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Personnel Manual - Update

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ALMA MATER’S SONG #248 General Luis Street, Novaliches, Quezon City
By: Joseph Acuin Telephone Nos. 937-8996/ 416-6974

Bloomridge Integrated School

Thou art the pillar of our aspirations
Thy field is a vast range of wisdom
Guiding them to the threshold of life.

Bloomridge Integrated School

Fly high, soar high in the sky
Thy faith in God shall fortify thy soul
Bringing honor to the Filipino nation

Bloomridge Integrated School

Thy color of Merciful Royal Highness
The seal of great value and virtue
Uphold triumph for thy young prodigies.

Bloomridge Integrated School

Fly high, soar high in the sky
Thy faith in God shall fortify thy soul Administration/Personnel Manual/Handout
Bringing honor to the Filipino nation

Thy faith in God shall fortify thy soul “BIS. . . Onwards Preparing
Bringing honor to the Filipino nation
For a Global Future”

Bloomridge Integrated School 2.2 SPECIFIC REASONS
Refer to chapter 8 of this manual.
Col. Nicandro S. Mendoza The employee to be terminated shall be given a letter of
(president) termination specifying the grounds of his dismissal
Mrs. Hermini S. Mendoza 2.4 EXIT INTERVIEW
(Executive Vice President) Refer to 1.4 of chapter 9
Mr. Jose Nicandro S. Mendoza 3.NON –RENEWAL OF THE CONTRACT
(Chief Finance Officer) 3.1 reasons for nonrenewal
Refer to chapter 8
Mr. Jose Ferdinand S. Mendoza
(Corporate Secretary)
3.2.1 Termination for cause
Refer to chapter 8
ADMINISTRATORS 3.2.2 Retrenchment
a. an employee will be given a letter of non-renewal of contract at
DEPARTMENT COORDINATORS the end of the school year.
b. An employee in good standing with the school who is affected
by retrenchment will be given all the benefits due him
c. Exit interview
refer to chapter 9
The employee retires upon the age of 65 or upon completion of thirty
(30) Years of continuous service in the school.
Any school employee who retires will be given all the benefits due to
Refer to 1.4, chapter 9 of this manual
Bloomridge Integrated School
Any employee who wishes to resign shall submit to the
HRD office addressed to the school director written
resignation letter at least 30 days effectivity of his CHAPTER I – The Foundation of BIS
Any school personnel who has voluntarily resigned shall VISION
be entitled to all benefits due to him. A learning environment that is child centered and community service
1.3 CLEARANCE oriented advocating the holistic development of students.
Any school employee should clear himself of all
liabilities and accountabilities before all benefits due to
Securing clearance is one of the main procedures an
employee will need to complete to ensure that he is Equip learners with lifelong skills and values for a productive, healthy,
freed from any accountability in the school. and happy living evolving society.
An exit interview is conducted by the administrators or INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES
their duly appointed representative to gather information
that may be valuable in improving the working 1. To promote the integral human development of the people in order
conditions, policies, systems, etc. of the school to alleviate their causes through training, formal education and
2. TERMINATION foundation programs.
2.1 general reason for termination
2. to conduct training activities, formal education and scholarship
the faculty .staff employment with the school may be
terminated if his continuous presence is prejudicial to
the welfare, interests morale, and the attainment of the 3. to do such other things that are necessary for the accomplishment of
objectives of: its objectives
2.1.1 his designation is particular
2.1.2 his office department, other units and or
2.1.3 the school in general.

CHAPTER II – Recruitment, Selection, and Hiring 2.3 Unsatisfactory organizational skills, assignments are not
based on merit and need of the situation but on favoritism,
1. PRELIMINARIES biases and prejudices.
Policies 2.4 Poor in coordinating his activities with co-employees/other
a. All request for additional manpower shall be units when the need to coordinate is very essential.
processed upon approval of the school director. 2.5 Unsatisfactory decision – making skills. Indecisive but
b. The HRD office shall be in charged in the often wrong and with disastrous consequences.
processing of the applications and of the
2.6 Poor performance in the pursuit of his duties. Poor program
for training students poor program for student’s
- contacting applicants
- setting schedules
- coordinating with the persons involved in the process. 3. IN RELATION TO PERSONAL QUALITIES
- Transmittal of documents 3.1. the employee has done or is doing an act that is against
- Following up of the status of the application moral order that causes scandal in the community.
3.2. inability of the employee to get along well with others. He
2. INITIAL INTERVIEW is often the cause of intrigues, troubles and quarrels or create
a. The HRD Head shall conduct initial interview with all stories that destroy the good name of another.
applicants to find out who among them comply with the 3.3 inability of the employee to look presentable, prim and
basic qualifications for the position.
b. The HRD head recommends those applicants who pass the
3. PERSONNEL FILE 4.1. Inability of an employee to work as a member of a team
“201” file is an employee’s individual file. 4.2. Disloyalty to the school in general and to the
a. The “201” file shall give the following information: administration.
- Bio – data / Curriculum Vitae/ Comprehensive resume 4.3. refusal and /failure to concretize the principles of the
- Certified true copy of transcript of records institution in his daily living in the school premises and its
- Certificate of previous employment (for new employee) extensions.
- Certificate of seminars attended
4.4. continually absent from his post.
4.5. poor health that makes him incapable of performing his
- SSS E-I Form
- NBI Clearance (new employees) job; or having a contagious disease that may endanger the
- Marriage certificate/ Contract (for married teachers) health of other people

