–6 mm−1 units)
1/rb,Gk = 199.4/(8,116 × 7,545) = 3.26 1/rb = Ms,QP/Ec,ef Ief
1/rb = 3.26 + (2.59 − 2.22) = 3.63 1/rb = 240.7/9,806 × 6,599 = 3.72
{Part 2, 3.7.2} Deflection δ = K lo2 (1/rb) δ = K leff2 (1/rb)
{Part 2, Table 3.1} K = 0.104
δ = 0.104 × 60002 × 3.63 × 10–6 = 13.6 mm δ = 0.104 × 6,0002 × 3.72 × 10–6 = 13.9 mm
{} lo /δ = 440 > 250 OK {7.4.1(4)} leff /δ = 431 > 250 OK
Span/depth ratio
{} lo/d = 20 × 0.744 = 14.87 {7.4.2(2)} l/d = 11 + 1.5√32 × 0.432 = 14.67
Precast frame analysis  111

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

where ρo/ρ = 0.432; ρ’ = 0
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{Table 3.9} Basic lo/d = 20

{} MF = 0.55 + [(477 – 332) ρo = 10–3 √32 = 0.00566
/(120 (0.9 + 5.34))] = 0.744 ρ = 2,230/300 ×566 = 0.0131 > ρo {Exp. 7.16b}
{Table 3.10} fs = (2/3) × 500 × (2,503/2,590) (Table 7.4N} K = 1
= 332 N/mm2
M/bd2 = 495.5 × 106/300 × 5562 = 5.34
∴d > 6,000/14.87 = 404 mm < 556 OK ∴ d > 6,000/14.67 = 409 mm < 556 OK
Deflections and span/depth ratios are the same in spite of different approaches in the two codes and that
EC2’s Ecm = 1.19 Ec. Changing the creep coefficient φ from 2.4 to 1.5 results in only a 1.3 mm reduction in
deflection, showing that φ is not a sensitive parameter.
Crack width
{Part 2, 3.8.3} Ec/2 = 14 kN/mm2 {7.3.4(1)} wk = sr,max (εsm − εcm)
Spacing = 3 × 28 = 84 mm {7.3.4(3)} sr,max = 3.4 × 28 + 0.8 × 0.5 × 0.425 ×
32/0.075 = 168 mm
cw = 84 × 736 × 10–6 = 0.06 mm wk = 168 × 913 × 10–6 = 0.15 mm
where εm = ε1 − ε′ = 804 – 68 = 736 × 10–6 where εsm − εcm = [206 – (0.4 × 3.02/0.075) ×
ε1 = Ms (d – xc)/Ec/2 Ix-x,c = 334.4 × (1 + 6.0 × 0.075)]/200,000 = 913 × 10–6
(556 – 302)/(14,000 × 7545) = 804 x 10–6 but > 0.6 × 206/200,000 = 618 × 10–6
where Ms = 74.32 × 6.02/8 = 334.4 kNm {7.3.4(2)}ρeff = 2412/300 × 107 = 0.075
ws = 44.32 + 30 = 74.32 kN/m {7.3.2(3)}Minimum is Ac,eff = (h – xc)/3
{Part 2, Eq. 13} ε′ = 300 × 298 × 302/(3 × = (600 – 279.4)/3 = 107 mm
200,000 × 2,590 × 254) = 68 x 10–6 {7.1(2)} fct,eff = fctm = 0.3 × 322/3 = 3.02 N/mm2
σs = αe Ms,QP (d – xc)/Ief = 20.39 × 240.7 × (556 −
279.4)/6599 = 206 N/mm2
{3.2.4} cw < cw max = 0.3 mm {Table NA.4} wk < wmax = 0.3 mm for XC1
Crack width is greater in EC2 due to increased crack spacing, that is 84 and 168 mm in the two codes.
The final effective strains are also greater in EC2, possibly because of the assumption in BS 8110 using
Ec/2 = 14 kN/mm2 compared to the long-term value in EC2.

3.6.2  Reinforced concrete rectangular column

A two-storey 300  mm × 300  mm edge column supports beams on one side only in an
unbraced sway frame as shown in Figure 3.42a. The exposure, fire resistance, design life
and beam end reactions are as given in 3.6.1, except that the roof beam may be taken as
60% of the floor beam reactions. The beam reactions act at 80 mm from the face of the
column. The flexural stiffness of the beam-to-column connection may (in this exercise) be
taken as 1/10 of that of the column. The characteristic horizontal wind load is shown in
Figure 3.42a.
Design the main reinforcement and specify the shear links. Use fck/fcu = 40/50, fyk/fy =
500 N/mm2, and normal-weight concrete. Effective creep factor φef = 1 (used in EC2).
Moment distribution factors at the first floor (upper end of column is pinned, lower end
at foundation is fixed) = 4EI/3.5 /(4EI/3.5 + 3EI/3.0) = 54% with 50% carryover (c/o) to
the foundation.
112  Precast Concrete Structures

Pinned joints with 1/10

column stiffness
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Wk = 7 kN

Floor beams

designed in 3.6.1
Clear 6100

Wk = 14 kN

All columns 300 × 300

Clear 2900


e Vroof

54% M = Ve at first floor


50% carry over

to foundation

(b) First order frame moments Due to wind loads Second order deflection Second order moments

Figure 3.42 Detail to code comparison for reinforced concrete column.  (a) Frame arrangement,  (b) bending moments
due to beam eccentricity, horizontal loads (wind and imperfections) and second-order deflections.

