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F4Physics Test2 (2016)

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1 Figure shows three forces F1, F2 and F3 acting at a A 217 N B 433 N

point. C 560 N D 866 N
E 1732 N

4 Figure shows a trolley being pushed by a 15 N force

on a floor.

Which of the following vector diagram represents

the forces correctly?

What is the vertical component of the force?

A 27.5 N B 12. 5 N
C 9.5 N D 7.5 N
E 4.5 N

5 Figure shows a small carton of weight 50 N is placed

on a inclined plane makes an angle 30o to the

2 Figure shows the three forces L , M and N acting on a

point O and which are in equilibrium

What is the value of F?

A 50 N B 25 N
C 20 N D 10 N
E 5N

6 Figure shows a trolley of mass 2 kg being pulled by a

10 N force on a rough surface. The frictional force
What is the tension, L? between the rough surface and the trolley is 2 N.
A 40 N B 30 N
C 20 N D 10 N
E 5N
3 Figure shows two lengths of cables, PQ and RQ are
used to hold a flagpole upright. Each cable has a
tension 1 200 N and makes and angle 60o to the
surface of the ground.
What is the acceleration of the trolley?

A 0.5 ms-2 B 1.0 ms-2

C 1.5 ms-2 D 3.0 ms-2
E 6.0 ms-2

What is the magnitude of the resultant force

acting on the ground?
7 Figure shows a trolley of mass 1 kg is placed on the 11 Figure shows a trolley moves on a curve track with a
smooth surface of a table velocity 8 ms-1 at point A . It reaches of a height of
1.95 m.

What is the acceleration of the trolley and the

weight when the 4-kg weight is released?

A 4 ms-2 B 8 ms-2 What is the velocity of the trolley at point B?

C 10 ms-2 D 16 ms-2
E 24 ms-2 A 5.0 ms-1 B 5.6 ms-1
C 6.4 ms-1 D 8.0 ms-1
E 9.2 ms-1
8 Figure shows two weights of mass 2 kg and 3 kg are
joined by a length of rope passes over a smooth 12 A lift in a hotel can raise 8 people through a height of
pulley. 20 m in 5 seconds. The lift plus passengers has a
mass of 800 kg. What is the power of the lift motor?

A 40 W B 8 000 W
C 40 000 W D 32 000 W
E 160 000 W

13 Figure (a) shows a spring of length 10 cm compressed

to a length of 8 cm by a load of 20 N. Figure (b) shows
If the system is released from rest, what is the five identical springs are compressed by a load of 60 N
tension of the rope to a length of L.
A 6N B 12 N
C 18 N D 24 N
E 36 N

9 A man in moving lift feels that his weight has become

lighter. Which of the following is true?

A The lift is decelerating downwards

B The lift is accelerating downwards
C The lift is accelerating upwards
What is the value of L?
10 Figure shows an object of mass 1.5 kg lifted to the top
of a rough rail with a force of 80 N. A 5 cm B 7 cm
C 9 cm D 13 cm
E 15 cm

14 A spring is compressed with a force of 300 N . If the

compression of the spring is 0.05 m, what is the
potential energy stored in the spring?

A 7.5 J B 15.0 J
What is the work done to lift the object to the top
C 3 000 J D 6000 J
of the rough rail.
E 12 000 J
A 40 J B 240 J
C 320 J D 400 J
E 560 m
15 Figure shows a wooden block on a horizontal surface. 20 Which one of the following pairs of measuring
The block will exert maximum pressure on a instruments to measure gas pressure is true?
horizontal surface if it is resting on its face A Bourdon gauge and manometer
B Manometer and Fortin’s barometer
C Bourdon gauge and Fortin’ barometer
D Fortin’s barometer Fortin and Aneroid

21 The figure shows a manometer is connected to a gas



16 1 Pa is equivalent to

A 1 N m2 B 1 m N-2 If the atmospheric pressure is 76 cm Hg

C 1 N m-2 D 1 m N2 determine the preesure of the gas.
A 30 cm Hg B 46 cm Hg
C 76 cm Hg D 86 cm Hg
17 The figure shows a cylinder containing oil with a E 106 cm Hg
density of 800 kg m-3.

22 The figure shows a U-tube filled with two liquids X and Y

which are incompatible.
What is the pressure caused by the oil at point
A 4.0 x 101 N m-2 B 1.6 x 102 N m-2
C 1.6 x 10 N m-2
3 D 4.0 x 103 N m-2
E 1.6 x 104 N m-2

18 The figure shows three containers with different

shapes filled with water with the same level. The
pressure caused by the water at point P , Q and R are If the density of liquid Y adalah 0.9 gcm-3,
P1 , P2 and P3 respectively. What is the desinty of liquid X ?
A 0.3 g cm-3 B 0.6 g cm-3
C 1.2 g cm -3 D 2.7 g cm-3
E 2.7 g cm -3