2 35
2.2.1. the aggrieved employee shall take up the grievance with his - Masteral/education unit earned
Immediate head in writing. The head concerned shall render his - Teacher’s ID license
decision in writing within three (3) working days after receipt of - Offences/merits
the grievance. b. all gathered information shall be treated with confidentiality.
2.2.2. if the decision is satisfactory in 2.2.1 the aggrieved party
shall present the grievance to the department head in writing the 4. DEMONSTRATION TEACHING
departure head shall render his decision in writing within five (5) a. Applicants who successfully passed the initial interview shall
working days after the receipt of the grievance. be scheduled for demo teaching, where the administrators
2.2.3. if the decision is not satisfactory, aggrieved party shall measure the teaching competencies of the applicant.
inform the school director who shall convene the grievance b. After the teaching demonstration, deliberation by the
committee to be composed of three. administrators will follow.
3 Representative among his/her peer c. successful teacher applicants will be schedules for
3 representatives from School officer/administrator
employment exam.
2.2.4 if the grievance committee fails to resolve the grievance to
the of satisfactory parties the dispute shall be submitted to the
2.2.5 the decision of the arbitration mutually chosen by the parties 1. Only applicants who successfully passed the initial interview
involved however that the decision may be appealed only on and demo teaching shall be given the employment
those instances allowed in the labor code as amended. Decision of examination.
the case shall be made with fifteen days from the date of 2. Using original test materials, the Guidance/HRD office
submission. administers the series of psychological test to the applicants
CHAPTER VII – grounds or reasons for termination to measure their intellectual and psychological suitability to
the position:
1. IN RELATION TO GOALS a. Mental Ability test
2.7 Inability of the employee to attain the goals of the office b. Aptitude test
department c. Personality test
2.8 Invariably inventing excuses for unfulfilled assignments 3. All test Manuals, answer sheets and psychological test
2.9 Inability to submit required reports on time. reports shall be handled with outmost confidentiality.
3.3 Inability to come up with comprehensive, workable and
relevant plans attuned to ease and maximize the learning
process in the classroom and its extension/s 3
3.4 Appraisal has no objective basis it is usually done
“guessing game basis”

6. HIRING BOARD – ADMINISTRATORS q. failure to report to his immediate superior any work related
1. Only applicants who passed the employment shall be physical injury that has occurred in the school, as witnessed by
turned over to the hiring board, the administrators. him/her personally.
2. The administrator shall be responsible for the in – depth First offense – dismissal
r. extending merienda and meal breaks beyond the prescribes time.
Screening of applicants.
First offense – warning
3. Panel interview – This is where the Administrators
Second offense – reprimand
evaluate the applicants’ personal qualities and work
Third offense – suspension
attitude. Fourth offense – dismissal
4. The Administrators inform the HRD office of applicants
who will be recommended upon completion of
5. The academic head forwards the papers to the HRD
1. Due process
In all disciplinary cases, employees are assured of a
7. COMPLETION OF REQUIREMENTS formal proceeding carried out in accordance with the
Only applicants who successfully passed the final interview established rules and principles to resolve disputes,
(panel interview) shall be required to submit the following conflict, and disagreements.
2. Grievance machinery
- Comprehensive resume
- 1 pc 2x2 ID Picture 2.1. procedure for grievance and complaints
- Authenticated transcript of records, diplomas (latest 2.1.1 Members of the academic community are
academic achievement) encouraged to settle disputes through friendly
- Certificates of training, workshop, seminars, and conference negotiations and sincere dialogues
- Teacher’s ID license
2.1.2 it is as a last resort that one must take
- NBI/Police Clearance (latest) formal procedures to settle grievance.
- Medical clearance 2.1.3 only when a grievance is expressed in
- SSS # writing and duly signed does it become formal
- TIN # Complaint requiring formal proceedings to
resolve such grievance
- Marriage Certificate/Contract (for married teachers)
- Masteral/education units earned
2.2 procedure for resolution of grievance:

