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Multiple case-study analysis of quality management

practices within UK Six Sigma and non-Six Sigma
manufacturing small- and medium-sized enterprises
M Kumar1 and J Antony2*
School of Management and Law, Napier University, Edinburgh, UK
Design Manufacture and Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

The manuscript was received on 4 July 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 4 March 2009.

DOI: 10.1243/09544054JEM1288

Abstract: Although the benefits of Six Sigma are widely reported in many large organizations,
research has shown that its implementation in UK small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is
still less evident. This paper attempts to perform a multiple case-study analysis of the quality
management practices within the UK Six Sigma and non-Six Sigma manufacturing SMEs. It was
found from the case studies that strong leadership, management commitment, communication,
education, and training were critical in introducing and driving any culture-change initiatives such
as Six Sigma within SMEs. Resource constraints, several changes in management, lack of man-
agement commitment, and resistance to change were considered as impeding factors for suc-
cessful introduction of change initiatives such as Lean or Six Sigma. The Six Sigma firms realized a
significant improvement in the performance of operational metrics (such as scrap rate, cycle time,
on-time delivery, and yield) and strategic metrics (such as sales, profit, customer satisfaction) after
its successful implementation as compared with non-Six Sigma companies. Academic institutions
can play a vital role in facilitating Six Sigma implementation in SMEs. The article concludes with
the statement that there are critical differences in quality management practices of Six Sigma and
non-Six Sigma SMEs, affecting their business performance.

Keywords: Six Sigma, Lean, SMEs, ISO, case study, critical success factors

1 INTRODUCTION To keep abreast with the increasing competition

from the low-labour-cost economies, SMEs need to
In the last two decades there has been an explosion of have unprecedented focus on high product quality
research into the role of the small- and medium-sized and consistent and reliable delivery service to their
enterprises (SMEs) within a national and global customers [7]. In the quest for process improvement,
context, resulting in a considerable body of academic organizations have pursued formalized change pro-
literature and thinking [1]. The SMEs constitute the grammes or quality initiatives such as total quality
bulk of enterprises, with a major contribution to management (TQM) and continuous improvement
private-sector output and employment in all econo- methodologies such as Kaizen [8], breakthrough
mies of the world [2–6]. SMEs not only contribute to improvement methodologies such as business process
employment and turnover but also play a major part re-engineering (BPR) [9], and more recently Six Sigma
in enhancing the competitiveness of larger organi- [10, 11]. Six Sigma has evolved significantly and con-
zations by being an essential element of their supply tinues to expand since its inception at Motorola in the
chain and providing high-quality input [3, 4]. mid-1980s to improve the process performance,
enhance business profitability, and increase customer
satisfaction [11]. Six Sigma is considered as one of the
*Corresponding author: CRISSPE, Design Manufacture and most effective process improvement methodologies
Engineering Management, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow among a large number of multinational organizations,
G1 1XJ, UK. with its adoption showing an upward trend [12].
email: It provides business executives and leaders with the

