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DLL in ENGLISH II QUARTER 4, WEEK 3 by Marianne M. Puhi

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Division of Cavite SCHOOL

A. Content Oral Languages in Reading Comprehension Fluency Reading Comprehension and Weekly Test
Standard English and Study Strategies Study Strategies/Listening
Objectives: Comprehension
Objectives: Objectives: Read with automaticity forty
Speak clearly and Participate in group and (40) 2nd grade high Objectives:
audibly in full sentence individual oral frequency/sight words Participate in the retelling of the
Listen and follow a set interpretation of short Retell familiar stories to other story
of written or verbal poems and children Recall the important details of
three-step directions stories in English Listen and respond to texts to the story
Recognize sentences Identify the basic clarify meaning heard while Listen and respond to texts to
and non-sentences sequence of events and drawing on personal clarify meaning heard while
Read grade 2 level text make relevant predictions experiences drawing on personal
in 3-4 word phrases about the story experiences
Interpret signs and Sequence information Express feelings and opinions
symbols from a procedural text through different writing
Express ideas and read activities
opinion through Infer and make relevant
creative and fun predictions about the
activities story
Make connections of text
to self
B. Performance Have sufficient facility in Activate prior knowledge Read aloud grade level texts Activate prior knowledge
Standard English to understand conceptually related to effortlessly and accurately, conceptually related to text and
spoken discourse and to text and establish a without hesitation and with establish a purpose for reading
talk and interact with purpose for reading proper expression Be self-aware as they discuss
others about personal Be self-aware as they and analyze text to create new
experiences and text discuss and analyze text meanings and modify old
listened to or read to create new meanings knowledge
and modify old Locate information from
knowledge expository texts and use this
Locate information from information for discussion or
expository texts and use written production
this information for
discussion or written
C. Learning Participate in choral Give the sequence Read phrases, sentences and Use an understanding of Measure one’s ability
Competencies/ speaking and echo of three events in stories incidents, to retain and apply
Objectives reading of short stories read consisting of short a words and characters and settings to knowledge and
poems,rhymes and some sight words with validate concepts .Learn to
stories with repeated appropriate speed, predictions answer a weekly test.
patterns and refrains in accuracy and proper expression

Write the LC Code EN2OLIVc-d-1.2 EN2RCIVc-3.1.3 EN2FIVa-d-4 EN2LCIVc-d-2.5

for each
II.CONTENT Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
Beautiful Sights in Our Our Plants: Our Life Find the Inner Beauty of Others Reading Shapes Our
Environment The Greening of Malaya Mark Has Horse’s Ears Community
Following Three-step Park/Sequencing of Infer and Predict Outcomes Mark Horse’s Ears and Retelling
Written and Verbal Events Make Connections between of Stories
Directions and Text and Self
Writing Sentences from
Meaningful Experiences
A. References CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31 CG pages 15,31
1.Teacher’s Unit 4 pp.18-20 Unit 4 pp.20-21 Unit 4 pp.23-24 Unit 4 pp.25-26 Unit 4 pp.18-26
2.Learner’s LM pages 386-388 LM pages 389-391 LM pages 392-394 LM pages 394-396 LM pages 386-396
Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Manila paper, markers, Picture of plants, Fake ears, bond paper, art Costume, straw, Manila paper, Test Notebook, pencil
Materials from pictures of different different kinds of seeds materials, Manila paper and paperclips, masking tape, old
Learning land vehicles with and Teacher Chart flash cards, used newspaper.
Resources (LR) wheels paper bags or clean sock
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Review Review Drill/Review Drill/Review
previous lesson or Daily Language Activity Daily Language Activity I.Rhyming Words: What should you remember in
presenting the Words for the Day (Drill) Words for the Day (Drill) Tell whether the pair of words retelling familiar story ?
new lesson rhymes or not. Put a check mark
(/)if the words rhyme and cross
(x) if they do not rhyme.
________ 1. sun – bun
________ 2. set – sit
________ 3. cat – mat
________ 4. big – wig
________ 5. sell – wall
________ 6.tan – pan
________ 7. pen – ten
________ 8. pot – hot
________ 9. bag – tag
________ 10. pill – Jell
Complete the sentence
by choosing the correct
preposition. Encircle the correct
1.The pearl is (in, behind,
the shell.

2.The crab is (in, behind, on)

the water.

3.The book is (on, under, in

front of)
the head of the cat.

4.The book is (on, under, in

front of)
the girl.
5. The mouse is (on, in, beside)
the lion.