4 33
j. leaking of the following: 8. ORIENTATION – POP
1. Test/Examination Question
First offense – dismissal The newly – hired faculty member shall be given an orientation in
2. Grades other than the student concerned the vision, mission, policies, rules and regulations of BIS and other pertinent
First offense – warning matters in relation to his appointment.
Second offense – reprimand
Third offense – suspension 9. PROBATION
Fourth offense – dismissal
The newly hired faculty member shall undergo a probationary
3. Counselling and interview results
period of not more than three (3) continuous school years.
First offense – warning
Second offense – dismissal The faculty member’s performance in his first year of probation shall
k. violation of the NO Vending Policy determine the continuance of his services for the second year. His
First offense – warning performance on the second year becomes the basis for the retention of his
Second offense – reprimand
service for the succeeding year.
Third offense – suspension
Following is the performance standard for those under
Fourth offense – dismissal
l. absence without leave (AWOL)
1. Performance appraisal rating of at least 85%
First offense – warning
Second offense – dismissal 2. No item in PAR is rated 3
m. abandonment 3. Must not have been subjected to any disciplinary action.
First offense – dismissal
n. unauthorized leave after the reason applied for such leave had 10. PERMANENCY
been denied. The following standards are the basis for the permanency
First offense – warning status of the faculty member based on his performance:
Second offense – dismissal 1. Has served the maximum probationary period of one day
o. unauthorized leave. Valid reason but no application made more than three (3) Continuous school years.
First offense – warning 2. Has a PAR of at least 85% on his third year of probation
Second offense – reprimand 3. Has an average PAR of at least 85% for all his years of
Third offense – suspension Probation.
Fourth offense – dismissal 4. No item in PAR is rated 3
p. refusal to submit to mandatory medical check-up or 5. has never been meted any disciplinary sanction.
recommended medical examination
First offense – dismissal

a. insubordination – the school defines insubordination as; the willful
CONDITIONS refusal to obey lawful orders and instructions, refusal to do a job
assignment given by the superior, challenging in an arrogant manner
the reasonableness of an order, disrespect for superior publicly
a. Every appointment of a faculty shall be made by the
displayed in the school premises, abusive behavior or language,
Administrator of the school through a contract and shall state
threatening, intimidating, coercing and interfering with supervision.
the classification, salary, length of agreement and other
First offense – dismissal
conditions of employment.
b. refusal to implement the objectives and policies of the school and
b. The employment of the faculty member on probation is
defiance of its ideals.
deemed terminated at the expiration of the contract unless
First offense – dismissal
renewed by the Administrators.
c. Immodest language
c. A copy of the terms and conditions of appointment shall be
First offense – warning
presented to the faculty member/staff prior to his acceptance
Second offense – suspension
of appointment.
Third offense – dismissal
d. A faculty member/staff sign the contract to indicate his
d. willful refusal to comply with the disclosure requirement on other
willingness to compel by all the terms of the agreement.
First offense – warning
Second offense – dismissal
a. Probationary
e. imposing corporal or psychological punishment.
A probationary faculty member is one who undergoes a
First offense – dismissal
trial period of not more than three (3) continuous years. This
f. Accepting bribes
period is granted for determining appropriateness for the
First offense – dismissal
teaching position.
g. Tampering /falsification of grading sheets or class records.
b. Permanent
First offense – dismissal
A permanent faculty member is one who has satisfactorily
h. Unauthorized field trips
passed the specified period of probation.
First offense – warning
After a faculty member served the probationary period
Second offense – dismissal
and has been found deserving of retention in the school, he
i. Misrepresenting of the school in signing contracts, agreements and
shall be granted permanency. The permanent status gives the
the like.
faculty member assurance of continuous appointment, which
can be terminated only for cause. First offense – dismissal
The permanency shall remain in force until the faculty
member/staff reaches 65 years of age or 30 years of service
whichever comes first.

h. possessing, participating, or assisting in the distribution of 3. SCHOOL GUIDELINESON FACULTY LOADING
illegal items GENERAL POLICIES
First offense – dismissal a. Faculty loads for the grade and high school departments shall be
i. Membership in illegal organization whose ideals run contrary to prepared by the principal and approved by the School Director.
public order, morals, Church Doctrine, and the like. b. The term Regular load refers to the minimum load given to
The teacher will be ask to choose to reform/denounce his fulltime faculty member. The regular load of elementary and high
membership with and leave or discontinue his ties with the school faculty members shall be equivalent to six (6) hours
organization or face dismissal. teaching loads for non-permanent and five (5) for permanent
faculty member.
j. Acceptance of advisor ship, even on an honorary capacity, to c. The term overload refers to the loads given in excess of the
organization fraternities not duly recognized by the school and regular load for the full time faculty members, regardless of
to which membership by the school and to which membership whether these are taught within or beyond the declared reporting
by the student are prohibited. hours of the faculty member.
The teacher will be ask to choose to reform/denounce his d. Maximum of one (1) load is the allowable overload for the regular
membership with and leave or discontinue his ties with the employee in the grade and high school levels.
organization/fraternities or face dismissal. e. Underload – when the faculty member’s official teaching load is
not completed due to current class schedule set up for the school
k. Giving false testimony during official investigations authorized
year, underload faculty members shall render substitution services
by the school.
and take other office task to make up for the under load.
First offense – dismissal
f. Permanent and non-permanent faculty members shall render
l. unauthorized distribution of written or printed materials inside service of forty (40) hours per week.
the school premises. 4. JOB PERFORMANCE
First offense – warning The faculty member is expected to perform his job proficiently. His
Second offense – reprimand performance is guided by the provisions of this personnel manual.
Third offense – suspension However, the manual does not limit his initiative and creativity. It
Fourth offense – dismissal simply provides the minimum expectations. He can always do more.
m. Possession of libelous, pornographic or subversive materials. 5. EVALUATION
First offense – dismissal The faculty member is assessed to determine, among other thing, his
job efficiency.
n. Distribution of libelous, pornographic or subversive materials.
First offense – dismissal
o. Being drunk or disorderly in school premises.
First offense – dismissal

