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DLL - English 5 - Q1 - W1

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GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: ENGLISH
Teaching Dates and
Time: JUNE 3 – 7, 2019 (WEEK 1) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


Note significant details Infer the meaning of compound Recognize the elements of a Compose clear and
Self-correct when reading
Use appropriate facial words narrative coherent sentences using
Value/love one another
expressions appropriate grammatical
structures:aspects of
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives EN5LC-Ia-2.1 EN5V-Ia-12 and 13 EN5F-Ia-13 EN5F-Ia-2.9
Write for the LC code for EN5OL-Ia-2.6.1 EN5G-Ia-3.3
Listening to a dialogue Selection: Two Were Left by Hugh Inferring the meaning of Recognizing the elements of Using the simple aspects
Speaking with appropriate B. Cave compound words narrative of verb
facial expression Self-correcting when reading Using the present tense
for of the verbs
Using the simple regular
past form of verbs
Using forms that show
future time


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages pages 2-3 pages 3-5 page 5 pages 5-6 pages 6-8
2. Learner’s Materials pages 3-4 pages 4-7 pages 6-7 pages 7-9 pages 10-12
3. Textbook pages pages 3-4 Pages 4-7 Pages 6-7 pages 7-9 pages 10-12
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning Pictures, charts, Word cards, pocket chart, story Picture, chart, word card Chart/ppt.flah cards, Pictures, chart, metacards
Resources chart

A. Review previous lesson Ask: What does being a Ask: What is a dialogue?
or presenting the new steward of creation mean? How is noting details of a story is
lesson Ask the pupil to read done? Importance of self-correcting Answer the assignments as a Elements of a narrative
the big idea and another to Why is using appropriate facial when reading. review for the past lesson.
read the verse. expression important in reading?
Ask: Does the verse say
what being a steward of
creation means?
B. Establishing a purpose Show a picture of people with Ask: Why are dogs called “man’s Show the word iceberg using a Show a poster size version or Show pictures of trees,
for the lesson their pets/ people with bestfriend”? Have you had an flashcard. Tell the pupils that it is a PPT. slide of the paragraph. (see flowers, birds, rivers
animals> experience with a dog that will compound word. PPT. or chart)
Ask: How do you think these support or contradict the Tell the pupils that what they just Ask: Do you take care of our
people statement? saw came from the story “Two environment? What activity
feel being around their Were Left” do you usually do to take
pets? Ask: If you had not yet read the care of our environment?
being around animals? story, will you be able to
Why should we take care understand it?
of? Show a list of words/phrases to
our pets and other the pupils. Tell the pupils to fill in
animals? the blanks with these
(see chart/ppt)
Have the pupils write their
answers on the blanks?
Ask:Does it make more sense
C. Presenting Tell the pupils to listen very Unlocking of difficulties: Go back with the example above. Tell the pupils that the words and Say: You have learned that
examples/instances of the well while reading the marooned, slab, gnawing, wedged Ask: How many words you can phrases they used are called verbs are action words.
new lesson dialogue. Have the pupils Present the words using word form from these word? What are elements of narratives. Today, you will be learning
answer the questions in Talk cards and displayed on a pocket these words? Direct the pupils to the the different aspects of
About These? chart. Have the pupils read the Show the pupils how iceberg is definitions on pages 7-9. verbs.
words aloud? Draw out the divided into two words by Have the pupils read aloud the Have the pupils read the
meaning of the words using separating the parts of the definitions of each element? following sentences:
context clues and/or pictures. flashcard into ice and berg. Then, call someone to read aloud 1. The president continues
Then, have the pupils practice Determine the meaning of each the definition aloud. (randomly) to motivate people to take
reading the phrases taken from the word. care of the environment.
selection. Give more examples as possible . 2.The teachers continue to
marooned on the ice motivate pupils to take care
the slab of iron of the environment.
wedged one of the iron strip 3.He continued working with
the gnawing pain of his injured leg the group his father founded
since 2002.
4. They will continue to
inspire people of all ages.
5. Janice bought a new
watch last week.
Help the pupils study and
analyze the sentences.
Give more examples
D. Discussing new concepts Read the dialogue about pets Read: The Two Were Left Direct the pupils to the types of Have the pupils read the Lead the pupils to the
and practicing new skills #1 again with neutral facial The teacher will read the story compound words. elements on the flash cards? different aspects of verb
expression. then, Tell the pupils that there are three Then, call some pupils to repeat using the sentences
Ask:Did it change the meaning assign a pupil to be Noni and types of compound word; closed, the definition in their own words above.
of the dialogue? instruct him to read Noni’s open, or hyphenated. and understanding. Help the pupils study and
dialogue aloud with expression. Have the pupils think of a analyze the sentences.
Call on volunteers to take turn compound words and write them Give more examples
reading the story paragraph by
on the board on the proper
column. .
Answer and discuss as a class: From the example given by the
Think It Over on page 6 # 1-5 pupils have them identify the
definition of each compound
Have pupils do Think-Pair- words.
Share.Tell pupils to work with a Ask: How are the three types of
partner, discuss questions with compound words different from
their partner, and report their one another? Who can you explain
partner’s answers to the class. the meaning of each compound
Think It Over on page 6 # 6-9 word?
E. Discussing new concepts Model: Refer back to the Focus Skill/Competency check Have the pupils identify the Guided Practice:
and practicing new skills #2 dialogue about pets. Go Ask: What do you usually do when different elements of “Two Were The class will be divided
through each line and ask you misread some words while you Left”. into 5. Each group will be
the pupils to identify the are reading a text aloud? Post the diagram on the board. receiving metacards to
emotions expressed in each write their answers. The
line. Read each line aloud Explain that it is okay to self- teacher will ask a pupil to
with proper facial correct while reading to convey the pick a card to be shown in
expression. class, each card has a
message of the text correctly.
verb and corresponding
tense of verb written on it.
Each group will compose
clear and coherent
sentences using the verb
in the tense asked. Two
minutes will be used to
answer each item.

