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Batangas State University: Republic of The Philippines College of Arts and Sciences Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City

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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I,
Batangas City



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in ELS 100

Submitted to:



Submitted by:

Maranan,Andrie A.

Student, Course & Section


December 14, 2021

Republic of the Philippines
Pablo Borbon Main I,
Batangas City


1.1.1. Activity 1 … p. xx

1.1.2. Activity 2 … p. xx

1.1.3. Activity 3 … p. xx

1.1.4. Activity 4 … p. xx

1.1.4. Activity 5 … p. xx

1.1.4. Activity 6 … p. xx

1.1.4. Activity 7 … p. xx

1.1.4. Activity 8 … p. xx


1.1.1. Activity 1 … p. xx

1.1.2. Activity 2 … p. xx

1.1.3. Activity 3 … p. xx



Consider the following sentences. Put a star (*) after those that do not seem to
conform to the rules of your grammar, that are ungrammatical for you. Explain in
more than three sentences your reason why you think it is ungrammatical.

1. Elizabeth is resembled Charles.

2. That birds can fly flabbergasts.
3. What did Alice eat the toadstool and?
4. He drove my house by.
5. Napoleon forced Josephine to go.


1. Elizabeth is resembled Charles.

2.* That birds can fly flabbergasts.

>This sentence doesn't say who or what becomes flabbergasts

3*.What did Alice eat the toadstool and?

>A sentence that ends with “and” feels incomplete and therefore incorrect.

4.* He drove my house by.

>“By” should not be at the end of the sentence.

5.Napoleon forced Josephine to go.


An African parrot named Alex who was the subject of a 30-

year experiment was reported to have learned the
meanings of 150 words. There are many reports on the
Internet about Alex’s impressive abilities. In the light of
evidence presented in this chapter, or based on your own
Internet research, discuss whether Alex’s communications
were the results of classical operant conditioning, as many
scientists believe, or whether he showed true linguistic
creativity, as his trainers maintain.


Some scientists believe that ability of Alex to speak and have learnt meanings of

around 150 words is just “operant conditioning” meaning that he has attained that
ability just by

imitating others or comprehending subtle hints from the people who train them
and he just performed all this because of rote education and it was a result of
complicated discerning recital his responses were a result from some stimuli from
outside. They say that language is only the human trait and other animals

can learn it to a limited extent and they just copy and don’t have

syntactic frame work and they are in specific situations and they are not
spontaneous it is quite different to language used by child  

Fromkin,Rodman, Hyam, 2013). But Alex was able to do communication not only
with his trainers but other people too in the same manner even he used to
converse with strangers. This is an argument against the concept of operant
learning. It is said the fundamental element of language of humans is creativity,
that they can combine the elements of linguistics and put them into some
grammatical sentences. They are usually not created before and considered as
novel. They say that the language used by Alex had two elements of the
language used by child that it was novel and he had grammatical mistakes. that
is the element of speech used by small children as they are not exposed to
grammatically wrong speech usually and these errors are the main support that
the language learnt by Alex was not by imitation and he has the emotions of a
child of two years and was as intelligent as a five year old kid as stated by


Directions: Identify and encircle the WORDS with suffixes, prefixes or infixes found in the
paragraphs below. This story is lifted from the works of K. Antonio titled ’10
Years of Space’.

He comes to me in pieces as I watch the stillness of space, envisioning new

in the array of unrecognized stars. I trace the sparks of light with my finger, connecting
the dots
and smudging the glass as a result.
How many stars do you think there are in space? I imagine him asking. Can there really
be other ones out there as big as or even bigger than the sun?
I always admired his genuine curiosity, how he viewed things with a particular interest,
how he saw me. He was the one that organized our sleepovers, the one that nudged me
to sign
up for afterschool activities such as the chemistry club and the robotics team.
Can you build me a mechanical arm that'll change the channels on the TV's remote, so
that way I don't have to? He once asked sarcastically. How about a drone that we can
use to spy
inside the girls' locker room, huh? Wouldn't that be neat?
When we were kids, he would give me piggyback rides and run with me through the
sprinklers across watery arches with captured rainbows. We'd go back home, and my

would scold us while our shivering bodies shared a single towel, and in the end, he'd
shine me a
blue-lipped smile with his crooked teeth.
That was fun, wasn't it?
Our childhood adventures involved trips to the public pool, wet t-shirts, and popsicles
mucking up our fingers under the August sun. He'd take me to his baseball team's
practices, and
I'd watch him bat while I built rovers and complex constructs out of legos on the
Booyah! He'd shout after a home run. I'd cheer or clap, and he would always gleam and
say the
same thing. It's going, it's going, gone. Kiss that puppy goodbye.
A few years later, our tastes matured, slipping our summers into memories and
substituting them for leather jackets and motorcycle rides on the empty freeway. He and
I would
stop on the roadsides by green fields that looked blue under the night sky. We'd sit
under the
blanket of stars and watch the moon while dreaming up our futures after high school.
I'm going to apply for a sports scholarship and get the fuck out of this town, he'd always
say. How
about you?
I don't know. I shrugged. Maybe I'll go work with my dad as an apprentice at his