6. PROMOTION/MERIT INCENTIVE c. tardiness/under – time more than four (4) times in any month.
Promotion/merit incentive is a system of recognizing the First offense – warning
outstanding performance of a faculty member. The school Second offense – suspension
rewards the faculty member. The school is fully aware of the Third offense – dismissal
efforts exerted by the faculty member; thus, he will be rewarded d. logging in .out of a co-employee’s daily time record (DTR).
through promotion/merit incentive. First offense – dismissal
e. failure of the employee to report his failure to punch in or punch
7. TRANSFER out his time card for the working day.
a. Transfer is the movement of a faculty member from one area First offense – warning
to another but of the same category. The movement could be Second offense – suspension
within the department, within the division, or within the Third offense – dismissal
school. 2.8. Offense against Public morals
b. Reason for the transfer a. Conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude
Transfer is one of the schemes done by the administrator to: First offense – dismissal
b.1. meet the operational demands of the school b. Immoral conduct or acts of indecency and lasciviousness
b.2. maximize the expertise of the faculty member committed within the school premises
b.3. expose the faculty member to other responsibilities First offense – dismissal
c. proven to have indulged in illicit relationship or sexual acts with
any of the students or co-employees.
First offense – dismissal
a. Separation from service is the time when the employee’s
d. Sexual harassment in words or in deeds
connection with the school has ended.
First offense – warning
b. Classification of separation from service
Second offense – dismissal
b.1. Termination
e. proven to have an existing and/or continuing extramarital affair
An employee is terminated for just and valid cause after due
after hiring and/or while employed by the school.
First offense – dismissal
b.2. Voluntary Resignation
f. encouraging, triggering , participating , or provoking employees or
An employee himself may choose to served or end his service
students to a disorder or any other concerned activities like strikes,
in the school.
boycott, and similar acts.
b.3. Expiration of Contract
First offense – dismissal
The termination date specified in the employment contract
g. putting up notice, announcement, posters or other similar
has been reached
materials not relevant to school functions without prior approval
from the administrator.
First offense – warning
Second offense – suspension
8 Third offense – dismissal
7. Performing personal or outside work during the employee’s CHAPTER IV – Responsibilities
working hours.
First offense – warning 1. JOB PERFORMANCE
Second offense – suspension A. Teaching Competencies
Third offense – dismissal - Mastery of the Subject Matter
- Teaching Methodology
8. leaving one’s post to do other business not related to school - Establishing Correlation
activities without the permission of the immediate superior . - Learning Aids
First offense – warning - Communication Skills
Second offense – suspension - Utilization of time
Third offense – dismissal - Motivation techniques
- Supervision of Student Activities
9. using the classroom as a venue for complaints against - Maintenance of student discipline
employees. B. GOALS
First offense – warning - Syllabus
Second offense – suspension - Class Records
Third offense – dismissal - Grading Sheets/ Report Cards
- Passing of Students
2.7. Offense against time keeping - Test Questions for Quarterly Exams
a. accumulates unexcused absence in excess of five (5) days 2. JOB FACTOR
within a semester
First offense – warning
The employee’s most important responsibility is to
Second offense – suspension
Third offense – dismissal
understand and internalize the guiding principles of
Bloomridge Integrated School(BIS)
b. Accumulated tardiness/under-time of eight (8) times within a 1. The Vision- mission of BIS is the foremost of the guiding
quarter principles that give a direction in everything that all the
First offense – warning faculty members do as individual and as a team.
Second offense – dismissal 2. Personnel manual is a profile of work ethics and general
directives issued by the school, governing the conduct of
work to be followed by the employees in the performance of
their respective functions.
3. Instruction – these are assignments, directions, and
affairs/matters of faculty concern or orders given by the
superiors from time to time, calling for subordinate’s
28 9
4. Loyalty is the ability of the employee to assert his loyalty
to the ideals that the schools stands for, defend the good 7. Passing the responsibilities to the student to compute grades and enter
name of the school in general, his co-workers and grades in the class records and grading sheets.
everything that the institution values. First offense – dismissal
5. Dependability – the ability to work with accuracy, 8. passing the responsibilities to the students to check major exams.
thoroughness, reliability and independence. First offense – dismissal
6. Objectivity – The ability of the person to be accurate,
honest, fair, and consistent in his judgement and holistic 2.6. Job Inefficiency
in presentation of facts and/ or issues. 1. Serious misconduct or willful disobedience of authority by an
7. Creativity – the originality of the person to develop employee in connection with his work, whereby the school is
innovative and effective approaches, strategies or prejudiced financially or otherwise.
techniques in the performances of his task, thereby First offense – warning
improving the quality and/ or total productivity of his Second offense – dismissal
own and/or the whole department’s output. 2. leaving school premises or post during working time without
8. Attendance – being physically present in the days previous permission of the immediate supervisor or failure to
specified in the school calendars, performing the duties observe requirements of leaving the school premises during the
and responsibilities of his official designation or fulfilling working hours. i.e. leaving without punching the DTR
the function assigned to him at a time and place where a First offense – warning
full accomplishment of such duties, responsibilities or Second offense – reprimand
assignment should take place or effect, within the regular Third offense – suspension
work time frame, in consonance with existing Phil. Labor Fourth offense – dismissal
Law and regulations, and within the boundaries of 3. revealing of confidential information.
prevailing school policies. First offense – warning
9. Commitment to personal and professional growth the Second offense – dismissal
attitude and the determination of the person to improve 4. falsification of records, documents and causing these records to be
himself personally and professionally on a continuous falsified or giving false and deceitful account.
basis. First offense – warning
10. Teamwork – the capacity to work or operate jointly with Second offense – dismissal
fellow employees, while exhibiting the essence of 5. Obtaining or attempting to obtain records or classified materials
teamwork. fraudulently.
11. Beyond the regular function – The disposition of the First offense – warning
person to perform all other task that may be assigned to Second offense – dismissal
him from time to time which are not included in his 6. Unauthorized and unjustified possession of examination
regular duties and responsibilities. questions, tampering of grading sheets.
First offense – dismissal

