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Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1480-0


Shear strength of municipal solid waste for stability analyses

Timothy D. Stark Æ Nejan Huvaj-Sarihan Æ
Guocheng Li

Received: 15 February 2008 / Accepted: 7 July 2008 / Published online: 25 July 2008
Ó Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract This paper investigates the shear strength of Keywords Municipal solid waste  Shear strength 
municipal solid waste (MSW) using the back analysis of Slope stability  Landfill
failed waste slopes as well as field and laboratory test
results. Shear strength of MSW is a function of many factors
such as waste type, composition, compaction, daily cover, Introduction
moisture conditions, age, decomposition, overburden pres-
sure, etc. These factors together with non-standardized This paper investigates the shear strength of municipal
sampling methods, insufficient sample size to be represen- solid waste (MSW). The recommendations presented
tative of in situ conditions, and limited shear displacement herein build on previous results and recommendations
or axial strain imposed during the laboratory shear testing presented by Eid et al. (2000) and others, such as Gerber
have created considerable scatter in reported results. Based (1991), Grisolia et al. (1991, 1995), Jessberger and Kockel
on the data presented herein, large shear displacements are (1991), Jessberger (1994), Gabr and Valero (1995), Kockel
required to mobilize the peak shear strength of MSW which and Jessberger (1995), Edincliler et al. (1996), Jones et al.
can lead to displacement incompatibility between MSW (1997), Pelkey (1997), Mazzucato et al. (1999), Thomas
and the underlying material(s) such as geosynthetic inter- et al. (1999), Pelkey et al. (2001), Gabr et al. (2002), Vilar
faces and foundation soils. The data presented herein are and Carvalho (2004) and Zekkos (2005). Table 1 presents a
used to develop displacement compatible shear strength list of the references and data used herein.
parameters for MSW. Recommendations are presented for Shear strength testing of MSW is difficult because of the
modeling the displacement and stress dependent strength heterogeneous composition of landfill materials, difficulty
envelope in stability analyses. in sampling, specimen preparation, testing, and range of
particle size, and time-dependent properties, such as the
age of the MSW and decomposition state, unit weight, etc.
Published laboratory and field shear test data and back-
analysis of field case histories are used herein to develop a
T. D. Stark  N. Huvaj-Sarihan
better understanding of MSW shear strength and present
Civil and Environmental Engineering,
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, recommendations for MSW strength to be used in static
205 N. Mathews Ave., Urbana, IL 61801, USA and seismic slope stability analyses of landfills.

N. Huvaj-Sarihan
e-mail: MSW laboratory test data

G. Li (&) Because of the need for a strength envelope in static and

School of Civil Engineering and Mechanics,
seismic slope stability analyses, a basic Mohr–Coulomb
Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
1037 Luoyu Road, 430074 Wuhan, China approach is utilized herein and by the researchers cited
e-mail: previously to model the shear strength of MSW. The

Table 1 Summary of MSW shear strength data

References Testing method and sample size Sample location Waste constituents and properties Displacement or strain
at the shearing resistance


Landva and Clark (1990) Laboratory direct shear device Edmonton, Calgary, Mississauga, 20–55% Paper products, No information
(434 9 287 mm) Waterloo in Canada 5–42% food waste, 4–20%
garden waste, 6–15% metal,
2–15% plastic. Dry unit
weight = 10–14 kN/m3
Richardson and Reynolds Field direct shear device Maine, USA Dry unit weight = 16 kN/m3 No information
(1991) (150 9 150 mm) (Gerber 1991)
Houston et al. (1995) Field direct shear device Northwest Regional Landfill MSW, construction, and Shear displacement
(1.2 9 1.2 m) in Arizona landscaping waste of 2.5 cm
Withiam et al. (1995) Field direct shear device Dekorte Park Landfill in Glass, paper, cinders, plastic, metal No information
(150 9 150 cm) New Jersey and building debris. Dry unit
weight = 10.8–12.8 kN/m3
Edincliler et al. (1996) Laboratory direct shear device Southeastern Wisconsin Landfill Fresh waste. Dry unit Shear displacement
(30 cm diameter) weight = 7.5–14.2 kN/m3 of 2.5 cm
Siegel et al. (1990) Laboratory direct shear California Landfill 10–48-Year old waste. Shear displacement
device (13 cm diameter) Dry unit weight = 9.6–17.3 kN/m3 of 1.3 cm
Del Greco and Oggeri Laboratory direct shear device No information Baled MSW. Dry unit No information
(1994) from Oweis and weight = 5–7 kN/m3
Khera (1998)
Kockel and Jessberger Laboratory drained triaxial Germany Landfill 1– 3-Year-old waste 10% Axial strain
(1995); Jessberger and compression device
Kockel (1993) (60 cm long 9 30 cm
diameter specimen)
Taylor (1995) from Van Laboratory simple shear No information 38% Paper, 18% plastics, 17% textiles; 10% Shear strain
Impe (1998) device (no size) 3-month-old waste
Gabr and Valero (1995) Laboratory direct shear device Pennsylvania Landfill 33% Ash, soil and rock, 23% textiles, Shear displacement
from Van Impe (1998) (6.4 cm diameter) 13% plastics, 10% metals, etc; of 6 mm
15–30 years old. Dry unit
weight = 10–12.1 kN/m3
Kavazanjian et al. (1999) Laboratory direct shear device California Landfill 11–35-Year-old 1.9% Shear strain
(46 cm diameter)
Mazzucato et al. (1999) Field cylindrical direct shear device Italy Landfill Total unit weight = 7 kN/m3 Shear displacement
(80 cm diameter) of 2.5 cm
Thomas et al. (1999) Field direct shear device Torcy, France 20% Plastics, 21% paper, 11% textile. Shear displacement
(1 m 9 1 m) Total unit weight = 7.8–16 kN/m3 of 2.5 cm
Pelkey et al. (2001); Laboratory direct shear Three Landfills in Canada Shredded and un-shredded MSW; Shear displacement 2.5 cm
Pelkey (1997) and direct simple shear device 2–5-year-old waste. Total unit or 10% shear strain
(45 cm long 9 30.5 cm wide) weight 10–16 kN/m3
Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923
Table 1 continued
References Testing method and sample size Sample location Waste constituents and properties Displacement or strain
at the shearing resistance

