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Strategic Management

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Semester III Specialization NA

Course Code 301 Type Generic - Core

Course Title Strategic Management

Course Objectives:

1 To expose participants to various perspectives and concepts in the field of Strategic Management

2 To help participants develop skills for applying these concepts to the solution of business problems

3 To help students master the analytical tools of strategic management.

Unit Contents Number of
Number Sessions

1 1.1 Understanding Strategy: Concept of strategy, Corporate, Business and 7+2

Functional Levels of Strategy.

1.2 Introduction to Strategic Management: Meaning and Characteristics of

strategic management, strategic management Vs. operational management.

1.3 Four Phases in Strategic Management Process: Stakeholders in

business and their roles in strategic management.

1.4 Hierarchy of Strategic Intent: Meaning & attributes of strategic intent,

Meaning of Vision, Process of envisioning, Meaning of mission, difference
between vision & mission, characteristics of good mission statements, Business

objectives to mission & vision. Critical success factors (CSF), Key Performance
Indicators (KPI), Key Result Areas (KRA).

1.5 Analyzing Com Environmental appraisal

Scenario planning Preparing an Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile


Analyzing Industry Environment: Industry Analysis -

Forces Model of competition, Entry & Exit Barriers, Strategic Group analysis.
2 Resource based view of a 7+2
firm, meaning, types & sources of competitive advantage,
Resources and Competitive Position, VRIO Framework, competitive
advantage, competitive parity & competitive disadvantage, Core Competence,
characteristics of core competencies, Distinctive competitiveness,
Benchmarking as a method of comparative analysis.

2.2 primary & secondary


2.3Organizational Capability Profile: Strategic Advantage Profile,

Concepts of stretch, leverage & fit, ways of resource leveraging concentrating,

accumulating, complementing, conserving, recovering.

2.4Portfolio Analysis: Business Portfolio Analysis - BCG Matrix GE 9 Cell


3 3.1 Generic Competitive Strategies: Meaning of generic competitive 7+2

strategies,Low cost, Differentiation, Focus when to use which strategy.

3.2Grand Strategies: Stability, Growth (Diversification Strategies, Vertical

Integration Strategies, Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies, Strategic
Alliances & Collaborative Partnerships), Retrenchment Turnaround,
Divestment, Liquidation, Outsourcing Strategies.

4 4.1 Strategy Implementation: Components of a strategic plan, barriers to 7+2

Deliberate & Emergent

4.2Organization Structures for Strategy Implementation: entrepreneurial,

functional, divisional, SBU, Matrix, Network structures, Cellular/ Modular
organization, matching structure to strategy, organizational design for stable
Vs. turbulent environment,

4.3Changing Structures & Processes: Reengineering & strategy

implementation Principles of Reengineering, Six Sigma Process consisting
of defining, measuring, analyzing, improving & establishing steps, Lean Six
Sigma (Concepts only).

4.4Corporate Culture: Building Learning organizations, promoting participation

through technique of Management by Objectives (MBO), Total Quality
Management (TQM).

4.5 Strategy Evaluation: Operations Control and Strategic Control -

Symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy Use of Balanced Scorecard for
strategy evaluation.

5 5.1 Blue Ocean Strategy: Difference between blue & red ocean strategies, 7+2
principles of blue ocean strategy, Strategy Canvass & Value Curves, Four
Action framework.

5.2 Business Models: Meaning & components of business models, new

business models for Internet Economy E-Commerce Business Models and
Strategies Internet Strategies for Traditional Business Virtual Value Chain.

5.3 Sustainability & Strategic Management: Threats to sustainability,

Integrating Social & environmental sustainability issues in strategic
management, meaning of triple bottom line, people-planet-profits.

Learning Resources:

1 Text Books Strategic Management and Business Policy by Azhar Kazmi, Tata McGraw-Hill,
Third Edition.

2 Reference Books Strategic Management by Ireland, Hoskisson & Hitt, Indian Edition, Cengage
Learning, 2008 Edition

Crafting and Executing Strategy- The Quest for Competitive Advantage by

Thompson, Strickland, Gamble & Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill, 16th Edition

Concepts in Strategic Management & Business Policy by Thomas L. Wheelen &

J. David Hunger, Pearson, 12th ed.,

Strategic Management by Dr. Yogeshwari L. Giri

3 Supplementary The Essentials, Harvard Business Press, 2011 Edition

Reading Material
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors by
Michael E. Porter, First Free Press Edition, 1980

Competing for the Future by Gary Hamel & C.K. Prahlad, TMGH.

Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim & Mauborgne

4 Websites

Journals Managing Core Competence of the Organization by Srivastava, Shirish C.,

Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers, Oct-Dec2005, Vol. 30 Issue 4

Core Competence, Distinctive Competence, and Competitive Advantage: What

Is the Difference? byMooney, Ann. Journal of Education for Business,
Nov/Dec2007, Vol. 83 Issue 2

The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy by Porter, Michael E.,
Harvard Business Review, Jan2008, Vol. 86 Issue 1
Strategy & Society: The Link Between Competitive Advantage and Corporate
Social Responsibility by Porter, Michael E.; Kramer, Mark R., Harvard Business
Review, Dec2006, Vol. 84 Issue 12

From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy by Porter, Michael E.,

McKinsey Quarterly, Spring88, Issue 2

Strategy and the Internet by Porter, Michael E., Harvard Business Review,
Mar2001, Vol. 79 Issue 3

What Is Strategy? byPorter, Michael E., Harvard Business Review, Nov/Dec96,

Vol. 74 Issue 6

The Strategy Concept I: Five Ps For Strategy by Mintzberg, Henry., California

Management Review, Fall1987, Vol. 30 Issue 1

The Strategy Concept II: Another Look at Why Organizations Need Strategies
by Mintzberg, Henry. , California Management Review, Fall1987, Vol. 30 Issue

The Pitfalls of Strategic Planning by Mintzberg, Henry., California Management

Review, Fall1993, Vol. 36 Issue 1

Crafting strategy by Mintzberg, Henry; Hunsicker, J. Quincy. , McKinsey

Quarterly, Summer88, Issue 3

The GE-McKinsey Nine-box Framework, McKinsey Quarterly, 2008, Issue 4

Reliance Telecom: Related or Unrelated Diversification? A Case Study by Sen,

Subir, South Asian Journal of Management, Apr-Jun2011, Vol. 18 Issue 2

Competing Today While Preparing for Tomorrow by Abell, Derek F., Sloan
Management Review, Spring99, Vol. 40 Issue 3

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