What? Come on, man, you got to apply for university too. You're a freakin brainiac. I'm
sure you could get into any school.
Out the bay window, I see the lunar triplets: Euphrosyne, Aglia, and Thalia dancing
what the New Worlds Association likes to call Undine, the flooded, blue planet, and
equivalent in
size to Jupiter that I've been studying for what would be measured, on planet Earth, as
The journey to this specific star system took four years. The rest of the crew and I have
enough resources to last another sixteen Earth months. By then, we'll have made a
dent in our research. Our food, water, fuel, along with our tolerance for the presence of
another, will have depleted, and we'll go into cryosleep for our return. A decade, that's
how long
we'll have been apart.
So you'll be asleep, frozen in a coffin for about eight years?
I assured him that it was completely safe, that I wouldn't die in transport.
But doesn't that mean that you'll come back looking almost the same as when you left?
Won't you technically be younger than me?
I think about his current age. How it's already been more than four years, and how unfair
it must have seemed to him; that he'd miss me in the entirety of all that elapsed time
while I'd be
sleeping almost all the years away, except for two.
Sometimes I wonder if he tells his other friends and customers about me. My buddy's up
in space, I imagine him saying. What's he doing up there? He's researching a new
someplace better than this shit hole we're destroying.
Undine registers an oxygen signature similar to Europa and planet Earth. The oceanic
surface covering the entire planet could host a form of phytoplankton or an entirely new
species capable of producing oxygen as a by product of their natural photosynthetic
process. In
other words, Undine could, in theory, host life.
If I'm being honest with myself, sometimes I feel that my role on this ship isn't as relevant

as the other crew members' works. That perhaps what I'm doing isn't as impacting, that
it's less
exciting. I'm not spacewalking or trying to merge chemical compounds under zero-
conditions. I barely passed the physical exam, and my score on the simulatory
program ranked me as the fifth in command if anything were to happen to our pilot or the
of my crew.
So what? He'd fire. You'll still be one of the few guys part of the human race to have
gone up to space. You'll still have broken records, be mentioned in the history books.
You'll have
gone places no one has ever been to.

It was always like him to see the bright side in situations. When he didn't get his full-ride
to college, he applied for the town's undergrad program at the local college. Don't worry,
man, I'm
still going to make it back and get myself out of this place.
When he couldn't juggle both his academic life and work to help his folks pay the bills, he
didn't crumble under all the pressure. I'll take a break this semester, and then on the
next one, I'll
go back.
He never returned to school to finish his undergrad. Maybe college just isn't for me. He
opted to continue working, helping out his folks, and eventually went to, and finished,
school. I'm thinking about opening a restaurant. He told me years ago. What about you,
what are
you thinking about doing with your life, huh, Mr. Big Shot Imma certified scientist?
I laughed at his remark. I don't know, I answered. I guess I could teach or go for my
What? But you just finished school, now you're thinking about going back? He
commented while
scratching his beard. He tugged on the bill of his baseball cap and shook his head in
disapproval. You're nuts, man!
Yeah? And what do you think I should do?
If I were as wicked smart as you, I'd go to the moon!
Scientists are some of the professionals that, depending on their branch of
are often courted by big-money tech companies and international organizations. He
heard about
a space program from one of his faithful customers, a man that worked as a research
for the state university who always ordered a bear claw with a large cup of coffee and a
BLT for
the road.
He told me how the New Worlds Association was looking for people to blast off, in his
words, into space. That the money I'd receive would leave me set for life.
He was the one that showed me the association's website. It says here you have to send
them a paper or something explaining your qualifications, along with an idea for a project
applicable in space, highlighting a specific area of research. Does that sound like
something you
could do?
Huh? I was distracted at first by the site's banner, a rocket blasting off into the moon,
pointing like an arrowhead to the unknown. I think so, I answered, correcting myself. But

But what if I get accepted? That's what I should have asked. But what if they don't think
qualified enough? What if I'm rejected?