10 27
d. giving of grades to students without fulfilling the prescribed 1. Spirituality – the capability of a person to live as a witness to
requirements. the teaching of Christ.
First offense – dismissal 2. Propriety – the quality of appropriateness in terms of the
e. failure to submit final grades and class records after scheduled standards of language, conduct and decency
date of submission. 3. Appearance – the ability of the person to be well groomed in
First offense – warning his manner of getting up and posture.
Second offense – dismissal 4. Elegance underneath pressure – the capacity of the person at
ease, maintain poise, calmness and to be confident pressure
2. Indoctrinating students or teaching what is contrary to the school’s, burdened circumstance
philosophy, ideals, and objectives. 5. Health condition – the physical condition of a person
First offense – warning characterized by the absence of illness and disease.
Second offense – suspension 6. Interpersonal relationship – the ability of a person to
Third offense – dismissal establish, rapport, create and uphold harmonious relationship
with the rest of the BIS family through show of respect,
3. Sending students on errands during class hours courtesy, perception, cordiality etc.
First offense – warning 7. Discipline – the person’s expression of a quality or state of
Second offense – reprimand orderliness acquired through training and or self-control.
Third offense – suspension C. Behavioral Standards
Fourth offense – dismissal Employees are expected to carry out the following duties and
4. unjustifiable failure to meet classes but entered as present in the 1. Have an intensive knowledge of the school’s philosophy,
daily time record. mission – vision, objective, policies, personnel handbook,
First offense – warning student handbook, bulletin board posting, public
Second offense – dismissal announcement and bulletins, and relevant circular and
memoranda. The expected to fully comply and support the
5. giving students periodical examination without proper permits. implementation of such policies, rules and regulations.
First offense – warning 2. Syllabi, books and other reference materials that have been
Second offense – reprimand approved by the principal shall be adopted for classroom use
Third offense – suspension only.
Fourth offense – dismissal 3. Unauthorized collection and solicitation in cash or in any
6. unofficial tutoring of students within school premises (if done other forms are not allowed.
outside inform the school).
First offense – warning
Second offense – dismissal
4. Extra – curricular activities such as field trips must have d. Usury or lending money to excessive interest.
approval of the principal. First offense – warning
5. Faculty members task to handle activities involving Second offense – dismissal
money should submit financial statements to the principal e. canvassing or soliciting contribution from employees and from
within one week from the culmination date of activities. people outside the school.
6. Faculty members tasked to collect payment for costumes, First offense – warning
t-shirts, tuition fees etc. should remit promptly to the Second offense – suspension
immediate superior. Third offense – dismissal
7. Faculty members are not allowed to sign any contract for f. unauthorized solicitation of contribution or collection of money for
or in behalf of BIS. any cause.
8. Individual tutoring is allowed provided that the First offense – warning
guidelines on tutoring are strictly observe. Second offense – suspension
9. Any employees who are drunk are strictly prohibited Third offense – dismissal
from coming to school. g. unauthorized solicitation of contribution or collection of money for
10. Faculty members are expected to obey all lawful orders any cause.
and instructions emitting from their superiors or their First offense – warning
dully authorized representative. Second offense – suspension
D. Confidential matters Third offense – dismissal
Confidentiality in the following matters shall be strictly h. refusal to pay just debts or return barrowed items.
observed by the faculty members and other employees First offense – warning
a. Test Question Second offense – dismissal
b. Students’ Grades
c. Counseling interview results so with the other related 2.5. offenses against honesty in monetary matters
information, the revelation of which could prove 1. evident neglect of academic responsibilities such as:
detrimental to the institution or to any member of the a. failure to submit grades, reports and other requirements within the
BIS community. required time.
E. Corporal and psychological punishment – Carnal and First offense – warning
psychological punishment in any form imposed upon to any Second offense – suspension
student is strictly prohibited. Third offense – dismissal
F. Security Measures b. non-correction of formal quizzes, research and term papers and
non-assessment of projects and requirements of students.
All employees shall work together fully in the
First offense – dismissal
implementation of security measures to protect the
c. non-correction of major examinations of students
students, employees and property of the school. First offense – dismissal