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

Durability is the same as for the beam, ∴ cover to links
20 mm
Fire. 1 h Fire. R60. BS EN 1992-1-2
{Table 3.4} c = 20 mm {BS EN 1990, Table A1.1} In fire ψ2 = 0.3 for
offices beam load and ψ2 = 0 for wind load
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Gk = 44.5 × 6.0/2 = 133.5 kN per beam

Qk = 30 × 6.0/2 = 90 kN per beam
{2.4.2} VEd,fi,max = 133.5 + 0.3 × 90 = 160.5 kN
Per floor plus 60% at roof = 96.3 kN
Self-weight = 0.3 × 0.3 × 25 × 3 = 6.75 kN
NEd,fi at first floor level = 424 kN
Eccentricity of reaction = 150 + 80 = 230 mm
MEd,fi = 160.5 × 0.23 = 36.9 kNm × 54% as
distributed = 19.9 kNm
{5.3.2} efi = 19.9/424 = 0.047 m = 47 mm
{5.3.2. Method B, Table 5.2b}as l0 > 3.0 m
e/h = 47/300 = 0.16 < 0.25
Then n = NEd,fi /(0.7(Ac fcd + As fyd))
Try 4 H25 bars = 1963 mm2
n = 424/(0.7 (3002 × 26.67 +1963 × 435) x 10–3
= 0.19 and ω = 1963 × 435/3002 × 26.67 = 0.36
{Table 5.2b} R60 requires bmin/a = 300/25
But 25 mm < c + ϕlink + ϕbar/2 = 20 + 8 + 12
= 40 mm ∴ not critical
Section properties.
Assume main bars ϕ = 25 mm Assume main bars ϕ = 20 mm
{} Links ≥ ϕ /4 use 8 mm {9.5.3(1)} Links ≥ ϕ/4 use 8 mm
b = 300 mm; d = 300 − 20 − 8 − 12 = 260 mm b = 300 mm; d = 300 − 40 = 260 mm
d/h = 0.87. Use design chart in Figure 3.43a d/h = 0.87. Use design chart in Figure 3.43b
Self-weight = 0.3 × 0.3 × 24 × 6.5 = 14.0 kN Self-weight = 0.3 × 0.3 × 25 × 6.5 = 14.6 kN
Effective height factors
{Part 2, clause 2.5} β = 2 + 0.3 αc,min where {, Exp. 5.16}
αc = 1.0 for foundation and 10 given for beam k1 = 0.1 and k2 = 1/(1/10) = 10
β = 2 + 0.3 × 1.0 = 2.3 β = (1 + 0.1/1.1) × (1 + 10/11) = 2.08
Clear first floor l0 = 3500 – 600 = 2,900 mm
le = 2.3 × 2,900 = 6,670 mm. le/h = 22.2 l0 = 2.08 × 2,900 = 6032 mm. λ = l0/i = 69.6
{} For unbraced le/h > 10 ∴ slender where i = 300/√12 = 87 mm
{} le/h < 60 limit {} λlim = 20 ABC/ n = 33.4
{} au = 22.22 × 300 K/2,000 = 73.9K where A = 1/(1 + 0.2φef) = 1/1.2 = 0.83
B = 1 + 2w = 1.31 where ω = 0.36
C = 1.7 − rm = 0.7 where rm = +1 for unbraced
n = 502 × 103*/3002 × 26.67 = 0.209
* NEd = 502 kN (see case 1 in the following)
λ >λlim 69.6 > 33.4 ∴ slender
{} e2 = 19.4 × 10–6 × 6,0322/10 =
71 mm
{} where 1/r = Kr Kφ fyd/0.45 d Es = 1.05 ×
435/0.45 × 260 × 200,000= 19.4 × 10–6 mm−1
{} Kr Figure 3.43b = 1 (because NEd/fck
bh < 0.25 see the following)
114  Precast Concrete Structures

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

{} Kφ = 1 + (0.35 + fck/250 − λ/150) φef
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= 1 + (0.35 + 0.16 − 69.6/150) × 1 = 1.05