23 Which of the following not involving the applications of

Which comparison is correct? the atmospheric pressure?
A P1 > P2 > P3 A Syringe B hydraulic brake
B P1 < P2 < P3 C Rubber sucker D Bunsen Burner
C P1=P2 = P3
24 A force of 20N is applied to the input piston in a
hydraulic jack. If the input piston area and output
19 Gas pressure exits because the gas molecules piston area are 0.02 m2 and 0.1 m2 respectively, what
is the output force?
A move randomly and freely A 20 N B 50 N
B move at the same velocity C 100 N D 200 N
C collide with one another in elastic collisions E 400 N
and with the walls of the container in
D collides with the wall of the container
produces change of momentum
25 A hydraulic press has an input cylinder 8 cm in 29 Which of the following about a ship floating on the
diameter and output cylinder 24 cm in diameter. If the surface of sea is true?
input piston is moved through10 cm, how far is the
output piston moved?
A The weight of the ship equals to mass of the
A 1.11 cm B 0.30 cm sea water displaced
C 10.0 cm D 30.0 cm B The weight of the ship equals to the weight
E 11.1 cm of the sea water displaced
C The weight of ship is less than the
weight of the sea water displaced
D The weight of the ship is more than the
weight of the sea water displaced
26 The figure shows a hydraulic pump. R

30 The figure shows a hydraulic system.

Which comparison is true?

A The force F is the same as the weight of
the load
B The force F is greater than the weight of the
C The pressure on piston P is the same as the If the area of input piston and output piston are
pressure on piston Q 0.03 m2 and 0.90 m2 respectively, what is the
D The pressure on piston P is smaller than the mass of object P.
pressure on piston Q A 3.2 x 102 kg B 2.4x 102kg
C 2.0 x 10 kg2 D 1.8x 102kg
27 Which of the application is an application of Pascal’s E 1.2x 10 kg 2


A Lift pump
B Filter pump
C Hydraulic pump

28 An object of mass 2 kg with a density of

8 x 103kgm-3 is immersed in the sea water .If the
density of the sea water is 1.03 x 103 kg m-3, what is
the upthrust?

A 1.2 N B 2.6 N
C 3.0 N D 3.4 N
E 4.0 N

NAME : ....................................................................... CLASS : 4 S 1 / 2/ 3


1 9 17 25

2 10 18 26

3 11 19 27

4 12 20 28

5 13 21 29

6 14 22 30

7 15 23

8 16 24


1 Figure shows a man pulls a trolley full of groceries with a force 70 N at an angle 20o to the surface of the floor.

(a) What is
(i) the horizontal component of the pulling force? ( 1M)

(ii) the vertical component of the pulling force? (1M)

(b) If the total mass of the trolley and the groceries is 60 kg, determine
(i) the acceleration of the trolley (1M)

(ii) the force cause by the trolley and the groceries only acting on floor. (1M)

(iii) the total force acting on the floor. (1M)

(d) If the trolley is pushed by the man at a same angle as the trolley is pulled, what is the total force acting
on the floor. (2M)

2 The figure shows a graph of extension , x against Force ,F for two springs A and B. The spring A and B having an
original length of 15 cm each.

(a) Based on the graph, state the relationship between the extension, x and the force, F.

…………………………………………………………………………………………… (1M)
(b) State the law involved. (1M)

(c) What is the physical quantity is represented by the gradient of the graph?

……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. (1M)
(d) Which of the spring is the most suitable to measure the big force. Explain why? (2M)


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
(e) State two factors why the extension of the spring A is different from the extension of the spring B?


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. (2M)
(f) Create an arrangement of the spring A and B to get the extension of the spring system is 10 cm when a load
of 10 N is hung. (3M)

3 Figure (a) and Figure (b) show two ways in which a gardener moves a wheelbarrow on a muddy road.

Figure(a) Figure(b)

(a) On Figure(a) and Figure(b) ,indicate and label:

(i) the direction of force F exerted by the gardener on the handle of each wheelbarrow to make it move.
(ii) the direction of the vertical component Fy , of the force in (a)(i)

(b) (i) Based on the answers in (a)(i) and (a)(ii), which of the ways is more suitable on the muddy road?


(ii) Explain the reason for your answer in (b)(i). (2M)






(c) The wheel of the wheelbarrow exerted pressure on the muddy road. The resultant force exerted by the wheel
on the road surface is 500 N and the area of the wheel in contact with the road is 2 x 10-3 m2.

(i) What does the word pressure means?

………………………………………………………………………………………………… (1M)

(ii) Calculate the pressure exerted on the surface of the muddy road. (2M)

(iii) State one modification that could be made to the wheelbarrow to reduce the pressure exerted on the
road. Explain your answer. (2M)





4. The figure shows the arrangement of the hydraulic brake system of a car. The cross-sectional area of the main brake
cylinder, the front brake cylinder and the rear brake cylinder are 6 x 10 - 4 m 2 ,7.0 x 10 - 4 m 2 and 6.5 x 10 - 4 m 2

(a) The brake pedal is pressed with a constant force 25N.

(i) On the figure above indicate the direction of motions of the front brake cylinder and the rear brake cylinder.

(ii) State the relationship between the liquid pressure in the front brake cylinder and the rear brake cylinder.

(iii) Calculate the pressure which exerted on each rear brake system. (2M)

(b) Explain why the front brake piston is applied a larger force than the rear brake piston. (1M)


(c) Why the brake system in the car is less effective when air bubbles are present in the brake fluid. Give reasons for
your answer. (2M)




(d) Why the cross-sectional area of the rear brake cylinder of the right wheel is the same as the cross-sectional area of
the rear brake cylinder of the left wheel? (2M)




######### END OF QUESTIONS PAPER ########

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1 Jam

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2. Anda Dikehendaki Menjawab Semua Soalan.


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