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Tali 200

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TALI 200

Concentration of spinbath in Viscose (Rayon) Reduced deviations of spinbath concentrations
fiber and filament production - a key for perfect stabilize the product quality. The on-line
fiber and filament quality. measurement and process control reduce
costs for labor, input of chemicals and avoid
human errors.
Our TALI 200 measures the sulphuric acid and
zinc sulphate concentration of the spinbath and The benefits of TALI 200 have been proven
controls the process by means of a continuous for more than 20 years in numerous Viscose
on-line analysis. In connection with a density productions worldwide.
measurement, also the amount of Natrium
Sulphate can be determined.

Scope: Measuring principle:

Titrating apparatus for continuous TALI 200 consists of a fully Automatic pH titration with NaOH,
on-line analysis of spinbath in stainless steel housing with Zn titration with complex former
Viscose (Rayon) fiber and splash proof protection IP65, and NaOH.
filament productions to determine analysing unit with two storage
the concentrations of sulfuric acid containers, electrical unit with free
and zinc sulfate and to control the programmable control system
process using industrially and operator panel with LCD
standardized signals. display

Measuring ranges: Closed control loop: Dimensions:

H2SO4 up to 250 g / l The output signals can be Height: 1600 mm
ZnSO4 up to 250 g / l used for automatic dosing and Width: 1040 mm
Na2SO4* up to 250 g / l control of H2SO4 and ZnSO4, Depth: 720 mm
for keeping the concentration Weight: approx. 175 kg
Accuracy: automatically within certain
H2SO4 < ± 1.0 g / l limits Alarm levels:
ZnSO4 < ± 1.0 g / l Can be specified individually
Na2SO4* < ± 1.0 g / l Electrical mains supply: due to requirements
220 V, 50 - 60 Hz, single phase
Measurement frequency: with earth contact, max. 400 VA Optional:
Programmable, max. 6 (other voltages on request) Serial interface for data output
measurements / hour to a printer, process control
Ambient conditions: system
Output signal: Temperature max. 35 °C Limit signal (relay contacts)
Analogous 0 - 20 mA or Relative humidity max. 90 %,
4 - 20 mA for H2SO4 and ZnSO4 not condensing
Analogous 0 - 20 mA or
4 - 20 mA for Na2SO4*
Example of process improvement through TALI 200

Concentration after installation of TALI200 in combination with closed control loop

Technical data and pictures are subject to change!

Lenzing Instruments GmbH & Co. KG

T HE T EXTECHNO G ROUP Textechno Herbert Stein GmbH & Co. KG
A-4851 Gampern, Austria D-41066 Mönchengladbach, Germany
E-mail: E-mail: Your reliable partners for

quality improvement

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