Clear height to roof l0 = 6,500 – 400 = 6,100 m
le = 2.3 × 6,100 = 14,030 mm. le/h = 46.7 < 60 l0 = 2.08 × 6,100 = 12,688 mm. λ = l0/i = 146
{} au = 46.7 2 × 300 K/2,000 = 327K e2 = 18.6 × 10–6 × 12,6882 /10 = 299 mm
{}All columns have equal stiffness where Kφ = 1 and 1/r = 18.6 × 10–6 mm−1
{3.8.5} Column deflection checked as le/h > 30
Horizontal loads and moments per column
Refer to Figure 3.42b
Mwind = (7.0 × 6.5 + 14.0 × 3.5)/3 = 31.5 kNm Mwk = 31.5 kNm
{} Total Gk for floor beams + self-weight {5.2(5)} Imperfection at first floor
Gk,floor = 44.32 × 12 + 3 × 14 = 574 kN αh = 2/√3.5 = 1.069 use 1, αm = 1
Hfloor = 1.5% Gk = 0.015 × 574 = 8.6 kN {5.2(7)} ei = (1/200) × 1 × 6.032 /2 = 0.015 m
<14 kN wind load Mi,floor = 302.1* × 0.015 = 4.6 kNm *see the
At roof Hroof = 0.6 × 8.6 = 5.2 kN At roof αh = 2 /√6.5 = 0.784, αm = 1
<7 kN wind load ei = (1/200) × 0.784 × 12.688 /2 = 0.025 m
M i,roof = 181.2* × 0.025 = 4.5 kNm *see the
MEd,i = 4.6 + 4.5 = 9.1 kNm (added to γwMwind)
Ultimate loads and moments at foundation
Case 1. Gravity dead + live
Vfloor = 110.1 × 6.0/2 = 330.3 kN FEd,floor = 100.7 × 6.0/2 = 302.1 kN
Vroof = 0.6 × 330.3 = 198.2 kN FEd,roof = 0.6 × 302.1 = 181.2 kN
N = 330.3 + 198.2 + 1.4 × 14.0 = 548 kN NEd = 302.1 + 181.3 + 1.25* × 14.6 = 502 kN
Refer to Figure 3.42b
Node moment M0 = Ve, where e = 150 + 80 *γG = 1.25 is for critical beam load Exp. 6.10b
= 230 mm from the centre of column e = 230 mm
M0 = 330.3 × 0.23 = 76.0 kNm × 54% as M0Ed = 302.1 × 0.23 × 54% × 50% c/o
distributed x 50% c/o = 20.5 kNm = 18.8 kNm
{Eq. 35} Madd = N au = 330.3 × 0.0739K {} M2 = NEd e2 = 302.1 × 0.071
+ 198.2 × 0.327K = 89.2K kNm + 181.3 × 0.299 = 75.7 kNm
M = 20.5 + 89.2 = 109.7 kNm MEd = 18.8 + 75.7 + 9.1 = 103.6 kNm
{} Mmin = 548 × 0.020 = 11.0 kNm {6.1(4)} MEd,min = 502 × 0.020 = 10.0 kNm
N/fcu bh = 548 × 103/50 × 3002 = 0.12 NEd/fck bh = 502 × 103/40 × 3002 = 0.14
M/fcu bh2 = 109.7 × 106/50 × 3003 = 0.081 MEd/fck bh2 = 103.6 × 106/40 × 3003 = 0.096
Figure 3.43a gives K = 1 Figure 3.43b confirms K = 1
∴Asc = 0.12 × 50 × 300 × 300/500 = 1080 mm2 ∴ As = 0.15 × 40 × 300 × 300/500 =
1080 mm2
Case 2. Dead + live + wind
γf = all 1.2 Table 3.3. Exp. 6.10b is critical over 6.10a
γG = 1.25, γQ = 1.5, γW = 0.75
Vfloor = 1.2 × 74.32 × 6.0/2 = 267.5 kN NEd as case 1. MEd as case 1 + wind MEd,w
Vroof = 0.6 × 267.5 = 160.5 kN
N = 267.5 + 160.5 + 1.2 × 14.0 = 445 kN
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M0 = 267.5 × 0.23 × 54% × 50% = 16.6 kNm

Madd = 267.5 × 0.0739K + 160.5 × 0.327K = 72.2K kNm
Mwind = 1.2 × 31.5 = 37.8 kNm MEd,w = 0.75 × 31.5 = 23.6 kNm
M = 16.6 + 72.2 + 37.8 = 126.6 kNm MEd = 103.6 + 23.6 = 127.2 kNm
N/fcu bh = 0.10 and M/fcu bh2 = 0.094 NEd/fck bh = 0.14 and MEd/fck bh2 = 0.118
∴ Asc = 0.19 × 50 × 300 × 300/500 = 1710 mm2 ∴ As = 0.21 × 40 × 300 × 300/500 = 1,512 mm2
Case 3. Dead + wind
γf = 1.0 and 1.4 γG = 1.25, γW = 1.5
Vfloor = 1.0 × 44.32 × 6.0/2 = 133.0 kN FEd,floor = 44.5 × 6.0/2 = 133.5 kN
Vroof = 0.6 × 133.0 = 79.8 kN FEd,roof = 0.6 × 133.5 = 80.1 kN
N = 133.0 + 79.8 + 14.0 = 226.8 kN NEd = 133.5 + 80.1 + 14.6 = 228.2 kN
M0 = 133.0 × 0.23 × 54% × 50% = 8.3 kNm M0Ed = 133.5 × 0.23 × 54% × 50% = 8.3 kNm
Madd = 133.0 × 0.0739K + 79.8 × 0.327K M2 = 133.5 × 0.071 + 80.1 × 0.299 = 33.4 kNm
= 35.9K kNm M Ed,i = 133.5 × 0.015 + 80.1 × 0.025 =
4.0 kNm
Mwind = 1.4 × 31.5 = 44.1 kNm MEd,w = 1.5 × 31.5 = 47.2 kNm
M = 8.3 + 35.9 + 44.1 = 88.3 kNm MEd = 8.3 + 33.4 + 4.0 + 47.2 = 92.9 kNm
N/fcu bh = 0.05 and M/fcu bh2 = 0.065 NEd/fck bh = 0.063 and MEd/fck bh2 = 0.086
∴ Asc = 0.13 × 50 × 300 × 300/500 = 1170 mm2 ∴ As = 0.19 × 40 × 300 × 300/500 = 1368 mm2
Maximum Asc = 1710 mm2 (Case 2) Maximum As = 1,512 mm2 (Case 2)
Use 4 no. H25 bars (1963) Use 4 no. H25 bars (1963)
{} Links ≥ ϕ /4 use 8 mm {9.5.3(1)} Links ≥ ϕ /4 use 8 mm
Spacing s = 12ϕ = 300 mm {9.5.3(3)} s = min {20ϕ, b, h, 300} = 300 mm
{9.5.3(4)} s = 0.6s within h at top and bottom
{} Asc,max = 0.08 × 3002 = 7,200 mm2 {9.5.2(3)} As,max = 0.04 × 3002 = 3,600 mm2
Asc,min = 0.004 × 3002 = 360 mm2 {9.5.2(2)} As,min = 0.002 × 3002 = 180 mm2 or
0.1 × 502 × 103/435 = 115 mm2
The Eurocodes require 12% less Asc, due mainly to reduced γf (1.25 & 1.5 versus 1.4 & 1.6) which reduces
N by 9%. First- and second-order bending moments are roughly equal.