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strategy, methodology, infrastructure, tools, and tech- After the identification of SMEs implementing Six
niques to change the way businesses are run [13]. Sigma/Lean and ISO, multilevel case studies were
The adoption of Six Sigma as a business strategy by conducted in four SMEs. Selection criteria were based
large multinational corporations such as General on size, type of industry, location, and type of quality
Electric, Honeywell, Motorola, Seagate Technology, practices in the SMEs. Semi-structured interviews
Caterpillar, Raytheon, ABB, Bombardier, and Sony had were conducted for data collection, targeted at three
a significant impact on the working culture and levels in the organization, i.e. senior managers, mid-
bottom-line benefits of these organizations. In spite of dle managers, and shop-floor employees, with each
a number of Six Sigma success stories in large organi- interview lasting for about 90 min, to get more in-
zations, many SMEs are yet to be convinced of the depth knowledge on the quality management prac-
benefits from the introduction, development, imple- tices prevalent in Six Sigma and non-Six Sigma firms.
mentation, and deployment of Six Sigma. In order to The questionnaire was designed by reviewing the past
explore the practicality of Six Sigma implementation literature on quality management practices in SMEs
within UK SMEs, this research attempts to compare [2–4, 6, 20–26]. The interview questionnaire covered:
the quality management practices within Six Sigma demographic details of the firms; the type of quality
and non-Six Sigma SMEs through a multiple case- initiatives in the sample firms; critical success factors
study analysis. The next section discusses the research and barriers to implementation; and linking the
methodology adopted to explore the quality manage- quality initiative to organizational performance. The
ment practices in UK SMEs. questionnaire was pilot tested with a sample firm, as
suggested by Yin [14], and the questionnaires were
revised on the basis of interaction with several man-
agement people in the pilot firm. Some questions
2 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY were added and others deleted, but the theme of the
study remained the same. The next section discusses
The objective of the study is to assess the status of Six the findings from in-depth case studies in four SMEs.
Sigma implementation in UK manufacturing SMEs
and compare the quality management practices of Six
Sigma and non-Six Sigma certified firms. Given the 3 CASE-STUDY ANALYSIS
nature of research, a case-study-based approach
seemed appropriate. Yin [14] defines a case study as an 3.1 Demographic details of the companies
empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary
phenomenon within its real-life context, especially 3.1.1 Company A
when the boundaries between phenomenon and con- Company A was established in 1984, specializing in the
text are not clearly evident. It focuses on under- design and manufacture of PC data communications
standing the dynamics present within single settings hardware. It employs 36 people, with an annual turn-
[15]. Case-study research is one of the most powerful over of £3.4 million in 2007. The company has won
research methods in operational management, parti- several awards in the last two decades on account of its
cularly in the development of new theory [16]. It is success in maintaining a growing manufacturing cap-
argued to be a favourable strategy for attaining a broad ability that embraces Lean and Six Sigma.
understanding of the research context, and the proce-
dures being announced [17]. In addition, the multiple 3.1.2 Company B
sources of confirmation are emphasized and are
viewed as critical in terms of securing data [18]. Company B was formed in 2002 from the merger of
In the first part of the research (which is beyond two parent companies (each of the parent companies
the scope of this article), the authors identified a list employed less than 50 people) in England. Presently,
of SMEs implementing quality initiatives such as there are 106 employees generating an annual turn-
Lean, Six Sigma, total quality management (TQM), over of £5 million. The company specializes in the
and Kaizen, and certification systems such as ISO design and manufacture of high-temperature metal
seals, gaskets, CNC machined components, and
9000 or Investors in People (IIP), by conducting a
complementary products for the aerospace, auto-
survey in 500 SMEs across the UK. For more infor-
motive, and industrial sectors.
mation about the findings, see reference [19]. SMEs
that participated in the survey were randomly selec-
3.1.3 Company C
ted for conducting in-depth interviews with respect
to their quality management practices and their Company C was formed in 2002 after splitting from
impact on organizational performance. This strategy its parent company which had been in business for
further helped in checking for bias in selecting the nearly 70 years. The parent firm employed 300 people
case-study companies. in 1977, and the headcount of company C after the

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Table 1 Company demographic details

Company Manufacturing activity Company type Annual sales turnover Location Number of employees

A Electronics and semiconductor Independent £3.4 m England 36

B Mechanical Independent £5 m England 106
C Paper, printing, and packaging Independent £20 m Scotland 88
D Electrical Independent £6.5 m Scotland 86