12 25
2.2. offenses against security G. School property
a. possession of explosive, firearms, and deadly weapons or BIS employees shall help in upholding the maintenance and
prohibited drugs, within the school premises. protecting of all the school properties and facilities.
First offense – dismissal
b. engaging or attempting to engage in sabotage or violation of H. The faculty members are advised to conserve water and
the school security control electricity. They shall use office supplies, materials and financial
First offense – dismissal resources wisely and its extensions.
c. refusal to submit to authorized security personnel in the
performance of their duties I. The “no smoking” policy is strictly prohibited inside the school
First offense – warning campus and its extensions.
Second offense – suspension
Third offense – dismissal J. In the teaching profession, the faculty members shall observe
2.3. offenses against property strictly the dress code policy with dignity & decency as
a. volitional destruction of school property promulgated by the school.
First offense – warning
Second offense – dismissal Dress Code policy for faculty and staff
b. stealing or attempting to steal from the school or stealing from 1. Faculty members are required to wear the faculty
other people’s property within the school premises at any time. attire/prescribed uniform to class.
First offense – dismissal 2. Faculty members who are asked to attend the first Friday
c. carelessness, improper or incorrect use of school equipment. mass of each month should wear formal civilian clothes.
First offense – warning 3. The following are the suitable attire:
Second offense – suspension
Third offense – dismissal a. Female
2.4. offenses against honesty in monetary matters 1. Dress
a. Misappropriation or misapplication of school/class/club funds 2. Blouse and skirt
First offense – warning 3. Blouse and slacks
Second offense – dismissal 4. Formal shoes/sling back
b. borrowing money, contracting loans, soliciting business
directly or indirectly from students, parents and or guardians. b. Male
First offense – dismissal 1. Long/short sleeved polo
c. taking part in or promoting gambling or betting in any form 2. Shirt with collar
within the school. 3. Slacks
First offense – warning 4. Formal shoes with socks
Second offense – suspension
Third offense – dismissal
4. The following are not allowed to be worn inside the 1.6. table of offenses and sanctions – while understands the minor
school campus: Failures of its faculty members as normal, it is equally concerned
when the same are committed habitually or in serious proportion.
a. Spaghetti strapped blouse / dress Thus, in the spirit of helping its faculty members maintain a
b. Backless blouse/dress harmonious relationship, the administrator issues the following
c. Haltered sleeves/sleeveless disciplinary sanction for misdemeanors committed.
d. Tube blouse
f. Mini skirts 2.1. offenses against Persons
g. Leggings a. inflicting bodily harm or assaulting students, teachers,
h. Torn Pants employees, except in self-defense in school premises
i. Slippers First offense – dismissal
j. Rubber shoes (except for Friday if you are b. threatening, intimidating, or harassing a fellow employee or
wearing jogging pants ) student in school premises anytime
k. Collarless shirt First offense – suspension
l. Undershirt/sando Second offense – dismissal
m. Hanging/louse blouse c. libelous utterance or publication which tend to cause dishonor,
n. Maong pants/skirt discredit, contempt or embarrassment to an employee, guests of the
o. Sandals school and its official.
p. Blouse/dress with plunging neckline First offense – warning
K. Identification Cards Second offense – suspension
The school will issue a faculty identification card to every Third offense – dismissal
faculty member. A faculty ID is required before entering the d. Insolence, disrespect, or unruly conduct toward or in the presence
school campus. This ID will be surrendered to the HRD as a of the visitors, parents, students and other parties to cause bad image
requirement for clearance. All employees are required to wear of the school.
their ID always while inside the school premises in case the First offense – warning
ID is lost a letter stating the reason for the lost shall be Second offense – suspension
submitted to the HRD office. A temporary ID will be issued Third offense – dismissal
to the employee until replacement of the official ID shall have
e. use of indecent, profane and obscene language in addressing any
been processed.
L. Work Schedule/official working time
1. The regular working days of a full – time faculty member First offense – warning
shall be from Monday to Friday except when class Second offense – suspension
scheduling or any activity demands the inclusion of Third offense – dismissal
Saturday and Sunday, except when Saturday and Sundays
falls on a holiday.
14 23
CHAPTER VI – FACULTY DISCIPLINE 2. The normal working hours for all employees shall be (8)
eight hours a day five (5) days a week.
Disciplinary sanction are the means by which the school First offense – warning
establishes compliance with its rules and regulation in order to Second offense – suspension
a. Provide /set up an atmosphere conducive to working together Third offense – dismissal
b. Make the employees aware of the proper behavior, attitudes 3. Official working time during regular school days is 7:15 to
and conduct in their jobs. 3:l30 regardless if his class starts at 8:30
c. Correct or reform employees who commits any infraction or 4. An employee is given a five (5) grace period on his arrival at
violation of the school rules and regulation. school.
Disciplinary sanction are a form of control used by the school to M. Suspension of Classes
protect its interest as well as those of its employees. The school director may officially declare the suspension of
The school avails of the following disciplinary sanction in its classes due to typhoon, floods, heavy rain, earthquakes, and
desire to promote a conducive working atmosphere: calamities.
1.1. Warning – a written warning is issued for the first and second N. Attendance in Institutional Function
offense of minor violations of the school rules and 1. A faculty member is encouraged to give full support to the
regulations. prevailing institution activities they should be at the meetings
1.2. Reprimand conferences, religious activities, recognition and
1.3. Suspension – suspension is imposed on faculty members for commencement exercise.
major violation 2. During programs and activities when the attendance of the
student is considered mandatory, every teacher should in in
The duration of the suspension is given as follows:
the same way attend and stay with the student to help
1. When the offense calls for suspension on its first commission
maintain discipline until the program or activity is finished
6 – 12 months
3. If in case only the section or a number of sections are
2. When the offense calls for suspension on its second commission
required to attend a program activity, only those teachers
1 – 6 months
handling said section at the time should accompany and satay
3. When the offense calls for suspension on its third commission
with them. should these teachers have any other classes to
1 – thirty days
meet, they should leave the venue 10 minutes before the start
of their scheduled classes and should give due notice to the
1.4. Dismissal – dismissal is imposed for repeated instances of the
teachers concerned to proceed to the hall to take their place.
same offence, or for violations of school policy which are
O. Absences and tardiness
considered as grave offense
1. The coordinators shall monitor the faculty member’s
1.5. Accumulated suspensions any – any employee who
attendance in coming in and out of the classroom.
accumulates three (3) suspensions for various offenses,
notwithstanding the difference in the name of the offenses, 15
shall be dismissed from service.
2. A faculty member is considered tardy if: 10. Seminar certificates with monetary equivalent (period covered previous
a. He arrives in school after the official working time year) and additional points in the performance rating. (faculty)
3. A faculty member is considered under time if:
11. Masteral Units – With Monetary equivalent
a. He leaves the campus before the official departure
12. Longevity Pay
The following table shall be used in computing for the longevity pay for
b. He leaves his class before the end of the period
c. He arrives 30 minutes after his official time 1st – 2nd year of service – 100
3rd – 4th year of service – 200
P. Timekeeping 5th – 9th year of service – 300
All full-time faculty members are required to maintain and 13. Educational benefits for dependents
keep time records of their arrival and departure with the use A regular faculty member’s dependent/s who wishes to enroll at BIS Shall
of the Bundy clock provided for this purpose. Faculty be granted tuition fee discount according to the following schedule:
members should punch in and punch out his own daily time for a faculty member/staff who has serve BIS:
record. Otherwise, failure to do so means disciplinary action. a. on the second service of teaching after
1st child – 15%
Q. Leaves of Absence 2nd child – 10%
1. Faculty members are allowed to go on leave of absence 3rd child – 5%
for valid reasons, subject to prior authorization by the b. on the third service of teaching
principal. Absences incurred without prior authorization 1st child – 20%
shall be considered absence without leave. (AWOL) 2nd child – 15%
3rd child – 10%
2. In case of urgent family need or illness which prevents a 14. Uniforms
teacher from writing a notice of absence, a telephone call,
A faculty member shall be provided with two sets of uniforms every year
mobile call or any other possible means of
communication to the immediate superior shall constitute 1. for permanent faculty members – 2 sets free
compliance with the prior authorization requirement. 2. for probationary faculty members – 1 set free
3. 1 charge
3. Absence in excess of three (3) days consecutive working
days without prior authorization or notification shall be 15. service obligation (scholarship grant)
considered absences without official leave (AWOL).
Absences without leave are subject to salary deductions
and disciplinary sanctions. 21

