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DLL - English 4 - Q4 - W2

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Teaching Dates and MABINI-3:20-4:10
Time: RIZAL-4:10-5:00 Quarter: 4th QUARTER


A. CONTENT STANDARDS ORAL LANGUAGE – The learner demonstrates ORAL LANGUAGE – The learner
ORAL LANGUAGE – The learner understanding of verbal cues for clear demonstrates understanding of verbal cues for ORAL LANGUAGE – The learner
demonstrates understanding of verbal cues for expression of ideas clear expression of ideas demonstrates understanding of verbal
clear expression of ideas LC – the learner demonstrates an LC – the learner demonstrates an cues for clear expression of ideas
LC – the learner demonstrates an understanding of the elements of literary and understanding of the elements of literary and LC – the learner demonstrates an
understanding of the elements of literary and informational texts for comprehension informational texts for comprehension understanding of the elements of literary
informational texts for comprehension and informational texts for comprehension

B. PERFOMANCE STANDARDS OL – The learner efficiently delivers oral OL – The learner efficiently delivers oral OL – The learner efficiently delivers oral OL – The learner efficiently delivers oral
presentations presentations presentations presentations
C. LEARNING COMPETENCIES/ HOME-BASED LEARNING HOME-BASED LEARNING Write letters, words and sentences in Write a reaction about the story read EN4WC- Write a reaction about the story read
OBJECTIVES (Write the LC Code for each) cursive writing IIf-22 EN4WC-IIf-22
• Analyze the different story elements using • Analyze the different story elements
Distinguish fact from opinion in a narrative Write a reaction about the story read EN4WC-IIf- graphic organizers using graphic organizers
EN4RC-IIi-36 22
• Analyze the different story elements using
graphic organizers

