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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship - Long Quiz

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In contemporary societies, social institutions are:

a. Highly specialized, interrelated sets of social
b. Disorganized social relation in a postmodern world
c. Virtual communities in cyberspace
d. No longer relevant to the society
2. Which of the following is not recognized as a level of society?
a. The household b. the office c. the global village d. the nation state
3. When sociologists study the structure of layers in society and people's movement between them, they call this:
a. Social stratification b. social control c. social conflict d. social solidarity
4. Social norms are:
a. creative activities such as gardening, cookery and craftwork
b. the symbolic representation of social groups in the mass media
c. religious beliefs about how the world ought to be
d. rules and expectations about interaction that regulate social life
5. Society cannot be studied in the same way as the natural world because:
a. human behavior is meaningful, and varies between individuals and cultures
b. it is difficult for sociologists to gain access to a research laboratory
c. sociologists are not rational or critical enough in their approach
d. we cannot collect empirical data about social life
6. Socialization is:
a. the formation of an attachment bond between an infant and its career
b. a tendency of social theorists to explain everything in terms of social causes
c. the process of becoming part of a society by learning its norms and values
d. the historical process by which societies change from traditional to modern
7. Ethnic identity refers to:
a. the objective categories of ethnicity used in the census
b. a felt sense of group membership on the basis of religion, language, or history
c. the imposition of a racial label on a minority by a powerful majority
d. the fragmented and pluralistic nature of ethnicity
8. Urbanization occur in nineteenth century because:
a. commuters started moving out of villages and into cities
b. towns and cities were becoming increasingly planned and managed
c. industrial capitalism led to a shift of population from rural to urban areas
d. transport systems were not provided, so it was easier to live in the city
9. The ecological approach to urban sociology involved studying:
a. how social groups colonized different areas of the city and competed for resources
b. the forms of wildlife and natural habitats that could be found on the edges of the city
c. the way in which people organized collective protests about environmental issues
d. how men and women used the city's public spaces differently
10. Cultural restructuring has involved:
a. regenerating cities in economic decline
b. turning industrial landscapes into tourist attractions
c. selling sites and images through the 'symbolic economy' of media advertising
d. all of the above
11. What’s the best explanation of citizenship?
a. A person who is resident of a state
b. A person who is a resident of a country
c. A person who is entitled to the rights and protections under a state
d. A person who is entitled to the rights and protections afforded by a state and owes the state certain duties
12. _____________is referred to as a temporary collection of people reacting together to a stimuli.
a. Public b. Gathering c. Group d. Crowd
13. A group of students recreating by the sea shore are an/a _____________.
a. Aggregate b. Public c. Mob d. Community
14. The success of the group does NOT depend on __________________________.
a. Achievement goals
b. Understanding and agreement on major problems
c. Handling of behavioral problems
d. Ignoring individual problems
15. Leader on a group does not depend on ________________.
a. Authoritarian Approach
b. Distribution of responsibility
c. Rapport with individual members
d. Understanding group dynamics
16. Responsibility for the choice of program in group work rest with ___________________.
a. Members of the group c. the Agency
b. Group Worker d. Members of the group with the help of group worker.
17. Social group work as a method of social work aims ______________________.
a. Development of democratic life c. Development of capability of adjustment
b. Development of leadership qualities d. all of the above
18. Which of the following is NOT a principle of social group work
a. Confidentiality c. Progressive program development
b. Guided group interactions d. Evaluation of the progress made by the group
19. Group work is intended to _____________________.
a. Promote social action
b. Facilitate community organization
c. enhance social functioning
d. d. solve individual and group problems through group process
20. No compromise on law is characteristic of ____________ leadership?
a. Democratic b. Autocratic c. Bureaucratic d. Laissez Faire
21. What is the unique characteristic of social group?
a. The natural of being the primary group c. Creative use of program media
b. Worker client relationship d. none of the above
22. Which of the following is incorrect about citizenship in the Philippines?
a. You can obtain citizenship simply by being born in the Philippines
b. You can obtain citizenship through naturalization process
c. Philippines does not permit dual citizenship
d. None of the choices are incorrect
23. Which of the following is part of civil society?
a. A for-profit business
b. A Local Government Unit
c. Office under the President
d. Office under the Vice President
24. Political participation is best defined as:
a. Political activism employing online communication tools.
b. Actions that people to take raise awareness about issues and influence the choice of government personnel
c. Political activism employing online communication tools
d. Citizens deliberating about government decisions through fair and open community discussions.


