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End of Course Action Plan

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End-of-Course Action Plan

Name and School: ENRILE NORTH CENTRAL SCHOOL Specialization/Subjects Handled: MAPE/Science, Filipino, EPP

Activities or Date and Duration Human Financial Material & other

Concepts to be
Projects & (Beginning & Ending Resources Resources Resources Indicators of Success
Applied/ Shared
Objectives Dates) Needed Needed Needed
Seminar on
Projector, laptop,
different subject
Develop skills to a Supervisor, cartolina, pentel 80% of the
content Mastery During SLAC sessions
subject matter School Head, P 5,000.00 pen, masking participants attended
and Teacher August 13-14, 2020
expert Teachers tape, bondpaper, the seminar
Attitude towards
the Subject Matter
Projector, laptop,
Develop Teachers’ Training on
Resource cartolina, pentel 80% of the
Teaching Styles Teachers’ During SLAC sessions
Speaker, School P 6,000.00 pen, masking participants attended
and Students’ and Students’ August 20-21, 2020
Head, Teachers tape, bondpaper, the seminar
Learning Style Learning Style
Conduct a review
of HOTS Projector, laptop,
integration in During SLAC sessions Resource cartolina, pentel 80% of the
Integrate HOTS in
Classroom August 27-28, 2020 Speaker, School P 6,000.00 pen, masking participants attended
Instruction: Head, Teachers tape, bondpaper, the seminar
Lecture and Demo metacards

Learner’s Signature: JOHN P. ABBARIAO Reviewed/Approved by: TERESITA D. MAGGAY

Flexible Learner, GURO21, Batch 16 Principal II

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