split was 88. The company manufactures products blems existing in their business processes. Hitherto,
that ranges from different types of paper (including the management is committed to continue investing
adhesives and liners) to thermally coated tags and resources in Six Sigma training not only in the pro-
tickets for the food industry, airline ticketing, and duction department but also in support functions of
other packaging industries. the business such as finance, human resources, and
sales and marketing.
Before Company B was formed by the merger of
3.1.4 Company D
two parent companies, they achieved the AS 9100
Company D employed 2200 employees in the late certification required for the aerospace industry and
1970s, being the sole market leader in providing the TS 16949 certification for the automotive indus-
appliances for boilers and central heating. It cur- try. After the merger, the firm acquired ISO 9001:2000
rently employs 86 people, with an annual turnover of certification in 2003, followed by Lean implementa-
£6.5 million. Its products, ranging from room and tion in 2005. In early 2007, Six Sigma principles were
hot-water thermostats to central heating pro- embraced after streamlining the business functions
grammers, represent over 60 years of excellence in using the Lean concept. At the time of interview, the
serving the domestic heating industry. company had already started applying Lean and Six
Other demographic details of the companies are Sigma principles in the administrative and finance
provided in Table 1. All four case-study companies processes.
are local independent firms, not being part of multi- Companies C and D had gone through the route of
national corporations. The types of manufacturing ISO 9001:2000 accreditations in order to sustain their
activity in the sample firms range from electrical and business in the global market. Both these companies
electronics to mechanical and packaging. Companies have existed for more than 50 years, witnessing sev-
A and B are young firms, while firms C and D have eral changes in management, acquisition and merger
existed for nearly seven decades. into different groups, and transition in size from a
large organization to the SME category. Total quality
3.2 Understanding the quality management management (TQM) was introduced in company C in
practices in SMEs 1994 but failed owing to restructuring of the com-
pany and change at the top management level.
3.2.1 History of quality initiatives in SMEs Company D had recently started applying Lean
Company A started with accreditation of BS 5750 in principles to minimize waste at the shop-floor level.
1994, followed by ISO 9001:2000 certification in its Table 2 summarizes the quality initiatives under-
effort to standardize the process and improve its taken in the case-study companies to date.
market share. Extending its continuous improvement
(CI), the company started Lean implementation in
3.2.2 Motivation behind embarking on quality
2000, IIP certification in 2002, and embarked on the
Six Sigma journey in 2003. The company failed to
implement Lean successfully in its first attempt in Table 3 provides information on the motivation
1998 owing to poor communication and no involve- behind implementation of CI initiatives such as Lean
ment of employees at the shop-floor level. The les- and Six Sigma or certification systems such as ISO
sons learned from this mistake helped the company 9001:2000 in the case-study companies. In both
successfully to implement Lean in 2000 by introdu- companies A and B, the implementation of initiatives
cing it at shop-floor level. All the employees in the such as Lean and Six Sigma was supported by the
company attended a one-day workshop on the basics managing director (MD) of the company. The MD in
of Lean and its impact on business performance at both firms communicated the need by addressing the
both strategic and operational levels. Once the entire organization and setting out the competitive
employees realized the benefits of Lean imple- advantages provided by the Lean and Six Sigma
mentation and started believing in the principles of business strategies. The MDs were committed to
continuous improvement, the management decided keeping the business sustainable on a long-term
to embark on Six Sigma to tackle the variation pro- basis, resulting in the implementation of CI initiatives

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Table 2 History of quality initiatives in the case-study companies

Company A Company B Company C Company D

History of quality BS 5750 (1994) AS 9100 (1992) ISO 9000 (1992) ISO 9000 (1993)
(QP) or certification ISO 9001:2000 TS16949 (1994) TQM (1994) ISO 9001:2000 (2003)
achieved and the (2001)
corresponding year
Lean (2001) Total quality management ISO 9001: 2000 (2003) Lean (2007)
(TQM) (late 1990s)
Investors in People IS 9001:2000 (2003)
(IIP) (2002)
Six Sigma (2003) Lean (2005)
Six Sigma (2007)
Existing QP Six Sigma; Lean Six Sigma; Lean ISO 9001: 2000 ISO 9001: 2000; Lean

Table 3 Reasons to embark on CI initiatives or certification systems

Company A Company B Company C Company D

Motivation to Lean Lean ISO 9001:2000 ISO 9001:2000

implement existing
To improve workflow Optimal utilization Pressure from market Improving market
of workspace at place share
new factory site
Results are quickly Minimize waste Customer led rather Retaining existing
visible than company led customer
Good for first round of Holding on to existing Provides guideline for
improvement client standardization
Six Sigma Preferred supplier status
Six Sigma Some problems difficult Standardization of Lean
to resolve using Lean tools procedures
To inculcate process To reduce variation in Organization of
thinking administrative processes the shop floor
Eliminate variation
Structured methodology Good for resolving Cleanliness of shop floor
complex problems with
unknown solution
Projects linked to Customer focus Good control over
bottom line inventory
Customer-focused Minimization of
approach floor-space utilization