Then they're crazy, he snapped back. You're the most intelligent person I know! No way,
they'd reject you.

I pitched him my project several times, letting him serve as my judge and jury. The idea
was simple, build a compact, remote-operated device that could probe the oceanic
of Undine.
Do you mean like a robotic hand?
Exactly, think of it like a hand that's also like a drone, I said. A machine that could enter
the planet and try to collect data on whether there are any living organisms present in
the planet's
aquatic terrain or not. If the scan is positive, it'll extract several samples for me and the
Some of these samples can undergo analysis and testing while in space, and others
could be
stored in a controlled environment on the spacecraft and transported back home with us.
He stared at me for a few seconds, his eyes wide and his mouth nearly dangling from his
jaw like a bell.
So...what do you think?
I think you're going into space.
The admiration in his eyes was stunning and had me gleaming like a young boy. Who
knows, maybe we'll even stop by the moon on our return?
The probe, Michaelangelo, named by myself, will enter Undine's domain in
two weeks. From our current distance, the device's descent will take anywhere from two
to three
days. That's when my mission will reach its zenith and when things could get dicey. I'll
have to
watch over Michaelangelo as if it's a newborn child learning to swim. I'll also have to
analyze Undine's tidal patterns and climate while observing the incoming data as soon
as Michaelangelo departs from the spacecraft.
Do you think Michaelangelo will make it out of that place in one piece? he asked with a
worried expression as if the probe was a living creature, a pet cat or dog.
I think so. I'm working with a pretty big budget, and it'll be made exclusively for the
Knowing you'll be the one to build him, I'm sure he'll be great! No, I'm wrong.
Michaelangelo will
be better than great. He'll be fucking perfect.
I'm glad one of us is feeling confident, I returned, leaning back into his sofa. He plopped
himself right beside me, threw his arm over my neck, and pulled me into his orbit with
savagery that we ended up rolling onto the floor. He flipped himself over, partially resting
his chest
over mine, don't be so hard on yourself. I believe in you.
I'll miss you, you know that, right? I gushed. We hadn't talked about the possibility of my
leaving, camouflaging the void that would be left behind with excitement and
speculation. My eyes
at that moment reddened, burned much like they always do whenever I think of him.

Hey, it'll be a good opportunity for you, won't it? You'll be doing something you're good
something that could help everyone back here on planet Earth.
Onboard the spaceship, there's a mechanic who's responsible for repairs and keeping
ship functioning, who sometimes also gets the chance to soar like an acrobat in the
depths of
space. We have a medic doing research on the proliferation of diseases under low
They all sound like show-offs, that's what!

There's also a physicist and a botanist. Our pilot's one of the few men to have traveled

multiple times to the moon and Mars, as well as a skilled photographer who captured
definition photos of cosmic dust clouds, and then there's me, a certified scientist, as he'd
like to

A certified scientist who won himself a round trip ticket to space.
Weeks before my leave, we were lying close to one another in a field of dark-blue grass.
going to do big things up there, he said. He turned and shined me his crooked smile.
And when
you're back, everyone is going to know your name.
You know I don't care about any of that stuff. I'm much more interested in seeing the
with the three moons.
I swear, man, only you.
Everyone here talks about their projects, comments on how much they miss their family.
Our captain left his wife three months pregnant back home, our mechanic and our
medic, two kids
each. When they turn to me and ask if I've left anything important behind, the first person
comes to mind isn't my mother or father, a house or a car; it's him.
I'm the quiet one up here. Space is already deathly silent, but it and I enter into staring
contests with each other through the bay window, my eyes versus Undine's three
moons. I watch
them, the triplets that grace the aquatic planet, drawing up conclusions as to what might
occur if
one of the lunar bodies were to simply explode. Obviously, there'd be no sound, but I'd
watch the
floating remnants, mesmerized by the rubble as if catching the sight of fallen snow.
In this particular star system, aside from all the planets and moons spread out across the
field of space, there's also a bright celestial body similar to the sun back home. The lone
star is
distant from everything, the same way that I'm years away from my planet and from the
person more important to me than anything in the whole universe.
How do you think things will be like once I'm back? I asked him before I left for my
and mental training.
What do you mean? He returned.

Will we still be —
You're kidding, right? Come on, I know you're smarter than that.
He hugged me, and for a moment, I wished he had begged me not to go. I considered
idea of staying, of resisting the money, and even the chance to see the moon.
Promise me you'll be here when I get back.
I wouldn't dream of leaving this place without you. I'll be here waiting for you. Me, and
planet with nothing but a single moon.
At times I question myself. What's so great about a planet that's essentially all water and
almost no detectable land? And I'll hear him saying how we could build floating houses
architectural structures like the Maldives, or that we can bring out a boat from Earth just
Noah's Ark and spend our days searching the blue world for a paradisiac island. Who
maybe we could even live in underwater domes like The Atlanteans?