F. Developing mastery Activity: Oral Language Facilitate the practice described on Let the pupils answer the Independent Practice: Independent Practice:
Practice page 6 of the text book. Instruct Independent Practice on page 7 on Form a group of five and watch A. The following
Tell the pupils to pick a the pupils to read aloud the their evaluation folder. the film Spellbound/Obey Your sentences are written in
partner, as instructed. Tell passage with their partners. Take Parents. past tense. Rewrite them
them to read the dialogue note of the words that their Then, on a piece of paper the in present and future
silently and identify the partner finds difficulty to read. pupils will copy the graphic tense on the lines.
emotions expressed in each Remind him/her to self –correct organizer on the ppt. and fill out (See Chart)
line. Afterwards, they may while reading. the elements of a narrative.
proceed with assigning and
exchanging roles and reading
the dialogue aloud.
G. Finding practical Presentation of output in class.
applications of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations What is a dialogue? Ask: What is a compound word? Ask: What is anarrative? What What is a verb? What are
and abstractions about the How is noting details of a story Ask: Why is it important to What are the three types? are the different elements of a the different aspects of
lesson is done? value/love one another Who can give the difference narrative? State their differences. verb? Differentiate each
Why is using appropriate Why is self-correction while of?
facial expression important in reading a text aloud necessary? each type?

I. Evaluating learning Let the pupils present the Informative Assessment: Pupils will watch a short story. Have the pupils answer the
dialogue in front of the Identify the words that make up Copy the graphic organizer from practices on their textbooks
class. the following compound word. the chart on your paper and fill pages 11-12.
Provide the meaning for each out the elements of a narrative.
individual word and for each Present your output in class.
compound word. Then, use the (Chosen pupils)
compound word in a sentence. ( see chart)
1. basketball
2. fireplace
3. land bridge
4. best friend
5. brother-in-law
J. Additional activities for Give 2 examples for each type of Find the meaning of the word Select the best verb form:
application or remediation compound words. Then, give the verb. Write it down on your (1/2 crosswise of a piece
meaning. To be passed tomorrow. notebook. of paper)
( ½ crosswise piece of paper). Give atleast five example of a 1. We ________ to
verb. London last year.
    go         will go        
2. Yesterday she
_______on the ice.
    slips          slipped        
will slip
3. They ________ in
Toronto by next year.
    will live          live        
4. Tomorrow he ________
to Miami.
   traveled        travels   
will travel
5. Mice ________ peanut
    love          will love        
6. Don't bother Tim while
he ____.
    is driving        will drive  
7. When Jen was in
Canada she ____skiing.
    goes        will go       
8. Right now Niki
________ on the phone.
    is         was         will be
9. Call back later. Ella
__home soon.
    is         was         will be
10. Blake ________ his
homework last night.
     finished    finish  

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching Differentiated Instruction and
strategies worked well? Why Integration of Learning (Pair-
did these work? Share)
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I wish
to share with other

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