and allocating resources to drive improvements in accreditation also facilitated documentation and
quality, performance, and customer satisfaction. standardization of the procedures in place.
Other reasons cited by companies A and B for The new standard ISO 9001:2000, as believed by
embarking on the Lean and Six Sigma journey are company C, eliminates the bureaucracy, with more
presented in Table 3. The management team in focus on a proactive approach to data gathering and
company A took the view that ‘if Six Sigma is good making continuous improvement. The interviewees
enough for GE and other world class companies, why in companies C and D strongly accentuated the point
should we not consider it’. The success of any CI of having standardized procedures in place to
initiative hinges on the commitment and buy-in from understand processes and measure process perfor-
the top management to devote time and resources mance. If the procedures are not formalized,
and break down stumbling blocks in the imple- employees do the same things in different ways,
mentation process, as seen in companies A and B. creating confusion and chaos in the organization. It is
For companies C and D, the main objective behind almost impossible to implement Lean or any kind of
achieving ISO certification was to improve their strategic improvement initiatives without having
market share and retain existing customers. Similar established processes and procedures in place. It also
reasons were cited by researchers in the past as the depends on the maturity and existence of the firm: if
motivation, driving SMEs to obtain ISO certification. it is a new business with 10–20 employees, ISO may
However, interviewees in all four firms believed that help to establish the procedures. After documenting

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the procedures, the company is in a position to Sigma. Similar findings were reported during the
define their process, understand the input/output, interview with executives in companies B, C, and D.
and start measuring their process by collecting data.
This is the time when the company is ready to
3.2.3 Existing organizational infrastructure in SMEs
embark on Six Sigma.
Owing to several changes in the management The term ‘organizational infrastructure’ refers to the
structure, companies C and D lost focus on CI and number of trained quality personnel responsible for
operated in a fire-fighting mode for survival in the implementing Lean, Six Sigma, or ISO and driving CI
business. Company C tried to launch total quality efforts in the company. To test the efficacy of Lean
management (TQM) in 1994 but failed to reap the and Six Sigma on a pilot project, companies A and B
benefit as the initiative was led by a single person, i.e trained their best people as black belt (BBs) and
the technical director of the company. There was no green belt (GBs) to carry out pilot projects. A team
transferability of learning after the retirement of the comprising these people was selected from cross-
technical director in 1995. The group of people who functional departments and was assisted by shop-
supported the initiative did not have the decision- floor employees (trained as yellow belt (YBs)) to
making power to take the initiative further. execute projects. These BBs and GBs were respon-
Similarly, under the leadership of a newly appointed sible for executing projects across the business
director in the late 1990s, company D experienced a functions. Company A managed to secure funding
serious jolt on the CI journey. The MD believed in (30 per cent of the training cost) to get started with
crisis management, was reluctant to allocate resources external Six Sigma BB training in the first year of the
for training and development of employees, and dis- Six Sigma implementation. Similarly, company B
couraged staff who came up with new ideas for process employees were trained as GBs by one of their cus-
improvement. As stated by one of the company tomers (original equipment manufacturer (OEM)) at
employee’s ‘We are still suffering from the demotiva- a discounted price. Even without external support
tion that staff developed in the period of that MD’. The and funding, the MD in both companies was ready to
current MDs and the senior management teams in commit resources for the training of employees.
companies C and D have realized the importance of On the other hand, quality was the responsibility of
initiatives such as Lean and Six Sigma but are strug- the quality department in company C, and very basic
gling to allocate resources and time for the same. training was provided to shop-floor employees to
The MD of company A viewed ISO 9000 as ‘a way of manage their processes. Company D had invested
retaining and winning business. If you adopt a stan- time and money in training shop-floor people and
dard, it puts some structure in your company, which middle managers. The management was open to new
you can make work for you, and align to your goal. We ideas of process improvement such as Lean and Six
were better organized as to how we stored compo- Sigma. The company was getting support from a local
nents. We had a more formal production line, every- government body in implementing the concept of
thing labelled and defined (defined assembly process, Lean on the shop floor. Table 4 below provides
inspection process, test process). I learnt that these information on the infrastructure existing to drive
standards are a great enabler’. Other senior and improvement across the business functions.
middle management executives expressed their view The literature identifies resource constraints as one
that ISO helped the company in establishing the of the barriers to the successful implementation of
structure and implementing procedures and worked any change initiatives in SMEs [2, 6, 11, 19, 27, 28].
as a foundation to get started with Lean and Six However, there are other schools of thought that