I'll nod and chuckle to myself and say sure as if it's all so simple. I'll picture us both
on Undine drifting together in its never-ending pool. He and I, in our own private world,
we'll swim in our t-shirts and play with Michaelangelo.
Before I left, he gave me an envelope, open it only once you're far away from Earth. It's
because of what he wrote that I know I'll return, that I'll tell him everything, from what I
saw to
what I dreamt. I'll say how much I remembered, how much I missed him, and I'll repeat
the exact
verse he wrote at the end of his letter; three words more significant to me than Undine
and its
three moons. 


Divide the following words by placing a + between their morphemes. (Some of
the words may be monomorphemic and therefore indivisible.)  
 7  .Unpalatable=un+plalat+able  
10. Morphemic=morph+em+ic   
12. Deactivation=de+act+iv+ation  
13. Saltpeter=salt+peter   
14. Airsickness=air+sick+ness   
15. Bureaucrat=Bureau+crat
16. Democrat=demo+crat   
17. Aristocrat=aristo+crat  
18. Plutocrat=pluto+crat  
19. Democracy=demo+cracy  
20. Democratic=demo+crat+ic  
21. Democratically=demo+crat+ic+ally  
22. Democratization=dem+crat+iz+ation
24. democratizer=demo+crat+iz+er
26. democratized=demo+crat+iz+ed

B. Draw tree diagrams for the following words: construal, disappearances,
misconceive, indecipherable, redarken.

construal disappearances

irreplaceability misconceive

indecipherable redarken

C. Draw two tree diagrams for undarkenable to reveal its two meanings: ‘able to
be less dark’ and ‘unable to be made dark.’

able to be less dark unable to be made dark

D. Research project: Consider what are called “interfixes” such as -o- in English
lantern. They are said to be meaningless morphemes attached to two
morphemes at once.
What can you learn about that notion? Where do you think the -o- comes from?
Are there
languages other than English that have interfixes?

 a phoneme which is placed in between two morphemes and does not have a
semantic meaning.
INTERFIX. An element used to unite words and bases: the THEMATIC VOWELS
-i- in agriculture, -o- in biography, and -a- in Strip-a-gram are interfixed vowels;
the middle words in editor-in-chief, writer-cum-publisher, Rent-a-Car, and Sun 'n
Sand are interfixed words; -ma- and -ummy- in thingamabob/thingummybob are
interfixed syllables. 

used for two kinds of phenomena: (i) meaningless elements that occur inside
compounds as "linkers" of the two stems (e.g. German Liebe-s-brief 'love letter'),
and (ii) meaningless elements that occur between the stem and a derivational

Its name comes from the phenomenon of a strange light flickering over peat bogs
, called will-o’-the-wisp or jack-o’-lantern. The name is also tied to the Irish
legend of Stingy Jack , a drunkard who bargains with Satan and is doomed to
roam the Earth with only a hollowed turnip to light his way.

Yes, interfixes exist in other languages, like germany

German has many other interfixes, for example -es, - (e)n-, -er- and -e-. Not all
of them originate from the genitive. Likewise, it is often stated that German
interfixes originated from plural forms, when in fact German plural forms and
linking forms developed parallel to each other and are only partly similar by



A. Write the following words in phonetic transcription using the International

Phonetic Alphabet chart as your reference, according to the way it should be

1. Judge 
2. thought
3. Thomas
4. contact
5. though
6. phone
7. easy
8. civic
9. pneumonia


1. ˈʤʌʤ 
2. θɔːt
3. ˈtɒməs
4. ˈkɒntækt
5. ðəʊ
6. fəʊn
7. ˈiːzi

8. ˈsɪvɪk
9. njuːˈməʊniə

B. Write the phonetic transcription for each of the words in the sample

Some of my favorite childhood memories revolve around the time I spent helping
my mother plant and tend a vegetable garden in our backyard. She let me help
the rows and plant the seeds. Going near okra plants made her itch, so she let
pick all of that myself


sʌm ɒv maɪ ˈfeɪvərɪt ˈʧaɪldhʊd ˈmɛməriz rɪˈvɒlv əˈraʊnd ðə taɪm aɪ spɛnt ˈhɛlpɪŋ
maɪ ˈmʌðə plɑːnt ænd tɛnd ə ˈvɛʤtəb(ə)l ˈgɑːdn ɪn ˈaʊə ˌbækˈjɑːd. ʃiː lɛt miː hɛlp
ðə rəʊz ænd plɑːnt ðə siːdz. ˈgəʊɪŋ nɪər ˈəʊkrə plɑːnts meɪd hɜːr ɪʧ, səʊ ʃiː lɛt miː
pɪk ɔːl ɒv ðæt maɪˈsɛlf