25. Signing petition, boycotts, and sit-ins at government offices are example of:
a. Deliberate democracy b. Civil Management
b. Protest activities d. Political Participation
26. Classical democratic theory is based on the idea that:
a. It is desirable to have a large number of citizens from different political backgrounds participating in political affairs
b. Citizens possess a weak attachment to political parties
c. Citizens deliberating about government decisions through fair and open community discussions
d. A small minority of individuals with more education and political experience are better positioned to decide what is in the public interest.
27. Social networks, norms of generalized reciprocity, and interpersonal trust that foster coordination are more commonly known as:
a. Social capital b. Political parties c. Civil society d. Civil engagement
28. In Sociology, “Society” refers to:
a. Members of a specific in-group c. Congregation of people
b. Pattern of the norms of interaction d. People with laws and customs
29. Society is the total social heritage of folkways, mores and institutions, of habits, sentiments and ideals. This is a _____________ vies of society.
a. Structural b. Functional c. Cultural d. Minimal
30. Animal society is based on ________ whereas human society is based on ____________.
a. Instinct, reason
b. Sex drives, cultural needs
c. Strength, knowledge
d. Organism, people
31. Which of the following is an example of civic engagement?
a. Becoming a member of a political party
b. Providing unpaid service to help others
c. Running for elected office
d. Joining an ethnocultural organization
32. When people begin to 'Share their grievances' which of the following conditions that increase 
participation in Social Movements has occurred?
a. Recruiting member c. Conduct Meeting
b. Intensification of dissent d. Identify Mediation
33. When People participate by forming group to meet predetermined objectives related to the project, which can involve development and promotion of externally
initiated social 
organizations called:
a. Mobilization c. Functional Participation
b. Interactive participation d. Passive Participation
34. When two or more persons (i.e. helpers) working jointly on the basis of a common plan 
 of action, then it is called ……………………
a. Cooperation b. Collaboration c. Coordination d. Consulting
35. Which of the following is not identified as a new form of community?
a. ethnic communities, based on shared identity and experiences of discrimination
b. gay villages, which are formed in certain parts of large cities
c. sociological communities, formed by unpopular lecturers
d. virtual communities that exist only in cyberspace
36. Which of the following is correct according to Pluralistic Model of Power Structure?
a. It rejects the idea that small homogenous group dominates community decision making.
b. Oppose the idea that small homogenous group dominates community decision making.
c. It expects the idea that small homogenous group dominates community decision making.
d. It empowers the idea that small homogenous group dominates community decision making.
37. When dealing with community activists it is best to take a firm and, if necessary, ______________ tone to secure your company's position.
a. Compromising b. Peaceful c. Diplomatic d. Friendly
38. Which of the following is not a policy of the state?
a. Inviolability of the separation of church and state
b. Approval of war as an instrument of national policy
c. Recognition of the role of women in nation building
d. Maintenance of honesty and integrity in the public service
39. Who are classified as Filipino Citizen
a. Anna, who is born and raised in Australia with both Australian parents and living in the Philippines for past five years.
b. Erwin, who is naturalized born Filipino, migrated to America when he was 8 years old.
c. Joseph who is born by both Filipino parents and live and the Philippines.
d. Andrea who born in the Philippines with Spanish parents and stay in the Philippines for 10 years.
40. What is the name of the process by which we acquire a sense of identity and become members of society?
a. Rationalization b. colonization c. socialization d. migration
41. It is the process by which the individual learns to conform to the norms of the group.
a. Integration b. Socialization c. Conformity d. Assimilation
42. Socialization is a matter of _____________.
a. Learning b. Biological inheritance c. Socializing d. Division of labor
43. The social order is maintained largely by _____________________.
a. Division of labor b. Law c. Socialization d. State
44. It is a collection of individuals two or more, interacting with each other, which have some common objects of attention and participate in similar activities.
a. Community b. Social Group c. Organization d. Aggregate
45. Which of the following is aggregate of lacks organization and whose members maybe unaware of the existence of the grouping.
a. Social group b. Secondary Group c. Quasi-group d. Spatial group
46. Which of the following is a Quasi-group?
a. Nation b. Political Party c. Status group d. Tribe
47. Which of the following is not a characteristic of social group?
a. Sense of unity b. We – feeling c. Common interests d. Common territory
48. Which of the following is characterized by intimate face-to-face relation.
a. Secondary group b. Spatial Group c. Primary Group d. Gemeinschaft
49. Which of the following groups pertains to individual identifies himself by virtue of his consciousness of kind?
a. In-groups b. Primary group c. Social Group d. Marginal Group
50. According to Summer, the assumption that the values, the ways of life and the attitudes of one’s own group are superior to others is called____________________.
a. Sub-nationalism b. Ethnocentrism c. Racial Superiority d. In-group superiority


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