Table 4 Organizational infrastructure to support quality management practices in SMEs

Company A Company B Company C Company D

Organizational Two BBs One BB (trained in Two YBs (external training) Three YBs
infrastructure (externally trained) previous job) (external training)
Two GBs Three GBs (training Quality is responsibility of Project and wuality
(externally trained) provided by external quality department manager responsible for
customer) product quality
All employees Nine GBs ongoing Employees not properly Employees provided
trained as YBs training trained in ISO proper training
(internal training) whenever required
All employees trained on
basics of Lean and Six

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consider lack of knowledge and understanding of CI Shaw [31] define CSFs as the essential things that must
initiatives to be critical reasons for poor imple- be achieved by the company or the areas that will
mentation, apart from the often-cited issues of cost produce the greatest ‘competitive leverage’. In the
and time [2, 4]. context of Six Sigma project implementation, CSFs
Interviewees in the four companies did not agree represent the essential ingredients without which a
with findings from the past literature and argued project stands little chance of success [32].
strongly that ‘leadership and management commit- Factors identified as critical to the success of CI
ment to resources governs the success of a new initiatives or the follow-up of accreditation achieved
initiative’. Scarcity of resources is just an excuse from are listed in Table 5 below. The success of companies
the top management, who continue to work in a fire- A and B in implementing Lean and Six Sigma is
fighting mode to tackle mundane problems rather attributed to strong leadership and management
than being proactive in CI. Company A with 36 commitment to drive and ingrain the initiatives
employees has managed to roll out Six Sigma across within the fabric of the organization. The MDs in
the business as a result of strong leadership and companies A and B believed in the walk-the-talk
management commitment. The training of BBs and approach rather than the talk-the-talk approach.
GBs is indeed a heavy investment, but the savings They had managed to devote time to Six Sigma
generated from the projects outweigh the investment introductory training, and had also been involved in
made. The MDs of companies A and B were in con- project review meetings. One of the directors in
sensus with the aforementioned viewpoints. company B has carried out a GB project, which
clearly reflects the commitment from the top. The
MD of this company carries out a monthly 5S audit
4 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS AND BARRIERS across business functions and communicates with
TO IMPLEMENTATION OF QUALITY the shop floor to discuss any personal or business
INITIATIVES issues and address the same. Also, a Six Sigma BB has
been appointed to focus on the training of internal
Critical success factors (CSFs) are those factors that are employees and developing metrics for organizational
critical to the success of any organization, in the sense improvement. Employees in both companies are
that, if objectives associated with the factors are not empowered to take decisions for their processes, thus
achieved, the organization will fail, perhaps catastro- giving them process ownership.
phically so [29]. Boynton and Zmud [30] defined CSFs Six Sigma was included within the top three prio-
as ‘those few things that must go well to ensure rities of the business in companies A and B. Six
success’. Other researchers such as Brotherton and Sigma was a part of everybody’s job, including top

Table 5 CSFs and barriers to implementation of quality initiatives

Company A Company B Company C Company D

What aids Strong leadership Commitment from Communication Leadership

implementation? top level
Commitment from top Culture Process documentation Communication
Commitment from Senior management Regular audits Strategic vision
middle managers buy-in
Education and training Cross-functional team Data collection and
Communication Empowerment of Role of middle manager
Empowerment Communication
Project selection Full-time facilitator to
drive and manage QI
Cross-functional team Education and training
Balance between daily
work and BB or GB job
Involvement of finance
What hinders Role of middle managers Complacency Change in management People prefer status quo
BBs or GBs getting Training Lack of management Lack of vision
involved in other work commitment
Poor training Barrier between
and coaching shopfloor and rest of staff
Allocation of resources