Gabr et al. (2002) Laboratory direct shear device Synthetically generated waste No information Maximum shear
(10 cm square) displacement of 1.2 cm
Machado et al. (2002) Laboratory consolidated-drained Sao Paulo, Brazil 55% Soil and organic paste, 17% plastics, 10% axial strain
triaxial compression device 10% stone etc. 15 years old waste.
(30 and 40 cm long 9 15 and Total unit weight = 10 kN/m3
20 cm diameter specimen)
Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

Vilar and Carvalho Laboratory consolidated-drained Sao Paulo, Brazil 55% Soil and organic paste, 17% plastics, 10% Axial strain
(2004) triaxial compression device 10% stone, etc.; 15 years old waste.
(30 and 40 cm long 9 15 and Total unit weight = 10–12 kN/m3
20 cm diameter specimen)
Gomes et al. (2005) Laboratory consolidated-drained Portugal 37% Plastics, 33% textile, 11% soil, and 10% Axial strain
triaxial compression device 10% metal. Total unit weight 11.5 kN/m3
Itoh et al. (2005) Laboratory consolidated-drained Tokyo Landfill Maximum dry density 0.6–0.7 g/cm3 10% Axial strain
triaxial compression device
(23 cm 9 24 cm 9 57.5 cm
high specimen)
Harris et al. (2006) Laboratory direct simple shear device Mohawk landfill, NY and Shredded and processed MSW. 10% Shear strain
(15 cm diameter, 5 cm height) Outer Loop landfill, KY 2–10-year-old waste. Total unit
weight 11–17.5 kN/m3
Isenberg (2003) Laboratory direct simple shear device Hiriya landfill, Israel Decomposed waste. Unit weight 16 kN/m3 No information
(15 cm 9 15 cm 9 5 cm)
Grisolia et al. (1991) Laboratory triaxial device No information No information 10% Axial strain
from Jessberger and
Kockel (1993)
Caicedo et al. (2002) Field direct shear device Dona Juana landfill, 48% Organic matter, 45% paper, textile, No information
(90 cm diameter) Colombia and plastics, 7% soils, metals, and glass.
Fresh MSW. Total unit weight 10 kN/m3

1914 Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

summary of shear strength data presented herein should be investigated are not continued to a sufficient displacement
regarded as a generalization necessitated by the need for a or strain to mobilize the peak strength of the MSW. Instead
strength envelope and should be used with considerable the shear test is terminated prior to mobilization of the peak
engineering judgment. There is an increasing need for shear resistance (Gerber 1991; Grisolia et al. 1991; Jess-
estimating the shear strength of MSW because of an berger and Kockel 1991; Jessberger 1994; Gabr and Valero
emphasis on stability analyses after a number of landfill 1995; Kockel and Jessberger 1995; Edincliler et al. 1996;
slope failures. This need is greatest because the height of Jones et al. 1997; Mazzucato et al. 1999; Thomas et al.
proposed landfills is increasing. The increasing height of 1999; Bouzza and Wojnarowicz 2000; Pelkey et al. 2001;
landfills is to increase disposal capacity and can involve a Gabr et al. 2002; Vilar and Carvalho 2004).
new facility or a vertical expansion of an existing facility. Figure 1 shows typical shear stress–displacement rela-
This trend now includes proposed facilities that exceed an tionships from direct shear tests on MSW. The shear boxes
MSW depth of 180 m. used in these studies range from 15 to 100 cm long, 15 to
There is a wide range of effective stress shear strength 100 cm wide, and 22 to 30 cm deep. The tests were ter-
parameters for MSW reported in the literature. Effective minated at various shear displacements with the maximum
stress parameters are used in both static and seismic sta- shear displacement being about 250 mm. In most of the
bility analyses because the high permeability of MSW tests, the measured shear stress is still increasing when the
usually does not allow generation of significant shear direct shear test was terminated. From Fig. 1 a shearing
induced pore-pressures prior to or during slope instability displacement substantially greater than 150 mm is usually
unless aggressive leachate recirculation is being conducted. required to achieve the peak shear resistance of MSW.
In general, if the MSW has a moisture content less than the Pelkey et al. (2001) show the shear strength of MSW at
field capacity of the MSW, shear induced pore pressure different shear displacement levels and conclude that the
probably will not develop. Thus, effective stress stability peak shear strength of MSW is reached at a shear dis-
analyses are usually performed to evaluate the stability of placement of 100–220 mm (in a direct shear box that is
landfills. 450 mm long and 305 mm wide with upper and lower
Reported values of MSW effective stress friction angle shear boxes each 300 mm deep).
(/0 ) range from 10 to 53° while effective stress cohesion Stark et al. (2000) conclude that the shear strength of
(c0 ) ranges from 0 to 67 kPa. This range is caused by the MSW increases with increasing strain or displacement.
numerous factors that influence the test results including This leads to high strength values that are in good agree-
the inherent heterogeneous nature of waste, sample age, ment with field observations of vertical scarps from landfill
degree of decomposition, composition of the waste, spec- slope failures remaining near vertical for significant peri-
imen size, unit weight, pre-test processing, test method, ods of time. Stark et al. (2000) conclude that the MSW acts
and test conditions (Edincliler et al. 1996; Manassero et al.
1996; Van Impe 1998; Isenberg 2003). Large-scale labo-
ratory direct shear tests (at least 30 cm 9 30 cm
dimensions) on MSW samples obtained from field borings,
or excavations, and in situ direct shear tests (as large as
1 m 9 1 m) on as-compacted MSW are common methods
used to determine the shear strength of MSW (see Table 1).
Of course, the representative nature of these samples is
debatable but the testing provides some guidance on the
shear strength of MSW. These limitations suggest that
back-analysis of failed waste slopes should be used to
guide the laboratory strength parameters.