Good morning ladies and gentlemen i am andrei maranan and
today Im going to share my speech entitled a student new normal
my realization in life with the whole pandemic happening is that it's
funny how our 2021comes and now coming to an end to me it
feels surreal time flew by fast I'm completely turned upside down
what was once normal become abnormal meaning of normal and
what is not abnormal become are normal and now we call it the
new normal thinking about all the challenges we experience this
year greatly affected every individual and Imyself as a student ,
feel for my fellow students many could not afford and take the risk
to continue their education for the reason that the pandemic has
affected their family source income enabling them to enroll for
other reasons like lack of teachers access to internet and loss of
on the part of student these factors are holding schools and
students back from achieving the equality and equity in education

all student deserves although some students have continued their
education through online classes and module but it has increased
the feeling of isolation only from the social distancing but also due
to the lack of face-to-face interaction it has resulted in mental
health problems like anxiety depression health concern related to
increase time using gadgets that has cause fatigue had a lock
motivation procrastination and war that led to unproductively
hopelessness and unfortunately incidents like suicide as what roy t
Bennett said nobody is exempted from the trial of life but everyone
always something positive in everything even in the worst of time
the code remind us that we should take difficult time in our lives as
a test and an opportunity to better and strengthen our selves
pairing as for the great thing in the future because it will let
advertise in life beat us to our kness without giving a fight then
guarantee it will keep us there permanently if we left it in this time
of pandemic we certainly need lakas ng loob resilience and
flexibility in coping up to problems and changes we should not let
bad things or uncontrollable happenings get the best of us this is
for my fellow students who feels so best and think little of
themselves especially because of the new normal in education a
quote from my favorite poem visibarata we all have our differences
you must not compare yourself with others you may become vain

or bitter for always there will be greater and lesser person than
yourself nurture strength of spirit the shield you in sudden
misfortunes but do not distress yourself with dark imagination for
many years fears are born of fatigue and loneliness beyond
wholesome discipline we must be gentle with ourselves for me we
are a child of god not less than d trees and the star we have our
right to be here please up to the point that you will take your life
you will give up on your life in this noisy confusion of life it is still
beautiful world be cheerful strive to be happy we will get through
this pandemic and hopefully everything will go back to how it
should be thank you.


The following sentences are either tautologies (analytic), contradictions, or

situationally true or false. Write T by the tautologies, C by the contradictions,
and S by the other sentences.

1. Queens are monarchs. T

2. Kings are female. C
3. Kings are poor. S
4. Queens are ugly. S
5. Queens are mothers. S
6. Kings are mothers. C
7. Dogs are four-legged. T
8. Cats are felines. T
9. Cats are stupid. S
10. Dogs are carnivores. C
11. George Washington is George Washington. S
12.. George Washington is the first president. S
13. George Washington is male. T
14. Uncles are male. T
15. My aunt is a man. C
16. Witches are wicked. S
17. My brother is a witch. S
18. My sister is an only child. C
19. The evening star isn't the evening star. C
20. The evening star isn't Venus. S
21. Babies are adults. C
22. Babies can lift one ton. F
23. Puppies are human. F
24. My bachelor friends are all married. C
25. My bachelor friends are all lonely. S
26. Colorless ideas are green. C

B. The following sentences may be lexically or structurally ambiguous, or

both. Provide paraphrases showing that you comprehend all the meanings.
Example: I saw him walking by the bank.
Meaning 1: I saw him and he was walking by the bank of the river.
Meaning 2: I saw him and he was walking by the financial institution.
Meaning 3: I was walking by the bank of the river when I saw him.
Meaning 4: I was walking by the financial institution when I saw him

1. We laughed at the colorful ball.

Meaning 1: We laughed at the colorful ball that came flying from the stadium.
Meaning 2: We laughed at the colorful ball because the dancers were all
dressed as animals.
Meaning 3: We laughed at the colorful ball of light leading us into the forest
and making us laugh.