b. 1. All BIS employees can avail of this type of loan.
b. 2. Maximum loanable amount 3,000.00 pesos payable in 5 1. BASIC SALARY
months The basic monthly compensation of a faculty member shall be
b. 3. Coverage of this loan will be calamities such as fire, determined by his/her rank based on the existing salary scale.
flood, earthquakes, etc.
C. Assistance fund (emergency fund) Pay components
c. 1. Purpose of this loan is either personal or educational. Employee’s pay shall include:
c. 2. A borrower can re-apply for another assistance fund of 1. Basic pay or the basic rate;
the same amount upon full payment of previous loan - Includes the corresponding across the board
c.3. a permanent employee can avail a maximum loanable 2. Allowance; position allowance, class advisory, club
amount of P2,500.00 pesos payable in three (3) months advisory, or additional assignments (honorarium)
c.4. a non - permanent employee can avail a maximum 3. Temporary overload pay, substitution pay, overtime pay
loanable amount of P2,500.00 pesos payable in three (3)
4. Corresponding monetary equivalent for masteral and
longevity pay.
c.5. failure to pay the loan within the agreed period of
payment will be debarred to renew said loan application. Payday and Pay Period
d. Educational Loan Employees are paid every 15th and 30th/31st of each month;
d.1. all BIS employee who wants to take educational units and/or
post graduate studies or courses with direct relation to their However if the payday falls on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday,
present position may avail of the educational loan payments are made in the preceding working days.
d.2. loanable amount 5,000.00 peso payable in 5 months 2. Overload Pay
d.3. loan application must be supported by the ff: As faculty member shall be paid his/her overload pay for additional
d.3.1 assessment form from the school they wish to enroll in
teaching load in excess of the minimum allowable load.
d3.2 application letter address to the chief finance officer
3. Honorarium
through the HRD head stating the intention to study the course
An honorarium shall be paid to an employee on top of his/her basic
to be taken and dully signed by the immediate superior.
salary for additional assignment/s other than his/her regular task.
D.4.1 loan application shall be during April, may October and
4. 13th Month Pay /Bonus/Christmas Gift
November only.
All BIS employee shall be given a 13th month pay on or before
e. extended educational loan
December, aside from the 13th month, cash bonus from the president
e.1. only permanent employee can avail of this loan
e.2. loanable amount is 5,000.00 payable in 5 months
of the school and Christmas basket goods will also be received.
e.3. the purpose of this loan is to give assistance for the tuition 5. Death Benefit
fees, books, school supplies. In the event a faculty member dies from any cause except self-
9. Seminars trainings, and planning – with transportation and meal inflicted injuries, his/her beneficiaries shall be entitled to receive a
Allowance death benefit in a lump sum equal to 100% of plan salary for every
20 year of continuous service