III.Express your feelings and

opinion by completing
the sentence stem. (5 points)
Today, I feel

Daily Language Activity

Words for the Day (Drill)

B. Establishing a Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Motivation: Orient pupils on the

purpose for the Sing the song, “The Riddle: Show pictures of people with Bring the Character to life - Ask directions.
lesson Wheels on the Bus” I am small. different kinds of ears, lips, the pupils to draw their favorite
Show the Teacher Chart But I can grow as tall as a eyes, nose and faces. storybook character and let
using Manila paper. building. Activating Prior Knowledge: them imagine what would
Replace the means of I am a living thing. What can you say about these happen if a storybook character
transportation by using Birds, bees and the wind people? What makes these were to come to life and walk in
word flashcards. help me people special? In our story the classroom or into the
Example: The wheels on spread and grow. today, what do you think will be student’s home. See LM – Get
the truck go round and What am I? the problem of our main Set.
round. Round and Answer: A seed character? Get Set
round (2x) Activating Prior Draw your favorite storybook
Other possible Knowledge character and tell why he or she
answers: jeep, truck, Get Set is special.
taxi... Fill in the blanks and
Activating Prior write what you already
Knowledge know
Show the question chart about trees and what you
made by the teacher on would like to know
a Manila paper. about them.
Make a Bulletin Board

Listen to your teacher as she

reads the instruction for the
activity, Bring the Character
Answers will vary. Back to Life.
Look at the question
chart, what punctuation
mark did I use?
What do you call the
mark that we use when
we want to ask
Answer: question mark
How about the next
sentence? Look at the
punctuation mark.
Answer: My favorite is
the airplane because it
is the fastest way
to reach a far place.
What kind of
punctuation mark do
you see at the end of
the sentence? Why did
we use a
Answer: A period was
used because we
needed to stop or end
the sentence. We also
use a period to give an
information or just tell
Use the Question Chart
and let the pupils
answer the next
Let the children answer
their LM , Get Set
Answer the questions

C. Presenting Presentation – Let’s Aim Do a puppet show using stick or Activating Prior Knowledge: Preparation of test
examples/ Tell something about Read the poem below sock puppets. Present the story Act out what the main character
instances of the the picture with correct expression “Mark Has Horse’s”Ears, UBLS, saw, felt, and heard in the story.
new lesson I spy with my beautiful based on the punctuation p.144. Refer to LM. Reread the story and use the
eyes the table in this mark used. Mark Has Horse’s Ears ‘Read Along’ technique. The
classroom. He has big ears. People might children will listen to the
Dialogue- I spy with my laugh at his ears. He hid his teacher while she reads and
beautiful eyes...I see ears. The barber told his secret. they will try to use their fingers
a/an_____________. The guests giggled. until the story is done.
(Use real objects inside Dress the Character
the classroom) 1. Divide the children in small
Look at the picture. groups.
What do you see? Use I Planted a Seed 2. Give them materials to dress
the sentence pattern by Amcy M. Esteban up one member of their group
below: Refer to LM – I planted a seed: as a character from one of
the animals read earlier. To
First a seed, ensure a variety of characters
Then, a sprout, and to avoid replication,
and the leaves, once a group decides on a
Slowly, the buds character, no one can choose
come out. that anymore.
They grow bigger 3. Children can use only the
And bloom with materials given to them,
fragrance. otherwise they’ll be
Butterfles and bees come disqualified.
to enjoy the sweet smell. Choose a reporter who will talk
Animals, insects, and the about the character.
wind Give them 15 minutes to do
help spread their new this activity
to the new garden
the other seeds are
planted again.
D. Discussing new Comprehension Comprehension Comprehension Questions: Independent Practice:
concepts and Questions: Questions: 1. How did Mark solve his Time Capsule – Explain to your
practicing new Let’s Aim, I Spy activity. Look for the punctuation problem? class that a time capsule is a
skills #1 Give a copy of the marks used in the poem. 2. Did the mother do the right sealed
picture to each group Draw the punctuation thing? Why? container preserving artifacts
and let them do their mark in the box. 3. If you were the mother, how and records of the current time
group work. would you solve the problem? for people to uncover in the far
1. Divide the class into future. Discuss with your class if
teams with 5 members this book were in a time
each. capsule, what would people in
2. Put a scoreboard on the future learn from it?
the chalkboard.
3. The teams look for
animals, people, and
objects hiding in the
bushes or
anywhere in the
4. When a team finds
one, the leader shouts,“
I spy...”
What punctuation mark
did we use in the game
? “I Spy…”
E. Discussing new Group Activity Group Work: Group Work: Group Work:
concepts and 1. Recognize the team Arrange the pictures to Allow the children to choose Interview the Character. Work
practicing new and allows the leader to show the life of a plant one learning center where they by pairs. One will become an
skills #2 finish the sentence. I Prepare 2 sets of pictures. would like to work. They interviewer and the other
spy a The team who will be can use the Mother Tongue in member will be the
_____________(a fox) able to arrange the completing their task. However, interviewee.
2. Write the name of correct order of encourage them to speak The interviewer will prepare
the events first will be the in English while working. Then, his/her questions and take
animal/person/object winner. Locate try to translate after their down notes.
under the column of the information from the presentation. The interviewee will answer the
team. poem. Learning Center 1 – Make paper questions and will pretend that
3. The team that finds Team A versus Team B ( bag hand puppets and talk he / she is the character
the most character Sequencing of Events) - about the characteristics of of the story. He/she will answer
wins. What happens to a seed? the character/(s) in the story. based on his knowledge of the
4. The game is over Learning Center 2 – Clay Artist character from reading the
when all the 10 or more at Work - The group members story. When the interview is
characters are found. will use the clay to make over, each pair should report
Allow the pupils to go a diorama of the setting of the the highlights of the interview
outside to spy for things story. to the class.
they see in school and
use the sentence
stem while walking with
a partner. Reporting –
Panel discussion
I spy a
_____________(a fox)
F. Developing We Can Do It Independent Practice: We Can Do It We Can Do It Testing
mastery I Spy with My Beautiful Tell the pupils to answer Make a pyramid by filing in the Answer the questions and write
( Leads to Eyes... the Cloze Activity entitled boxes with important your answers on the blank. If
formative Study the picture below. “Seeds”. information from the story. the story Mark Has Horse’s Ears
assessment ) Make a sentence by Seeds are like... were in a time capsule, what
following the pattern would people in the future
below. learn from it? Why should they
read it?
1. Write the title of the story.
2. - 3.Write down 2 words or
phrases about the problem of
the character.
4. - 6.Write 3 words to solve the
problem of the character