II. CONTENT Fact and Opinion Story Elements Cursive Writing Story Elements Story Elements

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages English – Grade 4 Teacher’s Guide 349 - 352
2. Learner’s Materials Pages English – Grade 4 Learner’s Material 330 -331
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning Powerpoint, youtube videos Powerpoint, youtube videos Powerpoint, youtube videos Powerpoint, youtube videos
Resource (LR) Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Writing notebook,paper, ballpen
III. PROCEDURES Video Lesson Video Lesson
A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting the Write T if the statement is correct and F if it is Read the following sentences and write on the Show on the board the correct way of What are the elements of a story? Identify what elements of the story are the
new lesson not. blank if it is FACT or OPINION. writing cursive letters following:
_____1. Ideas in editorial are presented as _______________1. Philippines is located at
opinion. SouthEast Asia.
_____2. Editorial writing does not require _______________2. Philippines is the most
careful research. beautiful country in the world.
_____3. The editorials are the entertainment _______________3. English is much more
part of the newspaper. interesting than Mathematics.
_____4. An editorial is an article that states the _______________4. English is one of the
newspaper’s ideas on an issue. subjects in Elementary.
_____5. An editorial is made up of three parts: _______________5. Filipino is the national
the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. language in the Philippines.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson Show a picture Do you eat vegetables? Show videos of alphabet cursive writing Do you eat vegetables? Do you eat vegetables?
Ask pupils to tell something about the picture.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new How can we prove that what we say is true? Read the story “Maria the Sorceress” Explain what is cursive writing. Show Read the story “Maria the Sorceress” Read the story “Maria the Sorceress”
lesson examples on how it is written correctly.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Answer the comprehension questions Let the learners practice in their writing Answer the comprehension questions Answer the comprehension questions
skills #1 Read the story “The Legend of the Locusts” notebook.
and study the sentences that follow.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Ask:
skills #2 Discuss the elements of the story. How do you write in cursive form? Discuss the elements of the story. Discuss the elements of the story.
Setting Setting Setting
• • It is the time and place in which • • It is the time and place in which • • It is the time and place in
1. What is the video all about? the events in the story took place. the events in the story took place. which the events in the story took place.
2. What statement mentioned in the music • • A narrative's setting is the time • • A narrative's setting is the time • • A narrative's setting is the
video can be proven true? and place where the events in the story and place where the events in the story time and place where the events in the
3. How it was proven? What do we call this happened. happened. story happened.
statement? • • The setting of a story provides the • • The setting of a story provides • • The setting of a story
4. What statement in the music video cannot reader with imagery and allows him to visualize the reader with imagery and allows him to provides the reader with imagery and
be proven true? the events clearly. If you analyze narratives visualize the events clearly. If you analyze allows him to visualize the events clearly. If
5. Why it cannot be proven? What do we closely, you will see that the actions of narratives closely, you will see that the actions you analyze narratives closely, you will see
call this statement? characters are influenced by the setting. of characters are influenced by the setting. that the actions of characters are
6. What statement can you give about influenced by the setting.
• • To determine the setting of a story, • • To determine the setting of a
yourself, that you can prove it true?
ask yourself: where and when did the story story, ask yourself: where and when did the • • To determine the setting of a
7. How can you prove it?
happen? story happen? story, ask yourself: where and when did
8. What statement can you give about
the story happen?
yourself, that you cannot prove it true?
Characters- Characters-
9. Why you cannot prove it?
• • They are the participants or • • They are the participants or Characters-
"actors" in the story. "actors" in the story. • • They are the participants or
• • To identify the characters in the • • To identify the characters in the "actors" in the story.
story, ask yourself who are the participants or story, ask yourself who are the participants or • • To identify the characters in
actors in the story. actors in the story. the story, ask yourself who are the
participants or actors in the story.
Plot Plot
• • It is also called events of the story. • • It is also called events of the Plot
• • Events refer to what happened in story. • • It is also called events of the
the story or what the characters did. • • Events refer to what happened in story.
• • It is an organized flow or sequence the story or what the characters did. • • Events refer to what
of events in a story. • • It is an organized flow or happened in the story or what the
sequence of events in a story. characters did.
Theme • • It is an organized flow or
• • It is the main message behind the Theme sequence of events in a story.
story or the lesson the story imparts. • • It is the main message behind
• • The theme of a story could also be the story or the lesson the story imparts. Theme
called its message. Authors base their story on a • • The theme of a story could also • • It is the main message
theme in order to teach readers a life lesson. be called its message. Authors base their story behind the story or the lesson the story
This life lesson is also called a moral. on a theme in order to teach readers a life imparts.
• • The theme is not the subject or the lesson. This life lesson is also called a moral. • • The theme of a story could
topic of the story. It often reflects the author’s • • The theme is not the subject or also be called its message. Authors base
opinion on how people should behave and treat the topic of the story. It often reflects the their story on a theme in order to teach
themselves or others, and it reflects the overall author’s opinion on how people should behave readers a life lesson. This life lesson is
big picture of the story. and treat themselves or others, and it reflects also called a moral.
• • One thing that may make themes the overall big picture of the story. • • The theme is not the subject
challenging to figure out is that they are often • • One thing that may make or the topic of the story. It often reflects the
not stated clearly for the reader. After reading themes challenging to figure out is that they author’s opinion on how people should
the story, the reader must think about the lesson are often not stated clearly for the reader. After behave and treat themselves or others,
the author was trying to teach. In this way, reading the story, the reader must think about and it reflects the overall big picture of the
themes are not explicit. the lesson the author was trying to teach. In story.
this way, themes are not explicit. • • One thing that may make
themes challenging to figure out is that
they are often not stated clearly for the
reader. After reading the story, the reader
must think about the lesson the author was
trying to teach. In this way, themes are not