3.6.3  Prestressed concrete slab

Calculate the service and ultimate moment of resistance, and the ultimate shear capacity of a
1200 mm wide × 200 mm deep prestressed concrete solid floor slab. The slab is pretensioned
using 6 no. 12.5 mm plus 6 no. 9.3 mm diameter standard 7-wire helical strands at 30 mm
bottom cover, plus 4 no. 5 mm diameter wires at 25 mm top cover. The tendons are Class 2
relaxation and stressed initially at 70%. The exposure is internal with relative humidity = 50%,
fire resistance is 60 minutes, and design life is 50 years. Bearing length is 100 mm. The slab
is designed as a Class 2 member for permissible tension to BS 8110. The floor carries office
loading for characteristic dead loads of 1.5 kN/m2 finishes and 0.6 kN/m2 services/ceiling, a
superimposed live load of 4.0 kN/m2 and demountable partitions of 1.0 kN/m2.
The section properties are cross-sectional area Ac = 232,040 mm2; second m.o.a Ix-x = 779 ×
106 mm4; depth = 200 mm; centroid from bottom yb = 99.4 mm; breadth at top, bottom and
at centroid = 1154, 1197 and 1134 mm, respectively. Height to the centroid of all tendons
ys = 47.0 mm. Height to the centroid of tendons in tension zone yT = 35.7 mm.
116  Precast Concrete Structures

1.3 d/h = 0.87
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K = 0.1 d
1.1 0.2
As fyk/bh fcu
1.0 0.3
0.9 0.4 h
1.0 As = total steel area
0.8 0.5
N/fcu bh

0.6 0.6
0.4 0.7
0.2 0.8
0.2 1.0

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
(a) M/fcu bh2

1.4 d/h = 0.87
Kr = 0.1
1.3 d
1.1 0.3 As fyk/bh fck
1.0 0.4 h
0.9 As = total steel area
N/fck bh

0.8 1.0
0.8 0.6
0.6 0.7
0.5 0.2 0.8
0.4 0.9
0.3 1.0
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
(b) M/fck bh2

Figure 3.43 (a) Reinforced concrete column design chart to BS 8110. (b) Reinforced concrete column design
chart to BS EN 1992-1-1.

Use fck /fcu = 45/55, at transfer fck(t)/fci = 30/35, f pk /f pu = 1770 N/mm 2 , cement CEM I class
52.5R and a 10  mm coarse gravel aggregate. The self-weight of the precast concrete is
determined by the manufacturer as 24.5 kN/m3 giving a self-weight of 4.90 kN/m 2 . In this
exercise, ignore the reduced compression acting at the level of the strands due to self-weight
and dead loads in the calculation of creep losses.
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BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

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Durability. BS 8500-1. Table A.4 for 50 years Durability. BS 8500-1. Table A.4 for 50 years
Exposure XC1. Cover c = 15 + Δc Exposure XC1. Cnom = 15 + ΔCdev
{7.3} Δc = 5 mm {}Cover controlled ΔCdev = 5 mm
Cover to tendons c ≥ 20 mm Cover to tendons Cnom ≥ 20 mm
Fire. 1 h Fire. R60. BS EN 1992-1-2
{Table 3.4} c = 20 mm {Table 5.8} Depth h ≥ 80 mm < 200 mm
{5.2(5)}Axis a = 25 + 15 − Δa = 29 mm
{Exp. 5.3} Δa = 0.1 (500 – θcr) = 10.7 mm
{Fig. 5.1, curve 3}θcr = 390°C for
{Exp. 5.2} kp(θcr) = 805/1,770 = 0.455
σp,fi = 0.523 × 1,770/1.15 = 805 N/mm2
where Ed,fi/Ed = (7.0 + 0.3 × 5.0)/(1.25 × 7.0 +
1.5 × 5.0) = 0.523
{4.3}using ψfi = quasi-permanent ψ2 = 0.3
with Gk = 4.9 + 1.5 + 0.6 = 7.0 kN/m2 and
Qk = 5.0 kN/m2
Centroid to steel tendons in fire zone, a = yT =
35.7 mm > 29 mm
Young’s modulus
{Part 2, 7.2} Ec = 20 + 0.2 × 55 = 31 kN/mm2 {Table 3.1} Ecm = 22 (53/10)0.3 = 36.3 kN/mm2
{} Eci = 20 + 0.2 × 35 = 27 kN/mm2 Ecm(t) = 22 (38/10)0.3 = 32.8 kN/mm2
{BS 5896, Table 6}Es = 195 kN/mm2 strand {3.3.6(3)} Ep = 195,000 N/mm2 strand
Although Es for wire = 205 kN/mm2 use same as for
mi = 195/27 = 7.22. m = 195/31 = 6.29 m(t) = 195/32.8 = 5.94. m = 195/36.3 = 5.37
Section properties
Zb = 779 × 106/99.4 = 7.836 × 106 mm3
Zt = 779 × 106/101.6 = 7.744 × 106 mm3
e = 99.4 – 47.0 = 52.4 mm
Compound (subscript co) section properties using concrete + (m − 1) Aps
m − 1 = 5.29 m-1 = 4.37
yb,co = 98.3 mm; Ix-x,co = 799.6 × 106 mm4 yb,co = 98.5 mm; Ix-x,co = 796.0 × 106 mm4
Zb,co = 8.134 × 106 mm3; Zt,co = 7.862 × 106 mm3 Zb,co = 8.082 × 106 mm3; Zt,co = 7.842 × 106 mm3
Flexural capacity – service limit of stress
Aps = 6 × 52 + 6 × 93 + 4 × 19.6 = 948.5 mm2
Initial σi = 0.7 × 1770 = 1239 N/mm2 σpi = 0.7 × 1770 = 1,239 N/mm2
Pi = 1239 × 948.5 = 1,175,241 N Ppi = 1239 × 948.5 = 1,175,241 N
{} relaxation loss = 1.2 × 2% = 0.024 {3.3.2(7)} Relaxation at t = 20 h
{Exp. 3.29} for Class 2. μ = 0.7; ρ1000 = 2.5%
Loss Δσpr = 1239  × 0.66 × 2.5 × e(9.1 × 0.7)
(20/1000)0.75(1 – 0.7) = 4.95 N/mm2
fcc after relaxation loss = +8.99 N/mm2 σc after relaxation loss = +9.17 N/mm2
Shortening loss = 8.99 × 7.22/1,239 = 0.0524 {Exp. 3.29} Δσel = 9.17 × 5.94 = 54.46 N/mm2
σpm0 = 1,239.0 – 4.95 – 54.46 = 1,179.6 N/mm2
Transfer Rtr = 1 – 0.024 – 0.0524 = 0.924 Transfer Rtr = 1,179.6/1,239 = 0.952
Transfer Pt = 0.924 × 1,175,241 = 1,085,467 N Ppm0 = 0.924 × 1,175,241 = 1,085,467 N
118  Precast Concrete Structures