2. He was knocked over by the punch.

Meaning 1: He was knocked over by the punch of the handsome man in a
Meaning 2: He was knocked over by the punch because it didn’t want to be
Meaning 3: He was knocked over by the punch of strong winds at the top of a

3. The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth.

Meaning 1: The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth of November, at
the fifth of twelve in the afternoon, by the fifth minute, by the fifth second.
Meaning 2: The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth office of the
station because officer Bugs by doesn’t like the smoke clouding his office and
Meaning 3: The police were urged to stop drinking by the fifth policy, which
prohibited constant smoking if it becomes a problem.

4. I said I would file it on Thursday.

Meaning 1: I said I would file it on Thursday when I get home and check my

Meaning 2: I said I would file it on Thursday, so I filed “it” into a marching
position in my dreams, and made sure that the furtive “it” would never be
Meaning 3: I said I would file it on Thursday, so I woke up on Thursday and
filed “it” on my to-do list.

5. I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly.

Meaning 1: I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly, the rough
terrain and high altitudes will be a distraction, and the wind might push you off
the mountain!
Meaning 2: I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly, they might kick
you out for being wiser than them.
Meaning 3: I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly, the cannabis
might cloud your thoughts and the professors’ time and sanity.
Meaning 4: I cannot recommend visiting professors too highly, the internet is
more efficient.

6. The license fee for pets owned by senior citizens who have not been
altered is $1.50. (Actual notice)
Meaning 1: The license fee for pets owned by senior citizens is $1.50, if the
pets have not been altered by significant surgeries and medicine.
Meaning 2: The license fee for pets is $1.50, and the pets must be owned by
senior citizens who have not been altered by disabilities like dementia or
Meaning 3: The license fee for pets is $1.50, if the pets have not been altered
from manic scientific experiences and creepy fetishes.
Meaning 4: The license fee for pets is $1.50, and the pets must be owned by
senior citizens who have not been altered by trying to implement machinery
into their bodies or other zany experiments of the sort.

7. What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing!  (Attributed to

Mae West)
Meaning 1: What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing! He’s
perfect with wearing that tux!

Meaning 2: What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing! He’d
be much better naked! How else would he look better?
Meaning 3: What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing! The
nothingness of outer space is much more exquisite than this supposed
“handsome” man!
Meaning 4: What looks better on a handsome man than a tux? Nothing!
Nothing! That’s what his personality is, people! How else will he amuse you
into electing him as president! Don’t stare at his ostentatious tux, but stare at
his nothingness, his personality, his ideas! I thought we were enlightened, not

8. Wanted: Man to take care of cow that does not smoke or drink. (Actual
Meaning 1: Wanted: Man to take care of a cow that does not smoke or drink
for the sake of fast food chains everywhere.
Meaning 2: Wanted: Man that does not smoke or drink that can take care of a
Meaning 3: Wanted: Man to take care of a cow that does not smoke or drink.
The cow needs to be motivated to drink water because it is going to die from
dehydration, and it needs to smoke for the sake of calming the cow in intense
Meaning 4: Wanted: Man that does not smoke or drink that can take care of a
cow for a few days without leaving its sight. We’re hoping a man has the
endurance to not drink anything for a few days, so that when we come pick up
the cow, we’ll also pick up your b--broken, old car and give it a tune up!

9. For Sale: Several old dresses from grandmother in beautiful condition.

(Actual notice)
Meaning 1: For sale: Several old dresses in beautiful condition from

Meaning 2: For sale: Several old dresses from grandmother in beautiful

condition! Her age is 78, but her dexterity and wit is 25! Hoo-mama!
Meaning 3: For sale: Several old dresses from grandmother in beautiful

condition, she’s never been unwrapped! She also has a dozen styles to
choose from! She’s selling like
hotcakes, so come buy a grandmother while you still can! She’s in beautiful
condition! Beautiful!
Meaning 4: For sale: Several old dresses from the local dollar store from
grandmother in beautiful condition. Don’t try searching for these old dresses
because they’re everywhere


10. Time flies like an arrow. (Hint:There are at least four paraphrases, but
some of them require imagination.)
Meaning 1: Time flies like an arrow and ended up sticking on the target board.
Meaning 2: Time flies like an arrow and quickly passes without our notice until
we start reminiscing.
Meaning 3: Time flies like an arrow and quickly beat the rest of the marathon
runners in the Boston Marathon.
Meaning 4: Time flies like an arrow escaped the demolishing building in the
nick of time.
Meaning 5: Time flies like an arrow. I think Time will make a perfect airplane
Meaning 6: Times flies like an arrow, and puts itself on display in order to help
lost boats find their way home.

