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Improving Proficiency in The Four Fundamental Operations in Mathematics in Grade Two SPED FL/GT Pupils LF Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary School Through The Implementation of Vedic Math Techniques

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Volume: 13
Pages: 788-791
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1208
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8365243
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-19-9
Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 788-791, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1208, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8365243, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Improving Proficiency in the Four Fundamental Operations in Mathematics in Grade

Two SPED FL/GT Pupils of Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary School
through the Implementation of Vedic Math Techniques
Irene V. Taracina*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This action research aimed to improve the proficiency in the four fundamental operations in
mathematics of Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils of Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary School
through the implementation of Vedic Math techniques. The study utilized a quasi-experimental
design with pre-test and post-test to measure the effectiveness of the intervention. The results showed
a significant improvement in the student’s performance in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division.The undertaking utilized a pre-test and post-test design. The pre-test and post-test scores
were measured through a t-test. This study utilized an experimental method in order to obtain the
effect of the intervention. According to Salkind (2010), pre-test and post-test designs are employed in
both experimental and quasi-experimental research and can be used with or without control groups.
Furthermore, Biomquist (2003) states that in the case of reflexive comparison participants are
reflexively compared to themselves before exposure to the program. Based on the result of the pre-
test the pupils gathered 70.00 as MPS. While the post-test results showed that the pupils got the MPS
of 80.19. Solving word problems help learners to develop the skill of knowing when and how to
apply classroom mathematical knowledge as well as everyday life when solving problems. This
study had proven the effectiveness of the Implementation of Vedic Math Techniques in enhancing the
skills of the pupils in solving mathematical problems in Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils.

Keywords: improving profeciency, four fundamental operations, vedic math techniques

Introduction questions:

1. How does the implementation of Vedic Math

Mathematics is a fundamental subject that plays a Technique affect the proficiency of Grade Two SPED
crucial role in pupils' academic and professional FL/GT pupils in performing the four fundamental
success. However, some students struggle with operations in Mathematics?
mastering the four fundamental operations, which are 2. What are the challenges encountered by the Grade
essential for solving more complex mathematical Two SPED FL/GT students in learning the four
problems. This challenge is more significant for pupils fundamental operations in Mathematics, and how can
in the Grade Two SPED Fast Learner/Gifted Talented Vedic Math Technique address these challenges?
program. Therefore, this action research aims to 3. How can Vedic Math Technique be integrated into
explore the effectiveness of implementing Vedic Math the existing Mathematics curriculum for Grade Two
techniques in improving the proficiency in the four SPED FL/GT pupils of Don Emilio Salumbides E/S to
fundamental operations of Grade Two SPED Fast improve their proficiency in the four fundamental
Learner/Gifted Talented pupils of Don Emilio operations?
Salumbides Elementary School. According to 4. How do the Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils
Lawrence (2016) pupils rarely study math and reading perceive the use of Vedic Math Technique in learning
at the same time, and it’s not often considered that a the four fundamental operations in Mathematics, and
pupil needs to excel at one to be successful with the what impact does this perception have on their
other. By reading plays a vital role in math as pupils proficiency?
are presented with increasingly difficult mathematical 5. How can the implementation of Vedic Math
problems throughout their schooling. Technique be sustained to continuously improve the
proficiency of Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils in
Research Questions performing the four fundamental operations in
This study aims to determine the effect Vedic Math
techniques that might enhance how pupils will
understand and solve problems in mathematics. This
study is aiming to answer the following specific