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

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Prestress at transfer {Table 3.1} fctm = 0.3 × 452/3 = 3.80 N/mm2

{} fcti = 0.45√35 = 2.66 N/mm2 {Exp. 3.4} fctm(t) = (38/53) × 3.80 = 2.72 N/mm2
fbci = +11.94 N/mm2 < 0.5 × 35 = 17.5 OK σb(t) = +12.31 N/mm2 < 0.6 × 30 = 18.0 OK
fbti = −2.67 N/mm2 > −2.66 say OK σt(t) = −2.75 N/mm2 > −2.72 say OK
{} Creep φ = 1.8 {Exp. B.2} φ(t,to) = 2.31 × 1.39 × 0.62 × 0.99
where {Exp. B.4} β (fcm) = 2.31
{Exp. B.3b/B.8c} φRH = 1.39, with ho = 400 mm
{Exp. B.5}β (ti) = 0.62, where ti = 7.6 days at
50oC curing for 20 h
{Exp. B.7}βc (t,ti) = 0.99 for t = 20,833 days and
{Exp. B.8b}βH (days) = 803
σc after initial loss = +8.77 N/mm2
{} Loss = 1.8 × 0.924 × 0.0524 = 0.087 {Exp. 5.46} Δσp,c = 1.98 × 8.77 × 5.37/1.103 =
84.40 N/mm2
where denominator in code Exp. 5.46 = 1.103
{4.8.4} Shrinkage strain esh = 300 × 10–6 {Exp. 3.8} εcs = εcd + εca = 404 +88= 492 × 10–6
where {Exp. 3.9} εcd = 0.985 × 0.73 × 566 × 10–6
= 404 × 10–6
βds (t,ts) = 0.985 with t as earlier, ts = 1 day
{Table 3.3} kn = 0.73 for ho = 400 mm
{Exp. B.11} εcd,o = 0.85 × (220 + 110 × 6) ×
e-(0.11 × 53/10) × 1.356 = 566 × 10–6
βRH = 1.55 × [1 − (50/100)3] = 1.356
{Exp. 3.12} εca = 2.5 × (45 − 10) × 10–6 = 88 × 10–6
Loss = 300 × 10–6 × 195,000/1,239 = 0.0472 {Exp. 5.46} Δσp,sh = 492 × 10–6 × 195,000/1.103
= 87.0 N/mm2
{5.10.6(1b)} Long-term relaxation
{Exp. 3.29} μ = 1,179/1,770 = 0.666
{Exp. 3.29} σpr = 1,179 × 0.66 × 2.5 × e(9.1 × 0.666)
(500,000/1,000)0.75(1 − 0.666) = 39.65 N/mm2
{Exp. 5.46} Δσp,r = 0.8 × 39.65/1.103
= 28.7 N/mm2
σpo = 1,179.6 − 84.4 − 87.0 − 28.7 = 979.5 N/mm2
Rwk = 0.924 − 0.087 − 0.0472 = 0.789 (21.1%) Rwk = 979.5/1,239 = 0.7905 (20.95%)
Pf = 0.789 × 1,175,241 = 927,621 N Ppo = 0.791 × 1,175,241 = 929,076 N
Prestress in service
fbc = +10.20 N/mm2 < 0.33 × 55 = 18.15 OK σb = +10.22 N/mm2 < 0.45 × 45 = 20.25 OK
fbt = −2.28 N/mm2 > 0.45 √55 = −3.34 OK σt = −2.28 N/mm2 > −3.80 OK
Service moment of resistance Msr
Btm Msr = (10.20 + 3.34) × 8.134 = 110.1 kNm MsR = (10.22 + 3.80) × 8.082 = 113.3 kNm
Top Msr = (2.28 + 18.15) × 7.862 = 160.6 kNm MsR = (2.28 + 20.25) × 7.842 = 176.7 kNm*
{} Ultimate moment of resistance Mur {3.3.6(7)} Ultimate moment of resistance MRd
Refer to this book first ed. for full analysis Refer to Section 4.3.4 for full analysis
fc = 0.45 fcu = 24.75 N/mm2 and λ = 0.9 fcd = 0.567 fck = 25.5 N/mm2 and λ = 0.8
Precast frame analysis  119