C. For each group of words given as follows, state what semantic property or

properties distinguish between the classes of (a) words and (b) words. If
asked, also indicate a semantic property that the (a) words and the (b)
words share.
Example: (a) widow, mother, sister, aunt, maid
(b) widower, father, brother, uncle, valet
The (a) and (b) words are “human.”
The (a) words are “female” and the (b) words are “male.”

1. (a) pine, elm, ash, weeping willow, sycamore; (b) rose, dandelion, aster,
tulip, daisy
The (a) and (b) words are: related to nature
The (a) words are: names for trees
The (b) words are: names for flowers

2. (a) book, letter, encyclopedia, novel, notebook, dictionary; (b) typewriter,

pencil, pen,
crayon, quill, charcoal, chalk
The (a) words are: written books
The (b) words are: tools to write a book

3. (a) bachelor, man, son, paperboy, pope, chief;

(b) bull, rooster, drake, ram
The (a) and (b) words are: The (a) and (b) words relate to male names for an
species. Ex: bull is a male cow, rooster is a male chicken, etc.
The (a) words are: male human roles
The (b) words are: male animal roles

Brain and Language
Aphasia is the inability to comprehend or create speech as a result of brain

Aphasia is a condition in which a person's ability to communicate is impaired due

to brain injury.A stroke is a type of brain injury that can occur as a consequence
of a tumor, trauma, infection, or accident.The language sciences are inextricably
linked to mental health and psychological behavior.Many times, a man's verbal
expression is influenced by his mental condition.Love, anger, joy, surprise, and
distress – all have a profound impact on language. In certain cases, language,
particularly speech, loses control, implying that the mental state is represented
illness, which is dependent on the specific form of speech.The focus of an
aphasic impairment is unquestionably on issues of expression and understanding
in grammar and semantics, whether in LSRW or singing, but these issues are
directly linked to challenges in conversation, dialogue, speech, and right sounds.

Aphasia can be caused by a variety of factors. The heart and brain are the two
most important secondary organs in our bodies.The heart beats, providing blood,
and the brain was in charge of the entire body.This brain is completely reliant on
the oxygen delivered by its blood supply; if brain cells do not function, the brain
will perish.



Coping with the Challenges of English Language Studies Students amidst


By connecting with others, I am coping with the challenges of an English

Language Studies student in the middle of a pandemic.
During this period of being at home, it is easy to get lonely and isolated from
Make an effort to maintain social connections by scheduling regular video or
phone chats with friends and family.Maintain a schedule.Start your day at the
same time every day.Set a target for completing schoolwork each morning and
Maintain enough nourishment by eating three nutritious meals each day. This is
an excellent time to experiment with new dishes.Try to participate in at least one
physical activity every day.It is extremely beneficial to your mental health to get
some fresh air and go for a walk, run, or bike ride.Recognize that it is normal to
feel the way you do.
It is natural to feel sad, angry, frustrated, anxious, or any of the above during this
hectic period.You have the right to feel this way and to express your feelings to
It is also OK to dwell with these feelings.If your sentiments intensify to the point
that you are no longer able to function normally, contact one of the services
mentioned below for extra help.Weekly schedule to increase motivation,Finding
motivation to accomplish chores can be challenging, especially when attempting
to establish a new habit.This tool can assist you in finding daily motivation by
discovering things that you like doing in order to ignite action to take care of

tasks. I do also Journaling because it is an excellent positive coping skill to
cultivate, and it is especially beneficial given the shift in habit.

Practice self-care,Basic self-care will keep your immune system strong and your
emotional reserves full. Get enough sleep. Exercise regularly. Eat well. Find
activities that engage different parts of yourself. Do something physical like
dancing. Occupy your mind with puzzles. Engage your senses with hot baths or
fragrant candles.Look for tasks you can postpone or simply eliminate from your
to-do list. Find ways to focusYou might feel unmotivated now. Recognize that the
current circumstances are hard for everyone. Don’t judge yourself; just do the
best you can.Establish a routine. Get up, go to bed and do your work at the same
time every day. Frequent breaks can help you re-engage in your word.Try to
create a separate work space, although you should reserve your sleeping area
for sleeping. If family members are distracting you, use “I statements” to explain
the problem--“I’m worried about my exam next week”—and work together to
develop solutions.Find ways to manage disappointmentWhether it’s an
internship, dissertation defense or graduation ceremony, important events may
not happen this year.Grieve those losses, then reframe how you think about
these life events. Think about how you can honor what you’ve achieved. Find
new ways to celebrate. Consider recreating important events once it’s safe.