Irene V. Taracina 788/791

Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 788-791, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1208, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8365243, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Literature Review do when reading for meaning in solving mathematical

problems enabling them to apply these strategies. The
construct for each cognitive component articulated in
Dhillon et. al (2014) Vedic math is a system of the m an uscrip t are su pported by research
mathematical techniques that originated in ancient demonstrating benefits in reading and mathematics
India. It is a holistic and coherent method that achievement and how they operate together to help
simplifies complex mathematical problems by pupils conceptualized mathematical problems.
breaking them down into smaller, more manageable Teachers need to think less about pupils deriving an
steps. Several studies have shown the effectiveness of answer and more in terms of facilitating pupils’
Vedic math techniques in improving students' application of the cognitive components of reading and
mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities. mathematics. Thus, teachers can implement reading-
However, few studies have explored the use of Vedic enhanced problem solving in mathematics when pupils
math techniques in special education classrooms. struggle, rather than having to manipulate their local
Chapman (2006) and Roth (2009) understanding and
comprehending word problems in mathematics is a
well-documented issue. While according to Adams Methodology
and Lowery (2007) comprehension involves
understanding text and context as exhibited by the
ability to act on what is read. Their might be a link Research Design
between understanding in a reading lesson and
understanding mathematics lesson. The idea of The undertaking utilized a pre-test and post-test
comprehension is consistent within reading and design. The pre-test and post-test scores were
mathematics but what pupils are asked to do with this measured through a t-test. This study utilized an
contextual information is different. experimental method to obtain the intervention’s
effect. According to Salkind (2010) pretest and post-
Word problems are written to enable pupils to apply test designs are employed in both experimental and
their mathematical knowledge to a given situation. quasi-experimental research and can be used with or
Originally word problems were simple statements that without control groups. Furthermore, Biomquist
resulted in a question, example, asking for the sum of (2003) states that in the case of reflexive comparison
series of numbers or dividing a number into even participants are reflexively compared to themselves
shares. Swetz (2009) while originally developed to test before exposure to the program.
basic comprehension and operational methods, word
problems have gradually adopted greater complexity, Locale of the Study
requiring analysis of data and synthesis of solution
methods. This undertaking was conducted at Don Emilio
Salumbides Elementary School, Lopez East District,
Galbraith (2006) research has shown that pupils have Lopez Quezon. The said school is classified as a
difficulties when dealing with word problems in central school.
mathematics. Roth (2009) argues that language used in
these problems is one of the contributing factors. Population and Sampling
These problems often use a great deal of ‘school
language’ those pupils are expected to know and The population for this study is the Grade Two SPED
understand. Geroftsky (2009) notes that because of the Fast Learner/Gifted Talented pupils of Don Emilio
language used the problems can also be rather Salumbides E/S. A purposive sampling technique will
ambiguous and open to interpretation. Based on the be used to select 30 participants from the population.
ambiguity of such tasks there is the opportunity for The inclusion criteria for the participants are students
explicit teaching and learning if teachers and pupils are who have difficulty in performing the four
willing to embrace it. Often, however, the challenge of fundamental operations in Mathematics.
doing this is seen as too great.
Research Instrument
Capraro et. Al (2012) concluded that there is a
reciprocal relationship between mathematics and The research instrument to be used is a pre-test and
reading cognition. Metacognitive training within post-test on the four fundamental operations in
reading-enhanced problem solving should facilitate Mathematics, using the Vedic Math Technique. The
pupils developing an awareness of what good readers p r e - test will be ad m in ist ered b efore the

Irene V. Taracina 789/791

Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 788-791, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1208, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8365243, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

implementation of the Vedic Math Technique, while

the post-test will be given after the implementation of Table 1. Grade Two SPED FL/GT Performance in
the technique. numeracy skills before and after the application of
Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering procedure will involve the

following steps:

1. Obtaining permission from the school principal and

the students' parents or guardians.
2. Administering the pre-test to the participants.
3. Implementing the Vedic Math Technique for four
4. Administering the post-test to the participants.
5. Collecting the data and encoding it in a spreadsheet.