6. Leave Benefit F. Birthday leave
A. Sick leave All BIS employees are given a 1 day birthday leave. However, if the
1. 1. A permanent faculty member shall be entitled to 10 days sick birthday falls on Saturday or Sunday, inform the immediate superior for
the re-schedule of the leave. (except for Monday)
leave a year.
G. Semestral Break
2. 2. A non-permanent faculty member shall be entitled to leave
All BIS employees shall be given semestral break, the number of
based on his years of service.
days determined by the administration.
 1st year of service – 3 days
H. Christmas Break
 2nd and 3rd years of service 5 days Approximately, a two-week break shall be given to employees
3. 3. Sick leave credits maybe used by a faculty member to cover during the Christmas break.
for absence due to personal illnesses 7. Personal insurance
4. Sick leave, if not used, may be in cashed at the end of the An employee shall enjoy the following personnel insurance mandated by the
school year. government:
B. Vacation Leave  SSS
A permanent faculty member shall be entitled to eleven (11) day  PAGIBIG
vacation leave.  PHILHEALTH
C. Maternity leave 8. LOAN BENEFITS
A female faculty member who: b. Emergency Loan – all BIS employee may avail this type of loan
1. Is about to give birth or a.1. Death, hospitalization, medication
2. Had an unintentional abortion or miscarriage shall be entitled a.2. Wife or husband, children, parents of employee- (for married
to maternity leave benefit provided she has not had (4) employees)
deliveries since March 1973. a.3. Mother, Father, Sibling, Niece, and Nephew – (for single
 Normal delivery – 60 days
a.4. Present /submit the following supporting documents for loan
 Caesarian section – 100 days
D. Paternity Leave
a.4.1. Hospitalization bills
A Male faculty member whose wife:
a.4.2. Death certificate for funeral assistance
1. Is about to give birth or a.4.3. Doctor’s prescription
2. Had an unintentional abortion or miscarriage shall be entitled a.5. A maximum of 5,000.00 pesos may be availed by a
to a (7) days paternity leave. permanent employee payable in 10 months
E. Bereavement leave a.6. A maximum of 3,000.00 pesos may be availed by a non-
A faculty member shall be entitled to a permanent employee payable in 10 months
1. Three (3) working days bereavement leave in case of death of: a.7. Payments will be through salary deductions, which will start
husband, wife, parents, children, siblings. on the next scheduled pay day after the release of the loan.
2. 2. Two (2) working day bereavement leave in case of death of:
niece, Nephew, Grandchildren


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