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management and senior managers. Providing strong One of the typical barriers encountered in com-
leadership, the top management team made resour- pany D is alienation between shop-floor employees
ces available for training the employees and execut- and the rest of the staff. There are separate canteens
ing projects, were present in project review meetings, for staff members and shop-floor employees, which
and broke down stumbling blocks during project further limits the interaction and friendly commu-
execution. Communication from the top facilitated in nication between the two groups. Another impedi-
breaking down any resistance to change in these two ment in companies A and B was involvement of BBs
companies. One of the key characteristics of Six or GBs in day-to-day activities apart from carrying
Sigma that has enticed many CEOs of world-class out projects. Sometimes the role of middle managers
companies is the link between project execution and in releasing their employees for training and review
hard dollar savings, i.e the financial impact generated meetings was also a hindrance in company A.
by the initiative [33, 34]. In the last couple of years, Interviewees in companies A and B commented on
company A has started to involve the finance the role of local universities and government bodies
department in cost-benefit analysis at the start of a in supporting SMEs to embark on CI initiatives. Par-
Six Sigma project. The Six Sigma team now involves tial government funding encouraged company A to
people from the finance and accounts department, train more employees in Six Sigma. The employees in
led by the finance director (FD), to quantify the real companies A and B never supported the idea of
hard benefits from the project. The FD is acting as a bringing in external consultants for Six Sigma train-
champion for all current Six Sigma projects in com- ing, often requiring large up-front investment and
pany A and is involved in the cost-benefit analysis of providing only temporary solutions to their chronic
the project and in control of deciding where the problems. From the economic and long-term sus-
company can make hard savings. tainability perspective, collaboration with local uni-
On the other hand, top management in company C versities through programmes such as Knowledge
has communicated the need for certification to Transfer Partnership (KTP) was considered impera-
employees and considered it as a goal to achieve tive for the success of SMEs. Antony [35] also stressed
quality improvement. The main focus in companies the role of academic institutions ‘to help SMEs to
C and D is on regular audits that help to keep their meet their customer or stakeholder needs and assist
quality records up to date, i.e. processes are mapped, them in creating value for their customer. This will
metrics established, and data collected for auditing ensure development of a stable, long-term, and cost-
purposes. However, the process documentation and effective relationship between the organization and
data collection strategy in companies C and D has academic institution’.
helped in measuring performance for some of their
processes. Senior managers in these two companies
felt that resource allocation was the biggest hin- 5 IMPACT OF QUALITY PROGRAMME ON
drance in driving the certification effort or imple- PERFORMANCE INDICATORS
menting initiatives such as Lean and Six Sigma. It is
the absence of strong leadership, several changes in Interviewees in the case-study companies were asked
management, and the lack of vision and commitment to rate, on a Likert scale of 1 to 5, the benefits their
from the top that is hindering quality improvement organizations have experienced following the imple-
efforts in companies C and D. mentation of quality initiatives. Table 6 shows the

Table 6 Evaluation of nine performance indicators against company policies

Performance evaluation of companies on 1 to 5 Likert scale*

Performance indicators A B C D

Reduction in scrap rate 5 4 3 3

Reduction in cycle time 4 3 6 4
Reduction in delivery time 3 3 3 4
Increase in productivity 4 4 4 3
Reduction in costs 4 5 3 3
Increase in profitability 4 4 3 3
Improved sales 4 5 3 3
Reduction in customer complaints 4 3 4 3
Reduction in employee complaints/grievances 3 3 6 3

*1 ¼ negative benefit/improvement; 2 ¼ no benefit/improvement; 3 ¼ some benefit/improvement; 4 ¼ significant benefit/improvement;

5 ¼ crucial; 6 ¼ measure not used.

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Table 7 Benefits from Lean implementation

Project Hard savings Soft savings

Reduction in changeover time 30 % reduction Increased employee efficiency

Reduction in rework on purchase order 50 % reduction Cleaner and safer work environment
Reduction in technical support enquiries 15 % reduction Proactive approach to problem solving
Reduction in floor space utilization £10 k/year High job retention
Reduction in scrap rate 84 % reduction High employee satisfaction
Reduction in raw material and finished good inventory 30 % reduction Improved technical support process

