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Summative Test-CESC (1st Quarter) - 1

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First Quarter
S.Y 2021-2022

Name: Catherine Licupa________________ Score: ________

Year and Section: 12-William Blake___________ Date: _________

Directions: On the space provided before each number write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement
is incorrect. (15 pts.)

___TRUE___ 1. A community can be seen as being something like an organism. It lives and functions even though its
members come and go, are born to die.
___TRUE___2. Often when we think of community, we think in geographic terms. Our community is the city, town or village
where we live.
___TRUE___3. A community does not talk, does not think, cannot feel, and does not act like human being. It is an inorganic
entity, and therefore moves, responds, grows and behaves through different principles.
___TRUE___4. Students as community workers helps communities to bring about social change and impart the quantity of
life in their local area.
___TRUE___5. A good deal of the student’s work is project based, which means that as community development workers
they usually have geographical community or social group on which to focus.
___TRUE___6. Coping with social disadvantage and disaffected members of the community can be stressful.
___TRUE___7. Community work is challenging, exciting and at times frustrating. You need to be prepared to cope with
avoidable conflict and setback.
___TRUE___8. Ongoing training is essential in community work and usually occurs on the job or as part-time study to gain
recognized qualification.
___TRUE___9. Competition is affected by the political because of the broad remit of community work.
___TRUE___10. Opportunities for promotion are unlimited in both the public and voluntary sectors.
___TRUE___11. Economic elements are what the economist may call “real capital”.
___TRUE___12. Institutional elements of community are various ways and means of allocating power, influence, and
___TRUE___13. The aesthetic element of community is the structure of ideas, sometimes paradoxical, inconsistent, or
contradictory, that people have about good or bad.
___TRUE___14. An effective community relations program should include a frail outreach strategy.
___TRUE___15. Organization possess the power to act on their own behalf without any help from institutions.

Direction: Complete the statement to give meaning and sense of such by UNDERLINING the word found inside the
parenthesis. (10pts.)

16. Communities can be (inside, outside, within) communities.

17. As the boundaries of communities become wider, there is ( homogeneity, heterogeneity, sovereignty) of communities.
18. A community is composed of things that are learned rather than transmitted by ( people, glands, genes)
19. Individuals in the community have their own ( likes, dislikes, changes) while they develop as human individuals.
20. All things social and cultural are transmitted by ( people, symbols, signs) rather than by genes.
21. The nation of community is (social, religious, education) construct.
22. The basic characteristics of society is that they are ( independent, dependent, interconnected).
23. Civil society is composed of variety of elements that total the overall functions of ( public, private, social) life in which
citizens from all spheres and interest participate in government.
24. The ISC advises (people, church, government) on the necessary actions to enable civil society to work freely.
25. Research has found that places with relatively large number of locally – oriented business and civically engaged
institutions tend to have (lower, higher, medium) levels of social, political and economical well – being.


Directions: Read each statement carefully and choose the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number. (15 pts.)

___A___26. In pursuing their interest in their domains, the members in these communities engage in joint activities and
discussion, help each other, and share information from each other.
A. Formal Communities B. Global Communities C. Informal Communities D. Urban Communities
___D___27. It is usually large, in terms of land area and population, advance in science and technology, with favorable
physical environment and varied diverse cultures, and the people engage in varied occupations.
A. Formal Communities B. Global Communities C. Informal Communities D. Urban Communities
___C___28. In this type of communities, the people usually produce their own food for subsistence.
A. Formal Communities C. Rural Communities
B. Informal Communities D. Urban Communities
___B___29. Which of the following types of communities includes the voluntarily sector or community sector?
A. Global Communities C. Rural Communities
B. Sectoral Communities D. Urban Communities
___D___30. It is a physical or virtual space such as social center, online social media, or other gathering place where
gather and interact.
A. Economic space B. Environment space C. Political space D. Social space
___C___31. Refers to a campaign undertaken by the people living in a particular place.
A. Community action C. Community engagement
B. Community development D. Community solidarity
___A___32. Refers to the process by which community benefit organizations and individuals build ongoing, permanent
relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a community.
A. Community action C. Community engagement
B. Community development D. Community solidarity
___B___33. It is a mutual commitment to one another’s well-being.
A. Community action C. Community engagement
B. Community development D. Community solidarity
___B___34. It is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a country.
A. Citizen B. Citizenship C. Nationality D. State
___B___35. Which types of citizenship when one or both of a person’s parents are citizens of a given state, then the person
may have the right to be a citizen of that state as well?
A. jus matrimonii B. jus sanguinis C. jus soli D. political asylum
___A___36. Capacity to create linkages and develop helpful relationships with powerful individuals, family, and
A. Connections B. Information C. Legitimate Power D. Rewards
___D___37. Being able to provide awards, promotion, money and gifts that are useful to meet individual or organizational
A. Connections B. Information C. Legitimate Power D. Rewards
___C___38. Possesses a leadership title or higher organizational or institutional position.
A. Connections B. Coercion C. Legitimate Power D. Power in Number
___D___39. Indicates or signifies base, back up and support.
A. Connections B. Coercion C. Legitimate Power D. Power in Number
___A___40. It is the community’s various way and means of production and allocation of scare and useful goods and
through barter, market trade, state allocations and others.
A. Economic B. Institutional C. Political D. Technological

Prepared by:


Social Science Teacher
Checked by: Approved by:
Department Head, Aral. Pan High School Principal

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