Shear behavior of MSW

Effect of shear displacement/axial strain Fig. 1 Stress–displacement relationships from direct shear tests on
MSW. Letters indicate different references and numbers in parenthe-
The shear strength of MSW is shear displacement or axial sis are the testing normal stresses in kPa. [a Taylor 1995, b Edincliler
et al. 1996, c Pelkey 1997 (c, b Blackfoot refuse, c, bb Blackfoot/
strain dependent and tends to increase with increasing
Burbank refuse, c–e Edmonton shredded refuse, c–h Hantsport old
deformation (Eid et al. 2000). Review of existing labora- refuse], d Mazzucato et al. 1999, e Thomas et al. 1999, f Harris et al.
tory data shows that most of the laboratory shear tests 2006, g Zekkos 2005)

Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923 1915

as a reinforced mass and additional strain/displacement

mobilizes the reinforcing effect of plastics, rope, fabrics,
and other materials.
Figure 2 presents strength envelopes for MSW obtained
from the direct shear data from the references summarized
in Fig. 1 for various shear displacements. The data symbols
used in Fig. 2 correspond to different levels of shear dis-
placement. The lowest strength envelope corresponds to a
shear displacement of 10 mm and the highest strength
envelope corresponds to a shear displacement of 150 mm.
This reaffirms increasing shear resistance with increasing
shear displacement in direct shear tests, and shows the
shear resistance can increase by a factor of two depending
on the applied shear displacement.
Figure 2 also presents equations for the various strength
envelopes that can be used to estimate the shear resistance
of MSW for a given level of shear displacement. For Fig. 3 Stress–strain relationships of MSW from triaxial compression
example, if an estimated permanent seismic deformation of tests. Letters indicate different references, and numbers in parenthesis
are the consolidation pressures in kPa. (a Grisolia et al. 1991, b
100 mm is being considered, the shear resistance of MSW
Jessberger and Kockel 1993, c Machado et al. 2002, d Vilar and
can be estimated using the strength envelope that corre- Carvalho 2004, e Itoh et al. 2005, f Gomes et al. 2005, g Zekkos 2005)
sponds to 100 mm of shear displacement in Fig. 2.
Figure 3 shows typical deviator stress (r1–r3) versus displacement applied in the direct shear and triaxial
axial strain relationships from isotropically consolidated- devices.
drained triaxial compression tests on MSW. The triaxial Figure 4 presents strength envelopes from isotropically
compression specimens range from 15 to 30 cm in diam- consolidated triaxial compression tests on MSW obtained
eter and 30 to 60 cm long. The tests were conducted to a from the studies summarized in Fig. 3 for various levels of
maximum axial strain of 46% which corresponds to a axial strain. The lowest strength envelope corresponds to
vertical displacement of 21 cm based on an initial speci-
men height of 45 cm. As can be seen in Fig. 3, triaxial
compression data on MSW consistently shows the deviator
stress increasing continuously with axial strain, without
reaching a well-defined peak value (Singh and Murphy
1990; Machado et al. 2002; Vilar and Carvalho 2004). This
is in contrast to the direct shear data, which sometimes
reaches a peak or ultimate value (see Fig. 1) prior to test
termination. It is anticipated that this difference is caused
by the difference in the mode of shear and magnitude of

Fig. 4 Strength envelopes of MSW, corresponding to 5, 10 and 20%

Fig. 2 Strength envelopes for MSW corresponding to 10, 30, 50, 100 axial strain in triaxial compression tests. White symbols are for 5%
and 150 mm of shear displacement (Dx) in direct shear tests axial strain, black symbols for 10% and gray symbols for 20%

