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GRADES 1 to 12 School: Kapalong National High School Grade Level: 8

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Raymart P. Estabillo Learning Area: ENGLISH

Teaching Dates and Time: Quarter: Third


A. Content Standards: The learners shall demonstrate understanding of: Southeast Asian literature as mirror to a shared heritage; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standards: The learners shall transfer learning by composing and delivering a persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of properly
acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for opinion-making, persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic features, stance, and
C. Learning The learners shall use The learners shall use The learners shall use
The learners shall use The learners shall use
Competencies/Objectives: appropriate cohesive appropriate cohesive appropriate cohesive
parallel structure. parallel structure.
devices in various types of devices in various types of devices in various types of
(EN8G-Ia-7) (EN8G-Ia-7)
speech. (NO LC) speech. (NO LC) speech. (NO LC)
Using Parallel Structure
Using Appropriate Using Appropriate Cohesive
with Elements Joined
Cohesive Devices Devices Summative Quiz Parallel Structure
By Coordinating
in Entertaining Speech in Demonstrative Speech
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages

2. Learner’s Materials Pages

3. Textbook Pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
DepEd Self-Learning DepEd Self-Learning DepEd Self-Learning DepEd Self-Learning DepEd Self-Learning
Module; Module; Module; Module; Module;
Reliable Pages Reliable Pages Reliable Pages in the Reliable Pages Reliable Pages
in the Internet in the Internet Internet in the Internet in the Internet
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or The teacher will let the The teacher will let the The students will be asked 1. The teacher will let the The teacher will ask the
Presenting the New Lesson students watch a video of a students watch a video of a to recall the lessons they students examine sets of students to identify the
celebrity delivering a chef describing how to have learned the previous pictures. She will ask them to coordinating conjunctions
message. She will ask prepare a recipe. She will days. identify which does not included in the acronym
them to identify what type ask them to identify what belong the group. FAN BOYS. In addition,
of speech he is delivering. type of speech he is 2. The teacher will ask the she will ask them to recall
delivering. students to explain what do the purpose of
we mean when we say two coordinating conjunctions.
lines are parallel.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the The teacher will tell the The teacher will tell the The teacher will tell the The teacher will tell the class The teacher will tell the
Lesson students that they are students that they are going class that they are going to that the concept of class that they are going
going to learn how to to learn how to compose a check how much they have parallelism is also being to discuss how to achieve
compose a well-written well-written demonstrative learned through a 30-item discussed in the English parallelism in sentences
entertaining speech by speech by giving special multiple choice test. subject, and that it is what with elements joined by
giving special attention to attention to cohesive devices they are going to learn about. coordinating conjunctions.
cohesive devices used. used.
C. Presenting Examples/Instances The teacher will let the The teacher will let the The students will be asked The teacher will let the The teacher will post the
of the Lesson students read and examine students read and examine to talk about the proper students read a comic strip. following sentences with
a short written speech. She a short written speech. She behavior that they must She will let them answer faulty parallelism, and then
will ask the students to will ask the students to exercise during the test. processing questions orally. she will ask the students
identify the cohesive identify the cohesive devices to identify the coordinating
devices used. used. conjunctions.
1. Every morning, we
make our bed, eating
breakfast and feed the
2. I will not sing a song,
nor dance.
3. Emma’s research
highlights the importance
of cell membrane and
helps in improving drug
uptake in the cell.
D. Discussing New Concepts and The teacher will discuss The teacher will discuss how The students will take the The teacher will explain The teacher will ask the
Practicing New Skills #1 how each of the cohesive each of the cohesive devices test individually. parallelism to the students by students to determine
devices is used in the text is used in the text and what pointing out the faulty whether each of the three
and what other alternative other alternative cohesive constructions in the comic sentences has faulty
cohesive devices could be devices could be used in strip. parallelism. When the
used in place of it. place of it. students have already
figured out that all three
has errors in construction,
she will guide the them in
correcting the faulty
E. Discussing New Concepts and The class will fill in the The class will fill in the The class will examine a The students will be
Practicing New Skills #2 missing cohesive devices missing cohesive devices in short passage by identifying grouped by five. Each
in an entertaining speech. a demonstrative speech. and correcting the faulty group will correct sets of
parallelism. sentences with faulty
F. Developing Mastery Similar activity as above Similar activity as above will The students will answer a The students will improve
will be given to students, be given to students, but ten-item multiple choice quiz. a passage with faulty
but they will work they will work individually. construction by correcting
individually. the errors in parallelism.
G. Finding Practical Applications of The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask the The teacher will ask, “Do The teacher will ask,
Concepts and Skills in Daily students to cite instances students to cite instances faulty parallelism have the “What could happen if we
Living when they should choose when they should choose to same effect to written and keep on making faulty
to write an entertaining write a demonstrative spoken communication? parallelism in our
speech. speech. Why?” writing?”
H. Making Generalizations and The teacher will ask, “What The teacher will ask, “What The teacher will ask, “Why The teacher will ask the
Abstractions about the Lesson is the importance of is the importance of do we need to observe students to react on this
cohesive devices in writing cohesive devices in writing a parallelism in our writings?” statement, “Words and
an entertaining speech?” demonstrative speech?” phrases within a sentence
should match in structure,
but not necessarily in
I. Evaluating Learning The formative assessment The formative assessment The main activity which is a The formative assessment The formative assessment
shall serve as the shall serve as the summative test shall serve shall serve as the evaluation. shall serve as the
evaluation. evaluation. as the evaluation. evaluation.

J. Additional Activities for

Application or Remediation


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
work well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I used/discover
which I wish to share with other

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