G. Finding I Can Do It Have pupils do I Can Do It I Can Do It I Can Do It

practical/ Be ready for a walk on page 391 of the LM. Name these characters. Put a Write a letter for the people in
applications of inside your school. Your check (/) in the box if they are the future describing the value
concepts and teacher will accompany good and cross (x) if they are of a book.
skills in daily you around the campus not good.
living and you will list down
all the things that you
Bring your notebook
and pencil and use the
sentence pattern below.

H. Making Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: Remember This: What did you learn?
generalizations What should you What should you What should you remember in The characters of the story are
and abstractions remember in listening remember in sequencing retelling familiar story ? the people, animals and things
about the lesson and following a set of events that happen in the in the story.
written or verbal three- story listened to?
step directions?
How do you express
your ideas and opinion?
I. Evaluating Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Measure My Learning Checking the test
Learning Creative writing – Write Write what you’ve What could be the reason why Why is it important to read and paper.Noting item
1 to 2 sentences to learned about the life of a the boy has the horse’s ears? to know the characters of the missed.
express your ideas and plant. Reason Out and Be Heard! story?
opinions about the What is more important the Knowing the characters and
activity that we did physical appearance of a person understanding the how the
today. or the beauty of one’s heart? characters behave is exciting
The inner beauty of a person is and
more important than his/her meaningful.
physical appearance.

J. Additional Retell the story to your family Make a cartoon. Study next lesson.
activities for members. Copy these pictures on a larger
application or paper
remediation and try making many
Did you know that being active
makes you healthy?Healthy kids
play, run, and
jump. Make this picture of a
running boy move like a cartoon
show by
following these steps.
Step 1: Color pictures 1 and 2.
Make sure you use the same
colors for the same parts. For
example, if you choose red for
the shirt in picture 1, it should
be red also for the shirt in
picture 2.
Step 2: Cut out pictures 1 and
2. Follow the thick black lines.
Step 3: Glue picture 1 to
picture 2 on the top gray
rectangle labeled GLUE.
Step 4: When it dries up, flp
picture 1 up and down and
watch the boy run!

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
of the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities to
C. Did the
remedial lessons
work? No. of
learners who
have caught up
with the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
strategies worked
well? Why did
these work?
F. What
difficulties did I
encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What
innovation or
localized material
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other

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