BS 8110 solution Eurocodes solution

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Aps in tension zone = 870 mm2; d = 164.3 mm

Prestrain after losses εpo = 0.005015 {5.10.9} εpo = 0.004946
Refer to stress versus strain diagrams in the
Strain εp = 0.012970; stress fp = 1539 N/mm2 εp = 0.012700; stress fp = 1,442 N/mm2
{} X = 50.1 mm; z = 141.8 mm X = 51.2 mm; z = 143.8 mm
Mur = 870 × 1539 × 141.8 × 10–6 = 189.9 kNm MRd = 870 × 1442 × 143.8 × 10–6 = 180.5 kNm

σs Design point εp = 0.012970 σs Design point εp = 0.012700

fp = 1539 1517 1539

fp = 1442



0.006314 0.012892 εs 0.007104 0.02 0.0222 εs

Stress v strain to BS8110 Stress v strain to BS EN 1992-1-1

{} Ultimate shear capacity Vco {6.2.2(2)} Ultimate shear capacity VRd,c
{} x = 100 + 99.4 = 199.4 mm {6.2.2(2)} lx = 100 + 99.4 = 199.4 mm
Mean diameter of strands = 10.9 mm {Exp. 8.16 and 8.18} lpt2 = 1.2 × 0.19 × 979.5 ×
lp = 10.9 × 240/√35 = 442 mm 10.9/4.06 = 721 mm
{Exp. 8.15} fpbt = 3.2 × 1.0 × 1.27 = 4.06 N/mm2
{} fctd(t) = 0.7 × 2.72/1.5 = 1.27 N/mm2
x/lp = 199.4/442 = 0.451 αl = lx/lpt2 = 199.4/721 = 0.276
fcx = 927,621/232,040 = 4.00 N/mm2 σcp = 0.9 × 929,076/232,040 = 3.60 N/mm2
fcpx = 4.00 [0.451 × (2 − 0.451)] = 2.79 N/mm2 where {}γp,fav = 0.9
ft = 0.24√55 = 1.78 N/mm2 {} fctd =0.3 × 452/3 × 0.7/1.5 = 1.77 N/mm2
first m.o.a. Sx-x = 5.8326 × 106 mm3
{Eq. 54} Vco = 0.67 × 1134 × 200 × {Exp. 6.4} VRd,c = (779 × 1,134/5.8326) ×
√(1.782 + 0.8 × 2.79 × 1.78) = 406.1 kN √(1.772 + 0.276 × 3.60 × 1.77) = 335.3 kN
1. MsR to the Eurocodes is greater than Class 2 BS 8110 because fctm is 13% greater than fct. However, there
is no greater stress than fctm allowed in the Eurocodes, such as Class 3 (0.2) in BS 8110.
2. M Rd < Mur because fp is not allowed to reach maximum design stress in the Eurocodes stress versus
strain idealisation.
3. VRd,c < Vco because lpt2 is 63% greater than lp, and the build-up of prestress is linear in the Eurocodes
rather than parabolic in BS 8110.
* See Section 4.3.3 for the application of MsR in the top surface in design.
120  Precast Concrete Structures


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This code effectively replaces BS 8110, Parts 1 to 3, although the execution of work (toler-
ances, setting out, etc.) is found in BS EN 13670:2009, Execution of concrete structures.
The division between commonplace and special design work separated in BS 8110 Parts 1
and 2 no longer exists, and there are no N-M interaction charts for column design. The last
point reflects the fact that EC2 is a limit state code of principles rather than methods. The
current amendment was published in February 2014. The UK Technical Committee B/525
(sub-committee 2) is currently engaged in a revision of the code.
Precast concrete is not treated as a separate design and construction method although, as
with BS 8110, there are certain aspects of design, such as bearings, anchorage at supports,
bursting, floor systems, compression/tension/shear joints, connections, pocket foundations,
and corbels, collected in a separate section, in this case Section 10.
The format of BS EN 1992-1-1, as with all material based on the Eurocodes, is as

Section 1 Scope – references; assumptions; definitions; symbols. Note that symbols are often only
defined here and not in the text
Section 2 Basis of design – requirement related to BS EN 1990, Annex B; requirements related to BS EN
1991-1; material properties; PSFs γc and γs, load combinations and equilibrium
Section 3 Materials – (concrete, rebar, tendons) strength, stress – strain models, deformation, shrinkage
and creep; fatigue; anchorage; prestressing
Section 4 Durability – environmental and exposure classes; cover to reinforcement
Section 5 Structural analysis – load cases; imperfections, sway; structural models; linear elastic, plastic and
non-linear analysis; redistribution; second-order effects with axial load (columns, walls);
prestressing – stressing; forces; losses; service and ultimate; fatigue
Section 6 ULS – bending, shear, torsion and punching shear; strut-and-tie models; anchorage and laps;
partially loaded areas (localised bearings); fatigue
Section 7 Serviceability limit state – crack control, spacing and crack width, deflections
Section 8 Detailing in general – rebars – bar spacing, anchorage, laps, links details; prestressing tendons
– anchorage, transmission length, development length
Section 9 Detailing in particular – maximum and minimum areas; anchorage at supports; shear, torsion
and surface reinforcement; solid and flat slabs, columns and walls, deep beams and stability ties
Section 10 Precast concrete elements and structures – materials; losses of prestress; bearings; anchorage
at supports; bursting; floor systems; compression/tension/shear joints; half joints; pocket
foundations; corbels
Section 12 Plain and lightly reinforced concrete – reduction factors for strength; precast walls and infill
shear walls, construction joints, strip and pad footings
Informative annexes – (A) improved PSFs; (B) creep and shrinkage strains in detail; (C)
reinforcement properties; (D) prestressing tendons losses; (E) strength classes for durability;
(F) tensile stresses in rebars in biaxial and shear stress fields; (G) soil-structure; (H) second-
order effects; (I) flat slab and shear walls; (J) regions of discontinuity