1916 Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

an axial strain of 5% and the highest strength envelope Isenberg (2003) emphasizes that waste shear strength
corresponds to an axial strain of 20%. This also affirms and density are a function of site specific waste composi-
increasing shear resistance with increasing axial strain in tion and operational techniques, such as waste type,
triaxial compression tests on MSW. Figure 4 also presents composition, compaction, daily cover, moisture conditions,
equations for the various strength envelopes that can be age, overburden pressure, etc. Isenberg (2003) reports peak
used to estimate the shear resistance of MSW for a given shear strength parameters that range from /0 = 20–35° and
level of axial strain. c0 = 0–50 kPa. These shear strength parameters are in
Grisolia et al. (1995) performed triaxial compression agreement with the values proposed by Eid et al. (2000) of
tests on MSW and report that even at axial strains in excess /0 = 35° and c0 = 0–25 kPa. Milanov et al. (1997) report
of 20–30%, the peak shear strength is not mobilized. They the most likely or reasonable shear strength parameters of
present their findings in the form of mobilized friction angle MSW are c0 = 1–2 kPa and /0 = 35–40°.
and cohesion as a function of axial strain. At an axial strain Therefore, it is suggested that MSW shear strength
of 10%, the mobilized cohesion of 5 kPa and a friction parameters be reported with the displacement or axial
angle of 10° are reported while a cohesion of 30 kPa and a strain level at test termination or where the shear strength
friction angle of 20° is reported for an axial strain of 25%. parameters are being determined as will be presented
Vilar and Carvalho (2004) described drained isotropically herein.
consolidated triaxial compression tests on 200 mm in
diameter and 400 mm high specimens and report stress– Effect of normal stress
strain relationships that are concave upwards. Thus, the
peak strength is not achieved even at axial strains up to Increasing demand for vertically expanding existing land-
30%. They also recommend that the resulting shear strength fills and the interest in mega-landfills, has created a need
envelopes be based on the axial strain at which the partic- for characterizing the shear strength of MSW at high nor-
ular deviator stress is obtained. Their triaxial data suggest mal stresses. Therefore, the stress dependency of MSW
that the frictional resistance of the MSW tends to be fully shear strength parameters is discussed in this section.
mobilized at axial strains of less than or equal to 20% while Figures 2 and 4 demonstrate the dependence of MSW shear
the cohesion intercept starts to be mobilized at axial strains strength on the magnitude of normal stress as well as shear
of 10% or more. A limiting value of strain for mobilization displacement or axial strain.
of the cohesion intercept could not be discerned from the The data and shear strength envelopes presented in
data (Vilar and Carvalho 2004). This may be beneficial for Fig. 4 show clearly the stress-dependent nature of the
seismic analyses that predict a large amount of earthquake- Mohr–Coulomb strength envelope of MSW. The nonlin-
induced permanent deformation because the cohesion earity of the strength envelope can be evaluated in terms of
intercept significantly influences the calculated factor of the mobilized secant friction angle (as defined by Stark and
safety (FS) and yield acceleration (Stark and Choi 2004). Eid 1994), the value of which is decreasing with increasing
The shear displacement or axial strain dependency of normal stress. This indicates the importance of the stress-
MSW shear strength has created some confusion in the lit- dependent nature of the MSW shear strength. Del Greco
erature because the reported strength parameters correspond and Oggeri (1994) also suggested that the shear strength of
to different displacements or different axial strains. The MSW is stress dependent for normal stresses up to 110 kPa
reported MSW strength parameters usually correspond to and recommended a stress dependent friction angle as early
the measured shear stress at the displacement or axial strain as 1994. There is little data at normal stresses greater than
at test termination because the shear resistance is frequently 500 kPa. A normal stress of 500 kPa corresponds to a
still increasing. This is problematic because the range of waste depth of only 40 m based on a typical waste unit
displacement or axial strain that can be applied in shear weight of 12.6 kN/m3 (80 pcf). A waste depth of 40 m is
devices varies considerably. This incompatibility probably considerably smaller than depths of 180 m, which are
results in some of the observed variability in the reported currently being proposed. Thus, it is prudent to be con-
strength parameters. It is recommended that laboratories servative at normal stresses greater than 500 kPa.
include a subscript to their strength parameters that indicates Figure 5 presents all of the laboratory data compiled
the displacement or axial strain at which the MSW strength during this study and described in Table 1. One important
parameters are determined. Others recognized the problem aspect of this data is the normal stress range up to
of reporting strength parameters for MSW when the failure 1,800 kPa, which corresponds to a waste height of about
point is not clearly defined or reached before the test is 145 m based on a typical waste unit weight of 12.6 kN/m3.
terminated. For example, Vilar and Carvalho (2004) and This height approaches the height currently being proposed
Harris et al. (2006) recommend that the Mohr–Coulomb for a landfill with a height of 180 m. Prior MSW strength
criterion be related to some value of axial strain. relationships do not extend beyond 400 kPa and thus have

Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923 1917

safety for the MSW strength envelope in Fig. 5 that cor-

respond to the most likely strength envelope +1 and the
most likely strength envelope -1 SD must be estimated.
The two trend lines in Fig. 5 can be used to estimate the
highest (HCV) and lowest conceivable values (LCV) of the
strength envelope for calculation of the SD of the MSW
strength. The three-sigma rule is used to estimate the SD of
a parameter because 99.7% of all values of a normally
distributed parameter fall within three SDs of the value
(Dai and Wang 1992). This assumes that the HCV and
LCV correspond to values that are three SDs above and
below, respectively, the average value (Duncan 2000).
Figure 5 shows that the HCV and LCV strength envelopes
encompass about 98% of the data shown for normal
stresses less than 600 kPa and thus the trend lines are
reasonable approximations of the HCV and LCV. Using
Fig. 5 Summary of measured and back-calculated MSW shear
strength for effective normal stresses less than 1,800 kPa
the HCV and LCV in Fig. 5, the SD of strength can be
calculated using the following expression:
limited applicability for mega-landfills and significant ðHCV  LCVÞ

vertical expansions because MSW shear strength is normal 6
stress dependent. The data presented herein can be used to estimate the
As expected, the data in Fig. 5 show considerable scatter reliability of landfill slopes instead of simply reporting a
but a trend of nonlinear increase in shear resistance with value of FS.
increasing normal stress is evident for normal stresses less
than 1,000 kPa. Two bracketing trend lines are presented
in Fig. 5 to facilitate the use of this data in evaluating Recommended MSW shear strength parameters
the reliability of landfill slopes, which is discussed
subsequently. Shear strength parameters at normal stresses
less than 200 kPa

Reliability of landfill slopes Figures 5 and 6 present all of the laboratory data com-
piled during this study and described in Table 1 for
The probability of failure and reliability of the computed normal stresses less than 1,800 and 500 kPa, respectively,
factor of safety (FS) of landfill slopes can be estimated
using the method described by Duncan (2000). This pro-
cedure requires estimating the standard deviation in the
quantities impacting the computed FS; one of which is
MSW shear strength. Thus, the standard deviation of the
MSW strength must be estimated to calculate the change in
the FS due to the standard deviation in MSW strength. A
Taylor series is used to estimate the standard deviation and
variance in the FS based on the change in FS caused by the
standard deviation in all of the parameters that influence
the FS (Duncan 2000). The standard deviation in the factor
of safety (rF) is estimated using the following Taylor series
DF1 2 DF2 2 DF3 2
rF ¼ þ þ
2 2 2

where DF is the change in factor of safety computed for the

most likely value (MLV) +1 SD and the MLV -1 SD for Fig. 6 Recommended strength envelope for effective normal stresses
the parameter in question. Thus, the change in factor of less than 500 kPa

1918 Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

which correspond to a shear displacement less than or confining pressure, waste composition, specimen prepara-
equal to 25 mm or an axial or shear strain less than or tion and compaction, and strain rate.
equal to 10%. A shear displacement of 25 mm and an In summary, stress–strain compatible failure criteria for
axial strain of 10% are used because these values are MSW appears to be a shear displacement of 25 mm or an
compatible with the stress–strain behavior of geosynthetic axial strain of 10% in ICD triaxial compression tests.
interface and foundation soil (Eid et al. 2000). Compatible Superimposed on data in Figs. 5 and 6 are several
shear displacement–shear stress relationships are illus- strength envelopes recommended by Kavazanjian et al.
trated in Fig. 6 of Eid et al. (2000), showing that the (1995), Van Impe (1998), Zekkos (2005) and Eid et al.
cohesive soil and MSW mobilize a peak strength at a (2000). Kavazanjian et al. (1995) suggest the following
shear displacement less than 2.5 mm and greater than shear strength parameters for MSW: c0 = 24 kPa and
40 mm, respectively. Back-analysis of field case histories /0 = 08 for normal stress range of 0–30 kPa, c0 = 0 and
show that the mobilized resistance of MSW corresponds /0 = 338 for normal stress range of 30–300 kPa. Van Impe
to the shear resistance at a displacement of about 25 mm. (1998) summarizes the shear strength of MSW data from
Eid et al. (2000) recommended MSW shear strength laboratory tests as well as from back-analysis of case
parameters of c0 = 25 kPa and /0 = 358 which corre- histories, suggesting a strength envelope defined by
sponds to a shear resistance of about 64 kPa for a normal c0 = 20 kPa and /0 = 08 for an effective normal stress
stress of 55 kPa. Figure 6 of Eid et al. (2000) shows that a range of 0–20 kPa. For the 20–60 kPa normal stress range,
shear resistance of 64 kPa is mobilized in the direct shear he recommends c0 = 0 and /0 = 388 and for normal
test on MSW at a shear displacement of 20–25 mm. stresses greater than 60 kPa c C 20 kPa and /0 = 308.
Because MSW exhibits a much higher peak strength and Thus, Van Impe (1998) recommends a tri-linear envelope
direct shear testing is usually conducted to at least 25 mm to capture the stress dependent nature of MSW. Zekkos
of shear displacement, a 25 mm is used to define the (2005) also recommends a stress-dependent strength
strength of MSW. A corresponding value of axial strain is envelope where friction angle decreases with confining
about 10%. stress.
Zekkos et al. (2007) recommends failure criterion based Also shown in Figs. 5 and 6 is the linear strength
upon Ko = 0.3 and an additional 5% of axial strain in tri- envelope proposed by Eid et al. (2000) in terms of
axial compression tests. The data presented by Zekkos c0 = 25 kPa and /0 = 35°. Eid et al. (2000) selected a
et al. (2007) show a better regression coefficient when a linear envelope because the data considered in their study
failure criterion of Ko = 0.3 and an additional 10% of axial is limited to normal stresses less than 350 kPa. This
strain is used, which is in better agreement with Eid et al. strength envelope plots above the strength envelopes of
(2000) and the axial strain of 10% recommended herein. Van Impe (1998) and Kavazanjian et al. (1995). The Eid
Using an axial strain of 5% appears to be conservative for et al. (2000) envelope was chosen so that it plots above the
MSW based on vertical slopes in MSW that remain stable lowest MSW shear strengths measured in laboratory tests
for long period of time. because the mobilized strength, i.e., the presence of stable
Zekkos et al. (2007) use the variable Ko to define dif- vertical or near vertical landfill slopes after a slope failure
ferent points on the stress–strain relationship. The use of Ko and back-analysis of landfill slope failures, is greater than
is confusing because Ko is usually used to represent the the strength parameters of c0 = 25 kPa and /0 = 35°.
coefficient of lateral earth pressure at rest, not a point after Thus, the Eid et al. (2000) envelope is a lower bound on
shearing has commenced in a triaxial compression test. The field data of MSW shear strength. Eid et al. (2000) con-
variable K is more representative and is the ratio of the cluded it would be too conservative to capture the lowest
major (r1) and minor (r3) principal stresses. In various ICD laboratory measured strengths at normal stresses less than
triaxial compression tests conducted by Zekkos (2005) the 200 kPa because of limitations in MSW specimen prepa-
ratio of r1 to r3 of 0.3 occurred at an axial strain of 2–9%. ration, testing equipment, and magnitude of applied shear
Thus, the failure criterion of K = 0.3 and an additional displacement.
axial strain of 5% corresponds to an axial strain of about The authors do not believe that the recommended or
7–14%. The failure criterion of K = 0.3 and an additional MLV strength envelope should plot below all of the
axial strain of 10%, which exhibits a higher regression laboratory measured shear strengths at normal stresses
coefficient, corresponds to an axial strain of about 12–19%. less than 200 kPa as suggested by Kavazanjian et al.
The average of these criteria is an axial strain of 10% as (1995). However, the recommended strength envelope
recommended by Eid et al. (2000) and herein. A failure should plot at or near the lower bound of the field or
criterion of 10% axial strain in ICD triaxial compression back-calculated shear strength values. Kavazanjian et al.
tests is also less confusing. The amount of axial strain that (1995) base their strength envelope on the lower bound of
occurs at a particular ratio of r1 to r3 is a function of the laboratory and back-calculated data, as they should

Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923 1919

because they use back-calculation of non-failed slopes to Shear strength parameters at normal stresses greater
reinforce the laboratory data. The problem with back- than 200 kPa
calculating non-failed slopes is the FS is not known. In
contrast, Eid et al. (2000) only back-calculated failed The MSW strength data for normal stresses greater than
slopes in which sufficient information is available to about 200 kPa used by Eid et al. (2000) shows a nonlinear
perform a meaningful back-analysis. It will be shown increase in shear strength with increasing normal stress as
subsequently a different rationale is used to develop a pointed out by discussers (see Stark et al. 2001). Thus, this
strength envelope for normal stresses greater than or equal paper provides recommendations for strength parameters
to 200 kPa because of a lack of field case histories at for normal stresses greater than 200 kPa to overcome this
these normal stresses. limitation of the recommendation in Eid et al. (2000).
Finally, it is recommended that the reliability of the Although some of the data in the higher normal stress range
computed FS be estimated using the methodology pre- suggest that the strength envelope is linear (e.g. Kava-
sented by Duncan (2000) so the recommended strength zanjian et al. 1995), most of this data has a waste
envelope in this study should be used as the MLV for percentage of less than 30% (soil percentage of about 60–
normal stress less than 200 kPa. 70%), which means that the materials tested probably
should not be classified as waste. Recent data by Pelkey
Importance of MSW strength parameters at normal (1997), Pelkey et al. (2001) and Van Impe (1998) suggest
stresses less than 30 kPa that the slope of the shear strength envelope decreases as
the normal stress increases.
Kavazanjian et al. (1995) and Van Impe (1998) recommend Figures 5 and 6 represents the bi-linear strength enve-
different strength parameters for normal stresses less than lope that captures the stress dependency of MSW at
30 kPa. In a stability analysis a normal stress of 30 kPa on effective normal stresses greater than 200 kPa. For normal
an inclined failure surface through the waste mass corre- stresses less than 200 kPa, c0 = 6 kPa and /0 = 358 is
sponds to a waste depth of about 4.8 m assuming a recommended which is consistent with Eid et al. (2000)
coefficient of lateral earth pressure of 0.5. An inclined but utilizes a c0 of six instead of 25 kPa. Even with the
failure surface through the waste is used because landfill reduced c0 value, the recommended strength envelope
slope failure usually involves a transitional slide along a exceeds the strength envelopes proposed by Kavazanjian
weak underlying layer (Stark et al. 2000). If a coefficient of et al. (1995) and Van Impe (1998) for the applicable
lateral earth pressure of 0.3 is used as recommended by normal stresses.
Zekkos (2005), 30 kPa corresponds to a waste depth of For normal stresses greater than or equal to 200 kPa, the
8 m. The lateral earth pressure coefficient is used because recommended strength envelope changes to c0 = 30 kPa
the stress normal to the inclined failure surface is desired. and /0 = 308 to represent the stress dependency of MSW
The depth of 4.8 m is calculated by dividing the normal shear strength. A normal stress of 200 kPa on an inclined
stress of 30 kPa by a typical MSW unit weight (12.6 kN/ failure surface through the waste corresponds to a waste
m3), and the lateral earth pressure coefficient. depth about 32 m assuming a coefficient of lateral earth
Most landfills are much deeper than 4.8 m, especially pressure of 0.5 and a typical waste unit weight of 12.6 kN/
mega-landfills, so the initial horizontal portion of the m3. If the landfill has a waste depth of less than 32 m, the
strength envelope only impacts an extremely small portion strength parameters of c0 = 6 kPa and /0 = 358 can be
of the critical failure surface that passes through the used. If the landfill depth is greater than or equal to 32 m,
MSW. A sensitivity analysis shows that varying the the bilinear envelope should be used. To facilitate the use
strength parameters in the upper 4.8 m of the critical of the bi-linear envelope in stability analyses, the bilinear
failure surface that extends to the liner system in a deep envelope can be approximated using the following
landfill does not significantly impact the calculated FS for expression:
waste depths greater than about 15 m as compared to the  2
s ¼ 15 þ 0:61r0n  0:00002 r0n
strength parameters recommended by Eid et al. (2000).
Thus, the refinement of the MSW failure at normal Alternatively, various points on this bilinear envelope,
stresses less than 30 kPa does not appear to be warranted i.e. various pairs of shear and normal stress values, can be
for landfills with a waste depth greater than about 15 m. used in slope stability softwares to model the strength
However, refinement of the strength envelope at normal envelope directly.
stresses greater than 300 kPa is important because the Recommended strength envelope in this study is con-
MSW shear strength parameters are known to be confin- sistent with the recent recommendation by Zekkos (2005)
ing stress dependent. reporting the strength envelope of MSW as:

1920 Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

s ¼ c þ r0n  tan /0 the observation of steep landfill slopes that remain stable, it
is concluded that the focus of landfill stability analyses
where c = 15 kPa. Considering the decrease in friction should be the materials that underlie the MSW, e.g., geo-
angle with increasing confining stress, Zekkos (2005) synthetic interfaces and weak foundation soils, and not the
recommended the following equation for the shear strength MSW unless there is a weak continuous layer in the waste
of MSW, where Po is 1 atm.: mass.
0 r
s ¼ 15 þ rn  tan 36  5  log n
Back-calculated MSW shear strength
Figure 5 shows good agreement between the recom- from failed waste slopes
mended bilinear envelope and the envelope corresponding
to the equation above. A bilinear strength envelope to Kavazanjian et al. (1995) back-analyzed unfailed landfill
model MSW is also suggested by Del Greco and Oggeri slopes to estimate the shear strength of MSW. The landfill
(1994), Pelkey et al. (2001), and Gabr et al. (2002). slopes (Lopez Canyon, CA; OII Landfill, CA; Babylon,
The recommended strength parameters or equation New York; Private Landfill, OH) had not failed or expe-
developed herein above results in a strength envelope that rienced movement, therefore they assumed a FS equal to
plots below the Eid et al. (2000) strength envelope as 1.2 for the slope. Using a FS equal to 1.2 and assuming a c0
shown in Fig. 5. This is because the recommended strength of 5 kPa, they back-calculated the MSW friction angle.
envelope plots at or near the lower bound of the new case More recent data suggests a greater cohesion than 5 kPa
histories analyzed herein, which provide the best estimate which will reduce the back-calculated value of /0 .
of mobilized MSW strength. These case histories are dis- Eid et al. (2000) analyzed four landfill slope failures to
cussed subsequently. estimate the mobilized strength of MSW. Other case his-
Figure 5 also shows that the recommended strength tories were considered for back-analyses but not included
envelope at normal stresses greater than 200 kPa plots at in that study because of significant uncertainties in some of
the lower bound of the laboratory measured shear strength the field conditions, such as slope geometry, leachate level,
values because there is a lack of field case histories that and subsurface information. These four case histories are
correspond to normal stresses significantly greater than included in Figs. 5 and 6 and reinforce the recommended
200 kPa. Thus, it is prudent to use a strength envelope bi-linear strength envelope.
near the lower bound of the laboratory measured shear Seven additional landfill slope failures were analyzed
strength values because field case histories are not avail- and Table 2 summarizes all of the case histories analyzed
able to confirm the laboratory measured shear strength to date. The back-analyses of Warsaw, Poland; Istanbul,
values. As a result, the recommended strength envelope Turkey; Payatas, Philippines and Hiriya, Israel landfills are
captures the one data point at a normal stress of about discussed in Huvaj-Sarihan and Stark (2008). Cruz das
1,750 kPa. Clearly, additional data is needed at higher Almas-Brazil and Leuwigajah-Indonesia landfill slope
normal stresses to confirm this recommended strength failures were analyzed as part of this study.
envelope. One of these slope failures involves the Gnojna Grora
The bilinear strength envelope shown in Fig. 5 still Hill landfill, in Warsaw, Poland (Bouzza and Wojnarowicz
depicts MSW as a strong material. The high strength of 2000; Huvaj-Sarihan and Stark 2008). The unit weight of
MSW is confirmed by landfill slopes that can stand at steep the waste material was 17 kN/m3 (because the waste is
angles for considerable time (Koelsch 1993). Examples of mixed with demolition debris) and the natural water con-
steep landfill slopes are reported by various researchers, tent of the waste is 28–80%. The groundwater/leachate
e.g. 60-m-high nearly vertical scarp that resulted from the level is 3–5 m below ground surface. No geosynthetic liner
slope failure of a Cincinnati landfill which remained stable system was installed prior to waste placement and thus the
for 10 months until it was remediated (Stark et al. 2001), waste is in contact with native materials and groundwater.
21-m-high vertical excavation in MSW in Illinois which Thus, the groundwater level corresponds to the leachate
has remained stable over 10 years (Stark et al. 2001), level. The slope did not experience a large slide but tension
1H:3 V (about 71°) slope in the Umraniye dump site in cracks developed in buildings on top of the landfill indi-
Istanbul (Kocasoy and Curi 1995), a 75° slope excavated in cating the onset of sliding. Some of the observed building
Goettingen–Deiderode landfill in Germany (Koelsch 2005), cracks may be caused by waste settlement rather than slope
stable 1.2H:1 V and 0.67H:1 V slopes in Hiriya landfill in movement but tension cracks were observed indicating the
Israel five years after a slope failure in 1997 (Isenberg onset of instability. Because the slope did experience
2003), and a vertical scarp after the Payatas landfill slope extensive movement, the FS was assumed to be near unity
failure in Philippines in 2000 (Merry et al. 2005). Based on for the back-analysis. To back-calculate an effective stress

Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923 1921

Table 2 Summary of MSW landfill case histories used to back-calculate MSW shear strength
Label in Figs. 5 Reference Maximum Average effective Average leachate Back-calculated
and 6 landfill stress along failure level in terms of shear stress
height (m) surface in waste Pore Pressure ratioa (kPa)

NJ New Jersey site (Oweis and Khera 1998); 23 62 0.065 46

Dvinoff and Munion 1986)
M Maine site (Richardson and Reynolds 1991) 27 34 0.045 35
C Cincinnati site (Eid et al. 2000) 84 90 0.078 103
EO Eastern Ohio site (Stark et al. 1998) 24.5 35 0.021 29
W Warsaw site, Poland 26 106 0.44 40
(Bouzza and Wojnarowicz 2000)
DJ Dona Juana, Columbia (Hendron et al. 1999, 60 55 0.15–0.80 34
Gonzalez-Garcia and Espinoza-Silva 2003;
Fernandez et al. 2005; Hendron 2006)
P Payatas, Phillipines (Merry et al. 2005) 33 95 0.43 69.5
H Hiriya landfill, Israel (Isenberg 2003) 60 32 0.65 46
IS Istanbul landfill, Turkey 45 65 0.50 72.5
(Kocasoy and Curi 1995)
BR Cruz das Almas Landfill, Brazil 40 28.9 0.30 20.3
(Gharabaghi et. al 2006)
IN Leuwigajah dumpsite, Indonesia (Koelsch 2005) 70 31.2 0.21 86
Pore pressure ratio, ru = u/ch

friction angle, the MSW was assumed to exhibit a c0 of observed failure surface through the waste is 65 and
0 kPa. The back-calculated /0 is 218. The back calculated 72.5 kPa, respectively.
friction angle is reasonable considering the age of the The Hiriya waste dump is located in Tel-Aviv, Israel,
waste. The landfill is estimated to be 300 years old (Bouzza and was in use from 1952 to 1998 (Isenberg 2003). The
and Wojnarowicz 2000). Therefore, the back-calculated landfill reaches a height of 60 m above the surrounding
shear strength of MSW is expected to be comparable to the level ground, with the slopes of 45° or more. The landfill
shear strength of a cohesive soil. The average normal stress does not have an engineered bottom liner, final cover, or
on the observed failure surface through the waste is leachate and gas control systems. Side slopes of Hiriya
106 kPa. landfill range from 1.3H:1 V to 1.6H:1 V. As a result of the
Another landfill analyzed was located in Istanbul, steep slopes, the lack of drainage and erosion controls, the
Turkey. The dumpsite has been in operation since 1976. landfill has experienced small and large instability prob-
Composition of the waste material, after removal of the lems. In 1997 a major slope failure occurred following a
recyclable material by scavengers, is estimated to be period of heavy rain. Pictures taken after the failure and the
about 70% food remains/organics, 10% papers, 6% tex- cross section used in slope stability analyses are shown in
tile, 3% plastics, 3% metals (Kocasoy and Curi 1995). Huvaj-Sarihan and Stark (2008). The average normal and
Maximum MSW slope height was about 45 m, with steep shear stresses on the observed failure surface through the
front slopes of up to 45° or even more. The MSW was waste is 32 and 46 kPa, respectively.
placed without any liner system. The waste is not com- The unit weight of MSW is an important parameter in
pacted and is not covered with soil. The catastrophic engineering analyses of landfill performance, but signifi-
slope failure occurred in 1993 and included up to cant uncertainty currently exists regarding its value
1,000,000 m3 of waste. Pictures taken after the failure and (Zekkos 2005). There was not enough information to
the cross section used in slope stability analyses are model the change in unit weight with depth in the back
shown in Huvaj-Sarihan and Stark (2008). Heavy rains, analysis of these landfill slope failures.
and excessive leachate level built up within the old
decomposed waste were likely the triggering mechanism,
together with recently placed demolition debris on top of Conclusions
the waste (Kocasoy and Curi 1995). An MSW unit weight
of 11 kN/m3 is assumed because no further information is The following conclusions can be discerned concerning the
available. The average normal and shear stresses on the shear strength of MSW:

1922 Environ Geol (2009) 57:1911–1923

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