degree of improvement realized on a 1 to 5 scale after Table 8 Impact on the business from Six Sigma imple-
the implementation of quality initiatives. The score mentation
across each of the performance indicators reflects the
Project Impact on the business
improvement made by the SME after implementing
the programme. The table gives information on the Improving OTIF (On Time In Full) Immediate improvement
performance metrics existing in the company and for sales order delivery by 28 %
Improving raw material 51 % reduction
the improvement realized after implementation of stock accuracy
the programme. It can be seen from Table 6 that Improved finished good 87 % reduction
stock accuracy
company A has realized significant improvements in Reduction in solder shots Immediate reduction
operational measures (including reduction in scrap, by 98 %
cycle time, and delivery time, and increase in pro- Reduction in sales order defect Currently in progress
ductivity) and strategic measures (including increase
in sales and profit and reduction in costs) of organi-
zational performance from the implementation of Six in table 7. Since the implementation of Six Sigma,
Sigma. Since company B implemented Six Sigma in company A has executed five projects that have had
2007, they have started to realize improvements in a significant impact on customer satisfaction and
the established performance metrics. bottom-line savings of over £180 000. Some of the
The improvement in the performance of company benefits from Six Sigma implementation are indi-
C is not the result of ISO certification, but of the use of cated in Table 8. Similarly, company B has finished
tools and techniques of continuous improvement, as six Six Sigma projects, resulting in savings of over
cited by the interviewees. The company has managed £200 000. The benefit from Lean implementation
to reduce customer complaints by working close with through eight projects has been estimated at over
the customer and through the nature of their personal £150 000.
business. The improvement can be attributed to the
company’s reaction to changing market forces and
stiff competition. However, ISO has helped in devel- 6 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION
oping process thinking, working closely with custo-
mers, and improving delivery performance. This paper has attempted to perform a comparative
Unlike the other three companies, company C does analysis of quality management practices in Six
not use metrics such as reduction in cycle time or Sigma and non-Six Sigma SMEs by conducting mul-
reduction in employee complaints. Similarly, in tilevel case studies in four SMEs. The research
company D, improvement is the result of using tools demystifies the fact that Six Sigma can be imple-
and techniques, implementing the ERP system, and mented only in large organizations. The findings
adhering to the basic concept of Lean manufacturing, clearly demonstrate that Six Sigma can be imple-
i.e 5S practice. Typical improvements that can be mented successfully in any organization, irrespective
achieved through Lean and Six Sigma are shown in of the size of the company, as observed in companies
Tables 7 and 8. The tables are based on improve- A and B. The critical differences between Six Sigma
ments witnessed in company A. (SS) and non-Six Sigma (NSS) firms, as identified by
Since the company started Lean, all core processes, the case-study analysis, are reported below.
from receipt of order to dispatching, have been 1. Strong leadership and top management com-
mapped, resulting in improvements in throughput mitment are the key characteristics of the suc-
and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). The cessful Six Sigma firms, i.e. companies A and B.
implementation of 5S resulted in reorganization of Their role in allocating resources and breaking
the manufacturing line, which in turn brought sav- down stumbling blocks is exemplary. The MDs of
ings of over £10k per annum. Some of the other companies A and B went through Six Sigma
improvements through the Lean initiative are listed training and project execution, leading from the

Proc. IMechE Vol. 223 Part B: J. Engineering Manufacture JEM1288 Ó IMechE 2009
Multiple case-study analysis of quality management practices 933

front and citing examples to the rest of the The next phase of the study will aim to construct a
employees on the efficacy of SS methodology. bespoke framework for SMEs to get started with Six
These characteristics were missing in companies Sigma implementation. The framework will be based
C and D. on the findings from a systematic literature review,
2. SS SMEs selected their most talented people survey, and multiple case studies conducted in UK
across the organization for training on SS and manufacturing SMEs. The framework will be further
execution projects. Process improvement was tested in 2–3 case-study companies to check its
the responsibility of the quality department in validity and robustness in different environments.
the NSS firms. The research will also attempt to check the readiness
3. Employees in the SS firms were empowered to of an organization to embark on the Six Sigma jour-
make decisions for their own processes. The ney. Future research should attempt to establish the
decision-making power in the NSS firms was organizational infrastructure for Six Sigma imple-
entrusted to middle-level managers or super- mentation in SMEs (i.e. the number of BBs, GBs, and
visors on the shop floor. YBs in a SME with less than 250 employees), as well
4. Each SS project was linked to bottom-line savings, as the financial savings generated from a typical BB
as discussed in section 5. Also, people from the or GB project.
finance department were involved in cost-benefit
analysis before embarking on any SS project. No
such steps were taken in the NSS firms. REFERENCES
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