Maintain friendships “Every research I've ever heard of indicates that sociable
individuals are happier.”Large meetings and parties, of course, have been proved
to be “super-spreader events” for the virus during the epidemic.An option may be
“calling one buddy on the phone—someone you are really connected with.”Some
psychiatrists advise establishing "pods" of trusted friends and discussing their
concerns about keeping a safe distance and wearing masks, as well as
quarantining and testing if they have traveled.It can be challenging, “My own
example is when we had a lot of really cool stories and breaking news at the
newspaper. Usually, if that were happening, we would be running around, getting
food, and playing music. But now the energy of that kind of situation is
removed.”At the same time, she believes there are positives to careful
socializing. “It is kind of nice because you have to be a lot more intentional. You
plan specific times. There also is a lot to be said for typical hallway interactions or
just seeing people in the dining halls,” she says. But Pavilonis adds a note of
caution. “I think you can trust your closest friends, but I would not invite a friend
of a friend of a friend to come over.”and that is how you are dealing with the
difficulties of English Language Studies students in the middle of a pandemic.


Gender and development is important because it aims to promote gender

equality as a key ideal that should be represented in development decisions.
It also explores how men and women may collaborate, as well as gender
equality in the workplace and access to a secure and healthy environment.
For centuries, men have been thought to be superior to women in terms of
physical strength and hand-eye coordination, and they have received proper
education, whereas women have been thought to be inadequate, have
received less education, and have had less legal protection, demonstrating
that men are superior.Gender inequality is pervasive and has become a major
impediment to human progress.However, there are a number of organizations
that advocate gender equality in order to eliminate this stigma. They are
involved in a variety of gender issues because they are devoted to assisting
people.According to the speaker on the webinar, there is also a problem with
the LGBT community, where some people have been murdered because of
their sexuality.There may be methods to put a halt to this.We have different
perspectives and opinions on the LGBT community, and some people refuse
to accept them in society because they believe it is "forbidden by
God." We
have different perspectives and opinions on the LGBT community, and some
people refuse to accept them in society because they believe it is
by God."I realized that gender and development should be addressed in
childhood school since playing or wearing specific attire simply indicates "I
this" to a young child. Children do not yet grasp how their decisions are
influenced by their gender.
Children will learn how to appreciate one's gender and sexuality as well as
how to respect and accept individuals regardless of their gender as a result of
the gender and development program.
We can put an end to this problem if individuals are willing to expand their
minds and learn about the importance of gender and development.

Regardless matter whether one is born male, female, or a part of the LGBT
community, we should all have equal rights, duties, and opportunities.
Women and men, boys and girls, should be able to develop their skills and
make decisions without being constrained by gender norms or discrimination
based on personal preferences and talents.

Gender and development studies have taught me a lot about how gender
functions as a major structuring factor in all communities.Examine how
women;s and men;s roles in society have been established, as well as how
these roles have evolved and continue to evolve on a personal, political, and
global level.Although gender is often the first step in analyzing men and
women;s roles in society, I also enjoyed learning about the importance of
intersectional analysis - that is, the study of womens lives is incomplete
unless attention is paid not only to the impact of gender on our lives, but also
to the impact of sexuality, race, class, age, ability, nationality, religion, and so

Culture is described as a synthesis of a group's thought patterns and
features.Culture is derived from the Latin verb colere, which means to grow
anything from the ground, and when people connect with one another, they grow
together, becoming their culture.Typically, the term culture is defined in terms of
external factors such as language, customs, religion, arts, and food.However,
culture is more than just these things.It is about how we think and interact with
others around us.

Language is a vehicle of communication through which we express ourselves

and engage with others. Some languages originated from others, while others
may be traced back thousands of years.The genesis of the first-spoken human
language, on the other hand, is still unclear."Language is a Culture's Roadmap."

The connection between language and culture is firmly ingrained.Language is

utilized to preserve and transmit culture and cultural relationships.Different
concepts arise from different language usage within one's culture, and the entire
braiding of these ties begins at birth.

Language and culture both play an important part in creating your

personality.Culture teaches you how to connect with people and influences your
values and ethics.Furthermore, it keeps you near to like-minded people, which
enhances your link with society.Language, on the other hand, is a medium
through which you may convey your culture.In reality, cultural ideas and values
are passed on through language.Furthermore, both culture and language allow
us to look back in time and shape our beliefs.Our cultural beliefs influence how
we think, communicate, and interact with others.Language, too, has an impact on
human thoughts.As previously said, language and culture, as well as our
personalities, are always evolving.We learn and explore more when we
encounter individuals from other cultures, and our interactions with them might
have an influence on our personalities as well.


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