F. Developing mastery Collaborative Learning Directions. Draw ____ to a character, ______to Ask pupils if what letters are difficult for Directions. Draw ____ to a character,
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) Group 1 – Face off setting, _____ to theme and them to write. Teacher will give examples ______to setting, _____ to theme and
Put happy face if the statement is a fact and ______ to plot of the story. and additional writing exercises. ______ to plot of the story.
sad face if the statement is an opinion. _________ 1. Be nice to you sister _________ 1. Be nice to you sister
Group 2 – Talk about me _________ 2. Trisha and John _________ 2. Trisha and John
Look at the picture. Use graphic Organizer (T- _________ 3. inside the house _________ 3. inside the house
Chart) in writing a fact about it and give your _________ 4. is nighttime with rainfall outside _________ 4. is nighttime with rainfall
opinion about the picture. the house outside the house
Group 3 – Pick it up _________ 5. John have thought of telling Tricia _________ 5. John have thought of telling
Classify statement if fact or opinion using some scary stories. Tricia some scary stories.
graphic organizer.
Group 4 –Search it!
Read the paragraph, copy the statement that
express fact or opinion on the space provided.
Group 5 – Think of It.
Give examples of statement expressing fact or
opinion.(3 sentences each)
G. Finding practical application of concepts and Valuing: What is the importance of knowing As a child, will you also ask for forgiveness Write the following in cursive form: As a child, will you also ask for forgiveness
skills in daily living the difference between fact and opinion in our when you did a mistake like Lucio and Celina? when you did a mistake like Lucio and
daily lives? Why and why not? Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Celina? Why and why not?
Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx
Yy Zz
H. Making generalizations of concepts and skills in How can you distinguish fact from opinion? What are the elements of the story? How do you write big letters in cursive What are the elements of the story?
daily living A fact is a statement that is true and can be form? How about small letters?
proved through experiment or observation, it
has an evidence.
Facts often contain numbers, dates, or ages.
Facts might include specific information about
a person, place or thing.
An opinion, is a statement that tells our belief.
It tells how someone feels or think .
Clue words for opinion statements are:
think, feel, believe, seem
always, never, all, none, most, least, best,
greatest, worst
Ask pupils to give a sample statement of fact
and opinion.
I. Evaluating learning Direction: Write O if the statement is an Let the pupils write the following in
opinion and F if the statement is a fact. 1. What is the theme of the story? A. cursive form. 1. What is the theme of the story? A.
_____ 1. Ilocano’s are industrious and thrifty. Faithfulness C. Honesty Faithfulness C. Honesty
_____ 2. Health is wealth. B. Happiness D. Thoughtfulness B. Happiness D. Thoughtfulness
Aa Aa Aa
_____ 3. Maybe the child is crying because his
stomach aches. 2. What is the setting of the story? A. At the farm 2. What is the setting of the story? A. At
_____ 4.The earth’s rotation on its axis causes C. Near the river arrow apple ant the farm C. Near the river
day and night. B. Near the village D. Near the forest antenna airplane activity B. Near the village D. Near the forest
_____ 5.The earth revolves around the sun
from east to west. 3. Which is the most exciting event of the story? 3. Which is the most exciting event of the
A. The wolf then destroyed the whole flock. story? A. The wolf then destroyed the
An ant has antenna.
B. When his neighbors came to help him, he whole flock.
You need a license to drive a car.
laughed at them for their pains. B. When his neighbors came to help him,
I will start a new job in January. he laughed at them for their pains.
C. A boy, who watched a flock of sheep near a
village, pranked the villagers three or four times C. A boy, who watched a flock of sheep
by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!" near a village, pranked the villagers three
D. The wolf truly came at last and the boy or four times by crying out, "Wolf! Wolf!"
shouted in terror. D. The wolf truly came at last and the boy
shouted in terror.
4. Who is the main character of the story? A.
The boy C. The wolf 4. Who is the main character of the story?
B. The villagers D. the flock of sheep A. The boy C. The wolf
B. The villagers D. the flock of sheep
5. The author’s message is also called…
5. The author’s message is also called…
A. The characters
B. The conflict A. The characters
C. The setting B. The conflict
D. The theme C. The setting
D. The theme

J. Additional activities for application or remediation Direction: Write F if the statement is a fact and Create a story map of the elements of the story. Rewrite in your writing notebook the
O if the statement is an opinion. activity given. Create a story map of the elements of the
1._________We live in the best apartment in story.
the city.
2._________I believe that summer is the best
3._________I think that spaghetti is a delicious
4._________ An Inquirer is a newspaper.
5. _________ Banana is a source of

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