The code is not prescriptive, and it is necessary to turn to calculation methodology given in
documents published for example by The Concrete Centre, for example calculation of area
of flexural and shear reinforcement in beams and N–M charts for r.c. columns.
Precast frame analysis  121

The main issues relating to the design of precast concrete structures in NA to BS EN

1992-1-1 are
Downloaded By: At: 09:17 26 Nov 2021; For: 9781315370705, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315370705-4 Partial factor for prestress at ULS γP,fav = 0.9.

3.1.2(2)P Value of Cmax. Shear strength of concrete classes higher than C50/60 should be determined
by tests, etc.
3.1.6(1)P Value of αcc = 0.85 for compression in flexure and axial loading and 1.0 for other
phenomena, that is in bending fcd = 0.85 fck/1.5 = 0.567 fck but in shear fcd = 0.667 fck. Δcdev under controlled conditions, such as steel mounts known as soldiers in front of
hollow core slabs machines, may be reduced to 10 mm > Δcdev > 5 mm.
5.1.3(1)P Simplified load arrangements. Consider the two following arrangements for ‘all spans’ and
alternate spans: (i) all spans carrying γGGk + γQQk + Pk; and (ii) alternate spans carrying
γGGk + γQQk + Pk, other spans carrying only γGGk + Pk; the same value of γG should
be used throughout the structure. For one-way spanning slabs, use the ‘all spans’
loaded if (i) area of each bay > 30 m2; (ii) Qk/Gk ≤ 1.25; and (iii) Qk < 5 kN/m2 excluding
5.5(4) Moment redistribution formula: values for steels with fyk ≤ 500 N/mm2, k1 = 0.4, k2 = 0.6 +
0.0014/εcu2. Then if εcu2 = 0.0035, k2 = 1. Code Exp. 5.10a for fck ≤ 50 N/mm2, δ = k1 + k2
xu/d for zero moment redistribution δ = 1 = 0.4 + xu/d, then ≤ 0.6, that is for the balanced
section, the limiting depth of the neutral axis is 0.6d.
5.10.9(1)P For pre-tensioning, rsup = 1.0 and rinf = 1.0, that is there are no modifications to the action of
6.2.3(3) Values of ν1 = ν unless the design stress of the shear reinforcement < 0.8 fyk, ν1 is modified.
7.2 The different limits of compressive stress in service depending on durability requirements
and the avoidance of non-linear creep in prestressed sections in flexure.
7.3.1(5) Limitations of crack width wmax. Use Table National Annex NA4. This reduces wmax in r.c.
sections to 0.3 mm and, in prestressed sections, the limiting permissible tension in service
to zero for exposure class greater than XC1, although the value of the imposed live load
may be reduced.
7.4.2(2) Values of basic span/depth ratios. Use Table NA5 which gives additional information and limits.
8.3(2) Minimum mandrel diameter Фm,min. Use in Table NA6a and Table NA6b, which contain
additional information regarding scheduling reinforcement.
8.8(1) Additional rules for large diameter bars Фlarge > 40 mm.
9.5.2(1) Minimum diameter of longitudinal reinforcement in columns Фmin = 10 mm.
9.5.2(3) Maximum area of longitudinal reinforcement in columns. The designer should consider the
practical upper limit taking into account the ability to place the concrete around the rebar,
that is when casting columns horizontally mould, the maximum area is often around 8 to
10% of the area of concrete. This issue is considered further in the PD 6687-1:2010 (PD
6687-1 2010).
9.7(1) Minimum area of distribution reinforcement in deep beams = 0.2 % in each face. Force to be resisted by peripheral tie. q1 = (20 + 4n0) where n0 is the number of storeys;
q2 = 60 kN. Minimum tensile force internal tie. Ftie,int = [(qk + gk)/7.5](lr/5)(Ft) ≥ Ft kN/m, with full
definitions. Maximum spacing of internal ties = 1.5lr. Internal ties on floors without screed. Ftie = [(gk + qk)/7.5](lr/5)Ft ≥ Ft kN/m. Horizontal ties to external columns and/or walls at each floor level: Ftie,col = the greater of 2Ft
≤ ls/2.5Ft and 3% NEd at that level.
12.3.1(1) Values of αcc,pl = 0.6 and αct,pl = 0.6 (plain concrete).
Annex J Design of corbels use PD 6687-1:2010.
122  Precast Concrete Structures

Summary of Eurocode EC2: Design for fire BS EN 1992, Part 1-2

This code provides the following two alternatives for designing r.c. and prestressed concrete
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elements and structures for the actions of fire:

1. Performance-based design procedures in Section 2 to 4

2. Prescriptive rules, that is design aids such as tables and diagrams in Section 5.

The design procedure gives an analytical procedure taking into account the behaviour
of the structural system at elevated temperatures, the potential heat exposure and the
beneficial effects of active and passive fire protection systems, together with the conse-
quences of failure. The main text, together with informative annexes A to E, includes
most of the principal concepts and rules necessary for structural fire design of concrete

Section 1 Scope – references; assumptions; definitions; symbols

Section 2 Basis of design – requirements; actions; material properties; verification methods
Section 3 Material properties – at elevated temperatures; concrete with siliceous and
calcareous aggregates; thermal elongation of bars and tendons
Section 4 Design procedures – simplified and advanced calculation methods; shear, torsion
and anchorage; spalling; joints; protective layers
Section 5 Tabulated data – columns, walls, beams and slabs; fire thickness and axis distance
to bars
Section 6 High-strength concrete – calculation models and tabulated data for columns, walls,
beams and slabs
Informative annexes (A) Temperature profiles; (B) Simplified calculation methods; (C) Buckling of
columns under fire conditions; (D) Calculations for shear, torsion and anchorage;
(E) Simplified calculations for beams and slabs

Section 1 Scope – references; assumptions; definitions; symbols.

The main issues relating to the design of precast concrete structures in NA to BS EN
1992-1-2 are

3.2.3(5) Values for the parameters of the stress–strain relationship of reinforcing steel at elevated
temperatures. Use Class N (Table 3.2a).
3.2.4(2) Ditto cold worked (wires and strands) prestressing steel at elevated temperatures.
Use Class A.
5.6.1(1) Web thickness. Use dimensions for Class WA.


This PD gives guidance on some specific items that were not published in the concrete
Eurocodes or were in need of additional or noncontradictory additional information.
Background research is cited in many cases. It is not to be regarded as a British standard.
This PD gives noncontradictory complementary information for use with BS BS EN 1992
Parts 1-1 and 1-2 and their UK NAs.
Precast frame analysis  123

The main items in the PD relating to the design of precast concrete structures are
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2.5 Bond stress for mild steel cl. 8.4.2(2). The PD gives fbd = η1η2 (0,36√fck)/γc.
2.11 Calculation of effective length of columns, cl., (4) and (5). In the
calculation of the flexibility at the ends of the column, the stiffness of the
beam(s) attached to the column is taken as 2 (EI/L)beam to allow for the effects of
2.11.3 Calculation of limiting slenderness ratio, λlim. where adjacent spans of beams do not
differ by more than 15%, columns may be assumed to be in double curvature
bending for the calculation of λlim (i.e. value of moment ratio rm < 0).
2.12 Design moment in columns, cl. and For braced structures,
MEd = maximum of (M0e + M2), (M02) or (M01+ 0.5 M2).
2.14 Design shear – point loads close to support. cl. 6.2.2 (6). Point loads close to
support will need to be considered in conjunction with other loads on the
member. Design shear VEd between the point load and the support is
VEd = VEd,other + β VEd,point-load, and therefore the reduction factor β cannot be applied
to the total VEd. The clause explains how to deal with this situation.
2.20 Stress limitation in serviceability limit state. cl. 7.2(5). A modular ratio of 15 should be
used when calculating tensile stresses in rebars (≤ 0.8 fyk and tendons ≤ 0.75 fpk)
under the characteristic combination of loads.
2.21.1 Control of cracking without direct calculation. cl. 7.3.3. Where the assumptions
relating to Table 7.2N and Table 7.3N are not met, crack width is verified using
the calculation procedure.
2.21.2 Calculation of crack widths, cl. 7.3.4.Values for hc,eff from Fig. 6 of the PD are
proposed. It is unsure how Fig. 6a is interpreted.
2.22 Crack widths for non-rectangular tension zones and irregular bar layouts. Based
on BS 8110, the recommendation is wk = 3acr εm/[1+ 2(acr – c)/(h – x)].
2.23.2 Span/depth ratio. Exp. 7.17 in cl. 7.4.2(2).Values of (As,prov/As,req) or (310/σs) should
be limited to 1.5.
2.23.3 The value for ζ in Exp. 7.18 in cl. 7.4.3, and hence the value of σs or Ms, should be
based on the frequent (not quasi-permanent) combination of loading.
2.26.1 Vertical ties, cl. 9.10.2. For notes that vertical ties are required in framed as well as
load-bearing structures, see Chapter 11 of this book.
2.26.2 Anchorage of precast floor and roof units and stair members. BS EN 1992-1-
1:2004 or BS EN 1991-1-7 does not cover this. All precast floor, roof and stair
members should be effectively anchored whether or not such members are used
to provide other ties required in BS EN 1992-1-1:2004, cl. 9.10.2. The anchorage
should be capable of carrying the dead weight of the member to that part of the
structure that contains the ties.
2.28 Detailing rules for particular situations, Annex J. NA to BS EN 1992-1-1:2004
declares that this is not applicable in the United Kingdom. Alternative versions for
frame corners and corbels are given in Annex B of this PD.
3 BS EN 1992-1-2:2004, Structural fire design. The tabular methods for assessing
the fire resistance of columns are limited to braced structures. However, at the
discretion of the designer, the methods given in BS EN 1992-1-2:2004 for
columns may be used for the initial design of unbraced structures. In critical
cases, the chosen column sizes should be verified using BS EN 1992-1-2:2004,
Annex B.
124  Precast Concrete Structures


Bhatt, P., MacGinley, T. J. and Choo, B. S. 2014. Reinforced Concrete Design to Eurocodes: Design
Downloaded By: At: 09:17 26 Nov 2021; For: 9781315370705, chapter3, 10.1201/9781315370705-4

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