Statistical Treatment

The collected data will be analyzed using a paired t-

test to compare the mean scores of the pre- and post-

Results and Discussion

Table 2. Test of Significant Difference in the
The results of the paired t-test will be presented using Performance of Grade Two SPED FL/GT Pupils
tables and graphs. The mean scores of the pre- and before and after the Implementation of Vedic Math
post-tests will be compared to determine if there is a
significant improvement in the students' proficiency in
the four fundamental operations in Mathematics after
the implementation of the Vedic Math Technique. The
discussion will explain the findings and their
Since the computed t-value of 7.3458 is greater than
Table 1 shows the performance of the Grade Two the t-tabular value of 2.1098 with 17 degrees of
SPED FL/GT learners in Mathematics before and after freedom at .05 level of significance, the null
the implementation of Vedic Math Techniques. It hypothesis that there is no significant difference in the
showed that the score of the learners before the numeracy skills performance of Grade Two SPED
implementation of Vedic Math Techniques was low FL/GT pupils before and after the implementation of
and have a MPS of 70.00% which was far from the Vedic Math Techniques is failed to accept due to
national cutoff of 75%. On the other hand, after one- evidence presented in the table. The mean difference
month implementation of the intervention, the mean of 3.06 which is far to each other denoted the
percentage score of the 18 learners become 80.19% significant difference between the variables. It leads to
which was above the national cutoff. This means that the rejection of the null hypothesis. This means that
the intervention program of the researcher is effective there is a significant difference in the numeracy skills
in improving the mathematical ability of the pupils. It performance of Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils
can be implied that the Vedic is one of the effective before and after the implementation of Vedic Math
tools that can be used in improving the learners’ Techniques.
numeracy skills performance.

Irene V. Taracina 790/791

Psych Educ, 2023, 13: 788-791, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1208, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8365243, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Discussion school students. International Journal of Scientific and Research

Publications, 6(1), 610-618.

Based on the result of the study, the following Dhillon, R. K., & Singh, A. (2014). Effectiveness of Vedic
conclusions were obtained: (1) The numeracy skills Mathematics on academic achievement in Mathematics among high
school students. International Journal of Research in Humanities,
performance of the Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils Arts and Literature, 2(1), 1-10.
was very low and did not achieved the national cutoff
before the implementation of the Vedic Math Gupta, N. (2015). Effectiveness of Vedic Mathematics in improving
the mathematical ability of secondary school students. International
Techniques. (2) There was an increase in the mean
Journal of Science and Research, 4(10), 1209-1213.
p e r c e n t a g e s c o r e of the l e a r n e r s a f t er
the implementation of Vedic Math Techniques. (3) Jha, S., & Jha, R. (2017). Effectiveness of Vedic Mathematics for
The null hypothesis that there is no significant enhancing the mathematical proficiency of secondary school
students. International Journal of Research in Engineering, IT and
difference in the numeracy skills performance of Social Sciences, 7(5), 1-8.
Grade Two SPED FL/GT pupils before and after the
implementation of Vedic Math Techniques was Vardhan, G., & Kumar, P. (2017). Effectiveness of Vedic
Mathematics in improving mathematical proficiency of students
rejected due to evidences presented in the study.
with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Education and
Practice, 8(9), 16-21.
Based on the co n clu s i o n s, the f o llo wing
recommendations were offered: (1) Teacher may use Venkatachaliah, T. K., & Venkatesan, S. (2013). Effectiveness of
different intervention program that will help to Vedic Mathematics in enhancing the mathematical proficiency of
students with special needs. International Journal of Scientific
improve the performance of the learners in Research, 2(11), 1-4.
Mathematics; (2) Teachers may adopt Vedic Math
Techniques in different level to increase Vohra, K. (2014). Vedic Mathematics for children with special
needs: A feasibility study. International Journal of Special
the performance of the learners in Mathematics; (3)
Education, 29(2), 1-8.
School head may use the result of this study in
decision making and/or crafting school policy relative Affiliations and Corresponding Information
to the numeracy performance; (4) Other researcher Irene V. Taracina
may use the result of this study as basis in conducting Don Emilio Salumbides Elementary School
similar or related study on numeracy performance. Department of Education – Philippines


Bhattacharya, S., & Sengupta, S. (2016). A comparative study on the

effectiveness of Vedic Mathematics and conventional Mathematics
instruction in developing mathematical proficiency of secondary

Irene V. Taracina 791/791

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